[Tcl Java] Re: How fast is Jacl?

1999-08-20 Thread Christopher Hylands

BTW - I have a somewhat out of date page that contains
performance statistics comparing Jacl Tcl Blend and Tcl


It would be interesting to see how the newer versions of Jacl compare
on some of the same tests.


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I just ran a test of Jacl 1.1a1, 1.2.3, and 1.2.4 and they all had
nearly identical results (+/- 0.1 seconds).  (I'll be happy to test 1.1
if I can get a pre-built version.)

My only guess is that a change I made between now and the last time I
tested against 1.1 (which was the version I saw the speed  hit in).  One
thing that I was doing was calling ReflectObject.newInstance() followed
by preserve() for many objects.  Perhaps it's here that things were


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[Tcl Java] Re: How fast is Jacl?

1999-08-20 Thread Thomas McKay

I just ran a test of Jacl 1.1a1, 1.2.3, and 1.2.4 and they all had
nearly identical results (+/- 0.1 seconds).  (I'll be happy to test 1.1
if I can get a pre-built version.)

My only guess is that a change I made between now and the last time I
tested against 1.1 (which was the version I saw the speed  hit in).  One
thing that I was doing was calling ReflectObject.newInstance() followed
by preserve() for many objects.  Perhaps it's here that things were


tel;work:919-854-7500 x103
org:Microcosm Technologies, Inc.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Project Leader
fn:Thomas McKay

[Tcl Java] HOW TO: Debugging TclBlend 1.2.3 with JDK 1.2 and Tcl 8.0.5

1999-08-20 Thread gleichtm

I have finally managed to get TclBlend 1.2.3 to load into Tcl 8.0.5. It turned
out that my version of the JDK runtime was somehow screwed up and wouldn't run
the simplest of apps with nothing more than a

System.out.println("Hello World!"); //Display the string.

in it. Reinstalling the JDK solved the problem. Unfortunately, it was very
difficult to find this problem, because the jvm was displaying a class not found
error message, but it flashed on the tclsh window so fast before the window
closed that you couldn't really see it. By debugging I must have slowed things
down just enough for it to be seen. Once I noticed that some kind of error was
being displayed, I opened a DOS command prompt and ran tclsh80d from there. This
allowed me to see the error message without the window closing on me. Once I
could see the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: error message it took me little
time to solve the actual problem.

I also got debugging working. The method is as follows for Visual Studio 6.x and
is probably similar for earlier versions as well.

(1) Turn debugging on in the makefile for tcl and tclblend and then build the
executable and dll respectively using nmake. Either use nmake if the file is
called makefile or use nmake -f makefile.vc for a file called makefile.vc.
(2) Set your paths to point to the executable and dll respectively.
(3) Open the tclsh80d.exe file using the open command in the file menu. This
will create a project with a single executable.
(4) Go to Project/Settings.../Debug Tab/Additional DLLs and set the module to be
the tclblend.dll. Click on the field below "Local Name" and a browse button will
appear to the right. Browse for the tclblend.dll to make sure you get the path
correct. Select OK.
(5) Run the executable using Build/Start Debug/Go or press the F5 function key.
(6) The Build menu item changes to Debug. Select Debug/Break.
(7) The executable should halt and a disassembled code window should come up.
(8) To get source code to show in the disassembly window select, View/Debug
(9) To place another breakpoint other than the one you are currently at, open a
pertinent source file, right click on the line of interest and select
Insert/Remove Breakpoint.

 Hope this info. helps somebody else.

   -=> Gregg

-- Forwarded by Gregg Leichtman/QPHL/Quintiles on 08/20/99
01:21 PM ---

Moses DeJong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/19/99 05:49:32 PM

To:   Gregg Leichtman/QPHL/Quintiles
Subject:  Re: [Tcl Java] Debugging TclBlend 1.2.3 with JDK 1.2 and Tcl 8.0.5?

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have succeeded in getting both Tcl 8.0.5 and TclBlend 1.2.3 built with
> debugging info. Unfortunately, I still get a crash as soon as the tclblend.dll
> is loaded. I turned on the debug flag in pkgIndex.tcl and everything seems in
> order. I noticed a link warning associated with the tclblend.dll build as
> set LIB=E:\VS6.0\VC98\lib

I think I got this warning from VC++ 6.0 too, it did not seem to break

> E:\VS6.0\VC98\bin\link.exe /debug:full /debugtype:cv /NODEFAULTLIB /RELEASE
> /NOLOGO /align:0x1000 /MACHINE:IX86 /entry:_DllMainCRTStartup@12 /dll
> /out:tclblend.dll E:\Tcl\Tcl8.0.5\src\win\Debug\tcl80d.lib
> E:\java\sun\jdk1.2.2\lib\jvm.lib msvcrtd.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib
> advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib @C:\TEMP\nma00176.
> LINK : warning LNK4108: /ALIGN specified without /DRIVER or /VXD; image may
> run
> Creating library tclblend.lib and object tclblend.exp

Perhaps the problem is that you did not tell the ide where to find
the source files for Tcl. After you attach to the running process I
think there is an "open sorce file" option of something. Once you open
the first source file the debugger should be able to open the others
automatically. I can't remember the exact option or pulldown but you
should be able to figure it out.

> I don't know if this warning can be ignored, but putting the /driver flag in
> link should not and did not solve the crashing problem and I can't imagine how
> the /vxd flag would help. I am quite new to Visual Studio and do not quite
> how to set up debugging so that I can walk through the source code. I was able
> to attach to the running tclsh80d process, but this only provides a
> which is pretty much useless to me.

Just create an empty "single executable" project and then set the
full path name of tclsh80d.exe in the debug tab, then run the debugger.
This should start up Tcl inside the debugger and open up the Tcl source
in the debug display. I have done this before and it works just fine.


> I also tried to create a project from the
> makefile, but this only created a project that contained one file --- the
> makefile --- which was also useless. I assume that you can debug the dll and