Province unveils biofuels program

Section: Business & Agriculture
Byline: Cassandra Kyle

SASKATOON -- A provincial ethanol and biodiesel
development program announced Tuesday in Tisdale
will help rural investors benefit from Saskatchewan's
growing biofuel industry, Premier Lorne Calvert
The Saskatchewan Biofuels Investment Opportunity
(SaskBIO) program will see $80 million in repayable
contributions given to eligible corporations,
individuals or partnerships for the construction or
expansion of biofuel production facilities in the
province. Applicants to the four-year program must
have a minimum of five-per-cent farmer-community
investment -- money from farmers as well as
businesses or individuals with an address within 100
kilometres of the applicant.
Calvert said the farmer-community investment gives
the people closest to the agricultural roots of biofuels
a chance to help build the industry.
"Saskatchewan has 45 per cent of all the arable land
in Canada, so our ability to actually grow fuel is of
huge potential," he said. "There's just oodles of
markets (for biofuels) opening up here and we are the
province best suited to serve it."
In addition to a minimum investment from farmers
and communities, parties who are eligible for the
SaskBIO program must have a minimum production
capacity of two million litres per year. A maximum
of $10 million will be given to each project, and an
additional $2 million will be provided through the
program for the research and development of biofuels
and bioproducts.
The program will start in 2008.

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