Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread David J Taylor

The Pi has virtually no IOs, not good for any embedded system.
The BeagleBone Black on the other hand has plentt of IOs


You can see the RPi I/O connections here:

Hardly "virtually no IOs", and some of the pins can be re-assigned.

SatSignal Software - Quality software written to your requirements

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Don Latham
I'm surprised not to have seen the picaxe(s) mentioned. cheap enough,
easily programmed, large amount of re-useable code chunks, etc. Not for
production, but good enough for a few-off or individual projects,
cheaper than Arduinos...
Of course, I like New Micros. expensive (relatively) but directly
programmable in Forth  BTW, an Arduino can be converted to Forth as
> Nice topic. I learned at bit. One source of info on the PIC is a course
> book and
> programming kit, programmer, prototype board and components set up by
> the ARRL.
> You get all the stuff you need to get going. Software and a integrated
> development environment is provided. All in one package. They also have
> a couple of new courses on the Raspberry PI and the Arduino.
> I got into the PIC course last summer, read the extensive course book
> and learned to program the things. Made lights blink - also made LCD say
> "Hi Hottie" to my wife.
> My only comments -
> 1. Nice course for a beginner - my roots are old and in BASIC and
> FORTRAN  Still used today, on junker laptops. So it was fun go fool with
> assembly for while.
> 2. My impression is that the PICs are powerful if you do a lot with one,
> but there is a lot of work involved to get up the learning curve.
> 3. My conclusion is that my next venture - should it occur will be with
> an integrated product that I can program in high level, with good input
> and some display capability, because I just want to get on with the
> project, but then I am not making a production device.
> Others comments re the more complex boards appreciated and noted for
> future reference.
> -73 john k6iql
> -
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"Neither the voice of authority nor the weight of reason and argument
are as significant as experiment, for thence comes quiet to the mind."
De Erroribus Medicorum, R. Bacon, 13th century.
"If you don't know what it is, don't poke it."
Ghost in the Shell

Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
Six Mile Systems LLP
17850 Six Mile Road
POB 134
Huson, MT, 59846
VOX 406-626-4304

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread johncroos
Nice topic. I learned at bit. One source of info on the PIC is a course book 
programming kit, programmer, prototype board and components set up by the ARRL.

You get all the stuff you need to get going. Software and a integrated 
development environment is provided. All in one package. They also have a 
couple of new courses on the Raspberry PI and the Arduino. 

I got into the PIC course last summer, read the extensive course book and 
learned to program the things. Made lights blink - also made LCD say "Hi 
Hottie" to my wife.

My only comments -

1. Nice course for a beginner - my roots are old and in BASIC and FORTRAN  
Still used today, on junker laptops. So it was fun go fool with assembly for 

2. My impression is that the PICs are powerful if you do a lot with one, but 
there is a lot of work involved to get up the learning curve. 

3. My conclusion is that my next venture - should it occur will be with an 
integrated product that I can program in high level, with good input and some 
display capability, because I just want to get on with the project, but then I 
am not making a production device.

Others comments re the more complex boards appreciated and noted for future 

-73 john k6iql

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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Herbert Poetzl
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 09:26:02PM -0400, Bob Camp wrote:
> Hi

> I realize this is a bit like water torture - sorry about that.

> If I go to Microchip Direct and ask for a PIC 18F with two
> UARTS and two A/D's I get the PIC18F86J72 and PIC 18F87J72.
> To me the second one is the obvious winner. It's got twice
> the flash for next to nothing more money. 1-25 piece price is
> $6.04.

> Same search, 1 A/D, 4 UARTS, lowest cost this time. PIC18F65J94
> is the winner. Lowest price package is $3.30 in 1-25 pieces.

4 UARTS are untypical for PICs and result in higher price
as the device usually has more pins (which makes them more

> Are those some *very* arbitrary choices - you bet they are.
> They are random picks, and were not optimized to show any
> particular thing. Only to target an application that had some
> serial i/o and a bit of A/D involvement.

> Bottom line - not all PIC's are $1. once you start adding
> peripherals. For $6 over in ARM land, you can get a lot of
> chip. To be fair, my experience has been that you can do better
> in the PIC24 line once you start adding stuff. Searching the
> PIC24's is hard enough that my brief search tonight did not
> show up a lower cost part.

PIC24F04KA200 1 UART, 10 ADC, XLP, 1.38 USD (1.05 USD @1k)
PIC24EP32GP202 2 UART, 6 ADC, 2.76 USD (1.86 USD @1k)

One (dis)advantage of the Microchip PICs is that there
are so many different families and parts.


> Bob

> On May 25, 2013, at 9:05 PM, Bob Camp  wrote:

>> Hi

>> I just realized the "buy direct" button on that page requires a login. The 
>> single piece direct price is $9.70. First price break is at 25 pieces (to 
>> $8.95).

>> Bob

>> On May 25, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Bob Camp  wrote:

>>> Hi

>>> It's one of the Freescale K60's they have them in several speeds and 
>>> packages. Others have similar parts.


>>> hopefully shows the family information

>>> The first part on the list is the MK60FN1M0VLQ12 for 8% more money you can 
>>> get the 150 MHz core rather than the 120 MHz core version. Both have enough 
>>> pins that you can get at a lot of the peripherals at once. Both have enough 
>>> pins that they are not a lot of fun to solder by hand. Of course their BGA 
>>> cousins are even less hand solder friendly….

>>> Bob

>>> On May 25, 2013, at 6:48 PM, Graham / KE9H  wrote:

 On 5/25/2013 3:40 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
> You can get a part with 1MB of flash, 128KB of ram, 6 UARTS, 4 16 bit 
> A/D's, 10/100 Ethernet, USB, and a bunch of other stuff for less than 
> $10. Drop this and that, go to half the flash, and yup, the price is 1/2. 
> Comes with a free toolchain and two very capable free versions of RTOS.


 I was wondering which manufacturer/part you were referring to.

 --- Graham


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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Orin Eman
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Didier Juges  wrote:

> While I have often said that I have more time than money, I still consider
> that my time is too scarce (or valuable) for assembly language.
> My opinion is that the language for small embedded devices is C. Some may
> disagree, but after over 40 years of writing software for a whole bunch of
> platforms (obviously not all in C), I see no reason to switch to something
> else for small embedded systems.
> Therefore make sure you select a chip/family/architecture for which you
> can get a decent C compiler.
> Friends don't let friends write in assembly.

I agree entirely.

C is pretty close to assembly itself in a way... given its history where
*p1++ = *p2++; was one PDP-11 instruction.

It's so much easier to get a program going in C than PIC assembly; now
which way around do I have to put the operands to subtract a constant?  (I
had macros to do such things before I switched to a C compiler.)

I have tried a few PIC C compilers and actually paid money for the
SourceBoost compiler.  I look at the assembly output and it usually does at
least as good a job as I would.  If not and it's timing critical, I can
embed some assembly, though the little review I just did showed that the
timing critical parts were in C!

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Chris Albertson
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Didier Juges  wrote:
> My opinion is that the language for small embedded devices is C. Some may 
> disagree, but after over 40 years of writing software for a whole bunch of 
> platforms (obviously not all in C), I see no reason to switch to something 
> else for small embedded systems.
> Therefore make sure you select a chip/family/architecture for which you can 
> get a decent C compiler.

I've been at this for a long time too,   Yes C is the language now for
embedded devices but sometimes you need assembly for some odd-ball
critical case.   If so you can mix C and Assembly.  Typically you
would only ever write at most a few critical sections in assembly.

That is the best advice, find a good C compiler.  UNLESS this is all
new to you and you don't have years of programming experience.  In
that case get an Arduino.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Herbert Poetzl
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:04:59PM -0400, Bob Camp wrote:
> Hi

> If you are putting money into a Microchip programmer, I'd
> probably head over to the PIC Kit 3 rather than the 2. It will
> do debug as well as programming on the range of parts. 

Unfortunately the command line support is missing in the
PICkit 3, although there was/is an efford to make the 'new'
PICkit 3 compatible with the PICkit 2.
(as usualy, marketing decisions ... :)

And the PICkit 2 can do all the debugging the PICkit 3
does plus it can work as UART and Logic Analyzer as well.

> Having breakpoints and debug is a *good* thing.

Depends, using breakpoints and/or debug on time critical
stuff (like software PWM or UART) usually results in
unexpected results, more often it is simpler to add one
or more LEDs to display a state or do 'printf' style
debugging via serial (UART/I2C/SPI).

But as always, YMMV.


> Bob

> On May 25, 2013, at 9:44 PM, Herbert Poetzl  wrote:

>> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 08:46:03AM -0500, Jason Rabel wrote:
>>> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC
>>> chip for some smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good
>>> (and cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or
>>> website)? I have a fairly recent willem eprom programmer that
>>> I'm hoping I can use.

>> Microchip has good product selection tools like this one:
>> (note the plus signs on the right side of each section)

>>> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first
>>> project I would like to have it connected to a serial port on
>>> one of my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current
>>> time, or NTP/GPS info) and output that on a little LED display.

>> Depending on the type of LED display you have in mind, you
>> want to have PWM capabilities (multiplexing) and high
>> current source/sink, as well as an (E)U(S)ART for the serial
>> communication.

>> A four digit LED display can be easily controlled by a
>> PIC16F1503 (price about 0.8 USD, 14 pins) and the required
>> documents are available on the Microchip site:

>> You can do the UART part in software for low data rates
>> or simply take the PIC16F1508/9 which already includes 
>> an EUSART (price about 1.3 USD, 20 pins)

>> One programmer for many PIC chips (8 bit to 32 bit) is
>> the PICkit2 which can be bought for less than 30 USD
>> (via usb, works fine on Linux and MacOS as well)

>> HTH,
>> Herbert

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Clint Turner
Having used PICs since 1990, I've designed them into projects rather 
than getting a board like a Parallax or Arduino (either of which are far 
more expensive than the chip and the few components required to make it 
work) and then shoehorning someone else's board into my project.

Since the late 90's, I've used the PICC compiler (by CCS) which - once 
you know it - can produce reasonably tight code that is can also be 
fast:  I've done a number of audio DSP projects on 16F platforms - 
mostly in "C" - and had plenty of horsepower.  A bit expensive, but I 
updated only every 4-7 years and with as many projects that I've done (I 
have used rails of the things with personal/amateur/work projects as 
well as some commercial prototypes) the time/power is worth the cost.

The PICs that I use the most are the 12F683 - an 8-pin device with 10 
bits of A/D and a 10 bit PWM:  With a 20 MHz xtal, I've done audio DSP 
with this.  As it turns out, a great many projects require <=6 pins (the 
PIC using an internal R/C clock - 1 of the pins is input-only) and this 
will do the trick.

The other one that I use is the 16F88 - It has the A/D, PWM as well as 
I2C/SCL and USARTs and internal clocks - an 18 pin device, 16 of which 
can be used for I/O (1 of those only does "I").  With more RAM/Program 
memory, one can do more DSP than with the '683...

For more horsepower I'll often use the 18F2620/18F4620's - 28/40 pin 
devices (respectively) and these have more I/O and peripherals. There's 
are close cousins of this that also has hardware-based USB (I don't 
recall the number of an example, however...)

I've yet to do anything with the 24F and dsPICs, but maybe, the next 
time I update the compiler...



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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

If you are putting money into a Microchip programmer, I'd probably head over to 
the PIC Kit 3 rather than the 2. It will do debug as well as programming on the 
range of parts. Having breakpoints and debug is a *good* thing.


