Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethernet Not Working

2018-07-29 Thread sora

@Aristhopanes Open Terminal and execute the following:
$ sudo ifconfig
$ sudo ip a
$ sudo dmesg|grep Ether
$ sudo lspci|grep Ether
If you can find the interface ens* or eth0 the ethernet is detected.

@psion3 why are you using goog le's dns servers?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel wifi

2018-05-03 Thread sora
Intel WIfi needs non-free firmware that is why it does not work on Trisquel  
since running a non-free hardware WILL risk your privacy and security since  
you cannot audit the source code. If you can open your laptop you can replace  
it with a atheros wifi miniPCI or just a USB atheros wifi (much easier), you  
can find it in your local electronics shop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who's On Mastodon?

2018-05-01 Thread sora
I'm on also on  
Diaspora also on matrix but you can reach me on my site  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lost password - Restore encrypted home

2018-04-18 Thread sora
You lost your user password but not the encryption passphrase? Can you  
decrypt the encrypted home with your old password?

If you can mount the encrypted home then you can copy the files by using live  
cd image of trisquel or any other gnu/linux distro.

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre (uncensored) DNS Providers ?

2018-04-13 Thread sora
So, I heard about the cloudflare's DNS and can anyone  
recommend this? They say they do log but anonymizes it... I am currently  
using custom openninc servers which says that they do not log. I have solved  
my problem in some website not being able to access, it was the DNSSEC.

Re: [Trisquel-users] More Testing Please

2018-03-02 Thread sora
@Pablo G you mean that you can use GNOME or Mate, you can remove GNOME  
packages using apt-get. The APT cache may have taken the space try to clear  
it: $ sudo apt-get clean

Re: [Trisquel-users] PC not waking up properly after suspending

2018-03-02 Thread sora
Can you try removing the graphics card and suspend it again? Last time I used  
trisquel in my low end biosed laptop it is able to suspend though it used an  
Intel onboard card.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Most people hate free software

2018-03-01 Thread sora
@calher I find myself in the same situation as you are. Although I am still  
studying and cannot get a job yet, my friends/family do use proprietary  
softwares and I do still preach to them that it bad but I doubt that they  
listen or open their eyes. I'm not giving up though..

You can add me on xmpp:

[Trisquel-users] Any good freedom hardware for game development?

2018-03-01 Thread sora
I am looking for a way to create an environment for game development using  
Godot Game Engine and in school we will be taught on Unity (which I do not  
want to use) and Android Studio (yuck). Does the lenovo T400 (should be  
librebooted) can run Godot Game engine, in their site it appears version 3.0  
requires opengl 3.3? I currently have a desktop with non free BIOS (no intel  
ME? 2008ish motherboard which is dying) and a low end netbook (non free bios  
but I liberated the wificard with atheros, intel me is not present? 2010ish)  
with opengl 2.1

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is this normal?

2018-02-15 Thread sora
I do not know the 5 signatures but if it says "gpg: BAD signature from  
"Trisquel GNU/Linux (Trisquel GNU/Linux signing key)" then the file:  
trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso that you downloaded may be corrupt or modified by an  
adversary since it does not fails gpg verification.

You can should also compute the MD5sum.
to compute the md5 sum of trisquel iso:
$ md5sum ./trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso

to display the md5 from the download page md5 checksum file:
$ cat trisquel_8.0_amd64.iso.md5

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-15 Thread sora

> It is free unless you explicitly add the non-OSS repos.
I agree with you but still it is not 100% ensured free/libre, at any time  
they may include non-free..

> Where exactly did you read "I recommend"?
It maybe because of the sentence: "One of the most popular distros."

>Perhaps it would be a better idea people here to start reading more  
carefully and stop thinking in binary (free/non-free) because technology and  
everything around it is much more complicated than the recommendation and the  
stickers of organization X.

Are you referring to hardware vulnerabilities? (meltdows/spectre, intel,  
proprietary hardware, the other line of the wire, etc etc),
FSF endorsed free/libre operating systems (softwares) still ensures that we  
will have privacy and security, but in the end it depends on your threat  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having problems with Abrowser opening website editor.

