[symfony-users] Transitive Persistence

2011-03-01 Thread keymaster
I've searched the Symfony/Doctrine documentation, as well as this forum and Google, but was unable to find an answer. The Symfony manual says: The ORM is smart enough to detect relationships between objects, so saving the $article object also saves the related $comment object. How deep does

[symfony-users] Re: Transitive Persistence

2011-03-04 Thread keymaster
gentle bump... On Feb 28, 5:59 pm, keymaster ad...@optionosophy.com wrote: I've searched the Symfony/Doctrine documentation, as well as this forum and Google, but was unable to find an answer. The Symfony manual says: The ORM is smart enough to detect relationships between objects, so saving

[symfony-users] Which is the official Symfony2 users forum?

2011-04-07 Thread keymaster
Is it this google group, or http://forum.symfony-project.org/viewforum.php?f=23 Both seem to be fairly active. Would it make sense to consolidate into a single place? -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received

[symfony-users] Advice for different windows setups

2011-05-06 Thread keymaster
Which of the following setups would lend itself best to the various Symfony2 processes for development, test, profiling/debugging and deployment? 1. windows with cygwin/mintty for Symfony's CLI, and a WAMP stack. 2. windows with a VM running some linux distribution containing a LAMP stack 3.

[symfony-users] Re: Advice for different windows setups

2011-05-07 Thread keymaster
Does anyone do development in a VM running linux or is that too clunky? -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post to this

[symfony-users] Problems removing app_dev.php from url even with Apache rewrite working

2011-05-08 Thread keymaster
Using Beta1, Symfony2 installs and runs fine with the Acme demo bundle working perfectly. Apache Rewrite is configured and working, and so both of the following urls with and without app_dev.php nicely show the welcome screen of the Acme demo. http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/

Re: [symfony-users] Problems removing app_dev.php from url even with Apache rewrite working

2011-05-09 Thread keymaster
Thank you for responding. I tried adding various incarnations of RewriteBase to the .htaccess in web/, as shown below, but no difference. RewriteBase / RewriteBase /Symfony RewriteBase /Symfony/web I can't help but think the issue may be something other than RewriteBase, because the demo urls

Re: [symfony-users] Problems removing app_dev.php from url even with Apache rewrite working

2011-05-09 Thread keymaster
the plot thickens (straight out of the vanilla install of beta1)... http://localhost/Symfony/web/demo/hello/myname == works http://localhost/Symfony/web/demo/contact == doesn't work Same controller / two different actions, one gets routed, the other doesn't unless you add the app_dev.php as

Re: [symfony-users] Problems removing app_dev.php from url even with Apache rewrite working

2011-05-09 Thread keymaster
Thanks for trying to help, Christophe. Cleared the cache using CLI: php app/console cache:clear http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/demo/contact = works http://localhost/Symfony/web/app.php/demo/contact = doesn't work (** this is interesting - it should work ... hmmm)

Re: [symfony-users] Problems removing app_dev.php from url even with Apache rewrite working

2011-05-09 Thread keymaster
by default, the console run in dev environment. You need to use --env=prod Bingo. That was exactly that piece of info I was missing. php app/console -env=prod cache:clear Routing is now working as expected. Thank you very much for your help Christophe. I'll try and summarize for anyone

[symfony-users] [Symfony2] What is the most RAD way to go from a data model to a working Symfony2 crud app?

2011-05-09 Thread keymaster
Besides doctrine:generate:entities, anyone know of a faster way than manually typing out the yaml files? Perhaps an import from MySQL Workbench or some other data modelling tool? -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You

[symfony-users] [Symfony2] Documentation - Community Contributed Suggestions

2011-05-11 Thread keymaster
The documentation is slowly improving, thanks very much to those involved. Symfony2 is a huge framework, and the documentation undertaking is understandably difficult. The documentation team have really done a great job so far for software which has only just reached beta1, and I think

[symfony-users] Annotations vs Yaml - which is recommended?

2011-05-13 Thread keymaster
Are there any advantages of one over the other, or is it totally a matter of personal taste? -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users

[symfony-users] Any chance of creating a new Google group for Symfony2 only?

2011-05-16 Thread keymaster
Having all the symfony 1.x releases mixed in with Symfony 2 posts can sometimes make it difficult to discern which Symfony people are talking about in their posts. Not everyone is explicit on whether they are referring to Symfony1 or Symfony2. This is not only a problem for those working on

[symfony-users] How do you get a latest version of Symfony2 SE with vendors?

2011-05-22 Thread keymaster
Having difficulty putting together a latest version of Symfony SE based on the master (similiar to Symfony2 Beta1, just with the current master versions of each file). I (and I guess everyone) need to do this to use any of the major community contributed bundles (FOSUserBundle,

Re: [symfony-users] How do you get a latest version of Symfony2 SE with vendors?

2011-05-22 Thread keymaster
thanks. Guess I'll have to make the switch from svn to git. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post to this group, send

[symfony-users] [Symfony2 - Beta2] @extra annotations - what is the new format?

2011-05-23 Thread keymaster
I've switched everything over to @ORM\ and @Assert\ But not sure what the proper replacement is for @extra. Does it need to be changed also? If so, what class should weuse ? What should the new annotation form look like? Getting this error (worked fine in beta1): [1/2] AnnotationException:

[symfony-users] Re: @extra annotations - what is the new format?

2011-05-23 Thread keymaster
worked like a charm. thanks. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post to this group, send email to

[symfony-users] Re: @extra annotations - what is the new format?

2011-05-23 Thread keymaster
Actually the correct form of the uses is (so you can use the shorted @Route instead of the long pathname): use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route as Route; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template as Template; use

Re: [symfony-users] [Symfony2 - Beta2] @extra annotations - what is the new format?

2011-05-23 Thread keymaster
Matt, it may work without the as, didn't try it, but figured the syntax would be consistent with the ORM and Assert syntax. Thanks again for your help. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received this message

[symfony-users] Using Sonata AdminBundle for a front end management panel

2011-06-01 Thread keymaster
Our site uses the Sonata AdminBundle for our backend. Now we would like to be able to also use it on our front end, so users can manage their own properties (list, edit, delete, search/filter, etc.). However, the following would have to be different for the front and back end: 1.

Re: [symfony-users] Using Sonata AdminBundle for a front end management panel

2011-06-02 Thread keymaster
what if we extended the CRUDController, overwrote the crud actions with something like: function edit(){ IF (current route is not 'admin/') THEN //setup things for front end. set new layout template set new edit template set new edit form

Re: [symfony-users] Using Sonata AdminBundle for a front end management panel

2011-06-02 Thread keymaster
maybe... different namespaces...? Sonata/AdminBundleFrontEnd Sonata/AdminBundleBackEnd Code is same in each. In our config/config.yml, we map a different AdminClass and Entity for each of the two AdminBundles to use. We override the templates for AdminBundleFrontEnd as needed. Feasable? --

Re: [symfony-users] getting a fatal error using swiftmailer

2011-06-02 Thread keymaster
Getting the identical error, also on Sf2 Beta3. *Fatal error*: Call to a member function clearAll() on a non-object in *C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\Symfony\vendor\swiftmailer\lib\classes\Swift\Mime\SimpleMimeEntity.php * on line *822 Here is the code: * $message =

Re: [symfony-users] Using Sonata AdminBundle for a front end management panel

2011-06-03 Thread keymaster
You can initialize the Frontend and Backend from within a single index.php by matching url. Thanks for the response, Thomas. While in principle I understand what you are recommending, I have no clue on what changes to make to get that setup. Would you know of any example code somewhere on

Re: [symfony-users] Using Sonata AdminBundle for a front end management panel

2011-06-03 Thread keymaster
Just confirming to see if I understand correctly: Two app folders - frontApp, backApp. Single code base. Single db. Each userland bundle has AdminFront and AdminBack classes as well as AdminFrontController and AdminBackController classes. The AdminBundle config is

Re: [symfony-users] Re: getting a fatal error using swiftmailer

2011-06-04 Thread keymaster
Got the mailer first as above, same error occurs. Is there something else which also needs to be done? $mailer = $this-get( 'mailer' ); $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()-setSubject( 'Contact Email' ) -setFrom( 's...@example.com' ) -setTo(

[symfony-users] Why does Symfony2 change config file formats - why not standardize?

2011-06-05 Thread keymaster
Was wondering why the best practice recommendation for configuration file formats changes throughout Symfony2 documentation. For example, 1. config/config.yml file - Yaml 2. bundle config files - XML 3. application config files - Yaml. 4. translation resources - XML (XLIFF). Any particular

[symfony-users] [Symfony2] What is the simplest way to globally add a {_locale} prefix to every route ?

