Re: Topband: B7P

2024-04-04 Thread Ken Claerbout
webSDR's are really fun to play with and great for testing purposes. But you can bet the mortgage they are also being used for other less than honorable purposes, especially on our beloved Topband. I'm interested the RM Noise initiative ( A search on YouTube bri

Re: Topband: Fwd: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters OK1YQ (OK1RD) Legitimacy???!!!

2019-06-23 Thread Ken Claerbout
Several months ago I was asked by the League for a segment of one of my DX-pedition logs. I assume it was for this, but I don't know that for a fact. Times are changing. There are more ways than ever for someone who wants to game the game. Fake cards seem rather old fashion. 73 Ken K4ZW __

Re: Topband: 160 Meters in Thailand

2019-12-01 Thread Ken Claerbout
Hi Gang - I was fortunate to be part of the HS0ZAR M/2 team for CQWW DX CW. I arrived at the station on Tuesday afternoon, hoping the days leading up to the contest a couple of us would be able to hand out QSO's on the lowbands. A lot of work needed to be done in preparation for the contest, incl

Re: Topband: Experiences with toploaded vertical with spiderbeam pole?

2020-02-17 Thread Ken Claerbout
Hi Henk - we are using an 18 meter Spiderpole at ET3AA. It supports a wire, using a Unadilla 80 meter trap (no longer in production), so that it works on both 80 and 160 meters. I found while using those traps at XW4ZW, that they cannot handle more than 900 - 1000 watts. That is not an issue in E

Re: Topband: Slightly OT - amplifier noise

2020-03-15 Thread Ken Claerbout
A couple of issues I see. It depends which direction(s) the noise and desired signal are coming from. You may null the noise and signal. Also, the loop is bi-directional. I've been playing with a DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B at ET3AA and it works. Thanks to Tim and the gang for their support. But

Re: Topband: DXCC Committe

2020-03-23 Thread Ken Claerbout
I don't wish to drag this debate out any longer than necessary, but some credit is due the League and the DXCC desk. I was contacted some time back asking for a section of one of my DX logs. I gave them the whole thing. Check as many QSO's as you like. I have no idea if this had anything to do w

Re: Topband: 160m Vertical

2020-05-15 Thread Ken Claerbout
I would favor using an inductor. Tune it for the lowest part of the band. Then using a relay or two, you can short out turns if you want to move higher in the band. Although I think you will find using Rohn 25, it will be pretty broad. 73 Ken K4ZW On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:28 AM wrote: > >

Re: Topband: Portable transmit antenna suggestions?

2021-03-10 Thread Ken Claerbout
We installed an 18 meter Spider Pole at ET3AA, which supports a wire Inverted L for 80 and 160. It blows around pretty good at times. While I don't discount Jim's experience, it's been up for 2 plus years and is still going strong. 73 Ken K4ZW On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 12:13 PM Jim Brown wrote: >

Topband: Congratulations - VE6WZ

2021-10-13 Thread Ken Claerbout
Congratulations to Steve Babcock, VE6WZ, who received the Yasme Excellence Award for his contribution to the art of lowband antennas and remote operating. Steve has made available to the amateur community countless hours of instructional videos on lowband topics, available for free on YouTube. Th

Re: Topband: Lawn staples

2022-02-22 Thread Ken Claerbout
Areas of my yard have a lot of stone. Six inch staples were a pain to use. Four inch worked better, in case you have similar soil. Also, if you are going to install a bunch of them, do yourself a favor and buy the staple driver tool which makes it a breeze. 73 Ken K4ZW On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at

Topband: Webinar - The first Top Band DX Contest – the 1921 Transatlantic Test

2013-02-23 Thread Ken Claerbout
Frank Donovan, W3LPL, provides a very entertaining and informative look at the 1921 Transatlantic contest, complete with the transmitters, receivers, and antennas used. Since that time much has changed in the equipment and antennas used. The lengths contestants will go to win a contest has not

Re: Topband: Z81Z

2013-02-28 Thread Ken Claerbout
Got a line up on the tower today so I will do my best to be on this evening. But I have a lot of challenges to deal with in order to make this happen so hang in there. I will do my best. 73 Ken K4ZW/Z81Z _ Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Z81Z

2013-02-28 Thread Ken Claerbout
I was unable to get the antenna working today. Not really sure why because it was tested extensively at home. Could be interaction with the tower. Maybe just as good as some strong rain storms are moving through the area. I'll make another attempt at it tomorrow. Ken K4ZW/Z81Z

Topband: The Quest to save AM radio

2013-09-11 Thread Ken Claerbout
"Exactly right. Isn't small government wonderful?" That's really not the problem. Many federal agencies, including the one I work at, have plenty of money and personnel. It's more a function of priorities and who sets them. Years ago when I was in a Master's program, one of the courses I took wa

Topband: Are We Headed Into Another Maunder Minimum?

2014-04-21 Thread Ken Claerbout
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is pleased to host Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, as he presents "Are We Headed Into Another Maunder Minimum? What Does It Mean for Propagation?" Date: Thursday, April 24 Time: 9 PM EDT (Friday, April 25 - 01:00 UTC) Registration: https://www2.

Topband: Webinar - A Long Overdue Review of Gray Line Propagation on the Low Bands

2014-08-28 Thread Ken Claerbout
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is pleased to present A Long Overdue Review of Gray Line Propagation on the Low Bands with Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA. Carl will trace the origin of gray line propagation, and show that there is a problem with the current explanation that propagati

Topband: TX relays

2014-10-13 Thread Ken Claerbout
Milt's question was a good one and it got my interest since I am in the process of building an 80 meter transmit array. It's unfortunate the discussion tuned into an excrement fest but it shouldn't come as a surprise. People are who they are. Thanks to those who provided useful comments. I l

Topband: Webinar - Waller Flag RX Antenna 101 - How to Construct a WF

2017-01-28 Thread Ken Claerbout
Join us for a webinar on Feb 16, 2017 at 9:00 PM EST Register now! - JC N4IS covers the concepts and decisions to build your own WF low band high performance receive antenna. Topics include: 1- What is a Waller Flag 2- Horizontal or v

Topband: N4IS - Waller Flag Construction Webinar Posted

2017-03-01 Thread Ken Claerbout
Thanks to JC, N4IS for his presentation. The Webinar and his slides are now available on the WWROF webpage at 73 Ken K4ZW _ Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Dayton 2017 Contest Activities With K3LR

2017-05-07 Thread Ken Claerbout
Thanks to Tim Duffy, K3LR, for doing a short video on Contest University and other contest related activities at Dayton 2017. You can access the video on the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) at the following link -

Topband: Upcoming Webinars - Preparing for the Upcoming Contest Season

2017-09-14 Thread Ken Claerbout
Hi Gang - with CQWW DX and other contests coming up, I've put together a few Webinars to kick things off. More are in the works, but we're ready to announce the first two. Pass the word! Wednesday, October 4, 9 PM EDT (Thursday, October 5 - 01:00 UTC) A Look at Propagation for the 2017/2018 Cont

Re: Topband: underground cables question

2017-10-05 Thread Ken Claerbout
As you have found out, it's impossible to keep water out of a conduit like that. I use direct bury cabling and put it directly in the ground. Granted the cable is flooded, but putting in back in the conduit ensures it will sit in some water, something I would try to avoid. 73 Ken K4ZW ---

Topband: TZ4AM

2017-10-16 Thread Ken Claerbout
I thought 160 Meters was the Gentleman's band? Some of you need to take a deep breath and relax. Surely you have more important things in your lives? Jeff knows he has an RX problem and he's working on it. What more can he do? Topband is difficult and frustrating from many locations. A litt

Topband: A way forward to keep 'old school' modes vibrant alongside FT-8?

2017-10-26 Thread Ken Claerbout
Most of you know where my heart is on this one. And there are some good suggestions for keeping the old school modes vibrant. While good intentioned, the idea of splitting up the DXCC award is going to be a wasted effort. I would argue remote operating has already changed the DXCC landscape in a

Topband: Receiving Antenna Metrics With Examples Webinar

2018-02-12 Thread Ken Claerbout
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is pleased to present the following Webinar. Date - Tuesday, February 13 Time - 19:00 UTC Registration - Jukka OH6LI shares a presentation about receiving antennas. Gain and front-to-b

Topband: Webinar - Receiving Antenna Metrics With Examples

2018-02-16 Thread Ken Claerbout
Thanks to Jukka, OH6LI, for his very informative Webinar. The event recording, presentation slides, and Excel spreadsheet used can be found on the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) at 73 Ken K4ZW ___

Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!

2018-03-31 Thread Ken Claerbout
Seems like this is a matter of personal preference, where our individual interest lies, and what motivates us to operate. Some of you may know my attempts to activate XW on the lowbands these past few years. My success on Topband to the US, most difficult path, has been limited at best. It seems

Topband: ET3YOTA Lowband Report

2018-12-19 Thread Ken Claerbout
Greetings - I thought I would share a few comments from the recently concluded visit with friends at the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society and our ET3YOTA (Youth On The Air) celebration. It’s been awhile since I’ve been back here, so it was good to reconnect with everyone. Bob, W9XY, and I traveled

Topband: Vertical Array Over Uneven Ground

2012-11-13 Thread Ken Claerbout
Has anyone modeled or have experience with a transmit vertical array, say a 4-square, over uneven ground? By uneven I mean a variance of up to 2 - 3 meters over the footprint of the array elements. I have plenty of room at this QTH but the terrain is fairly uneven. I've done some modeling but wo

Re: Topband: Vertical Array Over Uneven Ground

2012-11-15 Thread Ken Claerbout
Since I started this thread, hopefully this will end it. I was talking about a difference on the order of 6' - 9', which I think was understood. But there are always those few that like to stir the pot, no matter how petty. Thanks to those who provided useful feedback. I'll follow up directl

Topband: Webinar - "Grayline Propagation, or Florida to Cocos (Keeling) on 80m"

2015-02-14 Thread Ken Claerbout
Description: The 2013 VK9CZ DXpedition to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands made 51 QSOs with US Zone 5 on 80m. 21 of these QSOs - more than 40 percent - were with stations in Florida. This presentation discusses several possible propagation mechanisms for this grayline event, and concludes that pro

Topband: Webinar - "Grayline Propagation, or Florida to Cocos (Keeling) on 80m"

2015-03-10 Thread Ken Claerbout
N4II's very informative Webinar has been posted to the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) web page. "The 2013 VK9CZ DXpedition to the Cocos (Keeling) Islands made 51 QSOs with US Zone 5 on 80m. 21 of these QSOs – more than 40 percent – were with stations in Florida. This presentatio

Topband: XW4ZW Update

2016-01-19 Thread Ken Claerbout
I see now why my original post, from the 18th, didn't show up. I sent it to the wrong address. It's below. I can report that the beverage is working very well! Only thing I can figure is that it fills in a gap to the south, where the 4 square pattern falls off. Last night the band was rathe

Topband: Webinar - High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot

2016-02-14 Thread Ken Claerbout
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation ( is pleased to sponsor the following Webinar. High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot Jose Carlos (JC), N4IS, will look at basic concepts of RX antennas and share his experiences with lowband RX antennas on a small lot, including the

Topband: WWROF Webinar - High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot

2016-03-05 Thread Ken Claerbout
Thanks to JC N4IS for his excellent presentation on lowband RX antennas and to WWROF for their continued sponsorship of the Webinar programs. We had almost 500 people register for this event! The recorded Webinar along with a copy of JC's slides has been posted to:

Topband: Web SDR's and 'Cheating'

2011-02-11 Thread Ken Claerbout
Who among us is surprised? Almost all of the new technology tools (SDR, chatroom, Spectran, etc.) while intriguing and fun to operate, can be used to make QSO's that would not otherwise be made. I personally have no interest in working DX that way. It removes some of the challenge that drew m