Re: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-21 Thread MFPA

On Thursday 21 November 2013 at 5:37:04 PM, in
, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> I too have notifications of new rogue photos ticked and
> I can't remember the last time I got one except for my
> own yesterday.  

Yours on 18/05/2013, 05/06/2012, 28/05/2012, 27/05/2012
Rick Grunwald on 27/05/2012
Jens Franik on 16/12/2010
Dierk Haasis on 16/12/2010
Patrick Linskey on 21/07/2010
Spike Jones on 29/04/2010

Spike's and Dierk's photos are present in the download and 
their handles are present in the rogues.msl file.
Jen's handle is in the .msl file but no photo present.
Patrick and Rick absent on both counts.

> Have they fallen out of favor I wonder?

When was the last time you saw anybody promote them?

> I also sent Mary Bull a gif of the Alabama state flag
> for approval and I'm waiting to hear from her.  

I've not seen any postings from Mary in a long time.

Best regards

The problem is not that we're paranoid;
it's that we're not paranoid enough.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Lost draft

2013-11-21 Thread MFPA

On Thursday 21 November 2013 at 11:17:15 PM, in
, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> mine works as it should and it's because (I think) I
> have this line in my TB *NEW* and *REPLY* templates:
> %SetHeader('X-Rogue',':Deuxdad:')%-. 


> Having your handle
> (:Hawthorne:) in your sig I don't think will work.  

Correct again.

Best regards

CAUTION! - Beware of Warnings!

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-21 Thread MFPA
Hi Rick

On Thursday 21 November 2013 at 6:54:26 PM, you wrote:

> I think Roguemoticons are dead for all practical purposes. 

They certainly have a limited and not-increasing userbase (of about
150). But that is partly down to not being publicised, as well as
being unsupported by any other mailer or newsreader (as far as I

> I
> wouldn't blame Ritlabs if they removed it 

Supporting something like the "Face" header [1][2] would perhaps make more 
sense, as it is not limited to one piece of software that supports it. 

> - no sense in releasing a
> program with a program feature that CANNOT be fixed. 

Rogues probably could be fixed, if the feature was broken. But I've 
not heard anybody claim it was.

> They could
> easily take pictures out of the address book and put them in the
> same place (which it does but I am getting black spaces in v6)

If you mean display the photo from the addressbook entry (if present)
in the same place as the rogue photo, I'm fairly sure that worked when
I started using TB! at v2 - and you can select which takes precedence.
I would also like the option to display there the photo from an
OpenPGP key (if the incoming message was signed using an OpenPGP key 
that contains a photo).


Best regards

Look, it's a hat! It's not going to hurt you.

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Lost draft

2013-11-21 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello TheLimit,

On Thursday, November 21, 2013 you wrote:

T> On 11/20/2013 you wrote:

T> I  do that too ... but maybe we need to turn that off, til either
T> the   behaviour  reverts  to  the  expected,  or  new  functional
T> behaviour is instituted.

T> Some lost mails are worse than a nuisance :-(

T> Cheers!


I'm pretty sure I remember seeing some time ago a discussion
regarding your Rogue photo not displaying.  I don't remember
what the suggestions were then but mine works as it should
and it's because (I think) I have this line in my TB *NEW*
and *REPLY* templates: %SetHeader('X-Rogue',':Deuxdad:')%-.
Having your handle (:Hawthorne:) in your sig I don't think
will work.  You would of course replace :Deuxdad: with
:Hawthorne:.  Worth a shot.

My apologies if this is no longer an issue with you.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-21 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Rick,

On Thursday, November 21, 2013 you wrote:

R> I think Roguemoticons are dead for all practical purposes.  I wouldn't blame
R> Ritlabs if they removed it - no sense in releasing a program with a program
R> feature that CANNOT be fixed.

I don't know that it CANNOT be fixed unless it's the
Obamacare website.  In my case key folders got relocated
without my knowledge.  Thanks to Miguel and MFPA I knew
*what* to look for and where they were supposed to be.  Once
I found them (elsewhere in the TB *program* folder) and put
them back where they belonged, everything worked again.  I
remember when this happened to me last time it was solved
because I finally realized that my Rogue's folder was buried
in the *parent* Rogues folder.  The Bat didn't know to look
any deeper than the parent Rogue's folder for the images.

