Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-05 Thread jodiendo
I’m white,! but the problem is when others try to locate me, I’m totally transparent to their vision..

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread calmstorm
To be honest, I saw your discussion and I feel I need to say, it has less to do with republicans and democrats than say, conservatives and liberals. Because there have always been shifts in the parties, Lincoln freed the slaves after all. and Theodore Roosevelt was a progressive who fought

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
That's not what I said. It's just that "rights" is a fiction. I'm not even sure how we got onto the topic of states rights. There are power plays in action both at the state and federal level. I believe local control over decisions that affect my life is better than federal control. If you

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread legimet . calc
At least you admitted it. You don't care about states' rights.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
"California is doing pretty well" California has a massive budget deficit and one small turn in the economy could put it into bankruptcy. California has a lot of problems beyond just economic. "Not even Californians want to go" Most don't want to go, but the Calexit movement didn't pop up

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread legimet . calc
"You're out of your mind." Well, I'm only telling the truth. "Right wingers want to let them go" Not even Californians want to go, so that would not be "letting". You're out of your mind.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
"California is one of the sanest states in the Union" You're out of your mind. "or not give any grant money at all." I support that 100% "secession is illegal" That means nothing. America seceded from the British. Furthermore, there's no guarantee another war would be fought if California

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread legimet . calc
"It is impressive how you are ready to find any excuse to dismiss facts and save your ideology." Relax, the country is not on the brink of a civil war.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread legimet . calc
If the federal government actually supports state rights, they should give grant money to all of the states regardless of their internal policies, or not give any grant money at all. Of course Calexit is supported by right wingers, because that is who it would benefit. California is one of

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
I completely agree. The states can tell their police not to help the feds. And the feds can stop giving the states federal grant money for their police. See how that works? I'm in favor so much of states rights, that I support secession. It's something the left wingers would *never* grant

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
It's well known that the US fudges its unemployment numbers big time. Our unemployment is much worse than the Bureau of Labor will admit. The point I'm trying to make is that the US is a crumbling empire with a ton of problems. This country is on the brink of a civil war, for crying out

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread legimet . calc
Actually, the Norwegian unemployment rate is similar to that of the US: As for low prison rates, that might have to do with the Norwegian prison system, which attempts to rehabilitate rather than punish. Still, I don't see

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread legimet . calc
Yes, since it is a federal issue, the states are allowed to tell their police not to enforce it. It is not the states' responsibility to help enforce it. And if you support states' rights, it doesn't make any sense to oppose cities' rights within the states (just replace the state with

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
I stand corrected. Still, comparing Norway to the United States is like comparing apples to oranges. Governments don't scale very well. A very small, homogeneous society with low unemployment rates, low prison rates, who gets their defense subsidized by the United States is hardly an

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread enduzzer
As for Finland: FICORA actively intervenes in competition problems detected on the broadband and telephone markets, which enables new and innovative service providers to enter the markets. For consumers, this means versatile, high-quality and affordable telephone and broadband services.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread enduzzer
It is impressive how you are ready to find any excuse to dismiss facts and save your ideology. "Faced with this ideological dilemma, free-market advocates resolve the cognitive dissonance by rejecting the reality rather than acknowledging that their axiom is fundamentally flawed."

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
Immigration is a federal issue. One of the few things FedGov was explicitly tasked to do in the Constitution, unlike 99% of the other junk they do. Also, the only repercussion from the Feds is ending of funding for local/state police, which is fine by me as I'd like to see the Feds get out

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-04 Thread elkingrey
That doesn't really mean much if the majority of the population is huddled in a few cities and not spread out evenly throughout the country.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-03 Thread legimet . calc
But Republicans are okay with states preventing municipalities from providing municipal broadband. This is similar to when Texas banned cities from banning fracking and Michigan banned plastic bag bans. Another example of this is when Sean Spicer criticized Dan Malloy for not enforcing

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-03 Thread enduzzer
Emphasis on colluding to remove competition. You can bypass surveillance to an extent but you can't choose from monopolies.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-03 Thread elkingrey
The real bogey men of internet spying are Google, Facebook and FedGov, not the ISP's. The ISP's really couldn't care less about your traffic usage, except when FedGov makes them go after DMCA violations, etc. Furthermore, ISP's are easy to beat with VPN and Tor. It's the services that you

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-03 Thread elkingrey
I know it's huge. That's why I cut these companies some slack if or when they agree "you go here and we'll go there and cover more people instead of competing over the same small scraps." A lot of people like to point to Europe or Japan or something, but an example of how much easier it is

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-03 Thread enduzzer
"...mega-corps are in bed with the government and spy on us and collude to remove market competition." It's exactly why they want net neutrality to be scrapped.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-03 Thread elkingrey
Then what's stopping a third company from coming in and competing? Or what's to stop neighborhood or community co-ops from owning the last mile? I understand the frustration here. I live in the middle of nowhere and I only have one provider as an option. And it's slow-ass DSL. I would love

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-02 Thread calmstorm
this is not a surprise to me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-02 Thread elkingrey
Again, that's not the market. That's government-enforced monopolies. But I agree it's a problem. Hopefully some day a completely distributed internet will exist and pay-for ISP's as we now know them will become a thing of the past.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-02 Thread elkingrey
If a municipality wants to provide "community broadband" I would not want FedGov to prevent that, nor do I think any other non-RINO Republican would. So, you're right. Republicans (non-RINO's) are for states' rights. The repeal of this legislation does not do anything to prevent local

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-02 Thread elkingrey
I agree with half of what you said, in as much as the mega-corps are in bed with the government and spy on us and collude to remove market competition. But having FedGov step in and tell ISP's what they can and cannot do with their own hardware, equipment and capital is ridiculous. Guess

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-01 Thread legimet . calc
I thought the right wing was all for local/state rights and should be fine with local governments providing broadband. But guess what, it turns out that Republicans are for states' rights only when the Democrats are in control. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-04-01 Thread elkingrey
Good question. Here is a very good article on net neutrality: tl;dr The internet is amazing and keeps getting better. But under the guise of a bogey man that doesn't exist, the feds usurped power, and given enough time, will micromanage it to

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-31 Thread infinityfallen
If I may ask, is there anything in particular you find undesirable about net neutrality or communal broadband networks?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-31 Thread elkingrey
I side with EFF on a lot of things, but so-called "Net Neutrality" and government run so-called "community broadband" I cannot get behind at all, period. Leftists may see that Vice article as a slam against Blackburn. It read like a glowing endorsement to me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-31 Thread legimet . calc
I will trust the EFF over Breitbart any day. Marsha Blackburn is bought by the telecom industry.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-28 Thread elkingrey
It may be a bit less straightforward than the EFF would lead us to believe. That being said, relying on your ISP to protect your privacy isn't wise,

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-28 Thread legimet . calc
The house voted for the bill: It will soon become law after Trump signs it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-26 Thread nicholaz
One of my senators in Florida a D voted no, the other senator from Florida an R voted yes

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-25 Thread legimet . calc
All of the Democrats (and independents that caucus with them) voted against it, and all but 2 Republicans voted for it (the other 2 did not vote). Also, Rand Paul (the "libertarian") wants to have it both ways -- he cosponsored the bill but then missed the vote so that he can say he didn't

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-25 Thread calmstorm
I agree wholeheartedly. sandboxing tor browser though I think is the way to go... hint* firejail hint*

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-25 Thread greatgnu
I never trusted my ISP. I always assumed they did this. I would.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-25 Thread steivelarson
It is not legitimate that ISPs can sell the users' private info and details to advertisers when we are already paying money for their service. This is totally insane. Customers should understand the seriousness of this issue and raise their voice to stop such misusing. Hope everyone will

[Trisquel-users] EFF: Senate Puts ISP Profits Over Your Privacy

2017-03-23 Thread gnulinux
According to EFF, "The Senate just voted to roll back your online privacy protections": Arstechnica also wrote about this: "The US Senate today voted to eliminate broadband privacy rules that would have required