Heh.  You know, it would be best to get a list together of all the game
authors that you all would like to see at this event.  I know a lot of
Apple II guys, most of them in fact.  And I can track people down pretty
well.  If you're looking for a bunch of Atari authors, I know someone
who might know where most of them are.  So, getting the list together
would be a good first step.  I'm not sure if Steve Wozniak would come to
a non-Apple-only party, but he might.  I can definitely persuade him.

As for picking a location and organizing the event, I know someone who's
great at doing that and has done events exactly like this one.  I also
have a contact at a huge media company who is specifically working on
putting together events for gaming.  If you're all serious then I can
gauge these guys' interest.

- john

The goal of the works of a genius' existance lies only in itself.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hugh Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 1:19 PM
> Subject: RE: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?
> I know at least two people on this list are in San Diego.  
> (Disclaimer: one of them is me.)
> Hugh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: C.E. Forman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 11:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Software Collecting Expo?
> > I think it'd be a great idea.  It would probably be good to hold it 
> > nearby to at least one person who is organizing it, for obvious 
> > reasons..  It might also be best to hold it out near the West Coast 
> > since, presumably, the majority of the 'celebrities' are probably
> still
> > in that area (I could be wrong..) and thus it would be cheaper and 
> > easier to ship them over, at least the first time.
> I know several of the Infocom authors are still in the Boston 
> area.  But yeah, the majority of them are probably closer to CA.
> > I think even if some of the 'biggies' didn't show, we could 
> still get
> a
> > lot of them interested.  Many of them are stuck now in mundane jobs
> and
> > would love to come and reminisce about the 'good ol' days' 
> with people 
> > who actually want to hear their stories I'm sure.  It's just like 
> > grandpa sitting by the fireplace and telling his old war stories. :)
> Yeah, I was figuring we'd take a page from CGE and let them 
> make keynote presentations if they wanted.  Talk about their 
> pioneering work, the culture of the industry, whatever they 
> wanted to talk about.  Let them sign fan autographs if they 
> were willing.
> > Anyways in terms of contacts (and I don't know them 
> personally really 
> > but an e-mail address is better than nothing) I've got Don Worth 
> > (Beneath Apple Manor), Wizardry 8 team, Tim Snider 
> (Questbusters fame
> -
> > anyone know if Shay Addams os still around?),
> I've heard rumors he's still in or around Vegas.  Tried to 
> track him down when I was out there but never did.  I know 
> he's gotten out of computer gaming, though, and is now 
> focused on games of chance.
> > Jeff McCord (author of
> > Sword of Fargoal), Ken Demarest (from Origin).  And most of 
> us my now 
> > have come across Brian Moriarty, Scott Adams, and a few others like
> I dug through my list, turns out I also have: Don Woods, 
> Silas Warner, Al Lowe... Like you said, even 50% attendance 
> would be awesome.
> > We could also invite some of the more
> > active vendors on eBay to buy a table, etc.
> Definitely.  Eli Tomlinson... maybe Software & More, they're 
> in CA... There's a guy in Vegas who always seems to have a 
> ton of stuff.  I'm sure Howard Sherman of Malinche would come 
> set up a table for his commercial I-F games.
> > http://www.vintage.org/events.php
> > Any idea if its any good - could we use it as a starting point?
> Never heard of it before.  Sounds promising, but I'd check 
> with them and make sure they're okay with a bunch of gamers 
> crashing their party.
> > something like this.  As a scientist I am very familiar with
> conferences
> > and how they work, and although I've never helped organize 
> one myself 
> > before, I know some professors who have.
> Thanks Howard.  I'm a little uncertain how we'd get started, 
> so any help you can provide would be great.  Just throwing 
> out thoughts here...  Need to book a place on a date before 
> we could do much else.  Once we have a place, I think I know 
> someone who'd be willing to print up cool invitations 
> (physical or electronic) for the celebs.  We'd need to start 
> publicizing this well in advance... anyone know how early 
> submissions have to be made to gaming publications?  We could 
> throw together a press release.  Need to have a website with 
> info on the show, where/when, who's going to be there, 
> events, maybe a link to buy tickets.  I assume we'd charge 
> for admission to recoup the travel costs for the guests.  
> Need to know the legal crap involved with that, do we remit 
> sales tax, how's all that work?  Ditto for the dealers who 
> are going to be selling.
> Plenty to talk about, everyone's input is welcome.
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