Re:Problems replacing SessionInterceptor

2001-05-17 Thread Twylite
start the server. Anything in web.xml is context-wide, and must be available to the context when you first access it. Twylite

Re:xtp in Tomcat

2001-05-28 Thread Twylite
-in-JSP syntax, allowing some pretty funky stuff: (If your browser displays HTML the following may not work too well...) -- xtags:parse id=doc1 root author name=Twylite / /root /xtags:parse xtags:valueOf select=//author/@name / -- This will parse the inline XML

Re:Problems with ResultSet

2001-05-30 Thread Twylite
Hi, Statement s=cn.createStatement (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); if (!rs.isFirst()) rs.previous(); %tr td%=rs.getString(1)%/td% } [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state You never close

Re:Who Can Provide Me org.hsql.jdbcDriver ?Thanks!

2001-05-30 Thread Twylite
Hi, Who Can Provide Me org.hsql.jdbcDriver ?Thanks In Advance. Twylite

Re:Problem sun.misc solved - but why is authorization=null???? Please help (urgent!)

2001-05-30 Thread Twylite
to communicate logon information, not the Authorization header. That header is only used if you are using Basic logon. Things will remain that way until browsers and servers define other methods of logon. Twylite

Re: Why is authorization=null? Esp. to Twylite

2001-05-31 Thread Twylite
things, and that I haven't made any glaring errors ;) Twylite

RE: JDBC/ODBC: Technological choice

2001-05-31 Thread Twylite
my R2. Given the exchange rate ... that's not far off 2c. Shyte. Twylite

Re:certificate for tomcat and ssl

2001-05-31 Thread Twylite / Parameter name=keypass value=mypass/ /Connector Now restart your tomcat server, and watch as it hopefully finds everything and starts listening for SSL connections on port 8443. Twylite

Re:certificate for tomcat and ssl

2001-05-31 Thread Twylite
the location when you use keytool, and specify the location in the server.xml . Twylite

Re: Re:certificate for tomcat and ssl

2001-05-31 Thread Twylite
with your configuration. I can only stress that I'm using Tomcat 3.2.1 ... your version, if different, may have problems ...? Anyone else care to shed some light on this? Twylite

Per-context authentication database

2001-06-01 Thread Twylite
and logon-error-page in the web.xml, and all that jazz. I do not intend writing my own logic to handle the authentication! Can this be done? If it can't, would it be possible to do it by making a new RequestInterceptor? Twylite

Re: Per-context authentication database

2001-06-01 Thread Twylite
). i.e. not using Realms at all. Thanks, Twylite

Re: Per-context authentication database

2001-06-01 Thread Twylite
... I just didn't know it. Shees. Twylite