Re[2]: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread Paul Van Noord
2/10/2014  8:54 PM


On 2/10/2014 MFPA wrote:

M> You mean in "Network Administration" you are set as Admin for all
M> accounts and your wife is set as User for her account only?

No I mean I manage all the accounts on both computers and store the
message bases for all accounts on my computer. My wife has a redundant
message base on her computer.

M> Do you download your wife's mail for her, or is it just stored on your
M> computer? Is it stored on her computer as well?

She has her own redundant message base managed by her copy of The Bat!
running on her computer.

- --

The Bat! v. on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 6.1.7601

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread MFPA

On Monday 10 February 2014 at 6:35:16 PM, in
, Achdut18 wrote:

> So,  it sounds like
> the only way I can get new accounts created  at  the
> root  of  the folder tree on one device to appear on
> another device is by manually creating the account.

I would say yes, unless they are propagated by synchronising. Or by 
backing up the account properties on one device and restoring that 
backup onto the other device.

Best regards

Versifiers write poems for it.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread MFPA

On Monday 10 February 2014 at 11:32:14 AM, in
, Paul Van Noord wrote:

> My computer is the administrator for all email accounts
> including my wife's. I have POP3 set up on my computer
> for all accounts. My wife has her account set up as
> POP3 on her computer.

You mean in "Network Administration" you are set as Admin for all 
accounts and your wife is set as User for her account only?

>  When we
> travel it is only necessary to take my computer because
> my wife's messages are also stored on it.

Do you download your wife's mail for her, or is it just stored on your
computer? Is it stored on her computer as well?

Best regards

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread Achdut18
Hello Paul,

Monday, February 10, 2014, 5:32:14 AM, you wrote:


PVN> My computer is the administrator for all email accounts including my
PVN> wife's. I have POP3 set up on my computer for all accounts. My wife
PVN> has her account set up as POP3 on her computer.

If your wife creates an account, using her laptop, would you see it on
your laptop?

PVN> Both of us have our accounts set as IMAP on our phones and any sent
PVN> messages are automatically BCC'd to our accounts to insure that there
PVN> is a copy of all sent messages available for archiving in the POP3
PVN> account on the computers.

PVN> The phones sync every 10 minutes and the computers download every 10
PVN> minutes. This is very easy to manage with minimal effort. No
PVN> networking is needed. When we travel it is only necessary to take my
PVN> computer because my wife's messages are also stored on it.

I am very interested in your set-up.   However, what if you travel and
your  wife  stays at home.  How would she read e-mail?   How would she
get access to her messages?

PVN> If further remote management is needed we do it with TeamViewer. The
PVN> client used on the phones is My Secure Mail for Android.

I  may have more Qs about this after looking into it.  Thanks for your


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! ver. 5.8.2 on WinXP sp3

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread Achdut18
Hello MFPA,

Monday, February 10, 2014, 7:15:50 AM, you wrote:


>> While
>> the  desktop  MAIL folder also has a few additional
>> accounts  that  I created on the desktop after I set up
>> The Bat! on the laptop,  and  those  accounts  all have
>> folders inside the MAIL folder that  I  can  even see
>> while on the laptop,  The Bat! e-mail client on the
>> laptop does not have those folders.   Is there some
>> lower level folder on the laptop that also needs to
>> point to the MAIL folder in  order  to automatically
>> set up a folder on the laptop any time one is created
>> on the desktop?

M> Additional folders within an account should appear if you press
M> CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+L after selecting the appropriate account in the folder
M> tree. Additional accounts would need to be created as a new account on
M> the laptop and pointed to the same location as the equivalent account
M> on the desktop.

I   have   19   accounts at the root of the folder tree.   All but one
are  active.   So,  it sounds like the only way I can get new accounts
created  at  the  root  of  the folder tree on one device to appear on
another device is by manually creating the account.

M> You could presumably make them appear automatically if you employed a
M> method of synchronising the TB! installations.

That is exactly what I am trying to do, and some suggestions have been
posted.  When  I have time, I will take a close look at them.   


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! ver. 5.8.2 on WinXP sp3

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread MFPA

On Sunday 9 February 2014 at 6:39:54 AM, in
, Achdut18 wrote:

> Well,  as  mentioned above, it's just not possible to
> have only one of the  laptops  use The Bat! exclusively
> at any given time.   Moreover, we each frequently leave
> The Bat! open on both machines so both machines are
> running The Bat! simultaneously a lot.

Fair enough. I would be wary of potential issues if you both work in 
the same folders at the same time.

> Perhaps.  Could I schedule  a  download  every five
> minutes?   And do no downloading on the laptops at all?

Sounds reasonable.

> The  properties  for  each of the accounts appearing on
> the laptop all point  to  the  desktop MAIL folder
> (which is at the root of c: on the desktop).   


> While
> the  desktop  MAIL folder also has a few additional
> accounts  that  I created on the desktop after I set up
> The Bat! on the laptop,  and  those  accounts  all have
> folders inside the MAIL folder that  I  can  even see
> while on the laptop,  The Bat! e-mail client on the
> laptop does not have those folders.   Is there some
> lower level folder on the laptop that also needs to
> point to the MAIL folder in  order  to automatically
> set up a folder on the laptop any time one is created
> on the desktop?

Additional folders within an account should appear if you press
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+L after selecting the appropriate account in the folder
tree. Additional accounts would need to be created as a new account on
the laptop and pointed to the same location as the equivalent account
on the desktop.

You could presumably make them appear automatically if you employed a
method of synchronising the TB! installations.

> Thanks.   That's a good idea.  

I can't take credit. I saw it on this list a few years ago, I believe 
from Roelof.

Best regards

We're all shipwrecked on this idea that everything has to be explained.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Adding The Bat to a new computer on a home network

2014-02-10 Thread Paul Van Noord
2/10/2014  6:18 AM

Hi Achdut18,

On 2/9/2014 Achdut18 wrote:

A> Jack,  thank  you  very much!   I don't know if this will work, but is
A> certainly  worth  a  try.   Does  this  only work if both machines are
A> running  on  the  same  network,  or,  do they just need to be able to
A> access the Internet?

After reading this thread for some time I thought I should jump in
with a description of the system we have used for many years:

My computer is the administrator for all email accounts including my
wife's. I have POP3 set up on my computer for all accounts. My wife
has her account set up as POP3 on her computer.

Both of us have our accounts set as IMAP on our phones and any sent
messages are automatically BCC'd to our accounts to insure that there
is a copy of all sent messages available for archiving in the POP3
account on the computers.

The phones sync every 10 minutes and the computers download every 10
minutes. This is very easy to manage with minimal effort. No
networking is needed. When we travel it is only necessary to take my
computer because my wife's messages are also stored on it.

If further remote management is needed we do it with TeamViewer. The
client used on the phones is My Secure Mail for Android.

- --

The Bat! v. on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 6.1.7601

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information: