Re: Tumbling window expects a time attribute for grouping in a stream environment

2017-05-24 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Enrico, the docs of the 1.3-SNAPSHOT are a bit out of sync right now, but they will be updated in the next days/1-2 weeks. We recently introduced so-called "time indicators". These are attributes that correspond to Flink's time and watermarks. You declare a logical field that represents

Re: Question about jobmanager.web.upload.dir

2017-05-17 Thread Timo Walther
Hey Mauro, I'm not aware of any reason for that. I loop in Chesnay, maybe he knows why. @Chesnay wouldn't it be helpful to also archive the jars using the HistoryServer? Timo Am 17.05.17 um 12:31 schrieb Mauro Cortellazzi: Hi Flink comunity, is there a particular reason to delete the

Re: State in Custom Tumble Window Class

2017-05-17 Thread Timo Walther
Hi, in general, a class level variable is not managed by Flink if it is not defined as state or the function does not implemented ListCheckpointed interface. Allowing infinite lateness also means that your window content has to be stored infinitely. I'm not sure if I understand your

Re: Deactive a job like storm

2017-05-10 Thread Timo Walther
This is called "stop" in Flink. You can find a short description here: " The difference between cancelling and stopping a (streaming) job is the following: On a cancel call, the operators in a job immediately receive

Re: Kafka 0.10 jaas multiple clients

2017-04-26 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Gwenhael, I'm not a Kafka expert but if something is hardcoded that should not, it might be worth opening an issue for it. I loop in somebody who might knows more your problem. Timo Am 26/04/17 um 14:47 schrieb Gwenhael Pasquiers: Hello, Up to now we’ve been using kafka with jaas

Re: Flink docs in regards to State

2017-04-26 Thread Timo Walther
Hi, you are right. There are some limitation about RichReduceFunctions on windows. Maybe the new AggregateFunction `window.aggregate()` could solve your problem, you can provide an accumulator which is your custom state that you can update for each record. I couldn't find a documentation

Re: Why flink 1.2.0 delete flink-connector-redis?

2017-04-26 Thread Timo Walther
Hi, the Flink community decided to have the most important connectors (e.g. Kafka) in the core repository. All other connectors are in Apache Bahir ( You can find the flink-connector-redis there. Timo Am 26/04/17 um 12:54 schrieb yunfan123: It exists in 1.1.5.

Re: Gelly - which partitioning

2017-03-29 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Marc, maybe Greg (in CC) can help answering your question? Regards, Timo Am 29/03/17 um 11:50 schrieb Kaepke, Marc: Hi guys, I can’t found on web which graph partitioning are supported by Gelly. During my search I found this link. But the ticket is still open.

Re: 20 times higher throughput with Window function vs fold function, intended?

2017-03-29 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Kamil, the performance implications might be the result of which state the underlying functions are using internally. WindowFunctions use ListState or ReducingState, fold() uses FoldingState. It also depends on the size of your state and the state backend you are using. I recommend the

Re: load balancing of keys to operators

2017-03-21 Thread Timo Walther
I think it very depends on your use case, maybe you can use combiner first to reduce the amount of records per key. Maybe you can explain your application a bit more (which window, type of aggregations). It often helps e.g. to introduce an artifical key und merge the result of multiple

Re: shaded version of legacy kafka connectors

2017-03-21 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Gwenhael, I will loop in Gordon becaue he is more familar with the Kafka connectors. Have you experiences with two versions in the same project? Am 20/03/17 um 15:57 schrieb Gwenhael Pasquiers: Hi, Before doing it myself I thought it would be better to ask. We need to consume from

Re: load balancing of keys to operators

2017-03-20 Thread Timo Walther
Hi, using keyBy Flink ensures that every set of records with same key is send to the same operator, otherwise it would not be possible to process them as a whole. It depends on your use case if it is also ok that another operator processes parts of this set of records. You can implement you

Re: Job fails to start with S3 savepoint

2017-03-20 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Abhinav, can you check if you have configured your AWS setup correctly? The S3 configuration might be missing. Regards, Timo Am 18/03/17 um 01:33 schrieb Bajaj, Abhinav: Hi,

Re: Flink 1.2 Proper Packaging of flink-table with SBT

2017-03-08 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Justin, thank you for reporting your issues. I never tried the Table API with SBT but `flink-table` should not declare dependencies to core modules, this is only done in `test` scope, maybe you have to specify the right scope manually? You are right, the mentioned Jira should be fixed

Re: window function not working when control stream broadcast

2017-03-08 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Sam, could you explain the behavior a bit more? How does the window function behave? Is it not triggered or what is the content? What is the result if you don't use a window function? Timo Am 08/03/17 um 02:59 schrieb Sam Huang: btw, the reduce function works well, I've printed out the

Re: flink/cancel & shutdown hooks

2017-03-08 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Dominik, did you take a look into the logs? Maybe the exception is not shown in the CLI but in the logs. Timo Am 07/03/17 um 23:58 schrieb Dominik Safaric: Hi all, I would appreciate for any help or advice in regard to default Java runtime shutdown hooks and canceling Flink jobs.

Re: Is it OK to have very many session windows?

2017-02-20 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Vadim, this of course depends on your use case. The question is how large is your state per pane and how much memory is available for Flink? Are you using incremental aggregates such that only the aggregated value per pane has to be kept in memory? Regards, Timo Am 20/02/17 um 16:34

Re: Unable to use Scala's BeanProperty with classes

2017-02-15 Thread Timo Walther
Forget what I said about omitting `var`, this would remove the field from the POJO. I opened a PR for fixing the issue: As a workaround: If you just want to have a POJO for the Cassandra Sink you don't need to add the `@BeanProperty` annotation. Flink

Re: Unable to use Scala's BeanProperty with classes

2017-02-15 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Adarsh, I looked into your issue. The problem is that `var` generates Scala-style getters/setters and the annotation generates Java-style getters/setters. Right now Flink only supports one style in a POJO, I don't know why we have this restriction. I will work on a fix for that. Is it

Re: Table API: java.sql.DateTime is not supported;

2017-02-06 Thread Timo Walther
Hi, java.sql.Timestamps have to have a format like " -mm-dd hh:mm:ss.[fff...]". In your case you need to parse this as a String and write your own scalar function for parsing. Regards, Timo Am 04/02/17 um 17:46 schrieb nsengupta: "4/1/2014 0:11:00",40.769,-73.9549,"B02512"

Re: Compiler error while using 'CsvTableSource'

2017-02-06 Thread Timo Walther
I created an issue to make this a bit more user-friendly in the future. Timo Am 05/02/17 um 06:08 schrieb nsengupta: Thanks, Till, for taking time to share your understanding. -- N On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 12:49 AM, Till Rohrmann [via Apache

Re: Datastream - writeAsCsv creates empty File

2017-01-27 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Nico, writeAsCsv has limited functionality in this case. I recommend to use the Bucketing File Sink[1] where you can specify a interval and batch size when to flush. [1]

Re: .keyBy() on ConnectedStream

2017-01-27 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Matt, the keyBy() on ConnectedStream has two parameters to specify the key of the left and of the right stream. Same keys end up in the same CoMapFunction/CoFlatMapFunction. If you want to group both streams on a common key, then you can use .union() instead of .connect(). I hope that

Re: Zeppelin: Flink Kafka Connector

2017-01-17 Thread Timo Walther
You are using an old version of Flink (0.10.2). A FlinkKafkaConsumer010 was not present at that time. You need to upgrade to Flink 1.2. Timo Am 17/01/17 um 15:58 schrieb Neil Derraugh: This is really a Zeppelin question, and I’ve already posted to the user list there. I’m just trying to

Re: Flink Run command :Replace placeholder value in spring xml

2017-01-17 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Sunil, what is the content of args[0] when you execute public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(args[0]); } Am 17/01/17 um 14:55 schrieb raikarsunil: Hi, I am not able to replace value into spring place holder .Below is the xml code snippet .

Re: Possible JVM native memory leak

2017-01-17 Thread Timo Walther
This sounds like a RocksDB issue. Maybe Stefan (in CC) has an idea? Timo Am 17/01/17 um 14:52 schrieb Avihai Berkovitz: Hello, I am running a streaming job on a small cluster, and after a few hours I noticed that my TaskManager processes are being killed by the OOM killer. The processes

Re: Release 1.2?

2017-01-17 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Denis, the first 1.2 RC0 has already been released and the RC1 is on the way (maybe already this week). I think that we can expect a 1.2 release in 3-4 weeks. Regards, Timo Am 17/01/17 um 10:04 schrieb Hi all, Do you have some ballpark estimate for a

Re: Three input stream operator and back pressure

2017-01-17 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Dmitry, the runtime supports an arbitrary number of inputs, however, the API does currently not provide a convenient way. You could use the "union" operator to reduce the number of inputs. Otherwise I think you have to implement your own operator. That depends on your use case though.

Re: the attribute order in sql 'select * from...'

2017-01-13 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Yuhong, as a solution you can specify the order of your Pojo fields when converting from DataStream to Table. Table table = tableEnv .fromDataSet(env.fromCollection(data), "department AS a, " + "age AS b, " + "salary AS c, " + "name AS d") .select("a, b, c, d");

Re: Kafka 09 consumer does not commit offsets

2017-01-09 Thread Timo Walther
I'm not a Kafka expert but maybe Gordon (in CC) knows more. Timo Am 09/01/17 um 11:51 schrieb Renjie Liu: Hi, all: I'm using flink 1.1.3 and kafka consumer 09. I read its code and it says that the kafka consumer will turn on auto offset commit if checkpoint is not enabled. I've turned off

Re: Question about Memory Manage in the Streaming mode

2016-12-15 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Tao, no, streaming jobs do not use managed memory yet. Managed memory is useful for sorting, joining and grouping bounded data. Unbounded stream do not need that. It could be used in the future e.g. to store state or for new operators, but is this is not on the roadmap so far. Regards,

Re: Update avro to 1.7.7 or later for flink 1.1.4

2016-12-05 Thread Timo Walther
Hi David, thanks for looking into this. Since you already looked into this issue and solved/tested your fix, it would be great if you could open a pull request for it. Every contribution is very welcome. Regards, Timo Am 04/12/16 um 23:35 schrieb Torok, David: I spent close to two days

Re: Type of TypeVariable 'K' in 'class <> could not be determined

2016-11-18 Thread Timo Walther
]: <> On 18 November 2016 at 10:25, Timo Walther

Re: Type of TypeVariable 'K' in 'class <> could not be determined

2016-11-18 Thread Timo Walther
I think I identified the problem. Input type inference can not be used because of missing information. @Vasia: Why is the TypeExtractor in Graph. mapVertices(mapper) called without information about the input type? Isn't the input of the MapFunction known at this point? ( vertices.getType())

Re: Type of TypeVariable 'K' in 'class <> could not be determined

2016-11-17 Thread Timo Walther
ng list archive at -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Type of TypeVariable 'K' in 'class <> could not be determined

2016-11-17 Thread Timo Walther
Hi, Flink uses the signature of the class to determine the return types of a function ("class MyClass implements MapFunction"). You always have to keep in mind that every generic in a "new ()" gets erasured by Java to "new ()". So variable K has to be

Re: jdbc.JDBCInputFormat

2016-10-11 Thread Timo Walther
I have opened a PR ( Would be great if you could try it and comment if it solves you problem. Timo Am 10/10/16 um 17:48 schrieb Timo Walther: I could reproduce the error locally. I will prepare a fix for it. Timo Am 10/10/16 um 11:54 schrieb

Re: jdbc.JDBCInputFormat

2016-10-10 Thread Timo Walther <> import <>.jdbc.JDBCInputFormat Then, I can't use: Imágenes integradas 1 I tried to download code from git and recompile, also -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Flink 1.2-SNAPSHOT fails to initialize keyed state backend

2016-09-27 Thread Timo Walther
Sent from the Apache Flink User Mailing List archive. mailing list archive at -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: 回复:Re: modify coGroup GlobalWindows GlobalWindow

2016-09-06 Thread Timo Walther
e it.can you give me a example. ----- 原始邮件 - 发件人:Timo Walther <> 收件人 主题:Re: modify coGroup GlobalWindows GlobalWindow 日期:2016年09月06日 17点52分 Hi, will words2 always remain constant? If yes, you don't have to create a stream out of it and c

Re: Stream sql query in Flink

2016-09-06 Thread Timo Walther
List archive. mailing list archive at -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: modify coGroup GlobalWindows GlobalWindow

2016-09-06 Thread Timo Walther
[(a,1)],then input a,2,T1 is [(a,2)],not T1=[(a,1), (a,2)]),but T2 will not change. i rewrite the "GlobalWindows",but it do not work,i read the code,find must rewrite the "GlobalWindow",and must modify "the class Serializer extends TypeSerializer",but when i run,it can not into there,why? some can tell me? -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: 回复:Re: fromParallelCollection

2016-09-06 Thread Timo Walther
<> wrote: > Hi, > val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment > val tr = env.fromParallelCollection(data) > > the data i do not know initialize,some one can tell me.. > -------- > > > -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Is java.sql.Timestamp fully suported in Flink SQL?

2016-08-11 Thread Timo Walther
org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano.VolcanoRuleCall.transformTo( ... 35 more Am I missing something? Thank you, Davran. -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Scala Table API with Java POJO

2016-08-01 Thread Timo Walther
this, but not work.‘id as ‘id, ‘amount as ‘amount)‘id, ‘amount)“id, amount”) thanks. On Aug 1, 2016, at 6:03 PM, Timo Walther <> wrote: I think you need to use ".as()" instead of "toTable()" to supply the field or

Re: Scala Table API with Java POJO

2016-08-01 Thread Timo Walther
.select(‘id, ‘amount.sum as ‘amount) .where(‘amount > 0) .toDataSet[TestPojo] .print() Thanks. On Aug 1, 2016, at 5:50 PM, Timo Walther <> wrote: Hi Kim, as the exception says: POJOs have no deterministic

Re: Scala Table API with Java POJO

2016-08-01 Thread Timo Walther
n exception like this. org.apache.flink.api.table.ExpressionException: You cannot rename fields upon Table creation: Field order of input type PojoType<….> is not deterministic. There is an error not in java program, but in scala program. how can I use java POJO with scala Table API. -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Fol

Re: Flink and SQL

2016-08-01 Thread Timo Walther
= TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env); . Table table = tableEnv.registerTable( "table1", table ); Table table = tableEnv.sql( "select * from table1" ); . . Is it possible to "unregister" table or replace it with another one? Thank you. -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind

Re: how to start tuning to prevent OutOfMemory

2016-07-28 Thread Timo Walther
with parallelism between 5-30. Would it help if we turn that down? We do set taskmanager.heap.mb explicitly, but not the advanced config options. Thanks, Istvan -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Logical plan optimization with Calcite

2016-07-20 Thread Timo Walther
undliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Extract type information from SortedMap

2016-07-11 Thread Timo Walther
e all variables in the return type can be deduced from the input type(s)./ This puzzles me as Flink should be able to infer the type from arguments. I know returns(...) or other workarounds to give type hint, but they are kind of verbose. Any suggestions? -- Freundliche Grüße / Kind Regards Timo Walther Follow me: @twalthr

Re: Java 8 and keyBy in 1.0.0

2016-03-30 Thread Timo Walther
I will assign this issue to me and fix it soon, if that's ok? Regards, Timo On 30.03.2016 11:30, Stephan Ewen wrote: Looks like something we should fix though. Probably just needs a case distinction in the TypeExtractor. @Andrew, can you post the stack trace into the me linked issue? We'll

Re: ype of TypeVariable could not be determined

2016-03-09 Thread Timo Walther
I think your problem is that you declared "TupleEvent2" as a TypeVariable in your code but I think you want to use a class that you defined, right? If so this is the correct declaration: MySourceFunction implements SourceFunction On 09.03.2016 09:28, Wang Yangjun wrote: Hello, I think in

Re: ype of TypeVariable could not be determined

2016-03-08 Thread Timo Walther
Hi Radu, the exception can have multiple causes. It would be great if you could share some example code. In most cases the problem is the following: public class MapFunction { } new MapFunction(); The type WhatEverType is type erasured by Java. The type

Re: Powered by Flink

2015-10-19 Thread Timo Walther
+1 for adding it to the website instead of wiki. "Who is using Flink?" is always a question difficult to answer to interested users. On 19.10.2015 15:08, Suneel Marthi wrote: +1 to this. On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Fabian Hueske > wrote:

Re: Java 8 and type erasure

2015-08-28 Thread Timo Walther
, Timo opened the thread. On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Kristoffer Sjögren wrote: Yeah, I think I found the thread already... by Timo Walther? On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Stephan Ewen mailto:se

Re: Udf Performance and Object Creation

2015-08-12 Thread Timo Walther
Hello Michael, every time you code a Java program you should avoid object creation if you want an efficient program, because every created object needs to be garbage collected later (which slows down your program performance). You can have small Pojos, just try to avoid the call new in your

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