Subject: Farming Matters - 29.4 - Family farming: a way of life
From: Farming Matters magazine <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 18:32:24 +0100

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Farming Matters - Family farming: a way of life

December 2013 | Vol. 29 no. 4

The United Nations declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, recognising the multiple social, economic, environmental and cultural functions of family farmers. Many family farmers have proven to be innovative and resilient under the right socio-political framework and conditions - especially when supported by the right policies.

Using agro-ecological practices, family farmers can exert a large degree of autonomy and still be part of the global economy - working with, rather than against nature. They pool their labour and resources, and increase their yields. They organise themselves and make their voices heard. They build their own educational spaces where they learn from each other and teach others. Women play a key role in these strategies.

This issue of Farming Matters highlights inspiring experiences of strengthening family farming, while maintaining the values and knowledge that characterise this particular and resilient type of agriculture.


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The mother of our breath

Palauan traditional farming shows how agriculture, family values and culture are interconnected. Facing challenges, family farmers selectively adopt and adapt new approaches while trying to maintain their values. To strengthen their voice and their position, the small-scale family farms of these islands are collectively standing up for their rights and calling for support to maintain important (agri)cultural customs. <>Read more


"We are a political and economic force"

In countries where big businesses receive favourable treatment, peasants, indigenous peoples and pastoralists fight for their survival. Deo Sumaj, one of the leaders of the Peasant Movement of Santiago del Estero Via Campesina in Argentina, talks about this struggle against threats such as land grabbing, and about ways the peasant movement builds food sovereignty. <>Read more


From conflicts to profitable alliances

In the North-West Region of Cameroon, conflicts have been increasing between sedentary family farmers and pastoral communities as pressure on the available land increases. Farmer-pastoralist alliances are helping to resolve the conflicts by transforming the relationships between these families. By engaging in dialogue, both groups can benefit from synergies between their different farming systems. <>Read more


- <>Farmers in Focus - <>Theme overview: Ten qualities of family farming - <>Opinion: José Antonio Osaba and Laura Lorenzo celebrate the IYFF - <>Small-scale farmers, big-scale change - <>Opinion: Fatou Batta proposes policies to support family farmers - <>Learning from new peasants - <>Beyond knowledge sharing: Flipping perspectives on learning - <>Agro-ecology: Beyond food - <>Locally rooted: Ideas and initiatives from the field - <>When family farmers lead their own development - <>Youth and agriculture: A. Djomakon, M. Tassou and L. Gentil - <>IFAD: Filling the pages of our institutional diaries - <>Globally connected: News from the AgriCultures Network



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Call for articles: Family farmers breaking out of poverty

In the June 2014 issue of Farming Matters we will focus on how agro-ecological approaches strengthen the resilience of family farmers and help them break out of poverty. Deadline: April 1st, 2014 <>
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<> <> <> For more than 30 years, our magazines have been sharing knowledge and information about sustainable agriculture and family farming with thousands of people all over the world. Every issue shows how small-scale farmers are working in order to feed their families, regions and countries, while at the same time contributing positively in terms of climate change, biodiversity, and the fight against poverty and hunger.

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