Re: Can't delete messages - Adress book empty

2015-08-08 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Paul,

Since I didn't get any responses to my query by yesterday I had already decided
to try deleting TB and re-installing then restoring from a backup.  So today
(Sat) after looking at my mail on the Charter server and seeing your message, I
decided to go for it.  I first made a new backup and then used Revo to do a deep
un-install.  Once TB was completely gone I re-installed it and as you may or may
not remember, TB asks you if you want to do a restore from backup while you're
in the middle of the re-installation.  I answered yes and proceeded with the
restore.  Once completed, all of my accounts and corresponding messages were
where they were supposed to be (whew!).  The next thing was to test the message
deletion process which to my great relief, worked as expected.  Again whew!

So far the only thing that is still messed up is/are my address book(s).
They/it still looks like you would expect after a fresh installation of TB.
Nothing but the bare essentials.  That's why this reply has none of the
customary salutations, quoted text, and sig.  Fortunately (I hope) I copied
every file with the extension "ABD" and saved them to an external drive.  So, do
you suppose I can just copy those ABD files into the same directory which
currently contains the new, bare bones address book?  And if so, can we expect
my NEW MESSAGE drop-down list to be restored or is this all going to be more
complicated than that?

My profound thanks to you and all the others who responded and I would now ask
for help with the above paragraph.

Jack LaRosa

Current version is 6.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Can't delete messages - Adress book empty

2015-08-08 Thread Paul Van Noord
8/8/2015  7:17 AM

Hi Jack,

On 8/7/2015 Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

JSL> The only thing I can think of which may have played a pert in this is my
JSL> download and test of something called Wise Care 365 which is supposed to 
JSL> up" and "speed up" your PC.  I foolishly allowed it to delete registry 
JSL> which it deemed "clutter" and other non-registry junk files.  I have no 
way of
JSL> knowing if that program was the culprit (it has since been deleted) because
JSL> several hours elapsed before I went back to TB and discovered the problems.

JSL> Needless to say, any help will be greatly appreciated.

I have used Wise Registry Cleaner for years in Win 7 Pro with great
success. It automatically creates a registry backup.

It is important to review registry and/or file deletions before
executing the deletion action. No "cleaner" application can know all the
nuances of all programs...

Hopefully a re-installation of Wise Cleaner will find the backup it
- --

The Bat! v. (Christmas Edition) on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 6.1.7601

Current version is 6.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Can't delete messages - Adress book empty

2015-08-08 Thread MFPA

On Friday 7 August 2015 at 2:25:41 PM, in
, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> Something happened yesterday which has cause me to lose
> my entire address book 

Is the mail directory still correct under Options | Preferences |

You could try searching for a file called "ADDRBOOK.INI". (If you find 
more than  one, you probably want the most recent modified date.) 
Assuming the file is still where you think it should be (in my case, 
it's in the mail directory), you could try "Load Address Book Set" 
from the File menu in the address book window.

> and I am now prevented from
> deleting messages.  In addition, my new message
> "favorites" drop-down list is now empty.  It looks as
> though the address book and the drop-down list have
> reverted back to a brand new installation in that the
> only address book entry is one for RIT Labs support
> which I assume would be included in a brand new
> installation.  The drop-down list contains only "new
> template" and "quick templates".  Again, as I assume it
> looked when TB was first installed.

Presumably that's the list that should show all your quick templates. 
For each account they are stored in one of the ACCOUNT.XXX files; I 
think in this cast XXX=QTB, but I might be wrong, or it may be 
different in your TB! version.

> I can no longer delete messages.  Selected messages DO
> disappear when the trash can is clicked on or the
> DELETE key is pressed but as soon as I change focus to
> another folder and back to the folder where I did the
> deletes, all of the deleted messages are still there.

Maybe your message base has become read-only. Can you still move/copy
messages from one folder to another? What happens with incoming

> Windows System Restore won't run because some file is
> supposedly corrupted and a re-installation of TB on top
> of the existing proved in-affective.  I am considering
> deleting the current installation of TB and trying the
> re-install again.

Maybe the TB! registry entry is corrupted? If the fresh install 
doesn't work either, you could try exporting and saving the registry 
key, then deleting it from the registry, and having another go.

> The only thing I can think of which may have played a
> pert in this is my download and test of something
> called Wise Care 365 which is supposed to "clean up"
> and "speed up" your PC.  I foolishly allowed it to
> delete registry entries which it deemed "clutter" and
> other non-registry junk files.  I have no way of
> knowing if that program was the culprit (it has since
> been deleted) because several hours elapsed before I
> went back to TB and discovered the problems.

Were all traces of Wise Care deleted? Or if you re-installed Wise
Care, would it see the changes it made previously and be able to roll
them back?

Good luck.

Best regards


Greater than being great is being grateful.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

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