On May 25, 2013, at 9:44 PM, Herbert Poetzl  wrote:

> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 08:46:03AM -0500, Jason Rabel wrote:
>> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC
>> chip for some smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good
>> (and cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or
>> website)? I have a fairly recent willem eprom programmer that
>> I'm hoping I can use.
> Microchip has good product selection tools like this one:
> (note the plus signs on the right side of each section)
>> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first
>> project I would like to have it connected to a serial port on
>> one of my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current
>> time, or NTP/GPS info) and output that on a little LED display.
> Depending on the type of LED display you have in mind, you
> want to have PWM capabilities (multiplexing) and high
> current source/sink, as well as an (E)U(S)ART for the serial
> communication.
> A four digit LED display can be easily controlled by a
> PIC16F1503 (price about 0.8 USD, 14 pins) and the required
> documents are available on the Microchip site:
> You can do the UART part in software for low data rates
> or simply take the PIC16F1508/9 which already includes 
> an EUSART (price about 1.3 USD, 20 pins)
> One programmer for many PIC chips (8 bit to 32 bit) is
> the PICkit2 which can be bought for less than 30 USD
> (via usb, works fine on Linux and MacOS as well)
> HTH,
> Herbert
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

I have had several conversations with 16 bit chip designers over the past 
couple of years. Each time the M0 or similar ARM parts has come up. The 
consensus seems to be that getting (internal) funding for future 16 bit parts 
is going to be tough. The tiny 8 bit parts will survive and move forward. 
Getting the money for "the next big thing" in 16 bits - not likely.


On May 25, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Didier Juges  wrote:

> While I have often said that I have more time than money, I still consider 
> that my time is too scarce (or valuable) for assembly language.
> My opinion is that the language for small embedded devices is C. Some may 
> disagree, but after over 40 years of writing software for a whole bunch of 
> platforms (obviously not all in C), I see no reason to switch to something 
> else for small embedded systems.
> Therefore make sure you select a chip/family/architecture for which you can 
> get a decent C compiler.
> Friends don't let friends write in assembly.
> Nowadays, the Cortex M0 is on par price-wise with 8 bit controllers. If I had 
> to start over today, I would probably start there.
> Didier KO4BB
> Jason Rabel  wrote:
>> My reasoning for using a PIC (or similar) is mostly two factors.
>> First, simplicity... The few things I have in my head that I've wanted
>> to do aren't complicated or require special busses. It is
>> things that you could *probably* do with a whole pile of logic chips,
>> or keep it simple with just one PIC. ;)
>> Second, cost... Spending $30-$40 for a one time project is fine. But
>> say after 10 or so, the cost savings of a $2 chip vs $30
>> embedded system starts to add up.
>> I agree with you that I need to figure out the project details first
>> and what I'm trying to integrate with and work backwards. I'm
>> really glad people are giving me feedback though I didn't know so many
>> different options existed (and at so many different price
>> points). If you don't ask, you will never learn. ;) Both the Arduino
>> and TI Launchpad offerings look very intriguing.
>> I'm on no deadline, so time is not an issue. I just wanted a new
>> challenge and this is something I've wanted to dive into for a long
>> time.
>> Learning a programming language is not an issue. While I mostly write
>> code in PHP, Perl, and shell scripts these days, I used to and
>> am still somewhat familiar with C/C++. Most other programming languages
>> I've used in the past are now probably considered archaic or
>> defunct. ;)
>> Looks like I have a lot of reading to do now. Everyone's responses have
>> been most helpful!
>> Jason
>>> How did you decide to use a PIC and not one of the others such as the
>>> AVR MSP or whatever?   I don't want to argue for any of the others
>> but
>>> if you can't list 5 or 6 good reasons to use a PIC and you are not
>>> able to say why the oters cn't work for you then you've just selected
>>> something at random without thinking.  SO as a check, see if you can
>>> list pros and cons.
>>> You have to decide what you are going to USE the device for first.
>>> Some are bets for different purposes.  And also how much time you are
>>> willing to invest in learning.   How much programming experience do
>>> you have?
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> Sent from my Motorola Droid Razr 4G LTE wireless tracker while I do other 
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Didier Juges
The Pi has virtually no IOs, not good for any embedded system.
The BeagleBone Black on the other hand has plentt of IOs


Jim Lux  wrote:

>On 5/25/13 10:55 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:
>> 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40
>and requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Didier Juges
While I have often said that I have more time than money, I still consider that 
my time is too scarce (or valuable) for assembly language.

My opinion is that the language for small embedded devices is C. Some may 
disagree, but after over 40 years of writing software for a whole bunch of 
platforms (obviously not all in C), I see no reason to switch to something else 
for small embedded systems.

Therefore make sure you select a chip/family/architecture for which you can get 
a decent C compiler.

Friends don't let friends write in assembly.

Nowadays, the Cortex M0 is on par price-wise with 8 bit controllers. If I had 
to start over today, I would probably start there.

Didier KO4BB

Jason Rabel  wrote:

>My reasoning for using a PIC (or similar) is mostly two factors.
>First, simplicity... The few things I have in my head that I've wanted
>to do aren't complicated or require special busses. It is
>things that you could *probably* do with a whole pile of logic chips,
>or keep it simple with just one PIC. ;)
>Second, cost... Spending $30-$40 for a one time project is fine. But
>say after 10 or so, the cost savings of a $2 chip vs $30
>embedded system starts to add up.
>I agree with you that I need to figure out the project details first
>and what I'm trying to integrate with and work backwards. I'm
>really glad people are giving me feedback though I didn't know so many
>different options existed (and at so many different price
>points). If you don't ask, you will never learn. ;) Both the Arduino
>and TI Launchpad offerings look very intriguing.
>I'm on no deadline, so time is not an issue. I just wanted a new
>challenge and this is something I've wanted to dive into for a long
>Learning a programming language is not an issue. While I mostly write
>code in PHP, Perl, and shell scripts these days, I used to and
>am still somewhat familiar with C/C++. Most other programming languages
>I've used in the past are now probably considered archaic or
>defunct. ;)
>Looks like I have a lot of reading to do now. Everyone's responses have
>been most helpful!
>> How did you decide to use a PIC and not one of the others such as the
>> AVR MSP or whatever?   I don't want to argue for any of the others
>> if you can't list 5 or 6 good reasons to use a PIC and you are not
>> able to say why the oters cn't work for you then you've just selected
>> something at random without thinking.  SO as a check, see if you can
>> list pros and cons.
>> You have to decide what you are going to USE the device for first.
>> Some are bets for different purposes.  And also how much time you are
>> willing to invest in learning.   How much programming experience do
>> you have?
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Herbert Poetzl
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 08:46:03AM -0500, Jason Rabel wrote:
> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC
> chip for some smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good
> (and cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or
> website)? I have a fairly recent willem eprom programmer that
> I'm hoping I can use.

Microchip has good product selection tools like this one:
(note the plus signs on the right side of each section)

> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first
> project I would like to have it connected to a serial port on
> one of my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current
> time, or NTP/GPS info) and output that on a little LED display.

Depending on the type of LED display you have in mind, you
want to have PWM capabilities (multiplexing) and high
current source/sink, as well as an (E)U(S)ART for the serial

A four digit LED display can be easily controlled by a
PIC16F1503 (price about 0.8 USD, 14 pins) and the required
documents are available on the Microchip site:

You can do the UART part in software for low data rates
or simply take the PIC16F1508/9 which already includes 
an EUSART (price about 1.3 USD, 20 pins)

One programmer for many PIC chips (8 bit to 32 bit) is
the PICkit2 which can be bought for less than 30 USD
(via usb, works fine on Linux and MacOS as well)


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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

To *maybe* bring this back to a bit more timing related region of internet 

To make any of these parts really do timing "stuff" (as opposed to simply 
display strings) you need some glue. A CPLD or better yet an FPGA can give you 
a *lot* of glue for the money. A board with a Cyclone V and a K60 CPU might be 
able to do quite a bit for not a lot of money. Get "some guy in Australia" to 
make them up cheap ….

Duck and run for cover …..


On May 25, 2013, at 9:21 PM, Paul  wrote:

> On Sat May 25 20:18:20 EDT 2013
>>> A $9 USB to 3.3V serial adapter connects to
>>> the serial console unless you prefer ssh or VNC.
>> Once you have it up and running, sure...
>> Or maybe, someone has a SD image that you can just dump onto an SD
> The Pi, unlike the the Beaglebone Black (BBB) doesn't come with an OS.
> The two images I've used both support a serial console (via the USB port or
> the UART)
> where you can run the standard Pi set-up program to enable ssh.
> The BBB cleverly presents itself as a disk volume and then lets you
> ssh in via a virtual network running over the USB port on your
> computer that's also providing power.
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Paul
On Sat May 25 20:18:20 EDT 2013

>> A $9 USB to 3.3V serial adapter connects to
>> the serial console unless you prefer ssh or VNC.

>Once you have it up and running, sure...
>Or maybe, someone has a SD image that you can just dump onto an SD

The Pi, unlike the the Beaglebone Black (BBB) doesn't come with an OS.
The two images I've used both support a serial console (via the USB port or
the UART)
where you can run the standard Pi set-up program to enable ssh.

The BBB cleverly presents itself as a disk volume and then lets you
ssh in via a virtual network running over the USB port on your
computer that's also providing power.
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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

I realize this is a bit like water torture - sorry about that.

If I go to Microchip Direct and ask for a PIC 18F with two UARTS and two A/D's 
I get the PIC18F86J72 and PIC 18F87J72. To me the second one is the obvious 
winner. It's got twice the flash for next to nothing more money. 1-25 piece 
price is $6.04. 

Same search, 1 A/D, 4 UARTS, lowest cost this time. PIC18F65J94 is the winner. 
Lowest price package is $3.30 in 1-25 pieces. 

Are those some *very* arbitrary choices - you bet they are. They are random 
picks, and were not optimized to show any particular thing. Only to target an 
application that had some serial i/o and a bit of A/D involvement. 

Bottom line - not all PIC's are $1. once you start adding peripherals. For $6 
over in ARM land, you can get a lot of chip. To be fair, my experience has been 
that you can do better in the PIC24 line once you start adding stuff. Searching 
the PIC24's is hard enough that my brief search tonight did not show up a lower 
cost part. 


On May 25, 2013, at 9:05 PM, Bob Camp  wrote:

> Hi
> I just realized the "buy direct" button on that page requires a login. The 
> single piece direct price is $9.70. First price break is at 25 pieces (to 
> $8.95).
> Bob
> On May 25, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Bob Camp  wrote:
>> Hi
>> It's one of the Freescale K60's they have them in several speeds and 
>> packages. Others have similar parts.
>> hopefully shows the family information
>> The first part on the list is the MK60FN1M0VLQ12 for 8% more money you can 
>> get the 150 MHz core rather than the 120 MHz core version. Both have enough 
>> pins that you can get at a lot of the peripherals at once. Both have enough 
>> pins that they are not a lot of fun to solder by hand. Of course their BGA 
>> cousins are even less hand solder friendly….
>> Bob
>> On May 25, 2013, at 6:48 PM, Graham / KE9H  wrote:
>>> On 5/25/2013 3:40 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
 You can get a part with 1MB of flash, 128KB of ram, 6 UARTS, 4 16 bit 
 A/D's, 10/100 Ethernet, USB, and a bunch of other stuff for less than $10. 
 Drop this and that, go to half the flash, and yup, the price is 1/2. Comes 
 with a free toolchain and two very capable free versions of RTOS.
>>> Bob:
>>> I was wondering which manufacturer/part you were referring to.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --- Graham
>>> ==
>> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Herbert Poetzl
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 04:03:36PM -0700, Chris Albertson wrote:
> In general PICs need assembly language for many things.
> AVRs almost never need assembly. 

I've done quite a number of PIC projects, from low end
8 bit up to the high end 32 bit controllers, and except
for a really time critical software PWM solution I never
had to write in assembler (although I'm quite comfortable
with assembler code :)

> The reason is that the AVR designers studied C compilers
> and made the AVR an easy compiler target.

> A compiler writer like to have an "orthogonal" instruction 
> set and some other features. So the AVR compirrs generate 
> very good code and there is little reason to resort to 
> assembly

Recent PIC toolchains use gcc which allows for inline
assembly and provides a reasonable set of builtin 
instructions to allow for handling almost everything
within C.

