Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wallonia hiking route schema

2014-07-04 Per discussione André Pirard
On 2014-07-04 04:38, Ben Laenen wrote : On Friday 04 July 2014 01:59:26 André Pirard wrote: So, apparently personal hiking routes which are not signposted shouldn't be added to OSM... OK, but does that really mean that in regions where no one cares to signpost hikes and where those WL people

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wallonia hiking route schema

2014-07-04 Per discussione Marc Gemis
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 2:41 PM, André Pirard wrote: It's a pity to see so little routes in Wallonia, to see the existing ones poorly documented and to claim that OSM wants that despite its do it as you like with fuzziness basic principle. One of the principles of OSM

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wallonia hiking route schema

2014-07-04 Per discussione André Pirard
On 2014-07-04 15:00, Marc Gemis wrote : about which multicolored icons are you rambling ? Can't you really open the hiking map, look at the osmc icons and compare with le balisage normalisé? André. ___ Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Come back Osmarender, all is forgiven!

2014-07-04 Per discussione SomeoneElse
On 23/06/2014 22:12, Rob Nickerson wrote: Andy, I think there is a lot of positives in the new rendering as well. I for one am delighted to see some life back in the standard map style, this way new tags can be (and have been) added to the rendering rules. So it's a mix - some things are

[OSM-talk] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Dave Corley
First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as possible. tl;dr, a group of Irish OpenStreetMap members are organising a mapathon on 25th July to map large sections of Lesotho and we are looking for individuals or groups to participate from around the

Re: [OSM-talk] Come back Osmarender, all is forgiven!

2014-07-04 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Perhaps the question should be: what could we do to have different map styles (OpenRailwayMap and OpenPisteMap comes to my mind, but I'm pretty sure you can think in others) appearing as layers on website? We could come up with a process to do so, even if the rendering itself

Re: [OSM-talk] Come back Osmarender, all is forgiven!

2014-07-04 Per discussione Cartinus
On 04-07-14 20:45, Arlindo Pereira wrote: Perhaps the question should be: what could we do to have different map styles (OpenRailwayMap and OpenPisteMap comes to my mind, but I'm pretty sure you can think in others) appearing as layers on website? We could come up with a

Re: [OSM-talk] Drop rendering of permissive access?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Theodin writes: For me it was always clear that the standard access appearing on the map was meant for cars. Interesting. See, I always interpreted access as being the legal permission needed to traverse a way. access=permissive means that you might or might not have already been given

Re: [OSM-talk] Drop rendering of permissive access?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Matthijs Melissen writes: We are currently considering dropping the rendering of access=permissive Thank you for bringing this up for discussion in advance of implementing it. This way, bad edits can be averted before they become a fait accompli. -- --my blog is at

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Tagging of an area where Travellers live

2014-07-04 Per discussione moltonel 3x Combo
On 01/07/2014, Nick Burrett wrote: I tag them as landuse=halting_site. (I commented on the Note, but a reply here is more visible) I tag them landuse=residential residential=halting_site. This follows the frequent key=value value=subvalue scheme, account for the fact that a

Re: [Talk-br] Apresentação do SOTM-EU sobre o openstreetmap-carto

2014-07-04 Per discussione Paulo Carvalho
Recomendo. Além do tema principal, as pessoas poderão aprender como um software Open Source é desenvolvido, que é diferente do modelo Wiki, é mais controlado. Desculpem o off-topic, mas aqui vai um local de exercícios para aprender os comandos e os conceitos do GIT. O mais interessante é você

[Talk-br] ITO Map - visualização de mapas de características específicas

2014-07-04 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Olá pessoal, gostaria de apresentar a ferramenta ITO Map: Ela oferece mapas voltados a mostrar características específicas. Existem diferentes tipos de mapas, como voltados à características de rodovias, ferrovias, transporte público, ciclovias, até outras

Re: [Talk-br] ITO Map - visualização de mapas de características específicas

2014-07-04 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Ele mostra postes de iluminação também. Em 4 de julho de 2014 15:41, Arlindo Pereira escreveu: Olá pessoal, gostaria de apresentar a ferramenta ITO Map:

