Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-17 Thread Stephen Kent

Ben Kudak politely noted that my reply to Andrew's comments lost all formatting 
when I sent it. I have attached the formatted version that I prepared, as a 
PDF, to facilitate review.




‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On May 7, 2018 2:29 PM, Andrew Ayer  wrote:

> ​​
> draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis-13 has a number of issues that ought
> to be fixed before it's published.
> A. Logs do not check for syntactic misissuance
> Sections and give the impression that logs check,
> or ought to check, submitted certificates for syntactic misissuance.
> Page 20 says that syntactic misissuance will be detected "only if" a
> (pre-)certificate is submitted to a log that performs syntactic checks.
> This is not an intended function of logs, and not a single one of the
> 58 logs currently in operation performs syntactic misissuance checks.
> Furthermore, having logs perform this function would violate separation
> of concerns. Instead, monitors perform syntactic misissuance checks.
>, for instance, runs all certificates through several certificate
> linters.
> Page 20 says that "syntactic checking [of pre-certificates] by a log
> helps avoid issuance of an erroneous certificate." This is contrary to
> RFC6962 and RFC6962-bis, which both state that issuing a pre-certificate
> is a binding commitment by the CA to issue a certificate. It would
> be dangerous for a CA to follow the advice on page 20, as browsers
> rightly consider misissuance of a pre-certificate to be equivalent to
> misissuance of a real certificate. CAs must perform syntactic checks on
> the TBSCertificate prior to signing anything.
> Section is premised on two I-Ds that were not adopted by trans
> and have expired.
> I suggest that sections and be removed entirely.
> B. Conflation of log misbehavior and CA misbehavior
> Page 4 says that if a bogus SCT is discovered, it would trigger
> a revocation request. Page 26 says that browsers need to "reject
> certificates that contain SCTs from conspiring logs."
> Page 3 says "if an RP verified that a certificate that claims to have
> been logged has a valid log entry, the RP would have a higher degree of
> confidence that the certificate is genuine."
> But behavior of a log says nothing about whether a certificate was
> properly issued. A properly-issued certificate might be logged to a
> a misbehaving log, and a misissued certificate might be logged to a
> well-behaved log.
> Therefore, browsers should not consider a certificate more likely to
> be genuine just because it's logged, and if a certificate contains an
> embedded SCT from a log that's known to be bad, the browser should reject
> only that SCT, and still check SCTs from other logs. And there is no need
> to revoke a properly-issued certificate just because it's submitted to
> a log that misbehaves.
> Section 5.3 says that "evidence of a bogus or erroneous certificate"
> can be "in the form of a log entry and/or SCT." An SCT is irrelevant
> for this, as it attests only to log behavior.
> C. Response to log misbehavior
> On pages 4, 9, and 13, the draft says that monitors should not "trust"
> or "rely upon" misbehaving logs. But monitors don't trust or distrust
> logs - they just view logs as a source of certificates. Browsers, on
> the other hand, do trust and distrust logs. For example, after two logs
> (WoSign and Startcom) issued bad SCTs, they were distrusted by Chrome, but
> Cert Spotter and continued monitoring them until they shut down.
> The document should be updated to remove mention of monitors trusting or
> relying upon logs, and to make clear that the primary response to a
> misbehaving log is for browsers to distrust it.
> D. Signature/chain mutation attack
> There's another way a log can misbehave which ought to be mentioned in
> section A misbehaving log that conspires with a CA could log
> a misissued certificate, but mutate the certificate's signature or chain
> such that the certificate is no longer cryptographically attributable to
> the CA. The CA could then plausibly deny that it issued the certificate.
> Since the signature and chain are not part of the Merkle Tree, the SCT
> will be accepted by browsers and be auditable, despite the log entry
> being mutated and useless for responding to the misissuance.
> Monitors should be sure to validate the signature and chain of logged
> certificates so that this misbehavior can be detected.
> E. Chrome is requiring SCTs now
> As David A. Cooper pointed out, Chrome is now requiring new certificates
> to contain SCTs, so sections,, and 5.4 need updates.
> F. Organization
> The organization of the draft seems sub-optimal. At a high level, the
> document is broken up into sem

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-15 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:50 AM, David A. Cooper 

> I can't speak for Steve, but I can provide an example of a syntax error I
> encountered as a result of "quirks of CA certificate-issuing software."
> Many years ago when I was tasked to check whether certificates being
> issued by a CA were being issued in conformance with the appropriate
> profile, I discovered that the keyUsage extensions in the certificates were
> not DER encoded. The contents of the extension were correct according to
> BER, but not DER, and everything else about the certificate was correct.
> This must have been the fault of the developer of the CA software and not
> the company operating the CA. This would not be a security or trust failure
> by the CA and most clients wouldn't even notice the problem. There would,
> however, be the risk that some client software somewhere would not accept
> the certificate simply because of the encoding problem, so it was useful
> for the encoding problem to be identified and fixed.