2018-02-15 Thread sora

Try to clear cookies and check if your add-ons interfere with wordpress site.
The firefox tar? well you just need to
$ tar xvf ./firefoxtar.tar.gz
$ cd firefox-X
$ chmod +x ./firefox
$ ./firefox &

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-14 Thread sora

By 'Own network' are you referring to using Mesh Network?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software foundations problems

2018-02-11 Thread sora
The free distro's has different person assigned to them and mostly they are  
bei g developed by volunteers around the globe that is why they appear to be  
dead, mostly are probably developing on their own free time. Trisquel 8 has  
some issues that blocks the release and you can probably help to sort it out.  
I do not know if fsf funds the main developers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread sora
@MSuzuqi PRISM-break suggest owning your own server so you are in control of  
your data.

If you have an ISP(internet service provider) that allows port forwarding and  
you can leave a librebooted device 24/7 online (not energy friendly) or just  
a freedom friendly single board computer (eg. beaglebone black) [energy  
friendly], they can act as a server and you can now host your own  
etc. You just need a free dynamic dns like
The only problem would be your ISP's router which is proprietary [unless can  
be flashed with librecmc[, your net bandwidth limit per month/day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread sora
I am sorry but I am not japanase, it is only the username in japanese though.  
I am still in Asia.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there a perfect method to guard our communication?

2018-02-11 Thread sora
@MSuzuqi I suggest that you should watch Citizenfour. Read Glenn Gleenwald's  
No Place to Hide and the Snowden Files. Also these sites has alternatives to  
proprietary softwares and how to counter surveillance:

[Trisquel-users] Anybody can help me install mediagoblin on debian?

2018-02-09 Thread sora

I already created a ticket:
The problem:

Debian 9.3 ARMv7
I have followed the documentation in installing with python3. The  
documentation is hard to understand since so this issue may just be a  
misconfiguration. No one is online on the IRC channel. I have successfully  
run ./gmg/dbupdate. Then tested using lazyserver all ok. But when I upload  
files using the apache wsgi interface based on the wiki it fails to work. The  
/var/lib/mediagoblin I changed to my partition of var custom. Here are what I  

$ sudo useradd -c "GNU Mediagoblin..." -d /mnt/myvar/mediagoblin -m -r -g  
www-data mediagoblin
$ sugo groupadd mediagoblin && sudo usermod --append -G mediagoblin  

$ sudo usermod --append -G myvargroup mediagoblin
$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/mediagoblin && sudo chown -hR mediagoblin:www-data  

$ sudo su mediagoblin -s /bin/bash && cd /srv/mediagoblin
$ git clone ​git:// -b stable
$ cd mediagoblin
$ pwd
$ /srv/mediagoblin/mediagoblin
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
$ ./
$ ./configure --with-python3
$ make
$ mkdir user_dev && chmod 750 user_dev
$ ./bin/easy_install flup
$ cp -av mediagoblin.ini mediagoblin_local.ini && cp -av paste.ini  

the file mediagoblin_local.ini here are the contents:
data_basedir = "/mnt/myvar/mediagoblin"

direct_remote_path = /mgoblin_static/
email_sender_address = "postmaster@…"

## Uncomment and change to your DB's appropiate setting.
## Default is a local sqlite db "mediagoblin.db".
## Don't forget to run ./bin/gmg dbupdate after having changed it.
# sql_engine = postgresql:///mediagoblin

# Set to false to enable sending notices
email_debug_mode = false

# Set to false to disable registrations
allow_registration = false

# Set to false to disable the ability for users to report offensive content
## Uncomment this to put some user-overriding templates here
# local_templates = %(data_basedir)s/templates/

## You can set your theme by specifying this (not specifying it will
## use the default theme). Run gmg assetlink to apply the change.
## The airy and sandyseventiesspeedboat theme comes with GMG; please
## see the theming docs on how to install other themes.
# theme = airy

## If you want the terms of service displayed, you can uncomment this
# show_tos = true

user_privilege_scheme = "uploader,commenter,reporter"
base_dir = %(data_basedir)s/media/queue

base_dir = %(data_basedir)s/media/public
base_url = /mgoblin_media/

# Put celery stuff here

# Place plugins here, each in their own subsection of [plugins].
# See ​ for details.

I did not modified the paste_local.ini.