The compiler does a good job, and there are proprietary
compilers available if you need to achieve really high
optimization (size or speed wise)


> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Rex  wrote:
>> On 5/25/2013 1:22 PM, Bob Camp wrote:

>>> If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series)
>>> you will likely need to learn PIC assembler. All my coding
>>> on those parts was in assembly language. They are old enough
>>> / slow enough / small RAM enough that things like C (or the
>>> other high level languages you listed) really don't do well
>>> on them.

>> Several years back I did a bunch of stuff with various PIC16
>> series chips. All of it, except for some minor assembler
>> tweaks, was done in C. Glad I did not know it wasn't
>> practical. I would have wasted a lot of time coding it in
>> assembler. Of course my goal was just getting something done,
>> not being elegant or very efficient. Time-nutty stuff like
>> TVB's frequency divider may require the detail and efficiency
>> only provided by assembler.

>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list --
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>> and follow the instructions there.

> -- 

> Chris Albertson
> Redondo Beach, California
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Bownes
I suspect Linux based systems are a few sigma away from the original goal of a 
cheap pic choice...:)

But to get back to the original point, you can get samples of most of the PIC 
chips from MicroChip for free. I think the limit is 3 per week. Or 30 days, I 
don't remember.


On May 25, 2013, at 20:36, Bob Camp  wrote:

> Hi
> If you want Linux, you probably also want something like an A9 or better. The 
> M0 and even the M4's MCU's are not really targeted at Linux. Can you pack it 
> into a big M4 - sure, it'll be a tight fit and you may not have everything 
> you really wanted to have. Oddly enough some of the M4's have better native 
> ethernet than some of their "big brothers". Weird….
> Bob
> On May 25, 2013, at 8:12 PM, wrote:
>> If you go arm cortex and linux, you will need to make your code a "service." 
>> You will want it to start up by itself and if for some reason it crashes, 
>> you will want it to restart itself. The buzzword is "harden" and the 
>> techniques vary depending on the distribution.
>> You should check the architecture of the system. I didn't realize many of 
>> these boards run the ethernet off the usb hub. My recollection is the a10 
>> used by Allwinner does not do that.
>> Opensuse has JEOS, which stands for Just Enough OS. Less is more!
>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list --
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>> and follow the instructions there.
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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

I just realized the "buy direct" button on that page requires a login. The 
single piece direct price is $9.70. First price break is at 25 pieces (to 


On May 25, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Bob Camp  wrote:

> Hi
> It's one of the Freescale K60's they have them in several speeds and 
> packages. Others have similar parts.
> hopefully shows the family information
> The first part on the list is the MK60FN1M0VLQ12 for 8% more money you can 
> get the 150 MHz core rather than the 120 MHz core version. Both have enough 
> pins that you can get at a lot of the peripherals at once. Both have enough 
> pins that they are not a lot of fun to solder by hand. Of course their BGA 
> cousins are even less hand solder friendly….
> Bob
> On May 25, 2013, at 6:48 PM, Graham / KE9H  wrote:
>> On 5/25/2013 3:40 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>>> You can get a part with 1MB of flash, 128KB of ram, 6 UARTS, 4 16 bit 
>>> A/D's, 10/100 Ethernet, USB, and a bunch of other stuff for less than $10. 
>>> Drop this and that, go to half the flash, and yup, the price is 1/2. Comes 
>>> with a free toolchain and two very capable free versions of RTOS.
>> Bob:
>> I was wondering which manufacturer/part you were referring to.
>> Thanks,
>> --- Graham
>> ==
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

It's one of the Freescale K60's they have them in several speeds and packages. 
Others have similar parts.

hopefully shows the family information

The first part on the list is the MK60FN1M0VLQ12 for 8% more money you can get 
the 150 MHz core rather than the 120 MHz core version. Both have enough pins 
that you can get at a lot of the peripherals at once. Both have enough pins 
that they are not a lot of fun to solder by hand. Of course their BGA cousins 
are even less hand solder friendly….


On May 25, 2013, at 6:48 PM, Graham / KE9H  wrote:

> On 5/25/2013 3:40 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>>  You can get a part with 1MB of flash, 128KB of ram, 6 UARTS, 4 16 bit 
>> A/D's, 10/100 Ethernet, USB, and a bunch of other stuff for less than $10. 
>> Drop this and that, go to half the flash, and yup, the price is 1/2. Comes 
>> with a free toolchain and two very capable free versions of RTOS.
> Bob:
> I was wondering which manufacturer/part you were referring to.
> Thanks,
> --- Graham
> ==

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

If you want Linux, you probably also want something like an A9 or better. The 
M0 and even the M4's MCU's are not really targeted at Linux. Can you pack it 
into a big M4 - sure, it'll be a tight fit and you may not have everything you 
really wanted to have. Oddly enough some of the M4's have better native 
ethernet than some of their "big brothers". Weird….


On May 25, 2013, at 8:12 PM, wrote:

> If you go arm cortex and linux, you will need to make your code a "service." 
> You will want it to start up by itself and if for some reason it crashes, you 
> will want it to restart itself. The buzzword is "harden" and the techniques 
> vary depending on the distribution.
> You should check the architecture of the system. I didn't realize many of 
> these boards run the ethernet off the usb hub. My recollection is the a10 
> used by Allwinner does not do that.
> Opensuse has JEOS, which stands for Just Enough OS. Less is more!
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Jim Lux

On 5/25/13 2:10 PM, Paul wrote:

*Jim Lux*
S*at May 25 16:53:50 EDT 2013*

* 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40***>and 
requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..

A $9 USB to 3.3V serial adapter connects to
the serial console unless you prefer ssh or VNC.

Once you have it up and running, sure.. heck, you could use Ethernet and 
telnet or ssh or and presumably set it up so it will boot off the 
network. But you need that way to get it configured.

Or maybe, someone has a SD image that you can just dump onto an SD, 
stick it in, it recognizes, boots and you're happy, and never hook up a 

A bit of googling did find such a thing, using Raspian Wheezy on a SD 
that has ethernet built into it, so it goes out and hits your dhcp 
daemon and then you can ssh to it

this *is* a bit more of a pain than "install IDE from install set, 
connect USB cable, start programming"

but it does give you access to a more sophisticated platform.  Albeit, 
I'm not as sure it's as "low level hardware control" oriented, but it 
would probably be ok.

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread lists
If you go arm cortex and linux, you will need to make your code a "service." 
You will want it to start up by itself and if for some reason it crashes, you 
will want it to restart itself. The buzzword is "harden" and the techniques 
vary depending on the distribution.

You should check the architecture of the system. I didn't realize many of these 
boards run the ethernet off the usb hub. My recollection is the a10 used by 
Allwinner does not do that.

Opensuse has JEOS, which stands for Just Enough OS. Less is more!

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

It always depends on what you are trying to do and what you are happy with as a 
result. Back when packing lots of stuff into a PIC mattered, the only way I 
could get it done (literally millions of lines of code spread across many 
dozens of projects) was with assembler. The C compilers that were available 
back then, and the compromises they required just didn't get enough done …


On May 25, 2013, at 6:39 PM, KD0GLS  wrote:

> On 25 May 2013, at 15:22, Bob Camp wrote:
>> If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely 
>> need to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly 
>> language. They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things 
>> like C (or the other high level languages you listed) really don't do well 
>> on them. 
> Well, not to be argumentative, but that certainly hasn't been my experience.  
> The overwhelming majority (95+%) of code I've written for PICs (numbering in 
> the high tens of thousands of lines) has been written in C and with 
> overwhelming success.  I've used it both professionally and casually on 8-bit 
> devices ranging from PIC18F all the way down to PIC10F with little trouble.  
> While I agree there will always be a place for assembly language on smaller 
> devices and for certain applications, I would never conclude that well 
> written C "doesn't do well" on PIC16s.  Furthermore, today's PIC16F product 
> line is quite broad, including several higher-performance parts which make 
> coding in C even more attractive.  They aren't all "old" and all "slow", at 
> least in their product class.  
> 73,
> Brent, KD0GLS, Minneapolis
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

At least on the code I've tried both ways, there's about a 2:1 difference in 
what you can get done on a low end PIC with assembly vs C. There are a lot of 
things you can get away with in assembler that drive a C compiler a bit nuts….


On May 25, 2013, at 5:24 PM, Rex  wrote:

> On 5/25/2013 1:22 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely 
>> need to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly 
>> language. They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things 
>> like C (or the other high level languages you listed) really don't do well 
>> on them.
> Several years back I did a bunch of stuff with various PIC16 series chips. 
> All of it, except for some minor assembler tweaks, was done in C. Glad I did 
> not know it wasn't practical. I would have wasted a lot of time coding it in 
> assembler. Of course my goal was just getting something done, not being 
> elegant or very efficient. Time-nutty stuff like TVB's frequency divider may 
> require the detail and efficiency only provided by assembler.
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Checking Time difference between PCs

2013-05-25 Thread Christopher Quarksnow
About using w32tm /stripchart and the µs resolution :
Despite RFC 1305 compliant, Microsoft w32tm is still bound to the clock
interrupt frequency fed to the processor :
So if you have a Cs clock as a reference in your computer, or maybe a
PTP-based external reference, you might not benefit from the µs


On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Bill Hawkins  wrote:

> Dear me!
> Your clock is off by four years and change!
> Bill Hawkins!
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Christopher Quarksnow
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 9:06 PM
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Checking Time difference between PCs
> This might do, even though I doubt the routines are using rdtsc to
> interpolate nondeterministic offset of the PIC architecture.
> w32tm /stripchart /computer: [/period:] [/dataonly]
> [/samples:]
> The current time is 3/8/2009 21:05:30 (local time).21:05:30
> d:+00.000s o:+00.3047845s
> Cheers,
> Chris
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Rex Moncur 
> wrote:
> > I wonder if anyone has suggestions as to how to check the timing
> variations
> > between two PCs that are running windows.
> >
> > The background to this request is that I am running two instances of
> the
> > Weak Signal Program WSJT on the same computer and get variations of
> +/-0.2
> > seconds.  It has been suggested that the variations might be caused by
> the
> > windows operating system.  As a check on this I am proposing to run
> two PCs
> > locked by GPS-18 USB and set by NMEATime which should show the
> difference
> > on
> > WSJT.  But is there some program that will show the difference due to
> the
> > PC
> > clocks alone? Or perhaps a program that outputs the PC time as a pulse
> on a
> > sound card so I can compare these on a CRO.
> >
> > Regards Rex VK7MO
> >
> > ___
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> > and follow the instructions there.
> >
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Chris Albertson
In general PICs need assembly language for many things.  AVRs almost
never need assembly.   The reason is that the AVR designers studied C
compilers and made the AVR an easy compiler target.

A compiler writer like to have an "orthogonal" instruction set and
some other features.  So the AVR compirrs generate very good code and
there is little reason to resort to assembly

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Rex  wrote:
> On 5/25/2013 1:22 PM, Bob Camp wrote:
>> If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely
>> need to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly
>> language. They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things
>> like C (or the other high level languages you listed) really don't do well
>> on them.
> Several years back I did a bunch of stuff with various PIC16 series chips.
> All of it, except for some minor assembler tweaks, was done in C. Glad I did
> not know it wasn't practical. I would have wasted a lot of time coding it in
> assembler. Of course my goal was just getting something done, not being
> elegant or very efficient. Time-nutty stuff like TVB's frequency divider may
> require the detail and efficiency only provided by assembler.
> ___
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Graham / KE9H

On 5/25/2013 3:40 PM, Bob Camp wrote:

  You can get a part with 1MB of flash, 128KB of ram, 6 UARTS, 4 16 bit A/D's, 
10/100 Ethernet, USB, and a bunch of other stuff for less than $10. Drop this 
and that, go to half the flash, and yup, the price is 1/2. Comes with a free 
toolchain and two very capable free versions of RTOS.


I was wondering which manufacturer/part you were referring to.

--- Graham

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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Hal Murray said:
> My question here is more pointed: If one is going to learn a new  system
> today for timing and other measurement/control projects, which  "empire" is
> likely the best one to choose? 

I'd split things into 3 piles.

PIC, AVR and friends are really small.  Scan the selector guides to get a 
feel for things.  A typical unit will have a few K of flash memory for the 
program and 256 bytes of RAM for data.  The I/O is limited by the number of 
pins.  It's reasonable to count cycles and do exact timing.  Don't expect 
much of the c library to be available.  This is the sort of thing you would 
use to control a microwave oven.  tvb has several examples.

The next step up is the low end ARM chips.  They have more RAM and flash, and 
the ALU is 32 bits wide.   (PIC and AVR have 16/32 bit versions that are 
pushing up into this space.)  You can write real code, just not a lot of it.  
A typical low end unit will have 16K RAM and 64K flash.  It's big brother 
might have 64K RAM and 256K of flash.

They typically come in clumps with several members of a family sharing the 
same set of peripherals but having different amounts of RAM and Flash.  Dev 
boards typically come with the biggest one.  You can save some cash when you 
get into production by using a smaller version.

You will need 3 chunks of documentation.
  One for the development environment.
  One for the peripherals.
  One for the instruction set.

If you code in c, you don't need to know all the instruction details, but you 
probably want to read the overview part of the manual so you know how the 
chip really works.

The high end is the SOC (system on chip) ARM units targeted at cell phones.  
They have off-chip DRAM so what you get depends on the board rather than the 
chip.  These can run Linux so you need to be a system administrator rather 
than (or as well as) a low level bit twiddler.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread KD0GLS

On 25 May 2013, at 15:22, Bob Camp wrote:

> If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely 
> need to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly 
> language. They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things 
> like C (or the other high level languages you listed) really don't do well on 
> them. 

Well, not to be argumentative, but that certainly hasn't been my experience.  
The overwhelming majority (95+%) of code I've written for PICs (numbering in 
the high tens of thousands of lines) has been written in C and with 
overwhelming success.  I've used it both professionally and casually on 8-bit 
devices ranging from PIC18F all the way down to PIC10F with little trouble.  
While I agree there will always be a place for assembly language on smaller 
devices and for certain applications, I would never conclude that well written 
C "doesn't do well" on PIC16s.  Furthermore, today's PIC16F product line is 
quite broad, including several higher-performance parts which make coding in C 
even more attractive.  They aren't all "old" and all "slow", at least in their 
product class.  

Brent, KD0GLS, Minneapolis

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Rex

On 5/25/2013 1:22 PM, Bob Camp wrote:

If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely need 
to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly language. 
They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things like C (or the 
other high level languages you listed) really don't do well on them.

Several years back I did a bunch of stuff with various PIC16 series 
chips. All of it, except for some minor assembler tweaks, was done in C. 
Glad I did not know it wasn't practical. I would have wasted a lot of 
time coding it in assembler. Of course my goal was just getting 
something done, not being elegant or very efficient. Time-nutty stuff 
like TVB's frequency divider may require the detail and efficiency only 
provided by assembler.

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Chris Albertson
I agree with everything below.  It is a good argument for AVR.   The
AVR was designed specifically wit the needs of the compliter writer in
mind.  Because of this C compilers can generate very good AVR code and
there is rarely a good reason to program an AVR in assembly, although
you can.

The low-end AVRs start at under $1 for an 8-pin model and go up.   As
was said below the total cost of a project.  But with uP being so
cheap you might use several.  Perhaps one just to read a rotary shaft
encoder and the rest of the front panel.  Use another one to red
sensors and so on.  At $1 each it is some time easier to use several
then to figure out how to multi-task a larger controller.

But as was said be me and others the tool chain matters a lot.  These
chips are so cheap at $1 each that cost is not an issue but your TIME
is.   So what you might do is download the tool chains.  Try them out.
 You don't need tha hardware to compile a program.  Some might even
have simulators.   So try out developmnt systsms and shee which of
them you like.The Arduimo is self contained, as is TI's launch
pad.  Some AVR or PIC tool chains are DIY with terminal windows, and
text editors or you can use Eclipse.   Set up a few and find which you
think you  like.

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Bob Camp  wrote:
> Hi
> If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely 
> need to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly 
> language. They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things 
> like C (or the other high level languages you listed) really don't do well on 
> them.
> A PIC might cost you $1.31. The pc board it goes on will likely cost you $10 
> in quantity. The regulators and clock source might cost you $2. Throw in $3 
> for resistors, capacitors, and connectors. If you go for a one up PC board, 
> figure $50 or so. All of that is before you do anything related to your 
> project. That will likely add cost for a power supply, an enclosure, and 
> often a display. It is not at all unusual for your total outlay for even a 
> simple project to hit $100. In that case the micro is 1% of the total cost. A 
> very fancy,  factor of 100 better micro than a basic PIC is *maybe* $6 these 
> days. Depending on how you define and measure better, the answer could be $3.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] 9390 GPS RX

2013-05-25 Thread Ed Palmer

On 5/25/2013 12:43 AM, Mark C. Stephens wrote:

Hey Ed, Just knocked up a temperature sensor with a Dallas single wire 
temperature sensor thingy, a pic and an LCD display.
So, I will know for sure I am hitting the xtal turning point.
I figured you had been right about everything so perhaps my temperature gun was 
It's probably a handy bit of kit to have, because no doubt I have a couple of 
ovens here that are playing up ad some sort of accurate temperature measurement 
and logging would be a handy bit of kit to have.
It spits out the time and temperature reading once per second via a serial 
interface as well as displays in on the LCD..
I had already sort of written the code 10 years ago, just hadn't gotten around 
to finishing the hardware. :)
A few changes here and there for the pic pin out and it worked!
Just going through the warm-up cycle now, I expect an hour should do it.
Seems to be heating that crystal very slowly.
I think there still may be a problem around that wee transistor that limits the 
current to the heater transistor.
Or perhaps by putting the right value 6K81 resistor and a new op-amp changed 
the dynamics and I may need to revisit R8.
I have checked the PSU, its 17.3v spot on.
I checked the temperature after an hour and it was only 58 degrees ):
I stuck a resistance box across R8 and adjusted until I got ~79 on my 
temperature meter.
The resistance is 680R which seems very low to me, but not outside the circuit 

As you change R8, watch the frequency of the oscillator as it changes.  
When your temperature meter shows 79C, is the frequency at its lowest 
point?  Although the frequency changes with age, I've never seen 
anything to suggest that the turning point changes with age.  Anyone 
reading this, please correct me if I'm wrong. Regardless of the actual 
temperature, you want to adjust the crystal temperature so that you hit 
the turning point.  For an AT crystal, that will give you the lowest 
frequency.  Once you get to the turning point you will see if you will 
be able to get it working by changing the capacitors.  For test 
purposes, if the crystal frequency is only slightly out of range, change 
the temperature with R8 until you can get to 10 MHz.

But appear to have dug myself into a hole.

It looks like the hole was already there.  But you kind of jumped in 
with both feet!  :)

I disconnected the EFC as per the manual and hooked up a 10K 'Pot' across the 
17.3v supply and the wiper to the crystal boards E9 point (EFC)
At zero volts the 10 MHz is very high at around 1500 and at 17.3 volts it 
is around 1650.
So, there is either a problem, with the crystal or the surrounding circuit.

If the crystal really has drifted that far you might have trouble 
pulling it back.  Check the temperature as shown above.  Note that your 
frequency is too high and that's just what you would expect if you were 
away from the crystal turning point.

Looking at the circuit C11 and C12 are selectable components.
C11 selects the centre frequency and C12 selects the adjust range.
The range in the circuit is specified as 4.7 to 100 pf, but my schematic is a 
bit blurry so it could be 4.7pf to 180pf.
So I went from 10pf -> 100pf for C11.
At 100 Pf the 10Mhz is closest at ~1300 (with 0v EFC)
There is no way I will hit 10Mhz by adjusting C11.

My copy of the schematic isn't any clearer than yours.  But, who cares 
what the manual says?  Load on more capacitance and see what happens.  
If it works, it works.  Make sure that any capacitor you use there is 

I guess my next step is to pull the board out again and check components, 
especially C3/C4/C5.

The manual only talks about C10, C11, and C12 as affecting the 
frequency.  C3 looks like it might resonate with T1 to couple the 10 MHz 
to the next stage.  A fault there would affect the output amplitude, but 
not the frequency.  It wouldn't hurt to check C4 and C5.  Running high 
in frequency suggests that a capacitor has dropped in value which is a 
likely failure mode if, for example, it cracked.

No hope of lock when the EFC can't pull the Xtal into the correct frequency is 

Nope.  The oscillator has to hit 10 MHz and it should have room to spare 
on the EFC to accomodate shifts in temperature, voltage, aging, etc.

I am wondering if we getting off subject for the list?

If a repair saga of a relatively common Rb standard is off-topic, the 
list is in a really sad state.

Final point:  SLOW DOWN!!!  You're changing too much, too fast. You're 
taking the thing apart and putting it together multiple times.  This 
circuit is over 20 years old and has spent it's entire working life 
running hot.  The boards are getting brittle and the glue holding the 
traces onto the board is fragile.  There are parts that are completely 
irreplaceable.  You're going to ruin it if you keep going the way you 
are.  I know you're enthusiastic, but less speed often results in more 


Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Attila Kinali
On Sat, 25 May 2013 23:42:19 +0200
Attila Kinali  wrote:

> Last but not least: There is an advantage in using more popular
> chips (AVR, Arm Cortex-M). You will find more knowhow and help on the
> net for the toolchain or other problems. You will find more ready made
> libraries and code collections out there. And you will have a gcc version
> with less bugs.

A little addendum:
Although a lot of Arm chips are out there today, the Arm part only
concerns the core of the chip. Ie the assembler, the registers and
memory layout (with Cortex-M also the interrupt and part of the clock
system). The whole rest is _not_ standardized and varies from manufacturer
to manufacturer, even between differnt lines of the same manufacturer.

You will have an easier time switching from one Arm family to another,
as you can keep your toolchain mostly unchanged. But you will have to
change all drivers for your peripherals and some of the code that deals
with clocks and interrupts. Ie it is a lot less work then switching
to a totally new architecture, but the cost is not zero.

Attila Kinali

The people on 4chan are like brilliant psychologists
who also happen to be insane and gross.
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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Attila Kinali
On Sat, 25 May 2013 16:09:11 -0400
"Charles P. Steinmetz"  wrote:

> On another thread, Bob wrote:
> >If the objective is to complete a very simple, low powered project 
> >and be done with it, go with the Arduino. If the objective is to 
> >learn an empire, be very careful about which empire you pick. The 
> >ARM boys are quickly gobbling up a lot of territory that once was 
> >populated by a number of competing CPU's. Learning this stuff, and 
> >getting good at it is a significant investment of time.
> I'm starting a new thread because I don't want to hijack the first 
> one, which I'm hoping will continue to provide useful information 
> about the broad continuum of available devices, from the "easy enough 
> for a child to assemble and program" to the "need to learn machine language."
> My question here is more pointed: If one is going to learn a new 
> system today for timing and other measurement/control projects, which 
> "empire" is likely the best one to choose?
> Some of the more systemic (less application-oriented) factors would 
> be, which system is more versatile?  Which has the most useful PC 
> cards (or development kits) available that do not require the user to 
> start with a bare chip?  Which is likely to be around and supported 
> longer?  Which is easier to program?  For which is one likely to find 
> more programs to study and pirate, more libraries, etc.?  Which is 
> easier to outfit with removable memory (USB drives, memory cards, 
> etc.)?  Which has better and faster ADCs and DACs?  I'm sure there 
> are lots of other factors worth considering, as well.

You are asking a difficult question. And one for which the answer
changes over time... a lot!

I would ask the question slightly different: What is your limiting
factor? Time or money?

Most hobby projects will be somewhere inbetween time and money limited.
If you know which one limits you more, you have a better chance to
choose the right uC family.

Given that you know what your uC should be able to do and you know the
technically limiting factors (power consumption, computation power,
special peripherals, interfaces to the outside world, space) and you
have an idea what the uC landscape looks like out there, you can choose
one based on how much it costs or how much work it involves to get
it up and running.

Please do not forget that designing a uC board, or even using an evaluation
board, takes the least of our time. A lot more time is spend writing
the software. I.e. when selecting a uC you should do a quick search
for libraries and/or RTOS for the families you consider. Having a good
library that you can rely on to do the ground work (like controlling
a serial interface, or doing I2C transfers) can save you a lot of time.
Oh, and do yourself a favor and have a look how the code of the library
looks like, especially if it is provided by the chip manufacturer himself.
Most of these are very badly written and are more work to use than writing
it yourself from scratch.

Good documentation, ie fully available datasheets, with lots of explenations
and diagrams, are a must. You don't want to reverse engineer what the
designers did to write your ADC driver. A good example how to do it is
IMHO Ti. Their datasheets are as complete as i can imagine them to be
and they provide with each chip an extensive and embarassingly large
errata. You do want this. Knowing the bugs of your uC is key to everything.
If a manufacturer doesn't have an errata, look for someone else. Chips
have bugs, all of them. An example how not to do it, is Atmel.
Altough their datasheets are not too bad (sometimes confusing, sometimes
lack in detail, sometimes just damn wrong, but generally ok), they have
very little erratas, if at all. And when you report to them that their chip
has an undocumented bug, they just ignore you.

Using a slightly larger uC than necessary will also shorten software
development time, as it allows you to "waste" resources by taking
shortcuts in software. Ie i would rather go for a 32bit uC for a hobby
project with lots of internal Flash and RAM than a tinsy 16bit, so
i dont have to deal with limited memory.

Also, if gcc or a gcc derivative supports the uC this is a _BIG_ plus.
gcc might not be the best compiler out there, but it beats the heck out
of most of the comercial ones. Not to mention that some of those tend
to miscompile your code in mysterious ways, if you switch from one
license to another (as i have recently experienced with IAR).

That said, i wouldnt fixate myself on one or the other uC family at all.
Once you have seen one of them, you have seen all of them. These days,
the uC work all in quite similar ways. Mostly RISC or RISC-like architectures,
neatly hidden behind a compiler. What you usally have to deal with are the
peripherals, which tend to have only a handfull ways how they can be
done (I2C, SPI, ADCs etc aren't complex enough to varant tottaly different
interfaces). Maybe you have to deal with th

Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Gary Chatters

On 05/25/2013 03:08 PM, Jason Rabel wrote:

My reasoning for using a PIC (or similar) is mostly two factors.

First, simplicity... The few things I have in my head that I've wanted to do 
aren't complicated or require special busses. It is
things that you could *probably* do with a whole pile of logic chips, or keep 
it simple with just one PIC. ;)

Sounds like an 8-bit PIC or AVR would do for you (more detail needed to 
be sure).  But it may or may not make your project simple.  Using a 
microcontroller will, to some extent, convert the project from a 
hardware to a software project.

After one experience writing a assembler function for an 8-bit PIC, I 
decided I liked the AVR instruction set better.  The AVR data sheets are 
over 400 pages, so there is a lot of capability or a lot to learn 
depending on how you look at it.

Second, cost... Spending $30-$40 for a one time project is fine. But say after 
10 or so, the cost savings of a $2 chip vs $30
embedded system starts to add up.

It's never just the chip.  However, there are a lot of little boards 
with the processor chip on them.  Some are down in the $10 to $20 range. 
Look through Olimex (available from Mouser) and Sparkfun.

I agree with you that I need to figure out the project details first and what 
I'm trying to integrate with and work backwards. I'm
really glad people are giving me feedback though I didn't know so many 
different options existed (and at so many different price
points). If you don't ask, you will never learn. ;) Both the Arduino and TI 
Launchpad offerings look very intriguing.

It can be quite a task selecting the right microcontroller.  Each chip 
in a series has the same basic processing core.  Then they add memory: 
RAM, Flash for program, and EEPROM in varying amounts, then on chip 
peripherals: UARTs, counter/timers, SPI interfaces, ADCs, etc.

One thing to keep in mind is that they usually do not have enough pins 
to use all the peripherals at the same time.  Each pin may have two or 
three alternative functions, one of which must be selected by software 
at startup.  Once you select a chip with the peripherals you want, check 
to be sure all the right data lines come out to separate pins.

I'm on no deadline, so time is not an issue. I just wanted a new challenge and 
this is something I've wanted to dive into for a long

I have only worked on a few AVR projects (two using Arduino boards). 
They are fun to work with if you like working close to the hardware. I 
hope we are not discouraging you at all.  Just pick something and get 

Learning a programming language is not an issue. While I mostly write code in 
PHP, Perl, and shell scripts these days, I used to and
am still somewhat familiar with C/C++. Most other programming languages I've 
used in the past are now probably considered archaic or
defunct. ;)

Microcontroller development tends to be in C/C++.  You may occasionally 
find a use for assembler.

The Arduino development environment uses C/C++ code. I do not like the 
environment all that much, though.  It sets up a lot things in the 
background to make development easy for beginners.  That makes some 
tasks, such as using timers, more difficult.

Looks like I have a lot of reading to do now. Everyone's responses have been 
most helpful!


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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Dale J. Robertson
Even with graphics it works fine (I think it works better) headless using X or 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 25, 2013, at 17:05, mike cook  wrote:

> Le 25 mai 2013 à 22:53, Jim Lux a écrit :
>> On 5/25/13 10:55 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:
>>> 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40
>> and requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..
> If you don't need graphics it runs fine headless using putty to ssh into.
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Hal Murray
>> 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40
> and requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..

It's got an ethernet.  You can ssh in to it from your PC.  "Headless" is the 

It may be easier to get started if you plug in a display and keyboard.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Robert LaJeunesse
For the original Arduino Uno the $30 cost may be true, but there are lots of 
other options in the Arduino family. The Pro Mini 
( is only $10, being that it uses an 
external serial to USB adapter (such as 
the The $18 cost of the adapter cable 
is spread across all one's projects, reducing the average. Obviously this would 
not be the case for any project requiring a dedicated Arduino to PC connection.

The Pro Mini would also work with a MAX232 chip and an RS-232 serial port, if 
that's what you have.

Bare DIP chips with the Arduino bootloader can be had for $5 or less for those 
who want to build from scratch.

Even cheaper are the raw Atmel ATMEGA328 chips, usable with the Arduino 
environment once flashed with the proper bootloader. Not hard to do if you have 
the low-cost AVR programmer from Pololu 
Bob LaJeunesse

From: Chris Albertson 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement 
Sent: Sat, May 25, 2013 4:15:33 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

I...  And as you say, you need to spend $30 per project. ...
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread mike cook

Le 25 mai 2013 à 22:53, Jim Lux a écrit :

> On 5/25/13 10:55 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:
>> 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40
> and requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..

If you don't need graphics it runs fine headless using putty to ssh into.

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Paul
>*Jim Lux*
>S*at May 25 16:53:50 EDT 2013*
>>* 3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40***>and 
>>requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..

A $9 USB to 3.3V serial adapter connects to
the serial console unless you prefer ssh or VNC.

Likewise the Beaglebone.
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Jim Lux

On 5/25/13 10:55 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:

3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40

and requires a HDMI or DVI monitor..

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Re: [time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

As I've mentioned before, the ARM parts are getting to be pretty pervasive. The 
toolchains are quite good. The peripherals are extensive and they seem to work 
well. I have a preference for the Freescale versions, but there are a *lot* of 
people out there making them. They similarities between them are greater in 
most cases than the differences. You can get a part with 1MB of flash, 128KB of 
ram, 6 UARTS, 4 16 bit A/D's, 10/100 Ethernet, USB, and a bunch of other stuff 
for less than $10. Drop this and that, go to half the flash, and yup, the price 
is 1/2. Comes with a free toolchain and two very capable free versions of RTOS.

Why harp so much on toolchain stuff? Well, some of these outfits seem to think 
that $1,000 or $10,000 is a reasonable thing to pay for a single seat license 
of a full featured tool suite. The same is true in the RTOS world once you get 
past the "training wheels" versions. Not everything does well running under 
Linux. I would much rather have a proper RTOS for most embedded tasks.


On May 25, 2013, at 4:09 PM, "Charles P. Steinmetz" 

> On another thread, Bob wrote:
>> If the objective is to complete a very simple, low powered project and be 
>> done with it, go with the Arduino. If the objective is to learn an empire, 
>> be very careful about which empire you pick. The ARM boys are quickly 
>> gobbling up a lot of territory that once was populated by a number of 
>> competing CPU's. Learning this stuff, and getting good at it is a 
>> significant investment of time.
> I'm starting a new thread because I don't want to hijack the first one, which 
> I'm hoping will continue to provide useful information about the broad 
> continuum of available devices, from the "easy enough for a child to assemble 
> and program" to the "need to learn machine language."
> My question here is more pointed: If one is going to learn a new system today 
> for timing and other measurement/control projects, which "empire" is likely 
> the best one to choose?
> Of course, much depends on "what do you want to do with it?"  So, perhaps, 
> the ultimate answer will be several families, each for a class of 
> applications.  But on the other hand, some families may have a range of 
> models that fulfill a wide range of applications.  Also, my personal approach 
> does not require squeezing each project into the most minimal hardware 
> possible -- as long as the added expense isn't huge, I'm fine with using more 
> resources than necessary for smaller tasks if it means my investment in 
> learning the system (and in programming tools) is leveraged more broadly.  
> Also, my personal needs generally do not run to battery or other low-power 
> systems, so low power drain is not of great importance to me.
> Some of the more systemic (less application-oriented) factors would be, which 
> system is more versatile?  Which has the most useful PC cards (or development 
> kits) available that do not require the user to start with a bare chip?  
> Which is likely to be around and supported longer?  Which is easier to 
> program?  For which is one likely to find more programs to study and pirate, 
> more libraries, etc.?  Which is easier to outfit with removable memory (USB 
> drives, memory cards, etc.)?  Which has better and faster ADCs and DACs?  I'm 
> sure there are lots of other factors worth considering, as well.
> There may be good resources already available that address these issues.  If 
> so, pointers would be appreciated.
> Any books people recommend to get a feel for applying and programming these 
> devices?
> Much appreciated,
> Charles
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Re: [time-nuts] Shera code

2013-05-25 Thread Arnold Tibus
Thank you for these additional informations, Bert !


Am 25.05.2013 21:58, schrieb
> Questions have come up on the recent release of the Shera  code. All 
> software commands with the exception of Auto N get lost in case of  power 
> failure. 
> Auto N is stored in EEPROM. After power fail Dip switches take  over. Alpha 
> filter can be activated with software commands or switch #5. #5 can  be DAC 
> Hold or Alpha present compiled code is Alpha. An open switch on #5 is  
> Alpha on. In manual or auto N Alpha is first engaged in filter 4 position. If 
> auto N is enabled and there is a power fail and #5 is open code will run up 
> to  the value selected by the Dip switches and once it reaches 4 enables 
> Alpha  filter. Also some status commands have been added listed below
> Bert Kehren
> ;Status bits  (RS232):
> ;   bits  
> ;   0-7 N value as always
> ;+10 glitch detected 
> ;+20 alpha filter actually used 
> ;+50 alpha filter enabled 
> ;+100"unlock" LED on 
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

If you are going to code on a cheap PIC (the PIC16 series) you will likely need 
to learn PIC assembler. All my coding on those parts was in assembly language. 
They are old enough / slow enough / small RAM enough that things like C (or the 
other high level languages you listed) really don't do well on them. 

