[twitter-dev] Re: Update on Whitelisting

2011-02-13 Thread TCI
It may sound foolish, but some of us coded our apps a couple years
ago, improved them up to production readiness and then released and
moved on to something else. Each of these mayor changes would in
theory make one reread all this old code and find where one uses
whatever you plan to change this time.
I do not have that luxury of time. I strongly prefer to spend time
with my two kids than fix something that is not broken yet but
eventually will. I have recoded the whole app two times to accomodate,
and yes I am growing tired of playing this. My kids have not even
changed a single tooth and I have coded the whole app 3 times!!!
If it is s easy to change to oauth and streaming why don't you
release some open source code which implements the old calls using
these new capabilities? Then we would just point our old calls to our
own server.
It's called backwards compatibility.

And just like the previous two times, I do not plan to be absent from
my kids' life while I redo old code. I will just let it break and
*then* the failure points will be obvious. If it fixes in a day I
will. Else, end of life, and 80k users get a blog post.

And since users have no idea about this, I need an analogy...

Dear printing press users: the excessive amount of Bibles you have
been printing has created an undue demand of the L O R D letters. As
of today we will be supplying a very limited amount of these four
letters, but we will be supplying paper that has the word LORD
preprinted on it. Please adjust your texts accordingly.

On Feb 10, 3:43 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> Beginning today, Twitter will no longer grant whitelisting requests.
> We will continue to allow whitelisting privileges for previously
> approved applications; however any unanswered requests recently
> submitted to Twitter will not be granted whitelist access.
> Twitter whitelisting was originally created as a way to allow
> developers to request large amounts of data through the REST API. It
> provided developers with an increase from 150 to 20,000 requests per
> hour, at a time when the API had few bulk request options and the
> Streaming API was not yet available.
> Since then, we've added new, more efficient tools for developers,
> including lookups, ID lists, authentication and the Streaming API.
> Instead of whitelisting, developers can use these tools to create
> applications and integrate with the Twitter platform.
> As always, we are committed to fostering an ecosystem that delivers
> value to Twitter users. Access to Twitter APIs scales as an
> application grows its userbase.  With authentication, an application
> can make 350 GET requests on a user’s behalf every hour. This means
> that for every user of your service, you can request their timelines,
> followers, friends, lists and saved searches up to 350 times per hour.
> Actions such as Tweeting, Favoriting, Retweeting and Following do not
> count towards this 350 limit. Using authentication on every request is
> recommended, so that you are not affected by other developers who
> share an IP address with you.
> We also want to acknowledge that there are going to be some things
> that developers want to do that just aren’t supported by the platform.
> Rather than granting additional privileges to accommodate those
> requests, we encourage developers to focus on what's possible within
> the rich variety of integration options already provided. Developers
> interested in elevated access to the Twitter stream for the purpose of
> research or analytics can contact our partner Gnip for more
> information.
> As always, we are here to answer questions, and help you build
> applications and services that offer value to users.
> Ryan
> --
> Ryan Sarver
> @rsarver

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Snowflake: An update and some very important information

2010-12-03 Thread TCI
I had been using BINARY(16) to store tweet id's in MYSQL. I can't find
a good resource to tell me the new data type I should use:
Reading the mysql documentation, I believe it should be unsigned
bigint - but would binary(64) be a better option?

I also read this comment against about BIGINT, with minimal comments.


Anybody storing tweet id's in MYSQL care to share what datatype
they're using?


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
Change your membership to this group: 

[twitter-dev] Empty strings from twitter.com

2010-03-24 Thread TCI
Also sent a ticket on this, but posting because someone else might be
seeing this.
Since 2:52PDT I am receving empty string and HTTP return code 0 from
my calls to twitter.com, authenticated or unathenticated, including
I confirmed that the same code does return valid content and a 200
code when pointed to http://www.yahoo.com

Anybody else seeing this?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Is image shrinking broken?

2009-11-03 Thread TCI

Added my star. If you are also affected add yours...

On Nov 3, 3:09 am, Tim Haines  wrote:
> It's broken.  Add a star 
> here:http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=1158
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:54 PM, janole  wrote:
> > Would be cool to have this fixed as soon as possible. I'm getting a
> > lot of complaints because my mobile client silently discards any
> > "oversized" avatars ( > 10kB .)
> > It's not a good idea to download dozens of > 200 kB avatars if you're
> > not on a flatrate mobile data plan ;-) Also, scaling all those avatars
> > on the mobile phone takes quite some time ...
> > @janole
> > On 3 Nov., 06:25, TCI  wrote:
> > > I am noticing an increase in the number of avatar images which do not
> > > get shrinked in the smaller versions. It is most noticeable in the
> > > twitter.com homepage as the images load very slowly from top to
> > > bottom. How are your clients handling this? In my case I am assuming
> > > the shrinking is working and therefore my page load times are being
> > > affected.
> > > Example:
> >http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/506101471/Copy__2__of_Francesca__4
> > ..
> > > are all the same...

[twitter-dev] Is image shrinking broken?

2009-11-02 Thread TCI

I am noticing an increase in the number of avatar images which do not
get shrinked in the smaller versions. It is most noticeable in the
twitter.com homepage as the images load very slowly from top to
bottom. How are your clients handling this? In my case I am assuming
the shrinking is working and therefore my page load times are being



are all the same...

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread TCI

Tracert disabled from host - fail!
But I assume that if we can't reach you, you should not be able to
reach us either? My server's IP is (The Planet)

On Oct 18, 8:14 am, John Kalucki  wrote:
> I don't see any operational issues from here, but I'm not an
> operational guy. At first glance the system looks fine, and the
> operational team isn't in response mode. This is puzzling.
> Seems like a connectivity issue upstream from twitter. At lest a few
> developers: please send a traceroute to this list. Also, if you aren't
> timing out, but rather are getting an HTTP error, send the response
> headers. After say 4 or 5 responses, they'll probably have enough info
> to triage this.
> -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On Oct 18, 6:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> > (Sunday morning October 18)?
> > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Problems Connecting to the API

2009-10-18 Thread TCI

THANKS for posting - I've spent the last hour trying to figure this
out and since there were not reports I thought it was me.
Down from my server as well, although if I try the exact same calls
that my server (in USA) is making from my desktop (in Costa Rica) they
all return. This is what had me significantly confused.

Maybe they have different servers for each geo and only some areas are

On Oct 18, 7:40 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Does anyone else have problems connecting to the API at the moment
> (Sunday morning October 18)?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Stop playing around with Source parameters

2009-08-21 Thread TCI

Recently you added nofollow's, and now you moved the nofollow after
the href. Some of us filter these out and you changing them is only
making it more complicated. Please make up your mind and stop changing



http://fun140.com/"; rel="nofollow">Fun140

[twitter-dev] Search returning slightly different text than actual tweet

2009-08-04 Thread TCI

Today I started noticing a diference in tweets returned by search vs
their original versions. The difference is noticeable to me because I
combine both sources and I suddenly got a lot of duplicated entries
that were really slightly different. This started happenning today as
far as i can tell.


First tweet there says "se llevará los 25 millones #qqsm" in search,
but real tweet says "se llevará los 25 millones? #qqsm" - notice the
extra question mark after "millones"


[twitter-dev] Avatar returning the same large file for mini, normal, bigger

2009-07-15 Thread TCI

... which is evidently slowing down pages that download these images
and then scale them to their small size. Is it some kind of image
reduction bug?


These are the avatar for user @hu3vo0


[twitter-dev] Re: Not ignoring accents anymore?

2009-03-26 Thread TCI

Hello world,
This is still happenning and affecting Spanish speaking users...
If my users are heavily speaking about San José (which they also write
San Jose when their cell phones make accents difficult) I would like
both results to show up in a query. Could I use an OR? Sure, but then
I need to generate variations of spellings and mispellings.

Compare these two:

The first URL used to include the results of the second, now it
doesn't. Help.


On Feb 26, 9:04 am, TCI  wrote:
> Hello,
> We used to get the same results 
> forhttp://search.twitter.com/search?q="defensa+pública";
> than forhttp://search.twitter.com/search?q="defensa+publica";
> Today I noticed that the second one is not generating any results
> anymore. Why the change? Being that many tweet from a cellphone, many
> people do not accent their words and so it was useful to ignore them
> altogether.
> If the change is deliberate and definite, can you add a parameter that
> makes it work as before?
> R

[twitter-dev] Missing tweets in filter:links search

2009-03-11 Thread TCI

filter:links in search returns tweets containing http://whatever but
not those containing www.whatever - even though the www.whatever are
correctly detected as links in twitter.com UI and linked


[twitter-dev] Not ignoring accents anymore?

2009-02-26 Thread TCI

We used to get the same results for 
than for http://search.twitter.com/search?q="defensa+publica";
Today I noticed that the second one is not generating any results
anymore. Why the change? Being that many tweet from a cellphone, many
people do not accent their words and so it was useful to ignore them
If the change is deliberate and definite, can you add a parameter that
makes it work as before?

no element found

2009-02-18 Thread TCI

I am getting an error "no element found" when querying the API for
CostaRica's followers... Anything going on?

People I am not following in my timeline

2009-02-01 Thread TCI

I have seen this happen for some time, I thought it might go away but
it has kept happenning
I keep seeing from time to time updates from people I stopped
The current example (couple minutes before this post) is for timeline
for @CostaRica right now showing update this update (http://
twitter.com/chrisbrogan/status/1167037411) from @chrisbrogan - who is
not being followed by @CostaRica anymore.
If I follow him and unfollow him the tweet dissapears, but some time
later they start appearing again.
I will NOT delete it this time so that you can check what's going on.

Re: "in reply to" metadata missing for manual replies

2009-01-24 Thread TCI

I disagree with SimX.
I consider this change very useful and necessary since it does
organize the conversation properly. Consider that many people use
@replies to start a conversation with another user, not necessarily to
reply to *any* preexisting tweet. If all you need is an upper bound,
just use the reply's post time.

160 chars?

2009-01-15 Thread TCI

Once upon a time the API's update method allowed 160 chars, from which
140 would be posted in the timelines and the other 20 only when
accessing that tweet specifically. Whatever happenned to that?

Search near returning incomplete results

2008-12-24 Thread TCI

I am trying this search call:

"ozacr" near:"Costa Rica" within:100mi

but it does not return many of the results I get with just


... despite the users having Location = Costa Rica

such as

(1075899595)  OzaCR: *uta.. Esta tan frio Moravia q no me puedo
dormir :-(
(1075873485)  rafa: @OzaCR G'nite! Tx por la ayudadisha
(1075861443)  MarcialC: @OzaCR Jajaja me imagino!! Hora del Relax!!

Am I doing something wrong?

Re: a simple workaround for lack of OAuth

2008-11-23 Thread TCI

I find it better to get users to follow your account and then send
them a DM with a URL. Builds followers and eliminates errors from user

On Nov 22, 11:30 am, Amir  Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 22, 12:26 pm, "Chad Etzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is a good method to verify (claim) an account, yes... but if you wanted
> > them to be able to do any sort of authenticated request (like tweeting or
> > sending a direct message), you'd still need their password.  That is, unless
> > you are asking twitter to change the way their API works.
> > By "future logins", do you mean to twitter? or to your service?
> > -Chad
> It would simplify future logins to my service over even OAuth.
> The problem for me though is that without user-specific authentication
> (i.e., I use authentication under my account always), IP-based rate
> limiting is a severe problem making this at best a temporary solution.
> Amir
> > On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Amir Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > One could just have the user enter an assigned code into the bio/url
> > > or even in a post (which would also help promote your service).  Doing
> > > so would allow the user to "claim" the twitter account and associate
> > > it with his/her account in your service.
> > > Unlike OAuth, this would even make future logins simpler.
> > > Is this a reasonable way to go?
> > > Amir

Re: No OAuth Support just made Techmeme

2008-11-15 Thread TCI

Let me get this out of my head - I will never implement it and raise
my kids at the same time...
The way I would like this to work if for one to generate a key/
password for the application and specify what things it can do (can
read my followers but cannot change them, cannot read my email, etc) -
and make it revokable.
How about overlaying the API with another API? Some trustable entity
to store my Twitter password and do all this work of keys/Oauth/
whatever and provide the exact same API that Twitter does, so that
interested apps just need to switch to that API to provide the service
and no changes are needed.

On Nov 14, 5:35 pm, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jesse Stay wrote:
> > I'm okay with anything - OAuth or not, so long as we're not forced to
> > store plain-text credentials.
> I just don't want a user's password.  A proxy (API key token, OAuth
> secret, whatever) is better, even if it doesn't afford any extra actual
> security.
> Users are educated over and over not to give up their password except to
> the site that it belongs to.  Undoing that by encouraging people to give
> up their Twitter password is just so frustrating.
> --
> Dossy Shiobara              | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |http://dossy.org/
> Panoptic Computer Network   |http://panoptic.com/
>   "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
>     folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

Re: friends_timeline 24 hours

2008-10-25 Thread TCI

H, if I read you correctly then it is 6 hours for me, could be 3
for a user following more people and up to 12 for someone following
few people. This introduces uncertainty as one cannot know if there
were no tweets during a particular timeframe or one has reached that
moving limit. Any way to tell? We're showing twitts per hour and these
two conditions would be displayed differently.

On Oct 25, 12:06 pm, "Alex Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Depending on how many people you follow, we may not have your
> friends_timeline going back that far.  The more people you follow, the
> bigger that timeline is, and the less we can store for long durations.
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 5:26 PM, TCI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The documentation for friends_timeline indicates that if you pass a
> > since parameter you get up to 24 hours back. I am getting nothing past
> > 6 hours back, and it's working perfectly for those 6 hours...
> > Any hints?
> > R
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

friends_timeline 24 hours

2008-10-24 Thread TCI

The documentation for friends_timeline indicates that if you pass a
since parameter you get up to 24 hours back. I am getting nothing past
6 hours back, and it's working perfectly for those 6 hours...
Any hints?

Re: Getting more from the source link on a tweet...

2008-10-24 Thread TCI

My two cents. I asked some time ago if the status id could be passed,
using POST maybe instead of using visible parameters. It's highly
unprobable that the referer is a permalink, why could someone do such
an extra click...

Alex Payne wrote:
> Because sources are displayed on a number of platforms, we'd like to
> keep them as simple and static as possible.  That way they remain
> easily formatted and cached.
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:18 AM, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure I follow. Forgive me, I'm relatively new at this sort of
> > thing.
> >
> > I realize that Twitter has lots of irons in the fire...no doubt of
> > that. Would there be any interest in working on a more involved source
> > parameter? The result may lead to enhancing any monetization goals for
> > Twitter...I'm just sayin'. Thanks.
> >
> > On Oct 23, 10:51 am, "Alex Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Well, you could always examine the referrers that you get and see if
> >> they're coming from a tweet's permalink URL.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 6:24 AM, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> > That's it? Can you suggest some alternatives? For the sake of
> >> > 'development' isn't there more that can be discussed?
> >>
> >> > On Oct 22, 12:39 pm, "Alex Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Apologies, but we want to keep the source parameter links as simply
> >> >> static URLs to sites and products.
> >>
> >> >> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> >> > Can get more from the source feature on a tweet for my API. Can that
> >> >> > text be altered to perform a different function?
> >>
> >> >> > Specifically, the source function currently allows a click through to
> >> >> > the website. A function that is the same for any and all tweets
> >> >> > originating from the API.
> >>
> >> >> > Can the text/function be modified so that a click will take the user
> >> >> > to a function on the website specifically related to that individual
> >> >> > tweet, re: a rating function?
> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x
> >>
> >> --
> >> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x
> >
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.
> http://twitter.com/al3x

Re: user_timeline limits

2008-10-21 Thread TCI

How about the question for retrieving older tweets? Summize does have
some more history than Archive, but I guess we cannot count on these
retention times as you are growing quickly!

On Oct 20, 11:50 am, "Alex Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looks like we've got some bugs here, as neither of these
> behaviors/limitations are intentional.  Please file issues 
> athttp://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/entryand we'll get them
> taken care of.
> On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 3:46 AM, Phil Gyford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to archive all my twitters to a local database. I'm using
> > user_timeline but have hit a couple of problems.
> > First, if I set the 'count' parameter to the maximum of 200 and ask
> > for 'page' 2, then it doesn't fetch back tweets 201-400, but instead
> > fetches tweets 21-220. So 'count' does not affect the number of tweets
> > on a 'page'. So if you set the count to 200 and request several
> > incrementally numbered pages, then you're soon only getting 20 new
> > tweets each time, plus 180 you've had before. There doesn't seem much
> > point in being able to set the count higher than 20 unless you're only
> > fetching page 1. Is this normal?
> > Second, I can't fetch tweets further back than page 41 (with 20 tweets
> > per page), which is also as far back as I can go on the website. Is
> > there any way to fetch tweets older than this? If not, will there be?
> > I'd really like to make a local copy of my tweets but can't see how to
> > do so at the moment.
> > Many thanks,
> > Phil
> --
> Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x