import site
# Replace the python version with the correct one in the line below (eg 2.x  
-> 2.7)


from paste.deploy import loadapp

CONFIG_PATH = '/srv/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/paste.ini'

## Uncomment this to run celery in "always eager" mode... ie, you don't  
## to run a separate process, but submissions wait till processing  

import os
os.environCELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER? = 'true'

application = loadapp('config:' + CONFIG_PATH)


THe apache sites-enabled/mediagoblin.conf:


Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Require all granted

Alias /mgoblin_static/ /srv/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/static/
Alias /mgoblin_media/ /srv/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/user_dev/media/public/

WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/
# Set user and group to whatever user you used to install mediagoblin (if  
you used a system account,
# it may have the group 'nogroup' assigned, in that case you can remove  
the group parameter)

# Remember to change python-path too!
# Replace the python version in the 'python-path' below with the correct  
one (eg 2.x -> 2.7) 3.5

WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGIDaemonProcess gmg user=mediagoblin group=mediagoblin processes=2  
threads=10 \

umask=0007 inactivity-timeout=900 maximum-requests=1000 \


WSGIProcessGroup gmg
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

Require all granted

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require all granted


$ ./bin/gmg dbupdate
$ ./ --server-name=broadcast
$ Ctrl+c, exit
Enable apache2 site. a2ensite, and allow port 443
Visit the site then login and upload somethins and it s

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-02-05 Thread sora
I tried to install diaspora but the server which is a ra*berry pi (it is n ot  
open hardware i asked in the forums and they CAN NOT release the gpu code,  
and they say it does not have backdoors but who will believe that,

eoma68 is too much expensive that I cannot buy locally) not being able to  
handle it (low ram) so I just installed humhub community edition, but  
disasppointed to not find any mobile  apps and I saw a discussion that the  
offcial mobile app will not be free.

 I tried gnu social but I need something that almost mimics book of faces,  
friendica cannot be installed for some reason and no other alternatives that  
I can think of. Thank you for suggesting the deleting their accounts  
@SuperTramp but that would just spark world war, they did not remove my face  
in the post and I am still pissed of because of that, in the next family  
gathering I will refuse to take any pictures whatever be the consequences of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Safely running non-free software when I'm "forced" to

2018-02-05 Thread sora
I am forced to use non-free pirated winblows software Adob* Photoshop  
(portable cracked edition), Visual Basic 6 (portable cracked) and Visual  
Basic .NET (not much space to install) on our school I do not have a separate  
machine to use them, I only have a netbook computer, but I am planning to  
disconnect the network and use they in WINE but I doubt that they will run  
since they are wind*ws programs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread sora
> You cannot remove anything from Facebook. It is never deleted, even after  
the account is deactivated. It will stay on FB's servers and be used for all  
kinds of things like facial recognition, machine learning etc.

I agree

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread sora
I have not read the idea of panopticon. Are you suggesting to hide in plain  
sight idea? So I convinced them to remove some of my pictures but they did  
not remove it entirely it still shows my face and facebook's facial  
recognition is what I or everyone should fear.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-28 Thread sora
Hey guys, so we had a celebration last night and they said they want a family  
picture but they will not upload when it includes me. Now this morning I am  
very surprised that the person who said that will not upload the pictures (my  
photo) uploaded it.

I am on a brink of destruction right  now.!

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-15 Thread sora
I read the other thread and if not because of that thread I may have given up  
long time ago, so thank you for inspiring me to not give up.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-15 Thread sora

1)I am living near them so there are offline interactions.
2) Alternatives I am currently trying to make them use alternatives such as  
Linphone, Seafile and Mumble.
3)I currently run a gnu social server but the interface is not facebo*k like  
so I think I may try to create a disapora pod.

Thank You your advice

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-15 Thread sora

I currently cannot get a job since I am still studying.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-15 Thread sora
I can say that I am a teenager. I do not post photos to FB but my parents did  
(it was long time ago, but I manually deleted them)
They now post photos of our other child family members and even has a  
facebook for them, they cheated the birthday so they created the facebook  
even though I am against it.

[Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-13 Thread sora

Please excuse my english grammar, I am not an english native speaker.
 y entire family use facebook (it is all my fault for creating accounts for  
them  years ago), now they use Instagram and twitter, but my mother is very  
addicted to FB--or just all of them. Now when they do pictures they just  
upload and upload it to those privacy violating services, I many times do not  
want to be in those pictures and I avoid it as much as possible however my  
mother is too too angry that there are some repercussions to me for not  
participating in those activities(pictures, selfies etc, it is like they are  
the new teenagers than I), it appears that I am now the black sheep of the  
family. Is there any way for me to convince them that using and uploading  
pictures to those services and internet are bad? I always say to them about  
the global surveillance disclosures but they seem to ignore and defeat me  
with the statement, "They have nothing to hide so they do not care, or that I  
am just a small fish to catch, or worse I am just being paranoid." Anyway I  
showed them the picture of zuckerberg with the Instagram 500M likes, in the  
background his macbook webcam is covered with tape(it does not have any  
effect to them) it was posted in the other topic "Mission impossible: family  
privacy" but it that topic but my situation is quite the opposite.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are Big Sacrifice

2018-01-11 Thread sora
you can try to remove your other kernels (3.13 one at a time), you should try  
to update grub. $ sudo update-grub

does the 4.14 kernel exists in the /boot directory?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-11 Thread sora
There is another browser called Brave. It is a chromium/blink derivative, it  
has adblockers and says that it enhances user privacy but when I go to their  
extensions page(only limited extensions web) it contains proprietary  
extensions like 1-pass...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are Big Sacrifice

2018-01-08 Thread sora

it appears that full-upgrade exists: $ man apt
but I do not really use it.

   full-upgrade (apt-get(8))
   full-upgrade performs the function of upgrade but will remove
   currently installed packages if this is needed to upgrade the
   system as a whole.

Re: [Trisquel-users] libre (uncensored) DNS Providers ?

2017-11-25 Thread sora
is OpenDNS not trustworthy, some opennic public servers that I use vanishes  
sometimes but then I just switch to another

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advanced user/ beginner programmer wants to help trisquel to have an raspberry pi 3 release

2017-11-24 Thread sora
The raspberry pi sadly is not open hardware and it requires the proprietary  
bootcode to make it work. There are ongoing reverse engineering of the  
bootcode so let's just wait if it can be used as an alternative

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-24 Thread sora
anybody can Pocket be disabled completely it is annoying. also firefox 57  
addons are not compatible with the old firefox-es

Re: [Trisquel-users] Virtualbox on Libreboot w/Trisquel?

2017-11-12 Thread sora
Is there any possibility to hot swap a USB device like in *cough Virtualbox  
with non-free extensions

Re: [Trisquel-users] any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-04 Thread sora
somebody was searching for the full schematics of Pi3 and the Pi don't want  
to share it. external link:

Re: [Trisquel-users] any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-04 Thread sora
the libre tea computer card the shipping will cost me more than the unit also  
C.H.I.P. I 've seen sellers of Orange Pi, Banana Pi and Odroid C1 in my  
country and can you recommend them or any efforts on liberating them?

[Trisquel-users] any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-02 Thread sora
I am currently using a raspberry pi but it is non-free hardware and  
firmware(bootcode) the software has binary blobs and the RPI foundation seems  
to include licensed wolfram and java as default installed. Although there are  
projects on reverse engineering bootcode to make it FLOSS but it appears to  
take lonng. I bought it since it is the only thing available that can be  
easily bought at a low price ($48). I am looking for alternatives that is  
free open source software and hardware that is low cost too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hello everyone I'm new Member

2017-10-10 Thread sora


Re: [Trisquel-users] DEAD sd card - suddenly no contact.

2017-10-10 Thread sora
i agree with tha. i had a microsd for a raspberry pi which is used 24/7 and  
it died after 1.5 years of use. I do not know if my country has laws for  
e-waste disposal but I think *they just throw electronic waste in the garbage  
and be taken to junk shops

Re: [Trisquel-users] libreboot flashing t400, raspberry pi to soic wiring?