A PIC might cost you $1.31. The pc board it goes on will likely cost you $10 in 
quantity. The regulators and clock source might cost you $2. Throw in $3 for 
resistors, capacitors, and connectors. If you go for a one up PC board, figure 
$50 or so. All of that is before you do anything related to your project. That 
will likely add cost for a power supply, an enclosure, and often a display. It 
is not at all unusual for your total outlay for even a simple project to hit 
$100. In that case the micro is 1% of the total cost. A very fancy,  factor of 
100 better micro than a basic PIC is *maybe* $6 these days. Depending on how 
you define and measure better, the answer could be $3. 

There really is no way to use a PIC without something around it. The chip can't 
just float in mid air. You will always have the "stuff" that goes around it. 
It's never really a choice between a single IC and an entire assembly. 


On May 25, 2013, at 3:08 PM, Jason Rabel  wrote:

> My reasoning for using a PIC (or similar) is mostly two factors.
> First, simplicity... The few things I have in my head that I've wanted to do 
> aren't complicated or require special busses. It is
> things that you could *probably* do with a whole pile of logic chips, or keep 
> it simple with just one PIC. ;)
> Second, cost... Spending $30-$40 for a one time project is fine. But say 
> after 10 or so, the cost savings of a $2 chip vs $30
> embedded system starts to add up.
> I agree with you that I need to figure out the project details first and what 
> I'm trying to integrate with and work backwards. I'm
> really glad people are giving me feedback though I didn't know so many 
> different options existed (and at so many different price
> points). If you don't ask, you will never learn. ;) Both the Arduino and TI 
> Launchpad offerings look very intriguing.
> I'm on no deadline, so time is not an issue. I just wanted a new challenge 
> and this is something I've wanted to dive into for a long
> time.
> Learning a programming language is not an issue. While I mostly write code in 
> PHP, Perl, and shell scripts these days, I used to and
> am still somewhat familiar with C/C++. Most other programming languages I've 
> used in the past are now probably considered archaic or
> defunct. ;)
> Looks like I have a lot of reading to do now. Everyone's responses have been 
> most helpful!
> Jason
>> How did you decide to use a PIC and not one of the others such as the
>> AVR MSP or whatever?   I don't want to argue for any of the others but
>> if you can't list 5 or 6 good reasons to use a PIC and you are not
>> able to say why the oters cn't work for you then you've just selected
>> something at random without thinking.  SO as a check, see if you can
>> list pros and cons.
>> You have to decide what you are going to USE the device for first.
>> Some are bets for different purposes.  And also how much time you are
>> willing to invest in learning.   How much programming experience do
>> you have?
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Chris Albertson
If you have enough software development experience then maybe you
don't need the Arduino.  It is best if you have none.  And as you say,
you need to spend $30 per project.

But you might still consider some kind of flash based chip.  These can
download new revisions of your software nearly instantly. If yu are
writing code the ability to quickly make an edit and re-test speeds up
the process.   If you have to move a chip from you project to a
programmer board, re-burn the ROM then move the chip back.  It will
take "forever".  THat is what people used to do.  But if the chip has
a boot loader and FLASH then you have a faster development cycle.
Also if you even publish the design others will not need a programmer

The chip hardly matters.  It's the development environment that
matters.  Flash-based boot loaders make for easy development and
unless you are building 100,000 units the extra $1 they add to the
chip is not worth worrying about

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Jason Rabel
> My reasoning for using a PIC (or similar) is mostly two factors.
> First, simplicity... The few things I have in my head that I've wanted to do 
> aren't complicated or require special busses. It is
> things that you could *probably* do with a whole pile of logic chips, or keep 
> it simple with just one PIC. ;)
> Second, cost... Spending $30-$40 for a one time project is fine. But say 
> after 10 or so, the cost savings of a $2 chip vs $30
> embedded system starts to add up.
> I agree with you that I need to figure out the project details first and what 
> I'm trying to integrate with and work backwards. I'm
> really glad people are giving me feedback though I didn't know so many 
> different options existed (and at so many different price
> points). If you don't ask, you will never learn. ;) Both the Arduino and TI 
> Launchpad offerings look very intriguing.
> I'm on no deadline, so time is not an issue. I just wanted a new challenge 
> and this is something I've wanted to dive into for a long
> time.
> Learning a programming language is not an issue. While I mostly write code in 
> PHP, Perl, and shell scripts these days, I used to and
> am still somewhat familiar with C/C++. Most other programming languages I've 
> used in the past are now probably considered archaic or
> defunct. ;)
> Looks like I have a lot of reading to do now. Everyone's responses have been 
> most helpful!
> Jason
>> How did you decide to use a PIC and not one of the others such as the
>> AVR MSP or whatever?   I don't want to argue for any of the others but
>> if you can't list 5 or 6 good reasons to use a PIC and you are not
>> able to say why the oters cn't work for you then you've just selected
>> something at random without thinking.  SO as a check, see if you can
>> list pros and cons.
>> You have to decide what you are going to USE the device for first.
>> Some are bets for different purposes.  And also how much time you are
>> willing to invest in learning.   How much programming experience do
>> you have?
> ___
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Chris Albertson
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[time-nuts] Follow-up question re: microcontroller families

2013-05-25 Thread Charles P. Steinmetz

On another thread, Bob wrote:

If the objective is to complete a very simple, low powered project 
and be done with it, go with the Arduino. If the objective is to 
learn an empire, be very careful about which empire you pick. The 
ARM boys are quickly gobbling up a lot of territory that once was 
populated by a number of competing CPU's. Learning this stuff, and 
getting good at it is a significant investment of time.

I'm starting a new thread because I don't want to hijack the first 
one, which I'm hoping will continue to provide useful information 
about the broad continuum of available devices, from the "easy enough 
for a child to assemble and program" to the "need to learn machine language."

My question here is more pointed: If one is going to learn a new 
system today for timing and other measurement/control projects, which 
"empire" is likely the best one to choose?

Of course, much depends on "what do you want to do with it?"  So, 
perhaps, the ultimate answer will be several families, each for a 
class of applications.  But on the other hand, some families may have 
a range of models that fulfill a wide range of applications.  Also, 
my personal approach does not require squeezing each project into the 
most minimal hardware possible -- as long as the added expense isn't 
huge, I'm fine with using more resources than necessary for smaller 
tasks if it means my investment in learning the system (and in 
programming tools) is leveraged more broadly.  Also, my personal 
needs generally do not run to battery or other low-power systems, so 
low power drain is not of great importance to me.

Some of the more systemic (less application-oriented) factors would 
be, which system is more versatile?  Which has the most useful PC 
cards (or development kits) available that do not require the user to 
start with a bare chip?  Which is likely to be around and supported 
longer?  Which is easier to program?  For which is one likely to find 
more programs to study and pirate, more libraries, etc.?  Which is 
easier to outfit with removable memory (USB drives, memory cards, 
etc.)?  Which has better and faster ADCs and DACs?  I'm sure there 
are lots of other factors worth considering, as well.

There may be good resources already available that address these 
issues.  If so, pointers would be appreciated.

Any books people recommend to get a feel for applying and programming 
these devices?

Much appreciated,


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[time-nuts] Shera code

2013-05-25 Thread EWKehren
Questions have come up on the recent release of the Shera  code. All 
software commands with the exception of Auto N get lost in case of  power 
Auto N is stored in EEPROM. After power fail Dip switches take  over. Alpha 
filter can be activated with software commands or switch #5. #5 can  be DAC 
Hold or Alpha present compiled code is Alpha. An open switch on #5 is  
Alpha on. In manual or auto N Alpha is first engaged in filter 4 position. If  
auto N is enabled and there is a power fail and #5 is open code will run up 
to  the value selected by the Dip switches and once it reaches 4 enables 
Alpha  filter. Also some status commands have been added listed below
Bert Kehren
;Status bits  (RS232):
;   bits  
;   0-7 N value as always
;+10 glitch detected 
;+20 alpha filter actually used 
;+50 alpha filter enabled 
;+100"unlock" LED on 
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[time-nuts] Anyone have an Endrun Praecis (or similar) time server?

2013-05-25 Thread Jason Rabel
I have an older Endrun Technologies Praecis Gntp (GPS) time server. Basically 
it's a small SBC coupled together with a special board
made by Endrun (I think really it's just their Praecis Ce Time & Frequency 
Engine) and a Trimble GPS module.

It ran fine for years, then one day it stopped responding. After fiddling with 
it thinking possibly it was a bad power supply or
something I've ruled out most issues.

The one thing I've noticed is the CPU runs HOT. My guess is it's overheating 
and locking up. When I SSH in, the CPU load is always 1
or higher. I tried killing off all the processes but the CPU load still is 
pegged, typically sits around 1.30. Unfortunately there
isn't the full set of usual linux programs and only a minimal amount of info 
from /proc. For now I have the case off and a little
fan on the CPU to keep it from locking up, but obviously that isn't a long-term 
solution. I don't think the MB is bad, there is
nothing obviously damaged on the PCB and the voltages are okay. I thought maybe 
a bad memory chip, but why would that cause a high
CPU load?

I've tried booting from the stock image, but it still loads whatever custom 
files have been created. I haven't found a way to reset
it completely back to stock.

I talked to the endrun tech support and unfortunately this system is so old 
it's not even supported anymore. I even tried asking for
the NTP driver source code so I could roll my own OS with NTP, but that was a 
no go. I think I'm going to pull the DOM chip and hook
up a notebook HD since it has a header for one and see how the board runs with 
a more modern Linux. Last resort I think it's
possible to switch the Endrun timing module into a pseudo-trimble mode, which 
NTP has built-in support for and use it that way.

Does anyone else have one of these, and if so can you see what your CPU load 
is? Considering what little this does I would think it
would sit around 0.01 or so... 

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Re: [time-nuts] FLUKE PM6680B Counter Time View software for the PC

2013-05-25 Thread Tom Van Baak
> Can anyone point me to a source for the subject software ?


The source code is not available as far as I know. The binary is shipped if you 
order that option with your counter from Fluke or Pendulum. It's key'ed so it 
can't be shared or re-sold. It's a reasonable tool, works with native USB, but 
I'd suggest using TimeLab over serial or GPIB instead give the 1.#INF cost and 
feature ratio.


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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Jason Rabel
My reasoning for using a PIC (or similar) is mostly two factors.

First, simplicity... The few things I have in my head that I've wanted to do 
aren't complicated or require special busses. It is
things that you could *probably* do with a whole pile of logic chips, or keep 
it simple with just one PIC. ;)

Second, cost... Spending $30-$40 for a one time project is fine. But say after 
10 or so, the cost savings of a $2 chip vs $30
embedded system starts to add up.

I agree with you that I need to figure out the project details first and what 
I'm trying to integrate with and work backwards. I'm
really glad people are giving me feedback though I didn't know so many 
different options existed (and at so many different price
points). If you don't ask, you will never learn. ;) Both the Arduino and TI 
Launchpad offerings look very intriguing.

I'm on no deadline, so time is not an issue. I just wanted a new challenge and 
this is something I've wanted to dive into for a long

Learning a programming language is not an issue. While I mostly write code in 
PHP, Perl, and shell scripts these days, I used to and
am still somewhat familiar with C/C++. Most other programming languages I've 
used in the past are now probably considered archaic or
defunct. ;)

Looks like I have a lot of reading to do now. Everyone's responses have been 
most helpful!


> How did you decide to use a PIC and not one of the others such as the
> AVR MSP or whatever?   I don't want to argue for any of the others but
> if you can't list 5 or 6 good reasons to use a PIC and you are not
> able to say why the oters cn't work for you then you've just selected
> something at random without thinking.  SO as a check, see if you can
> list pros and cons.

> You have to decide what you are going to USE the device for first.
> Some are bets for different purposes.  And also how much time you are
> willing to invest in learning.   How much programming experience do
> you have?

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Chris Albertson
How did you decide to use a PIC and not one of the others such as the
AVR MSP or whatever?   I don't want to argue for any of the others but
if you can't list 5 or 6 good reasons to use a PIC and you are not
able to say why the oters cn't work for you then you've just selected
something at random without thinking.  SO as a check, see if you can
list pros and cons.

NONE of these chips are expensive.  You can get them for under $2.
But what you need is the development system.

Here are some things to look at:

1) Arduino:  If you are new to programming micro processors and wht to
get started building things quickly and can afford to spend $30 this
is the best option.  It is very easy to use.  It has a huge amount of
suport and books and example code and it works with Windows, Linux and
Mac OS X.

2) If cost is an issue look at TI's "launchpad".  They are noow $10
(shipping included)  For that you get two chips the programmer board.
You can use the board in your projects (it is credit card sized) or
pull off the programmed ship and use that.  The MSP chip uses "micro
watts" and can run for years on a battery.

3) the "Pi" is almost PC-like and very easy to use.  Costs about $40

4) PICs are good too. but they are the oldest technology and limey
have a steeper learning curve.  You will need some kind of programmer
and software but the parts are inexpensive.

You have to decide what you are going to USE the device for first.
Some are bets for different purposes.  And also how much time you are
willing to invest in learning.   How much programming experience do
you have?

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 6:46 AM, Jason Rabel
> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC chip for some 
> smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good (and
> cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or website)? I have a 
> fairly recent willem eprom programmer that I'm hoping I
> can use.
> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first project I 
> would like to have it connected to a serial port on one of
> my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current time, or NTP/GPS info) 
> and output that on a little LED display.
> ___
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] RPi NTP was Net4501's cheap...

2013-05-25 Thread Chris Albertson
Try replacing the gigabit switch with a 100BaseT switch. Interrupt
coalescence is sometimes used in gigabit interfaces.  It's like the
"buffering problem"  I think they do this because with the 10X faster
network the computer just can't handle an interrupt per packet.You
have to try it because the problem is not 100% universal.

>  Since I'm still testing bits all four of my clocks are on the same
> gigabit switch so I don't expect to see simultaneous negative and positive
> offsets.


Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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Re: [time-nuts] RPi NTP was Net4501's cheap...

2013-05-25 Thread Herbert Poetzl
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 05:06:57PM +, wrote:
> Flightradar24 is using beagle bones in their ADS-B/mode-s
> system and will be incorporating MLAT soon. I suspect they work
> well in timing applications.

> That said, the Allwinner they sell on Sparkfun will probably be
> my next SBC. Though not listed on the wiki, they have opensuse
> running on it.

> BTW, on some linux dists, there is a way to get around the
> clock speed stepping. It may not be universal, but selecting
> "performance" works on opensuse for Arm.

The speed stepping (and similar performance control mechanisms)
are managed by so called 'governors' which are part of the
kernel, and thus do not really depend on the distro.

they can be loaded (as modules) or compiled into the kernel
and they can be controlled via userspace tools or via the
sysfs entries.


> -Original Message-
> From: Paul 
> Sender:
> Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 12:47:38 
> To: 
> Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Subject: [time-nuts] RPi NTP was Net4501's cheap...

> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 2:43 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

>>  Paul,

>> Just what devices were you hot-plugging to produce this
>> problem? One with an initial current surge outside the USB
>> spec I could understand.

> I was plugging in a USB to RS232 adapter. If you read the
> various bits you'll find about the USB on Rev.B boards
> you'll see all the work-arounds suggested here as well as an
> implication that Raspberry intends to fix the problem in a
> later release.

>> NTP performance on the three Raspberry Pi cards here can be of
>> the same order as FreeBSD running on an Intel Atom PC:

> Yes, I've looked at your stats. As I said earlier you put me
> onto the Pi and the Sure boards. The offsets on the Pi are
> fine. I just don't like the "weak" network performance which
> you can see in the ntpq output for the Pi. Since I'm still
> testing bits all four of my clocks are on the same gigabit
> switch so I don't expect to see simultaneous negative and
> positive offsets. The Laureline is jittery too but at least it
> always presents the same offset "polarity". I'll see how the
> Beaglebones do, check out the next rev. of the Laureline and
> then dither some more.
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] RPi NTP was Net4501's cheap...

2013-05-25 Thread lists
Flightradar24 is using beagle bones in their ADS-B/mode-s system and will be 
incorporating MLAT soon. I suspect they work well in timing applications.

That said, the Allwinner they sell on Sparkfun will probably be my next SBC. 
Though not listed on the wiki, they have opensuse running on it. 

BTW, on some linux dists, there is a way to get around the clock speed 
stepping. It may not be universal, but selecting "performance" works on 
opensuse for Arm.

-Original Message-
From: Paul 
Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 12:47:38 
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement

Subject: [time-nuts] RPi NTP was Net4501's cheap...

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 2:43 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

>  Paul,
> Just what devices were you hot-plugging to produce this problem?  One with
> an initial current surge outside the USB spec I could understand.

I was plugging in a USB to RS232 adapter.  If you read the various bits
you'll find about the USB on Rev.B boards you'll see all the work-arounds
suggested here as well as an implication that Raspberry intends to fix the
problem in a later release.

> NTP performance on the three Raspberry Pi cards here can be of the same
> order as FreeBSD running on an Intel Atom PC:

Yes, I've looked at your stats.  As I said earlier you put me onto the Pi
and the Sure boards.  The offsets on the Pi are fine. I just don't like the
"weak" network  performance which you can see in the ntpq output for the
Pi.  Since I'm still testing bits all four of my clocks are on the same
gigabit switch so I don't expect to see simultaneous negative and positive
offsets.  The Laureline is jittery too but at least it always presents the
same offset "polarity".  I'll see how the Beaglebones do, check out the
next rev. of the Laureline and then dither some more.
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Re: [time-nuts] FLUKE PM6680B Counter Time View software for the PC

2013-05-25 Thread Stan, W1LE

Hello A.B.,

 Actually TimeLab is collecting data right now and I am quite happy 
with it.

I will be even happier when the PM6680B arrives on Tuesday and TimeLab
can drive it directly without the "talk only" function I am currently using.

The FLUKE TimeView is only an alternative, whose capabilities I hope to 

I am currently using a HP5384A in talk only mode (HPIB address 31) with 
TimeLab to look at some OCXOs.

A T'Bolt GPS/DO provides the 10 MHz reference.

Now I better understand why there is a rubber gasket under the adjustment
screw cover on the hermetically sealed cans of the OCXO.
I can see the barometric pressure changes on frequency using TimeLab, at 
E-10 levels.

Maybe the supposed drift due to the atmospheric pressure is due to the 

of the GPS signals that can effect the 10MHz reference ??
May have to go back to a Rb reference to verify.

It is also interesting to see how "aging drift" improves with time under 

I had been holding out for a HP 53132A counter but I am a frugal Yankee and
I settled on the PM6680B for about 25% of the cost of a HP 53132A.

Waiting for FedEx...

Stan, W1LE   Cape Cod   FN41sr

On 5/25/2013 8:14 AM, Azelio Boriani wrote:

Why not TimeLab?

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 4:41 AM, Stan, W1LE  wrote:

Hello The Net:

Can anyone point me to a source for the subject software ?

Thanks   Stan, W1LE   Cape Cod
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[time-nuts] RPi NTP was Net4501's cheap...

2013-05-25 Thread Paul
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 2:43 AM, David J Taylor wrote:

>  Paul,
> Just what devices were you hot-plugging to produce this problem?  One with
> an initial current surge outside the USB spec I could understand.

I was plugging in a USB to RS232 adapter.  If you read the various bits
you'll find about the USB on Rev.B boards you'll see all the work-arounds
suggested here as well as an implication that Raspberry intends to fix the
problem in a later release.

> NTP performance on the three Raspberry Pi cards here can be of the same
> order as FreeBSD running on an Intel Atom PC:

Yes, I've looked at your stats.  As I said earlier you put me onto the Pi
and the Sure boards.  The offsets on the Pi are fine. I just don't like the
"weak" network  performance which you can see in the ntpq output for the
Pi.  Since I'm still testing bits all four of my clocks are on the same
gigabit switch so I don't expect to see simultaneous negative and positive
offsets.  The Laureline is jittery too but at least it always presents the
same offset "polarity".  I'll see how the Beaglebones do, check out the
next rev. of the Laureline and then dither some more.
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Re: [time-nuts] FLUKE PM6680B Counter Time View software for the PC

2013-05-25 Thread Jerry
Timelab works nicely with my Fluke PM6690, either with Prologix GPIB-USB
adapter or straight USB.


-Original Message-
From: Azelio Boriani [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 08:14
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] FLUKE PM6680B Counter Time View software for the PC

Why not TimeLab?

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 4:41 AM, Stan, W1LE  wrote:
> Hello The Net:
> Can anyone point me to a source for the subject software ?
> Thanks   Stan, W1LE   Cape Cod
> ___
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> and follow the instructions there.

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Jim Lux

On 5/25/13 7:22 AM, Bob Camp wrote:


PIC's have been around for a *long* time. The PIC16's came early on and were 
followed by the PIC18's. Both are a bit dated at this point. The PIC24's and 
dsPIC33's are actually very similar parts. The PIC33's form a third family 
pretty much on their own. A modern version of the Microchip programmer will 
flash any of the parts. I have never seen a cheap eprom programmer that will 
program a PIC. The Microchip programmers are dirt cheap, so that's not a real 

I'd strongly recommend getting one of the starter kits for the dsPIC33 and play 
with it for a while. It should come with a cpu, a programmer, and a ton of 
information. The toolchain is pretty simple to use and it's free.


All that said, the Arduino empire is pretty hard to beat when it comes to 
mashing together a simple little light blinker. The key issue is being able to 
use cheap China assembled boards off of the auction sites.  Time wise, and even 
cost wise it's better than doing layouts and soldering up stuff. Another option 
are the demo boards that the semiconductor companies flog off for next to 
nothing. The Freescale Freedom board ($12) is one example out of hundreds. The 
project cost is *never* about the CPU, it's always about all the other stuff 
around it.

If the objective is to complete a very simple, low powered project and be done 
with it, go with the Arduino. If the objective is to learn an empire, be very 
careful about which empire you pick. The ARM boys are quickly gobbling up a lot 
of territory that once was populated by a number of competing CPU's. Learning 
this stuff, and getting good at it is a significant investment of time.

If you're interested in ARM (in the long run), and find the arduino 
ecosystem interesting :there are enormous numbers of add on "shields" 
for Arduino, and lots of example code of varying quality around.

take a look at the Teensy3 from PJRC.. $19, it's a Freescale Kinetis 
microcontroller with ARM, a fair amount of RAM and flash, but can use 
either the Arduino IDE (teensyduino.. has all the libraries, in source, 
to support the plethora of onchip peripherals in the Kinetis) or native 
tools for the ARM.

One Arduino peripheral that's not readily available, and would be of 
interest to time-nuts, is a high resolution DAC.  the Arduino (and 
teensy, for that matter) have the usual PWM.  You can get a I2C 
interface MCP4725 12-bitDAC from adafruit on a little daughter card 
(with bypass caps, etc.), but I've not found something like a low noise 
16bit DAC.

A decent DAC and the teensy, and I think you could do a very nice 
Disciplined XO.. the Kinetis has a pretty complete set of 
counters/timers/what-have-you that you can interconnect by setting bits 
in the hundreds of control registers, once you figure out how (yep, 
you'll love that 1600 page manual)

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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

I started out with the PIC16's as well, I did projects using a number of them, 
and moved to the PIC18's long ago. If you were starting out today - which 
family would you start with?


On May 25, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Azelio Boriani  wrote:

> I started with just the PIC datasheet to learn about the hardware
> architecture and the MPASM to write (in assembler) the first try at a
> PIC16C84 (at that time the PIC16F84 was not yet available). There are
> plenty of sites about PICs and relative projects. The Shera controller
> is based on PICs.
> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Jason Rabel
>  wrote:
>> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC chip for 
>> some smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good (and
>> cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or website)? I have a 
>> fairly recent willem eprom programmer that I'm hoping I
>> can use.
>> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first project I 
>> would like to have it connected to a serial port on one of
>> my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current time, or NTP/GPS info) 
>> and output that on a little LED display.
>> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Azelio Boriani
I started with just the PIC datasheet to learn about the hardware
architecture and the MPASM to write (in assembler) the first try at a
PIC16C84 (at that time the PIC16F84 was not yet available). There are
plenty of sites about PICs and relative projects. The Shera controller
is based on PICs.

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Jason Rabel
> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC chip for some 
> smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good (and
> cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or website)? I have a 
> fairly recent willem eprom programmer that I'm hoping I
> can use.
> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first project I 
> would like to have it connected to a serial port on one of
> my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current time, or NTP/GPS info) 
> and output that on a little LED display.
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

PIC's have been around for a *long* time. The PIC16's came early on and were 
followed by the PIC18's. Both are a bit dated at this point. The PIC24's and 
dsPIC33's are actually very similar parts. The PIC33's form a third family 
pretty much on their own. A modern version of the Microchip programmer will 
flash any of the parts. I have never seen a cheap eprom programmer that will 
program a PIC. The Microchip programmers are dirt cheap, so that's not a real 

I'd strongly recommend getting one of the starter kits for the dsPIC33 and play 
with it for a while. It should come with a cpu, a programmer, and a ton of 
information. The toolchain is pretty simple to use and it's free. 


All that said, the Arduino empire is pretty hard to beat when it comes to 
mashing together a simple little light blinker. The key issue is being able to 
use cheap China assembled boards off of the auction sites.  Time wise, and even 
cost wise it's better than doing layouts and soldering up stuff. Another option 
are the demo boards that the semiconductor companies flog off for next to 
nothing. The Freescale Freedom board ($12) is one example out of hundreds. The 
project cost is *never* about the CPU, it's always about all the other stuff 
around it. 

If the objective is to complete a very simple, low powered project and be done 
with it, go with the Arduino. If the objective is to learn an empire, be very 
careful about which empire you pick. The ARM boys are quickly gobbling up a lot 
of territory that once was populated by a number of competing CPU's. Learning 
this stuff, and getting good at it is a significant investment of time.


On May 25, 2013, at 9:46 AM, Jason Rabel  wrote:

> I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC chip for some 
> smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good (and
> cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or website)? I have a 
> fairly recent willem eprom programmer that I'm hoping I
> can use.
> I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first project I 
> would like to have it connected to a serial port on one of
> my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current time, or NTP/GPS info) 
> and output that on a little LED display.
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] FLUKE PM6680B Counter Time View software for the PC

2013-05-25 Thread Azelio Boriani
Why not TimeLab?

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 4:41 AM, Stan, W1LE  wrote:
> Hello The Net:
> Can anyone point me to a source for the subject software ?
> Thanks   Stan, W1LE   Cape Cod
> ___
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[time-nuts] Good (cheap) PIC chip choice for project?

2013-05-25 Thread Jason Rabel
I've decided I finally want to tackle learning how to use a PIC chip for some 
smaller projects. Can someone recommend me a good (and
cheap) PIC, and possible some literature (be it a book or website)? I have a 
fairly recent willem eprom programmer that I'm hoping I
can use.

I don't know what all the features PICs have, but for my first project I would 
like to have it connected to a serial port on one of
my Soekris' where it can grab info (i.e. the current time, or NTP/GPS info) and 
output that on a little LED display.

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Re: [time-nuts] 9390 GPS RX

2013-05-25 Thread Bob Camp

The turn point temperature on the crystal is only a starting point. In a 
circuit like you have, the actual operating temperature is adjusted to 
compensate for the temperature coefficient of the rest of the circuit. WIth a 
heated crystal OCXO, that can be a 10C offset. The temperature you are 
concerned with is the temperature of the blank. If you can see the crystal can, 
you are loosing energy through it. That could put it's temperature below the 
blank temperature. The only way to set it up properly is to do a temperature 
run. Take it down to 0C and come up to 50C in 10C steps. Adjust the oven 
temperature for least frequency change.

Now, does any of this really matter? Probably not. The crystal is in a VCXO 
that is locked to something else. If you are at 60 C on an 80C crystal, you are 
within < 5 ppm of the turn. The VCXO should have a wider range than that. Once 
the circuit locks up, the oven matters very little….


On May 25, 2013, at 2:43 AM, "Mark C. Stephens"  wrote:

> Hey Ed, Just knocked up a temperature sensor with a Dallas single wire 
> temperature sensor thingy, a pic and an LCD display.
> So, I will know for sure I am hitting the xtal turning point.
> I figured you had been right about everything so perhaps my temperature gun 
> was out.
> It's probably a handy bit of kit to have, because no doubt I have a couple of 
> ovens here that are playing up ad some sort of accurate temperature 
> measurement and logging would be a handy bit of kit to have.
> It spits out the time and temperature reading once per second via a serial 
> interface as well as displays in on the LCD..
> I had already sort of written the code 10 years ago, just hadn't gotten 
> around to finishing the hardware. :)
> A few changes here and there for the pic pin out and it worked!
> Just going through the warm-up cycle now, I expect an hour should do it.
> Seems to be heating that crystal very slowly.
> I think there still may be a problem around that wee transistor that limits 
> the current to the heater transistor.
> Or perhaps by putting the right value 6K81 resistor and a new op-amp changed 
> the dynamics and I may need to revisit R8.
> I have checked the PSU, its 17.3v spot on.
> I checked the temperature after an hour and it was only 58 degrees ):
> I stuck a resistance box across R8 and adjusted until I got ~79 on my 
> temperature meter.
> The resistance is 680R which seems very low to me, but not outside the 
> circuit specifications.
> But appear to have dug myself into a hole.
> I disconnected the EFC as per the manual and hooked up a 10K 'Pot' across the 
> 17.3v supply and the wiper to the crystal boards E9 point (EFC)
> At zero volts the 10 MHz is very high at around 1500 and at 17.3 volts it 
> is around 1650.
> So, there is either a problem, with the crystal or the surrounding circuit.
> Looking at the circuit C11 and C12 are selectable components.
> C11 selects the centre frequency and C12 selects the adjust range.
> The range in the circuit is specified as 4.7 to 100 pf, but my schematic is a 
> bit blurry so it could be 4.7pf to 180pf.
> So I went from 10pf -> 100pf for C11. 
> At 100 Pf the 10Mhz is closest at ~1300 (with 0v EFC)
> There is no way I will hit 10Mhz by adjusting C11.
> I guess my next step is to pull the board out again and check components, 
> especially C3/C4/C5.
> No hope of lock when the EFC can't pull the Xtal into the correct frequency 
> is there.
> I am wondering if we getting off subject for the list?
> marki
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Ed Palmer
> Sent: Friday, 24 May 2013 4:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] 9390 GPS RX
> Hold on mate!  You're not quite done yet. :)
> You said you tweaked the cap to get the Control Voltage to 8 volts and saw 
> the proper frequency.  You should be able to move the cap, and therefore the 
> control voltage, anywhere in the 2 to 12 volt range and still see the proper 
> frequency.  Does that work?
> The next area is the Rb lamp itself.  What's the voltage on pin 7 (Rb Lamp)?  
> If it's much below 7V you could have trouble with the unit dropping out of 
> lock.  While you've got the unit on the bench, you should also check the 
> temperature of the lamp since it's easy to do.  
> Don't try to measure it while it's powered.  Open up the access port to the 
> lamp, power down, and measure the temperature.  The tolerance on the 
> temperature is not stated, but since it's running at 115C, too hot will burn 
> out the poor transistor that's being used as a heater while too cold will 
> give a weak light that could cause locking problems.
> Finally, power the unit on from cold and make sure that the frequency sweep 
> still works properly and after a few minutes the sweep stops, the crystal 
> control voltage stabilizes, the frequency looks good, and pin 5 (Resonance 
> Lock

Re: [time-nuts] NTP on RaspberryPi

2013-05-25 Thread Mark C. Stephens
Wow I thought my offset/jitter specs were good!
Yours are outstanding.

I am using a HP thinclient (T150) with a 60Gb laptop drive shoehorned into it, 
just 10W to power it ;)
 remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
oGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.0 l5   16  3770.000   0.002   0.002


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf 
Of Paul
Sent: Saturday, 25 May 2013 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] NTP on RaspberryPi

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 8:14 PM
> From: Hal Murray
>> Besides I got them to run NTP and they're too jittery for my taste.
> How good/bad were they?
The view from the RPi*:
server (local  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay
  offset  jitter o127.127.22.0.PPS.0 l-8  3770.000
  -0.001   0.003 * .PPS.1 u-8  3770.460
  -0.003   0.037 +   .GPS.1 u78  3770.920
  -0.019   0.202 +   .PPS.1 u78  3770.493
   0.022   0.031

The view from a mini-itx/Atom system:
server (local  remote   refid  st t when poll reach   delay
  offset  jitter o127.127.22.0.PPS.0 l18  3770.000
   0.000   0.002 + .PPS.1 u88  3770.085
   0.004   0.002 +   .GPS.1 u78  3770.544
   0.001   0.216 *   .PPS.1 u68  3770.485
  -0.008   0.025

One odd system is enough.

> What were you using for a time source?  Does it have PPS support?

I have a variety of PPS sources.  The RPi is most often connected to a Sure 
dev. board.
David Taylor linked to  Hauke Lampe who did a kernel build with PPS drivers.

*The tables look okay here but are probably trashed there.
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Re: [time-nuts] 9390 GPS RX

2013-05-25 Thread Mark C. Stephens
Hello Mr. Dent,

The problem is, Vintage kit like this is virtually impossible to get down here 
in Australia.
That's why I was tickled pink when I got my hands on it.

Does the 9390-5588A have the 16.618 Mhz Vectron oscillator externaly located on 
one of the wire wrap boards?

As days go by I have a PSU fault, A GPS receiver fault, The dates wrong and the 
FRK is possibly knackered and I need my workbench back.
I just wonder it it's time to put everything back together and shelve this 9390 
as a retirement project.
With a bit of luck GPS will be replaced with something else by then ;)

I have a Austron 2201a in absolute pristine condition with service manuals for 
its serial number no less!
However, 2 Problems, I have no Antenna Down convertor and its stuck in a reboot 
Testing RAM
Testing ROM
Testing something else
Testing failsafe ... Can't read it all as she reboots almost the instant it 
written to the display.
I could spend time on the Austron, It has a Rubidium in it too.
But not for love nor money can I get an antenna for it.
I have a saved worldwide search on for one but I have a feeling that 
when one does come up it will go for megabucks.
I have put word out to all the packrats I know down under and so far no luck 
there either.

Boo hoo!


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf 
Of Arthur Dent
Sent: Saturday, 25 May 2013 1:22 AM
Subject: [time-nuts] 9390 GPS RX

I have owned a similar 9390-5588A with the FRK Rb inside for a few years now. 
Although the Rb is quite old, the unit locks in just 3 minutes and finds the 
GPS time (off by 1024 weeks, 16 sec, UTC) in four minutes and displays an 
initial PDOP 03. I have reset the time to the correct UTC time but after a 
short period it always reverts to the original time. If I recall the antenna 
voltage was +12vdc and I traced the line and reconnected it to +5vdc. The 
antenna is roof mounted and runs through a Lucent GPS ant amp/5-way splitter. 
I don't recall which ones it was now but I did have a problem with
2 of these old GPS receivers on the same antenna, apparently reradiating enough 
of a signal from the LO or whatever so that it knocked the other receiver off 

My version of this vintage 9390 has an added switch on the front to choose 
where it gets the 1PPS signal to compare and it has both an a.c. and a d.c. 
supply. From what I have seen almost no 2 of these units were exactly the same 
so it is hard to find an exact manual and I don't have one at all so it made 
setting this unit up kind of difficult. The circuit boards directly in front of 
the FRK use wire-wrap connector so they could customized these units for each 

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