Re: [Talk-br] ITO Map - visualização de mapas de características específicas

2014-07-04 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Vale a pena gastar um tempo vendo tudo o que o site oferece. Tem vários muito úteis, como este que mostra caixas eletrônicos []s Arlindo 2014-07-04 16:01 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros Ele mostra postes de iluminação

Re: [Talk-br] ITO Map - visualização de mapas de características específicas

2014-07-04 Per discussione A. Carlos
Gostei deste que mostra a vel das Vias.. ___ Anor C. A. de Souza Concórdia SC 49-8808-4963 From:

Re: [Talk-de] Fahrradrouting - Wie verbessern?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Sven Geggus
Bernhard Weiskopf wrote: bei OpenRouteService ist bicycle = designated gleichbedeutend mit bicycle = no OpenRouteService ist AFAIK mehr oder weniger tot. Sven -- Der wichtigste Aspekt, den Sie vor der Entscheidung für ein Open Source-Betriebssystem bedenken sollten, ist,

[Talk-de] FYI: Automatische Erkennung der Verkehrsseite im JOSM-Stil Fahrspur- und Straßenattribute

2014-07-04 Per discussione Martin Vonwald
Zur Info: die aktuellste Version des Stils Fahrspur- und Straßenattribute unterstützt nun die neue JOSM-Datenbank um automatisch die Verkehrsseite zu ermitteln. Um dies zu aktivieren, muss man die Stil-Farbe boolean.right.hand.traffic auf Grau setzen (irgendein Grau, nur nicht Schwarz oder Weiß),

Re: [Talk-de] Fahrradrouting - Wie verbessern?

2014-07-04 Per discussione C.Brause
Am 03.07.2014 23:52, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer: Am 03/lug/2014 um 22:07 schrieb Bernhard Weiskopf Freilich braucht eine aufwändigere Auswertung mehr Zeit, das dürfte heute aber kein besonderes Problem mehr sein. doch, das ist immer dann ein Problem, wenn man quasi-live

Re: [Talk-de] Fahrradrouting - Wie verbessern?

2014-07-04 Per discussione pmsg
Hallo, 2014-07-04 10:43 GMT+02:00 Sven Geggus OpenRouteService ist AFAIK mehr oder weniger tot. ich sehe gerade, dass OpenRouteService erstmalig seit 2 Jahren anscheinend aktualisiert wurde: OSM-Data for Routing: 04.06.14 ! Viele Grüße, avena

Re: [Talk-de] Hermes Paketannahmestelle/Paketshop

2014-07-04 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 04/lug/2014 um 06:11 schrieb Johannes könte man sowas mit post_office:type=parcels_only doch beschreiben, oder? animal=duck duck:type=swan ;-) Gruß Martin ___ Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] post_office im deutschen Wiki

2014-07-04 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 4. Juli 2014 00:52 schrieb tumsi Ist Postamt heute noch ein offizieller Begriff für eine Filiale der Deutschen Post AG? Offiziell vermutlich nicht, Amt ist es ja jedensfalls keins mehr. Faende ich nicht so schlimm (das englische post office hat dasselbe Problem), ist

[Talk-de] Wir stellen die taktilen Karten aus auf der Makerfaire Hannover

2014-07-04 Per discussione Lulu-Ann
Hallo Liste, HaptOSM (Taktile Karten in Papier geprägt) und Haptorender/Plastorender (Taktile Karten mit 3D-Druck) werden an diesem Wochenende auf der MakerFaire in Hannover zum Anfassen ausgestellt. Mehr auf . Wer die Erstellung einer Karte von seinem Ort

[Talk-de] Wie exakt Landnutzungsflächen eintragen?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Sascha Pomplun
Juten Tach! Ich würde gerne klären wieviel Genauigkeit in OSM erwünscht ist, denn meine Arbeiten werden regelmäßig zerstört, so das mir langsam die Lust vergeht, überhaupt noch groß Zeit in diesem Projekt zu versenken. Was ich sehr schade finden würde, denn ich arbeite seit 2007 mit und habe

Re: [Talk-de] Wie exakt Landnutzungsflächen eintragen?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Andreas Neumann
On 04.07.2014 21:02, Sascha Pomplun wrote: Juten Tach! Moin. Es macht mir aber auch selber keinen Spaß eine Straße bearbeiten zu müssen, die noch in irgendwelchen Flächennutzunsrelation befindet. Diese unart sehe ich auch immer öfter. Ich mappe keine Flurgrenzen, versuche aber soweit

Re: [Talk-de] Wie exakt Landnutzungsflächen eintragen?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Frederik Ramm
Hi, 1. Es ist nicht falsch, ein großes Gebiet, auch über Straßen hinweg, als landuse=residential zu mappen. Ich übersetze das im Kopf mit Wohngebiet. Wenn es irgendwo heisst, dass man in einem Wohngebiet nachts um 24:00 keinen Lärm mehr machen soll, dann gehe ich davon aus, dass damit auch eine

Re: [Talk-de] Wie exakt Landnutzungsflächen eintragen?

2014-07-04 Per discussione Hubert
Hey, auch wenn ich relativ neu dabei bin, möchte ich mich hierzu mal äußern. Ich habe mir zum Einarbeiten in OSM auch schon verschiedene Wiki und Foren Artikel durchgelesen. So wie ich die überwiegende Äußerungen der Teilnehmer lese, geht die Meinung dahin, das Landuse-Flächen an den

Re: [Talk-de] Wie exakt Landnutzungsflächen eintragen?

2014-07-04 Per discussione malenki
On Fri, 04 Jul 2014 21:02:31 +0200, Sascha Pomplun wrote: Ich würde gerne klären wieviel Genauigkeit in OSM erwünscht ist […] [Detailliertheit von landuses] Früher™ habe ich die landuses bis an den highway=* geführt. Das war aber teils auch der damals noch mangelhaften Luftbildabdeckung

Re: [Talk-it] surface (ancora...)

2014-07-04 Per discussione solitone
Il 03/07/2014 16:06, ha scritto: a guardare quelle rocce così levigate sembra quasi quel che resta di un'antica pavimentazione oppure è solo un caso perché il tratto è breve. Se il tratto roccioso è breve, io userei come surface il valore prevalente che ha il fondo, che immagino sia

Re: [Talk-it] Carta tecnica Comune di Lecce

2014-07-04 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Torno a commentare i tag con qualche piccola osservazione: 1) purtroppo guardando le immagini proposte per man_made=street_cabinet, credo che non siano appropriate per il nostro caso; pare che il tag si riferisca più agli armadietti dei relativi impianti che si possono trovare in giro per le

Re: [Talk-it] Carta tecnica Comune di Lecce

2014-07-04 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2014-07-04 10:48 GMT+02:00 Federico Cortese esempi di cabina acquedotto [1] [2] ; Per errore ho inserito due

[Talk-it] ORS update

2014-07-04 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Appena hanno notato su talk-de che ORS (OpenRouteService) ha recentemente goduto di un update: OSM-Data for Routing: 04.06.14 (sembra il prima da 2 anni). ORS comunque è interessante, perché offre routing per pedoni, bici e macchine. ciao, Martin ___

Re: [Talk-it] Carta tecnica Comune di Lecce

2014-07-04 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Ho visto che Leonardo ha aggiornato nella pagina wiki i tag per quel che riguarda pozzi e fabbricati interrati, in base alle ultime segnalazioni che avevo fatto. Per le cabine gas e acqua penso che potrebbe essere molto più indicato, invece del man_made=street_cabinet, un tag di questo tipo: 1)

Re: [Talk-es] Resumen de Talk-es, Vol 90, Envío 4

2014-07-04 Per discussione Manuel Lladosa
Muy buena idea. Yo desde hace algunos meses estoy metiendo fuentes de los pueblos de la provincia de Valencia, por las zonas que suelo ir en bici, como por ejemplo la via verde de ojos negros. El 04/07/14 14:00, ha escrit: Envíe los mensajes para la lista

