making transparent pdf output

2021-05-07 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

I’m finally getting back to work on this project.  

The first thing I need to do is figure out how to make livecode pdf output 

A page of one will be mostly fields with transparent backgrounds.  But when I 
pint to pdf, the background of the card, supposedly transparent, renders as 
grey when merged on top of another pdf (much as a card with no background 

Is there a way to make livecode produce a pdf with a transparent background?

Or failing that, a way to edit its pdf output to make its background 

I’m *trying* to find a forum for working with raw pdf, but the noise is so 
heavy from all the pdf software that I can’t find anything..   I’m stuck 
working from the adobe reference document at the moment, which is kind of like 
trying multivariate calculus without understanding algebra . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Using MySQL on (headless) Linux

2021-02-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
That the deployment needs to be headless doesn’t prevent you from running it n 
the IDE to gain access to single stepping, breakpoints, and the like.

I don’t remember why offhand, but before finding the -ui option, I did some 
experimenting and fount that I could get the linux version of 5.something to 
begin execution.  It ran at least preOpenStack before attempting to start the X 
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Re: Plotting Equations that Bifurcate

2020-10-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
bob bumbled,
> Last time I plotted an equation while bifurcating, I was pretty drunk, and 
> don't remember much. 

I once wrote a program that compiled without error and executed on the very 
first try.

And, umm, the university would not have approved of what I consumed before I 
went to the computer lab . . .

It used random numbers to see how many landed in the circle, allowing it to 
compute pi as 3.2 . . .


Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Layers in PBrowser

2020-08-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

sean sputtered,

>But why does Project Browser STILL NOT WORK?

The project browser is a form of penance for your sins.

I find facing it somewhere between grabbing a boiling pan and puncturing an 
eardrum with an ice pick . . .

I still don’t use it, and stick with the old stack browser . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
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Re: Help me understand infinity

2020-07-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Jul 29, 2020, at 12:08 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode 
> Any number compared to positive infinity (other than itself) *will* be less 
> than it.


ℵ2> floating point infinity (which is  ℵ1)

(I took that class from Halmos himself . . .)

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
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Re: Ready to go

2020-04-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Mar 31, 2020, at 12:13 PM, Tom Glod via use-livecode 
> I know you guys just had a 30% sale to start the year...but Christmas
> killed us with customer missing in action  so I couldn't do it at the
> time. :(

They don’t have much left to sell me but a lifetime upgrade from indy to 
business . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
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Re: Admob integration

2020-01-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Jan 15, 2020, at 1:03 PM, JJS via use-livecode 
> No one interested in putting ads in mobile apps to get some extra income?

Oh, I’m interested, but I’ve given up.

I have aa parta program on hold.  I assume I’ll end up just writing it in swift.

There is *supposedly* a partnership with an interface in the base distribution. 
 The vendor for the ads, however, has no interest in dealing with anyone that 
hasn’t already shipped zillions of copies

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: "empty" background in printed pdf is actually grey

2019-11-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Nov 1, 2019, at 4:37 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode 
> Untested, but maybe setting the opaques to true and the blendlevel to 100? A 
> bit counerintuitive, but ya never know...

No less intuitive than there being fundamental technical reasons that it was 
necessary to sacrifice small animals to SCSI chains, which I accepted long ago 

The result is curious . . . the outputted pdf is now *entirely* grey, yet when 
merged through PyPDF2, a single renege field appears from within the grey (the 
only field the I hadn’t set to not be opaque, I think.  Or perhaps it’s the 
only one with a white rather than empty background.

Still, though, the grey of the livecode file blocks the pdf beneath it.

I’m printing each LC page with 

set the backgroundColor of otCd to empty

set the opaque of group "oGrp" to true

set the blendlevel of group "oGrp" to 100

set the blendlevel of otCd to 100

print otCd from otTl to otBr into 18,18,576+18,756

(where otCd is the card with my LC fields, all contained within group ogre). 
(otto and otBr hold the top left and bottom right of group ogre)

Just what are you suggesting should get a blend level?

Or would it make sense ()or be necessary)if I just printed each  field into its 
own coordinate?

And a bit of further testing shows that the field that appears after merging is 
actually a region which contains two fields and the space between them,  and is 
apparently shown the background pdf in this limited area (but not the contents 
of these fields.

Now my head is spinning . . .  anything more  you can tell me beyond what the 
dictionary says would help, as my head is spinning . . . 

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: "empty" background in printed pdf is actually grey

2019-10-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Oct 30, 2019, at 10:39 PM, Tom Glod via use-livecode 

> Don't things inherit attributes?. so if empty, that means the card
> would inherit the stacks background color??

The card and the stack also are set to empty backgroundcolor

I’ve also set the opaque of stack, card, and group to false.

I’ve even checked the effective opaque of the selectedObject,  which is false 
for the group I print it’s pieces.

Yet I get a grey overlay when the pdf is merged into another pdf.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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"empty" background in printed pdf is actually grey

2019-10-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

I’m within spitting distance on this merging of pdfs, using livecode to 
generate python code and using the PyPDF2 library.

My last problem is that the pdf generated by livecode creates a great 
background, whereas it should be transparent.

set the backgroundColor of otCd to empty

print otCd from otTl to otBr into 18,18,576+18,756

gives me a grey background that obscures the form I’m placing my output on top 

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: cr, lf, and reading in terminals/vim

2019-10-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Oct 30, 2019, at 2:57 PM, Klaus major-k via use-livecode 
> no idea, but it worked for me years ago. :-)

which is the ultimate test . . . and, now that you mention it, *far* for the 
oddest fix . . .
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: cr, lf, and reading in terminals/vim

2019-10-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Oct 30, 2019, at 2:42 PM, Matthias mentioned

> I am not sure, if this will help with your task, but if i want to  avoid that 
> the os replaces the line breaks with it´s default i am writing a binary file 
> instead of a text file.  So in your case you would open the file for "binary 
> write".

Bingo!   That did it.

klaus kicked

>I remember that a very, very long time ago I was advised to use numtochar(8)
>as a "line delimiter" for macOS shell scripts written to disk.

Isn’t that a backspace?

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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cr, lf, and reading in terminals/vim

2019-10-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

I’ve tried every combination of cr, lf, and crlf, but whenever I assemble into 
a file, I get something that neither the OSX terminal or vim recognizes as 
having lf in it

I build a set of commands in mrgCmds, appending cr as I go, but I get a bunch 
of ^M in the otherwise uninterrupted stream with vi and less, while cat shows 
me the last line (presumably, as it keeps writing it over.

The code in question is

put "outFil=open(theOutPdf, 'wb')" & cr after mrgCmds

put "outFil.write(theOutPdf)" & cr after mrgCmds

put "quit" & cr after mrgCmds

replace cr with crlf in mrgCmds

open file fldr & "/" for write

write mrgCmds to file fldr & "/"

close file fldr & "/"

please, someone help, before the termcap flashbacks tern me into a quivering 
blob of fear!
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Merge PDF

2019-10-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

Silly question now that I think of it . . . does t avoid the pixelization that 
the pdf widget performs?

And for that matter, does it work with cropped sections, or just full pages?

