Hallo Phillip,

Monday, 15 November, 2004, 16:06:25, you wrote:

PW> Dear Keith,
PW> Thank you for the excellent history leasson. And once
PW> again thank you for hosting this listserv.  Am I
PW> allowed to forward your article to my peers? Or cut
PW> and paste?  
PW> Phillip Wolfe

While  I  am  not  Keith  please  let me suggest that you just forward
whatever  to  whomever  and  delete  Keith's  email  address  from the
forwarded  mail.   Also,  whenever  forwarding  something  to multiple
persons  use  the  blind  carbon copy (BCC) option to protect everyone
else's  privacy.   Some  people  don't mind others who they don't know
having their email address and some do.  Better safe than sorry.

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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