I think we may disagree on this assessment. I agree that it presents an
interoperability issue - but I think a failure of the CA to actually ensure
that their software conforms to the profile is a grounds for concern. We've
seen a spectrum of CAs and competencies - and I know of some CAs that have
expressly written tools to ensure everything they issue conforms to the
appropriate profile (i.e. they actually understand their systems) versus
CAs that think that if you use some COTS product, you've got Production
Grade issuance.

CT very much cares about detecting these issues, in practice, and in fact,
it's the detection, discovery, and mitigation of precisely these sorts of
issues that have demonstrated the most immediate practical value. Further,
because of the existence of such linting tools, CAs are now expected to run
such linting tools prior to their issuance.

It is thus, to that end, that having logs reject such certificates (i.e.
logs as linters) that would undermine the development of and enforcement of
issuance policy. Linting-as-a-service is provided by separable endpoints,
and while such services can mask the underlying issues that CAs have,
that's conversely part of the goal of having such APIs - to check a
tbsCertificate before the CA has actually signed the material, while
checking a precertificate/certificate means that the CA has actually signed
it, and is notable for detection and censure.
Trans mailing list

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-15 Thread David A. Cooper

I can't speak for Steve, but I can
  provide an example of a syntax error I encountered as a result of
  "quirks of CA certificate-issuing software."
  Many years ago when I was tasked to check whether certificates
  being issued by a CA were being issued in conformance with the
  appropriate profile, I discovered that the keyUsage extensions in
  the certificates were not DER encoded. The contents of the
  extension were correct according to BER, but not DER, and
  everything else about the certificate was correct.
  This must have been the fault of the developer of the CA software
  and not the company operating the CA. This would not be a security
  or trust failure by the CA and most clients wouldn't even notice
  the problem. There would, however, be the risk that some client
  software somewhere would not accept the certificate simply because
  of the encoding problem, so it was useful for the encoding problem
  to be identified and fixed.
  It's not clear, however, that this is the type of error
  draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis has in mind. Section 1 of the
  document says:
     A certificate is characterized as syntactically mis-issued
     erroneous) if it violates syntax constraints associated
with the
     class of certificate that it purports to represent.  Syntax
     constraints for certificates are established by certificate
     and typically are application-specific.
  makes no mention of encoding errors, such as the one I
  But, my guess would be that syntactic mis-issuance was intended to
  include encoding errors in addition to violations of
  application-specific certificate profiles.
  NOTE: I have no position of which entity, if any, should be
  checking for these types of errors, or on how the discovery of
  such errors should be handled if they are found.
  On 05/14/2018 10:06 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:



Page 20 says that "syntactic checking [of
pre-certificates] by a log helps avoid issuance of an
erroneous certificate." This is contrary to RFC6962 and
RFC6962-bis, which both state that issuing a
pre-certificate is a binding commitment by the CA to
issue a certificate. It would be dangerous for a CA to
follow the advice on page 20, as browsers rightly
consider misissuance of a pre-certificate to be
equivalent to misissuance of a real certificate. 

  I'll change the text on page 20 to state that a log
  could help a CA detect and avoid issuing a syntactically
  erroneous cert. Also, what 6962 says is not relevant here-
  that was an experimental doc, not standards track.
  Submission of a pre-cert to a log probably does indicate
  an internet to issue a cert, but certificate issuance need
  not result in delivery to a Subject. If a CA were advised
  by a log that a certificate was malformed (e.g.., due to
  “quirks of CA certificate-issuing software” then the CA
  could ditch the certificate, or revoke it, and try again.

I don't think that would be a positive change, and have
  to agree with Andrew here, that it would seem moreso
  detrimental to the ecosystem that CT aims to improve.

I'm not sure the rationale for ditching the certificate
  is at all reasonable - the fact that such a certificate
  was even considered as 'log worthy' by a CA is a
  demonstration of a failure by that CA to uphold public
  trust. In that model, it's vitally essential for the Log
  to make that known - not to help the CA cover it up. In
  this regard, that the CA has used its key to sign
  something - anything - that fails the checks is a
  demonstration of risk to any PKI that trust this CAs.

I think painting it as quirks does a disservice - it's
  an operational failure of the CA, and thus, by proxy, a
  security and trust failure by the CA. That is, if
  anything, one of the most noteworthy events - rather than
  the inverse.

CAs must perform syntactic checks on the TBSCertificate
prior to signing anything.

  In principle yes, but in practice, … “quirks of CA

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-14 Thread Ryan Sleevi
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 11:26 AM, Stephen Kent  wrote:

> Also, note that 6962-bis says: “Logs SHOULD accept certificates and
> precertificates that are fully valid according to RFC 5280 [RFC5280]
> verification rules and are submitted with such a chain.” This text suggests
> that some logs might choose to verify certificate syntax as part of path
> validation, although none need to do so. The text goes on to note that a
> log may choose to accept certs that violate some 5280 rules, which also
> suggests to me that syntax checking is not outlawed by 6269-bis. It
> acknowledges that this leniency is needed to accept “quirks of CA
> certificate-issuing software.”

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but that sounds like an inversion of one of
the goals of CT. That is, that logs should do as little verification as
possible, and what verification they do perform is not a function of an
ecosystem benefit or of CA benefit, but rather, of mitigation of spam or
risk to the log itself.

> This is not an intended function of logs, and not a single one of the 58
> logs currently in operation performs syntactic misissuance checks.
> Furthermore, having logs perform this function would violate separation of
> concerns. Instead, monitors perform syntactic misissuance checks.,
> for instance, runs all certificates through several certificate linters.
> The document examines possible ways that one might detect syntax problems
> and how elements of CT might facilitate remediation of detected problems.
> Logs, if they chose to perform such checks, could help in this respect and
> that’s why they are discussed, irrespective of how logs currently operate.
> Also, I don’t see where 6962-bis states that a monitor performs syntax
> checks. For example, the 6962-bis text for the description of Monitor
> operation still says “Monitors watch logs to check that they behave
> correctly, for certificates of interest, or both.” (The “or both” makes no
> sense here, as I noted several times in 2017, but …)

I have to agree with Andrew here, to the extent that we have considered for
Chrome formulating explicit policies prohibiting logs from doing what's
described here. Logs that perform such checks would not help the ecosystem,
but rather, they would actively harm the PKIs they were serving, by
preventing public record of and discovery of misissuance.

I'm also not sure why you believe "or both" is not reflective of the
reality. There are monitors that simply treat Logs as databases of
certificates, without regard for ensuring the cryptographic properties - on
a reliance of other members of the ecosystem performing such verification,
and perhaps agreeing upon some common shared STH. In this model, "or both"
is entirely reflective of real world.

> Page 20 says that "syntactic checking [of pre-certificates] by a log helps
> avoid issuance of an erroneous certificate." This is contrary to RFC6962
> and RFC6962-bis, which both state that issuing a pre-certificate is a
> binding commitment by the CA to issue a certificate. It would be dangerous
> for a CA to follow the advice on page 20, as browsers rightly consider
> misissuance of a pre-certificate to be equivalent to misissuance of a real
> certificate.
> I'll change the text on page 20 to state that a log could help a CA detect
> and avoid issuing a syntactically erroneous cert. Also, what 6962 says is
> not relevant here- that was an experimental doc, not standards track.
> Submission of a pre-cert to a log probably does indicate an internet to
> issue a cert, but certificate issuance need not result in delivery to a
> Subject. If a CA were advised by a log that a certificate was malformed
> (e.g., due to “quirks of CA certificate-issuing software” then the CA could
> ditch the certificate, or revoke it, and try again.

I don't think that would be a positive change, and have to agree with
Andrew here, that it would seem moreso detrimental to the ecosystem that CT
aims to improve.

I'm not sure the rationale for ditching the certificate is at all
reasonable - the fact that such a certificate was even considered as 'log
worthy' by a CA is a demonstration of a failure by that CA to uphold public
trust. In that model, it's vitally essential for the Log to make that known
- not to help the CA cover it up. In this regard, that the CA has used its
key to sign something - anything - that fails the checks is a demonstration
of risk to any PKI that trust this CAs.

I think painting it as quirks does a disservice - it's an operational
failure of the CA, and thus, by proxy, a security and trust failure by the
CA. That is, if anything, one of the most noteworthy events - rather than
the inverse.

> CAs must perform syntactic checks on the TBSCertificate prior to signing
> anything.
> In principle yes, but in practice, … “quirks of CA certificate-issuing
> software”

I'm not sure what you're referring to as quirks again. This is a rather
fatal failure mode, and one of the express go

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-14 Thread Stephen Kent

Thanks for taking the time to review the document and for the nice organization 
of your comments.

A.  Logs do not check for syntactic misissuance 

Sections and give the impression that logs check, or ought to 
check, submitted certificates for syntactic misissuance. Page 20 says that 
syntactic misissuance will be detected "only if" a (pre-)certificate is 
submitted to a log that performs syntactic checks. 

There was no intent to suggest that logs do or ought to perform syntax checks. 
Sorry for any confusion in that regard. I did find several places where 
uppercase reserved words appear, which is inappropriate for an informational 
RFC. I will change all of these to lowercase. 

Also, note that 6962-bis says: “Logs SHOULD accept certificates and 
precertificates that are fully valid according to RFC 5280 [RFC5280] 
verification rules and are submitted with such a chain.” This text suggests 
that some logs might choose to verify certificate syntax as part of path 
validation, although none need to do so. The text goes on to note that a log 
may choose to accept certs that violate some 5280 rules, which also suggests to 
me that syntax checking is not outlawed by 6269-bis. It acknowledges that this 
leniency is needed to accept “quirks of CA certificate-issuing software.”

This is not an intended function of logs, and not a single one of the 58 logs 
currently in operation performs syntactic misissuance checks. Furthermore, 
having logs perform this function would violate separation of concerns. 
Instead, monitors perform syntactic misissuance checks., for instance, 
runs all certificates through several certificate linters. 

The document examines possible ways that one might detect syntax problems and 
how elements of CT might facilitate remediation of detected problems. Logs, if 
they chose to perform such checks, could help in this respect and that’s why 
they are discussed, irrespective of how logs currently operate. Also, I don’t 
see where 6962-bis states that a monitor performs syntax checks. For example, 
the 6962-bis text for the description of Monitor operation still says “Monitors 
watch logs to check that they behave correctly, for certificates of interest, 
or both.” (The “or both” makes no sense here, as I noted several times in 2017, 
but …)

Page 20 says that "syntactic checking [of pre-certificates] by a log helps 
avoid issuance of an erroneous certificate." This is contrary to RFC6962 and 
RFC6962-bis, which both state that issuing a pre-certificate is a binding 
commitment by the CA to issue a certificate. It would be dangerous for a CA to 
follow the advice on page 20, as browsers rightly consider misissuance of a 
pre-certificate to be equivalent to misissuance of a real certificate. 

I'll change the text on page 20 to state that a log could help a CA detect and 
avoid issuing a syntactically erroneous cert. Also, what 6962 says is not 
relevant here- that was an experimental doc, not standards track. Submission of 
a pre-cert to a log probably does indicate an internet to issue a cert, but 
certificate issuance need not result in delivery to a Subject. If a CA were 
advised by a log that a certificate was malformed (e.g., due to “quirks of CA 
certificate-issuing software” then the CA could ditch the certificate, or 
revoke it, and try again.

CAs must perform syntactic checks on the TBSCertificate prior to signing 

In principle yes, but in practice, … “quirks of CA certificate-issuing software”

Section is premised on two I-Ds that were not adopted by trans and have 
expired. I suggest that sections and be removed entirely. 

I believe that the two I-Ds in question were generated because of the text that 
I was writing here, not the other way around. The text in says that a 
log could optionally check for syntax problems; it does not say that they 
MUST/SHOULD do so. I'll change the text in to note, parenthetically, 
that syntax checks by a log are optional.

B.  Conflation of log misbehavior and CA misbehavior 

Page 4 says that if a bogus SCT is discovered, it would trigger a revocation 
request. Page 26 says that browsers need to "reject certificates that contain 
SCTs from conspiring logs." 

Page 4 says that discovery of a bogus SCT would "presumably, trigger" a 
revocation request. Page 26 does not require a browser to reject a certificate 
that does not contain an SCT. (As noted above, this document is not intended to 
establish requirements for any element of the CT system.) 5.4 describes issues 
that might arise IF such behavior were adopted.

Page 3 says "if an RP verified that a certificate that claims to have been 
logged has a valid log entry, the RP would have a higher degree of confidence 
that the certificate is genuine." 

But behavior of a log says nothing about whether a certificate was properly 
issued. A properly-issued certificate might be logged to a a misbeha

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-10 Thread David A. Cooper

I have been unable to find anywhere in
  my comments where I suggested that syntactic mis-issuance should
  not be discussed in the document. The "responses" you provided
  have nothing to do with my comments.
  On 05/09/2018 08:49 AM, Stephen Kent wrote:

Section 4.2.2 says
"However, even if errors are detected and reported to the
CA, a malicious/conspiring CA may do nothing to fix the
problem or may delay action." As noted previously, no
explanation is provided as to why this is a threat or
attack. If the Subject knows that there are errors in the
certificate, then the Subject can just get another
certificate (from a different CA, if necessary). It doesn't
matter whether the CA revokes the erroneous certificate or

  See previous
  comment on why syntactic mis-issuance is included in
  this document.
Section 5.6, paragraph 5
says "If a Monitor is compromised by, or conspires with, an
attacker, it will fail to alert a Subject to a bogus or
erroneous certificate targeting that Subject, as noted
above." As noted previously, this document needs to explain
how an attacker can "target" a Subject with an erroneous

  As noted above,
  Ben insisted that syntactically erroneous certificates
  were considered mis-issued, and hence motivated
  inclusion of the text in Section 4. 


Trans mailing list

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-10 Thread David A. Cooper

On 05/09/2018 08:49 AM, Stephen Kent

Section says
"Unfortunately, experience suggests that many browsers do
not perform thorough syntactic checks on certificates, and
so it seems unlikely that browsers will be a reliable way to
detect erroneous certificates." and Section says "As
noted above (, most browsers fail to perform
thorough syntax checks on certificates." These sentences
should be removed or modified. There is no reason that a
browser should perform thorough syntactic checks on
certificates, and there are good reasons for browsers not
to. So, this document should not be labeling this as
unfortunate or a failure. We do not want to encourage
browsers to perform thorough syntax checks on certificates,
as this could lead to the same types of problems that TLS
has experienced, where making a change in something causes
deployed products to break. 

  It seems likely
  that the primary reason that browsers fail to perform
  thorough syntactic checks on certificates is because,
  at least historically, some CAs fail to issue
  syntactically valid certificates. This failure by
  browsers flies in the face of PKIX standards; you, as
  one who usually insists that failures to follow
  standards ought to be a capital crime, have no basis
  for criticizing this text. No changes will be made in
  response to this comment.

If only I had a nickel for every time you made some false accusation
about me, I'd be retired by now.

Please see the message below, which I sent to mail list before you
sent your response above.

Even in your response yesterday you said that "a certificate that
violated the syntax imposed by a criteria such as the CABF would
qualify as mis-issued," so the document does not intend to suggest
that syntactic checks are just about PKIX standards, they are also
about certificate profiles, which are subject to change.

This isn't about accommodating CAs that issue certificates
incorrectly, but about acknowledging that (1) certificate profiles
can change over time and (2) some clients will continue to use
browsers that are very old.

   Forwarded Message 

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for
Mon, 7 May 2018 16:48:44 -0400
David A. Cooper 
Andrew Ayer 
Paul Wouters , Trans
  , Melinda Shore

  I think it's fine for browsers to check for syntactic errors in
  certificates. However, I interpreted "thorough syntactic checks on
  certificates" to mean that browsers should be performing checks
  such as the ones described in
  Most of the checks in these drafts are fine, as they are checks
  for requirements that are unlikely to change. However, some of the
  checks are more problematic. For example, the first of these
  drafts say that for DV certificates
   if the [subject] name does not contain an
  organizationName attribute,
   then the streetAddress attribute MUST NOT be present.
   the organizationName attribute is present, the
   attribute MAY be present.  This requirement is
  derived from
   section 9.2.4b of [CABF-DV].
  What if a browser implemented a check for this and then the
  CA/Browser Forum later updated their Baseline Requirements to
  allow a streetAddress attribute in the subject fields of
  certificates that do not contain an organizationName attribute?
  This wouldn't cause a problem for users who keep their browsers up
  to date, but some clients continue to use browsers that are very


Trans mailing list

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-09 Thread Paul Wouters

On Wed, 9 May 2018, Stephen Kent wrote:

I believe the current last call was intended to solicit comments only on the 
changes made since the -012 version, since prior last calls solicited comments 
on the
rest of this I-D months ago.

No. Any WGLC is about the entire document, and everyone is free and
encouraged to comment about the entire document. The IETF has no process
of last calling a part of a draft.

I encourage everyone to read the entire document and comment.  Especially,
since the document has been dormant for so long.


Trans mailing list

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-09 Thread Stephen Kent
I have review the current draft of the threat analysis document and believe 
that there are a number of issues that should be addressed before this document 
is approved. Below ar ethe comments that I have on the draft:

I believe the current last call was intended to solicit comments only on the 
changes made since the -012 version, since prior last calls solicited comments 
on the rest of this I-D months ago. It appears that almost all of your comments 
are on other parts of the document. Nonetheless, many of your comments 
identified valid points that merit charges to the text, as noted in my 
responses below.

- The draft discusses three categories of CAs: non-malicious, malicious, and 
compromised. However, the categories are confusing due to the ways in which 
these terms are used. For example, it implies that a CA is considered to be 
compromised only if an attacker has stolen (purloined) a copy of the CA's 
private key. It notes that "a compromised CA is essentially a malicious CA." 
The text in Section 3.3 combined with the text in Section 3.1 seems to 
explicitly exclude DigiNotar as being an example of a compromised CA, even 
though the general agreement is that what happened to DigiNotar was a 
compromise (see It is unclear why 
Section 3.3 is needed at all, given that Section 3.1 already addresses cases of 
compromised CAs.

The primary distinction is between malicious and non-malicious CAs (Sections 
3.1 and 3.2), as noted near the end of Section 1 (where the general outline for 
the taxonomy is presented). Compromised CAs are nominally non-malicious, but 
they act as though they were malicious, until the compromise is detected. That 
motivates Section 3.3 discussing undetected compromise. I agree that there is 
some overlap between 3.2 and 3.3, but I think it is helpful to explore 
undetected compromise separately. I also agree that the DigiNotar case is an 
example of a compromised CA, and so I will move the reference to it to Section 
3.3. I also will change text in 3.3 to state that a compromise might not 
require an attacker to have acquired the private key per se.

- Section 4 of the document includes a lot of text about "attacks" involving 
syntactic mis-issuance, but there is nothing explain how syntactic mis-issuance 
could be part of an attack. The text describes a scenario in which a malicious 
CA intentionally issues a certificate that is syntactically incorrect, the 
Subject of the certificate reports the problem, and the CA doesn't take action. 
No explanation is provided as to how this could be part of an attack. Can't the 
Subject just get a new certificate from a different CA? While it is clear that 
there is a benefit to detecting syntactic mis-issuance and working to have such 
errors corrected, it is not at all clear how syntactic mis-issuance could be 
part of an attack. Either some explanation of how syntactic mis-issuance could 
be used as part of an attack (particularly an attack in which the Subject is 
not one of the attackers) or the text about "attacks" in Section 4 should be 

You raise an interesting question. I originally assumed that mis-issuance 
referred only to certificates that misrepresented the identity of the 
certificate holder or included bogus info intended to mislead relying parties. 
Several years ago I requested Ben to clarify what constituted mis-issuance. The 
term was (and is still) used throughout 6962-bis without definition. (I’m 
surprised that this lack of a definition for such a critical term in 6962-bis 
hasn’t merited a comment from you to the authors of that document!) Ben replied 
that a certificate that violated the syntax imposed by a criteria such as the 
CABF would qualify as mis-issued. That’s why syntactic mis-issuance became an 
element of this analysis. Violating the syntax rules imposed by such criteria 
might cause processing problems for browsers that would have adverse 
consequences. Perhaps what concerned Ben was the observation that, if a CA 
issues a certificate not consistent with its advertised syntax criteria, that 
merits detection by CT, as an example of CA misbehavior.

- Section 2 begins by saying that "A threat is defined, traditionally, as a 
motivated, capable adversary." But, this is not correct, nor is it consistent 
with the remainder of this draft. NISTIR 7298, for example, defines a threat as 
"the potential source of an adverse event." This draft is supposed to describe 
an attack model and describe threats to the Web PKI. Mis-issuance (especially 
syntactic mis-issuance) does not require an attacker or a motivated, capable 
adversary. Mis-issuance may be the result of carelessness, but it is still a 
threat, which is why Section discusses unintentional syntactic 
mis-issuance. Given that the threat model includes unintentional mis-issuance, 
Section 2 needs to be rewritten to take into account that not all threats 
involve "attacks" or "a motivate

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-07 Thread David A. Cooper
I think it's fine for browsers to check for syntactic errors in 
certificates. However, I interpreted "thorough syntactic checks on 
certificates" to mean that browsers should be performing checks such as 
the ones described in 

Most of the checks in these drafts are fine, as they are checks for 
requirements that are unlikely to change. However, some of the checks 
are more problematic. For example, the first of these drafts say that 
for DV certificates

    if the [subject] name does not contain an organizationName 

    then the streetAddress attribute MUST NOT be present. If
    the organizationName attribute is present, the streetAddress
    attribute MAY be present.  This requirement is derived from
    section 9.2.4b of [CABF-DV].

What if a browser implemented a check for this and then the CA/Browser 
Forum later updated their Baseline Requirements to allow a streetAddress 
attribute in the subject fields of certificates that do not contain an 
organizationName attribute? This wouldn't cause a problem for users who 
keep their browsers up to date, but some clients continue to use 
browsers that are very old.

Section 5.6 says that the Monitor needs to obtain a list of certificates 
for the Subject to use as a reference, and then it says that "A Monitor 
must not rely on certificate discovery mechanisms to build the list of 
valid certificates since such mechanisms might result in bogus or 
erroneous certificates being added to the list." The phrase "or 
erroneous" should be removed.

There is no risk if the Monitor adds an erroneous certificate (that is 
not bogus) to the list of valid certificates, as it will not not mean 
"that the monitor would fail to alert the Subject about an erroneous 
certificate." If a Monitor is going to perform syntactic checks on 
certificates, then it should check all certificates for syntactic 
errors, regardless of how they came into its possession, even 
certificates that are received from the Subject in a secure manner for 
the purpose of creating a reference list of non-bogus certificates.

On 05/07/2018 03:56 PM, Andrew Ayer wrote:

On Fri, 4 May 2018 14:51:47 -0400
"David A. Cooper"  wrote:

Section says "Unfortunately, experience suggests that many
browsers do not perform thorough syntactic checks on certificates, and so
it seems unlikely that browsers will be a reliable way to detect erroneous
certificates." and Section says "As noted above (, most
browsers fail to perform thorough syntax checks on certificates." These
sentences should be removed or modified. There is no reason that a
browser should perform thorough syntactic checks on certificates, and
there are good reasons for browsers not to. So, this document should
not be labeling this as unfortunate or a failure. We do not want to
encourage browsers to perform thorough syntax checks on certificates, as
this could lead to the same types of problems that TLS has experienced,
where making a change in something causes deployed products to break.

The trend in Firefox and Chrome is to make their certificate validators
much stricter about "syntactic" errors.  I think the main point of
section is that it's not feasible for browsers to notify other
parties when it detects a syntactically misissued certificate, so these
checks need to be performed by monitors.

I think this sentence should just be dropped, as it's not true anymore
and tries to moralize about a controversial issue.

Section 5.6, paragraph 4 says that "A Monitor must not rely on certificate
discovery mechanisms to build the list of valid certificates since such
mechanisms might result in bogus or erroneous certificates being added
to the list." What would be the risk if an erroneous certificate was
added to the list? When a Monitor is obtaining a list of certificates
for the Subject to be monitored, wouldn't we want erroneous certificates
to be included in that list so that the Monitor has a chance to detect
the error?

Monitors look for subject names, not specific certificates.  The list
of valid certificates is so the monitor doesn't raise an alarm when it
finds a legitimate certificate for a monitored subject name.

So the answer to your first question is that the monitor would fail
to alert the Subject about an erroneous certificate.  This could be
clarified in section 5.6.

The answer to your second question is that the monitor would still
detect erroneous certificates, because it's monitoring based on subject
name.  This seems to be clear already from the description of a monitor
in the introduction.


Trans mailing list

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-07 Thread Andrew Ayer
On Fri, 4 May 2018 14:51:47 -0400
"David A. Cooper"  wrote:

> Section says "Unfortunately, experience suggests that many
> browsers do not perform thorough syntactic checks on certificates, and so
> it seems unlikely that browsers will be a reliable way to detect erroneous
> certificates." and Section says "As noted above (, most
> browsers fail to perform thorough syntax checks on certificates." These
> sentences should be removed or modified. There is no reason that a
> browser should perform thorough syntactic checks on certificates, and
> there are good reasons for browsers not to. So, this document should
> not be labeling this as unfortunate or a failure. We do not want to
> encourage browsers to perform thorough syntax checks on certificates, as
> this could lead to the same types of problems that TLS has experienced,
> where making a change in something causes deployed products to break.

The trend in Firefox and Chrome is to make their certificate validators
much stricter about "syntactic" errors.  I think the main point of
section is that it's not feasible for browsers to notify other
parties when it detects a syntactically misissued certificate, so these
checks need to be performed by monitors.

I think this sentence should just be dropped, as it's not true anymore
and tries to moralize about a controversial issue.

> Section 5.6, paragraph 4 says that "A Monitor must not rely on certificate
> discovery mechanisms to build the list of valid certificates since such
> mechanisms might result in bogus or erroneous certificates being added
> to the list." What would be the risk if an erroneous certificate was
> added to the list? When a Monitor is obtaining a list of certificates
> for the Subject to be monitored, wouldn't we want erroneous certificates
> to be included in that list so that the Monitor has a chance to detect
> the error?

Monitors look for subject names, not specific certificates.  The list
of valid certificates is so the monitor doesn't raise an alarm when it
finds a legitimate certificate for a monitored subject name.

So the answer to your first question is that the monitor would fail
to alert the Subject about an erroneous certificate.  This could be
clarified in section 5.6.

The answer to your second question is that the monitor would still
detect erroneous certificates, because it's monitoring based on subject
name.  This seems to be clear already from the description of a monitor
in the introduction.


Trans mailing list

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-07 Thread Andrew Ayer
draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis-13 has a number of issues that ought
to be fixed before it's published.

A. Logs do not check for syntactic misissuance

Sections and give the impression that logs check,
or ought to check, submitted certificates for syntactic misissuance.
Page 20 says that syntactic misissuance will be detected "only if" a
(pre-)certificate is submitted to a log that performs syntactic checks.

This is not an intended function of logs, and not a single one of the
58 logs currently in operation performs syntactic misissuance checks.
Furthermore, having logs perform this function would violate separation
of concerns.  Instead, monitors perform syntactic misissuance checks., for instance, runs all certificates through several certificate

Page 20 says that "syntactic checking [of pre-certificates] by a log
helps avoid issuance of an erroneous certificate."  This is contrary to
RFC6962 and RFC6962-bis, which both state that issuing a pre-certificate
is a binding commitment by the CA to issue a certificate.  It would
be dangerous for a CA to follow the advice on page 20, as browsers
rightly consider misissuance of a pre-certificate to be equivalent to
misissuance of a real certificate.  CAs must perform syntactic checks on
the TBSCertificate prior to signing anything.

Section is premised on two I-Ds that were not adopted by trans
and have expired.

I suggest that sections and be removed entirely.

B. Conflation of log misbehavior and CA misbehavior

Page 4 says that if a bogus SCT is discovered, it would trigger
a revocation request.  Page 26 says that browsers need to "reject
certificates that contain SCTs from conspiring logs."

Page 3 says "if an RP verified that a certificate that claims to have
been logged has a valid log entry, the RP would have a higher degree of
confidence that the certificate is genuine."

But behavior of a log says nothing about whether a certificate was
properly issued.  A properly-issued certificate might be logged to a
a misbehaving log, and a misissued certificate might be logged to a
well-behaved log.

Therefore, browsers should not consider a certificate more likely to
be genuine just because it's logged, and if a certificate contains an
embedded SCT from a log that's known to be bad, the browser should reject
only that SCT, and still check SCTs from other logs.  And there is no need
to revoke a properly-issued certificate just because it's submitted to
a log that misbehaves.

Section 5.3 says that "evidence of a bogus or erroneous certificate"
can be "in the form of a log entry and/or SCT."  An SCT is irrelevant
for this, as it attests only to log behavior.

C. Response to log misbehavior

On pages 4, 9, and 13, the draft says that monitors should not "trust"
or "rely upon" misbehaving logs.  But monitors don't trust or distrust
logs - they just view logs as a source of certificates.  Browsers, on
the other hand, do trust and distrust logs.  For example, after two logs
(WoSign and Startcom) issued bad SCTs, they were distrusted by Chrome, but
Cert Spotter and continued monitoring them until they shut down.

The document should be updated to remove mention of monitors trusting or
relying upon logs, and to make clear that the primary response to a
misbehaving log is for browsers to distrust it.

