Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

2004-01-11 Thread Brian the Fist
I would say for starters, we'd need to work out a budget and a
location.  It would be a good idea to have a duration in mind too.  2
days would probably be reasonable.  Say you had five 1-hour sessions
each day, we could have 10 speakers (or groups of speakers) with lots of
time to look at exhibits etc.  The major costs will be:

- renting a place - would probably need 2 rooms - an 'exhibit hall', and
a 'lecture room'
- electricity (sometimes this is NOT included with rent!)
- travel and accomodations (1 or 2 nights?) for guest speakers (assume
ten groups/individuals)
- any permits, insurance etc. needed if applicable, probably depends on
- security (to make sure paying customers go in only, and keep out
- advertising (if we choose to advertise anywhere other than free

It might be worthwhile to set up a small corporation to manage the funds
and keep them separate from personal funds but I'm no lawyer.

The costs can be recouped by:

- exhibitors (here are prices from CGexpo for comparison:
  Double Booth - $700
  Single Booth - $400
  Each Additional Booth - $300
  Single Table - $100 - weekend
  Single Table - $30 / 2 hours
- admission - how much is fair?  $50? $100?  Assume maybe 100 attendees
- corporate sponsors, if any

We need estimates on all these things to ensure we at least break even.

One cool thing at CGexpo which would apply here too and draw some more
people is the 'museum' - some collector's 'donate' some of their rarer
items for the duration of the show.  They are pooled together into a
museum room.  It makes quite an impressive exhibit - imagine all of our
rarest items pooled together in one room!  Obviously an extra security
person is needed to keep watch over this too, even if the items ARE
under glass.  They also had a 'swap meet' and auction, which would be
fun but not necessary.

If John R can help track down/convince some bigwigs to come that'd be
great.  I think we could handle making a website for it between us no
problem, and even maybe have people pre-register (for cheaper) with
PayPal or something.  Could sell tickets on eBay to get some free
exposure.  The size of the exhibit hall should of course depend on how
many exhibitors we want/could find.  I think if we want to keep costs
low, Vegas might actually be a pretty good choice as hotels there are
cheap and like I said probably most will be within driving distance of
it.  I'm guessing renting the rooms there wouldn't be TOO expensive

So for starters can anyone in the area (or at least the southern US)
look in to approximate prices for these sorts of things in downtown
Vegas, or other suggested locations?  We could find out about permits,
insurance etc by simply asking the CGexpo organizers Im sure.  In terms
of timing, I would give at least 6 months lead time to plan something
like this, especially since none of us have done this before.  That
would give enough time to scout out places, contact guests, and
advertise to the collecting public.  anyways, thats my thoughts so far..

> Thanks Howard.  I'm a little uncertain how we'd get started, so any help you
> can provide would be great.  Just throwing out thoughts here...  Need to
> book a place on a date before we could do much else.  Once we have a place,
> I think I know someone who'd be willing to print up cool invitations
> (physical or electronic) for the celebs.  We'd need to start publicizing
> this well in advance... anyone know how early submissions have to be made to
> gaming publications?  We could throw together a press release.  Need to have
> a website with info on the show, where/when, who's going to be there,
> events, maybe a link to buy tickets.  I assume we'd charge for admission to
> recoup the travel costs for the guests.  Need to know the legal crap
> involved with that, do we remit sales tax, how's all that work?  Ditto for
> the dealers who are going to be selling.
> Plenty to talk about, everyone's input is welcome.

Howard Feldman, Author of The Search for Freedom
A Computer Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Visit its Homepage at

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Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

2004-01-11 Thread Lee K. Seitz
C.E. Forman stated:
>Thanks Howard.  I'm a little uncertain how we'd get started, so any help you
>can provide would be great.  Just throwing out thoughts here...  Need to
>book a place on a date before we could do much else.

If John Romero's people aren't intersted, why don't you just talk to
some of the folks behind CGE or similar events?  I'm sure they'd be
willing to offer some quick advice.  Remember, CGE started as World of
Atari '98.  I think there were only 100 or so people there that first
year.  Look how quickly it's grown.

>Need to know the legal crap
>involved with that, do we remit sales tax, how's all that work?  Ditto for
>the dealers who are going to be selling.