[Talk-at] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Dave Corley
First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as possible. tl;dr, a group of Irish OpenStreetMap members are organising a mapathon on 25th July to map large sections of Lesotho and we are looking for individuals or groups to participate from around the

[Talk-pe] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Dave Corley
First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as possible. tl;dr, a group of Irish OpenStreetMap members are organising a mapathon on 25th July to map large sections of Lesotho and we are looking for individuals or groups to participate from around the

Re: [Talk-pt] Estradas florestais

2014-07-04 Per discussione Marcos Oliveira
Alexandre, relativamente ao site do igeo que partilhaste: não estou a conseguir aceder os ficheiros .zips Não sei se este problema é da minha parte, portanto é possível alguém verificar e relatar sobre a sua funcionalidade? Agradeço. No dia 3 de Julho de 2014 às 18:52, Rui Oliveira

Re: [Talk-pt] Estradas florestais

2014-07-04 Per discussione Rui Oliveira
Os únicos ficheiros zip que aparentemente estão disponíveis são os dos relatorios. Os restantes links relativo ao mapa em formato tiff e shapefile redirecionam para uma página vazia. BTW página absolutamente arcaica, parece que foi feita em 1990! 2014-07-04 22:00 GMT+01:00 Marcos Oliveira

Re: [Talk-cat] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Carlos Sánchez
Nois, intentaré fer un llistat de la gent que pugui participar al Mapathon del dia 25. Jo mateix ja m'apunto: - Carlos Sánchez ... 2014-07-04 17:24 GMT+02:00 Dave Corley First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as

Re: [Talk-cz] Úvaha o poloze adresního bodu (co PŘESNĚ je definiční bod?)

2014-07-04 Per discussione jzvc
Dne 30.6.2014 19:14, Petr Vejsada napsal(a): Zdravím všechny, zkusím se dotknout všeho takto v jedné zprávě. Měl jsem na mysli technickou stránku věci, ale měl jsem tušit, že spustím nové kolo debaty. O mazání či nemazání tagů z amenit se tu diskutovalo už několikrát. Mám za to, že většina byla

Re: [Talk-cz] Úvaha o poloze adresního bodu (co PŘESNĚ je definiční bod?)

2014-07-04 Per discussione Petr Vejsada
Ahoj, Dne Pá 4. července 2014 20:49:00, jzvc napsal(a): Cus, jen jedna pripominka, ktera jiste zaznela uz nekolikrat ... sam sem navrhoval adresni bod tam, kde budova byla, ale uz treba neni a tam kde budova je, priradit adresu ji. Nekdo totiz muze hledat, kde takova adresa byla, pripadne se

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Couche Bano

2014-07-04 Per discussione Pierre-Yves Berrard
Toujours en chantier ? PY, bano-addict Le 1 juillet 2014 18:48, Christian Quest a écrit : Oui, il y a du chantier en cours en ce moment... sur le serveur layers. Le 1 juillet 2014 16:41, JB a écrit : Bonjour, C'est chez moi, ou assez

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Couche Bano

2014-07-04 Per discussione Christian Quest
Il y a un réimport de base planet en cours... gros chantier, mais en principe le rendu BANO n'en a pas besoin. Je viens de remettre renderd en route. Le 4 juillet 2014 13:53, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit : Toujours en chantier ? PY, bano-addict Le 1 juillet

[OSM-talk-fr] Sport dans osmose

2014-07-04 Per discussione Jérôme Amagat
Bonjour, J’ai vu sur osmose l’intégration des équipements sportifs. C’est pas mal du tout ! Par contre, il y a peut-être des trucs à améliorer :) D’après ce que j’ai compris c’est là qu’il y a la liste des tag pour les types d’équipements :

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] RMLL - Fwd: Montage des stands aux journées grand public

2014-07-04 Per discussione Christian Quest
Je vise 8h/8h30... car déployer 2 kakemonos ça prend 1mn chacun ;) Je suis déjà sur place*... il y a effectivement de l'action ce soir sur l'esplanade, je pense que je vais y faire un tour. Joignable sur mon portable si vous êtes dans le parages. * la preuve:

[OSM-talk-fr] Attribution toujours

2014-07-04 Per discussione Eric
Salut ! Celui là fait un peu mal au coeur!50.46178788344856|-3.5471999708912563|15 Une jolie carte OSM mais avec un logo GOOGLE en bas en un Données cartographique (c) Google et des conditions d'utilisation qui renvoient vers le site Google. Pas top :)

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Attribution toujours

2014-07-04 Per discussione Christian Quest Le 4 juillet 2014 21:13, Eric a écrit : Salut ! Celui là fait un peu mal au coeur!50.46178788344856|-3. 5471999708912563|15 Une jolie carte OSM mais avec un logo GOOGLE en bas en un

[OSM-ja] GNSSの話題

2014-07-04 Per discussione Hiroshi Miura(@osmf)
三浦です。 日本のみちびきをはじめ、ロシアや中国、欧州のGPS代替衛星が 運用を開始していく中、マルチGNSSレシーバーについて調べてみました。 GNSS:Global Navigation Satellite System OpenStreetMapのGPSレビューのWikiを調べたところ、 Garmin eTrex 日本版以外でQZSSに対応しているのは、 GNS2000という製品だけでした。(*2,*3) 対応しているといっても、QZSSの補完信号に対応しているということで (これはeTrexと同様ですね)、最初のフィックスまでが早くなる という効果のようです。

[OSM-ja] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Dave Corley
First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as possible. tl;dr, a group of Irish OpenStreetMap members are organising a mapathon on 25th July to map large sections of Lesotho and we are looking for individuals or groups to participate from around the

Re: [OSM-ja] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Hiroshi Miura(@osmf)
Dave, Thank you for sharing great annnouncement! Here is my first day to know where Lesotho is located :-) To help them, I'd like to work a bit with translation. Here is the Japanese version.

Re: [OSRM-talk] Turning with bicycle / for pedestrians

2014-07-04 Per discussione Emil Tin
Hi Elisabeth, The issue with the example route you send is not turn restriction. For our service, we disabled all turn restrictions. As you point out they’re not really relevant for cyclist. Even at intersections, you can always just become a ‘temporary pedestrian’ by pushing your bike. The

Re: [OSRM-talk] Turning with bicycle / for pedestrians

2014-07-04 Per discussione Elisabeth Leu
Hi Emil Thanks for pointing me to the right issues and your feedback! Maybe we should work together on that issue (, it is critical for bicycle / pedestrian routing. Best, Elisabeth On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Emil Tin

Re: [Talk-GB] Getting Highway Agency information into OSM

2014-07-04 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
On 3 July 2014 17:51, John Baker wrote: Once the legal hurdle has been overcome the idea is to setup a process stream so they can let me/us know what is happening (a simple spreadsheet or something) and get it added to OSM quickly. A better approach would be to get them to

[Talk-GB] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Dave Corley
First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as possible. tl;dr, a group of Irish OpenStreetMap members are organising a mapathon on 25th July to map large sections of Lesotho and we are looking for individuals or groups to participate from around the

[Talk-cl] 25th July #MapLesotho International Mapathon

2014-07-04 Per discussione Dave Corley
First off, apologies for cross posting, trying to spread the word to as large an audience as possible. tl;dr, a group of Irish OpenStreetMap members are organising a mapathon on 25th July to map large sections of Lesotho and we are looking for individuals or groups to participate from around the

Re: [Talk-ht] Mapping administrative divisions/neighbourhoods in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

2014-07-04 Per discussione dielinx04
I think, i miss words on the beginning of my letter The sens is: I take the voice of Coshmanne- OSM. Thanks for your comprehension. Le 2014-07-03 09:07, Jonathan Konz a écrit : Hi all, My name is Jonathan Konz and am currently doing my master's at