TBUDL Mission Statement

2008-09-28 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Greetings TB Listers,

This is your monthly message from the moderation team to remind you
of the primary purpose of this discussion list.

To review the list rules, follow the link at the end of this message.

Before  posting a question to the list, please check The Bat! User's
FAQ  at:  http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/FAQ.html  and  the list
archive  at http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED] To
subscribe,  send  a message to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
There  is also a beginners 'MAQ' (Most Asked Questions) available by
clicking  here:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  and
sending the resulting message.

 TBUDL Mission statement

The  TBUDL  list  has  been set up for the purpose of discussing The
Bat! and how to use it. It is a community of users ready and able to
help  new  users  get to grips with some of the capabilities of this
flexible  email  client.  More  complex  issues are discussed on the
TBTECH list (see below for details).

Simply  send  messages to mailto:TBUDL@thebat.dutaint.com to send it
to the whole list.

See  the  notes  at the end of this message for details about how to
manage your list membership or to leave the list.

It  would probably be a good idea for you to set up a folder to keep
TBUDL  messages  in.  If  you do this, the next most useful thing to
have  in  place  is an automatic filter to move mail from your inbox
into your TBUDL folder.

Set up a filter for incoming mail which looks for:

Header Field [Reply-To] Contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Roguemoticon Project

It's  nice to see your contact's face in the header ... and for them
to  see  yours. That's what roguemoticons are all about. If you wish
to add yourself, then you'll need to visit this site
What  this  place  will  do  for  you  is  to allow you to create an
account,  add  your  image  and  then  let  you download a .ZIP file
containing  all  the  files  you'll  need to be able so see people's
faces  without  having  to  send  or  receive any real images in any

To trigger the roguemoticon display in the message header for anyone
reading  your  message  using  TB,  you have the choice of using the
X-Rogue: header or a signature trigger.

  How to use a signature trigger
The  image  is  triggered  by  a 'Handle' you've defined in your
account,  and  when  that  Handle  appears  in a message it gets
replaced on the client side by the corresponding image. A handle
could  look  like anything you want it to look like pretty much.
For example:
Just add this text to your standard message signature block.

  How to create the X-Rogue: header
You can do that with this macro:
%SetHeader('X-Rogue',':your_handle:')%-  in  your  templates for
this and other tb-lists.
However, the macro alone won't do the trick.
TB'll  say: 'Hey, that's not any RFC822 header I know about', so
you'll have to define it as such:
Options  ..  Preferences .. Messages .. Message headers .. 'Add'

Now you'll get a pop-up to define the header

  Display as: X-Rogue (or whatever, it isn't very important)
  RFC header: X-Rogue
  Uncheck: 'This field is an address list' (because it isn't)
  Check: 'Allow this field to be edited in the message editor'
  Uncheck:  'Display  this  field  in the scrollable part of the
  header pane'

Now you're done and every TB-user can see your lovable face when
they've installed the roguemoticons.

For you to see peoples faces:

  To get this going, you should be running TB! v2.12 or later. Fetch
  the following file:

  Unzip it to the 'Images' directory that's in your TB! installation
  directory: C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images
  You  should  now  have a directory called 'rogues' containing many
  images  as well as the file 'rogues.msl' in your Images directory.
  Go into the preferences, and bring up the View/Editor options. Now
  hit  Shift-CTRL-Alt-T  while  TB!  is in focus. This will re-fetch
  TB!'s smiley set from disk and load the new images.

TBOT - The Bat off topic discussion list

One of our members has created a list for those occasional off topic
discussions  of public interest. Please feel free to join this list,
where many of our readership currently participate.


Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 19:20 schrieb MAU:

> Can't think of anything else. ;-)

;-) We'll see what the Developers think about it.
It's me and another User on tbudl@ which have this problem.
The other one is on Viste, there for i think it's not my old
Win2000 Sp4 - this time.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Rick
> Hello Jens,

>> I did test it, one moment bevore i found all the missing
>> Reading-Confirmations in the Outbox of the Account.
>> They were unsent.

> Try this. From main menu select:

Tools->>Go Figure->Why->It ain't working for... and from the drop down 
> list select your name.

> Can't think of anything else. ;-)

Mine isn't working either. I sent one from my main account and
received it in another account. It was sitting in the outbox with no
"FROM" or account information in the receipt email. It never COULD
have been sent

McCain: The 3rd Bush Term. Don't be fooled again!!!

v4.0.34.11 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread MAU
Hello Jens,

> I did test it, one moment bevore i found all the missing
> Reading-Confirmations in the Outbox of the Account.
> They were unsent.

Try this. From main menu select:

Tools->Go Figure->Why->It ain't working for... and from the drop down 
list select your name.

Can't think of anything else. ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.11

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 16:29 schrieb MAU:

> Such a 'cumbersome' template just for a reading confirmation? Instead of
> 'mixing apples and oranges', why don't you test with a simple one line 
> text template?

I did test it, one moment bevore i found all the missing
Reading-Confirmations in the Outbox of the Account.
They were unsent.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread MAU
Hello Jens,

>> Do me a favour, please. Right click on your Maileingang Common
>> Folder and select Properties->Templates->Confirmation.
> This is a Virtual Common Folder, which represents a Summary of all my
> Inboxes - there is no such Option to change the Templates there.

If it is a virtual folder then each message will behave according to the 
settings of its own account.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.11

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread MAU
Hello Jens,

> There is no Reading Confirmation generated, nor is one sent.
> Maybe it is a problem with the Gajin Template?
> ,- [ This is the Template ]

Such a 'cumbersome' template just for a reading confirmation? Instead of 
'mixing apples and oranges', why don't you test with a simple one line 
text template?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.11

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 15:55 schrieb Michael Kreyling:

> I just have the default templates and don't have any other templates set
> up.The only plugins I have are AVG and AntiSpamSniper.

Ok, so you use the AVG Plugin for The Bat! - thats different, i use the
Personal E-Mail Scanner. But as you told, this does not matter.

So we have to wait for the Developers.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 15:14 schrieb Michael Kreyling:

> I looked in my Outbox folder and it's empty.It won't create or send
> them.I'll just have to wait and see if they can find the problem and fix it.

Do you have other than the Default Templates for Reading Confirmation -
for example Gajin Makro Plugin?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 15:05 schrieb Michael Kreyling:

> It's not AVG like you said.I disabled AVG and tried it it,but it didn't
> work.It has to be a bug in The Bat! and I hope they can fix it.I've never
> tried a Quick-Template before for anything.I'll have to set one up and try
> it.It doesn't create the message or send it,so it has to be a bug or broken.

Could you please look in your Outbox Folder, not the Sent Folder.
I found all the Confirmations there unsent...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 14:05 schrieb Jens Franik:

>> Ah! Darn Common Folders!

> This is a Virtual Common Folder, which represents a Summary of all my
> Inboxes - there is no such Option to change the Templates there.

To be more specific i tested it again now with the "Real" Folder Inbox:

,- [  ]
| ---
| View Folder Inbox of Jens GMX
| ---
| OK to create reading confirmation to the message
| from Jens Franik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| with subject "test confimation"?
| ---
| OK   Abbrechen   
| ---

There is no Reading Confirmation generated, nor is one sent.
Maybe it is a problem with the Gajin Template?

,- [ This is the Template ]
| %CLEAR%-
| %_VarTo=%IF:|%OTOLIST|=|undisclosed-recipients:;|:|(kein Empfänger)|:|%-
| %XMP_StrRepl("%OTOLIST",", ","%XMP_StrC(#\r\n  #)")|%-
| %_VarSubj=%IF:|%OSUBJ|=||:|(ohne Betreff)|:|%OSUBJ|%-
| Für die Nachricht:
|   Von: %_VarFrom
|   An: %_VarTo
|   Gesendet am: %ODATE="", den %-
| %ODATE="dd.mm.", um %OTIMELONG Uhr %-
| (UTC %XMP_TimeParse("%HEADER('Date')",0,""))
|   Betreff: %_VarSubj
|   Msg-Id: <%XMP_MsgId>
| %IF:|%OATTACHMENTS|<>||:|  Anlagen:
| o) %-
| %XMP_StrRepl("%OATTACHMENTS",", ","%XMP_StrC(#\r\no) #)")
| |:||
| Diese Nachricht wurde am %DATE="", %-
| den %DATE="dd.mm.", um %TIMELONG Uhr,
| von %FROMNAME (%FROMADDR) empfangen und gelesen.
| Wenn Sie keine Empfangs- und/oder Lesebestätigungen mehr empfangen
| möchten, deaktivieren Sie bitte diese Einstellung in Ihrem Mailprogramm.
| ==
| Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von The Bat! %THEBATVERSION generiert.
| Powered by Extended Macro Plugin %XMP_PlugVer (http://www.gaijin.at/).
| ==
| %Subject="Empfangsbestätigung / Lesebestätigung"
| %SetHeader("X-Rogue",":Kr_bat:")%-
| %SetHeader("X-Rogue-URL","http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg";)%-

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 13:57 schrieb MAU:

>> I tested it with myself, and after trying to close the Mail, i am asked:
>> | ---
>> | Browse messages of the Common Folder * Maileingang *

> Ah! Darn Common Folders!
> Do me a favour, please. Right click on your * Maileingang * Common
> Folder and select Properties->Templates->Confirmation.