I read at least one CGE wrap-up I read from someone working a table at
CGE who mentioned having to fill out their sales tax form before

Lee K. Seitz

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RE: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

2004-01-11 Thread John Romero
Heh.  You know, it would be best to get a list together of all the game
authors that you all would like to see at this event.  I know a lot of
Apple II guys, most of them in fact.  And I can track people down pretty
well.  If you're looking for a bunch of Atari authors, I know someone
who might know where most of them are.  So, getting the list together
would be a good first step.  I'm not sure if Steve Wozniak would come to
a non-Apple-only party, but he might.  I can definitely persuade him.

As for picking a location and organizing the event, I know someone who's
great at doing that and has done events exactly like this one.  I also
have a contact at a huge media company who is specifically working on
putting together events for gaming.  If you're all serious then I can
gauge these guys' interest.

- john

The goal of the works of a genius' existance lies only in itself.

> -Original Message-
> From: Hugh Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 1:19 PM
> Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?
> I know at least two people on this list are in San Diego.  
> (Disclaimer: one of them is me.)
> Hugh
> -Original Message-
> From: C.E. Forman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?
> > I think it'd be a great idea.  It would probably be good to hold it 
> > nearby to at least one person who is organizing it, for obvious 
> > reasons..  It might also be best to hold it out near the West Coast 
> > since, presumably, the majority of the 'celebrities' are probably
> still
> > in that area (I could be wrong..) and thus it would be cheaper and 
> > easier to ship them over, at least the first time.
> I know several of the Infocom authors are still in the Boston 
> area.  But yeah, the majority of them are probably closer to CA.
> > I think even if some of the 'biggies' didn't show, we could 
> still get
> a
> > lot of them interested.  Many of them are stuck now in mundane jobs
> and
> > would love to come and reminisce about the 'good ol' days' 
> with people 
> > who actually want to hear their stories I'm sure.  It's just like 
> > grandpa sitting by the fireplace and telling his old war stories. :)
> Yeah, I was figuring we'd take a page from CGE and let them 
> make keynote presentations if they wanted.  Talk about their 
> pioneering work, the culture of the industry, whatever they 
> wanted to talk about.  Let them sign fan autographs if they 
> were willing.
> > Anyways in terms of contacts (and I don't know them 
> personally really 
> > but an e-mail address is better than nothing) I've got Don Worth 
> > (Beneath Apple Manor), Wizardry 8 team, Tim Snider 
> (Questbusters fame
> -
> > anyone know if Shay Addams os still around?),
> I've heard rumors he's still in or around Vegas.  Tried to 
> track him down when I was out there but never did.  I know 
> he's gotten out of computer gaming, though, and is now 
> focused on games of chance.
> > Jeff McCord (author of
> > Sword of Fargoal), Ken Demarest (from Origin).  And most of 
> us my now 
> > have come across Brian Moriarty, Scott Adams, and a few others like
> I dug through my list, turns out I also have: Don Woods, 
> Silas Warner, Al Lowe... Like you said, even 50% attendance 
> would be awesome.
> > We could also invite some of the more
> > active vendors on eBay to buy a table, etc.
> Definitely.  Eli Tomlinson... maybe Software & More, they're 
> in CA... There's a guy in Vegas who always seems to have a 
> ton of stuff.  I'm sure Howard Sherman of Malinche would come 
> set up a table for his commercial I-F games.
> >
> > Any idea if its any good - could we use it as a starting point?
> Never heard of it before.  Sounds promising, but I'd check 
> with them and make sure they're okay with a bunch of gamers 
> crashing their party.
> > something like this.  As a scientist I am very familiar with
> conferences
> > and how they work, and although I've never helped organize 
> one myself 
> > before, I know some professors who have.
> Thanks Howard.  I'm a little uncertain how we'd get started, 
> so any help you can provide would be great.  Just throwing 
> out thoughts here...  Need to book a place on a date before 
> we could do much else.  Once we have a place, I think I know 
> someone who'd be willing to print up cool invitations 
> (physical or electronic) for the celebs.  We'd need to start 
> publicizing this well in advance... anyone know how early 
> submissions have to be made to gaming publications?  We could 
> throw together a press release.  Need to have a website with 
> info on the show, where/when, who's going to be there, 
> events, maybe a link to buy tickets.  I assume we'd charge 
> for admission to recoup the travel costs for the guests.  

RE: [SWCollect] "Modern" classics

2004-01-11 Thread John Romero
Hey, if you'd like your Planescape signed by Guido Henkel, I can do that
easily - he's a good friend of mine.

- john

The goal of the works of a genius' existance lies only in itself.

> -Original Message-
> From: Marco Thorek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 7:14 PM
> Subject: [SWCollect] "Modern" classics
> I'm not sure if we had this topic before, but what "modern" 
> games, say, developed after 1994, would you consider collectible?
> There's only a very few that come to my mind: 
> - The "Dragon Edition" of Ultima IX. Although it was the 
> worst Ultima IMHO, people seem to look for this edition.
> - Planescape: Torment. Due to the lack of sales back then, 
> hence comparably small quantities are available, and the 
> legendary status it is gaining ever since, many people now 
> seem to try to get a hold of it. Personally I consider it the 
> greatest RPG I played so far.
> - Independence War (or I-War). Another game that was largely 
> overlooked and is now being sought for its status as the most 
> realistic space simulation.
> And that's already where my list ends. There may be other 
> games; the above are only those I personally own and who I 
> follow losely via their fanbase and on ebay. Collector's 
> editions may also come to mind, but as I saw a Baldur's Gate 
> II collector's edition go on ebay for about $25 just 
> recently, that may not be a decisive criteria.
> Do you know any other?
> Marco
> --
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RE: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value

2004-01-11 Thread John Romero
I can still contact Alan and ask him. :)

- john

The goal of the works of a genius' existance lies only in itself.

> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 6:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value
> Edward Franks wrote:
> > Yes I would.  I don't care if it added a penny to the market 
> > value,
> > it would be more valuable to me.  One of my favorite Ultimas is the 
> > Ultima VI signed by both Richard Garriott and Denis Loubet.
> Holy cow.  I never liked the Ultima series, and I'm not 
> particularly fond of 
> Garriott, but even I have to admit that's one hell of a piece.
> > I have a number of games that would be neat to have 
> signed, but I
> > think what I would like most to would be to have Werdna and 
> Trebor sign 
> > one of my copies of Wizardry.  :-D  Take a step, fight, 
> fight, fight, 
> > graph, repeat.
> :)  I probably should have taken John up on his offer to get 
> my Wasteland 
> signed by Pavlish.  However, I have the IBM version, which 
> Pavlish didn't 
> personally touch, so I wonder if he'd "Kitchen" it instead ;-D
> -- 
> Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Want to help an ambitious games 
> project?
> Or check out some trippy MindCandy at 
> --
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RE: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

2004-01-11 Thread Hugh Falk
I know at least two people on this list are in San Diego.  (Disclaimer:
one of them is me.)


-Original Message-
From: C.E. Forman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

> I think it'd be a great idea.  It would probably be good to hold it
> nearby to at least one person who is organizing it, for obvious
> reasons..  It might also be best to hold it out near the West Coast
> since, presumably, the majority of the 'celebrities' are probably
> in that area (I could be wrong..) and thus it would be cheaper and
> easier to ship them over, at least the first time.

I know several of the Infocom authors are still in the Boston area.  But
yeah, the majority of them are probably closer to CA.

> I think even if some of the 'biggies' didn't show, we could still get
> lot of them interested.  Many of them are stuck now in mundane jobs
> would love to come and reminisce about the 'good ol' days' with people
> who actually want to hear their stories I'm sure.  It's just like
> grandpa sitting by the fireplace and telling his old war stories. :)

Yeah, I was figuring we'd take a page from CGE and let them make keynote
presentations if they wanted.  Talk about their pioneering work, the
of the industry, whatever they wanted to talk about.  Let them sign fan
autographs if they were willing.

> Anyways in terms of contacts (and I don't know them personally really
> but an e-mail address is better than nothing) I've got Don Worth
> (Beneath Apple Manor), Wizardry 8 team, Tim Snider (Questbusters fame
> anyone know if Shay Addams os still around?),

I've heard rumors he's still in or around Vegas.  Tried to track him
when I was out there but never did.  I know he's gotten out of computer
gaming, though, and is now focused on games of chance.

> Jeff McCord (author of
> Sword of Fargoal), Ken Demarest (from Origin).  And most of us my now
> have come across Brian Moriarty, Scott Adams, and a few others like

I dug through my list, turns out I also have: Don Woods, Silas Warner,
Lowe... Like you said, even 50% attendance would be awesome.

