Re: Replicating Attachment problems.

2011-08-10 Thread Abigail Marshall
OK, now I'm really frustrated -- the problem is with TheBat creating
unnecessary duplicates of attachments.

A person mailed me a 1meg file PDF today -- so I've been tracking what
happened to it.  I'll call it newfile.pdf

First, I forwarded newfile.pdf to an outside email.   TheBat created a 2nd
copy  of the file -- so I had:


Then, within TheBat, I deleted the attachment from my "sent" mail, returning
me to a single file.

Then my backup ran. I have changed backup settings so that attachments
should NOT be backed up.

Nonethless I ended up with 6 (SIX) duplicates:


with files 1-6 all showing the same modification stamp.

Obviously this a a bug and not a feature.

So what is causing this and what can I do to address this?



Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Old files, file extension questions

2011-08-10 Thread Rick
> Hi

> On Wednesday 10 August 2011 at 1:48:33 AM, in
> ,
> Abigail Marshall wrote:

>> Am I assuming correctly that the files in TheBat cache
>> are unnecessary (except for those currently in use)?

>> In other words, safe to delete all files from "cache"
>> as part of regular maintenance?

> I know nothing of a The Bat! cache, but it is safe (when TB! is not 
> running) to delete bat*.tmp files from your temp folders. Generally 
> they are deleted when no longer needed but can get left behind.

I  delete  the cache even with TB running - it will recreate any files
it  needs.  I  keep  the  imgfile  folder  clean too as I download all
graphics and it can fill in a hurry.

I might add that the cache and imgfile folders SAVE BANDWIDTH. I am on
a  wide band connection. If you are on dial up, you might want to be a
bit more selective as to how often you clean them out

Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
"The Tempest"

v5.0.22.7 (ALPHA) on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Turning an account off

2011-08-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello simbabque,

On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 19:49:17 +0200 GMT (11/Aug/11, 0:49 AM +0700 GMT),
simbabque wrote:

s> I've got TB! 4 on my laptop with two accounts set up. Since I do not
s> want to read (and sync!) my IMAP work account while I am on holiday, I
s> would like to disable all automatic communication for this account.
s> Getting mail when I actually open up the acounts would be fine, but I
s> don't want it to download anything without asking for it explicitly.

Set an apssword for this account:

Account / Set Account Password...

This way, it will not open when you open TB!. If you want to access
the account and key in the password, you can fetch mail.

Remark: I have this with one POP account. I don't know whether it also
works with IAMP, but it should.



Message reply created with The Bat! 4.2.44
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Old files, file extension questions

2011-08-10 Thread MFPA

On Wednesday 10 August 2011 at 1:48:33 AM, in
Abigail Marshall wrote:

> Am I assuming correctly that the files in TheBat cache
> are unnecessary (except for those currently in use)?

> In other words, safe to delete all files from "cache"
> as part of regular maintenance?

I know nothing of a The Bat! cache, but it is safe (when TB! is not 
running) to delete bat*.tmp files from your temp folders. Generally 
they are deleted when no longer needed but can get left behind.

Best regards

To know what we know, and know what we do not know, is wisdom.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Replicating Attachment problems.

2011-08-10 Thread Abigail Marshall
I've retitled this to focus on a particular problem.  I have discovered, to
my frustration, that TheBat likes to make extra copies of attachments.
(running version  I have TheBat configured to store all
attachments in a single folder.

Here's what happened.

Someone sends me a file.   TheBat stores this as filename.pdf
I forwarded the file to someone else.  TheBat copies this as filename1.pdf

OK, I understand the concept.  It used to be with older versions of TheBat,
that when I would forward a file, it would "disappear" from the originating
email, which was rather annoying.

But since my work involves receiving and transmitting a lot of stuff
this means that the attachment folder can grow geometrically, very quickly.

