Re: image data

2007-04-09 Thread J. Landman Gay
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote: At 10:19 PM -0700 4/8/2007, Mark Wieder wrote: the text property of an image is the actual image data. So: set the text of image "testImage" to tJPGData This is one of those cases where I feel the language loses its intuitiveness... I know you have to do this, b

Re: image data

2007-04-09 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 10:19 PM -0700 4/8/2007, Mark Wieder wrote: the text property of an image is the actual image data. So: set the text of image "testImage" to tJPGData This is one of those cases where I feel the language loses its intuitiveness... I know you have to do this, but it makes absolutely no se

Re: A string doesn't equal itself

2007-04-09 Thread Mark Wieder
Ken- Sunday, April 8, 2007, 11:00:24 PM, you wrote: > Just my 2 cents, I see your two and raise you a nickle. You're absolutely right about that. I went back and read it again. This looks quite buggy to me. IMO the quotes should prevent dereferencing and evaluation as a number. Yuck! Of possibl

Re: Linux installation

2007-04-09 Thread Rishi Viner
On Saturday 07 April 2007 09:14, Richard Gaskin wrote: > I'm aiming to write my own. So what I'm looking for is info on what > each of the window managers (KDE, Gnome -- other popular ones?) requires > for an app to: > > - Set up document file type associations > - Assign icons for the app and the

Re: Linux installaton

2007-04-09 Thread Rishi Viner
On Saturday 07 April 2007 02:27, Richard Gaskin wrote: > > My understanding is that the various window managers for Linux each have > their own mechanisms for these, and that they aren't the same. Is that > correct? Yep, afraid so... BUT there is the Linux Standard Base: http://www.linux-foundat

Re: image data

2007-04-09 Thread Dave Cragg
On 9 Apr 2007, at 18:16, Tereza Snyder wrote: Wasn't "the contents" the same as "the text" at one time? I was sure it was so, but I just tested it and "the contents" of an image returns empty, whereas "the text" does not. But I'm sure that once upon a time—maybe in Metacard days—it was a

Problem with Imbedded file

2007-04-09 Thread Charles Szasz
I saved a RTF file as a custom property of my app stack with the following code: answer file "Store which file?" --> I selected the file "template.rtf" set the customPropertySet of this stack to empty set the uRtFile of this stack to url ("file:" & ".rtf") set the uShortFilename of t

HC converted stacks

2007-04-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon
Hi from Paris, Bonjour Francis, You might want to read the tutorial of HyperActive that is devoted to translating stack from HyperCard to Revolution. I used it and saved time thank to this tutorial. Merci André -Francis "Nothing should ever be done for the first time - But I've spent my lif

Enteprise Upgrades - Free Vista Upgrade and/or Parallels Offer Running Out

2007-04-09 Thread Lynn Fredricks Hi all, Ive been contacted by a few folks over the weekend about the special offer and if its still live - it is! But its going away very likely sometime not all that long after our European side team members get back from "Easter Monday". In a nutshell this i

Re: image data

2007-04-09 Thread Tereza Snyder
On Apr 9, 2007, at 12:19 AM, Mark Wieder wrote: Trevor wrote: the text property of an image is the actual image data. So: set the text of image "testImage" to tJPGData Then Mark Wieder wrote: This is one of those cases where I feel the language loses its intuitiveness... I know you h

Re: A string doesn't equal itself

2007-04-09 Thread J. Landman Gay
Ken Ray wrote: On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 22:16:32 -0700, Mark Wieder wrote: string that represented a serial number she allowed the engine to process the equality operator numerically. And gave it values beyond those it could be expected to handle with a default margin of error. Actually, Mark, this

Vista Question

2007-04-09 Thread Thomas Cole
I haven't been reading all the posts lately, so excuse me if you have talked this to death and I ask the most basic of questions. Vista is coming out. Will the software I created on my Mac using the old studio version of Revolution 2.7.1 have any problems with Vista? I don't have video or anything

Problem saving a standalone

2007-04-09 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins
Hi all, In my search to find out why my stack is aborting the Save a standalone process, it appears that the last thing that is being done is copying externals. Since they haven't changed at all since I previously compiled the stack, it must be the very next thing that is the hang up. Anyo

Re: HC converted stacks

2007-04-09 Thread André.Bisseret
Bonjour Francis, You might want to read the tutorial of HyperActive that is devoted to translating stack from HyperCard to Revolution. I used it and saved time thank to this tutorial. The address : Best regards from Grenoble André Le

HC converted stacks

2007-04-09 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon
Hi from Paris, I will be without Classic on my new iMac G5, so I took the much delayed plunge, and in one day, converted my many HC stacks to Revolution (2.6.1 Build 152). Things seemed to work quite well, although I will have to modify many of my scripts, as I leaned heavily on external XCMD

Re: XP and Vista question

2007-04-09 Thread Martin Blackman
Not sure if this link has already been posted but here is a fascinating analysis of the costs & repercussions of Vista's DRM There are many nice quotes in the article, here is just one- "Because Windows dominates the market and de

Re: A string doesn't equal itself

2007-04-09 Thread Mark Smith
And just for completeness, this also return false: put "09114E715806" is "09114E715806" (I wondered if 'is' instead of '=' might produce a different result). Best, Mark On 9 Apr 2007, at 07:00, Ken Ray wrote: On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 22:16:32 -0700, Mark Wieder wrote: string that represente

Re: Problems with passworded stacks?

2007-04-09 Thread Bill Marriott
Tereza, >>> Bill, you mean if I unlock the stacks at runtime, the stacks will run normally? Can I do that just once during execution and they'll be unlocked in memory for the duration? If so, maybe I can set the passkey(s) at startup EXCEPT in the presence of the IDE and thereby deny script-readin