Re: multiple criteria on the same field

2009-05-08 Thread Andras Balogh
Hi, You need to do something like: criteria.add( dataIscrizioneInizio.and(dataIscrizioneFine) ) ; to add both Criterions in the same time to the Criteria. Best regards, Andras Ivano Luberti wrote: Hello , I have searched the ml and googled for this. I have found 2 old email asking for

Re: Problem with OR Clause

2007-05-11 Thread Andras Balogh
Hi, Use the Criteria.Criterion object, see here: That will work for sure. Best regards, Andras. Mark Wassermann wrote: Hi List Im using torque 3.1.1 as part of turbine 2.3.2. I want to create a quere to find an

Re: SharedPoolDataSourceFactory problem

2006-08-29 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Sorry for the confusion created, problem solved. Infact we have used Torque-3.1 and the problem was that the version of dbcp was too old: commons-dbcp-20030825.184428.jar the correct one to use is commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar Best regards, Andras.

SharedPoolDataSourceFactory problem

2006-08-28 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, We have developed a web application with Torque3-2. We have tested the scenario of stopping the DB server than restarting. The web application should discover that the Connections in the pool are broken, drop them and create new ones. For this we used these value

Re: SharedPoolDataSourceFactory problem

2006-08-28 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Greg, We are using MS-SQL but the query is not the problem. This query SELECT 1 is never called, is is not reaching the SQL Server (we see this with the Profiler started) What happens is that upon Torque.init these 2 properties: torque.dsfactory.bookstore.pool.testOnBorrow=true

Re: Problem with DB connection

2006-07-11 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Check here: You should add the autoReconnect or autoReconnectForPools in the connection URL of mysql. Best regards, Andras. Rafal Markut wrote: Hello, I use Turbine 2.3.2 and Torque 3.1.1, Tomcat and MySQL

Re: AW: Problem with SQL Task jdbc

2006-07-11 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Do not set torque.database.schema to null. Try to set it to the name of the user who connects to the DB or to value DBO (or dbo) I had to add to SQL server so it might work for Sybase also. Best regards, Andras. Thoralf Rickert wrote: Okay, the property torque.database.schema has

Re: IdBroker, Native and MSSQL

2005-12-20 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I have successfully used Torque and MSSQL with no problems. Are you sure you are defining in your schema for the identity column you have primaryKey=true autoIncrement=true? Best regards, Andras. - To unsubscribe,

Re: IdBroker, Native and MSSQL

2005-12-20 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, So you have in your schema like this: database name=your_db defaultIdMethod=native ? Which version of Torque are You using? Also you have in torque.database.your_db.adapter=mssql ? Best regards, Andras. Trey Long wrote: Yes, everything seems correct from my end.

Re: MySql InnoDB question

2005-06-23 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, How did you configured the idMethod in your schema? You don't need IDBroker since mysql should support auto increment primary keys so you should go with idMethod=native for tables with auto increment primary key. Best regards, Andras. Youngho Cho wrote: Hello, I read TRQ278 for

Re: MySql InnoDB question

2005-06-23 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Can You post your file? I have seen this error when i have not added correctly this line: torque.database.YOURDB.adapter=mysql Best regards, Andras. Youngho Cho wrote: Hello, Yes I know Torque support idMethod=native for mysql. But I would like to use

Re: Help With Criteria for Special SQL

2005-06-01 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, This should be possible with Criteria.CUSTOM, check here: I think in your case it would be something like: crit.add(CategoryPeer.CODE ,(Object)Category.CODE + '%' LIKE '1' ,Criteria.CUSTOM); Best regards, Andras. Trevor Miller

Re: Communication failure during handshake

2005-05-31 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Communication failure during handshake can be caused also by an incompatible (old) MySQL driver. You should try to get a mysql driver for version 4.1. and use this and discard the old one. Best regards, Andras. Jon August wrote: Hi, I saw this question asked before on the list,

Re: Torque and jsp

2005-03-15 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Why don't You put the file in WEB-INF/classes/ and load it like this: if(!Torque.isInit()) { PropertiesConfiguration pc = new PropertiesConfiguration(); pc.load( this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( );

Re: [Criteria] where colA=colB

2005-02-24 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Can You give a concrete example what are You trying to do? I think this case: WHERE TABLE_1.COL_A = TABLE_2.COL_B can be handled by: crit.addJoin(Table1Peer.ColA,Table2Peer.ColB) or this is not the join condition between the tables? Also you may try to use Criteria.CUSTOM for the

Re: [Criteria] where colA=colB

2005-02-24 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Elisabeth, T E Schmitz wrote: In this particular case, I have actually put together a sub-select, which I retrieve with BasePeer.createQueryString() and add as an AS-column in the main SELECT: . I've put this all together with Criteria except: T.METHOD =

Re: Arrays in OM classes

2005-02-22 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Thomas, My understanding is that if in the XML schema the foreign key relation is defined Torque will generate a protected method in BaseContactPeer doSelectCotactJoinByPhoneNumbers() (or something like that) So all that needs to be done is to make it public in ContactPeer. This

Re: Problems with Mysql timeout

2005-02-08 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, This is a MySQL related prolbem You must specify autoreconnect=true (or something like) that at connection properties. You will find this info on the mysql site, jdbc connection properties. Best regards, Andras. Matthew P. Reath wrote: I'm developing a web-based application using

Re: connection leak

2004-12-23 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, This should be possible, torque uses commons DHCP: See there how to log the abandoned connections. Best regards and Happy Holidays, Andras. Husek, Paul wrote: Guy, Thanks for the response. While I realize I can (and should) do

Re: Union of fields

2004-10-07 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, You could check a method generated by Torque: doSelectJoin this does the same thing, retrieves data from 2 or more tables. (doSelectJoin... methods are generated in BaseXXPeer when foreign keys are defined) You have to check the code and than write your own code based on what you

Re: java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure:

2004-09-20 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Lucas, I would try to play a little bit with the connection settings of mysql, see: (Connection Properties*) *I think what it interests you is the 'autoReconnect' property. Best regards, Andras. Lucas Fragomeni wrote: Help! Here

Re: AW: defaultIdMethod=none

2004-08-31 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I think when you are using idMethod=none torque know that you are in charge of setting the primary key values and doesn't try to set them. What you have to do is to do a select on AddressB322Peer after insert to get it back your AddressB322 also with the ID inserted by your trigger

Re: Problems connecting to MySql database.

2004-08-24 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Althrough this is a little bit OT for Torque list ;) I will try to give you some hints . Make sure you don't have any firewall blocking your TCP port 3306. The console(and phpmyadmin) maybe connects through unix socket not TCP/IP , try with mysql --host=hostname Try other possibilites

Re: my experience with torque

2004-08-23 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Michael Moossen NO TENGO! . wrote: Hi, all first of all, i want to give my solution for counting the number of rows with a Criteria, a question i saw no remember where, may be in the wiki? take a not null column (may be a pk column), add the condition: row is not null and add a

Re: How does Criteria.or work??

2004-07-14 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I don't know about criteria.or but you may try to do it with Criteria.Criterion See: section Using Criterion to use a Column twice in a Criteria Best regards, Andras. Daniel de los Reyes wrote: Hello, I am trying to make a query that may

Re: Criteria parses to SELECT FROM ..

2004-07-14 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Can you explain what is wrong? I see no error in this code ... you will get back a List of Objects of type XXX if you are in XXXPeer. Best regards, Andras. ron piterman wrote: Hi, I use the following code to query (inside the Peer class, so the constants are class constants...)

Re: Criteria parses to SELECT FROM ..

2004-07-14 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I don't see why you need to work with the SQL itself as String, the whole idea of Torque is to do selects (and any other DB operation) with the Criteria object. Best regards, Andras. ron piterman wrote: The * is missing in the parsed SQL, so I get an SQL error :(

Re: IdGenerator is null

2004-07-13 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, How is your file look like? Do you have a line like: torque.database.yourdb_name.adapter=mysql ? Best regards, Andras. ron piterman wrote: Hi, I am using torque with mysql, generating the schema vie the ant jdbc task, and then the obejct model with the om task. When

Re: IdGenerator is null

2004-07-13 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, Torque doesn't need the schema at runtime, all the information is stored in the Map classes. Currently i think Torque is confused at your side which method to use to generate unique keys: IDBroker - this is implemented in Torque Native - this is implemented by the DB in your case

Re: Strange connection pool exception

2004-04-06 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, How is your connection settings in Try to use the second type of pool: org.apache.torque.dsfactory.SharedPoolDataSourceFactory Best wishes, Andras. Nathan Mcminn wrote: Has anybody ever seen this exception before? Most of the time I'm not having any issues, but once in

Re: Sybase error

2004-03-28 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Derek, I think you have the same problem as i did a long time ago, the com.workingdogs.village.Column.readonly() method always returns true and the update statement is not built correcty. See my post about the problems i had :[EMAIL

Re: Doubt in Torque Update

2004-03-22 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I think you have to create 2 Criteria objects and use this method: BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria, con); Best wishes, Andras newton mn wrote: hi update UserContentRating set Rating=+rating+ ,ts='+ts+'+ where ContentItemId=+item_id+ and UserId='+uid+'; The above query,

Re: Torque on Tomcat: Exception: DataSourceFactory not configured

2004-03-15 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, How does your torque config file ( look like and where is placed? Regards, Andras. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Torque on Tomcat: Exception: DataSourceFactory not configured

2004-03-15 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Drake, I think than this line is missing: torque.database.cms-cms.adapter=mysql Add this after torque.database.default = cms-cms Regards, Andras. Drake Philbrook wrote: Hi Andras, lives in /WEB-INF/classes. Here is the content... log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, default

Re: sql2xml postgresql

2004-03-05 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I think at jdbc target the problem is the schema: [torque-jdbc-transform] schema : ${databaseSchema} You should specify in torque.database.schema = but i don't know what this vaules should be for postgres maybe the owner of the tables? (i.e. the username who created

Re: simple join problem

2004-03-02 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Travis, I think there currently there is no method to allow passing a Connection object also. I see 3 possibilities: 1) Let Torque get the Connection the same way you get it (see in there is an option also for jndi and I think also more, maybe you can make a

Re: Documentation and (slightly) strange update problem

2004-02-25 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, What about using the Criteria Object? Critetria crit=new Criteria(); crit.add(ObjcontentPeer.folderID,folder.getObjid()); crit.add(ObjcontentPeer.OBJ_ID,getObjid()); List l=ObjcontentPeer.doSelect(crit); Best wishes, Andras. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As requested, here is the code /*

Re: How does Torque handle the database disconnecting idle connections???

2004-01-30 Thread Andras Balogh
Hi, You can try to use the Jdbc2Pool (the second pool type in Here you can enter a validation query, ex: torque.dsfactory.yourdb.pool.validationQuery=SELECT 1 Best wishes, Andras. Jeff Rasmussen wrote: I have been using torque for some time and have run into issues when the

Re: DB2/400 inserts fail with Torque code

2004-01-22 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, We had the same problem using Sybase DB, and we did exactly the same, modified the village classes to set readonly=false. I think only ResultSetMetaData can return the meta data of a table (i.e. column info) and not DatabaseMetaData. Best wishes, Andras. Vikas Phonsa wrote:

Re: Problem with postgresql

2004-01-07 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Hassan, Does your file contain: torque.database.default=m3c torque.database.m3c.adapter=postgresql ?? Hope it helps, Andras. Hassan Abolhassani wrote: I tried to follow your advises but still have the same problem.

Re: MSSQL JDBC reverse ?

2003-12-17 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Bogdan, I think this line: torque.database.schema = dbo is missing from your file. Also i'm not sure exaclty what values should hae, dbo works for me. Best wishes, Andras. Bogdan Vatkov wrote: Hi all, I have tried to reverse xml schema from ms sql server via jdbc target..

Re: Performance problems

2003-11-27 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello Josh, What happens is the torque loads each object (if its doesn't have it already ) from the DB. You should try to use the methods doSelectJoin to tell torque that make a join in the tables and load all objects form one shoot, or i think better is to make your own method

Re: How to generate a schema.xml

2003-10-23 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, I'm not 100% sure but i think this line is wrong: torque.database.shema = bookstore This should be set to the owner of the tables with uppercase i.e. DBO or what appears as owner of the tables in Enterprise Manager. Best wishes, Andras. No.9 wrote: Hi , Now I'm tryng to generate a

Re: sybase anywhere

2003-10-17 Thread Andras Balogh
Hello, We have used torque sucessfully with Adaptive Server Anywhere for UNIX 8.0.0. Best wishes, Andras szul wrote: Hi! According to the web site, torque supports sybase. Sybase has two database products: Adaptive Server Enterprise and Anywhere. I suppose that ASE is supported but how

Re: Problems with save() method with Peer class

2003-08-10 Thread Andras Balogh
- Original Message - From: Matt Reath To: 'Apache Torque Users List' Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:39 PM Subject: RE: Problems with save() method with Peer class Andras, I've included my config files. I hope you can help. Hello Matt, I just seen that you are

Re: problem configuring data source

2003-04-03 Thread Andras Balogh
- Original Message - From: Jenny Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Turbine Torque Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 21:44 Subject: Re: problem configuring data source I'm still having trouble, this time with id generation... org.apache.torque.TorqueException: