I need help with JspC

2004-01-07 Thread Ikonne, Ike
Hi all, I am new to this group, but I have a problem: I am trying to compile my jsps using the following command java -classpath javax.servlet.jar:jasper-compiler.jar:jasper-runtime.jar:commons-logging.jar org.apache.jasper.JspC -v8 newAccount.jsp But I am getting the following error

Help with jspc

2002-04-08 Thread Jay Gardner
Hello all, I am trying to pre-compile my jsp using jspc.bat on win2K. The reason I want to do this is so that JSP code can’t be changed on the fly in production. I am using TC4.0.3. Here is how I try to do this from an ANT build script: !-- JSPC: pre-compile JSPs -- target name=jspc