Re: The Talk2 List Fwd: You old white people

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
As Gandolf once said to Frodo, "Need you ask such a question?" lol. Actually, 
this sentiment seems to be happening all around the country now. But lets face 
it, Cali and Texas are the main playing fields.

Caitlin H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Dude...why's all of this from Cali? 
Lol.  Weird.
- Original Message - 
   To: talk2 
   Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:22PM
   Subject: The Talk2 List Fwd: You oldwhite people

Normally i would'nt send political stuff on here, but cleaningout old 
mailbox storages, i found this. Rather interesting reading for thosehere in 
the USA.  I have no opinions.
   What  some folks are saying . . . 

  "You  old white people.  It is your duty to  die." 

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston!  Go back  to Plymouth 
Rock, Pilgrims!  Get out!  We are the future.   You are old and tired.  Go 
on.  We have beaten you.  Leave  like beaten rats.  You old white people.  
It is your duty to die .  . Through love of having children, we are going 
to take over. 
Richard Alatorre, Los  Angeles City Council. "They're afraid we're going to 
 take over the governmental institutions and other institutions.   
They're right.  We will take them over . . We are here to stay ."  

Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico, "The American Southwest seems to 
be  slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico  without firing a 
single shot." 

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez,  University of Texas; "We have an aging 
white America.  They are not  making babies.  They are dying.  The 
explosion is in our  population . . . I love it.  They are shitting in 
their pants with  fear.  I love it." 

Art Torres, Chairman of the California  Democratic Party, "Remember 
187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for  services to non-citizens--was 
the last gasp of white America in California." 

Gloria Molina, Los  Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every 
single one of these  new citizens that are becoming citizens of this 
country . . . I gotta tell  you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going 
to go out there and vote  because I want to pay them back." 

Mario Obledo, California Coalition  of Hispanic Organizations and 
California State Secretary of Health,  Education and Welfare under Governor 
Jerry Brown, also awarded the  Presidential Medal of Freedom by President 
Bill Clinton, "California is going  to be a Hispanic state.  Anyone who 
doesn't like it should leave."  

Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General , "We are practicing 'La  
Reconquista' in California." 

Professor Fernando  Guerra, Loyola  Marymount University; "We need to 
avoid a white  backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . " 

Are these just  the words of a few extremists?  Consider that we could fill 
up many  pages with such quotes.  Also, consider that these are mainstream  
Mexican leaders. 

On  February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met  at the 
Los Angeles Coliseum.  The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican  even 
though most lived in this country.  They booed during the National  Anthem 
and US. flags were held up side down.  As the match progressed,  supporters 
of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted  with projectiles, punched and spat 
upon.  Beer and trash were thrown at  the US. players before and after the  
match.  The coach of the US. team, Steve Sampson said,  "This was the 
most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."  

Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and  other non-European countries 
can come to this country and get preferences in  jobs, education, and 
government contracts?  It's called affirmative  action or racial privilege. 
 The Emperor of Japan or the President of  Mexico could migrate here and 
immediately be eligible for special rights  unavailable for Americans of 
European descent.  Recently, a vote was  taken in the U.S. Congress to end 
this practice.  It was  defeated.  Every single Democratic senator except 
Ernest Hollings voted  to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian 
and African  immigrants.  They were joined by thirteen Republicans.   
Corporate America has signed on to the idea  that minorities and third 
world immigrants should get special, privileged  status.  Some examples are 
Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine  Weber, Starbucks and many 

Did you know that  Mexico regularly intercedes on  the side of the 
defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals?   Did you know that 
Mexico  has NEVER extradited a Mexican  national accused of mur

Re: The Talk2 List Fwd: You old white people

2008-01-25 Thread Caitlin H
Dude...why's all of this from Cali? Lol. Weird.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Venison88a 
  To: talk2 
  Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:22 PM
  Subject: The Talk2 List Fwd: You old white people

  Normally i would'nt send political stuff on here, but cleaning out old 
mailbox storages, i found this. Rather interesting reading for those here in 
the USA.  I have no opinions.

What some folks are saying . . . 
"You old white people.  It is your duty to die." 

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston!  Go back to Plymouth 
Rock, Pilgrims!  Get out!  We are the future.  You are old and tired.  Go on.  
We have beaten you.  Leave like beaten rats.  You old white people.  It is your 
duty to die . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over. 
Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. "They're afraid we're going to 
take over the governmental institutions and other institutions.  They're right. 
 We will take them over . . We are here to stay ." 

Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico, "The American Southwest seems 
to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single 

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; "We have an aging 
white America.  They are not making babies.  They are dying.  The explosion is 
in our population . . . I love it.  They are shitting in their pants with fear. 
 I love it." 

Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, "Remember 
187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the 
last gasp of white America in California." 

Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every 
single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . . 
. I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out there 
and vote because I want to pay them back." 

Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California 
State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, 
also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, 
"California is going to be a Hispanic state.  Anyone who doesn't like it should 

Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General , "We are practicing 'La 
Reconquista' in California." 

Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; "We need to avoid a 
white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . " 

Are these just the words of a few extremists?  Consider that we could fill 
up many pages with such quotes.  Also, consider that these are mainstream 
Mexican leaders. 

On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los 
Angeles Coliseum.  The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even though most 
lived in this country.  They booed during the National Anthem and US. flags 
were held up side down.  As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team 
were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon.  Beer and trash 
were thrown at the US. players before and after the match.  The coach of the 
US. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever 
had in this profession." 

Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries 
can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government 
contracts?  It's called affirmative action or racial privilege.  The Emperor of 
Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and immediately be eligible 
for special rights unavailable for Americans of European descent.  Recently, a 
vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this practice.  It was defeated.  
Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings voted to maintain 
special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and African immigrants.  They were 
joined by thirteen Republicans.  
Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world 
immigrants should get special, privileged status.  Some examples are Exxon, 
Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more. 

Did you know that Mexico regularly intercedes on the side of the defense in 
criminal cases involving Mexican nationals?  Did you know that Mexico has NEVER 
extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S. in spite of 
agreements to do so?  According to the L.A. Times, Orange County, California is 
home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian.  
How's your county doing? 

According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after 
the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are still on 
welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide.  A Wall Street Journal 
editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating 
that Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal c

The Talk2 List Fwd: You old white people

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
Normally i would'nt send political stuff on here, but cleaning out old mailbox 
storages, i found this. Rather interesting reading for those here in the USA.  
I have no opinions.
   What  some folks are saying . . . 

  "You  old white people.  It is your duty to die." 

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston!  Go back to  Plymouth Rock, 
Pilgrims!  Get out!  We are the future.  You are  old and tired.  Go on.  We 
have beaten you.  Leave like beaten  rats.  You old white people.  It is your 
duty to die . . Through love  of having children, we are going to take over. 
Richard Alatorre,  Los Angeles City  Council. "They're afraid we're going to 
take over the governmental institutions  and other institutions.  They're 
right.  We will take them over . . We  are here to stay ." 

Excelsior, the national newspaper of  Mexico, "The American  Southwest seems to 
be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of  Mexico without firing a single 

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; "We have an aging white 
America.   They are not making babies.  They are dying.  The explosion is in 
our  population . . . I love it.  They are shitting in their pants with  fear.  
I love it." 

Art Torres, Chairman of the California  Democratic Party, "Remember 
187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services  to non-citizens--was the 
last gasp of white America in California." 

Gloria Molina, Los  Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every 
single one of these new  citizens that are becoming citizens of this country . 
. . I gotta tell you that  a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out 
there and vote because I want  to pay them back." 

Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic  Organizations and California 
State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare  under Governor Jerry Brown, 
also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by  President Bill Clinton, 
"California is going to be a Hispanic  state.  Anyone who doesn't like it 
should leave." 

Jose Pescador  Osuna, Mexican Consul General , "We are practicing 'La 
Reconquista' in  California."  

Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; "We need to avoid a 
white  backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . " 

Are these just the  words of a few extremists?  Consider that we could fill up 
many pages with  such quotes.  Also, consider that these are mainstream Mexican 

On February 15, 1998, the  U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at  the Los 
Angeles Coliseum.  The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even  though most 
lived in this country.  They booed during the National Anthem  and US. flags 
were held up side down.  As the match progressed, supporters  of the U.S. team 
were insulted, pelted with  projectiles, punched and spat upon.  Beer and trash 
were thrown at the  US. players before and after the  match.  The coach of the 
US. team, Steve Sampson said, "This  was the most painful experience I have 
ever had in this profession." 

Did  you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European  countries can 
come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and  government 
contracts?  It's called affirmative action or racial  privilege.  The Emperor 
of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate  here and immediately be 
eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of  European descent.  
Recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end  this practice.  It was 
defeated.  Every single Democratic senator  except Ernest Hollings voted to 
maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian  and African immigrants.  They 
were joined by thirteen Republicans.   
Corporate America has signed on to the idea  that minorities and third world 
immigrants should get special, privileged  status.  Some examples are Exxon, 
Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine  Weber, Starbucks and many more. 

Did you know that Mexico regularly  intercedes on the side of the defense in 
criminal cases involving Mexican  nationals?  Did you know that Mexico has 
NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused  of murder in the U.S. in spite of 
agreements to do  so?  According to the L.A. Times, Orange County, California 
is home to 275 gangs with 17,000  members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian.  
How's your county doing?  

According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after  the 
great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast  Asia, 30% are still on welfare 
compared to 8% of households  nationwide.  A Wall Street Journal editorial 
dated December 5, 1994 quotes  law enforcement officials as stating that Asian 
mobsters are the "greatest  criminal challenge the country faces."  Not bad for 
a group that is still  under 5% of the population. 

Is education important to you?  Here  are the words of a teacher who spent over 
20 years in the Los Angeles School system.  "Imagi

Re: The Talk2 List Looks at the women here

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
Never heard of those guys, and regardless, its still a reminder for us men to 
stay on our toes.

Patrick Perdue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hmm... Johnboy and Billy did a 
version of this in 1997 (maybe earlier?) but instead of a man and
a woman, it was a redneck with a 1979 Cadillac Eldorado, and a fake catholic 
priest, respectively.
Other than that, it was the same.

Right, I'm going to bed.
Time to listen to a 72-hour marathon of the best of Swiss Radio
International, followed by Radio Havana, the voice of Russia, and the
English Nazi propaganda circuit. Oo yeah!

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

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RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
Johnison Stew? Doesnt sound very appetizing. Sounds almost medical, but not 
sure if its a cure or a disease. lol. j/k

John Clower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Message  Oh  that's right!  
Johnison Stew.  I'd forgotten about that one!   Much much better name.  Thanks 

   -Original Message-
From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of derekLane
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Stillpostponed

   Well, there was jonison stew before pdaudiorealtime 2007.5, but either 
one should work.
- Original Message - 
 From:  John  Clower 
 To: talk2 
 Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:55  AM
 Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Still  postponed

   Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime  show, and yes I said 
'hankering', I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is  just dying to.  The 
Venison Zone?  Now that could be a scary  combination.

   -Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Stillpostponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be amonster undertaking. Everything, 
and i mean everything has to be moved andrewired due to some of the 
equipment having heat issues. Especially withthe dvd recorders. This is 
made more urgent since i found out everythingon comcast on demand is 
recordable except for hbo and showtime. lol. Plus with the audio video 
rack moved, i can reach the window again so ican run the feedlines for 
the ham radio antennas. So Venison Stew wont beon today. Crossing ones 
fingers, i hope to be back on tues, friday forsure. So if anyone could 
cover for me today, feel free.  Thx.

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled upoutside, but 
i don't see anything obvious going on.

   Never miss a thing. MakeYahoo your homepage. 

Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Re: The Talk2 List Looks at the women here

2008-01-25 Thread Patrick Perdue
Hmm... Johnboy and Billy did a version of this in 1997 (maybe earlier?) but 
instead of a man and
a woman, it was a redneck with a 1979 Cadillac Eldorado, and a fake catholic 
priest, respectively.
Other than that, it was the same.

Right, I'm going to bed.
Time to listen to a 72-hour marathon of the best of Swiss Radio
International, followed by Radio Havana, the voice of Russia, and the
English Nazi propaganda circuit. Oo yeah!

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Patrick Perdue
On 1/25/2008, 9:25:47 AM EDT, Brandon stamped on my forehead:

> Ehr, I'm not sure if I should be flattered by that or not, Patrick.

Well, Brandon, it is your prerogative, and I'm not the one who said it... 
almost... So the flattery is not on my part, if you decide to view
it as such. Believe me, I certainly don't see it that way, regardless of
what some older 50-somethings might think.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, January 
25, 2008 at 9:28 AM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
Let the fighting begin. *grabs popcorn and sits in easy chair*. lol  Oh and 
john, could you send me brandon's promo? i 'll take it through my email. its 
easier right now.

derek Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Message   Well, there was jonison stew 
before pdaudio  realtime 2007.5, but either one should work.
- Original Message - 
   From:John Clower
   To: talk2 
   Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:55AM
   Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Stillpostponed

 Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show,and yes I said 
'hankering', I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is justdying to.  The 
Venison Zone?  Now that could be a scarycombination.

 -Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38  AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still  postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster  undertaking. Everything, and 
i mean everything has to be moved and rewired  due to some of the equipment 
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd  recorders. This is made more 
urgent since i found out everything on comcast  on demand is recordable 
except for hbo and showtime. lol.  Plus with  the audio video rack moved, i 
can reach the window again so i can run the  feedlines for the ham radio 
antennas. So Venison Stew wont be on today.  Crossing ones fingers, i hope 
to be back on tues, friday for sure. So if  anyone could cover for me 
today, feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is  interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i 
don't see  anything obvious going on.

 Never miss a thing. Make  Yahoo your homepage. 

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Patrick Perdue
On 1/25/2008, 9:33:55 AM EDT, Venison88a stands on top of a sky-scraper, and 

> Give me the number of your dealer so i can switch brands? 

Sure, Venison. Just call (212)968-5673. Ask for "ra". He can usually be found 
on channel 0.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, January 
25, 2008 at 9:39 AM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
uhh, do me a favor? Give me the number of your dealer so i can switch brands? I 
want to smoke the weed you're smokin! LOL

Patrick Perdue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 1/25/2008, 9:20:26 AM EDT, 
Venison88a wrote:

> could you send me brandon's promo? i 'll take it through my email. 

Lol, Venison. I thought, for a split second, you were going to say something
like "I'll take it through my rectum." Don't ever scare me like that again!

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: 

aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, January 
25, 2008 at 9:22 AM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Brandon Hicks

Ehr, I'm not sure if I should be flattered by that or not, Patrick.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Patrick Perdue
On 1/25/2008, 9:20:26 AM EDT, Venison88a wrote:

> could you send me brandon's promo? i 'll take it through my email. 

Lol, Venison. I thought, for a split second, you were going to say something
like "I'll take it through my rectum." Don't ever scare me like that again!

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, January 
25, 2008 at 9:22 AM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread John Clower
Oh that's right!  Johnison Stew.  I'd forgotten about that one!  Much much
better name.  Thanks Derek.

-Original Message-
derek Lane
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:03 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Well, there was jonison stew before pdaudio realtime 2007.5, but either one
should work.

- Original Message - 
From: John   Clower 
To: talk2   
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:55 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

  Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show, and yes I said 'hankering',
I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is just dying to.  The Venison Zone?
Now that could be a scary combination.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster undertaking. Everything, and i
mean everything has to be moved and rewired due to some of the equipment
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd recorders. This is made more
urgent since i found out everything on comcast on demand is recordable
except for hbo and showtime. lol.  Plus with the audio video rack moved, i
can reach the window again so i can run the feedlines for the ham radio
antennas. So Venison Stew wont be on today. Crossing ones fingers, i hope to
be back on tues, friday for sure. So if anyone could cover for me today,
feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i
don't see anything obvious going on.


Never miss a thing. Make
 Yahoo your

Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread derek Lane
MessageWell, there was jonison stew before pdaudio realtime 2007.5, but either 
one should work.
  - Original Message - 
  From: John Clower 
  To: talk2 
  Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:55 AM
  Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show, and yes I said 'hankering', 
I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is just dying to.  The Venison Zone?  Now 
that could be a scary combination.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Venison88a
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster undertaking. Everything, and 
i mean everything has to be moved and rewired due to some of the equipment 
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd recorders. This is made more urgent 
since i found out everything on comcast on demand is recordable except for hbo 
and showtime. lol.  Plus with the audio video rack moved, i can reach the 
window again so i can run the feedlines for the ham radio antennas. So Venison 
Stew wont be on today. Crossing ones fingers, i hope to be back on tues, friday 
for sure. So if anyone could cover for me today, feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i 
don't see anything obvious going on.

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. 

RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread John Clower
  Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show, and yes I said 'hankering',
I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is just dying to.  The Venison Zone?
Now that could be a scary combination.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster undertaking. Everything, and i
mean everything has to be moved and rewired due to some of the equipment
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd recorders. This is made more
urgent since i found out everything on comcast on demand is recordable
except for hbo and showtime. lol.  Plus with the audio video rack moved, i
can reach the window again so i can run the feedlines for the ham radio
antennas. So Venison Stew wont be on today. Crossing ones fingers, i hope to
be back on tues, friday for sure. So if anyone could cover for me today,
feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i
don't see anything obvious going on.


Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo
 your homepage.

The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster undertaking. Everything, and i 
mean everything has to be moved and rewired due to some of the equipment having 
heat issues. Especially with the dvd recorders. This is made more urgent since 
i found out everything on comcast on demand is recordable except for hbo and 
showtime. lol.  Plus with the audio video rack moved, i can reach the window 
again so i can run the feedlines for the ham radio antennas. So Venison Stew 
wont be on today. Crossing ones fingers, i hope to be back on tues, friday for 
sure. So if anyone could cover for me today, feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i don't 
see anything obvious going on.

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

Re: The Talk2 List FW: Restore Your Account (updated monthly)

2008-01-25 Thread Venison88a
Yeah right. These identidy theft schemes are getting better and better. Watch 
out for the paypal ones too.

derek Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: and jaws, your account, and many things 
wouldn't apriciate it... or rather
priciate, yeah... priciate.
*pops exagerated p in the Stan Freeburg style.*
- Original Message - 
From: "rainee" 
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List FW: Restore Your Account (updated monthly)

> Click on the link bellow?  Hmmm, I don't think JAWS would like that so 
> well. LOL.  I don't like clicking on bellowing links.
> Update your CD collection.  Checkout
> Crazy 'bout beading? Try
> - Original Message - 
> From: "John Clower" 
> To: "talk2" 
> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:31 AM
> Subject: The Talk2 List FW: Restore Your Account (updated monthly)
> Notice some wonderful spelling in this here E-Mail.  Made me raff rong 
> time.
> -Original Message-
> From: Amazon Inc Security Center [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:44 PM
> Subject: Restore Your Account (updated monthly)
> Importance: High
> Dear AmazonR member,
> We are contacting you to inform you that our Account Review Team 
> identified
> some unusual activity in your account.
> In accordance with Amazon's User Agreement and to ensure that your account
> has not been compromised, access to your
> account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this
> issue has been resolved. To secure your
> account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional
> information from you for the following
> reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has
> been reported as lost or stolen, or that
> there were additional problems with your card.
> This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time 
> your
> account or credit card may be subject
> for temporary suspension.
> To securely confirm your Amazon information please click on the link 
> bellow:
> index.htm
> We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your
> account access as soon as possible.
> Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of
> time may result in further limitations on
> the use of your account and possible account closure.
> For more information about how to protect your account please visit Amazon
> Security Center. We apologize for any
> incovenience this may cause, and we apriciate your assistance in helping 
> us
> to maintain the integrity of the entire
> Amazon system.
> Thank you for using Amazon!
> The Amazon Team
> Privacy Notice C 1995-2008,,Inc. or its affiliates.
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.9/1239 - Release Date: 1/23/2008
> 10:24 AM
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