2011-06-06 Thread keymaster
There are a number of posts on this topic, and an issue was opened which was fixed by fabien in a recent update. Issues: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/1187 Update: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/commit/c72537da6b906d9d7599a0ce00aead597804d0c7 It sounds like we need to import

[symfony-users] Re: [Symfony2] What is the simplest way to globally add a {_locale} prefix to every route ?

2011-06-06 Thread keymaster
... ideally something like: all_routes: resource: @* prefix: /{_locale} requirements: _locale: it|en defaults: _locale: en -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at symfony-project.com You received this message

[symfony-users] Sonata AdminBundle - incompatable with latest FOS UserBundle?

2011-06-07 Thread keymaster
In beta3 we had the Sonata AdminBundle working well with the FOSUserBundle together with the Sonata UserBundle, Sonata EasyExtends and Application/Sonata/UserBundle. Today we updated to Symfony2 Beta4. We replaced the latest FOSUserBundle from the master branch (as of June 6/2011). It's

Re: [symfony-users] Sonata AdminBundle - incompatable with latest FOS UserBundle?

2011-06-07 Thread keymaster
Found the problem - FOSUserBundle changed ROLE_SUPERADMIN to ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN. Changing it back to ROLE_SUPERADMIN in security.yml solved the problem, and we were able to get into the admin backend again. ... next step I guess is to drop and recreate the database using the latest

[symfony-users] The easy way to install PHPUnit on windows 7 without pear

2011-06-13 Thread keymaster
I'm hoping this post will save someone some time. Like every other good developer, I wanted to install phpUnit to get some automated testing going on Symfony2. The phpUnit documentation tells you to use PEAR to download and install phpUnit with all it's dependant packages. Unfortunately, I

[symfony-users] Any best practices for service naming?

2011-06-16 Thread keymaster
I've seen different ways of naming services. Fos_user: fos_user.registration.form.builder fos_user.mailer.default Sonata: sonata.admin.form.type.admin sonata.admin.pool sonata.admin.route_loader In general they all reasonably seem to start with the namespace, then some kind of section within

[symfony-users] Code Organization with 3rd party bundles

2011-06-17 Thread keymaster
There seems to be different practices: SonataAdminBundle / src / Sonata / AdminBundle KnpLab's menu bundle: / src / Knplabs / Bundle / MenuBundle FOSUserBundle: / vendor / bundles / FOS / UserBundle I would have thought all bundles meant for distribution should go into vendor/bundles, and

[symfony-users] Separating the 3rd Party Bundles from Symfony2 SE to ease upgrades

2011-06-20 Thread keymaster
Does anyone else think we should be keeping 3rd party bundles separate from the Symfony2 Standard Edition distribution, as a means of easing future upgrades once Symfony2 becomes stable? ie. app/ bin/ src/ vendor/ (containing only 3rd party bundles not in the Symfony2 SE distribution)

Re: [symfony-users] Separating the 3rd Party Bundles from Symfony2 SE to ease upgrades

2011-06-21 Thread keymaster
3rd party bundles (eg. FOSUserBundle, SonataAdminBundle, etc.) are different from the SE distribution. Different support levels, different release schedules, etc. While it's true in theory that SE comes with third party bundles, they really are only third party with respect to those inside the

Re: [symfony-users] Separating the 3rd Party Bundles from Symfony2 SE to ease upgrades

2011-06-21 Thread keymaster
On Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:59:52 AM UTC+3, Christophe COEVOET wrote: Each third party bundle provided by the SE will have its own release lifecycle, not necessarily tied with Symfony release schedules. Will there not also be regular, packaged, integrated and tested maintenance releases

Re: [symfony-users] Separating the 3rd Party Bundles from Symfony2 SE to ease upgrades

2011-06-21 Thread keymaster
*bin/vendors* script (the deps file that is used by this script is intended to be modified to add your own dependencies if you want to use this way to manage the dependencies). Thanks, that's great to know. Is there some reference where we can find out more about how to use the bin/vendors

[symfony-users] [Symfony2 - SonataUserBundle] Why did you remove the getParent method from SonataUserBundle?

2011-06-21 Thread keymaster
Was your intent to remove any explicit inheritance to a particular user bundle implementation? If so, I guess we will have to add the inheritance ourselves to the user bundle of our choice... You may want to make that clearer in the documentation. -- If you want to report a vulnerability