D. Signature/chain mutation attack

There's another way a log can misbehave which ought to be mentioned in
section  A misbehaving log that conspires with a CA could log
a misissued certificate, but mutate the certificate's signature or chain
such that the certificate is no longer cryptographically attributable to
the CA.  The CA could then plausibly deny that it issued the certificate.
Since the signature and chain are not part of the Merkle Tree, the SCT
will be accepted by browsers and be auditable, despite the log entry
being mutated and useless for responding to the misissuance.

Monitors should be sure to validate the signature and chain of logged
certificates so that this misbehavior can be detected.

E. Chrome is requiring SCTs now

As David A. Cooper pointed out, Chrome is now requiring new certificates
to contain SCTs, so sections,, and 5.4 need updates.

F. Organization

The organization of the draft seems sub-optimal.  At a high level, the
document is broken up into semantic and syntactic misissuance, and then
into malicious vs non-malicious CA.  Within these categories, the document
discusses the implications when the certificate is logged, not logged,
or when the log is misbehaving.  Very often, these implications are the
same regardless of the type of misissuance or the culpability of the CA.
As a result, there is a lot of duplication, often with minor differences
in wording, which makes the document harder to understand.

I think the structure of section 5, which discusses issues as standalone
concepts, is a better model.  Alternatively, the duplication could be

Re: [Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-05-04 Thread David A. Cooper

On 04/16/2018 05:01 PM, Paul Wouters

  This starts a 3 week WGLC for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis 
  Previously, there were some contentious issues regarding the dual
  attack that dkg came up with. The current version should address
  those issues. But since it has been a (very!) long time since this
  document was discussed and consumed, please review the entire
  Paul & Melinda 

Hello Paul, Melinda,

I have review the current draft of the threat analysis document and
believe that there are a number of issues that should be addressed
before this document is approved. Below ar ethe comments that I have
on the draft:

The draft discusses three categories of CAs: non-malicious,
  malicious, and compromised. However, the categories are
  confusing due to the ways in which these terms are used. For
  example, it implies that a CA is considered to be compromised
  only if an attacker has stolen (purloined) a copy of the CA's
  private key. It notes that "a compromised CA is essentially a
  malicious CA." The text in Section 3.3 combined with the text
  in Section 3.1 seems to explicitly exclude DigiNotar as being
  an example of a compromised CA, even though the general
  agreement is that what happened to DigiNotar was a compromise
  It is unclear why Section 3.3 is needed at all, given that
  Section 3.1 already addresses cases of compromised CAs.

Section 4 of the document includes a lot of text about
  "attacks" involving syntactic mis-issuance, but there is
  nothing explain how syntactic mis-issuance could be part of an
  attack. The text describes a scenario in which a malicious CA
  intentionally issues a certificate that is syntactically
  incorrect, the Subject of the certificate reports the problem,
  and the CA doesn't take action. No explanation is provided as
  to how this could be part of an attack. Can't the Subject just
  get a new certificate from a different CA? While it is clear
  that there is a benefit to detecting syntactic mis-issuance
  and working to have such errors corrected, it is not at all
  clear how syntactic mis-issuance could be part of an attack.
  Either some explanation of how syntactic mis-issuance could be
  used as part of an attack (particularly an attack in which the
  Subject is not one of the attackers) or the text about
  "attacks" in Section 4 should be removed.
Section 2 begins by saying that "A threat is defined,
  traditionally, as a motivated, capable adversary." But, this
  is not correct, nor is it consistent with the remainder of
  this draft. NISTIR 7298, for example, defines a threat as "the
  potential source of an adverse event." This draft is supposed
  to describe an attack model and describe threats to the Web
  PKI. Mis-issuance (especially syntactic mis-issuance) does not
  require an attacker or a motivated, capable adversary.
  Mis-issuance may be the result of carelessness, but it is
  still a threat, which is why Section discusses
  unintentional syntactic mis-issuance. Given that the threat
  model includes unintentional mis-issuance, Section 2 needs to
  be rewritten to take into account that not all threats involve
  "attacks" or "a motivated, capable adversary."
The second paragraph of Section 2 begins "As noted above, the
  goals of CT are to deter, detect, and facilitate remediation
  of attacks on the web PKI." This is incorrect. What is noted
  above is that "Certificate transparency (CT) is a set of
  mechanisms designed to detect, deter, and facilitate
  remediation of certificate mis-issuance." As noted in the
  previous bullet, "certificate mis-issuance" is not the same as
  Section 2, paragraph 3 refers to "forged web site
certificates," but doesn't explain what "forged" means. Section
1 said that: Throughout the remainder of this document we refer
to a semantically mis-issued certificate as "bogus." So, is a
"forged" certificate something different from a "bogus"
The final sentence of Section 1, paragraph 5 says that "This
  extension also may be used by a browser to request OCSP
  responses from a TLS server with which it is communicating

[Trans] WGLC started for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

2018-04-16 Thread Paul Wouters


This starts a 3 week WGLC for draft-ietf-trans-threat-analysis

Previously, there were some contentious issues regarding the dual CA
attack that dkg came up with. The current version should address all
those issues. But since it has been a (very!) long time since this
document was discussed and consumed, please review the entire document.

Paul & Melinda

Trans mailing list