Re: tomcat 4.1.29 in SSL mode on AIX 5; Algorithm SunX509 not available

2003-11-21 Thread Bill Barker
I'm guessing that you are running IBM's JVM. The Tomcat 5 ssl-howto has been updated for what you need for running with IBM (Tomcat only defaults to Sun). The main thing is to add 'algorithm=IbmX509' to the Factory element. Michael E. Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL

Re: two questions

2003-11-21 Thread Bill Barker
Sean Bruton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 16:00, Kumar, Sumit wrote: I am trying to use authentication of a product, that uses Basic authentication using JAAS. It stores data in database using SHA-1 encryption and uses Tomcat as servlet

Re: mod_jk2 binary

2003-11-21 Thread Bill Barker
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have been running an Apache 1.3 server connected with Tomcat 3.2.3 using mod_jk on RedHat 7.1. I am in the process of upgrading the server to use Suse 9 and would like to upgrade to Apache 2. I have 2 questions. First, is it possible

Re: [off-topic] jakarta, java, indonesia

2003-11-21 Thread Bill Barker
This one should probably also be added to the FAQ. From what I'm told by people that were there (I haven't been here that long :), Yoav is correct: The name 'Jakarta' is simply because that was the name of the Sun conference room. The popular myth that it is because the city of Jakarta happens

Re: How to convert SSL Certificates and Private Keys to Tomcat (JKS) format?

2003-11-20 Thread Bill Barker
@see The Tomcat 5 docs also include an example on how to do this using a jkcs12 file. Raghu Karamel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi Experts, Need your help on figuring out how to do the following. I have the private key

Re: [POLL] Logging

2003-11-20 Thread Bill Barker
Aside from a couple of throw-away apps (that I can't be bothered to config :), it's Log4J all the way ;-). Pitre, Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I need to use a robbust logging api for my webapp that I'm building, so I decided I would cast a poll to get census

Re: Installation problem

2003-11-19 Thread Bill Barker
Try uninstalling, and then re-installing Tomcat. It should then pick up your J2SDK install path. If this doesn't work, then try %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\catalina run, and post the error messages on the list for more help. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sorry to bother you

Re: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagLibraryValidator

2003-11-19 Thread Bill Barker
Anna Lissa Saupan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, Any help will be greatly appreciated. My current server has the following environment: Tomcat Version = Apache Tomcat/5.0.12 JVM Version = 1.4.2-b28 JVM Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc. Redhat Linux 9 OS

Re: What is this error??

2003-11-19 Thread Bill Barker
Urm, sort of what is says? ;-). Lane Weast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] What is this error?? Event Type: Error Event Source: Apache Jakarta Connector2 Event Category: None Event ID: 1 Date: 11/18/2003 Time: 9:10:31 AM User: N/A Computer: [censored] Description:

Re: Connector and MBean

2003-11-19 Thread Bill Barker
As long as you don't care that it doesn't work with the 'admin' webapp, and you register the MBean correctly, it should work. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello, I wrote my own Connector for Tomcat which have to be registered on the MbeanServer since version 4.1.

Re: double slash before context reveals source in latest tomcat3? (apache 1.3.27)

2003-11-18 Thread Bill Barker
There was a bug like this in mod_jk prior to 1.2.5. If that's the case, then Tomcat4 won't help you since it is Apache that is serving the source (which is the usual case with this type of bug :). Try upgrading to mod_jk 1.2.5. Sean Utt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: setUserPrincipal

2003-11-18 Thread Bill Barker
Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gary, I'm going around google circles... Within a servlet how do you go about creating a given a username and password? i.e. how-to login within a servlet given a username and password?

Re: Tomcat 3.3 Tomcat 4.1...

2003-11-17 Thread Bill Barker
When I did this, there were a couple of gotyas ;-). The biggest one was that in Tomcat 3.3, JSP files under the Context-root are given the default package (and so can reference Beans in the default package without an explicit import). This is no longer true in TC 4.1.x. Otherwise, TC 4.1.x

Re: https -- http session problem

2003-11-17 Thread Bill Barker
Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 11/17/2003 05:15 PM Andrew Mottaz wrote: Also, as far as I can see, the java community has decided that once you start a secure session, you should stay in a secure session, for various security reasons. Are you doing a

Re: Microsoft Certificate Services

2003-11-17 Thread Bill Barker
I am getting so tired of this ;-). I'm sure that MCS can export to pkcs12 format. Simply use the exported file as your keystore. For an Apache example to work from, look at the Tomcat 5 ssl-howto. Of course, if you get a recipe for doing this with MCS, please post it so that I can include

Re: https -- http session problem

2003-11-16 Thread Bill Barker
Andrew Mottaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Why is this the case, and where does one put in an enhancement request? I can see the argument for wanting the OPTION of forcing secure connections or losing your session, but to not even have the option of having the

Re: https -- http session problem

2003-11-15 Thread Bill Barker
Andrew Mottaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I've run into the problem where a session cookie gets lost when you start on http and move to https. The reason seems to be that 'secure=true' is set on the session cookie when you start on https, preventing the cookie

Re: Tomcat 5 release date ?

2003-11-15 Thread Bill Barker
The JCP has posted the votes on both 154 (aka Servlet-2.4) 152 (aka JSP-2.0), the final specs should be out very soon. Depending on the changes in the specs from PFD-3, there may be another beta release, or TC 5.0.15 may go GA :). Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL

Re: Tomcat startup script

2003-11-15 Thread Bill Barker
I'm ashamed to admit that I know this, but, for Win9x you need to increase the settings for enviroment space. tim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am also looking for the script. I have put it in once via system properties on a w2000 machine that had a box to enter it

Re: 302 Response When Request URI == Context Path

2003-11-14 Thread Bill Barker
Mark E. Palandri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I've got a Tomcat 5.0.14, IIS 5.1, jk2 setup. My file has a [uri:/foo/*] set up to forward requests to a worker. I've got the worker service set up to handle the requests with the following

Re: Unusual config for: SSL - Apache - JK2 - Tomcat

2003-11-13 Thread Bill Barker
Can't be done, for the simple reason that Apache has to respond with the Server cert long before it finds out if the request is going to Tomcat. Otherwise, the browser will refuse to continue with the connection. Mike Kellstrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it

Re: Using Apache/mod_ssl certificate and private key with Tomcat/keytool

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 8:55 PM Subject: Re: Using Apache/mod_ssl certificate and private key with Tomcat/keytool Hi Bill, Do you know of a similar howto for client authentication with ssl? I've had nothing but trouble getting

Re: Redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
Like I said, TC 3.x doesn't support auto-redirect. Raghu Karamel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I did that... now I'm getting a message h1SSL required to access this page/H1 when I try to use HTTP. I thought it will automatically get redirected HTTPS. Am I missing

Re: Hello regarding web.xml file ...

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
Tomcat includes the DTD for Servlet 2.3. It automagically tells the XML parser to use it's shipped-with DTD when parsing your web.xml file. sanjay paithankar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello, I installed tomcat4.1.24 on a standalone machine ( not connected to

Re: support for 3.X series

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
Tomcat 3.2.x came to the end of it's roadmap about two years ago. The code is still available in the Apache CVS, but that's about it. There is currently no roadmap for Tomcat 3.3.x (i.e. there are no plans to retire it). Of course, since Tomcat is an OS project, for a version to be supported

Re: SSL - Tomcat

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
If you want to verify the client's cert, then Kovi's answer is correct. However, it's not up to the server to decide if it's own cert is Ok: It's up to the client to decide that she trusts you. If your client is in Java, then you need to include the CA (aka Signer) cert in your apps TrustStore.

Re: Sessions - SSL

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
Harry Mantheakis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello Andreas So maybe it would be a good idea to stick to SSL for that reason alone (and 'accidentally' save yourselve the trouble of having to solve your current problem). Yes, okay, I take your point. I would

Re: Using Apache/mod_ssl certificate and private key with Tomcat/keytool

2003-11-12 Thread Bill Barker
access to the cert? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Mike On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Bill Barker wrote: At the moment, only MemoryRealm supports CLIENT-CERT auth (at least from the Tomcat ships-with Realms). There are patches for JNDIRealm and JDBCRealm floating

Re: Apache+Tomcat+Windows, how?

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Barker
Go to, scroll down to Tomcat WebServer Connectors, click on JK 1.2 Binary Releases, click on win32, and, what do you know ;-). Yeray Santana Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi all, I´m a spanish newbie using Tomcat.

Re: Redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Barker
Steph Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Adding the following lines to your deployment descriptor ( web.xml ) will do the trick : It would, if TC 3.x supported redirection :).There isn't anyway to do this easily in TC 3. security-constraint

Re: Using Apache/mod_ssl certificate and private key with Tomcat/keytool

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Barker
The Tomcat 5 ssl-howto contains an example of how to do this. It works with Tomcat 4.1.x as well. Long-story-short, it works by combining the private-key and the cert. JSSE can use the resulting pkcs12 file as a keystore. Scott Kelley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debugging JSSE

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Barker
To debug Tomcat, change the logging-level for '' to DEBUG. To debug JSSE, include the option '' on the command line. Michael Jeffrey Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I am still trying to figure out what is

Re: SSL Certificates

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Barker
Of course you can. You just configure the Connector for each domain with the correct keystoreFile. Of course, if you want named-virtual-host, then you can't for the simple reason that the server (aka Tomcat) has to send the cert before it recieves the Host header. Luc Foisy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Error Importing Digital Certificate

2003-11-07 Thread Bill Barker
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am running two web servers on the same Linux machine. 1) is running Apache 1.3.23 (Unix) and 2) Jakarta-Tomcat-4.1.24. I have been able to successfully import and configure a Digital Certificate from Verisign into the Apache web

Re: Problems with HTTPS in Tomcat 4.1.27, axis 1_1RC2, JDK 1.4.1 on AIX UNIX

2003-11-07 Thread Bill Barker
Curtis Leach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Has anyone any experience with this? See The 'cc' list for that one is so big that it is almost it's own mailing-list ;-). I have a small web service set up as a

Re: Tomcat standalone vs Tomcat with IIS

2003-11-07 Thread Bill Barker
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi there, We have a web application(non-J2EE), which interacts with JTS layer that in turn talks to the Database(SQL). Now this application was earlier hosted in iPlanet which we now want to shift to Tomcat (Tomcat 4.1.27 with JDK

Re: setting tomcat to listen on port 80

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Barker
For 1), actually, last time I checked, the '' script in commons-daemon was still configured for TC 4.1.x ;-). There is a note in the docs telling you how to modify it to work with TC 5. The commons-daemon 'jsvc' program that Yoav is refering to in 1) below works perfectly fine with TC

Re: Forcing strong authentication with Tomcat 4.0.6 standalone web server

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Barker
As much as Tim is trying to help, the real answer is that at the moment only TC 5 supports configuring the cipher-suite (except that it should be technically possible to do in 4.1.29 using JMX). There is a chance that the TC 5 configuration code will be back-ported to a future version of 4.1.x.

Re: tomcat 3.3 on Win2k server/IIS 5.0

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Barker
You can get jk_nt_service.exe from (or substitute your favorite mirror for This is the Windows Service wrapper that ships with Tomcat 3 (and is the one that is documented in the Tomcat 3 docs). You could also use

Re: Tomcat SSL ... more

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Barker
TC 3.3 has the PasswordPrompter add-in for this purpose. I had thought that once upon a time that someone had written something similar for TC 4, but I've lost track of it. Hart, Justin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Is there a way to use SSL in tomcat without having

Re: how to get WebClassLoader Classpath ?

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Barker
Since WebappClassLoader extends URLClassLoader, you could also use the getURLs method of URLClassLoader. Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Howdy, Assuming you mean beyond the classpath documented in the Classloder HOW-TO, you'd have to write some tomcat

Re: Chunked data transfer

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Barker
The 'Connection: close' header make me think that you sent Tomcat a HTTP/1.0 request line. Tomcat is just assuming that your UA doesn't understand chunked encoding, so it doesn't chunk. Try sending a HTTP/1.1 request line (and remember to include a Host header). Me [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

Re: Trust Store and Credentials

2003-11-05 Thread Bill Barker
Mario Ivankovits [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bill Barker wrote: Only MemoryRealm (of the Tomcat-supplied Realms) supports CLIENT-CERT. The user name in tomcat-users.xml is the DN (aka Subject), and the password is ignored. I believe that there are patches

Re: Connector Problem

2003-11-05 Thread Bill Barker
I'm guessing that you are running on Solaris, and have neglected to install the GNU utilities such as 'libtool' and friends ;-). If not, then ignore the 'ant' build and simply do the normal './configure' followed by 'make'. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] When

Re: Client-Auth and Client-Cert??

2003-11-05 Thread Bill Barker
I *really* need to update the Tomcat 4.1 docs :-(. jack lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi In my understanding: (1) Client-Auth is set to true: every client who accesses Tomcat must has his own certificate. And the certificate of the CA who issued client

Re: Trust Store and Credentials

2003-11-04 Thread Bill Barker
Walden Mathews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello Tomcat Users, Is there Tomcat 4 documentation on: Tomcat 5 has a mention (specific to TC 5, but may get back-ported to 4.1.x). (1) How to configure Tomcat's trust store;

Re: How to go through Apache to have Tomcat act for SSL

2003-11-03 Thread Bill Barker
Usually there is no need to have a separate worker for the SSL port: just send everything through to Tomcat on 8009. mod_jk2 should send the correct scheme to Tomcat in either case. You should be able to use transport-guarantee constraints as normal with Jk2. You just have to make certain that

Re: Opinions

2003-11-03 Thread Bill Barker
Actually, commons-daemon consists of two separate components. For *nix, there is jsvc (and, yes, you can build it for Windows using cygwin, but I don't really consider that to be Windows support :), and for Windows there is procrun(w). There are two of them, since the issues involved are totally

Re: Setting cookie paths

2003-11-03 Thread Bill Barker
, Bill Barker wrote: The browser isn't returning the path information when it returns the cookie, so Tomcat has no way of knowing what path it was created with. Well -- but when I later hit /bar/foo, I get the cookie back; and when I hit /bar, I don't. So the path information seems

Re: [NEWBIE] Using LoaderInterceptor11 with tomcat 4.1.24

2003-11-03 Thread Bill Barker
Julie christiana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, Can anyone lend me pointers on how to use LoaderInterceptor11 with tomcat 4.1.24 ? Urm, you can't ;-). LoaderInterceptor11 is specific to Tomcat 3.3.x. Other than some stuff in the Connectors, the architecture

Re: Opinions

2003-11-01 Thread Bill Barker
The recent port of the 3.3 variable-substitution to Tomcat 5 may very well solve your problems here :). The ports are supposed to move to commons-digester, so should be available in 4.1.30 as well. Francois JEANMOUGIN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hu! It's in early

Re: loss of session from http to https

2003-11-01 Thread Bill Barker
URL rewriting doesn't work http-https (blame the Servlet spec :). However, cookie sessions should be preserved (unless it is the browser that is choosing to not send the cookie). If it was my app, the first thing that I would try is to enable the RequestDumperValve to see if the cookie is

Re: Opinions

2003-10-31 Thread Bill Barker
Vincent Aumont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] François, Oh, and last but not least, I didn't find a privilege separation method in tomcat (like in apache or ssh or postfix, or...). Perhaps am I wrong, but, if you want tomcat to run in unpriviledge environment, you

Re: Opinions

2003-10-31 Thread Bill Barker
It's a little thin, but what there is is at Francois JEANMOUGIN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Right and wrong ;-). Tomcat 5 ships with the (source for) commons- daemon, which gives Tomcat this same capability on *nix

Re: repost: question on updates to cert store

2003-10-31 Thread Bill Barker
Bill Harrelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I apologize for the repost, but I need to solve this problem pretty quickly, and I worry that with the volume on this list, anything unanswered for two days is lost. This is a question that I can't find the answer to

Re: Loading a class from a zip file , present outside Tomcat directories

2003-10-31 Thread Bill Barker
Assuming that you only need it for your webapps, try setting: TOMCAT_OPTS=$TOMCAT_OPTS -Dorg.apache.tomcat.apps.classpath=/path/to/zipfil e Mohammed Javed P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi geeks, Problem :- I have a zip file which contains a .class file . I

Re: dropping upload of file too large

2003-10-30 Thread Bill Barker
With reasonably recent versions of TC 4.1.x (or 5.0.x), either throwing an IOException from the servlet, or (better) setting the Response status code to 413 (Request Entity too large) will cause Tomcat to drop the connection to the browser (nicely if possible, otherwise rudely :). Mark W. Webb

Re: Tomcat 3.3 performance issues

2003-10-30 Thread Bill Barker
Actually, a lot of the performance enhancements in Tomcat 4.1.x are actually ports from Tomcat 3.3 :). The jasper2 module in 4.1.x is amazing (and even better in 5.x :), so a heavy JSP site will probably do better upgrading. My guess is that a servlet-only site will see little or no improvement.

Re: Help with access to certificate on HTTPS

2003-10-30 Thread Bill Barker
- Original Message - From: Bill Harrelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:34 PM Subject: Re: Help with access to certificate on HTTPS Ah! Thank you very much. My Request indeed has a multi-part MIME body

Re: Help with access to certificate on HTTPS

2003-10-29 Thread Bill Barker
/4.1.24/h3 /body/html /snip The certificate never gets into my Realm for authorization. But of course it does if I set CLIENT-AUTH to true. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance, Bill On 26 Oct 2003 at 14:39, Bill Barker wrote: Bill Harrelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Re: IIS log files

2003-10-29 Thread Bill Barker
Chanan Braunstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Good Morning, I am using Tomcat 4 with the IIS redirector dll (version 1 I think). The URI being written to the IIS log files is always: /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll instead of the JSP file name. Is there a way to fix

Re: Help with access to certificate on HTTPS

2003-10-29 Thread Bill Barker to your file. Thanks for the assistance, if you can point me to some documentation on changing logging (and also if possible on how to write your own realms) I would be grateful. TIA, Bill On 28 Oct 2003 at 23:10, Bill Barker wrote: Bill Harrelson [EMAIL

Re: Help with access to certificate on HTTPS

2003-10-29 Thread Bill Barker
that the client renegotiates the connection (legal under the RFC) to include clientAuth. If your client is broken wrt renegotiations, then you will have a problem. Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bill Harrelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL

Re: mod_jk or webapp on solaris with apache2

2003-10-28 Thread Bill Barker
David Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] See subject :-) This is actually a two-parter, though... 1) Which should I use? We are running apache2 and tomcat on solaris, on the same machine. The tomcat usage is fairly light (a small percentage of the total

Re: Setting cookie paths

2003-10-27 Thread Bill Barker
The browser isn't returning the path information when it returns the cookie, so Tomcat has no way of knowing what path it was created with. Jessica P. Hekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Using Tomcat 4.1.27 (though I saw the same behavior with 4.0.6) I am trying to

Re: Tomcat + Connector issues

2003-10-27 Thread Bill Barker
Tatu Vanhanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello I have two questions about Tomcat and connnectors. The front-end web server is Apache. 1.) When using Tomcat 4.1.24 and the Warp- connector, the creation of the servlet and the call to init() happens two times

Re: Help with access to certificate on HTTPS

2003-10-26 Thread Bill Barker
Bill Harrelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To whoever can help: I have an application which requires certificates, and a bunch of servlets which don't. In my application I need to determine the originating client of the certificate-based connection (which comes

Re: Map all URL to one servlet

2003-10-25 Thread Bill Barker
Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Stefan, Is it possible to map all URI''s from tomcat to just one servlet? for example: http://localhost:8080/hello/you http://localhost:8080/startme/now Yes. Do this in your web.xml: servlet

Re: mod_jk 1.2 binary for Linux?

2003-10-25 Thread Bill Barker
You should be able to get the RPM from Stu Statman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am unsure if I'm asking this question in the right forum, and while I did a quick look through the archives, I may be repeating a question that someone else

Re: Experience: Tomcat @ PDA @ PersonalJava 1.2 implementation

2003-10-25 Thread Bill Barker
You can try searching the tomcat-dev archives (since the post I saw was on tomcat-dev). Can't be bothered myself, but try keywords like: PDA, J2ME, Toaster (a running joke on tomcat-dev, don't ask). Of course, I don't like giving out other developer's email addresses without their permission.

Re: Connection refused error under load with tomcat 3.3.1 on Windows XP

2003-10-24 Thread Bill Barker
The Http10Connector has issues with XP :(. Most of them require that you set the 'socketCloseDelay' attribute on the connector (e.g 'socketCloseDelay=1000' to add a one-second delay). However, this is usually a problem with POSTed messages. From your description, it's sounding like you need to

Re: HttpServletResponse handling

2003-10-24 Thread Bill Barker
Tim is correct. If you are using the AJP Connectors, you are SOL since it will be Apache/IIS/SunONE that sets these headers. With the Standalone HTTP/1.1 Connector, of course it is Tomcat that sets them. The Date header is mandated by the HTTP/1.1 RFC (and, without looking, I believe by the

Re: HTTPS and java client call

2003-10-23 Thread Bill Barker
Try adding: \ to the command line of your client app. Bruno Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I configured Tomcat to work in HTTPs mode with a

Re: Meaning of entries in mod_jk.log

2003-10-23 Thread Bill Barker
Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Bill Barker schrieb: Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, can anyone please explain me the meaning of following entries in my mod_jk.log? Attempting to map ... Why does mod_jk

Re: Experience: Tomcat @ PDA @ PersonalJava 1.2 implementation

2003-10-23 Thread Bill Barker
One of the 3.3 developers reported (probably about a year ago) that he had Tomcat running on his PDA, and was quite happy with it. I believe that he edited 'server.xml' to exclude absolutely everything that wasn't needed (e.g. ApacheConfig, Ajp13Connector) to get the memory stamp down. However,

Re: Mozilla, SSL certificates, and Tomcat 5

2003-10-22 Thread Bill Barker
Are you using IBM's JVM? If so, please see the latest SSL-howto documentation for how to get SSL working. Jeff Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Short version: I can access Tomcat via SSL from IE6, but not from Mozilla 1.4/Netscape 7.1. Is this a known

Re: [URGENT] Tomcat SSL crash on start-up

2003-10-22 Thread Bill Barker
You are missing 'keystoreFile=/path/to/servercerts.ks' in the Factory element. Bruno Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I tried to configure Tomcat 4.1.27 with SSL I use JDK 1.3.1 with jcert.jar, jnet.jar and jsse.jar in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ I had

Re: encrypting a form's action URL with HTTPS link

2003-10-21 Thread Bill Barker
Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi All, I am trying to work out whether my form submission is sent encrypted in SSL or not. If I code my form like this: form method=POST action=https://localhost:8443/sslform; will it actually be encrypted? Yes.

Re: Problems with Apache-Tomcat SSL

2003-10-21 Thread Bill Barker
The 401 response is coming from Tomcat, so I'm guessing that there is something different in your configuration in the two cases. It looks like mod_jk is working fine: It is just passing on Tomcat's request that you login before viewing the page. Low, Claudia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

Re: RequestDumperValve - Tomcat 4.0.4 - UTF-8

2003-10-21 Thread Bill Barker Andoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello, I have recently started using the RequestDumperValve with my Tomcat 4.0.4 for windows. Now when I go to

Re: tomcat runs nut no ssl | newbie

2003-10-20 Thread Bill Barker
And using the Factory ... is deprecated in Tomcat 5. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] hello !-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 -- !-- Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteConnector maybe you have to delete !-- and -- that

Re: Installing a jar-file

2003-10-20 Thread Bill Barker
Probably, mv myapp.jar myapp.war. In the case of Tomcat, you would drop the resulting war-file into $CATALINA_HOME/webapps. For your app server, please consult their documentation. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I have packed an existing WebApplication in a

Re: Tomcat 5.0.12: Proxy with mod_proxy and HttpConnector not possible?

2003-10-19 Thread Bill Barker
Fredrik Håård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I've been working with Tomcat for a while and just migrated my webapps to my Debian box. Since I'm, already running Apache I thought it a good idea to use Apache as a proxy for Tomcat, and for simplicity I settled for

Re: Meaning of entries in mod_jk.log

2003-10-19 Thread Bill Barker
Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, can anyone please explain me the meaning of following entries in my mod_jk.log? Attempting to map ... Why does mod_jk try to map something here? It's checking to see if the URL matches any of your JkMount statements.

Re: handing absolute URL in post request in tomcat

2003-10-17 Thread Bill Barker
I'm probably one of the very few people to catch this, but you have forgotten to mention that you are running Tomcat 3.x.x. None of the released versions of Tomcat 3 support HTTP/1.1 (except running behind Apache/IIS/SunOne). If you happen to be running 3.3.x, then you could upgrade to the

Re: help me !

2003-10-17 Thread Bill Barker
You probably want mod_jk, since mod_webapp doesn't work on Windows. meyem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] i want , to download a module for integrat tomcat to apache , but i don't found where i must download. please can you help me. this a module ,which i want doxnload :

Re: session related query

2003-10-17 Thread Bill Barker
You can maintain your session going http-https. You can't maintain your session https-http (unless you previously did a http-https). Billy Kantartzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi all , it it possible to maintain user tracking information and session properties

Re: Tomcat Embedded - Solution Viable

2003-10-16 Thread Bill Barker
Nikolaos Giannopoulos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, We have a web app consisting of servlets that talk to a standalone server app over RMI. Currently our customers need to download and install (1) JDK, (2) a web server with a servlet engine and (3) our

Re: Strange behaviour with Tomcat 4.x running as a service

2003-10-16 Thread Bill Barker
Michael Schuldt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I dont't set any JVM options when starting tomcat as a console app. For starting as a service I'm using Tomcat Service Manager (3rd Party Tool). The only option set is -Xrs. You might want to try procrun from

Re: Need Configuration Instructions for Apache2.0, Tomcat5.0 and JK2

2003-10-16 Thread Bill Barker
Try the 4.1 docs. This part hasn't really changed significantly. Yogita Bhardwaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi I am new to Apache Tomcat and want to use the latest versions of the software. There are no instructions available to configure Tomcat 5.0 and Apache

Re: No way to stop jk2.log from appearing?

2003-10-16 Thread Bill Barker
Robert Priest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] from the following code snippet from (j-t-c\jk\native2\common\jk_logger.c): static int JK_METHOD jk2_logger_file_init(jk_env_t *env,jk_logger_t *_this ) { FILE *oldF=(FILE *)_this-logger_private; FILE *f=NULL;

Re: SSL-Tomcat

2003-10-15 Thread Bill Barker
Pirti Andrea (SPES) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello everyone, i have a problem , with Tomcat 4.1.18 and jvm IBMJava2-141. I opnend connector https, but during startup processing i have this exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at

Re: Can I read file resources from a .WAR file at runtime ?

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Barker
Justin's suggestion works, but personally I prefer using: InputStream is = getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(/WEB-INF/myresource); Steph Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a web-app that uses several xml, xsd, and other configuration files at

Re: Constant strukle with connecting to firebird/interbase

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Barker
You have neglected to mention your Tomcat version. At a guess, (from the stack-trace), you are using a 3.2.x version. Richard Drent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Guyzzz Im trying to connect my tomcat to a firebird database server. The first time after a restart of

Re: Why should I use Tomcat vs .NET?

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Barker
Yup. Pretty much what Dov says. Unless you are a one-man-shop, then a MSDN subscription is pretty expensive. And even then, your clients will still have to purchase licenses for any MS components that are required (since you can't (legally) redistribute what you've got from MSDN). Dov

Re: Remove from user group

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Barker
Urm, see the funny little messages attached to the bottom of this message (and every other message sent from this list :). Matthew Do [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Any body know how to remove one's name for TOMCAT USER GROUP. I got too many e-mails Please HELP

Re: manager.xml: cannot configure SSL for form-based authentication

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Barker
Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sorry if this comes through twice. I think it got eaten by my email software the first time. I have tried putting the following in $CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml but the SSL config is ignored:

Re: How to retrieve the information of current HTTP request Tomcat is processing?

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Barker
In Tomcat 5, this should be possible using a RequestListener. Alternatively, it should also be possible (but not portable) to do it via JMX. Denis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Can I write a jsp or servlet to list all the HTTP request the tomcat is processing

Re: mod_jk

2003-10-13 Thread Bill Barker
Stuart Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, I'm running mod_jk and in the mod_jk logs i'm seeing quite a lot of this. If the server is quite busy the occurance of this increases. [Mon Oct 13 08:50:47 2003] [jk_ajp13_worker.c (381)]: Error

Re: Log4j debugging of Coyote HTTP/1.1 connector

2003-10-13 Thread Bill Barker
Mike Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello- I am trying to debug an OutOfMemoryError that I think is occuring inside of the Coyote connector. I have tried a couple of approaches to try to get logging, but I can't get a stack trace for these errors. 1. I

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