2017-10-09 Thread sora
I don't know which SOIC clip the computer may have always assume it can be  
8pin or 16pins
raspberry pi has 2 pin scheme the broadcom and the physical pin, based on my  
understanding you need to find the MISO,MOSI,CE0 and 3v3 pin and connect it  
to the Chip there a only two MISO,MOSI. try to reread the documentaation..  
the libreboot documentation used the old model B which has 26 pins which is  
still compatible with the 40 pin Pi B+,2B,3B,A+. Based on the documentation  
they used the physical pin of the raspberrypi. i have  RPi2 if I get a T400  
or X200 I will try to flash it with it. but my problem is the SOIC clip since  
I can't afford a Pomona cli I,m thinking of creating my own.

Re: [Trisquel-users] mkv2vob Equivalent in Trisquel?

2017-10-09 Thread sora

mencoder is a command line interface (CLI) program

Re: [Trisquel-users] Disconnection from network after waking computer from sleep

2017-10-09 Thread sora

does $ sudo ip a or $ sudo ifconfig -a outputs anything (ip addresses)
any messages n $ dmesg

Re: [Trisquel-users] X200 libreboot thinkpad unable to resume from suspension

2017-10-02 Thread sora
I think I read somewhere that hibernation or suspend state wont work in  
libreboot but let'swait for others to reply. I still not have libreboot  
machine so I cannot answer the question

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software-update arrives at a brick wall

2017-10-02 Thread sora
did you manage to fix this? have you tried redownloading all packages  
(apt-get clean an upgrading again apt-get  update && apt-get upgrade) you can  
also use the apt-fast to make the download fast unless aria2 cannot be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] new build with gigabyte ga-g41m-es2l

2017-10-02 Thread sora
did you purchased the usb wifi adapter? I am currently searching for atheros  
based USB wifi adapter in my area, buying from thinkpenguin and technoetic is  
not an option for me. tbe TP-Link WN722N in my area appears to have the v2 or  
the realtek chipset so I cannot buy it. Atheros chipset allows the chip to be  
in AP+STA mode I will be extending my wifi coverage..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Live USB Issues

2017-10-02 Thread sora
I create my own Debian Live USB-HDD Images. I haven't tried creating a custom  
trisquel image because I do not have any storage devices. To create  
persistent volume I just partition it using gparted or parted and set the  
name to persistence the filesystem to ext3 or ext2 (flash friendly) and  
create a file in the root directory of that partition a persistence.conf that  
contains the line: / union
If you want to add a encryption to that partition then you need the  
cryptsetup package for LUKS, formatting the partition to a LUKS container: $  
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdXZ then opening it $ sudo cryptsetup  
luksOpen /dev/sdXZ encrypted after that making the filesystem: $ sudo  
mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/mapper/encrypted and adding the  
persistence.conf file with the content / union. I use syslinux so I install  
it to the flash drive's primary partition: $ sudo syslinux -i /dev/sdXY also  
dd'ing the MBR of syslinux to the drive $ sudo dd conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1  
if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr/mbr.bin of=/dev/sdX

this tutorial works in debian but I do no know if it will work perfectly with  
trisquel but since trisquel is based on ubuntu which is based on debian I  
think it will work. You can download the tutorial in the attachment

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your most useful cli programs...

2017-10-02 Thread sora

glances (pip install)

Re: [Trisquel-users] I finally managed to install Trisquel 8 :D I'm made it! Here's how I did it.

2017-10-02 Thread sora

the page says not found. Is trisquel 8 ok for everyday use?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-09-30 Thread sora
I have used trisquel 7 for a period of 7 months when my Main PC is broken but  
due to a a *raspberry pi* microsd crash I have made it boot to a hdd in which  
trisquel resides so now I am using debian live (customized version).

[Trisquel-users] possible to support f2fs filesystem with trisquel 7?

2017-08-19 Thread sora
I have a flash drive in which I'd like to install trisquel 7.0 since there  
are many debates on what filesystem will make your flash memory live longer I  
have decided to use the F2FS filesystem however trisquel 7 has the kernel  
3.13 Is there any way to install a more recent kernel version? I also want to  
create a customized live environment for trisquel as I do on debian but I  
have not found any tutorial in creating a live usb iso-hdd for trisquel. but  
it looks like theres not much differences from ubuntu and debian since ubuntu  
is based on debian which is trisquel is based on

trisquel > ubuntu > debian

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hidden WLAN issue on Debain with XFCE too

2017-08-19 Thread sora
asus 1015px has a proprietory broadcom 4313 wifi + bluetooth mini pcie card.  
it can be replaced with an open source one like ar5b95. I have not tried  
connecting to a hidden wifi though, debian stretch (custom live persitene)  
appears to be working fine in my 1015px (liberated with ar5b95 but the BIOS  
is not possible to be librebooted :( ).

Re: [Trisquel-users] PGP/GPG frontend for encrypt/decrypt

2017-05-17 Thread sora

I use KGPG, but sometimes using the Shell via $ gpg

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wifi card for laptop

2017-05-17 Thread sora
can you post the original atheros xard without the rebranding of technoetic?  
just like the AR5B95... I am going to try to find the dual band one if theres  
any available on the repair shops.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What did I do wrong?

2017-05-15 Thread sora
I've encountered that kind of problem in debian if my storage disk for home  
is 0 bytes free. Maybe you can chroot and login to root to add or change user  

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install and set session of MATE, LXDE, XFCE?

2017-05-15 Thread sora
I've just realised it this morning. It is done, the indicator is now added in  
the panel. Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wifi card for laptop

2017-05-15 Thread sora
The internet speed s^cks though so it does not matter, however the LAN  
streaming may matter.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install and set session of MATE, LXDE, XFCE?

2017-05-15 Thread sora
I have tried installing xfce4 but a dependency cannot be resolved. I also  
tried the sudo apt-get upgrade -f, should I use the sudo apt-get  

here is the output of apt-get upgrade -f:
user@trisquel:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade -f
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer  

  apt-clone archdetect-deb autopoint cifs-utils docbook-to-man dpkg-repack
  gir1.2-timezonemap-1.0 gir1.2-xkl-1.0 gnome-common gtk-doc-tools
  gtk2-engines intltool libdebian-installer4 libgadu3 libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a
  libmate-desktop-2-17 libntdb1 libtimezonemap1 python-ntdb python3-icu
  python3-pam sbsigntool xsltproc
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following NEW packages will be installed:
The following packages have been kept back:
  apt electrum grub-common grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common
  linux-headers-lowlatency linux-image-lowlatency linux-lowlatency
  python-electrum trisquel-desktop-common
The following packages will be upgraded:
  abrowser abrowser-locale-ar abrowser-locale-ast abrowser-locale-bg
  abrowser-locale-ca abrowser-locale-cs abrowser-locale-da abrowser-locale-de
  abrowser-locale-el abrowser-locale-en abrowser-locale-eo abrowser-locale-es
  abrowser-locale-et abrowser-locale-eu abrowser-locale-fi abrowser-locale-fr
  abrowser-locale-ga abrowser-locale-gl abrowser-locale-he abrowser-locale-hi
  abrowser-locale-hr abrowser-locale-hu abrowser-locale-id abrowser-locale-it
  abrowser-locale-ja abrowser-locale-km abrowser-locale-ko abrowser-locale-lt
  abrowser-locale-lv abrowser-locale-nb abrowser-locale-nl abrowser-locale-nn
  abrowser-locale-oc abrowser-locale-pa abrowser-locale-pl abrowser-locale-pt
  abrowser-locale-ro abrowser-locale-ru abrowser-locale-sk abrowser-locale-sl
  abrowser-locale-sq abrowser-locale-sr abrowser-locale-sv abrowser-locale-ta
  abrowser-locale-th abrowser-locale-tr abrowser-locale-uk abrowser-locale-vi
  abrowser-locale-zh-hans abrowser-locale-zh-hant accountsservice
  app-install-data apparmor apparmor-utils apt-cacher-ng apt-utils aptdaemon
  aptdaemon-data aptitude aptitude-common avahi-autoipd avahi-daemon
  avahi-utils bash-completion bind9-host bluez-alsa bluez-cups  

