[TYPES/announce] SecReT 2010

2010-03-02 Thread Steve Kremer
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

5th International Workshop on Security and Rewriting Techniques
(SecReT 2010)
Valencia (Spain), June 18-20.

Aims and Scope:

We need to increase our confidence in security related applications.
Formal verification is one of the most important methods of achieving
this goal, and term rewriting has already played an important part. In
particular, since the beginning of formal verification of security
protocols, term rewriting has played a central role, both as a
computation model and as a deduction strategy. Because of this, we
believe that it can play an important role in solving other
security-related formal verification problems as well. That is why it
is important to bring together experts in term rewriting, constraint
solving, equational reasoning on the one side and experts in security
on the other side. This is precisely the aim of this workshop.

A possible (non exhaustive) list of topics include application of
rewriting or constraint solving to authentication, encryption, access
control and authorization, protocol verification, specification and
analysis of policies, intrusion detection, integrity of information,
control of information leakage, control of distributed and mobile
code, etc.

Submission instructions:

The workshop will have no formal proceedings. We therefore encourage
submission of ongoing work as well as recently published work.
Submissions should be 1 page abstract summarizing the work the authors
would like to present.

Detailed submission instructions will soon be available on the
workshop's website.

Important dates:

- Submission deadline: April 2
- Notification: April 23
- Workshop: June 18-20

Invited speakers:

- Bruno Blanchet
- Ralf Kuesters
- Catherine Meadows
- Michael Rusinowith

Program Committee:

- Yannick Chevalier
- Hubert Comon-Lundh
- Dan Dougherty
- Santiago Escobar
- Steve Kremer (co-chair)
- Chris Lynch
- Jose Meseguer
- Paliath Narendran (co-chair)

[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation NFM 2010

2010-03-02 Thread Munoz, Cesar Augusto (LARC-D320)
[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
 http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: 2nd NASA Formal Methods Symposium

The NASA Formal Methods community invites you to attend the

Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2010)

April 13-15, 2010
Washington D.C.

Theme of Conference

The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians and
practitioners from academia and industry, with the goals of identifying
challenges and providing solutions to achieving assurance in safety-critical
systems. The focus of the symposium will be on formal techniques, their
theory, current capabilities, and limitations, as well as their application
to aerospace, robotics, and other safety-critical systems.

Invited Speakers

Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft
Guillaume Brat, NASA
John Harrison,  Intel
John Kelly, NASA



The program committee selected 20 regular papers and 4 short papers for
presentation, covering various aspects of the theory and practice of formal
methods in safety-critical domains.


Attendance to the symposium is free, but all attendees must register in
order to participate. Registration closes April 9, 2010.
Travel and Local Information

The conference will take place in the James Webb Memorial Auditorium at NASA
Headquarters in Washington D.C.


Note that there are room blocks reserved at two hotels.  These reservations
will expire in the March 13-15 time frame.



Mike Hinchey, Conference Chair
Cesar Munoz, Program Chair