[twitter-dev] Re: Add a retweet button on the Twitter apps definition box!

2009-11-23 Thread Dave Briccetti
Nice idea, but, for many reasons, Twitter couldn’t “retweet” something that isn’t a tweet at all.

[twitter-dev] Re: Proper protocol for displaying user's avatar in an app

2009-11-23 Thread Dave Briccetti
I would be curious to see the details of the request and response from Firebug, Wireshark or similar. I have never received anything other than an image as a response. Since a browser is making the request for the photo, it should cache it.

[twitter-dev] Re: api.twitter.com not returning compressed data

2009-11-10 Thread Dave Briccetti
Jason, I’m glad you mentioned this, because we had neglected to ask for compressed data in TalkingPuffin. For others wanting to do this (in Java/Scala): import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") ... val is = conn.getInputStream val

[twitter-dev] /statuses/retweeted_to_me.xml?count=200 yields HTTP 500

2009-11-06 Thread Dave Briccetti
BY ME: http://twitter.com/statuses/retweeted_by_me.xml?count=200 works just fine. TO ME: /statuses/retweeted_to_me.xml?count=10 works fine. User dcbriccetti

[twitter-dev] Re: List API : statuses timeline and count parameter

2009-11-03 Thread Dave Briccetti
I pointed this out on Oct 24th. http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_frm/thread/de91a4569fb10e5d/f8fabf89447a85c9?lnk=gst&q=briccetti#f8fabf89447a85c9 Glad you have spotted the trouble.

[twitter-dev] Re: Lists API for Subscriptions

2009-11-01 Thread Dave Briccetti
I like your scripts. Thanks. I like to see other people’s Twitter code.

[twitter-dev] Re: Updates to the List API (list descriptions, cursoring lists of lists, finding by list id rather than slug & more consistent names)

2009-10-31 Thread Dave Briccetti
I wrote a method for it: getListNamed, which gets the list (and its slug) by brute force. http://github.com/dcbriccetti/talking-puffin/blob/master/twitter-api/src/main/scala/org/talkingpuffin/twitter/AuthenticatedSession.scala

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists: /user/list/members.xml returning only 20 at a time

2009-10-30 Thread Dave Briccetti
Indeed. I know every little bit helps when massively scaling, but, speaking generally, I dislike scrolling through small chunks. Like in the Twitter Web site just now, looking at lists, I have to scroll in small chunks to see who’s in a list. (Other than that Twitter’s Web site support for lists

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists: /user/list/members.xml returning only 20 at a time

2009-10-30 Thread Dave Briccetti
Cursoring is working, but it seems wrong to get just 20 at a time. GET /abdur/research/members.xml?cursor=-1 GET /abdur/research/members.xml?cursor=1316585587587157646 yields the same as GET /abdur/research/members.xml?count=200&cursor=-1 GET /abdur/research/members.xml?count=200&cursor=1316585

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists Need Optional Hashtag binding with list subscription

2009-10-29 Thread Dave Briccetti
I doubt I will follow many (or any) lists. But I will scour them periodically for individuals to follow.

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter connection giving a 502 Bad Gateway error

2009-10-29 Thread Dave Briccetti
I’ve learned that wrapping every Twitter Web service call with retry logic is essential. http://github.com/dcbriccetti/talking-puffin/blob/master/twitter-api/src/main/scala/org/talkingpuffin/twitter/Http.scala http://github.com/dcbriccetti/talking-puffin/blob/master/twitter-api/src/main/scala/org

[twitter-dev] Re: No Cursor Data Returned

2009-10-27 Thread Dave Briccetti
I also recommend using Wireshark, tcpdump or the like to get an authoritative picture of what’s happening. And if there is indeed a bug, the output serves as clear proof.

[twitter-dev] Twitter Lists: /user/list/members.xml returning only 20 at a time

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Briccetti
How can I retrieve more than 20 at a time? ?cursor=-1&count=200 has no effect

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Briccetti
By the way, I changed this code to do ten or fifteen of these at a time, using multiple threads, and it’s much, much faster.

[twitter-dev] Re: Welcome the the Twitter Development Talk

2009-10-22 Thread Dave Briccetti
I meant to send that to list owner. Sorry.