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Merge PDF

2019-10-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Oct 21, 2019, at 10:55 AM, hh via use-livecode 
> I had it ready yesterday for Mac and tried a full day to work

I’ll start pounding the mac version was soon as I get my hands on it . . 

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Where LiveCode is Now

2019-10-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Oct 4, 2019, at 9:27 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
> Talk to Jacgue about that. Bring extra socks. 

I’ll bring it up when we meet last week.  She seems to have misplaced next 
month’s message . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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making outputted pdf background transparent [ was:high resolution when printing to pdf, ...]

2019-09-10 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

I’ve managed to make overlay of pdfs work with PyPDF2.

Now I have the problem that livecode outputs a background color to the pdfs I 

Even if I et the background color of my card, the groups, etc. to empty, I 
still get a grey background, instead of a transparency.

This means that when I overlay them, the supposedly transparent background 
overwrites everything else :(

This is another showstopper.

Is there a way to control this?

Among other things, it means that a watermark can’t be made . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: high resolution when printing to pdf, either from images or pdf widgets

2019-09-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 28, 2019, at 12:07 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode 
> On 2019-08-27 17:24, Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode wrote:
>> I’ve seen references, even in the bug report, to “directly” printing
>> to pdf from a widget.
> I'm not entirely clear what Monte meant by 'print to pdf directly' in one
> of those comments... The 'print to pdf' mechanism in the engine isn't
> really any different from the normal printing mechanism, its just that
> rather than funnel the sequence of paths, images, text being rendered
> through the system printer it funnels it through libcairo's 
> (
> PDF output functionality.

Can this be adjusted for higher resolution?

> If you want to augment an existing PDF with extra content then printing of
> any form is not what you want.
*is* there a way to send out at full resolution?

> Even when the various rather large and technical moving parts (pdfium, skia,
> engine printing architecutre, engine pdf printer) involved in a non-rasterized
> approach to printing pdf content displayed in stacks all align they would 
> still
> not result in the original pdf being embedded verbatim in the output.

I don’t need it to be the original, but rather visually indistinguishable.

> In reality your 'example' of embedding isn't really embedding - its manually
> editing a single object's stream to be clipped - PDF's in general tend to be
> a fair bit more complicated than that in the general case and indeed not what
> most people would want and/or expect (immediate bug report if it did: I 
> printed
> a small region of a 100Mb PDF to PDF and my output file was > 100Mb - 
> WHY?!?!).

What I did was basically translate largely from postscript.  With postscript, I 
could name the donor 
file’s commands, and then refuse sections of the donor (in some cases, 
repeatedly, possibly once,
possibly dozens of times ).

As I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever said *anything* nice about pdf.  
I’ve generally called it a bastardization 
of postscript, but in this case, “castration” might be a better word . . . (but 
then, when talking about cars,
I refer to the period from the early 70s to the mid 90s as “the Great 
Emasculation” . . .)

>> In the meantime, though, has anyone actually managed to get hi-res
>> output of either a pdf, jpg, or png into an outputted pdf?
> What you should find is that if you have a stack with an image object at size
> 100x100 whose image (jpg or png) is actually 400x400, and then print it to pdf
> then the full resolution of the image will be preserved. If this is not 
> happening
> then chances are there is a property set somewhere which is requiring some 
> sort
> of rasterization of the image object meaning the original image data cannot be
> preserved (both PNG and JPEG image data passes straight through to the 
> printing
> backend when possible).

My first attempt seemed to work, save for an approximately 25% size reduction I 
can’t explain.  more below . . .
>> The only way I’m seeing at the moment would be a bizarre process in
>> which the stack is duplicated at 400%, and a script looping through to
>> expand and replace every field, reposition and change the text size,
>> etc., and then open the 33”x44” file in preview (or whatever) and
>> export from there as 8.5”x1” . . .
> You shouldn't have to do that - all you should have to do is when printing 
> your
> stack...
> 1) set the width and height of your PDF widget to Upscale * the original size
> 2) import snapshot from pdf widget (make sure paintCompression is png)
> 3) hide pdf widget
> 4) set the width and height of the imported image to original size
> 5) print
> 6) delete image and show pdf widget

given a full page 8.5x11” pdf named cd_pdf_wdg, I use the following:

on mouseUp

local oTl, oRect, nTl, nRect, tgPdf, tgPng, oSiz, nSiz

local sDpi=72--108.79

set the paintCompression to "png"

if there is a control "joe" then delete control "joe"

put the long id of control "cd_pdf_wdg" into tgPdf

put the rect of tgPdf into oRect

put the height of tgPdf into oSiz

put the width of tgPdf into item 2 of oSiz

put the topLeft of tgPdf into oTl

set the width of tgPdf to 4*8.5*sDpi

set the height of tgPdf to 4*11*sDpi

set the zoom of tgPdf to 400

set the topLeft of tgPdf to oTl

import snapshot from tgPdf

--import snapshot from rect the rect of tgPdf

put the long id of it into tgPng

set the name of tgPng to "joe"

set the topLeft of tgPng to 0,0

set the rect of tgPdf to oRect

set the zoom of tgPdf to 100

set the rect of tgPng to oRect

end mouseUp

I get a graphic of the same size as the pdf started, but the 

Re: Another list test

2019-08-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 29, 2019, at 7:40 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
> If an SMTP relay cannon contact the destination mail server, there usually is 
> a time period in which it will retry.

By the time someone takes a cannon to a server, it’s usually to late to retry!


Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: another list test

2019-08-27 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 27, 2019, at 7:51 AM, Dar Scott Consulting via use-livecode 
> I still don't see this:
> >

That’s because a side-effect of the outage is to render livecode impervious to 
bugs during the interregnum 

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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high resolution when printing to pdf, either from images or pdf widgets

2019-08-27 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

I’ve seen references, even in the bug report, to “directly” printing to pdf 
from a widget.

My experience has been that it still reduces the pdf to screen resolution.   

I still insist they the fact that the engine *renders* the pdf, rather than 
including it, is a hard-core bug.  I attached an example of including parts of 
a pdf into another.

In the meantime, though, has anyone actually managed to get hi-res output of 
either a pdf, jpg, or png into an outputted pdf?

The only way I’m seeing at the moment would be a bizarre process in which the 
stack is duplicated at 400%, and a script looping through to expand and replace 
every field, reposition and change the text size, etc., and then open the 
33”x44” file in preview (or whatever) and export from there as 8.5”x1” . . . 

This will yield crummy results, though, as livecode’s posting of text and use 
of margins in fields is nonlinear (to put it charitably!)

*IF* I could export to pdf at object density, I’d temporarily use png extracted 
from the pdf with an external program.

Another potential solution would be to export without the pdf and build a 
script to an external unix utility that could print a page of source pdf and my 
output to a third file.

And if I could fully figure out the pdf file structure, I could expand my 
example file to write a custom pdf merging the field output with other pdfs . . 

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: LC expectations

2019-08-23 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 23, 2019, at 1:51 PM, Richmond via use-livecode 
> Well . . . The website is accessible in "darkest" Bulgaria,

OK, but do you have sunbeam retirement homes, like in darkest Peru?

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Should the scope of WholeMatches be expanded?

2019-08-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 5, 2019, at 7:43 AM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode 
> I'd like to see wholeMatches apply to:

Gee, that would do just what I need in searches . . . and the check is already 
there, and applies in the IDE search/replace feature . . .

hmmm . . .

set the whole matches to true
repeat while wordOffset(searchText, theSearchStrng) > 0
  put replacmentText into word wordOffset(searchText, theSearchStrng) of 
end repeat


Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: DragDrop for Datagrids

2019-08-07 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 6, 2019, at 3:20 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode 
> Nonsense. Every woman knows it's always the man's fault.

We don’t have to take this abuse from you—we have our own wives waiting to 
abuse us!


Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: replacing only exact matches in script

2019-08-07 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 7, 2019, at 1:05 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
> Again, this is probably better handled with database queries.

The catch is that I’m doing this to *build* those queries (or, actually, to 
invoke a combination)!

the combination I mentioned would cause another value to be calculated with 
that formula if either pay or monthly pay changed.  That is, in the routine to 
update monthlypay (or pay), another handler would update this dependency

Currently I have a big ugly switch for each variable holding database commands 
(or usually  functions calling them) to update dependent variables.

The main table for a given debtor (client) has a few hundred lines and a half 
dozen columns (for string or pennies, default values for each, and a couple 
more).   The other table has anywhere from a couple to a couple of hundred 
entries with several dozen columns.

Combining debtors in a single table would be undesirable for a variety of 

> But looking at your example, wouldn't it be simpler to replace "*" with space 
> & "*" & space, and likewise with everything not a-z A-Z including cr, lf, 
> etc? Now you have a guarantee that wholematches will work with words. 

Doing that procedurally brings me back to the same column, while manually 
entering like that is just asking for trouble—there are *so* may entries that 
I’m going to leave out a space, and *BAM*.

A shortened version of what I have is to create theTrWds
repeat for each trueword theVar in varForm


case theVar is among the keys of theTrWds

case theVar is a number

case char 1 of theVar is not an alphanumeric character —but I need a valid test 
for this

next repeat


case theVar is among the keys of dinfoDtyps

put theVar & space after theTrWds


end switch

end repeat

repeat while word 1 of theTrWds is not empty

put word 1 of theTrWds into theVar

delete word 1 of theTrWds


case theTrWds contains theVar

--it's a substring of another; skip for now

put theVar & space after theTrWds

next repeat



put replaceText(varForm,theVar,"getVal(theVar,,,dbtr)") into varForm


end switch

end repeat

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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replacing only exact matches in script

2019-08-07 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

I’m finally writing my new version of dependency calculation for database 
variables, with a supposedly clever easy format fo entry and machine calculated 

I need to replace only exact true words, though.   So I need to be able to take 
an input string such as 

5*pay - 2*monthlypay

and be able to replace “pay" with


without  replacing monthlypay.

I can’t with any certainty control the order that variables will appear in my 
”raw” formulae (too many ways to blow up!).

I’ve considered requiring a space before and after, but, again, two many ways 
to blow up.

I could manually parse the line, looking for starts and stops, but it’s both 
ugly and asking for obscure bugs.

I could make a list of all the truewords, and cycle through, moving any one 
that is a substring of any other to the end, and repeatedly looping until the 
list is empty.  Ugly, but the least insane of the options I’ve come up with.

I can handle a performance penalty, as this routine would run only in the 
development version, with the resultant array saved as a stack property in any 
shipped version. But I’d still like it to be as fast as I can and avoid 
thumb-twiddling . . .
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: How does OSX tell what app to open when you double click a file?

2019-08-07 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 7, 2019, at 2:31 AM, David V Glasgow via use-livecode 
> No idea if this is any help at all, but I run two versions of Apple Pages (I 
> have my reasons… ;-)
No wisecracks from me—I ran Word 4.0 and 5.1 on the same computer for years.  
It was the rare case where msft didn’t damage a file when opened with an older 
version.   I didn’t always need the new features, and 4 was *far* leaner . . .

Also, to say something on topic . . . note that OSX is kind of ham-handed on 
file types.  As near as I can tell, you can’t change the default application 
manually without applying to all files of that type at the same time.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
(702) 508-8462

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Re: Transparent layer between pdf widget and field?

2019-08-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Aug 1, 2019, at 5:54 PM, Dar Scott Consulting via use-livecode 
> Maybe your rectangle can have its blend level and ink tweaked to provide the 
> look you want.


blendLevel is the keyword I was looking for.  I was looking for “transparency” 
and the like.

Blendlevel 85 and yellow seems perfect to lightly emphasize; thank you.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
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Las Vegas, NV  89121
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Re: V9.5 may still have issues

2019-08-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Jul 31, 2019, at 7:26 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode 
> Only once an hour? ;)
> Yeah, something is off.

Download version 6; that should solve the problem . . .


I *never* managed to get 6 to either stay up long enough or respect a red dot 
enough to do any work.  I had to wait for 7 . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Re: Launching a cli server as background process in OSX

2019-08-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Jul 31, 2019, at 3:56 PM, David Bovill via use-livecode 
> The issue is that as the shell command runs until you forcibly exit 

(somecommand & | sleep 1)

will launch somecommand as a background process and then sleeps 1 second before 

somecommand could be a simple steel script or even an alias that specifies 
arguments, redirection, etc.
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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breakpoint conditions scrambled?

2019-07-25 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
This is in 9.5-rc1.

I’ve braved tried to use some conditional breakpoints.

However, when it opens one, it seems to show a previously used condition, and 
when I replace it, it seems to not get saved, instead remaining blank when I 
reopen, and not breaking at all.

Do other people see this?
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Error description: Stack: stack is password protected

2019-07-24 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I have never seen this before, and the stacks (and routine) involved are a few 
years old!

The procedure dhDevBldFlds loops through my source stacks and finds controls 
that need to be handled for output, and sets appropriate attributes.

All of a sudden, it’s bombing with 

Message execution error:

Error description: Stack: stack is password protected


It has processed *several* cards by the time it hits the control where it does 
this (I set a property of my main stack with the control being processed.)

While the stack does have a password, it has long been unlocked by the time 
this is done.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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import from multi-page png, and automating pdf-> png

2019-07-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

As I’m trying to get a temporary workaround for the engine pixel-rendering a 
pdf widget rather than including the pdf, I have a two part question:

1) is there a straightforward way to batch convert pdf to png of specified 
2) for a multipage png, is there a “decent” way to use import to get a chunk of 
a specified page, or do I need to know the pixel height of the page and do the 
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
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Re: Rename object

2019-07-09 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Jul 4, 2019, at 9:33 AM, Dar Scott Consulting via use-livecode 
> clone control "gizmo" as "blivet"

Wow, I can do that?

All these years, and still little details . . .
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Re: PDF Widget

2019-07-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Jun 24, 2019, at 3:33 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode 
> In order to resolve the report we need to add a way for a widget to draw 
> something different into a printing context than it does normally.

I’ve just uploaded some files with the core of a solution.

Having never gone inside a pdf before today, i converted some a pair of simple 
postscript files and converted to pdf,  a 3/4 circle to play the role of the 
raw source pdf, and a box to play the role of whatever other control.

I then edit the circle’s file as overlay.1.pdf ( the entire resultant file is 
in plaintext), defined a clipping path that doesn’t include all of it 
(representing the region of pdf actually displayed by the widget), and then 
added in the stream of the box.

The trick here is to, rather than drawing the widget, just pass the raw source 
of the donor pdf into the new one; no need to render at *any* resolution.

Printing to pdf already deviates from the printer by passing the text to print 
rather than a rendering of it; this is just the way to pass the pdf. (OK, I 
haven’t tried regular printing since 5.0; maybe something changed).

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Re: Catalina

2019-06-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

richmond rumbled,
> That's lovely to hear: but as almost all the software I depend on does not 
> seem to have 64-bit versions yet
> I'm sticking with 10.14.

this machine, my main one, is stuck forever at 10.13, so I don’t need to worry 
about that :)

And Adobe 8, for which I have a pro license and only use for redaction of 
documents, is 32 bit, so it needs to stay . . .

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Re: Catalina

2019-06-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On Jun 25, 2019, at 1:01 PM, Richmond via use-livecode 
> I got macOS Catalina (10.15) beta "shoved up my nose" by my
> Mac's Software update thingy this afternoon.

I went out of my way to get it yesterday, and put it on my MacBook.

9.5 launches and runs just fine so far.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
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Re: PDF Widget

2019-06-24 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
> Paul provided,

> The same issue exists in the external OR in any printing based on printing 
> cards in LiveCode. If you want someone at higher than screen resolution (like 
> 2x or 4x, you sort of need to size the image or pDF at 2x or 4x off screen 
> (or locked screen) and take a export of the image and the size the image down 
> to 1x size.

I’m to even having success doing it that way. 

 I gave up on printing itself back with 5, when even fonts only rendered at 
screen resolution . . . I think that’s changed since then, but I”ve been 
exporting to pdf since then.  (besides, it’s pdfs that we use to file in 
bankruptcy, anyway).

 Monte mentioned,

> There’s a report open for this here to which I suggested the same workaround 
> Paul has 
>  >
> In order to resolve the report we need to add a way for a widget to draw 
> something different into a printing context than it does normally.

It was I that filed that bug .  .  . but I haven’t succeeded in exporting 
around it yet.  I have three uploaded files for comparison — iMac, retina 
MacBook, and scaleFactor 4 on the iMac.

It’s been a couple of decades since I played with postscript (and, much as they 
deny it, it *IS TOO* Forth!), so I don’t remember details.

My thinking, though, would be to use the postscript base of pdf and skip 
rendering entirely during export.  Instead, include the source pdf file in the 
output, and specify a region to contain "250,220 to 400,550 of page 4 of 

In my case, just resizing the pdf for resolution won’t get me very far—I will 
have several regions of pdfs included in an output  page, possibly but not 
always from the same page of the source, *and* a bunch of livecode fields.  
I’ve considered cloning the card and resizing every item, but livecode’s (and 
the fonts?) handling of margins and the like seems quite non-linear, so I 
wouldn’t get my carefully arranged output where I’ve meticulously placed and 
adjusted fields.

Other approaches I’ve contemplated:
1) turning the pdfs to quad density png or pg, and letting my developer 
maintenance machine scan my output cards pieces, stick make a graphic 
corresponding to each pdf, put that in the layer immediately above the pdf, and 
turn it invisible except when exporting.  (but relayerGroupedControls is kind 
of touchy . . .)
2) export to a pdf without any of the source pdfs (just my own fields), and 
write a build file with source pdf name, page, and region for each element, and 
run a shell script to build a postscript file using postscript versions of my 
source, and then turn that back to pdf.

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Re: Setting conditional breakpoints

2019-06-24 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Jun 24, 2019, at 10:32 AM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode 

> Unfortunately, it's still not possible to use setProp and getProp handlers 
> with built-in properties, so catching a change to the visible of an object 
> won't work. It's been in bugzilla for 14 years now.

wow.  And so my code changes wouldn’t even be needed . . .

But how about defining ”zetProp” as a stack (or whatever) property, and making 
the code changes I mentioned?
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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math on widths doesn't add up

2019-06-14 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

Playing around with a couple of things needing alignment, I’ve noticed that the 
math on widths and edges isn’t quite right.

For example, I have a boundary rect of width 12, with a left of 0 and a right 
of 12.

One of these is wrong . . . a width of 12 would go from 0 to 11; 0 to 12 is 13 
pixels wide . . .

It seems that “right” actually means, “the pixel to the right of” . . .
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
Las Vegas, NV  89121
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one computer, but not other, cannot use breakpoints of any type under 9.5.0_dp1

2019-06-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
Can anyone else confirm this, or see a pattern?

On a mid 2011 iMac, with the latest High Sierra, no breakpoint of any type is 
working—not the evil red PCD, not “breakpoint”, nor anything else I can think 

On may late 2018 MacBook Pro, latest mohave, they work.

The iMac has also told me a couple of times that it cannot open a file as “not 
a stack file”, yet the same stack opens without issue on the MacBook.

I’m also seeing *horrendous* misidentification of objects selected in the 
application browser—it just plain gives a different object the clicked on 
(perhaps it ignores widgets while counting?).  It’s so bad that I actually 
tried project manager again before screaming in horror and remembering why I 
hate it . . .
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
3430 E. Flamingo Rd.
Suite 232
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Re: critical: new pdf widget causes stack to crash when opening

2019-05-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

On May 31, 2019, at 9:38 AM, panagiotis merakos  wrote:
> Hello Richard,
> What happens if you first lock messages and then open the stack that crashes?

I tried that, a and got the same result.

I suspect that it has to do with attempting to render it, but . . .

I also later saw a crash dragging that same pdf to a new widget in a fresh 
stack, but couldn’t replicate that.

It’s bug 22128 

I can send the stack  privately (it may have stray information in it).

Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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critical: new pdf widget causes stack to crash when opening

2019-05-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I put in the last pdf widget on a card to produce a 6 page form out of smaller 

With the last one, the ide crashed.

Not only did it crash, but loading that card causes it to crash again.

I’ve also tried opening with 9.0.3-rc1, and it also crashes trying to open the 

workaround: I was able to rescue by opening a new stack and writing a button 
script to copy every group on the offending card *other than* the offending one.

Poor Panos and all my new bug reports :)  (although Monte beat him to fixing 
any : ) )
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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property that shows a group is being edited?

2019-05-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode

This came up a few months ago, and someone mentioned a property that is set 
while editing a group in the IDE.

I can’t find it in the dictionary or with Mr. Google.

Can anyone remember the name of the property?
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
The Hawkins Law Firm
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Re: textHeight changing again when copying fields from one stack to another

2018-08-27 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 5:06 PM, Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <> wrote:

> I would expect you need to explicit set the textHeight of the field
> before copying. Otherwise it inherits the textHeight value from its
> parent object all the way up to the stack (or LiveCode) defaults.
> Oh, it's set alright.

When the project opens,  routines run, bumping versions for a new day.

And when that happens, it goes through every field and sets the textHeight
to the custom txtHgt.

textHeight is set for the source, but when it's group copies over, this
property is lost.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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textHeight changing again when copying fields from one stack to another

2018-08-27 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I licked this a few years ago, but forget how.

I have fields being copied from one stack to another (actually, the group
is copied) for output purposes.

the sharedText and lockText are both set to true, and maintenance routines
cause the textHeight to be set to my custom property txtHgt.

I'm seeing fields change from a set textHeight of 12 to default/italic
displayed 11 on the new cards.

Could someone kindly remind me how to deal with this?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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execution doesn't stop when multiple function calls in a line

2018-05-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
It seems to me I filed a bug about this a couple of years ago, and it was

If I have a line like

setVal "someVal", getVal("abc", dbtr) + getVal("def",
dbtr)+getVal("ghi", dbtr) + getVal("jul", dbtr)

and I stop the IDE in the first getVal() with the blue box when it hits a
breakpoint, the other three getVal() still get called--and slowly, after a
delay of seconds for each.

I'm in (supposedly) the latest 9.0.

Are others seeing this, or is it out to get me again? :)
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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losing font info in fields again

2018-05-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I think I ask this every couple of years (and it would be more often, but I
sometimes find the answer in my archives).

As my program copies groups from one stack to another, I am losing field
formatting information.

This time, the offending fields have, iirc, both ArialMt and dingbat text,
probably both in different heights.

It appears that upon copy, I have a font with serifs, and the size changes.

The sharedText of the field is set to true.

I vaguely recall that the reis a field property that isn't in the inspector
that needs to be set, but I'm baffled at the moment :(

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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2018-05-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
the utilities pdf2txt and pdftotxt  (or do they spell out text?)

On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Mike Bonner via use-livecode <> wrote:

> I haven't needed to do this before, but is there a (relatively) easy way to
> extract the text from a bunch of pdf files?  I'm hoping I can build some
> indexes for the boatload of files I want to go through.  (THough, I guess I
> could bipass LC and just grep my heart out)
> Any suggestions?
> ___
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Re: Q on Accessing multi-dimension arrays.

2018-04-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Mike Bonner via use-livecode <> wrote:

> I had no clue you could do that!  Thank you!

Yeah, but if you're doing any level of *serious* matrix multiplication,
there's no substitute for Fortran: it's a basic feature of the language.
You can approach the speed by optimizing C, but you're putting in work for
what could come from "C=MATMUL(A,B)" (and you're not limited to
one-dimensional arrays, either).

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: do. command. safety. ?

2018-03-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 9:02 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode <> wrote:

> do "put " && quote & user input & quote && "into x" -- not safe

   do "initiate global thermonuclear war"


Was shazam the statistical package that actually implemented that (only
partially, we hoped!)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: representing this character from a pdf

2018-02-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 1:08 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <> wrote:
> That is the actual ASCII 63 wingdings character. He wants the right
arrow, something not even IN the wingdings character set (at least on Mac).
I went into LibreOffice (where it won't paste this character from the pdf)
and used the insert special character to find the one that looked right.

I pasted this in one, and it does seem to be windings, size 12.

I then found an error in my maintenance routines:  it checked for the text
font of the last char being "Windings", rather than "Wingdings" in a
case-sensitive section.

So then I set a script to loop through every field n the stack, and when it
found offset("",the text of tgTg) >0, it sets the textFont to windings and
the textSize to 12.

I'm not sure I have the same character, but it sure looks right.

And something funny is definitely going on . . .

Thanks so much; thus aspect of my forms *finally* looks right after a
couple of years . ..

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: representing this character from a pdf

2018-02-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
These government pdfs are nasty in general, and made with something sloppy.

When I try pasting it into LibreOffice, I get nothing at al!
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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representing this character from a pdf

2018-02-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
For the form at, I am trying to
replicate the fat little arrow to the right of question 1 (and so forth)>

When I paste into live code, though, it doesn't work, orator gets converted.

Does anyone know how to to keep this character in a livecode field?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Execute multiple MySQL commands

2018-02-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 8:20 AM, Ludovic THEBAULT via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Just for infos, multiple statements works with SQLite but not with Mysql.

They also work with postgreSQL.

This was a major factor in my switching.

I think mySQL now has rollback, but it didn't have fun rollback at the
time, either.

Overall, postgres is the more mature/stable of the two, but it doesn't come
"canned" on very many ISPs.
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 3:28 PM, Warren Samples via use-livecode <> wrote:

> With all due respect, this is not all correct information. It is perfectly
> valid to escape using single quotes (and double quotes) on the command line

hmm, for spaces, that seems to be correct.

But that just proves the point; spaces in filenames are evil :)

I learned unix on a cluster PDP-11 over three decades ago, and I'm still
off on this.

There are other things, however, notably environmental variables, that do
not get escaped in the weak quoting of double quotes.

> and it works inside a LC shell function.
> Just to save time, here are some sources for verification:
> (see "Weak quoting" and
> "Strong quoting"

careful;  OSX defaults to tcsh, not bash.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 12:03 PM, Stephen Barncard via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Mike Bonner:  I'll try the Open Process suggestion you made - again with
> more syntax variations this time. thanks!
> Dr Hawkins - I don't have control over the name of the CD source file..

You can change them.   once you have the name in filNam,

put filNam into newFilNam

replace space with "\ " in filNam

replace space with "_" in newFilNam

get shell ("mv filNam newFilNam")

or, just use newFilNam--but spaces in filenames are always going to hurt
and cause problem, not mater the source.

> Dr Hawkins:  when you say "escape spaces" do you mean something like
> \%20
ack, no!  that's html!

> or
> \[actual space char]

yes, this--it's not a regex, but the shell recognizes this an a couple of
others, some with different meanings than in a regex

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 9:46 PM, Mike Bonner via use-livecode <> wrote:

> > (./ffmpeg -i '/Volumes/Audio CD/1 Audio Track.aiff' '/Volumes/20160518
> > ARCHIVE MASTER/JULY - JAN 2017/20040315-2-JD0211b.wav' &)

double quotes cause evaluation (for shell variables?), back quote (`)
causes contents to execute.  You seem to be using ', which is a literal.

Oh, I see.

You have *SPACES* in file names.

This *ALWAYS* leads to suffering.

Quoting a filename does not make it ok; it's still multiple words. If you
want to keep such evil names, you'll have to escape those spaces with \

A better idea is to get all the spaces out of filenames.  I only allow
letters, dot, and underscore.

You also have hyphens, which have meaning on some operating systems.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 2:18 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode <> wrote:

> On 02/05/2018 12:02 PM, Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode wrote:
> disintegrated (and so did that plumber).
> !!!

So I'm a vengeful homeowner.


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 10:13 AM, prothero--- via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Totally ot,
> My mother in law had an iron drain deteriorate, with roots and cracks all
> through it, and Roto Rooter was able to ream it and put in some kind of
> epoxy liner, so nothing had to be dug up.

We had thought, from the video, that the bottom half of the iron pipe had
disintegrated (and so did that plumber).

It turned out that, no, that was the beginning of a blockage that grew to

Petrified fat.

Given what we know from going through the shower floor (last tenant poured
concrete down the drain in spite), the pipes likely weren't at the proper
angle to drain (a retired pipe-fitter friend could tell the shower wasn't
angled right at a glance!).

(Our house was built during the mob's heyday in Las Vegas, late 60s).

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 4:51 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <> wrote:

> The Husband loves plumbing, it gives him the inspiration to learn all
> kinds of new colorful words. He puts it off as long as possible to savor
> the anticipation

There's nothing like the joy of going weeks of carting the water from the
kitchen sink down the hall, as it drains into a five gallon bucket, because
the sewer line is 100% blocked a couple of feet under the concrete slab
under the the living room.

Not even the thrill of the redneck connection of a garden hose to the
washing machine to run down the driveway, or even the 2'x22' trench three
feet deep across the room that you get to step over for a couple of days
 as the work is done and you wait for inspectors.

On the bright side, we replaced with ABS rather than cast iron, so it
should last a touch longer, and even the same 50 years means i wont be here
when it happens . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: any tricks to make SHELL non blocking?

2018-02-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:41 PM, Klaus major-k via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Any hints on how to make this NON blocking somehow?
> I need a solution for Mac and Win.
> I don''t know  about darkside machines, but on  \begin{condescending
snark} mac and other real operating systems \end{snark}, you can launch
commands into the background by suffixing  with  &

You may (or may not; it was years ago) need to enclose the command  in
parenthesis, which makes the whole parenthetical a block.  You might also
need to redirect output.


shell ( "(domycommand > myoutput &)"  )

or something like that, and come back later to check myoutput

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Do script-only stacks support "chained" behaviors?

2018-01-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 6:10 AM, Mike Kerner via use-livecode <> wrote:

> The way he suggested structuring the projects was putting the ui elements
> and their behaviors into /ui/stackName (and then the behaviors for that
> stack into /ui/stackName/behaviors/).

How about something similar to the unix convention of  indicating the shell
to use in the first line of a text executable (e.g., #!/bin/tcsh ) as a

so the first line starting with, perhaps, "--#" would indicate that  what
follows is an expression which evaluates to a button or other stack that is
to be the behavior of the stack?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: SQL Query not working

2018-01-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 11:04 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <> wrote:

> put revOpenDatabase("sqlite", "MEMORY") into tDBID -- verified tDBID
> returns a number
> I think you need ":MEMORY:" rather than "MEMORY"

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: delete the customproperty (of a card)

2018-01-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
For removing a single property while leaving the rest intact, I have a
library routine rmProp.

on rmProp prop, tgt

--remove a property from the basic property set

local props

if tgt is empty then

put the long id of me nto tgt

end if

put the customProperties of tgt into props

repeat for each word prp in prop

delete variable props[prp]

end repeat

set the customProperties of tgt to props

end rmProp

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: screenloc not actually centered after changing scalefactor (was Screen Resolution for Desktop Apps)

2018-01-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 5:31 PM, Nicolas Cueto via use-livecode <> wrote:

> To do "some calculations", I thought of comparing the loc to the
> scalefactor. So ran the standalone on three devices, but saw no consistent
> corelation between the differing locs and the scalefactor.
> I took a stab at it a few years ago, and failed.

I found no coherent relationship between the location on my iMac screen and
what livecode reported once I changed  the scaleFactor of the stack.  With
each 10% increase, the stack seems to move (usually) right, and also up or
down, possibly causing the menubar to be above the screen.

I also see an intermittent issue that livecode things the mouse pointer is
about an inch higher on the screen than it is, but the horizontal seems
correct.  This also seems be be limited to browse rather than select mode.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Error deleting a stack

2018-01-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 8:03 AM, Graham Samuel via use-livecode <> wrote:
>The thing is, this used to work, probably in the LC 7 series.

I think that is the error here--it shouldn't be possible to delete the
stack containing a target while that target's script is running.

For my transient stacks, it's

send ("delete stack " & the short name of this stack) to stack "mcp" in 0

(where "mcp" is the main stack with routines, etc.)
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: LC Server - MySQL - update about 2000 rows/records of a table

2017-12-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 5:05 PM, Mike Bonner via use-livecode
> On mysql..  can't you prebuild your multi-command transaction in a variable
> (with a beginning and ending to the transaction) and then use revexecutesql
> with a single call for the one big transaction?

Not when I was trying a couple of years ago.

I tried both with and without including the BEGIN/END, which gets
added by LiveCode under some circumstances, and there's a thread in
the archives from it (err, do we keep those?  google my email,
livecode, and mySQL to get a start on one of the parasitic sites).

Apparently, the issue is (was?) livecode, and not mySQL.

As the only reason I had to use mySQL was that my web host provided
it, I switched to postgresql

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: LC Server - MySQL - update about 2000 rows/records of a table

2017-12-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 12:53 PM, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode

> Executing the 2000 update commands in one take using revexecuteSQL
> or should i execute one update command after each other within a repeat loop?

Unless something has changed, you can't submit multiple mySQL commands
at once from LiveCode, whether you immediately execute them or not.
If the server is not local, you may find 2000 consecutive latencies to
be brutally long (as in minutes, not seconds)

You can, however, with postgreSQL and SQLite.  In fact, it's a couple
of insertions  done as a singe transaction with SQLite every time I
open a client, and a similar one to the posts server when I create a
new one.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [ANN] Release 9.0.0 DP-11

2017-12-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 2:12 PM, Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> For anyone playing with the new MAP widget, the dictionary entry for 
> regionChanged states:


I dunno about the rest of you, but *I* am not going near any teleport
that isn't even beta yet!

If I need to be in another region, I'll  go the old fashioned way, not
jut try to set my properties . . ..

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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mumbling towards a crash cause

2017-12-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I *may* have just had an insight on a cause of IDE crashes.

A moment after I changed a custom property, and before the stack was
saved, I ran something else that accessed that property from a script.

Or, it could be coincidence, but this may be consistent with some of
met other crashes.

Just throwing it out to check on collective experience and thoughts; I
certainly don't have enough for a bug report yet.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [off] Apple to unify ios/macos apps next year

2017-12-20 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 3:35 PM, JB via use-livecode
> Is Apple going to have enough intelligence to
> make the ios compatible with the os desktop
> or will they do away with the desktop to make
> the new mac os like the ios?


I'd be back on FreeBSD in a couple of days.

It's Spotlight and the power management on portables that has me using
mac as my unix platform. OK, and iCloud Drive now.

Mess with those (and spotlight has seriously regressed over the last
ten years) and I'm gone.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: advertising,again, and is anyone actually making money from it?

2017-12-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I guess I make it three.

I signed up, and didn't log in, the day they announced their own
email, just to stop someone else from being labeled dochawk.

Then at my reunion a couple of months ago, it came up that someone had
a page for our class.  We went through a comedy of errors trying to
find and login to my account.  Or maybe that I could  login, but that
my name didn't show (as I'd never given it more than initials).

Somehow, we connected one of them to my wife, and I guess that let me
see a name and send a message, or maybe they sent her some kind of

And then they were exasperated that I hadn't filled out a "profile" or
some such.

I logged in for a while, wondering if anything interesting would
happen.  I found that adblock could make a couple of particularly
annoying columns it through at me go away, but really did not get
interested in the blather.

And then, once you don't log in often enough, it sends you messages
offering to help . . .

I go back to 1984 on usenet, but just don't understand this whole
facetwit and tell the world what I had for breakfast thing . . .

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode
> On 12/11/2017 03:29 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
>> I don't know, I'm one of the six people on earth who doesn't have or want
>> a Facebook account. But Ghostery blocks any unwanted junk that comes in via
>> a web page, and since you're viewing Facebook inside a web page then it's
>> worth a try. Can't hurt.
> I'm one of the other six. Never been tempted by it.
> I used to have Ghostery installed, and probably it's still on my Firefox
> browser. But I switched over to Chrome a while back and I guess I never
> bothered to install it. My experience has been that all those tools do a
> pretty good job of filtering, and none of them is perfect.
> --
>  Mark Wieder
> ___
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Re: advertising,again, and is anyone actually making money from it?

2017-12-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
If nothing else, there is a ghostery browser for iOS; it is what I use
on the rare time I need one on my phone.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: The Detailed and Long files

2017-12-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 9:06 AM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode
> Point taken. Thanks - that was me typing without being sufficiently
> caffeinated.

set the detailed caffeination of Mark to "High.  VERY high."


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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advertising,again, and is anyone actually making money from it?

2017-12-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I've tried to get this discussion going before, and failed.  So
perhaps a crasser start:

Is anyone actually making money from  livecode app's advertising,
either iOS or android?

If so, how did you get it done, who did you use, etc.?

All I have so far is that the folks that livecode supposedly set up
have no interest in dealing with us until we have sufficient volume to
interest them.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: sorting with number late in name

2017-12-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Klaus major-k via use-livecode

> set itemdel to "_"
> sort lines of fld 1 numeric by item 2 of each

I *thought* that that was in there somewhere, but I didn't see it when
I  pulled the dictionary page :(  For that matter, the one I just
pulled didn't look a lot like what I was reading earlier.

Yes, that did it.  I had the item del, but had used "ascending" in the
second line (probably from a prior misread of the dictionary years ago
:)  )


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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crumbly IDE

2017-12-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
This is in the 8.2 series, but I think folks have sen it before.

I haven't nailed it down yet, but I seem to permanently lose parts of
the IDE, possibly after toggling messages off and back on from the

The message box still works, and can close stacks, but the stats seem
to completely ignore messages forevermore.

About 5 times today, I think . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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sorting with number late in name

2017-12-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
Now that I've hit ten numbered items, I'm having an issue with
maintenance routines.

If I have the items


I want them to sort in that order.  However, the 10 will sort between
the 1s and 2s.

Is there a "decent" way to do this without a custom function?

All I'm coming up with so far is a script that looks for a single
digit number and renames to put a 0 in front of it . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: IDE breaks down over time

2017-12-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
> You are saying the IDE process is maxing out? There was a known issue with 
> notifications doing this in
> MacOS 10.11. Are you creating alerts in your apps?

Was this to me?

I don't create alerts, but there's the occasional dialog box.

Haven't looked to see which process has gone nuts; it's just that
sometimes things go non responsive and/or
the message box cannot be brought up.  I think the rest of the menu is
active but does nothing when this happens,
but it hasn't bitten me enough to make sure.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: IDE breaks down over time

2017-12-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode

> Just got this situation again. The IDE completely unresponsive, all other
> open apps working properly. Top shows LC using 98% of the CPU, and a kill -9
> got things back to normal. I suppose leaving the IDE open overnight wasn't a
> good idea.

Overnight doesn't seem to make a difference for me.  This seems to
happen suddenly during the day while working.

I don't use it after overnight; though; I quit to force it to bump the
version of my source stacks.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [OT] Google TensorFlow Lite

2017-11-14 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I must say . . . I've never heard "tensor" and "light' used together.

By the time you're serious about things being tensors, rather than
simple values or vectors, you're into *serious* mathematics . . .

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Re: results of SPLIT when keys not unique

2017-11-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:45 PM, Ralph DiMola  wrote:
> Whoops, not tested and I saw an error.
> Select mytable.animalname,mytable.animalnumber from (select distinct
> mytable.animalname from mytable as mytable2) left join mytable on
> mytable.animalname = mytable2animalname

You're a bit over my head, but . . .

wouldn't that left join bring *all* the entries for table2 and their
numbers in, so that I would still get repeated animals?

Should there be a . in the middle of the last word?

In test,

Select debtor_table uniqDna, debtor_table cname from  (select
distinct cname FROM debtor_table as mytable2) left join debtor_table
ON debtor_table.cname = mytable2.cname ;

and I get,

   revdberr,Database Error: no such column: mytable2.cname

(in fact, I need cname||cadr, not just name, as some creditors end up
with multiple addresses)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: results of SPLIT when keys not unique

2017-11-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:39 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode

> It would probably be nice to have some explicit syntax to govern this 
> behavior so that you could explicitly declare
> you want clobbering behavior or first come best dressed.

explicit is (almost) always nice (says the guy mulling over a PARALLEL
REPEAT syntax . . .)

>If more than one part of the variable delimited by the primaryDelimiter has 
>the same first portion delimited by the
>secondaryDelimiter, only the element corresponding to the first part is 

ARGH.  I need stronger glasses.  I even went to the Dictionary and
looked, and couldn't see that phrase . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: results of SPLIT when keys not unique

2017-11-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:45 PM, Ralph DiMola  wrote:
> Whoops, not tested and I saw an error.
> Select mytable.animalname,mytable.animalnumber from (select distinct
> mytable.animalname from mytable as mytable2) left join mytable on
> mytable.animalname = mytable2animalname

You just shot *way* over my SQL :)

does that last line search for any mytable.animalname that occurs in

(and if it's that easy, why in the world isn't DISTINCT ON part of SQLite???


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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results of SPLIT when keys not unique

2017-11-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
If I use split such that keys are not unique, will that have the
effect of filtering out duplicates?

For example, if I have
  dog 3
  dog 5
  cat 8

and SPLIT it, will I end up with 5 in entry dog?

More specifically, is this a defined behavior, or "just how it currently works"

I'm trying to find a quick & clean way around SQLite's lack of
"DISTINCT ON"--I need to keep those numbered keys attached to work
with, and DISTINCT alone won't due that.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Script editor - what about the handlers with the red cross?

2017-10-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 6:52 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB via use-livecode

> a list of system messages with a red cross (below my used
> handlers).
> Which selection of handlers are shown in that list? What can I do with it?

That depends--these are reserved for regular blood donors.


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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system user dialog data colliding

2017-10-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I finally found the source of this oddness after a couple of years . . .

On startup in development environment, there is a check that updates the
main stack if it is not from today, using "save as".  The name is to the
effect of "mcp.171004a.livecode"

This invariably triggers a live code message asking what to do with the old
stack (and sometimes a flurry  alternating between the old and new stack as
I save each).

There is also a custom dialog that automatically loads and asks for the
database table to open (with client names, not raw table names).

The second of these to launch blocks the first.  The result is that I have
to hit "cancel" on my own dialog, but execution remains stopped until I
deal with the system message.  In turn, that means that the dialogData
becomes "save" rather than the "cancel" associated with my own dialog.

It never occurred to me that the system portion would be using this
property.  (To add insult to injury, I changed from setting a custom
property in my dialog to using dialogData).

I suppose that since the IDE tries to be written in live code as much as
possible this may not be a bu, but it is certainly unexpected . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Best way to copy from one stack to another

2017-09-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 4:05 AM, Randy Hengst via use-livecode <> wrote:
> copy this card to stack “targetStack"

Or even make the old stack (or a copy of oil) a sub stack of the new stack.
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Parent of Target

2017-08-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode <> wrote:

> We could parse the message being sent and check if there’s a handler that
> can handle it at the time it’s being sent but that would be a dangerous
> change
> Wouldn't it be a bit less drastic to simply allow an error handler to be

send "foo" to field "bar" in 7 seconds handle with button "oops" of
this stack


With a rule naming the handler to be used in a script?  (perhaps, "on
errorHandler (target, error)"

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"cleanser" for SQLite and UTF

2017-08-23 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I've really never paid much attention to UTF; 7 bit ASCII is fine for
everything I've ever needed to do (save immigration forms, but that was
handled by someone else's software).

Is there a "cleanser" hidden somewhere in livecode that converts arbitrary
text to plain old boring (and those SQLite-able) text? ("UTF" itself yields
no dictionary hits . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: attaching my group id to a control in a subgroup

2017-08-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 3:28 PM, Jonathan Lynch via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Can you have a function in the appropriate group that returns its unDna?
> This way, it will not matter about any subgrouping.
> Function MyUnDna
> Return the unDna of me
> End MyUnDna
> It would need to be a group-level function, which isn't a problem.  I'm
always hesitant, though, to rely on "me"  [and finding "me" in the
dictionary is an adventure in itself . . .  {now *Bug 20289*
 - "me" is nearly
impossible to find in dictionary }]

if I have the structure


and define in rawRow (actually, in it's behavior)

on getProp uDna

return the uDna of me

end getProp

will this do what I mean?

Seems nice, clean, elegant and fast . . . and doesn't involve a bunch of
redundant setting . . .
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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attaching my group id to a control in a subgroup

2017-08-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
I have a uniqDna value for each datum in my data.  This is used to store
and retrieve it from a database.

When I create an output group for one of these (and there are a great many
different output groups), the group is labeled with these IDs.

The output group will typically contain label fields and graphics, but gets
its unDna set to the corresponding uniqDna.  It also contains fields for

When an output field is modified, the handler calls the seal routine,
passing the field name, new value, and the unDna.

I had made, for performance reasons, the strong assumption that the output
fields would always be a top level member of the output group.  I also
designed output groups which, for organizational reasons, group the output
fields . . . oops . . .

The closeField handler follows the rule, and assumes that the unDna of the
owner of the target is the uniqDna value it needs.  This backfires when not
true :(

One obvious solution would be to simply ungroup the offending groups--but
there are good reasons to want it have subgroups (such as sharing subgroups
for maintenance of similar outputs with shared elements).

At the moment, the three possibilities I see are,
1) recurse upwards until a group with a unDna is found (well, close; there
are universal fields with no unDna)
2) check the owner of the owner of the target
3) redundantly set the uDna of every output field at group creation/copying

I need this to be blindingly fast, too (although I doubt that this is a
problem in 2017).

Am I missing an obvious way to do this?
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Completely OT - flat earth

2017-08-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 6:25 AM, Colin Holgate via use-livecode <> wrote:

> I was in the southwest of England that day. It was very dense cloud, so we
> didn’t see the sun at all. Here’s a time-lapse of what we saw:
> Same here:  very heavy cloud cover and thunderstorms in las vegas, so it
was too dark to see the eclipse :)

By the time the sun threatened to come through, there wasn't enough left to
be fascinating.

In an unrelated oddity, this siamese cat that adopted us took his
fascination with running water further, and watched out our screen door
until the thunderstorm was over . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: answer with...

2017-08-16 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 12:07 PM, jbv via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a blank...
> I need to use a prompt in the form of
>   answer "Your choice" with "John" or "Mary" or "Cancel"
> the problem is that the number of options depends on the
> result of a DB request, and can vary from 2 to 6...

put "answer " & quote & "Your  Choice" "e & " with" into myCmd
repeat for each word who in theLIst

put who & " or " after myCmd

end repeat

delete char -4 to -1 of yCmd
do myCmd

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Forum: Waves of Russian Nonsense

2017-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Anyway, this has been on Heather's mind - hopefully she will come up with
> an alternate solution in due course.

I assume that the software uses either mySQL or postgreSQL?

The direct command
  DELETE FROM theMessageDatasbase WHERE USER='thatScumbag';

should do the trick.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Forum: Waves of Russian Nonsense

2017-08-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 6:38 AM, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode <> wrote:

> The Forums are filling up quickly with a whole lot of nonsense about
> cars in Russian

Maybe they mistook it for an election?


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Re: common code patterns

2017-08-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 3:08 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode <> wrote:

> On 08/11/2017 02:59 PM, Mike Kerner via use-livecode wrote:
>> That is not easier to read.
> Heh. Mike beat me to it.

. . .  After seven chalkboards of deprivation, the calculus professor
announce, "therefore, A is obviously equal to B"

A student timidly raised her hand, and said, "That's not obvious,

He scrawled three more boards, and triumphantly announced, "See, I told you
it was obvious!"


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: [OT] Draconian computer company policies, was: Mobile LC Apps Downloading Stacks After installation

2017-08-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Richmond Mathewson via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Well, I always drive below the speed limit and I always wear a seatbelt
> (and have always done so whether or not it was
> a legal requirement in the country I happened to be living in at the time).

I won't leave the driveway without a seat belt, but if you drive below the
posted speed around here, you better check your medical insurance first . .

With our new law, our Highway Patrol is actually citing people now for
driving below the posted speed in the left lane . . .

> This is not quite the same as keeping goats and hens in the back of your
> car (which was not illegal last time I looked).
> While keeping goats and hens in the car may prove extremely smelly it

Both would be quite heavy objects to be flying around in a collision . .
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Bug 20255 - Simple Loop Labeling

2017-08-11 Thread Dr. Hawkins via use-livecode
On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 6:24 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode <> wrote:

> 2. automagical maintenance if the comments exist and you change the
> conditio

Oooh, yes; automagical maintenance would be wonderful!  (really? my
spellchecker recognizes "automagical" as a word?)

And to be clear, I am *NOT* suggesting in any way that Livecode get a GOTO;
I was suggesting that there are *very* rare cases where they are useful.
 (I can probably count the number I have *ever* used on my fingers,
possibly of one hand [unless you count the ones driven by performance and
how memory was accessed in interpreters, but that still gave you two per
program {jump to high/slow area for onetime setup, then to mid-memory main
loop above time critical subroutines, and possibly a third from the end of
the main loop to the beginning if the language couldn't loop forever}]).

(and as dust drifts about the cobwebs of my memory, I think that on what I
think of as "my goto" was used instead of putting the common section into
another routine to avoid the computational cost of that context switch;
this was in the recursive core routine that was called zillions of times in
the program which ran for a couple of days [initially more than that].   If
you need that kind of optimization/performance, livecode will be fairly low
on your list of choices . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
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