I don't know if there is a fix for this, but I sure wish there were. (For me
it means that I will really have to change my own practices as to how I
handle attachments, something that makes TB rather inconvenient to use)


Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Old files, file extension questions

2011-08-10 Thread Abigail Marshall
Follow up & new problem/issue.

AM> *2. Mail Folders:  .BCK, .BK0, .BK1, IBO, IB1*
> AM> My individual mail folders have a lot of OLD files (at least +1 year)
> that
> AM> have extensions that look like the above. usually named something like
> I get the .BCK files when I try to back-up or compress folders and
> there is some problem. Next time the file extension increases to .BK0,
> then .BK1, then .BK2 and so on. You can recover messages from there,
> but I usually decide that I don't miss any messages, so I delete these
> files.
> I have never seen .IB0 or .IB1 files.

1.  I went ahead and deleted everything that looked like a backup -- it's
possible that some of the odd extensions (like IBO) were created by some
other backup or virus protection program a long the way... but the main
thing was all those files were at least a year old, so whatever they are, I
don't need them now.

AM> *1. Attachment Folder,  *.msg extensions*
> *.msg should be messages that were attached to emails. You can
> double-click on them and then they will open in TB!. So you can decide
> whether you want to keep them.

2. I did figure out how to read them.  I didn't want to open them up in TB
because I wanted the program to be closed while I was doing the cleanup, but
I found another utility that made it easy to drag & drop & read.

I  delete the Cache and the imgfiles folder several time a day. I view
> a  lot of graphics and things can get out of control quickly. I have a
> batch  file to do it on the fly, but it is part of my Ccleaner routine
> too

3. Once I deleted the contents of the "cache" file it didn't come back, and
all of the files in the cache were pretty old, so I'm guessing that it might
not be used with version  5.   Nothing at all is in the imgfiles directory
other than two empty files called and FilesDB.info__

Maybe that has something to do with my settings.

4.  Now for the new/different problem or bug.

I have always had TheBat configured to save all attachments to a separate
folder (rather than the body of messages).   I was housecleaning because the
attachments folder seemed to have grown extremely large.   I discovered to
my dismay when doing the cleaning that TheBat had created multiple copies
many of the attachments, generally with names following this pattern:
 filename.ext, filename1.ext, filename2.ext -- and I could see that recent
copies of the documents seemed to correspond with the date/time that
scheduled backups are run on my system.  This happened with many, but not
all, attachments.  Sometimes there were as many as 60 copies of the same
file.   Obviously a problem when it is a large file to start with, but even
with small files is all adds up.

I SUSPECT that this may be tied to "parked" emails.  I've always known that
TheBat has the annoying tendency to make extra copies of parked emails from
time to time, but it didn't occur to me that it might be replicating the
attachments as well.

Since the time of the duplication seems to also correlate with automated
backup, I've decided to stop backing up the attachments folder. (I have
alternate backup in place for that,  so that would be easy enough to restore
if needed).

But I wanted to raise this as this is definitely an issue that could impact
performance for others - so it is something to watch out for.  I had noticed
that the routine backups were starting to take very long to complete -- now
I have an idea what was going on, though I still don't know why it happened.


Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Turning an account off

2011-08-10 Thread Raymund Tump
Hi simbabque,

> Is there such a feature?

Shouldn't Account|Properties|Options|Mail checking do the trick? Remove both 
check boxes.

Additionally uncheck if online check every n sec in the IMAP fine


Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Turning an account off

2011-08-10 Thread simbabque
Hello TBUDL,

I've got TB! 4 on my laptop with two accounts set up. Since I do not
want to read (and sync!) my IMAP work account while I am on holiday, I
would like to disable all automatic communication for this account.
Getting mail when I actually open up the acounts would be fine, but I
don't want it to download anything without asking for it explicitly.

Right now it is set up to fetch mail and sync stuff quite often, which
I need for work. The solution should therefore be easily reversible.

Is there such a feature?

Thanks in advance,

Using The Bat! v5.0.8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3

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