[twitter-dev] Welcome the the Twitter Development Talk

2009-10-22 Thread Dave Briccetti
Welcome the the Twitter Development Talk

[twitter-dev] Re: Nero 9 - FULL Version - [Precracked] 51MB ONLY!

2009-10-19 Thread Dave Briccetti
Google group admins can actually DELETE spam, too, which would be nice.

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti
Sorry, that video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUVDP5sX2rA Copy/paste error.

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti
Once Twitter posted details of the API in this public forum, that opened the door to our discussing lists publicly (if it wasn’t open already). And I’ve been doing so. I even made a video showing TalkingPuffin all of Robert Scoble’s lists at once on a big screen: http://twitter.com/dcbriccetti/sca

[twitter-dev] Re: Laying the foundation for API versioning

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti
Thanks, but still failing today.

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti
Multiple identical list create requests result in multiple lists, differing in slug/url/full name. Perhaps it should ignore, or return an error? $ curl -u dcbriccetti -d "name=Scala" http://twitter.com/dcbriccetti/lists.xml 29926 Scala @dcbriccetti/scala-2 scala-2 ... $ curl -u dcbricc

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Briccetti
Bulk add would be great. Here’s a log from doing individual adds. Notice there were many over capacity errors. And that it took about a minute 42 to add about 60 users. If I could do all in one request, perhaps that would help reduce the over capacity errors. I’m enjoying lists. Thanks for the fe

[twitter-dev] Re: Serial or Parallel? Does it make a difference for the API?

2009-10-16 Thread Dave Briccetti
Alex Payne told me several months ago at a Bay Area Scala Enthusiasts meeting that parallel operations are fine.

[twitter-dev] Re: Laying the foundation for API versioning

2009-10-16 Thread Dave Briccetti
DELETE http://twitter.com/friendships/destroy/USER.xml works, but DELETE http://api.twitter.com/1/friendships/destroy/USER.xml fails with You don't have permission to access /1/friendships/destroy/USER.xmlon this server.

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-16 Thread Dave Briccetti
If anyone’s interested, here’s the commit for TalkingPuffin for preliminary support for displaying lists: http://github.com/dcbriccetti/talking-puffin/commit/ea86bfb523d7aea98df6ebae52893c16f53fa542 A picture of the feature: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dcbriccetti/4015781495/

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-16 Thread Dave Briccetti
Thanks, Marcel. I’ve started playing with this and it is working nicely so far. It would be nice to have a list count included in the user object so one doesn’t have to make a separate call for each user to see if that user has lists. Or something else that solves the same problem.

[twitter-dev] Use HTTP response headers for rate limit info

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Briccetti
Sigh. I wrote a polling solution to fetch the rate limit info before discovering that the info is in the headers of every HTTP response. If you’re interested, here’s a commit to TalkingPuffin where I removed the polling and used the headers instead: http://github.com/dcbriccetti/talking-puffin/c

[twitter-dev] Re: Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-14 Thread Dave Briccetti
Nalin, I appreciate the ideas. Remember, you can’t DM somebody who isn’t following you. I want to maintain a fairly complete collection of filters for the common “noise tweets,” and use it in TalkingPuffin under user control, and invite other application developers to use it as well. Maybe as the

[twitter-dev] Re: Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-14 Thread Dave Briccetti
Hi Rich. For me, whether the user authorized it or not is unimportant. Many users want to send out these messages, and I want a way to not see them. Many users do want to see such messages, and that’s just fine with me. I don’t want to interfere with them.

[twitter-dev] Re: Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-13 Thread Dave Briccetti
The regexes can be pulled into an application at runtime, or at any other time by humans, machines, and perhaps beasts. For now I am happy to take the submitted noise-tweet candidates and create the regexes from them. I’m thinking of expanding the filtering to include application names (the “sou

[twitter-dev] Re: Picture overlapping

2009-10-13 Thread Dave Briccetti
It sounds like you need to get the developer of your Twitter client in here so we can help him.

[twitter-dev] Re: Regex to get user agent aka 'source'

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Briccetti
I don’t know the background, but I do wish they would split that into, say, sourceName and sourceUrl. http://github.com/dcbriccetti/talking-puffin/blob/master/twitter-api/src/main/scala/org/talkingpuffin/twitter/TwitterStatus.scala

[twitter-dev] Re: Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-09 Thread Dave Briccetti
Please submit your candidate “noise tweets”: http://bit.ly/NoiseTweets I’ll review them and add them to the repository. These should generally be messages of the type of viral advertising— some service doing something for a Twitter user and then blabbing about it through the careless or inconsi

[twitter-dev] Re: Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-08 Thread Dave Briccetti
A Twitter client can do an HTTP get to here: http://talkingpuffin.appspot.com/filters/noise and expect lines of plain text like this: Just joined a twibe. Visit http\://twibes\.com/.* just joined a video chat at http\://tinychat\.com.*

[twitter-dev] Re: Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-08 Thread Dave Briccetti
Participating Twitter clients could have a “Noise” button to submit the tweet being read as a candidate for inclusion in the filtering.

[twitter-dev] Noise-tweet regex repository

2009-10-08 Thread Dave Briccetti
I detest tweets like these: just joined a video chat at http://xxx Make your own video chat at http://xxx #xxx just joined a twibe ... I am thinking of starting a repository of regular expressions matching noise-tweets like these, that Twitter clients could query via a Web Service, and the publi

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitpocalypse II: this time it's unsigned

2009-06-13 Thread Dave Briccetti
TalkingPuffin[.org] was persisting the ID values as strings, but treating them as 32-bit ints. Changing them to 64-bit ints (in Scala) took care of things, without having to convert any data stores.

[twitter-dev] The TalkingPuffin Twitter client open source project invites contributors

2009-05-16 Thread Dave Briccetti
Do take a look and join us if you’re interested. We’re using the Scala language. http://TalkingPuffin.org/

[twitter-dev] Re: export followers

2009-04-27 Thread Dave Briccetti
Try this: http://simple-twitter-client.appspot.com/

[twitter-dev] Re: Show the source of the update (from [myapp]) without OAuth?

2009-04-27 Thread Dave Briccetti
I would like to know the same. I have a recently-renamed desktop application. Twitter’s OAuth support is in beta, no? Doesn’t mean the same as Google. I would like “talkingpuffin” and “simpletwitterclient” to map to “TalkingPuffin”. Twitter, can you help? Thanks.

[twitter-dev] Article about my experiences deploying a Twitter Web app on Google App Engine Java

2009-04-11 Thread Dave Briccetti
Perhaps this will save time for some of you. http://briccetti.blogspot.com/2009/04/my-first-scala-web-app-on-google-app.html

[twitter-dev] Having Twitter clients support proxies for enhanced (filtered) tweet fetching

2009-04-09 Thread Dave Briccetti
activate them, and filter the feed using them. But if that’s not gonna happen right away, I’d like to see if the development community can do this. What do you think of all of this, especially the idea of Twitter client developers allowing users to set a proxy for twitter.com? Dave Briccetti http

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter user picture sizes

2009-03-01 Thread Dave Briccetti
This is odd. For some reason, this “thumbnail” is huge. Shouldn’t they all be small? http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/80449987/JavaPosse_normal.png

[twitter-dev] Twitter user picture sizes

2009-02-24 Thread Dave Briccetti
Hi. I’ve searched around for 1/2 hour or so, and haven’t found an authoritative explanation of the sizes of pictures, and how to retrieve them. It seems that profile_image_url leads to a tiny picture: http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/66123958/IMG_0534_twitter500_normal

[twitter-dev] Re: Freelance Twitter API Dev directory?

2009-02-24 Thread Dave Briccetti
Dave Briccetti Lafayette, California @dcbriccetti da...@davebsoft.com http://davebsoft.com Thanks!

[twitter-dev] Re: Scala and the Twitter API

2009-02-22 Thread Dave Briccetti
You can now run it without building it yourself, via Java Web Start: http://davebsoft.com/applications/simple-twitter-client. Feedback welcome, through Twitter, email or my blog.

Re: Scala and the Twitter API

2009-02-19 Thread Dave Briccetti
Thanks, Alex. I’ve added some simple tagging and filtering features. Here’s a demo video: http://briccetti.blogspot.com/2009/02/tagging-and-filtering-features-in-my.html

Scala and the Twitter API

2009-02-17 Thread Dave Briccetti
Hi. Perhaps some of you interested in Scala and the Twitter API will find this interesting, or want to share your expertise. I spent a day learning to use some of the Twitter API from Scala. http://briccetti.blogspot.com/2009/02/scala-and-twitter-api.html My code is here: http://github.com/dcbr