Re: goodbye to some isa devices

2013-03-27 Thread Chuck Guzis

On 03/27/2013 03:06 PM, Chris Cappuccio wrote:

OpenBSD/i386 isn't likely to  change major platform support any time
soon, if ever. The port for dropping legacy crap would be
OpenBSD/amd64. Now, look at its kernel config. You'll see, that was
already done. ta-da! I bought an old, high-end 80386 system from a
Goodwill store for $5 some 6 or 7 years ago. I was kinda depressed
that it wouldn't boot OpenBSD anymore, but then I wet my pants when I
got KA9Q NOS working on it.

That sounds pretty good--most of my EDA and other stuff is run on AMD64.

Didn't most of the Linuces drop pre-P2 support some time ago (ie.g. P1, 
AMD K6, etc.)?  It could be that getting the older architectures to work 
is as simple as recompiling the kernel, but I haven't checked into it. 
Maybe it would be handy to have a minimum binary distro just sufficient 
to boot and recompile from source, if need be.  So if you've got a 486 
or P1 K5, K6, Crusoe or whatever, you could still get there without 
searching out a more-up-to-date system.


Re: goodbye to some isa devices

2013-03-27 Thread Chuck Guzis

On 03/27/2013 01:01 PM, Creamy wrote:
Or, more realistically, perhaps you could just choose to maintain the 
-patch branch of a particular version that was of interest to you. For 
example, if we stopped supporting 486 in 6.0, by way of example, what 
is to stop you taking 6.0 and maintaining a -patch branch of it for 
ever more, backporting any new security and other important patches? 
Frankly, that would probably benefit the community much more than 
trying to keep the main distribution working on ancient kit forever 
more. Please don't put too much weight on a comment which was said 
quite casually as a small part of a much wider discussion. 

That's probably the best approach--as long as basic things such as 
networking protocols don't change too much, I can deal with the 
build-from-source-branch issue.

You can sort of see this business of deprecation creeping in, even 
though no broad consensus seems to be behind it.  For example, the 
current Linux X86 kernel apparently does not support some VIA IDE 
controllers (IIRC, VIA 8237?), so my Via Esther thin clients won't boot 
using it (OpenBSD runs fine, however).  So my hat's off to the community 
for keeping what it does keep.


Re: goodbye to some isa devices

2013-03-27 Thread Chuck Guzis

On 03/27/2013 09:35 AM, Alexey G. Khramkov wrote:
Please, don't do this. 

I've jumped from OpenBSD to NetBSD boat when SCSI driver were 
rewritten to the "new" version (between 3.1-stable and 3.2-stable), 
and my "very branded" HP NetServer with AIC-7770 (which can work on 
IRQ 14 when primary IDE channel is disabled or IRQ 15 when IDE channel 
is enabled, no other IRQs are possible) ceased to work. For now, my 
old Acer netbook with AMD Turion processor is "too old" for NetBSD (my 
touchpad doesn't work "out of the box"). That's why I'm reading this 
mail list. Just FYI.

I've got to join my voice with Alexey here.  A good part of my work is 
resurrecting and keeping old specialized industrial equipment going.  
This is the world where 8" floppies are not uncommon and I get requests 
to retrieve data from old DC300XL QIC carts.   Since the controller (and 
any interface cards) are part of what makes the equipment go, it just 
isn't a matter of getting a new commodity box and installing new 
software.  If you have a quarter-million invested in a specialized tool, 
it pays to keep it going as long as possible.

My point (and I think, Alexey's) is that not everyone uses BSD for 
browsing the web and exchanging email.  There are still some 
applications out there that are still running on the same equipment from 
20 years ago.  I find that NetBSD's "Of course it runs NetBSD" slogan 
rings a little hollow these days.

Perhaps expecting software to run on both new and old gear isn't 
practical.  If that's the case, I'll continue to hang onto my old copies 
of distros, the same way that I hang onto copies of MS-DOS, Windows 3.1 
and Windows 98.

All the best,
Chuck Guzis
Eugene, OR

HG2F09 "mystery" USB-to-ethernet adapter fix

2013-03-03 Thread Chuck Guzis
Lately, a bunch of cheap Chinese USB-to-Ethernet dongles have been 
making their appearance in various parts of the world by a Chinese 
vendor.  Often these can be gotten for around USD$2 or less. They're 
frequently referred to as "HG2f09" adapters.

The VID/PID is 066b/20f9, which would lead one to think that the maker 
is Linksys--except the PID doesn't appear in any Linksys registry.   So 
we've got a counterfeit.  (Why pay good money to IF-USB when you can 
just "borrow" a VID?  I've seen the same thing in cheap USB flash drives. )

A bit of probing shows the operative device is the Asix AX88772B (and 
has been verified by others).

The pragmatic approach would be to reprogram the serial configuration 
EEPROM in this thing to match something better known, say, the Linksys 
USB200, but Asix Taiwan is not forthcoming with their programming 
utility, citing "confidential, restricted to verified customers".I'm 
not inclined to tear my hair out trying to write a utility for a $2 part 
(there are some pretty good hints in the Asix datasheet).

Mine arrived with a mini-CD containing Windows drivers (uncertified, of 
course) and Linux source (no good for OpenBSD).

At any rate, a stopgap solution for me was to simply add the following 
line to the 5.2 USB if_axe.c axe_devs[] structure:

{ { USB_VENDOR_LINKSYS, 0x20f9}, AX772 | AX772B},  // Fake Linksys 

It's an ugly hack, but it seems to work just fine.  I have a bit of a 
dilemma tagging the code as if this really were a Linksys-badged 
device.  I'll leave the symbolic definitions to those official 
custodians of OpenBSD source for a cleaner version, should the need for 
this arise.

You can see the extent of the problem, just by searching the web for 

Perhaps there should be some sort of USB VID/PID "aliasing" capability 
to avoid having to rebuild the kernel for this sort of thing.

Submitted for whatever it's worth...

Chuck Guzis
Sydex, Inc.