Re: [Unicon-group] Converge, new programming language inspired by Icon

2003-11-03 Thread Clint Jeffery

>   I have just find it. So, it is fourth language that continue Icon
>   tradition (Unicon, Godiva, Wrapl and now Converge)

Kazimir, thanks for the pointer to Converge.  Can you provide a pointer to
Wrapl?  It does not seem to show up on Google...

Regarding Converge, I think we should applaud any language effort that
promotes generators and goal-directed evaluation.  I don't think Converge
is more general than Icon and Unicon (as some have suggested) and don't
think Converge's authors portray Icon or Unicon entirely accurately.
They seem to be Python people who are producing a better Python; one
that incorporates more of Icon, and also includes their own ideas.
This is a wonderful thing; Python recently added "generators" but really
botched it in comparison to Icon, and Converge does much better than
Python in that regard.

Converge is making a serious attempt at object pattern matching that is of
strong interest in some application domains, and because they are doing so
in the context of a goal-directed language, some of their ideas might
translate nicely into the context of Unicon.

The Converge paper also reminded me that Unicon is overdue to borrow
Python's initialized-table constructor. :-)


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Re: [Unicon-group] Converge, new programming language inspired by Icon

2003-11-03 Thread Majorinc, Kazimir
At 22:09 2. 11. 2003.nt Converted¸¢º, Rett wrote:


Thanks for that. I do not know whether that was in any way an answer to
the bit that I recently wrote to the list, but it certainly does 
effectively answer
some of my points and questions about Unicon. .
I have just find it. So, it is fourth language that continue Icon tradition 
(Unicon, Godiva, Wrapl and now Converge) as far as I know, all of them 
relatively new (and some that are 'influenced' by Icon like C# or Python).

I think Unicon is good for many purposes, especially those more 
"adventurous", independent of business dictate; it is multi-conceptual  and 
has good potential for extensions, both in lower and higher levels. I use 
it primarily for one automated theorem proving program, and beside some 
implementation, garbage collection problems, language very good serves its 
purpose, I'm significantly more efficient than I was in C++. Finally, it is 
still beta, there was no release yet, right.

Kazimir Majorinc, Zagreb, Croatia  

Re: [Unicon-group] Converge, new programming language inspired by Icon

2003-11-02 Thread Rett Williams

Thanks for that. I do not know whether that was in any way an answer to
the bit that I recently wrote to the list, but it certainly does 
effectively answer
some of my points and questions about Unicon. I purchased the Unicon book,
plus the IO book, and have downloaded and played with the Unicon language
a bit, but I am much more interested in examining the class of problems
addressed by a language and it's potential for further extension. The 
article to
which you pointed did a better job of examining that issue than almost 
that I have seen written about Unicon itself.

What the article calls "declarative", I would call intentional 
programming or
programming by intent, which I believe to be a dream not fulfillable on 
this planet.
What I do find amusing in that, and every other description of any language
by those who have written it, is the description of what is "natural", 
to the non-programmer. Having started as a IBM 360/370 Assembler language
programmer, along with COBOL, ForTran, a bit AlgoL, and oddly, a bit of
LisP back in the late 60's, I know what it is to be precisely 
"imperative". I do
not believe that one can be more positively "imperative" than machine or 
language, other than by physically or logically altering the machine 
itself, a level
to which we only vaguely aspire at the moment(though there are many 
efforts about).

Progressively, I have examined many dozens of languages, using a few 
and discarding most as hopelessly flawed. One of the most effective was the
earliest version of PanSophic's EzyTreve that had no labels and 
therefore no GOTO of
any variety. It had one conditional construct...If-Then-Else, and a 
variable description
scheme that was somewhere between the offsets of Assembler and the data
structures of COBOL. If one could construct the logic of the program in 
one's head,
programs were amazingly small and extremely fast with almost all IO 
handled and
optimized by the language. All this ran in an IBM mainframe DOS 27 
on 360 Model 40's and 50's. That was in the 1974 time frame. Within the 
limits of the
program, I could construct reports and fixes in minutes that literally 
took months
for our COBOL programmers, not that they were very good programmers. The
problem with EzyTreve was that if you could not see the whole structure 
of the
program, you really could not write it at all. Modularity wasn't even a 

Converge seems to be an attempt to use some of the power of Unicon in a 
generalized structure, as the article indicates, somewhat leaning 
towards intent or
declaration. Having read the article, however, gives me many ideas on 
how to more
effectively and correctly use Unicon, so it serves more than one 
purpose. It is to be
wondered whether Converge will ever actually mature into a 
well-supported language.
It has been my experience that languages dependent on non-native 
compilers, interpreters,
etc., as their base have limited lifetimes, if only because the base 
usually limitis the growth
and maturation of target language. The one exception to that rule 
appears to be using
C as a base, as it is sufficiently primitive and thoroughly enough 
characterized to make
it a base that does not too strongly limit the product, though that 
issue itself has often
intrigued me. If those who create a language must always be extreme 
experts in any
other language, what does that say for their ability to follow paradigms 
that strongly
differ from the base. How do we escape the implicit limits of our base. 
As we gain access
to assets such as quantum processors, or dynamic embedded logic 
processing, how will
we make sense of them as imperative programming constructs without 
wasting most of
their power.

Everett L.(Rett) Williams
Majorinc, Kazimir wrote:

There was one extra blank in that link. This is better

At 17:55 2. 11. 2003., Majorinc, Kazimir wrote:

Check: papers/tratt03converge.pdf

Kazimir Majorinc, Zagreb, Croatia

Kazimir Majorinc, Zagreb, Croatia 

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Re: [Unicon-group] Converge, new programming language inspired by Icon

2003-11-02 Thread Majorinc, Kazimir
There was one extra blank in that link. This is better

At 17:55 2. 11. 2003., Majorinc, Kazimir wrote:
Check: papers/tratt03converge.pdf

Kazimir Majorinc, Zagreb, Croatia

Kazimir Majorinc, Zagreb, Croatia