R> They could easily take pictures out of the address book and put them in the
R> same place (which it does but I am getting black spaces in v6)

Surely you don't have every Rogue's address and picture in
your address book.  I've never tried that and so can't
imagine why you're getting black spaces where the photo
should be.

I can only assume that to give TB the versatility that it
has then it has to be as convoluted as it is unfortunately.

Speaking of convoluted, I just noticed that if I save a
draft or save the final message, if I re-open it to continue
editing, it has defaulted to HTML instead of the Plain Text
in which it was originally written.  If I don't catch it,
the message never gets sent to the list because it's HTML.
Most annoying.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1  

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Anti-spam spider

2013-11-21 Thread Leonard S. Berkowitz
On Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 10:12:21 PM, you ( 

> Antispam  SNIPER?  If that is the case open it up from the toolbar, go
> to options and clear the database and let it start learning again

So I did that. Two new e-mail messages from the same list about which I
wrote earlier, appeared today in junk. Maybe that is an improvement
, but it is unnecessary and annoying.

Leonard S. Berkowitz

Using The Bat! v5.2.2 on Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Lost draft

2013-11-21 Thread TheLimit

On 11/20/2013 you wrote:

> I have TB! automatically compact most folders on exit. It had not
> occurred to me that *moving( a message from one folder to another was
> effectively a copy and a delete (unlike moving files in Windows from
> one folder to another, which is just a re-mapping of the info already
> stored on disk to a new filesystem location). I had never thought
> about it.

I  do that too ... but maybe we need to turn that off, til either
the   behaviour  reverts  to  the  expected,  or  new  functional
behaviour is instituted.

Some lost mails are worse than a nuisance :-(


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
*** Win7U ***  OVB Kubuntu Linux  13.04 *** 
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Windows 6, Build 7601

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Lost draft

2013-11-21 Thread TheLimit

On 11/20/2013 you wrote:

>> Right   you are. I just tested a couple of POP
>> accounts, and they do  save there. IMAP strikes again
>> ... and just when I thought it was finally working!
>> lol!  

> So is it a general IMAP issue, or just an IMAP issue with TB!? 

I don't know - as much as I hate to say it, ThunderBird seems to
handle IMAP correctly, I just don't find TB usable. Load it up
and go and have lunch or something; it'll take that long to dl
POP, and IMAP takes much longer. Yes, I dl it all.

TB!'s IMAP module has always been a bit cranky, and my plan on
reverting to WinDoze and upgrading toTB! 5.8x was to convert that
IMAP account to POP. I was pleasantly surprised to find it seemed
to be working fast and smoothly, delighted, in fact, until the
whole mailer seemed to blow up.

If  I  thought the IMAP account was the cause of the problem, I'd
figure  out  how to convert it, but the problems seem to span all
the accounts and I hadn't thought of it in those terms.

I'm  open  to  suggestions,  thoughts,  ideas ... the prospect of
chasing  another  mailer is not attractive to me; I've been using
TB!  since v 1.3 ..? Yeah,  pretty sure it was an upgrade to 1.6,
which  I  ran  for  quite  a  while.  I've used most of the other
available  clients at  one  time  or  another,  and  have  not been

There  are no usable email clients for Linux at all ... I ran TB!
in  WinE for the three years I ran Linux. I nearly sold you to my
brother,  a  mainframer  who  remains  unimpressed  with  desktop
systems; his vice would be Amiga, if there was better support. It
seems Amiga has a useful email client, but I've not been able yet
to get him to port it to WinDoze! lol!

Well,  one  day  at  a  time. Will keep at it for a bit, but it's
looking  bad. I'm losing correspondence, I'm pretty sure, and all
my correspondence isn't getting out. Very discouraging.