> We could also invite some of the more
> active vendors on eBay to buy a table, etc.

Definitely.  Eli Tomlinson... maybe Software & More, they're in CA...
There's a guy in Vegas who always seems to have a ton of stuff.  I'm
Howard Sherman of Malinche would come set up a table for his commercial

> Any idea if its any good - could we use it as a starting point?

Never heard of it before.  Sounds promising, but I'd check with them and
make sure they're okay with a bunch of gamers crashing their party.

> something like this.  As a scientist I am very familiar with
> and how they work, and although I've never helped organize one myself
> before, I know some professors who have.

Thanks Howard.  I'm a little uncertain how we'd get started, so any help
can provide would be great.  Just throwing out thoughts here...  Need to
book a place on a date before we could do much else.  Once we have a
I think I know someone who'd be willing to print up cool invitations
(physical or electronic) for the celebs.  We'd need to start publicizing
this well in advance... anyone know how early submissions have to be
made to
gaming publications?  We could throw together a press release.  Need to
a website with info on the show, where/when, who's going to be there,
events, maybe a link to buy tickets.  I assume we'd charge for admission
recoup the travel costs for the guests.  Need to know the legal crap
involved with that, do we remit sales tax, how's all that work?  Ditto
the dealers who are going to be selling.

Plenty to talk about, everyone's input is welcome.

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Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

2004-01-11 Thread C.E. Forman
> I think it'd be a great idea.  It would probably be good to hold it
> nearby to at least one person who is organizing it, for obvious
> reasons..  It might also be best to hold it out near the West Coast
> since, presumably, the majority of the 'celebrities' are probably still
> in that area (I could be wrong..) and thus it would be cheaper and
> easier to ship them over, at least the first time.

I know several of the Infocom authors are still in the Boston area.  But
yeah, the majority of them are probably closer to CA.

> I think even if some of the 'biggies' didn't show, we could still get a
> lot of them interested.  Many of them are stuck now in mundane jobs and
> would love to come and reminisce about the 'good ol' days' with people
> who actually want to hear their stories I'm sure.  It's just like
> grandpa sitting by the fireplace and telling his old war stories. :)

Yeah, I was figuring we'd take a page from CGE and let them make keynote
presentations if they wanted.  Talk about their pioneering work, the culture
of the industry, whatever they wanted to talk about.  Let them sign fan
autographs if they were willing.

> Anyways in terms of contacts (and I don't know them personally really
> but an e-mail address is better than nothing) I've got Don Worth
> (Beneath Apple Manor), Wizardry 8 team, Tim Snider (Questbusters fame -
> anyone know if Shay Addams os still around?),

I've heard rumors he's still in or around Vegas.  Tried to track him down
when I was out there but never did.  I know he's gotten out of computer
gaming, though, and is now focused on games of chance.

> Jeff McCord (author of
> Sword of Fargoal), Ken Demarest (from Origin).  And most of us my now
> have come across Brian Moriarty, Scott Adams, and a few others like

I dug through my list, turns out I also have: Don Woods, Silas Warner, Al
Lowe... Like you said, even 50% attendance would be awesome.

> We could also invite some of the more
> active vendors on eBay to buy a table, etc.

Definitely.  Eli Tomlinson... maybe Software & More, they're in CA...
There's a guy in Vegas who always seems to have a ton of stuff.  I'm sure
Howard Sherman of Malinche would come set up a table for his commercial I-F

> Any idea if its any good - could we use it as a starting point?

Never heard of it before.  Sounds promising, but I'd check with them and
make sure they're okay with a bunch of gamers crashing their party.

> something like this.  As a scientist I am very familiar with conferences
> and how they work, and although I've never helped organize one myself
> before, I know some professors who have.

Thanks Howard.  I'm a little uncertain how we'd get started, so any help you
can provide would be great.  Just throwing out thoughts here...  Need to
book a place on a date before we could do much else.  Once we have a place,
I think I know someone who'd be willing to print up cool invitations
(physical or electronic) for the celebs.  We'd need to start publicizing
this well in advance... anyone know how early submissions have to be made to
gaming publications?  We could throw together a press release.  Need to have
a website with info on the show, where/when, who's going to be there,
events, maybe a link to buy tickets.  I assume we'd charge for admission to
recoup the travel costs for the guests.  Need to know the legal crap
involved with that, do we remit sales tax, how's all that work?  Ditto for
the dealers who are going to be selling.

Plenty to talk about, everyone's input is welcome.

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Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?

2004-01-11 Thread Brian the Fist
I think it'd be a great idea.  It would probably be good to hold it
nearby to at least one person who is organizing it, for obvious
reasons..  It might also be best to hold it out near the West Coast
since, presumably, the majority of the 'celebrities' are probably still
in that area (I could be wrong..) and thus it would be cheaper and
easier to ship them over, at least the first time.

I think even if some of the 'biggies' didn't show, we could still get a
lot of them interested.  Many of them are stuck now in mundane jobs and
would love to come and reminisce about the 'good ol' days' with people
who actually want to hear their stories I'm sure.  It's just like
grandpa sitting by the fireplace and telling his old war stories. :)  

Anyways in terms of contacts (and I don't know them personally really
but an e-mail address is better than nothing) I've got Don Worth
(Beneath Apple Manor), Wizardry 8 team, Tim Snider (Questbusters fame -
anyone know if Shay Addams os still around?), Jeff McCord (author of
Sword of Fargoal), Ken Demarest (from Origin).  And most of us my now
have come across Brian Moriarty, Scott Adams, and a few others like
that.  That's about all I got.  I'm sure if we pooled our knowledge we
could get quite an imposing list however - and even if 50% of them
agreed to show that'd be cool.  We could also invite some of the more
active vendors on eBay to buy a table, etc.

Incidentally, has anyone heard of/gone to this in the past:

Any idea if its any good - could we use it as a starting point?  No
sense making a new meeting if its already covered here.  The only
contact name is Sellam Ismail, is he on this mailing list or does anyone
know him?  Anyways I'd be willing to help any way I can to organize
something like this.  As a scientist I am very familiar with conferences
and how they work, and although I've never helped organize one myself
before, I know some professors who have.

Hugh Falk wrote:
> I'm all for it.  It would be best if it was in a touristy area --
> Florida, California, Vegas, etc.  Then there would be more reason to go
> (for the family).
> Hugh
> -Original Message-
> From: C.E. Forman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 6:52 PM
> Subject: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?
> This idea comes up every now and then, but we never seem to get past the
> "we
> should do this" stage.  If everybody's serious, we could put something
> like
> this together.
> First we'd need to agree where to hold it, of course.  East coast?  West
> coast?  Middle of the country?  (Of course it's going to be a major trip
> for
> anyone overseas, regardless.)
> We'd need to find a place to hold it, probably a bunch of us pool some
> cash
> to rent it.
> Need to publicize it, get the word out.  Websites, game magazines.
> Recruit
> some vendors to fill up the tables.  Talk to some former authors and
> offer
> to pay their way as guests, that'll up the attendance.  I know some of
> the
> Infocom guys, and know a guy who's in touch with Ken and Roberta
> Williams.
> Joe, you might be able to get Garriott to come.  No doubt John has a
> bunch
> of classic programmer friends.
> How 'bout it?  Should we do something like this?  Or just keep talking
> about
> doing it?  B-)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Lee K. Seitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Software Collecting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 9:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value
> > Howard Feldman stated:
> > >
> > >I went to the Classic Gaming Expo in Vegas in August.  There were
> tons
> > >of 'famous' people there,
> >
> > >So since you ask, I think it would be cool to have something like
> that
> > >for vintage computer games.  I'd love to meet some of the authors
> > >myself, and hear some of their stories first hand instead of reading
> > >about it in some book.  As far as I know there isn't a meeting like
> this
> > >that I know of.
> >

Howard Feldman, Author of The Search for Freedom
A Computer Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Visit its Homepage at

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Re: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value

2004-01-11 Thread C.E. Forman
I've started doing that now, even warning "I will leave negative feedback if
the item is damaged due to poor protection."  Probably makes me sound like a
jerk, but I am so thoroughly sick of half-assed packaging.

- Original Message - 
From: "Hugh Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Mt. Drash cassette and market value

> As standard procedure for the last few years I ask every seller to:
> "Please pack in a box so the game isn't folded or crushed during
> shipment."  I haven't had a problem since doing that.
> Hugh

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