  bsdutils btrfs-tools ca-certificates deja-dup dh-python dnsmasq-base
  dnsutils dosfstools e2fslibs e2fsprogs ecryptfs-utils eject evince
  evince-common evolution-data-server evolution-data-server-common file
  file-roller fonts-droid fonts-lyx fuse gcalctool gimp gimp-data
  gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0 gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0
  gir1.2-gnomedesktop-3.0 gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0 gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0
  gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-gtkclutter-1.0 gir1.2-gudev-1.0 gir1.2-ibus-1.0
  gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-3.0 gir1.2-soup-2.4 gir1.2-udisks-2.0
  gir1.2-unity-5.0 gir1.2-vte-2.90 gir1.2-webkit-3.0 gir1.2-wnck-3.0
  gnome-app-install gnome-bluetooth gnome-brave-icon-theme gnome-calculator
  gnome-colors-common gnome-desktop3-data gnome-keyring gnome-session-bin
  gnome-session-common gnome-system-tools gnupg gpgv
  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-x gstreamer1.0-alsa
  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad
  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-videoparsers gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio gstreamer1.0-tools
  gstreamer1.0-x gthumb gthumb-data gvfs gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-common
  gvfs-daemons gvfs-fuse gvfs-libs hplip hplip-data ibus ibus-gtk
  icecat-locale-en ifupdown im-config indicator-datetime indicator-session
  init-system-helpers iproute iproute2 kpartx kpartx-boot language-pack-en
  language-pack-en-base language-pack-gnome-en language-pack-gnome-en-base
  libaccountsservice0 libapparmor-perl libappindicator3-1 libapt-inst1.5
  libapt-pkg4.12 libarchive13 libavahi-core7 libavahi-glib1 libavahi-gobject0
  libavahi-ui-gtk3-0 libavcodec54 libavformat54 libavresample1 libavutil52
  libbind9-90 libbluetooth3 libcamel-1.2-45 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0
  libdebian-installer4 libdns100 libebackend-1.2-7 libebook-1.2-14
  libebook-contacts-1.2-0 libecal-1.2-16 libecryptfs0 libedata-book-1.2-20
  libedata-cal-1.2-23 libedataserver-1.2-18 libevdocument3-4 libevent-2.0-5
  libevview3-3 libfuse2 libgc1c2 libgd3 libgimp2.0 libgnome-bluetooth11
  libgnome-desktop-3-7 libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0
  libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-0 libgtk-3-bin libgtk-vnc-2.0-0
  libgtk2.0-common libgvnc-1.0-0 libgweather-3-6 libgweather-common libhpmud0
  libibus-1.0-5 libido3-0.1-0 libimobiledevice4 libisc95 libisccc90
  libisccfg90 libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0 libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0 libldb1
  liblightdm-gobject-1-0 liblwres90 libmagic1 libmbim-glib0
  libmetacity-private0a libminiupnpc8 libmm-glib0 libmount1 libmtp-common
  libmtp9 libnautilus-extension1a libnettle4 libnl-3-200 libnl-genl-3-200
  libnl-route-3-200 libnm-glib-vpn1 

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to install and set session of MATE, LXDE, XFCE?

2017-05-14 Thread sora
i have removed the mate-desktop package since it does not work. i tried to  
add the ppa but it says error,please check the ppa name*. i am currently  
installing the xfce4 but the xfce4-sessions is not installing properly, dpkg  
erro code 1 unmet depecdencies to 4.10 i am currently doing a apt-get  
dist-upgrade, then going to try apt-get -f install after the dist upgrade

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 to bootable usb stick

2017-05-13 Thread sora
When I am using debian I have created a live cd project in which a encrypted  
LUKS partition persistence can be configured is it possibl to use in trisquel  

[Trisquel-users] how to install and set session of MATE, LXDE, XFCE?

2017-05-13 Thread sora
This maybe a dumb question but I have just used trisquel, I am a mainly a  
debian user, since trisquel is based on ubuntu which is based on debian. I  
cannot find any tutorial on how to change the GNOME and set the session to  
MATE or ther desk env like XFCE or LXDE. I have installed the mate-desktop  
but I don't know how to change session to use the MATE instead of GNOME  
environment. And is it also possible to install lxde, xfce alongside with  
mate? I had a problem in fedora in which you cannot install all of them  
without interfering with another.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wifi card for laptop

2017-05-13 Thread sora
I have just bought a WiFi card from a PC/laptop repair shop it cost me about  
$7. it is a mini half-sized atheros ar5b95 card which is supported in  