RE: [U2] [UD] Cleaning out _PH_

2008-01-09 Thread colin.alfke
Actually - I saw two. Both mine and Tim's used the DIR() function to
grab the date from the OS item. Tim had it in a program and I had it
buried in a program called from a dictionary. 

Perhaps neither of these made it to you???

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-Original Message-
From: David Wolverton

Thanks for the responses -- but the _PH_ file may contain diagnostic
info we'd want - so we want it around at least 30 days -- but all the
responses yield the same answer -- there is no way to know the date of
the item from within UniData -- Incredible!  A log file that does not
have a date associated with it (except at the OS level, anyway!) -- I
wonder why they didn't include [EMAIL PROTECTED]@TIME in the key? Falls into the
'wow, I can't believe that one' category!

Again, Thanks for the replies!

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RE: [U2] [UD] Cleaning out _PH_

2008-01-09 Thread colin.alfke

I posted a program to pickwiki that helps do this. You can setup dict
items in your VOC so you can list/select in UD based on the OS size,
date, etc. It should work on any DIR type file.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-Original Message-
From: David Wolverton

Have a _PH_ that is just full of crud and I cannot think of a convenient
way to automate the 'cleanup' from within UniData since there is nothing
the key to the _PH_ record that shows a 'date' -- the design cleverly
stores the User ID and ProcessID - both terribly non-useful for cleanup

How do others deal with this maintenance short of telling users to
'periodically zap the records' -- I could clear data over 120 days old
and never lose a moment of sleep, but can't find a way to do this
without resulting to 'directory dump parsing', which just seems wrong.

This is a 'Windows' box, and it appears to have _PH_ entries back to

Thanks for thoughts on this maintenance task...

David W
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RE: [U2] UD spooler entry explosion

2008-01-04 Thread colin.alfke

I've seen this happen a couple of times. We thought it was a problem
with SB+ compiled reports. I don't think I've seen it prior to UD 6 (but
it's hard to tell). I've only looked at one (it's tough when they're
that big and have the server on it's knees) but it seemed to be the
report followed by pages of the header and footer with no detail lines.
As far as I know it seems to just keep going until the drive fills up.

Sorry, not much help other than to tell you that you're not alone

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-Original Message-
From: Bill Haskett

I've been having very unusual UD spooler problems.  A spooler entry, for
a two page report, seems to keep loading over, and over, and over, and
over into the spooler job; thus creating a spooler entry of, perhaps,
In the past, this has shutdown our UD server.  I created an environment
variable for DTA_SPOOL to point to a file on another Windows drive.
Now, if the spooler fills up it fills up another drive then UD doesn't
crash, just spooled jobs abort.
I've noticed this problem about six or seven times in the past 18
months.  We run the exact same report, that created the most recent
large hold file, hundreds of times over the past 30 days, using the
exact same software, without incidence.
I've saved the most recent 17Gb spooler file of a simple two page
report, in case IBM is interested, and wonder has anyone experienced
such unusual behavior on UD.

Bill Haskett
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RE: [U2] UD read anomolies

2008-01-02 Thread colin.alfke
Similar to Martin's response - we have an overnight process that gets
hammered every once in a while when it hits a file that is in the
process of being backed up and the backup software locks it. Depending
on the site we either reschedule one (or both) processes so they don't
overlap or we set the "back-up without setting a file lock" setting on
the back-up software.


Colin Alfke
Support Specialist
Thomson Elite

-Original Message-
From: Bill Haskett

I'm running a midnight phantom that phantom's a program that logs into
the appropriate account and runs the daily cleanup process.  One of the
tasks this program performs is it cleans up the mv.NET with the
following code:
** Clean up MV.NET by chaining to it (because mv.NET can't execute
** through nested EXECUTEs).

This code makes the following log entry:
Process started at 00:30:02 Jan 02 2008
mv.NET Global Housekeeping Routine
*** WARNING : It is vital that this routine is only executed when ALL
*** mv.NET users/processes have been closed/terminated.  *** Type 'YES'
to run complete housekeep Type 'FILES' to only delete temporary files or
press [Return] to cancel : MVNET.CONNECTS is cleared.
File size(0) is < minimum hash file size, blocksize(1024) *
(modulo(503) + 1).
E:\MVNET\MV.NET\MVNET.READIMAGES is not a UniData data file Cannot open
file MVNET.READIMAGES, Unidata internal errno is 0.
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RE: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question

2007-11-15 Thread colin.alfke
Of course, UniData just has to be different.
1. 'MCP' doesn't convert system delimiters
2. 'MCP' converts to a '~' not a '.'

The @VM does work to stack commands - so 'G':@VM:'1' won't work in UD
either (although the rest of the system delimiters work). Also, because
UD applies the OCONV across all values in an array you can't even cheat
and use T1,3 (even assuming you know the length of the text). 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Stevenson, Charles

is the exact answer your exact question of what can replace 'WHATEVER'
in your code.

The complete code becomes
   VAR1 = 'SAM':@VM:'TRUDY'
   CRT OCONV(VAR1,'MCP':@VM:'G.1')

This answer will work as long as there aren't any real periods in VAR1.

In the 2nd argument, you can stack successively executed conversion
codes separated by value marks.  Each acts on the output of the previous
So above, the first conversion, "MCP", changes thevalue mark to a
period.  The second, "G.1" extracts the 1st group deliminated by

This also explains why 
   OCONV(VAR1, 'G':@VM:'1')
doesn't work.
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RE: [U2] Transfer Files from Universe to Unidata

2007-10-17 Thread colin.alfke
You can check out they have a package to transfer

Bill H may also chime in with his experience moving files back and

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: bob modrich

Is there any documentation outlining procedure for transferring files
from Universe to Unidata file structure?

Has anyone developed programs that might be available to accomplish this

Bob Modrich
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RE: [U2] Locks in subroutines

2007-10-09 Thread colin.alfke
I'll second the suggestion to not use generic RELEASE statements and add
that if you do or may in the future use more than one data account to
add a path variable to your common and check if the current path is
different than the common path. 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Stevenson, Charles

Responding to this part only:

> Yes the file is being opened withing the subroutine and no, is not 
> easy to change it to open the file higher in the food

  OPEN 'whatever-file' TO FVAR ELSE ... Abort ? ...
   READU rec FROM FVAR, 'some-id' ELSE ...
   RETURN ;* readu lock ON whatever-file some-id is retained
  ;* and file remains open in /XYZ.ONLY/ common.

The calling program can later release that lock via:

   OPEN 'whatever-file' TO LOCAL.FVAR ...
   RELEASE LOCAL.FVAR, 'some-id'

BUT !!!NOT!!! By this: 

   OPEN 'whatever-file' TO LOCAL.FVAR ...

Yet these 2, within the calling program, WILL cause the record lock on
'some-id' to be released:

I'm just describing what IS (10.0.16), not whether good or bad.
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] Unidata Query Optimizer Documentation

2007-09-08 Thread colin.alfke
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There is a little blurb in Chapter 6 (UD doc 7.1) on indexes. I thought I've
seen (only a little) more detail somewhere else though. Also, another poster
found that some UDT.options stop the use of the index.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

From: Kevin King

Anyone know where I can find official documentation that describes how the
query optimizer in Unidata applies (or overlooks) indexes when formulating a
selection strategy?

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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UD indexes and UniQuery - redux

2007-08-30 Thread colin.alfke
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We use them all the time. They make a huge difference (especially on the
older, slower systems).

I don't know about the exact alternate key thing. I use the below format and
it works things come back quickly. It's the other way that doesn't work

It does take longer if there is a large data set to return.

I just tried it on both UD 6.0.12 and 7.1.5PE.

Problems I've seen with an index:
1. early 5 version had a bad udtsort.exe and the index was not built properly
2. file being actively updated when the index was built
3. index was created but not actually built.
4. bad characters in the data (not so much a problem with the index)

Deleting the index (making sure the x_ file is gone in the OS) and recreate
and rebuild has always solved the problems. Note that we don't usually do
"text searches" like this. We generally use the index for client numbers,
timekeepers, fiscal period, invoice etc. Our application started on Pick
before they had indexes so we have our own cross-reference file for text
searches. We also don't have *really* large files. 99% are under the 2GB
threshold and only a handful of clients have anything larger. I think the
largest is around 4-5GB and I use the index on it all the time - really fast.

Sorry this wasn't much help.
Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Bill Haskett

I've been having problems getting UniQuery to use defined (and built) indexes
UniData.  IBM has informed me that UniQuery does not use indexes unless the
alternate key is used.  e.g.


...does not use the index.  IBM says using:


...will work.  However, this doesn't work on my system (UD v7.1.9).  All of my
testing works fine in UniVerse, i.e. Retrieve selections use the defined
indexes and
returns all selects immediately.

Does UniQuery use indexes in UniData?


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{Blocked Content} RE: {Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UD: Using indexes in UniQuery

2007-08-16 Thread colin.alfke
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That is strange. I only have a couple of other ideas:
1. try !GUIDE GLPOST -O to see what it thinks of the file. Perhaps a different
block size would help.
2. I'm betting that index is huge. Perhaps it's the overhead of Windows
looking at such a large file. What if you removed the large index and simply
tried an index on clientno? You could also try adding the clientno index
before removing your other large index. Just to see.
3. Check the release notes - perhaps there is an issue with indices in your
4. Contact IBM support - that's why you're paying them the big bucks :-)

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Bill Haskett


There's something wrong here.  Here's what I get when I do some selects:

A non-indexed select.

4 Demo (0)-> .X3-1
13:29:28 Aug 16 2007


33137 records selected to list 0.

13:29:33 Aug 16 2007

4 Demo (0)>> CLEARSELECT

Supposedly an indexed select.

4 Demo (0)-> .X2,4,2
13:30:40 Aug 16 2007


33137 records selected to list 0.

13:30:57 Aug 16 2007

4 Demo (0)>> CLEARSELECT

So, I deleted the index and recreated (and rebuilt) them.  Then I tried again
all the commands one right after another:

4 Demo (0)-> .X9,11,9,8,9,10,9,8
13:38:16 Aug 16 2007


33137 records selected to list 0.

13:38:21 Aug 16 2007

13:38:21 Aug 16 2007


33137 records selected to list 0.

13:38:38 Aug 16 2007

4 Demo (0)->

As you can see, the supposed index select is significantly slower than the
select.  Checking the file I get:


 13:40:07 Aug 16 2007
GLPOST   20543 1494   0 1227419 113228292 16455

   ------ ---
 220371227419 113228292 I don't think it is a file issue.

This appears to be a pretty significant problem.  I didn't really notice this
the six months of testing because the machine was so fast, as is UD.  But now,
production, we're getting some slowness the users are noticing.

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RE: {Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UD: Using indexes in UniQuery

2007-08-16 Thread colin.alfke
I knew the index dictionary was virtual - I was wondering if the
clientno etc were maybe translates or something else that that the
select query might use to invalidate the index. I think the only trouble
we ever had with UD indices what that it wasn't actually built - but
your list.index showed it as being built.

Never really had to test if the index was used - it was always way
faster. It would be interesting to know how long an un-indexed select
would take on the two boxes.

The only thing I've had to do with and index is delete and re-create it.
Make sure you DELETE-INDEX GLPOST ALL, then make sure the X_GLPOST file
has been removed. Then re-create and re-build the index - making sure no
one is accessing the file at the time. I have seen an index that was
created while the file was actively being updated do some strange

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Bill Haskett


The dictionary is virtual.  It's code is:

OCONV( @ID, 'MR%8' )

CLIENTNO, YRMO_PSTD, and ACCTNO are [D]irect dictionaries with no
conversions (just raw data).

How does one go about testing if indexing is used in a query?  I'm sure
it's not, for this query, because of the time differences between D3 (on
an old P-III) and UD (on a new Xeon); D3 being much faster on an index

The output looks like:


When I use a SETINDEX, READXFWD, READXBCK in BASIC I get to the top and
bottom instantaneously.  So, I'm thinking a SELECT using the index
should also be almost instantaneous for such a relatively small number
of items.



>-Original Message-
>From: colin.alfke
>Any chance that any of the parts of the index are translated or does a 
>subroutine call?
>I always had more trouble with D3 indices than with UD. We don't use 
>2 though. A quick test showed no difference though. I also liked the 
>thought that it may be trying to use a pattern match than a string.
>Colin Alfke
>Calgary Canada
>From:  Bill Haskett
>>>I forgot to add:
>>>UD v7.1.9
>>>SORT.TYPE = 2  (forced to do this because of improper sorting in 
>>>  _
>>>From: Bill Haskett >>Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:25 PM
>>>I'm having difficulty ensuring the indexes are used in UniQuery.  In 
>>>D3, if I do the
>>>26 Demo (0)-> SELECT GLPOST WITH INDEX_2 = "0605]"
>>>[4041] 21791 items selected.
>>> would always use the index if one existed.  I knew the
>>index was
>>>used because the selected message didn't include the " out of {n} 
>>>items." string appended to the end (e.g. "[404] 21791 items selected
>>out of 884083 items.").
>>>On an old P3 server, running D3, with 50 people on it, 512Mb memory 
>>>(shared by Linux), this took about 9 seconds.  On a new Intel Xeon 
>>>server, running UniData,
>>>5 people on it, 2Gb memory, Windows 2K3, this took about 19 seconds.
>>>In UniData, I notice some selects are taking significantly
>>longer than
>>>in D3.  I've properly indexed the file, I can test that
>>indexing works
>>>by using a BASIC program than does the usual SETINDEX, READXFWD, 
>>>READXBCK, etc.  The index looks
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UD: Using indexes in UniQuery

2007-08-15 Thread colin.alfke
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Any chance that any of the parts of the index are translated or does a
subroutine call?

I always had more trouble with D3 indices than with UD. We don't use sort.type
2 though. A quick test showed no difference though. I also liked the thought
that it may be trying to use a pattern match than a string.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From:  Bill Haskett

>>I forgot to add:
>>UD v7.1.9
>>SORT.TYPE = 2  (forced to do this because of improper sorting in
>>  _
>>From: Bill Haskett >>Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:25 PM
>>I'm having difficulty ensuring the indexes are used in UniQuery.  In
>>D3, if I do the
>>26 Demo (0)-> SELECT GLPOST WITH INDEX_2 = "0605]"
>>[4041] 21791 items selected.
>> would always use the index if one existed.  I knew the
>index was
>>used because the selected message didn't include the " out of {n}
>>items." string appended to the end (e.g. "[404] 21791 items selected
>out of 884083 items.").
>>On an old P3 server, running D3, with 50 people on it, 512Mb memory
>>(shared by Linux), this took about 9 seconds.  On a new Intel Xeon
>>server, running UniData,
>>5 people on it, 2Gb memory, Windows 2K3, this took about 19 seconds.
>>In UniData, I notice some selects are taking significantly
>longer than
>>in D3.  I've properly indexed the file, I can test that
>indexing works
>>by using a BASIC program than does the usual SETINDEX, READXFWD,
>>READXBCK, etc.  The index looks
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RE: [U2][UV] Speeding up a big BY.EXP select

2007-08-09 Thread colin.alfke
Sure - but how long does it take on one of your fast new MFT drives ;-)

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada
P.S. Give me a call when they work on 64-bit windows servers... 

-Original Message-
From: Doug Dumitru

Boydell, Stuart wrote:
> Cool - looks interesting - I'll try that in the morning - thanks.

I was curious so I did some testing.  Your SSELECT is building very
large temp files in /tmp.  My test had 20 MVs of 16 bytes each.  I ended
up with almost 2G of temp files.  If your MVs are longer (and if they
are XML they probably are), you could have some substantial temp space
in use.

My test case took about 9 minutes on a single-proc single-drive Linux
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RE: [U2] [UV] Speeding up a big BY.EXP select

2007-08-09 Thread colin.alfke
In UD (with the proper associations) you can:


To get:


This doesn't bother with the sorting or unnesting - which is the whole
point of an XML document, is it not?

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Boydell, Stuart

I did do some small sample testing and found not much difference between
the 2 methods - though on larger sets the BY.EXP seemed marginally
faster than the BY @ID BY.EXP. So barring margins of error due to
machine load I guess that answers most of my question.

The background is extracting data to an xml document. The select feeds a
LIST statement to produce a 'normalised' selection to build an
attribute-centric xml document (a rather large document at that). So
what the select does is creates repeating values from singlevalued
fields and flattens the MVs

ORDER 12345
001 A12312
002 12345]87654
004 99]2


Which produces:


I haven't seen any difference between the output of the SELECT v
SSELECT. I think as long as you have a BY clause in the statement, the
SSELECT semantics are used.

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RE: [U2] Unidata ODBC

2007-07-13 Thread colin.alfke
These are all on the client CD. It is in the trials/demos section but
these products are "included" so there is no trial/demo version - it is
the full version.

Download the clients, they are the same for both UniData and UniVerse (I
think it says UniVerse on the download). It is the large one.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada 

-Original Message-
From: Jeffrey Butera

We may embark down the ODBC connectivity path with Unidata (7.1.8 on
solaris 9).  My understanding is that I need to get the UniData clients
toolkit and, in particular:  UniODBC, the UniDK developer's Toolkit, and
the Visual Schema Generator.

Can anyone confirm this, and how/where I obtain these downloads if I
already have a licensed Unidata product (yes, I have serial number,
etc).  All I've found on the IBM website is trials/demos.


Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
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RE: [U2] Utilities for Pick-type to UniData-type (ODBC) Dictionary 'Conversions'

2007-07-11 Thread colin.alfke
When we first converted from Pick to Unidata, Unidata had a conversion
account that you used to restore the account into and then it converted
it. This was on Aix - I haven't seen anything on like it on Windows. It
was also back when Unidata was Unidata (not IBM or Informix).

IBM may be able to dredge up something???

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Bob Wyatt

Does anyone know of, have, use, or be willing to share a utility that
'converts' old-style PICK-type Virtual and I-descriptors in UniData to
legal ODBC/UniData descriptors? For example, changing Tfilename;X;n;m
functions to TRANS and like conversions. I am in the process of opening
up hundreds of files to ODBC; before reinventing the wheel, just
checking to see if the wheel has already been made. I did not see such a
utility on pickwiki.

If such a utility is for sale, that would be good to know as well.
Feel free to contact me off-list if you are more comfortable doing so..


Bob Wyatt
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RE: [U2] Logged user list

2007-07-11 Thread colin.alfke
For simple stuff like this you can use find on windows on a command

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

-Original Message-
From: Ray Wurlod

Assuming this is UniVerse on UNIX, you have the PORT.STATUS command in
the UV account, and you have ipcs -m | grep aceb at the operating system

If it's Windows-based UniVerse you still have PORT.STATUS.  The
equivalent of ipcs is shrdump, but you don't have an equivalent for
grep.  So you need your own mechanism for parsing out the aceb entries.
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RE: [U2] UD Backups

2007-06-27 Thread colin.alfke
So it could be anything from poor drive setup/layout, slow controller,
lack of ram, busy server (domain controller?). 

I have seen print processes run amok and create items in the "temp"
folder that filled the drive. Maybe that's where your extra space went.
I haven't seen anything taking up 10 times more space than reported (are
you sure you read it correctly!?)

None of our clients really needs high-speed backup. We did have one
client come close as they had offices all over the world so a good
backup window was getting tough to find. 

Backup Exec does have an open files option - or is it the cost that you
don't like?

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-Original Message-
From: Bill Haskett


The backups seem to take about the same time with or without UD
shutdown, on the development server.  I just ran a backup on our UD
directory and it was 1Gb, compressed to 120Mb, and took about 5 1/2
minutes to create.  On one of our client's D3 server, the uncompressed
file-save, of the same data, took about 40 seconds and was about 200Mb.
I took a look at another one of our clients and their D3 backup was
1.1Gb of a 5-6Gb database, on Windows, and it took 6 minutes to create.
In one of our beta accounts, someone created a 12Mb hold entry and
somehow Windows showed there were 11.7Gb in the _HOLD_ directory when
the item, created on 6/25/07, showed as 12Mb in Windows Explorer.  I
deleted that item and this problem disappeared (where'd that come
from?).  I suppose this is just one more of the multitude of problems
I've got to keep my eye on!  Anyway...

We don't have any transaction processing.  The timing starts when the
NTBackup starts, after the dbpause.  The timing ends when the dbresume
is executed, not when it completes.

I've been researching backup software and it all seems to point back to
Symantec (jeeze!).  I was hoping someone would have experience with a
high-speed backup product that would backup open files for U2.  Since
our application has a module that uses ASP.NET we really don't want to
shut down the dbms for very long (this is more important than backuping
up open files and not having a "pristine" backup).


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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UD Backups

2007-06-26 Thread colin.alfke
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How long does the backup take on the server if you shutdown UD first? Just
trying to rule out a problem with NTBackup before getting carried away.

Do you have transaction processing? DBPause waits for any writes to complete
before it actually stops anything. It may wait for the entire transaction.
Along that line - would there be anything else that may be holding up DBPause?

To answer your question - we've mostly used Backup Exec (there were some
issues with older versions of UD). We don't have anything critical running
overnight so we usually leave UD running and set the "backup open files" and
"backup without a lock" options set. Not sure if it's any faster (I think
NTBackup is a pared down version of Backup Exec).

We've also had clients use Arcserve successfully, and we even have one client
that backs up to a server on the NET (don't remember what that product is

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada
sorry list - I haven't been able to turn off rich-text e-mails with this
version of Outlook Web Access :-(

From:  Bill Haskett


I have the entire backup process scripted and the main script is called from a
configured Windows scheduled task.  Nothing about the
backup process is done from within UD.  We have a VB script included, called
by this main backup script, that deletes old backup
files older than the number of days passed in via the command line.

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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] VMS Migration

2007-06-22 Thread colin.alfke
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There is also a 2GB limit on file sizes on Aix by default. It's easy to change
- I just don't have my notes with me.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Bob Wyatt


In AIX 5.1, tar won't work on files larger than 2 GB:
"The tar command is not enabled for files greater than 2 Gig in size due to
limitations imposed by XPG/4 and POSIX.2 standards"
>From the AIX 5.1 Command Reference manual...


Bob Wyatt

We are migrating to AIX 5.1 with UniData 7.1.8  We seem to be having
problems trying to tar large files within large directories.

Thanks for any help

Tom Dodds
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RE: [U2] Redback Login

2007-06-19 Thread colin.alfke
Sorry, we don't use Redback so I was hoping this would at least give you
an idea. We are simply trying to make sure that we separate the SB JSD
jobs (which need to go through SB.LOGIN) and our phantom jobs (which we
didn't want to go through SB.LOGIN).

I don't think SB.LOGIN logs off when done. We were having trouble with
things running twice, as we were trying to call SB.LOGIN and then our
program allowed the process to fall back through to SB.LOGIN when it was
done until we made sure we hit a STOP. 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Kevin King

>From: colin alfke
>I believe the job schedule commands all start with "MM". We check if 
>@command[1,2] = "MM" in our login routine.

And then do what, specifically?
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RE: [U2] Redback Login

2007-06-19 Thread colin.alfke

I believe the job schedule commands all start with "MM". We check if
@command[1,2] = "MM" in our login routine.


Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Kevin King

I was under the impression that Redback sessions were always started
with @USER.TYPE = 0.  However, a situation has appeared in the past
couple of days where I am led to believe that this one site has Redback
sessions starting LOGIN where @USER.TYPE = 1.
I modified the LOGIN paragraph to include this line:
..some UDT.OPTIONS...
The theory is that normal telnet and RB logins will invoke WW.RB.SB
whereas phantoms (i.e. SB+ job schedules) would invoke SB.LOGIN.
However, with this change installed, Redback was nonop.  Looking at the
logs (purportedly from RB), the SB+ splash screen was being displayed
when they tried to launch RB, making me believe that @USER.TYPE = 1 when
RB is being started.
I really need to be able to differentiate between SB+ and RB phantoms,
and right now I'm not seeing how to make it happen.  Any ideas?  Do RB
phantoms always start with the same @LOGNAME, perhaps?
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RE: [U2] SB+ Account path needs to be changed.

2007-06-11 Thread colin.alfke
In UniData you can use PATHSUB which asks for an old and new path to
change in VOC entries. Use caution!

The best option would be to use
Which will change all of the SB+ VOC entries.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

-Original Message-
From: Tim Peleski

When our secondary server was installed it originally had a different
path name for the SB+ and SB+.DEFN accounts in System Builder. We need
to have the paths changed. Our VAR had IBM do this once before for
another account. Does anyone know off hand how to change this or should
we call our VAR to have IBM do it again.

Tim Peleski
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RE: [U2] [BB] U2 Enhancement Request - WRITE

2007-05-23 Thread colin.alfke

It *should* be checked on the write. From the time it's opened to the
time the write occurs circumstances might well have changed. For
example, a long running processes (like our overnight run) can start and
open files which are fine. As it runs the O/S backup routine starts to
run and locks the file at the OS level. UD will error out on the write
as it does not have permission, at this point, to write to the file.

Of course, with the belt and suspenders approach you should check it on
the open so that if there is a problem it doesn't go half way through a
routine before discovering it's unable to make a write.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Bill Haskett

Is this discussion identifing a preference to manage permissions at the
front end (OPEN) instead of at the back end (WRITE) in a BASIC program?
Has anyone resolved this question and come up with a general preference
one could use as a "Best Practices"?

This knowledge would be welcome when trying to retrofit this
functionality into a current application.

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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] WRITE issues??

2007-05-21 Thread colin.alfke
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Ditto, I had one boss that thought he would solve some locking issues by
putting a "RELEASE" in one of our main data entry routines. The boss would
pull up the screen in the morning, have the secretaries enter all of the data
(while not entering any), then File the blank record over top of all the other
records at the end of the day.

Another time was a fraud case. One user wanted to get the other fired so
discovered the users password and would log in and delete the other users

We also had an issue with writes to the wrong files. When we first went to
System Builder our development team took SB's advice (they hadn't bought the
"big green book" yet) and used file numbers without really understanding how
they worked. Every once in a while things would end up in the strangest
places. I ended up writing a routine that went through every file on the
system looking for the missing records.

Good luck
Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Charles Barouch

I've seen this with bad locking schemes. Does your application do
real U2 locking, or is it using a custom lock scheme?

Charles Barouch

Pamela J Robbins wrote:
> They find everything updated, but on checking days later, finds the
> data back in it's original state.
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RE: [U2] User Security Access

2007-05-11 Thread colin.alfke
Here are the notes that I have been using:

Open AD Users and Computers.
Create a Global group
Add members to group accordingly, then assign directory rights

Click Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools and click Domain
Controller Security Policy.
Double click the Security Settings folder, double click Local Policies,
and then click User Rights Assignment.
Under the Policy column, click Logon Locally, and then click Add.
Click Browse, select the appropriate group, then click Add.
Click Ok, click Ok, click Ok.

Open a command prompt and type the following command:
secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy /enforce Press Enter twice.

MS has changed the secedit command in 2003.  To force a policy refresh,
the command is gpupdate.

I also have a PDF document from IBM which indicates to update the local
security policy and then the domain security policy and add log on
locally and access this computer from the network rights.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Parkinson
>Thanks but this doesn't seem to work with 2003 Server. If I 
>add users to any group other than administrators they cannot 
>login to the Unidata account
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2007-05-04 Thread colin.alfke
I think @LOGNAME comes from windows which appears to cache it. We found
after changing the user names a reboot of the server was required to
bring in the updated name. We also have a .bat file which does an: ECHO
%USERNAME% but I don't recall which it returned.

For us the reboot was the easiest fix, if you can't reboot perhaps a
"secedit /refresh" (IIRC) would work? 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Eric Neu
>Greetings all,
>Does anyone here know how UniData on Windows sets @LOGNAME. 
>Where/When does it get set? (UniData 6.1, Windows 2003SE)
>We've recently undergone a standards enforcement for NT user 
>ids and many of my users had their user id changed. When these 
>users use a process that checks @LOGNAME (from BASIC) to 
>determine who they are their old user id is returned.
>I thought perhaps UniData might have stored some trace of the 
>old IDs in the user's registry but logging on a new machine 
>produces the same result.
>I also thought perhaps UniData might cache Windows credentials 
>and forcing a password change might trigger an update but that 
>didn't help.
>I'll try a server reboot after the close of business but if 
>that doesn't work I'm not sure what to try next. I have 
>considered using
>GETENV('USERNAME') to return the ID I'm expecting (which works 
>btw) but that means changing a slew of programs and I'd prefer 
>not to do that.
>Any information on this would be really helpful.
>Thank you,
>Eric Neu
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] Printing using PCL

2007-04-13 Thread colin.alfke
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We found the easiest way is to load the picture as a macro in the printer and
call the macro. There are a number of ways to load the macro - we have an
ancient program that converts .jpgs to a file that we actually copy (copy /b
filename //printserver/printshare) to the printer. The file has the macro
number built into it.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada (LA this month)

From: Ron Hutchings

   I  have drawn lines using HPGL and placed text using PCL commands on a
   report.  I need to place a picture (letterhead grahic) on the report.  I am
   not have much success digging through the PCL manual.  Does any one have an
   example of reading an item from a file and placing it on a report?

   Universe 10.0.11, Pick flavor, AIX
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] Launching UV via HP-Ux

2007-04-13 Thread colin.alfke
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Looking like you're logging in as root do .uv - it's some unix permission

Colin Alfke
Calgary (Currently LA)

From: Brutzman, Bill

1.  Why do I have to do the command...

#exec /usr/ibm/uv/bin/uv

2.  Why does it not work when doing...

#cd /usr/ibm/uv/bin
sh: uv:  not found.

3.  Is there a batch command that will work?

Suggestions would be appreciated.

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{Blocked Content} RE: RE: [U2] VB.NET UniObjects Example

2007-04-11 Thread colin.alfke
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I have this link: however; with
all of these articles you will need an IBM ID to login.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada (LA this month)

From: Greg Schraiber

Hi Colin,
You wouldn't by chance have an URL to those examples would you?
Thanks a lot!

>If you have access to the IBM knowledge base there are a couple of example
>projects in there that will give you everything you need.
>Colin Alfke
>Calgary Canada - Los Angeles this month
>From: schraibg
>Can anyone provide me with an example of how to add a new record to a Unidata
>database file using
>I am using Uniobjects and am able to connect to the database but I am unsure
>of how to go about
>doing record adds. The datafile has several multi-value attributes (fields)
>so any examples showing that detail would be great.
>I appreciate and help you can provide.
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] VB.NET UniObjects Example

2007-04-11 Thread colin.alfke
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If you have access to the IBM knowledge base there are a couple of example
projects in there that will give you everything you need.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada - Los Angeles this month

From: schraibg

Can anyone provide me with an example of how to add a new record to a Unidata
database file using

I am using Uniobjects and am able to connect to the database but I am unsure
of how to go about
doing record adds. The datafile has several multi-value attributes (fields)
so any examples showing that detail would be great.

I appreciate and help you can provide.
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UniData 7.1.8-64, ODBC, and Excel

2007-04-05 Thread colin.alfke
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I haven't done this for a while but I didn't have a problem when "skipping"
attributes. It might not be the "view" you want but I don't have access to VSG
at the moment. I think it's the table where you need to make sure everything

I did have trouble with the clients. I had to use one version for Excel and
another for Access (but that was quite a while ago).

I was using a tool from George Poulose (
 ) that is much like query analyzer that works
pretty good to check to make sure everything is working correctly.

Colin Alfke
Los Angeles, CA (This month)

From: Bob Wyatt

I am starting to work with ODBC and Excel database queries. ultimately, I
need to get a data warehousing application to acquire the desired data via

I have a file that has 55 attributes in it, but 750 dictionary records.

I created a 'clean' dictionary file with a cleansed dictionary of the items
I want, and the data section points to the true data file.

Not all fields are referenced. for example, I want attributes 0-5, 12-17,
32-48, and a few virtual fields, such as getting the name of the customer
from another file.

Everything in VSG comes up fine; I can see all of the dictionary records I
want, and I add them to the table view and save the view.

When I do the database query from Excel, it only offers to import fields
0-5; none of the other defined fields in the view are in the list.

When I fire up the data warehousing application and do the ODBC SELECT, it
also only finds fields 0-5, and none of the other fields.

I haven't found anything in the UniData documentation that helps me figure
out why.

Do I need all of the fields defined contiguously (0 - 55)?

Any help is appreciated!


Bob Wyatt
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UniData and RedBack

2007-04-05 Thread colin.alfke
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When we use the "AT" command to create phantoms they come across as system.
You may want to try some of the other @ variables - maybe @tty.

Colin Alfke
Los Angeles CA (this month)

From: David Wolverton

The 'NT Logon' for RedBack users appears to be "System" - Would that be the
most 'reliable'/best approach?  I could check @LOGNAME for that...

> -Original Message-
> From: brian at brianleach co uk 
> David
> I've only used RedBack with UniVerse, but..
> Why not create a specific user e.g. 'redback' and use that
> when you start the responders?  Then you can check for that
> user name in your program.
> Brian
> Is there a way to tell that a session is a RedBack session vs
> a UniData telnet session?
> I thought @USER.TYPE would tell me - but both UniData telnet
> and RedBack sessions return a "0".  I was thinking RedBack
> would return a "2".
> How else can a BASIC program tell if it is being called from
> the Web or not?
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RE: [U2] UV - Transaction Logging - Stale Transactions

2007-03-30 Thread colin.alfke
Hey, if you need any "local" assistance when you're in Vancouver give me
a shout. Of course, next week I'll be in LA. They're trying to convert
me to the "dark side" and I'm looking for some part-time contracts in
the MV world

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
by Ray Wurlod Mar 29, 2007

Sorry I can't help, I'm on the road (as usual), currently in Dallas
(Texas), next week in Vancouver. 

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RE: [U2] UD Sharing a network directory

2007-03-09 Thread colin.alfke

Top of "DTAWEB" in "VOC", 3 lines, 51 characters.
*--: p
001: DIR
002: \\AsiOlyWaWeb\E$\WebDev
003: D_VOC
In one of your earlier examples you had D_VOC in <3>. You need this to
list the file. You could leave as is and still be able to edit files.

If you do delete the file in UniData it will tell you that it is a
remote file and remove the VOC item. It won't delete either the
directory or the D_VOC.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill H
>I modified the "DTAWEB" (VOC) item  on the dbms and tried to 
>list the contents.
>2 Demo (0)-> AE VOC DTAWEB
>Top of "DTAWEB" in "VOC", 3 lines, 51 characters.
>*--: p
>001: DIR
>002: \\AsiOlyWaWeb\E$\WebDev
>003: \\AsiOlyWaWeb\E$\WebDev
>2 Demo (0)-> LIST DTAWEB
>Open \\AsiOlyWaWeb\E$\WebDev error.
>Open file DTAWEB error.
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RE: [U2] UD Sharing a network directory

2007-03-09 Thread colin.alfke
Are the UD and web server on the same domain? I haven't been able to get
it to work across domains (but I haven't tried really hard yet).

It looks like webdev is a share name. Try something like
\\asiolywaweb\c$\web\dev (or whatever the path is to the directory).

If that doesn't work let us see what !dir \\AsiOlyWaWeb\WebDev gives

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill H
>For the life of me I can't seem to get this to work in 
>UniData.  I have...
>Top of "DTAWEB" in "VOC", 3 lines, 30 characters.
>*--: P
>001: DIR
>002: \\AsiOlyWaWeb\WebDev
>003: D_VOC
>From Windows Explorer on the UD server I simply enter 
>into the address field and I get everything listed from the 
>web server as I'd expect.  But I can't get UniData (v7.1.9) to 
>access the file.  All I get
>errno=2: No such file or directory
>Open directory file DTAWEB error.
>Open file error.
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RE: [U2] [UV] DBF file parser in UV Basic?

2007-03-09 Thread colin.alfke
You're probably better off using one of the many "converter" tools to
convert the files to text and then import. That's all I do. There's lots
of free DBF viewers, just pick one you like. Sorry, It's been about 1.5
years since the last one I did and I don't remember which one I used.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Buss, Troy (Logitek Systems)
>I may need to parse out several DBF files for import and 
>processing in Universe10.0 (Windows Server version).
>Does anyone already have a generic Universe Basic program they 
>would care to share that will parse out the DBF file format 
>particularly compatible with visual foxpro?
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RE: [U2] UniData ECL anomolies

2007-03-07 Thread colin.alfke
When I first started in Pick (1991) we had to quote the item-id's (I
don't remember off-hand if it was single or double or if it mattered). I
do remember being very happy with the version that removed that
requirement (at least once all of our clients had upgraded). 

I did see the single-quote examples in your message - note that it's
double-quoted id's that work. The one good thing about the UniData copy
syntax is that you can execute it easily as it doesn't need the data

There are some really handy things in AE. Just try to remember the "^"
shown means that the "^" will be shown. I know how you feel though, I've
done it lots - it makes a real mess of SBClient. 

The whole "edit" concept (values, words, commands, etc) in AE is
indispensable. Although I do kind of miss being able to work on multiple
associated MV's like I could in UP.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>Thanks Colin.
>It's so weird, I thought I noted in one of my examples the 
>single-quotes surrounding the keys (they used to be required 
>in a Pick derivatives).  It just didn't seem to work.
>I'll say this, I love "^" mode in AE.  It's just that the 
>information throws me off all the time.  I only seem to edit 
>print files in AE (I use WED otherwise), or imported items, 
>and it always screws up my Wyse 60 emulation screen when I 
>misunderstand that the message means the opposite of what it 
>says.  So, when I'm informed unprintable characters aren't 
>shown, I find out they really are and my terminal goes 
>haywire!  Then I smack myself on the forehead and say, "jeeze".  :-)
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{Blocked Content} RE: [U2] UniData ECL anomolies

2007-03-07 Thread colin.alfke
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Most of our files use the '*' as a delimiter. One of the first things we
learned when we started to move from D3 was to put double quotes around the
ID's in the copy line. The UniData eclstyle does work better but like you I
have yet to get the hang of it. It's very strange that the "to" portion of the
command seems to parse everything properly though.

Using double quotes will work - don't use CNAME as suggested elsewhere. I
believe on older versions it doesn't update the index.

I'm not sure why you don't like "^" mode in AE. It comes in really handy
sometimes. Especially when editing _HOLD_ files. Perhaps it's the syntax of
the message, I guess it means that unprintable characters are not shown in "^"

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From:  Bill Haskett


As you saw in my email, I tried both unquoted and single-quoted record keys.

Unidata can occasionally get very strange.  Most stuff works but sometimes a
Pick person keeps knocking their head trying to execute simple commands.
For instance, the Prime style "COPY" command has a different syntax than
most other commands (apparently the idea was to confuse anyone working in
other Pick environments - much like casing is a constant blight for those
who work on other environments at the same time they work on Unidata).
Using the "LIKE" keyword is a never ending frustration level.  The ECL
"DELETE" command had to be rewritten to remove the questions asked upon
every delete.  Don't get me on the AE "^" command that tells me "Unprintable
characters not shown" when, in fact, they are.

I'm guessing there is a reason I can't change the name of multiple items by
using the "COPY" command, but I can't quite figure it out.  It's a real bear
to move between simple Pick syntax, that is the same for all verbs, and
Prime syntax that depends on the verb being used.

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RE: [U2] [UD] ODBC TIMEOUT question

2007-03-06 Thread colin.alfke
There is also an ODBCLOGIN. 

>From the docs:
Routine name: ODBCLOGIN

Parameters: RTNVAL and USERNAME
RTNVAL is an output parameter set by the routine; if it is
set to 0, the connect fails; this allows the administrator 
to test for invalid connections and refuse them; any other 
value will allow the connection to succeed.
USERNAME is an input parameter containing the connection



UniServer will attempt to execute ODBCLOGIN during the
verification stage of the connect processing, but after 
successful LOGTO to the target database. This way, if 
ODBCLOGIN is globally or locally cataloged, it
will be successfully executed. If ODBCLOGIN is not
cataloged, no errors are reported to the client and 
connection succeeds. The only time the connection is denied 
at this point is if ODBCLOGIN returns 0.

ODBCCLOGIN subroutine is optional subroutine for UD ODBC or UniOLEDB
connection. It must be a global cataloged subroutine. Here is the syntax
1. RTNVAL: If RTNVAL is a nonzero value, the connection is allowed. If
it is zero, the connection is disallowed.
2. USERNAME: The user name that is being to establish the connection.
Here is the subroutine sample for allowing "root" user to make an ODBC
or UniOLEDB connection.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Symeon Breen
>You can change the timeouts in the unirpcservices file. 
>However if your VB app is not coded to accept the 
>exception/error of a timedout connection object you may get 
>into trouble.
>unirpcservices is in /usr/unishared/unirpc on *nix - there is 
>documentation on what to change.
>On 05/03/07, Metherall, Arthur wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running a VB read-only application that connects into UniData 
>> 6.0.8 on an IBM AIX 4.3.3, using ODBC.
>> My problem is that we keep running out of user licenses on UniData.
>> I have TIMEOUT set in the VOC-LOGIN, but that doesn't seem to effect 
>> the ODBC logins.
>> Is there a way in UniData and/or Unix to set an ODBC 
>TIMEOUT, without 
>> having to mess with the VB source code?
>> Thanks,
>>   Arthur E. Metherall
>>   Courier Corporation
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RE: [U2] UniData 6.1.15

2007-02-22 Thread colin.alfke

In <6> you need MV and in <7> you need the name of a "linking"
dictionary for reporting to work properly on a multi-valued field. The
linking dictionary needs to be set up like:

001: PH

All the dicts in <2> need to have PLINE_LINK in <7>. That should get
everything printing properly again.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bob Wyatt
>Doing a sort from ECL/TCL, ECL Type P
>Have a field that is a straight D-type dictionary item, multi-valued
>001: D
>002: 6
>005: 6R
>008: VARCHAR2
>010: A!6!!!L!6
>012: }}
>Value Type (6) is blank on purpose for this email
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RE: [U2] A trail of bread crumbs

2007-02-13 Thread colin.alfke
On UniData SYSTEM(49) will give you the full call stack.

You may also want to look at SYSTEM(17) and SYSTEM(40) (HELP SYSTEM)
depending on exactly what you are trying to do.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Susan Joslyn
>Greetings saviors.
>I'm trying to find a system variable? Or anything that can 
>tell me, from within a BASIC program, "How did I get here?"  
>Is there a trail of breadcrumbs for me to follow from within 
>Unibasic, does anyone know?
>Just sign me,
>p.s. I'm a digest subscriber, (so busy luring witches into the 
>woods, you
>know) so if anyone has my answer for me, copy me directly, please!
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RE: [U2] UD: UniObjects permissions

2007-02-05 Thread colin.alfke
Sorry, I meant to say that the 80011 wasn't always very helpful. 

Unfortunately, Bill didn't say which permissions he gave the UniData
group; however, since he can telnet in I'm assuming they are enough.
This is why I brought up the "privilege" file (it should exist in the
account you are logging into). I've seen VSG hammer the OS level
permissions on the file, I'd check it first.

Another thing to look at is if a UOLOGIN program is globally catalogued.
It can prevent login which returns this error. 

There are a couple of log files that may also be helpful. Check the *log
files in the unidata\bin directory.

A debug log can also be created:
1. Create a text file called "serverdebug" in the U2 home directory
using any text editor. 
2. Add a line with up to 3 parameters. server and debug are mandatory.

Parameter Description 
1. Server - U2 server process:
udcs = UniData
uvcs = UniVerse 
2. Debug - Debug level.
0 = no debug
1 = log connection information
9 = log all messages 
3. [Log] - Path and name of log file. 
(Optional) If this value does not exist, U2 uses
/tmp/XXapiserver_.log on UNIX systems, or
C:\temp\XXapiserver_.log on Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems,
where "" is the U2 api_server process ID, "XX" is uv or ud,
depending on whether the server is running UniVerse or UniData. 
If used, _ will be appended to the file name. 

eg. udcs 1

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Tony G
>The error 80011 is misleading and seems to come up for a lot 
>of cases where it shouldn't.  The userID that Bill is using is 
>valid, and as he indicates, he can telnet in with this user.  
>The problem is that UniObjects returns the 80011 error if the 
>user does not have admin privileges.  Add the user to the 
>administrator group and the UO login succeeds, proving that 
>the 80011 error is incorrect.
>So the fundamental question is, what is the minimum set of 
>permissions required for a UniObjects connection to succeed?  
>One would hope it's not full admin privs but some subset, or 
>ideally the required permissions should be tunable via some 
>config settings.
>Bill mentioned mv.NET and DesignBais.  The different errors 
>from these products arise because there is different client 
>code wrapped around UO.  mv.NET reports the error that was 
>generated, hence the 80011.  DesignBais connects to the server 
>and expects a response from UO wrapped in XML.  Since this 
>isn't coming back, it's reported as an XML error and not a 
>comms error.  An enhancement request has been filed for better 
>reporting in such cases.
>Thanks and Regards,
>Tony Gravagno
>Nebula R&D
>(Providing support for Bill on both his mv.NET and DesignBais 
>products, but we are at a loss on this UO matter.)
>Colin wrote:
>>This is what I have for the error code: 
>>80011 UVE_BAD_LOGINNAME The login name provided is incorrect I've had 
>>some weird things happen with the permissions on the "privilege" file 
>>in the account when using OLEDB and ODBC.
>From: Bill Haskett 
>>I can telnet into the server using any user name who's a 
>member of the 
>>"UniData" group. However, using UniObjects, I cannot access a UniData 
>>account unless the user supplied is an administrator.
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RE: [U2] UD: UniObjects permissions

2007-02-04 Thread colin.alfke
This is what I have for the error code:
80011  UVE_BAD_LOGINNAME The login name provided is incorrect

I've had some weird things happen with the permissions on the "privilege" file
in the account when using OLEDB and ODBC.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Bill Haskett

I've installed a copy of DesignBais and mv.NET onto one of our development
servers running IIS.  It is connecting to Unidata (v7.1) on another Windows
2003 server.  I've installed UniObjects from the newest version of the
U2Client file; the readme.txt file indicates:

UniDK (Uni Development Kit)
Release 3.5.2
Build 7196
Release Notes
September, 2006

I've created a "UniData" group on the Windows UniData server and made sure
UniData accounts (directories) only give permission to administrators and
members of the "UniData" group.

I can telnet into the server using any user name who's a member of the
"UniData" group.  However, using UniObjects, I cannot access a UniData
account unless the user supplied is an administrator.

>From mv.NET I receive an 80011 UniObjects error code and the login fails.
>From DesignBais, the UniObjects failure returns a malformed XML string.

Why is UniObjects requiring me to connect as an administrator?  Or, why
can't the "UniData" group user connect to a "UniData" group allowed
directory through UniObjects?

Any help would be appreciated.


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RE: [U2] UD: Login users

2007-01-25 Thread colin.alfke

If they're already in why do they need a user?? ;-)

You can try the net user command (windows command use !net ... To run).
Note I have only used it for users to update their own password so not
sure how well it will work to create new users (access permissions to do

Would it be better/easier/safer/more expandable to have the dedicated
users to access from ASP (may aid later with connection pooling) and
have the application keep track of the user?

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>I run UD 7.1 on Windows 2K3.  We're testing an ASP server and 
>find the need for our Windows staff to create user's to login 
>to UniData quite onerous.
>We'd prefer that our ASP clients be able to create their own 
>users "from within UniData" and manage this process 
>themselves.  Is this even possible in the U2 products?
>We created  a directory for all ASP accounts in "E:\ASP".  
>We've created a unique Windows group called "UniData" and 
>removed all permissions on this directory except for 
>Administrators and UniData group members (certain support 
>personnel get assigned to the UniData group.  Each account has 
>a group called "UniData{AcctName}" (so we end up with a number 
>of groups at least equal to the number of accounts under the 
>"E:\ASP" directory.  Again, we remove all permissions on this 
>account-directory except for Administrators, UniData, and 
>UniData{AcctName} group members.
>Now when each user is created we need to:
>1)  Create a Windows user as a member of "users" and 
>2)  Use UniAdmin to create a user profile for this user that 
>sets up the users startup directory to their account
>3)  Create a user profile within the application with the same 
>password as the Windows user to be used by the application.
>Previous to UniData, we could manage all access to the dbms 
>"from within the application", so we were never involved with 
>managing ASP client's users.
>I'm hoping there is some way we can avoid this administration task.
>Bill Haskett
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RE: [U2] Managing open files

2006-12-22 Thread colin.alfke
HELP SYSTEM gave me this info.
The file names are in the array that system(50) creates. <1,2> is the
number of open files and there is an attribute in the array for each


Is the only way I can think of to get the list of filenames from another
process. I'm not sure how well this would work from within the program
if system(50) isn't working for you.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Susan Joslyn 
>Hi Colin,
>This is great, thank you!
>What it doesn't give me is information about which files are 
>open -- know where that is, or what did you type into help to 
>get this info?  I tried whatever phrases I could think of...
>-Original Message-
>From: colin.alfke
>If you're on a late enough version of UD have a look at 
>SYSTEM(50). I can see it on my system as of 6.0.12 but not at 5.1.27.
>Here is a snippet from "help system"
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RE: [U2] Managing open files

2006-12-22 Thread colin.alfke
If you're on a late enough version of UD have a look at SYSTEM(50). I
can see it on my system as of 6.0.12 but not at 5.1.27.

Here is a snippet from "help system"

50 The UniBasic SYSTEM(50) function returns a list of files open
in UniBasic as a dynamic array. The first field is multivalued, and
contains the following information:
Value 1 - The maximum number of files that can be opened system-wide.
Value 2 - The current number of hashed files open in UniBasic.
Value 3 - The current number of dynamic hashed files open in UniBasic.
Value 4 - The current number of recoverable hashed files open in
Value 5 - The current number of sequential and OS-level files open
  in  UniBasic.
Value 6 - The current number of index files open in UniBasic.
Value 7 - The current number of temporarily closed files in UniBasic.

This should give you everything that you need.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Susan Joslyn
>Greetings group,
>I have a problem at a new installation of PRC on a 
>Unidata/Windows system.
>There are a couple of occasions where I get an announcement 
>that "too many files" are open, and my program bombs.  I think 
>it's the combination of files that the application software 
>has open as well as the ones I have open at that moment, plus SB+.
>The most helpful thing for me would be some function that will 
>tell me at any given time how many files I have open and what 
>files they are.  I can't find anything like that.  I have ways 
>that I can determine what files I have open, and SB+ keeps a 
>list of the ones it has open.  But I don't know what the limit is.
>I guess I'm going to have to take the "known places" where 
>this is occurring (as they occur) and close all of my files 
>that I don't need and hope it's enough.
>Anyone know of anything that will help me solve this problem?  
>All advice appreciated!  
>Susan Joslyn
>p.s. I'm a digest subscriber so I'll either see responses 
>later (which is fine, I'm in no hurry) or you can copy me 
>directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you like.
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2006-12-21 Thread colin.alfke
You mean like by a virus? 

>-Original Message-
>From: Dave S
>Has anyone seen where the udt.exe and udsort.exe has been modified ?
>  If so, what causes this to happen ?
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RE: [OT][U2] Wintegrate

2006-12-14 Thread colin.alfke
Strange. You actually need to install Dynamic Connect to use
UniDebugger.  With Wintgrate you may not need to, but it seems to be a
bit of overkill just for UniDebugger.

I'd make sure that Dynamic Connect won't work for you before buying
Wintegrate. If you already have then please disregard

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Nick Cipollina
>I want wIntegrate because of the tie-in to unidebugger, which 
>can then be tied into PRC which we are going to be purchasing soon.
>Nick Cipollina
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RE: [U2] [UD]

2006-11-24 Thread colin.alfke
We have an "overnight" process that does pretty much the same.
Occasionally someone had their backup routine running at the same time.
This locks the files at the OS level and causes UniData to stop with an
error when it tries to do the read/write.

We get the same error message (may be a different number) right at the
end - but prior to that there are a bunch of "permission denied" errors.

Perhaps it's within your error handling (I would not categorize ours as
"maximum"). If your error handling is "trapping" the problem and not
creating any output for the _ph_ to pickup maybe your just not "seeing"
the problem. Does your error handling log/print the errors?

I just checked HELP PHANTOM and this was in there:
Phantom run basic error exit code   

The following table lists the exit codes generated by phantom processes:

 Code Description   

  1Runtime error

  3User abort statement 

  4Phantom process requested input data 

  5Phantom process was interrupted  

  6Message queue error  

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Lembit Pirn
>   As a matter of fact, no !
>   The two last lines are just:
>   >>
>   Phantom run basic error, exit 3.
>   PHANTOM process 14038 has completed.
>   <<
>   I've  seen  this quite many times before and never found 
>out why it is
>   ending. In principle it is just simple
>   SELECT ...
>   LOOP
>   READ ...
>   WRITE ...
>   loop with maximum error handling on read/write.
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RE: [U2] [UD]

2006-11-24 Thread colin.alfke
Is there anything else in the _PH_ file? Usually there is a more
descriptive error, something like 'requested input'.  

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Lembit Pirn
>Hi !
>Does anybody know what this error message actually means ?
>Phantom run basic error, exit 3.
>I went through all manuals I have but found nothing.
>We are running UD 6.09 on Sun OS 5.9.
>Lembit Pirn
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RE: [U2] UniData access to telnet on Windows 2003

2006-11-16 Thread colin.alfke
With UD 6.0 we lost the ability to interactively ftp, I'm assuming the
same change is causing telnet to fail. If so, it just won't work.

With a better idea of what you're trying to do there may be a
workaround: things like: setup the other server with an external IP
address that you can reach through the hole in the firewall down to
setting up file pointers on the box you can reach to the box that you
can't (note that UD won't have any locking functions available over
connections like this).

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: James Canale, Jr.
>We are in the process of migrating from UniData on IBM AIX to 
>UniData on Windows Server 2003.  We are able to login in to 
>UniData from a remote location and then execute telnet out to 
>a client on the AIX platform.  This is very useful when we 
>work remotely as our clients have poked a hole into their 
>firewall for our company IP address.  Unfortunately, I am unable to "!
>telnet" using UniData 7.1 on Windows 2003.  
>Are there any workarounds?  I'm also going to need an ssh 
>server so I'd appreciate any recommendations (free ssh server 
>is nice ;-) as we do the same thing as with the telnet command 
>for secure shell access.
>I know I have an option to run linux as a virtual guest on the 
>Win server, but, I'd like to avoid it if possible.
>Thanks and best regards,
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RE: [U2] reindexing

2006-11-16 Thread colin.alfke
Bad characters?? Have you completely deleted the index and re-created
The only problem we had with indices was back in UD 5.1 (fixed in
5.1.8). There was a problem with udtsort.exe. Not sure if non-windows
boxes had the error or not.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Jeff Butera
>I have a file with various indicies built on it:
>I'm writing records to this file and correctly populating CRS.NAME. 
>Aftering doing so,
>fail for the newly add course 'foo' (regardless of the value 
>of CRS.NAME). 
>However, if I reindex the file, the SELECT works. I'm all ears 
>if anyone can offer insight as to how/why the indicies aren't 
>getting updated until I force a reindex.
>Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
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RE: [U2] udt problem

2006-11-09 Thread colin.alfke
Our problem with WMIS was that UniData would start on a reboot of the
server, but if you stopped UD it wouldn't restart unless you rebooted.
Until I found the conflict with the WMIS service. Then I stopped the
WMIS service, stopped and restarted UD - which worked fine, and then
restarted the WMIS service.

I used the process explorer from  to find an smm
handle being held by the WMIS service. 

If it's only udt on the console that is giving you the problem - are you
sure you're in a valid account when you start udt, or maybe the pathing
is messed up? Sorry, I'm not much more help here - I always use telnet
(SBClient) to connect. Can you use telnet?

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Christensen, Steve
>I've burned up any urge to become frantic years ago :^)
>Licensing is fine on the machine.  I've verified it as I 
>accidentally invalidated it and had to obtain a new 
>authorization code the other day.
>The smm is running, just getting a failure on the udt command 
>line so I suspect some system issues that need to be addressed.
>The system has been running for several years with no 
>maintenance. I believe it has been accumulating maintenance 
>issues and data transfers via odbc have become rather slow and 
>cause some cross-department locking issues which is what I am 
>working on addressing.
>Did you shut down the instrumentation service and the driver 
>extension service that goes along with it?  I suspect I will 
>need to review and shut down all unnecessary services to find 
>the culprit on this problem.
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RE: [U2] udt problem

2006-11-09 Thread colin.alfke
No problem.

The device licensing is for being able to connect to the server multiple
times from the same machine but only use 1 license. It won't prevent you
from connecting from the console.

Does it actually say it's licensed? Did you perhaps load UD locally
about a month ago? If smm is not running then no-one would be able to
connect. If it's a critical system I would expect you to be a lot more

The service I've had problems with is "Windows Management
Instrumentation Service;" however, it let UniData start on the reboot.

A phantom simply lets the udt process run in the background. You will
still need smm running. It's pretty easy to use: from the command line
you simply enter "PHANTOM "command"" Note that the process will go
through the login voc item and the process will abort if it stops to ask
for input.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Christensen, Steve
>Thanks, Colin and to everyone who offered suggestions.  Most 
>of these I have been through including the IBM docs I have 
>access to but Colin's suggestion about another service issue 
>may be a clue to the problem.
>I am giving myself a crash course in unidata since I am only 
>familiar with the more common relational database apps and I 
>have a critical system that runs on unidata but support 
>options for this are limited so I am not particularly familiar 
>with the platform at this point.
>If the licensing does not have the Device License option would that
>disallow running the udt command line on the local machine?   I have
>setup a script to run and extract the data to text files but 
>without the ability to start the udt session locally I am not 
>able to run the program.  I was also looking at perhaps 
>finding a way to run it as a phantom process but am not sure 
>on the syntax on that and whether or not I can bypass the udt 
>command in that fashion.
>Thanks for all the help.
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RE: [U2] udt problem

2006-11-08 Thread colin.alfke
Seconded. If you're still having trouble - make sure UD is licensed. I think
it shows up in the smm.log if it's not.
UniAdmin or confprod will show if it is or not.

If it is licensed; have you installed new software recently? 5.1.27 is rather
old so I'm assuming you've had it running for a while. We've had problems with
another service (windows management something or other) that would grab one of
the memory handles. However, it would allow UD to start on a reboot - but
wouldn't let you stop and start it (without rebooting). I used tools from to find the offending service.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From:Bill Haskett


You might want to check out:

It's pretty good.  :-)


-Original Message-
From: Christensen, Steve

Thanks for the suggestions.  Unfortunately getting the following when
forcing the shutdown:

Attach shared memory fail.
stopud failed.
The Unidata service cannot be stopped.

Reboot does not fix the problem either.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a 
name of winmail.dat]
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RE: [U2] SB+ Documentation

2006-11-08 Thread colin.alfke
All of the SB+ documentation is available at there is a link for the
zip file and then a link for each PDF. This includes Kevin's SBSolutions.

I believe the file definitions are in the reference manual.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Dan Fitzgerald

It's a free download now:;

>Larry Cordrey wrote:
> > Does anyone know if there is documentation available for SB+
> > file and/or the screen definition record?
> >
> >
> >
> > Larry Cordrey| UniVerse Developer | Paciolan | Your tickets, your

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a 
name of winmail.dat]
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RE: [U2] Why does the IF statement think these values are different?

2006-11-08 Thread colin.alfke
We hit the same problem a couple of years back. We had code that had
worked for 15+ years on various versions of Pick and appeared to be
working for a couple of years in UniData. Nothing fancy, no division or
multiplication, just a report in dollars and cents that we had an if
statement to suppress lines if a couple of the columns added to 0.
Someone noticed that there were "0" lines showing on the report. No
matter how we looked at the numbers we couldn't tell what was wrong with

It had to do with the way UniData stored the numbers internally. There
wasn't a way we could see the difference. It did something like stored
3.41 internally as 3.40 so that this program:

IF (A+B)=(C+D) THEN PRINT (A+B):"=":(C+D)
IF (A+B)>(C+D) THEN PRINT (A+B):">":(C+D)
IF (A+B)<(C+D) THEN PRINT (A+B):"<":(C+D)

Showed 103.41>103.41. 

IBM told us to change the FLOAT.PRECISION to whatever worked for us.
Good question. The default appears to have been working - what might
break if we change it? It always seemed to me to be way too similar to
the Pentium bug that caused Intel to recall thousands of processors

Since we had no control over the data we started to change our
calculations so that we were always working with integers. That seems to
have solved the problem.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Steve Ferries
>HI All,
>The above worked. I would still like to 'see' what the system 
>thinks is the difference when performing 
>INTREC+PRNREC#INTPAY+PRNPAY, and why I can't make it work with 
>type NUMBERS instead of type STRING.
>This code has been in production for 15 years, and this is the 
>first time I have had to look at this.
>I will wait to see what the vendor says about WIDE0.
>Thanks for all the help and suggestions.
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RE: [U2] Why does the IF statement think these values are different?

2006-11-06 Thread colin.alfke
Welcome to the wonderful world of floating point mathematics (or is it
maths?). If you're using UD you can look at FLOAT.PRECISION; However,
your best bet is to compare remove the decimals from the comparison
(note *100 won't work).

Basically what happens is the number is being represented internally
with a lot of decimals that I've never been able to find a way to see
that change the EQ comparison.

These appear to be dollar values - you have to work in "cents" for it to
make "sense" (Sorry couldn't resist). 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Steve Ferries
>HI All,
>I don't understand why the IF statement THEN clause is 
>executed in the following code:
>:: S
>NUMBER: 24016.35
>NUMBER: 978.56
>NUMBER: 24016.35
>NUMBER: 978.56
>STRING: T r L=42 `ACCT/CALCULATOR MISMATCH: 24994.91/24994.91'
>To my tired eyes, they are equal and we should not take the THEN.
>What am I missing here?
>Thanks for your help!
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RE: [U2] [OT] - Texas Sales Tax

2006-10-27 Thread colin.alfke
Some Russian taxes depend on things like which currency the bill is in
and what payment method is used to pay the bill. How they expect me to
know how the bill will be paid when I'm generating it I haven't yet
figured out :( I end up billing the tax and automatically adjusting the
bill when it is paid

Colin 'I can't believe they taxed THAT' Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bob Witney
>Illinois don't talk to me about Illinois :-)
>-Original Message-
>From: vance.alspach
>We have integrated Taxware into our Unidata Shims database, 
>using CALLC. 
>Rather than using the client software, we build data-entry 
>screens to front-end their client side interface.  
>State-to-state taxation is so complex (especially Illinois) 
>that it is nearly impossible to manage without some sort of 
>third party application.
>Vance Alspach
>J & L Industrial Supply
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2006-10-26 Thread colin.alfke
Or execute an OS command to move the file from &HOLD& to wherever you
want it - then you don't actually have to open the other file

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: George Gallen
>on further, I see what your saying.
>Your right...bizarre. h. 
>Once I have the entry name (which we have a subroutine to do), I 
>   might as well just do the READ/WRITE to the new file.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Kevin King
>> This might be crossing the lines of the bizarre, but if you 
>know your 
>> &HOLD& entry name, why not execute a OS-level command to put 
>a symlink 
>> to it from another directory.  The actual file doesn't move, but you 
>> have access to it from another directory.
>> -Kevin
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RE: [U2] UD and VPN

2006-10-24 Thread colin.alfke
No problem. I wish we had one too. I've learned from the school of hard
knocks. The number of methods that we use to connect is silly.
Everything from straight telnet, Remote Desktop, RAS, proprietary
dial-up, PcAnywhere,  various VPN's (MS, Cisco, Novell, Nortel,
Contivity), Citrix, Webex, GotoMyPC, etc. Combined with a number of
"non-standard" ports and hardware dongles it becomes a real nightmare
sometimes to get everything to work together

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>As always, thanks; it would have taken me quite a while to 
>figure this out.
>I guess I need a certified VPN person...too many standards to 
>choose from.
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RE: [U2] UD and VPN

2006-10-24 Thread colin.alfke

The problem is that both networks use the same IP subnet. Think two
cities with the same street numbers (or phone numbers with different
area codes). The system needs some way to figure out which way to go.
The problem is that MS makes it easy for the home (non-network) user by
defaulting everything to use the "remote" network. I.e. the user dials
an ISP to connect to the internet. I guess MS expects office (network)
users to have someone that has paid MS for certification ;-) and knows
how to figure this out.

The best way to solve this problem depends on your answers to the
following questions:

Are there any other resources on the remote network that you want to
connect to after you make the VPN connection? 
Are there any resources on your office network that you want to connect
to after you make the VPN connection? 
Is it possible to change the IP addressing schemes on either network?

What is happening is that once the VPN connects is that it is saying
that when your PC needs to connect to anything starting with 192.168.1.
should use the VPN connection. Since your UD server is on that subnet it
looks for it over the VPN (you may have noticed that your e-mail doesn't
work as well).

There may be a way to control the routes that are generated by the VPN -
but it's way beyond my limited knowledge. Fortunately I've never hit the
problem you have with the remote network using the identical subnet
(which is odd as is pretty standard). 

My quick and dirty solution was to add a route to tell your PC that when
you want to connect to the address to use your local
network and not the VPN. Quick correction, try:


If that works you can add the -p flag so that you don't have to keep
entering it. Hopefully that will override the routes the VPN creates.

Another way would be to delete the routes that the VPN creates and add
one for whichever ( server that you need to connect to on
the remote network. Hence my questions on which network you need more
access to. I would put all of the route statements in a bat file and run
it after connecting.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>Telnet still doesn't work.  Here's the "route print" results after I
>unchecked the "Use default gateway on remote network" checkbox:
>C:\Documents and Settings\wphaskett>route print

>Interface List
>0x1 ... MS TCP Loopback interface
>0x2 ...00 12 f0 27 db bd .. Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network
>- Packet Scheduler Miniport
>0x3 ...00 11 25 ae af 75 .. Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Connection
>Scheduler Miniport


>Active Routes:
>Network DestinationNetmask  Gateway   
>Interface  Metric
>   2
>Default Gateway:

>Persistent Routes:
>  None
>C:\Documents and Settings\wphaskett>route print

>Interface List
>0x1 ... MS TCP Loopback interface
>0x2 ...00 12 f0 27 db bd .. Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network
>- Packet Scheduler Miniport
>0x3 ...00 11 25 ae af 75 .. Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile Connection
>Scheduler Miniport
>0x80005 ...00 53 45 00 00 00 .. WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface


>Active Routes:
>Network DestinationNetmask  Gateway   
>Interface  Metric
>  2

RE: [U2] [UD] Compilation Failed...

2006-10-24 Thread colin.alfke
Make sure that you have "modify" rights in the BP directory.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: David Wolverton
>Well ... It does not appear to be TEMP related...
>Compiling Unibasic: \STUFFHERE\BP\IMPORT.CLIENTS in mode 'p'.
>compilation failed 
>1 records copied
>Compiling Unibasic: \STUFFHERE\BP\TESTING2 in mode 'p'.  
>compilation finished
>SO... I cannot compile the EXISTING program, but if I copy the 
>source it to a new name, I **CAN** compile it.  So there is 
>some permissions settings on the EXISTING object code 
>(_progname) file that is the issue -- the problem is figuring out what.
>I guess I'll just have the user compare the security of the 
>two object codes to see what is different - as bad as I hate that!
>If this extra information rings bells, please let me know...
>David W.
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RE: [U2] [UD] Compilation Failed...

2006-10-23 Thread colin.alfke
Check the TEMP folder for permissions. I think it needs it to compile.
I've also seen weird things if the site adds "flags" to the comspec
environment variable.  

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: David Wolverton
>I am at a client site today...
>Oddest thing - UniData 7.1.6 on Windows
>One sign on can compile - all is well.
>Another one cannot - it looks like it is compiling, but always 
>ends with 'compilation failed' - No line number errors, 
>nothing to give me a direction
>-- I compile the same program using a different signon and it 
>works... So I know it's security reasons...
>I can write to the VOC, and to the BP -- what permission magic 
>shouild I ask the user to fix for me?  Where else must I need 
>access to do a 'compile'?
>This is the first time I've run into this one!
>Thanks -
>David W.
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RE: [U2] UD and VPN

2006-10-23 Thread colin.alfke

Paul's info was good, just incomplete because of some of the details you
were missing.

The problem is what the VPN connection is doing to your routing table.
It's likely telling your machine to look through the VPN "adapter" to
find anything on the network. Of course, your UD server
isn't out there. Since, you can still connect properly to other external
addresses it doesn't sound like it using the adapter as the default
gateway (VPN connection, properties, TCP/IP properties, Networking,
Advanced), but it is possible. I usually turn this off. You do have to
be careful with which IP address it gives you as a client before turning
it off.

Not being a network guru, I haven't figured out a way to modify what a
VPN does to your routing table. However, a quick and dirty fix may be to
simply add a permanent route to tell your computer how to get to the UD
server without going through the VPN. Something like (at the command


You may want to try without the -p flag first (which creates a permanent
route) to make sure it works properly first. 


I am just guessing at the address. A ROUTE PRINT (prior to
the VPN connection) will show the correct address.

Good luck
Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>The VPN is going out the local network to  My 
>AccuTerm connection to UniVerse, on my local machine, is to IP 
>"MyMachine", which has a 
>"C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" entry of 
> My AccuTerm connection to D3, on my local machine, is to IP 
>Another AccuTerm connection out of our network to 
> is working.
>The VPN client mostly set itself up and now my AccuTerm 
>connection to the machine connects to 
> (I don't know if it knew there wasn't such an 
>address assigned to my internal network or not).
>Once the VPN is connected, I can telnet to (my 
>machine) from anywhere on the network.  I can telnet to 
> and I get to the machine on the other end of the 
>VPN.  I just can't telnet to (the UniData server).
>Am I missing something here within your explanation?
>As always, thanks,
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RE: [U2] Slow ascii output

2006-10-20 Thread colin.alfke
I use writeseq. Yesterday I ran a process that selects a number of
files, parses them into special formats, and writes them out.

I created 65 files, 106 MB. Total time: 4 minutes. 

UD 5.1.27, Windows 2003

However, if you are writing to a "dir" file then you can use either a
dynamic array or dimensioned (make sure you put something in each "row"
or you will get an unassigned variable error) and simply write to the
file. I find the writeseq faster.

I use the "best of both worlds" and do:
OPENSEQ 'dir type file', 'txt file' TO myfile ELSE STOP

This way I don't have a hard-coded file path in my code and can simply
move the file around by changing the VOC pointer.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Jeffrey Butera
>I'm going to ask yet another dumb question - Unidata 6.1.4 on 
>Solaris (soon to be 7.1.x).
>I'm selecting a bunch of records and then outputting data from 
>them into an ascii file in _HOLD_.  If I open a sequential 
>file, write the data 
>line-by-line (WRITESEQF) and close the file, it takes about 5 
>minutes.   If I 
>save the data in a @FM delimited record and then write the 
>record out at the end, it takes about 3 seconds.
>I'm well aware that writing sequentially is doing a whole lot 
>more disk I/O but I can't believe the difference in speed.  
>Are their any subtleties other than disk I/O?  I seem to 
>recall some discussion about seq files and maintaining the 
>pointer of where the current position in the file, but I'm 
>foggy on these topics...
>Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
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RE: [U2] [ud6] Summary Report to delimited text file

2006-10-12 Thread colin.alfke
I don't think det.sup works with TO DELIM. You may have to do a
"reformat" and dump that file. DOWNLOAD from
 may also work.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Kevin King
>Unidata 6.0/AIX: I am trying to generate a totals only report 
>to a comma separated text file via ID.SUPP, DET.SUPP, and TO DELIM.
>ID.SUPP is working fine, but DET.SUPP is giving me an error.  
>I need ECLTYPE U for the "TO DELIM..." option, but DET.SUPP 
>does not appear to be available in ECLTYPE U.  I've also tried 
>the (ID "pick-trick"
>which does not work in ECLTYPE U.  Any ideas?
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RE: [U2] Slooooooow BASIC Verb

2006-09-26 Thread colin.alfke
I've had trouble when the sys admin was playing with the comspec system
environment variable. What about free space, permissions in the directory

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Kevin King

I've have the ports logged off, tried again, and nothing has changed.
Hung again.  Really wondering how I'm going to finish this project
with a nonfunctioning BASIC verb.  I wonder if I could get the client
to reboot overnight?


-Original Message-
From: Allen E. Elwood

This happened to me once, and only once.  I logged it out from another
account and tried it again, and BINGO

-Original Message-
From: Kevin King

I have a client running Unidata 5.2 on Windows NT and the BASIC verb
is either taking several minutes to compile anything or it's hung.
This verb is defined in the VOC as...

001 V
002 BASIC there's nothing goofy going on there, but once you press 
the session is hung, no ability to break, and I've been waiting for...
20 minutes now on a 900 line program.  There are no record locks.
Command was:

BASIC BP programName

Any ideas?


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a 
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RE: [U2] Selection Problem - Index?

2006-09-11 Thread colin.alfke
Make sure the dict for PRIM.BIN.NUM is set to "R#" in the format
position (<5>). Then rebuild your index. That will allow your numbers to
sort as numbers and not as text strings. If you can have a combination
of letters and numbers in your bin then you will have to update the dict
to create a standard length for the numeric part. 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: TPellitieri
>Under UniData 6.1 on AIX 5.3, I have an index on our WAREHOUSE 
>file for the Primary Bin Number (PRIM.BIN.NUM, V-type, 
>EXTRACT(@RECORD,1,1,0)).  I get different results depending on 
>the order of selection.
>LIST.INDEX shows the following:
>Alternate key length..  12
>Node/Block size...  2K
>OV blocks.  1 (1 in use, 1 overflowed) 
>Indices...  3 (2 D-type) Index updates.  
>Enabled, No updates pending Index-Name..  F-type K-type 
>Built Empties Dups In-DICT S/M F-no/VF-expr
>PRIM.VEND.NUM D  TxtYes   No  Yes  Yes S   69
>VEND.NUM  D  NumYes   No  Yes  Yes M   97
>PRIM.BIN.NUM  V  TxtYes   No  Yes  Yes S
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FW: [U2] Select with Multiple Indices Not Working

2006-08-29 Thread colin.alfke
My bad. It was even earlier. It was a problem in 5.1 fixed in 5.1.18. 

Maybe make sure your date dictionary is right-justified???

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-Original Message-
From: Alfke, Colin (Elite Intl) 

We had a problem with the udtsort.exe in 5.2. IBM actually had us use
the udtsort.exe from an earlier version. Now that I think about it, the
problem may not have been resolved until 6.0.12.  Please don't start
using different versions of udtsort.exe without verification from IBM of
which versions will work with which versions.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Baakkonen, Rodney A (Rod)
>Try using NO.INDEX and see if you get the results you are looking for. 
>If that is the case, you need to rebuild the index. Have you had any 
>system crashes lately?
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RE: [U2] Select with Multiple Indices Not Working

2006-08-29 Thread colin.alfke
We had a problem with the udtsort.exe in 5.2. IBM actually had us use
the udtsort.exe from an earlier version. Now that I think about it, the
problem may not have been resolved until 6.0.12.  Please don't start
using different versions of udtsort.exe without verification from IBM of
which versions will work with which versions.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Baakkonen, Rodney A (Rod)
>Try using NO.INDEX and see if you get the results you are 
>looking for. If that is the case, you need to rebuild the 
>index. Have you had any system crashes lately?
>INV.DATE = '12/14/05'"
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dave S
>Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:54 AM
>Subject: [U2] Select with Multiple Indices Not Working
>We have a file that has the customer number and invoice date indexed.
>  When we execute at TCL "SELECT ORDERS WITH CUST.NO = '12345' 
>AND WITH INV.DATE = '12/14/05'" no items are selected.
>  We are running Unidata 6.0.6.
>  Is anyone aware of any issues ?
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RE: [U2] Calling SB process from VB6

2006-08-22 Thread colin.alfke
Do you really need to run an SB+ process? It needs the SB environment
setup - normally done through SB.login. You may be able to do a "remote
process" if you have a later version of SB+. 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Martin Hutchinson
>I am trying to call an SB+ process from VB6 through 
>Uniobjects. The problem lies in establishing a login to SB. 
>Has anyone any experience of doing this?
>Martin Hutchinson
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RE: [U2] [u2] wIntegrate - Sharing Problem

2006-08-18 Thread colin.alfke
You can try handle or process explorer from to see
which process has the file open. It may be tough if it is that transient

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Brutzman, Bill
>We are having a problem using SeaGull Scientific's BarTender 
>product that may be related to wIntegrate/Unix not letting go 
>of a Windows Server file.
>Our UniVerse v8.3.3 is on an HP-Ux v10.01 box, the label is 
>saved on a Windows NT4 Server.
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2006-08-17 Thread colin.alfke
Certainly, if there is a problem with the index you have to do the
delete ALL. 

This does delete the file at the OS level so you need to have the OS
level permissions to delete it. You also need to make sure no one (or
phantom process) has it open. This is where handle comes in handy. If
you have direct access to the console there is also a process explorer
(also from ) which may be easier to use.

Colin Alfke

>-Original Message-
>From: Wally Terhune
>Deleting individual indexes does not result in the UniData 
>index file being removed. So you appparently have read/write 
>permissions, but not file deletion permissions.
>DELETE.INDEX fn ALL - completely removes the index file - so 
>there is no possibility of any dangling node or structure 
>issues in the index - when you recreate it.
>I have deleted the indexes individually after hours. However, 
>I suspect that
>  the index is corrupt and IBM states to execute DELETE.INDEX 
>ALL , which
>  I am unable to do.
>colin.alfke wrote:
>  Either you don't have permission to delete the file at the 
>OS level or, more likely, someone has the file open. I use 
>HANDLE.EXE from You should be able to 
>delete each index individually (ie. Delete.index CUSTOMERS 
>CITY). Although deleting and re-creating an index while the 
>file is being updated is just asking for trouble.
>Wally Terhune
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2006-08-17 Thread colin.alfke
Either you don't have permission to delete the file at the OS level or,
more likely, someone has the file open. I use HANDLE.EXE from You should be able to delete each index
individually (ie. Delete.index CUSTOMERS CITY). Although deleting and
re-creating an index while the file is being updated is just asking for

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Dave S
>When I try DELETE.INDEX ALL on a file, I get a permisions 
>error #13 permission denied
>  unable to delete CUSTOMERS /idx001 error.
>  What does this mean ?
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RE: [U2] Windows 2003

2006-08-15 Thread colin.alfke

Did you update your UD as well? At 6.0 the architecture changed and some
things in the shell no longer worked as expected. I noticed it with ftp
and "| more". The "interactivity" with ftp is gone and things piped to
more or page just don't.

Of course, I don't have a 2003 box handy to test.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bob Modrich
>When running unidata on Windows 2000, we were able to execute 
>the following command !TELNET and since upgrading to Windows 
>2003 this command and other shell commands do not work, are 
>there security settings that need to be adjusted in order to 
>issue certain shell commands.
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RE: [U2] Unidata Query

2006-08-14 Thread colin.alfke
He's likely getting ECLTYPE P and UDT.OPTIONS 2 mixed up.

Perhaps he did what I did when testing CNT - entered it as CMT...
Otherwise it did work for me.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Kevin King
>>If I create the CNT dictionary entry in the VOC, it does not 
>work only 
>>in the file.
>> I get an 'Illegal Attribute Name' message. 
>Likely that there's another CNT in that dictionary then.  
>Never heard of ECLTYPE 2.
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RE: [U2] Client SQL prompt for Unidata

2006-07-21 Thread colin.alfke
Try this query tool:

It's similar to MSQuery but allows you to attach to different data

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Charlie Rubeor
>I use MSQuery all the time to verify the connection, but I 
>have not figured out how to get the results of an sql 
>statement to appear on the screen.  We would really like to 
>VENDOR_MASTER; and have the results on the screen, just like 
>it does from the Unidata sql prompt.  If MSQuery can do so, 
>that would be ideal.
>Charlie Rubeor
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RE: [U2] Trying to Locate Paragraphs

2006-07-19 Thread colin.alfke
They're in the XXPROCESS file where "XX" is the system ID. It's a
"hashed" file as opposed to the XXPROGS "directory" file that it appears
you've found.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: keithbo (sent by
>We are running SBPlus version 4.3 and would like to know where 
>paragraphs are stored in the unix directory structure. We have 
>SBPlus running on two servers (production/development) and we 
>are trying to figure out a way to copy only data from the 
>production server to the development server without overlaying 
>the paragraphs on Development. I have been able to find a 
>directory that contains only "compiled" paragraphs but this is 
>only a small percentage of all paragraphs written. Is the 
>location of paragraphs iintentionally hidden from viewing 
>outside of SBPlus? Any information on this would be 
>appreciated./insights that anyone can provide.
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RE: [U2] UD: Synonym account

2006-07-19 Thread colin.alfke
Of course, the easiest thing may be to simply rename E:\MyDirectory\Demo
to E:\MyDirectory\MyDemo. Look at PATHSUB and @UDTHOME if you have a lot
of VOC entries to change. 


>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>How does one go about creating a synonym account.  For 
>instance, I have an account
>If I log into this directory, which I must do, the @WHO tells 
>me I'm logged into "DEMO".  Makes sense.  The path in the 
>(UD.ACCOUNT) file is "E:\IBM\ud71\Demo".  So, if I want to log 
>into both accounts and want @WHO to reflect "MyDemo" in 
>"E:\MyDirectory\Demo" and "Demo" in the UniData demo account 
>how do I do it?  I can't create a "MyDemo" item in 
>(UD.ACCOUNT) because I can't log into "MyDemo".
>Bill Haskett
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RE: [U2] UD: Synonym account

2006-07-19 Thread colin.alfke
What if you used @PATH to get the full path? If you don't want the full
path then just setup a subroutine or function to call and parse it out
and return whatever you want.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>How does one go about creating a synonym account.  For 
>instance, I have an account
>If I log into this directory, which I must do, the @WHO tells 
>me I'm logged into "DEMO".  Makes sense.  The path in the 
>(UD.ACCOUNT) file is "E:\IBM\ud71\Demo".  So, if I want to log 
>into both accounts and want @WHO to reflect "MyDemo" in 
>"E:\MyDirectory\Demo" and "Demo" in the UniData demo account 
>how do I do it?  I can't create a "MyDemo" item in 
>(UD.ACCOUNT) because I can't log into "MyDemo".
>Bill Haskett
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RE: [U2] MICR fonts with UniData

2006-06-28 Thread colin.alfke
Admittedly, the cheque testing centre seems to be hyper-critical. We've
had them fail cheques that clients have been sending to the banks
without issue for years. 

Generally, we do the cheque here (preferably with samples of their
cheque stock - although some clients will only send photocopies). We
have a Troy dimm and a HP (LJ 4) printer. This usually gets it close.
Then we have to work "remotely" which can be a pain.

I just wanted to impress upon John that the MICR line had to be printed

Colin "who dreams at least once a day for the paperless office" Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>Wow, we've only worked with Troy chips, the template, and HP 
>printers.  With about 75 - 100 printers out in the field we've 
>yet to have to go through the process you described with the 
>bank; and some of these printers have been out in the field 
>for about ten years.
>When the bank receives checks they go through a MICR reader.  
>Those that aren't read properly go into the reject pile.  An 
>operator then puts a white tape on the bottom of the check and 
>manually enters the information that the reader missed (check# 
>and bank account#) then enters the clearing amount.
>If there's a large number of rejections we hear about it immediately.
>However, we've never heard about any rejections in excess of 
>the normal amount.
>We do, however, always use HP printers, always use TROY DIMM 
>chips, and make it a point to purchase high-quality magnetic ink.  :-) 
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RE: [U2] MICR fonts with UniData

2006-06-27 Thread colin.alfke
John - it's critical. Normally, we do a run of 20 cheques that we give
to the bank which sends them to its testing centre. About a month later
we get them back with a report detailing anything that is incorrect.
They measure things like: MICR clear band, MICR character skew, MICR
line skew, horizontal character position, vertical character position,
character print quality, correct data, enough magnetic ink, etc.

When we bought the MICR dimm we got a template that shows where
everything needs to print.

Good luck

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: John Varney
>I was told that the placement of the routing and account 
>number is very important. Thanks Colin!
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RE: [U2] MICR fonts with UniData

2006-06-26 Thread colin.alfke

As Bill says - it's a lot easier to get the chip. I think all of our
clients work that way.

You also need to use the special MICR toner. Usually it's harder to move
the toner to a different printer than the chip. Remember that the M in
MICR is for magnetic. It's special toner.

The best part is that they usually come with a template you can use to
line up the MICR line. It has to be in a specific location and format
for the automatic readers.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>Only if it's designed to do so.  For instance, you can use the 
>same DIMM chip on a 4000 & 4050.  You need to contact them by 
>going to  Or use Google to search for TROY 
>DIMM chips. 
>These chips are really very inexpensive.  Some of the toner, 
>on the other hand, is rather expensive.  Depending on your 
>output load, solutions are really inexpensive overall.
>-Original Message-
>From: John Varney
>I'm looking at that as one option. Do you know if those DIMMs 
>can be used in more than one printer, for instance the laser 
>printer with the DIMM goes down. Can I trnasplant the DIMM 
>into another like printer (HP 8100, 9000, etc) to get checks 
>out the door?
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RE: [U2] UDT Sequential File Length

2006-06-08 Thread colin.alfke
What about using DIR()?

I thought there was something in FILE.INFO - but it does not appear to
be in there.

You could try parsing FILE.STAT.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Brian Leach
>Is there a simple way of getting the size of a file opened 
>sequentially under UniData short of actually reading though it 
>in BASIC ? Something equivalent to using the Status statement 
>on UniVerse?
>Must be OS neutral - no shelling out to "ls" or "DIR" I'm afraid.
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RE: [U2] ODBC question

2006-06-08 Thread colin.alfke
What version of UD are you running? Does version show it as licensed?

Try a new password, I've had trouble with passwords that "unusual"
characters, including basic punctuation marks.

A long time ago, I also needed to get an updated .dll from IBM. That was
early in the 5? Days. Hopefully, your system isn't that outdated.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Dana Baron
>While we're talking Unidata ODBC...
>I'm having trouble getting UNIDATA ODBC working here. Server 
>is Tru64 Unix.
>Client is windows. UCI seems to be set up correctly. I can 
>access the data and create views, etc with VSG. But, when I 
>try to import or link to the data from Access or Excel, I get 
>the following error:
>The ODBC screen pops up with most of the parameters filled in, 
>except my password. I put in the password (and yes, I've tried 
>it a million times and the password is correct!) and an error 
>pop-up says:
>[Ardent][Unidata ODBC Driver][IBM][SQL Client][UNIDATA]Server 
>is not authorized
>Anyone have any suggestions?
>Dana Baron
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RE: [U2] [UV] How can this be non-numeric?

2006-06-02 Thread colin.alfke
This little program brought a couple of interesting matches out:
FOR N = 0 TO 255
 X = CHAR(N)
 IF X MATCHES '0N' THEN CRT N:" matches"

On UD (5.1.27 and 6.0.12) char(0) and char(253) are valid "numbers".
Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Stevenson, Charles
>Program "TIP.LIST": Line 242, Nonnumeric data when numeric required.
>Zero used.
>It's got to be ANS that is "nonnumeric",  but how?
>Here's the code:
>   239: IF (ANS#"" AND ANS # "B") THEN
>   240:   IF ANS MATCHES '0N' THEN
>   241:  IF ANS>0 THEN
>   242: IF SCRATCH#"" THEN
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RE: [U2] [UV] How can this be non-numeric?

2006-06-02 Thread colin.alfke
Usually the non-numeric in an array is something silly like a "", "-" or
a "." as they will pass num() tests. However, in your case I would
expect the matches '0N' to pick those up.

It looks like ANS is user input. Any chance there are non-printable
chars in there? Although I wouldn't expect them to pass through either.

Maybe your UV version allows one of the above through???

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Stevenson, Charles
>Program "TIP.LIST": Line 242, Nonnumeric data when numeric required.
>Zero used.
>It's got to be ANS that is "nonnumeric",  but how?
>Here's the code:
>   239: IF (ANS#"" AND ANS # "B") THEN
>   240:   IF ANS MATCHES '0N' THEN
>   241:  IF ANS>0 THEN
>   242: IF SCRATCH#"" THEN
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RE: [U2] [UV] Veritas and UniVerse?

2006-05-24 Thread colin.alfke
UniData used to have a problem with the noninteractive desktop heap size
- fixed in version 6. I'd been surprised (and disappointed) if it was
the same problem that is in UV 10.1.  

I also have a tech tip that was posted to the list a couple of years
back. Not sure how much is still relevant to UV 10.1. 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

This problem was brought to our attention on systems running
Backup Software. Seagate makes a change to a registry
setting to get 
around User32.dll errors in Windows NT (per Seagate's Tech 
Note). Seagate obtained this information from Microsoft's
Base Article Q142676. Ardent tech support believes 
that Microsoft's solution causes Kernal32.dll errors on
running UniData and/or UniVerse, so they recommend a
The poor RDBMS performance and low number of users allowed
to login 
is due to an insufficiently sized non-interactive heap.
this setting has resulted in noticeably improved server


The following solutions should be tried one at a time. After
fix, check the server to see if the problem has been
corrected. It 
is strongly recommended to NOT apply every step at one time.
only the minimum changes necessary to correct the problem.
registry modifications may cause conflicts in other areas
that will 
be very difficult to troubleshoot.

(1). Check the virtual memory setting, located in START |
Settings | 
Control Panel | System. This opens the "System Properties"
Select the "Performance" tab. The Virtual Memory setting is 
displayed and can be changed from here.

(2). Open the following registry key using REGEDIT or

The entire string will be similar to:
%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows 
SharedSection=1024,3072 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows 


Look for the sub-string: SharedSection=XXX,YYY,ZZZ

XXX - is the size of the global heap in kilobytes.
YYY- is the size of the interactive desktop (system wide)
heap in 
ZZZ- is the size of the non-interactive (hidden) desktop
heap in

If ZZZ is increased then more objects can be created per
This value is a Multi-String (edit it using Multi-String on
the Edit 

The default value says 1024,3072. This should be changed to:
If the user is using SEAGATE change to 1024,3072,1024
If the user is not using SEAGATE change to 1024,3072,8192.

NOTE: Microsoft's solution is to change ZZZ to 512. This 
occasionally results in Kernal32.dll errors. Epicor
setting ZZZ to 8192.

Reboot to effect the change.

(3). Delete RegistrySizeLimit from 

(4). Set PagePoolSize to 0 at 

(5). If the problem persists then try this step as a last

Open the registry key
and add 4 new keys. Each key should be of type REG_DWORD:

Key Name Hex Value Decimal Value
InitialLargeBufferCount 0x1e 30
IrpStackSize 0x8 8
LargeBufferSize 0x1000 4096
MediumBufferSize 0xbc0 3008

Reboot to effect the change.

>-Original Message-
>From: David Wolverton
>I have a client telling me that the UniVerse server is 
>crashing when Veritas Backup Exec is trying to back it up at night. 
>They are having to do a hard reboot every morning, and have no 
>backup to boot!
>Veritas Backup Exec 10d with tape drive running on a different server.
>UniVerse is 10.1 and has 'Remote Backup Agent' running on it.  
>My UniVerse vendor said there may be an 'environment variable 
>conflict' issue they thought they heard of.
>Anything more precise that anyone knows of?
>David W.
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RE: [U2] Problem with Canon ImageRunner 5000 Printer

2006-05-23 Thread colin.alfke

Did you use the same "printer" for both Notepad and UD? The same user?
Have you tried eliminating all of the PCL codes to see how the "default"
is actually working?
Do you have the printer defined on the UD server as a local printer?
Have you tried sending the job straight to the unc path?

Last ditch effort. Use "NET USE" to point LPTR to the printer. Pull up
something in DOS EDIT and print. IBM has told me this is the same
mechanism that UD uses to print. Then you can at least rule UD and the
App out of the equation - generally makes it easier to deal with the
client. I've only had to do it to prove the security settings aren't
correct, never to deal with PCL/bins etc, so YMMV.

Sounds like you've tried most of this. Hopefully something here might
trigger something new.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada 

>-Original Message-
>From: Kevin King
>I've verified the measurements (actually this was one of the 
>codes from the Win PCL) and as I mentioned I've sent the exact 
>codes through Unidata that went to the printer from a quick 
>test message printed via the Notepad app, and while the 
>Notepad app prints perfectly, the Unidata app demands 11 x 17 
>in any bin I select.
>>Good luck, don't know about you
>>but I'm really wishing the "paperless"
>>office actually worked.
>You have no idea, man... :-)
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RE: [U2] Problem with Canon ImageRunner 5000 Printer

2006-05-23 Thread colin.alfke
My first guess is that the bin you are selecting to print letter is
actually for the 11x17. Try changing it to capture to a file and print
using a windows app and check the PCL codes for how it selects the bin,
or simply try each PCL sequence until it prints from the correct bin.

However, you said it errors out. Perhaps there is some code that is
trying to set the page size that is invalid for the 400 series and is
ignored there but is causing the grief here. Or the default measurement
(decipoints/dots/etc) is different between the printers. 

Good luck, don't know about you but I'm really wishing the "paperless"
office actually worked.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Kevin King
>Sent: May 23, 2006 11:42 AM
>Subject: [U2] Problem with Canon ImageRunner 5000 Printer
>I have a client with a Canon ImageRunner 5000 printer on a Win 
>NT network w/ Unidata 5.2.  The printer works fine under 
>Windows apps, but printing from Unidata it acts strangely.
>This printer has 4 paper trays, two for letter, one for legal, 
>and one for 11x17.  The printer is configured for the default 
>profile with override disabled, meaning that anything that 
>doesn't particularly state otherwise should be printed on 8 
>1/2 x 11, portrait, single sided, etc.  Yet, anything that 
>prints from Unidata will only print on
>11 x 17, 4 pages per sheet, duplex.  (This is one of the 
>profiles, but that profile is not selected and profile 
>override is disabled.)
>We have tried just about everything we can think of to get 
>this printer to select the letter paper tray, including 
>sending all of the PCL codes (yes, the printer does accept PCL 
>codes) and yet when the PCL requests the letter tray, it does 
>select the right tray but then it errors out (on the printer 
>console) stating to load 11 x 17 into that bin.  The only 
>options at that point are to cancel the print job or select 
>the 11 x 17 paper tray.
>I have verified that the printer driver is configured to send 
>RAW and have even gone as far as to changing the printer 
>driver in Windows (on the Unidata server) to use the Generic / 
>Text Only driver sending the output to the appropriate IP 
>address, but still the printer insists on
>11 x 17.  I've printed to a file (via changing the printer 
>output destination to FILE:) and examined the output to ensure 
>that no extra PCL is being introduced, but the printer file 
>has nothing other than what I've sent it and still the printer 
>insists on 11 x 17.
>Furthermore I've tried printing to two separate IR5000 devices 
>with the exact same configuration and it works consistently 
>[wrong] on both devices, yet printing to a Canon 400 series 
>works perfectly.  I've checked and double checked the printer 
>defaults and configuration on the Unidata server, and as far 
>as I can tell it is setup properly to use the default profile 
>with no override and print the right paper with the right 
>options.  Yet, when sending output to the printer, it 
>continues to insist on 11 x 17.
>It looks like the printer is encapsulating the job in an outer 
>shell that is by default 4 pages per sheet on 11 x 17, 
>duplexed, and this is only for jobs sent via Unidata. This is 
>not, of course, what we want.
>We simply want to print the printer like every other printer 
>and have it accept the same PCL that works on earlier Canon models.
>Any advice?
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RE: [U2] Citrix with Universe

2006-05-12 Thread colin.alfke
We have a client that uses Remote Desktop on Linux and loves it. There
is also a version for the Mac. It should be a little "lighter" than

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Mike Pflugfelder
>Does anyone out here have experience with Citrix as it 
>pertains to Universe?
>We have some customers / prospects that use Macs as their 
>desktop computer and would like to connect to our app.  Our 
>front-end is written in Visual Basic and doesn't run on the 
>Mac.  Someone from sales just mentioned that we might be able 
>to use Citrix to get the app to a Mac.
>So, does Citrix have a Mac client?  Does anyone have any war 
>stories from an implementation or anything like that?
>-Mike Pflugfelder
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RE: [U2] D3 to U2 - how to import a FileSave tape

2006-05-11 Thread colin.alfke
I've done a number of these. We had a D3/Aix box that I would restore the
tapes on. I would then run a program that renamed all of the D3 files as upper
case (made things come through cleaner on UD). It pretty much simply selects
the file-of-files and does a rename to xxyyz and then back to the original
name 'MCU'd.

I had a pseudo floppy setup (with a 512 block-size). I did an account-save to
it then used SFU (now free) to copy the file to the UD windows box. I think I
also checked that a binary ftp transfer worked.

I then created the tape device in UD (making sure to set the 512 block size).
Then did an acct-restore. Worked like a charm. We converted approx 50 clients
like this. Others haven't had very good luck.

Once you get the data into UD note that D3 is not case-sensitive - but UD is.
At least by default, I believe it's an option now. That means that all of your
primary and foreign keys need to be in the same case. My old boss even tried
taking the unix file the D3 save creates and running it through a Unix utility
to upper case ALL of the data. We have a lot of "textual" data that didn't
really lend itself to this method, YMMV.

I have some more complete notes at work that I can post in the morning if you

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: David Wolverton

If I to a 'file save' from D3 to a 'disk' tape device, then ZIP the file
from a Linux Box onto a Windows Box and unZIP it to do 'account restores' on
a U2 box...

What surprises await me?  The issue on a test conversion I need to run is
that the tape drive on the Linux box cannot be accessed on a Windows Box,
and go figure, I don't have $3k to throw down for a one-time conversion 

So - I'd like to use the tape 'disk' file to import.  But would love any
knowledge from those bearing the arrows of being leaders on this process!
They have about 2GB of data - likely much smaller ZIPed, so I can get it on
a single 'tape file' and 'ftp' it from one machine to the other (while I'm
at lunch...).  From there, is it 'smooth sailing'?

Also, this customer could care less if I dropped them into UniVerse or
UniData - I use UniData more, but that's just a preference I can get over if
UniVerse makes this substantially easier.

TIA for any thoughts -

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a 
name of winmail.dat]
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RE: [U2] UD - VSG

2006-04-18 Thread colin.alfke
You should be able to add NT group names as "Users" in VSG.

One word of caution. The user you are using when connecting with VSG
will be the owner of the file with full privileges. We noticed that if
that user was a member of the administrators group then ALL members of
the administrators group were treated as "owners".

P.S. There are a couple of query tools at:
 that I've found helpful to use to test
connections and syntax.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>I've been working with VSG and have a question regarding privileges.
>I have UD v7.1 installed in "E:\IBM\ud71".  I have several 
>accounts installed in locations other than in @UDTHOME.  The 
>@UDHOME directory and the other accounts are restricted to 
>users in the Administrators or UniData group.
>When creating VSG I have the ability to allow privileges to 
>the PUBLIC, or to users, or, it seems, to Administrators if I 
>type in an administrator user name.
>How do I restrict access to tables or views to users in the 
>UniData group without having to add each user individually?  
>How do I allow access to tables or views to those outside the 
>Administrators or UniData group, say the SeniorMgmt group?
>Any help would be appreciated.
>Bill Haskett
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RE: [U2] [UD] UniOLEDB

2006-04-18 Thread colin.alfke

Hopefully, you've gotten past this by now - if not:

This error usually means that you have the incorrect "Data Source" in
your connection string. This is what is in your UCI.CONFIG file. Note
that (like most things in UD) it is case-sensitive. In your case use
"asidevud". The Path/Location is the account. I usually like to use the
full path "E:\DataTrust\DtaDemo"

A common error is the timeout - error code = 81015. You can increase the
timeout by changing the values in the unirpcservices file on the server.
It defaults to 6 minutes (3600).

One error that seems to get me every once in a while is error code =
81002. The first thing I do is check the NT permissions on the file
"privilege" in the account you are trying to connect to. The user needs
write access to this file in order to connect. This is all at the
windows level. It seems that occasionally VSG will mess with the
permissions on this file.

We had one client that converted from D3 to UniData and was amazed at
how much faster it ran in UD.

Good luck
Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Haskett
>I tried to make a UniOLEDB connection from MS VS2005 to 
>UniData and get the error "Died in UCI::SQLConnect() with 
>SQLSTATE IM976, Native error: 0 [IBM][SQL Client]UCI 
>connections to non UniVerse databases is not allowed."
>I've read and followed the 155 page UniOLEDB manual.  The 
>following configurations exist:
>On the Client:
>  uvcs E:\IBM\UV\bin\uvapi_server.exe * TCP/IP 0 3600
>  defcs E:\IBM\UV\bin\uvapi_server.exe * TCP/IP 0 3600
>  uvserver E:\IBM\UV\bin\uvsrvd.exe * TCP/IP 0 3600
>  uvnet E:\IBM\UV\bin\uvnetd.exe * TCP/IP 0 3600
>  uvdrsrv E:\IBM\UV\bin\uvdrsrvd.exe * TCP/IP 0 3600
>  uvfilefix E:\IBM\UV\bin\uvfilefix_server.exe * TCP/IP 0 3600
>I updated the uci.config file via the UCI Editor and it looks like:
>[ODBC DATA SOURCES]  <-- this has looked funny from the beginning
>network = TCP/IP
>service = uvserver
>host = localhost
>network = TCP/IP
>service = udserver
>host = localhost
>SERVICE = udserver
>HOST = AsiOlyWaDev
>ACCOUNT = E:\DataTrust\DtaDemo
>USERNAME = MyUserName
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RE: [U2] [UD] Setptr

2006-04-12 Thread colin.alfke
Since you are using SB+ you can call SH.PRINT.MANAGER. You can look in
PRINT.DEFN for the current print setup before you change it or simply
set PARAM = 'R' to reset the printer to the default settings for the
user after  printing.

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: jjuser
>This is the tact that I tried.  It seems to work okay, until I 
>put in the spooler options.  If I put in spooler options, then 
>my session gets disconnected.  Is there a log of why this 
>happens that I can view somewhere?
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RE: [U2][UD] Logout/Logoff/? Udtno/Pid

2006-04-06 Thread colin.alfke
I received this from IBM a while back on the differences between stopudt
and deleteuser:

stopudt pid will log ANY user out of unidata by allowing any current
write to complete and prevent any subsequent operations for that pid 

deleteuser will attempt a graceful kill equivalent to the unix kill -15
and if unsuccessful after five seconds it uses win32 API Terminate 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

>-Original Message-
>From: David Wolverton
>If you started the process, type
>!stopudt {pidno}
>At an ECL prompt.
>Not a 'pretty' way to stop it, but it is a sure kill.
>David W. 
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RE: [U2][UD] Ctrl-Break Key(s)?

2006-04-05 Thread colin.alfke
We find +c usually works. Haven't spent enough time to determine the 
pattern for when it doesn't though.
Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Dave Taylor

UD 7.1.0 PE on Win 2000 Server

The Env_Var INIT_BREAKOFF is not set

UDT.OPTIONS 28 and 35 are ON
(I get the same results when they are OFF)



PTERM -BREAK ON has been executed


Still, Ctrl-Break and Break keys do not break out of a program.

What am I missing?


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RE: [U2][UD] Logout/Logoff/? Udtno/Pid

2006-04-05 Thread colin.alfke
deleteuser and stopudt PID from the command line. (ie. !deleteuser 4567).
You must be a member of the administrators group to use deleteuser. stopudt 
will allow you to stop your "own" processes if you are not a member of the 
admin group - but you can't stop other users.
list.queue and list.readu [detail] were a couple of other commands that we had 
trouble finding when we moved to UD. (list-lockq and list-locks (i).
Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

From: Dave Taylor

I have been unable to find a way to logoff/logout/otherwise disconnect a
process running on another Udtno/Pid, including both foreground and background
(phantom) processes.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


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