Normal Candida Versus Candida  Overgrowth 
© Copyright Bee Wilder 
Candida in its normal state is a friendly organism that is  essential to the 
functioning of the body. Candida albicans lives in all our  mucus membranes, 
i.e. eyes, ears, mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines,  bladder, 
genitals, etc. 
Candida in its normal state it is one of the billions of  friendly 
microorganisms that serve a useful purpose in the body. One of candida  
important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria and  toxins. 
shape or structure of friendly candida is round to oval. 
When a person?s immune system becomes depressed it causes  candida to change 
and start overgrowing. Candida is not infectious or  contagious. In order for 
candida to change it occurs within each person?s body  when their immune 
system is unable to keep candida ?in check? (keep candida  balanced with other 
microorganisms and in its normal state). 
When candida becomes unfriendly it changes its structure and  activities by 
growing feet or tentacles, called hyphae, and it  grows large colonies. 
However, candida is not intended to overgrow while the body is  still living. 
Nature only intends this change to take place when the body dies,  when the 
functions and characteristics of candida change in order to break the  body 
The major damage caused by candida overgrowth is due to the  toxins it 
produces. These toxins, which include over 79 different kinds, are  designed to 
break the body down. Most of those toxins are alcohol, which  explains many of 
symptoms it causes, i.e. brain fog, inability to  concentrate, headaches, 
overall aches and pains, etc. Candida toxins are so  lethal they can even cause 
lesions throughout the body. 
Candida toxins also cause cell membrane defects which makes  all of the 
body's cells go rigid, or stiff. This means that organs aren't as  able to 
well, and that hormones, nutrients, water, and other important  substances in 
the body aren't as able to get into rigid cells, where they are  needed to do 
their job. 
Also rigid red blood cells aren't as able to fold like they  should, in order 
to get into small blood vessels and capillaries, which impairs  circulation 
and makes a person feel cold. 
For more information about the damage caused by candida  overgrowth see 
Candida Causes Cell Membrane Defects. 
Related Articles
How Candida Causes Symptoms, Diseases, Defects &  Malfunctions
Symptoms, Diseases & Organ Malfunctions Caused by  Candida
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