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
*** Win7U ***  OVB Kubuntu Linux  13.04 *** 
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Windows 6, Build 7601

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-21 Thread Rick
>M> Did you ever follow up on updating your Rogues photo, which you M> 
>mentioned in May last year? I had another "Someone new has joined or M> 
>updated their image on Roguemoticons" email today (which makes five in M> 18 
>months) saying you had joined or updated, but the zip file still M> contains 
>the same photo of you.

I think Roguemoticons are dead for all practical purposes. I wouldn't blame 
Ritlabs if they removed it - no sense in releasing a program with a program 
feature that CANNOT be fixed. They could easily take pictures out of the 
address book and put them in the same place (which it does but I am getting 
black spaces in v6)

Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of 
labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is 
the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration
Abraham Lincoln - 1st Inaugural Address

v6.0.4.1 on Windows 6.2 Build  9200

Using all POP accounts
I download all images


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-21 Thread TheLimit

On 11/19/2013 you wrote:

> Neither the text file "pcwsmileys.msl" nor the folder "pcwimages" exist 
> anywhere
> on my computer.

> CANCEL RED ALERT!  File/folder found!  I have a program called SEARCH 
> ( which will find anything you type in it's search 
> bar
> (I thought).  Using that program showed me that the two files above didn't
> exist, but of course, they did.  I don't know why the program failed to find
> them but they were buried where they shouldn't have been within The Bat!

AHA! You may have provided a key to my troubles.

I  ran these searches just now - I don't have your utility, but I
didfind  a  club  big  enough  to  force  WinDoze  to  search
subfolders.  No  joy.  WinDoze is quite certain those files don't
exist   anywhere  in  the  file  structure.  I'm  not  altogether
convinced,  but  I'm  not sure how much more time I can give this

Now I'm wondering whether the fact that TB! is installed to my
work drive, not to c:\windows\programfilesx86 might be the

I've  been running it off the work partition for at least several
releases,  so  it  didn't  occur to me that that could be causing
issues.   If   so,   I'm   thinking   it   might   be   better to
reinstall to the conventional folder.

Otherwise,  it  looks  like  I'm  going  to  have to abandon TB!,
because  it  really has become unusable here, with no filters and
no  view  pane. I have to load every mail just to id it - lots of
list  mail, and it takes as long to load a 'me too' message as an
informative  one. It's also decided not to bother with sig files,
except  in  this isp account. Not mission critical, but more time
wasted pasting them in manually.

Or, I might load Voyager to a 16G thumb drive ... I do have the
dl, but I haven't found the list messages very encouraging, so I
haven't done anything with it.

Getting  pretty  desperate ... but I'm not willing to give up the
computer yet. But you know ... email is key!


:Hawthorne: :usflag: :canadaflag: * * *Aun Aprendo
*** Win7U ***  OVB Kubuntu Linux  13.04 *** 
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Windows 6, Build 7601
1 IMAP, 7 POP accounts

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Roguemoticons/Smileys

2013-11-21 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello MFPA,

On Thursday, November 21, 2013 you wrote:

M> Hi

M> On Wednesday 20 November 2013 at 1:20:38 AM, in
M> , Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>> So, once again my profound thanks to you and Miguel for
>> all the help.  Nice to see you both again.  

M> Glad to help.

M> Did you ever follow up on updating your Rogues photo, which you
M> mentioned in May last year? I had another "Someone new has joined or
M> updated their image on Roguemoticons" email today (which makes five in
M> 18 months) saying you had joined or updated, but the zip file still
M> contains the same photo of you.

Exactly.  It still doesn't work.  I emailed Leif back in May and he replied
thusly: "I'll take a look at it.  I wrote that code eons ago and its been static
through numerous server upgrades and migrations." I copied that same email from
Leif and emailed it to him yesterday and he replied again: "I'll look at it.
It's been through a couple server moves and I probably missed a dependency with

So, I dunno.  Have to wait and see I guess.

I too have notifications of new rogue photos ticked and I can't remember the
last time I got one except for my own yesterday.  Have they fallen out of favor
I wonder?

I also sent Mary Bull a gif of the Alabama state flag for approval and I'm
waiting to hear from her.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver: 5.2.
Running Windows 7 Pro ver 6 build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information: