I am sending you the config.log and a script of
exactly what I did since it is rather large.
Here is my environment. I realize that it is more
recent than yours. However, I performed the exact
same operations on all previous versions of RedHat 9
with the same results.
At 1:36 pm +1100 2004/01/03, George Shafik wrote:
Yep - didn't get past first base - no make file generated!
look, also on MacOSX (BSD based then) it seems impossible to make the
build process work. What I did, following the same step as a couple
years back, is to use apxs directly. On MacOSX on
Yep - didn't get past first base - no make file generated!
In professional circles we classify this as CRAP - Can't Release Application
into Production Config log file is below this e-mail.
In the case of a previous e-mail mod_jk works only on each second HTTP
request as the session is LOOPING i
This has been discussed on the list before. While you
can use a vanilla RedHat 9 install, some of the
libraries (apr, apr-util) are not quite where the make
file thinks they should be.
There are several solutions.
1. Build apache 2.0.48 from source.
a) Note that on RedHat, the SSL libr
I've done mod_jk many times on RH9, but not mod_jk2.
My first suggestion would be to apply all updates before trying to compile
anything, in particular:
glibc and all other related glibc packages
I don't know why you would have gone with mod_webapp before going to
Check my
without going into too much detail IT DOESN'T WORK ITS REALLY BROKE.
Over the past 4 weeks I've made 8 REAL attempts, spent around 30 hours of my time and
short of writing the whole thing myself I went with, tomcat-warp.jar for
Apache 1.3.29 Tomcat 4.1.29. The build is stuffe
since runing mod_jk is throwing me only jsp source instead of jsp..i am trying
mod_jk2. Now when i start apache i get error ../native2/server/mod_jk2.c is not the
correct version. So i got the source and compiled it using and configure,
but in my native2/server/apache2 there