This is a Virtual Common Folder, which represents a Summary of all my
Inboxes - there is no such Option to change the Templates there.

> Is the confirmation template set to %BLANK?

I am sure, that it is not set to %BLANK, because exactly the same Place
it has been working for a long time.

> Now see if it works, or not.

I am sorry, it does not work.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Dwight Corrin
On Sunday, September 28, 2008, 5:49:01 AM, Privateofcourse wrote:

> It is not working!

it is working perfectly here. just the same as it alway does.

Dwight A. Corrin
316.303.9385  phone ahead to fax
dcorrin at fastmail.fm
photo galleries at http://dcorrin.smugmug.com
Using IMAP with The Bat! on Windows Vista version 6,0 (Service Pack 1)

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread MAU
Hello Jens,

> I tested it with myself, and after trying to close the Mail, i am asked:
> ,- [  ]
> | ---
> | Browse messages of the Common Folder * Maileingang *

Ah! Darn Common Folders!

Do me a favour, please. Right click on your * Maileingang * Common
Folder and select Properties->Templates->Confirmation.

Is the confirmation template set to %BLANK?

If so, 
  - either select 'Override Account's Confirmation Settings' and include 
  a non %BLANK template.
  - or, while your Common folder is selected, go to Account -> 
  Properties -> Templates -> Reading Confirmation and include a  non 
  %BLANK template there.
Now see if it works, or not.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.11

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 12:49 schrieb Privateofcourse:

> It is not working!

> So I'd say that this feature has become broken...well in TB! it is. Of
> course haven't tried sending to a another client.

You are right, it already on the BETA List. Might be fixed in the next
Versions - you might roll back to .7 where it worked, as far as i know.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tim,

On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:38:44 -0700 GMT (28/09/2008, 07:38 +0700 GMT),
Tim Hamm wrote:

TH>>>   My confirm receipt and reading confirmation is useless. It has never
TH>>>   worked. Are there any fixes for this. My Outlook works like a champ
TH>>>   but not so with TB.

>> Are you telling us that when writing to the same user and asking for a
>> reading confirmation, that you get one when asked by Outlook and not
>> when asked by TB? Without that user being located on the same Exchange
>> server as you yourself of course, because in that cause Outlook in
>> cheating...

TH>   TB is not prejudice... regardless of who I send emails to, these
TH>   features simply have never worked.

FWIW it works over here. When I request a receipt confirmation, it is
up to the recipient's server whether it is sent back to me. When I
request a read confirmation, it is up to the recipient's settings
whether I receive it. Non-OTFE, but that shouldn't make a difference.
I use these features for important mails.



I like to sing to the songs on the radio in my car. When you go into a
tunnel, it's hard to come out on the right note. Actually, the news is
more difficult.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Jens Franik

am Sonntag, 28. September 2008 um 03:52 schrieb Michael Kreyling:

> I have it set to send immediately and prompt before the action.Not using
> OTFE doesn't make a difference.It won't work with it off or on.I've tried it
> both ways.I'm using AVG 8.0 and I have it set to scan incoming and outgoing
> messages.I weonder if that could be the problem.

I am also using AVG 8.0 (since this is able to install on FAT32 now)
with scanning in/outbound but only with attachments.

I tested it with myself, and after trying to close the Mail, i am asked:
,- [  ]
| ---
| Browse messages of the Common Folder * Maileingang *
| ---
| OK to create reading confirmation to the message
| from Jens Franik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| with subject "Test confirm"?
| ---
| OK   Abbrechen   
| ---

But you are right, there is no Message generated and of course there is
no Confirmation to be send...

This is not due to AVG, there is even no Message in the Outbox.

If i trigger the Confirmation manually by a Quick-Template, it is sent.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg
The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper
Windows 2000 5.0
build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread MAU
Hello Privateofcourse,

>> It is not working or it is not usable. (nicht unnütz)
> It is not working!

Oh yes it is working! Or let me put it this way: In the many years that 
I have been using TB I have never seen it fail.

> 1) Sender A sends email to recipient B: Sender A includes a reading
> confirmation request and delivery confirmation request.

Reading confirmation request and delivery confirmation request or two 
different things. RCR is 'targeted' to the recipient and DCR is targeted 
to the mail server where the recipient has his mail account and 
mailbox. Now, my experience along the years is that there are many mail 
servers that simply ignore DCRs, and the recipient can't do anything 
about that.

> 2) Recipient B receives and reads the email from Sender A and, in The
> Bat!, is prompted to allow reading confirmation when highlighting
> another email or deselecting the read email. So recipient B clicks
> okay.

> ...in The Bat!, is prompted to allow reading confirmation

He is prompted, or not, and the confirmation is sent, or not, depending
in the settings in:

  Account->Properties->Templates->Reading confirmation
> ...when highlighting another email or deselecting the read email.

,- [ As I have written in TBBeta about this issue: ]
| The 'Reading Confirmation Receipt' is sent (or queued to Outbox) when 
| the message is 'marked as READ'.
| Now, when is a message marked as Read? That depends on a couple of 
| configuration options:
| 1.- In Account->Properties->Options
| - Mark the message as read when it is being read for X Secs
| - Mark the message as read only when it is open in a separate window
| 2.- In Options/Preferences/Message List
| - Go to the next unread message with the SmartSpace reading
|   - Mark the current message as read when navigating away from it
| In my case I have none of the four options ticked because I want to 
| decide when I have read each message. So, I use the shortcut 'Ctrl+M'
| (actually 'Space', which I have configured in Customiser).

> 3) Sender, and now recipient, A, does not get a reading confirmation NOR do
> they get a delivery confirmation.

As mentioned above, delivery confirmation depends on the mail server 
ignoring the request, or not.

And in regards to reading confirmation: Was it actually sent, or perhaps
just queued in Outbox or perhaps just ignored? As mentioned above, that
may depend on the settings in:

   Account->Properties->Templates->Reading confirmation 
If the confirmation was actually sent, it should appear in your Sent 
Mail folder unless moved or deleted by some Outgoing filter. And if it 
was actually sent and the recipient (original sender who requested the 
confirmation) didn't receive it... Could it be that he uses some filters 
or Spam scheme that flag it as Spam or perhaps even delete it?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.34.11

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Storage of Email Attachments

2008-09-28 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Tom,

On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:31:42 +1000 GMT (23/09/2008, 06:31 +0700 GMT),
Tom wrote:

T> for a number of accounts I have set the storage of attachments to be
T> kept separately in a special directory.
T> I prefer it that way to have one "bucket" that has all attachments
T> stored safely in case I need to go back to search for the attachment
T> later (irrespective of my email storage).

T> If someone wants to point out drawbacks to this policy, please do so.

1. You are not able to see in the folder which attachment belongs to
which email.

2. If you receive emails with the same attachment name (pic.jpg), TB!
increases the number (pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg) and there is *absolutely* no
way to find out which attachment belongs wot which email.

3. I don't know whether this has been fixed: When you delete an email,
the attachment used to stay in the folder, blowing it up until

T> I am now noticing that accessing this storage folder on my harddrive
T> becomes sluggish, I guess due to the number of files stored there. As
T> my need to access these attachments diminishes rapidly after 3 weeks,
T> I would like to shift all attachments older than 3 weeks to another
T> folder.
T> What are the implications for my emails and email database?

If you move the file and then open the message in TB!, the attachment
cannot be found if not not in the original folder.

T> I am always worried about doing things that may corrupt my TB
T> database. My moving these attachments now from folder A to folder B
T> within Windows explorer, will that have any consequences for TB?

The location and the (sometimes new) file name of the attachment is
stored in the message details. So, if you move the attachment and open
the mail, TB! cannot find the attachement.

However, if you just want to keep the attachments and the link to the
emails is not important, this is a way to keep the folder small.

T> New attachments are still supposed to be stored in the same folder.



9. It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities
   without your help.

Message reply created with The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Confirm Receipt, Reading Confirmation

2008-09-28 Thread Privateofcourse
Hello Jens,

This is what you said on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 02:03:21 +0200 your time:

> It is not working or it is not usable. (nicht unnütz)

It is not working!

1) Sender A sends email to recipient B: Sender A includes a reading
confirmation request and delivery confirmation request.

2) Recipient B receives and reads the email from Sender A and, in The Bat!,
is prompted to allow reading confirmation when highlighting another email or
deselecting the read email. So recipient B clicks okay.

3) Sender, and now recipient, A, does not get a reading confirmation NOR do
they get a delivery confirmation.

So I'd say that this feature has become broken...well in TB! it is. Of
course haven't tried sending to a another client.

Simon (Privateofcourse)
#16192. Wow Hie Dong Res? ¶
 TB! 4.0.34  WinXP Pro Service Pack 3

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information: