RE: Server Out Of Memory

2017-08-03 Thread James Fraser
Hi Nick

Thanks for your response.

After sending off this message I did some digging.

I am using JDBC and LDAP auth together.

I was digging around the Server Heap error and think that you are on the right 
track with Xmx value.
It was out of the box (from apt-get) set to -Xmx128m, I have adjusted this to 
1024m for now and will monitor

We concurrently have around 7 users, each user may be accessing 4-5 VM’s at 

Thanks again for the quick response Nick

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Nick Couchman []
Sent: Friday, 4 August 2017 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Server Out Of Memory

Okay, let me try to take these one at a time...

On Thursday, August 3, 2017, 8:16:09 PM EDT, James Fraser 
<<>> wrote:

> I recently upgraded to 0.9.13 and am experiencing an issue with my Production 
> server.

> This is potentially a Tomcat issue or JDBC driver issue.

What extensions do you have loaded?  Looks like MySQL JDBC - anything else?

> WARNING: The web application [guacamole] appears to have started a thread 
> named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This 
> is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
> java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
> java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
> ...

I use PostgreSQL and see these messages periodically, too, but they've never 
led to any adverse behavior.

> Which leads too

> Aug 03, 2017 10:04:16 PM$Poller run
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Yeah, that's not good, but it doesn't mean your server is running out of 
memory, it means the JavaVM is running out of heap space.  Those are different 
things.  What parameters do you have set for memory in Java in your Tomcat 
startup?  Look for the -Xmx flag either in the ps output for the PID of Java 
associated with Tomcat or in the Tomcat file.  If you don't see it, 
then the default is 1/4 of your total RAM, so 1GB.  You can add the -Xmx flag 
to the java runtime parameters for Tomcat and bump it up to 2GB or something 
like that and see if that helps.  If run out of RAM after bumping it up to 2 or 
3GB, then you may have run into a memory leak, but I'd give that a shot, first. 
 When you set it, you can use abbreviations for various byte multiples - for 
example, -Xmx1024m is 1024MB or 1GB.  So, you might want to start with 
-Xmx2048m to bump up to 2GB and see if that helps.

> The server has 4GB of ram

I ran Guacamole 0.9.12 and the development versions of 0.9.13 on a system with 
4GB of RAM for quite some time and never had any issues.  How many connections 
do you have?  How many users connecting concurrently?

> root@MGMT-GUAC-01:/var/log/tomcat8# free -h
>  totalusedfree  shared  buff/cache   available
> Mem:   3.4G939M128M 22M2.3G
> 2.1G
> Swap:0B  0B  0B

> A restart of tomcat resolves the issue for a period of time, I have just 
> written a cron job that restarts tomcat on appearance of this issue.
I've done Linux system admin/engineering for many years, and, from my point of 
view, those numbers from the output of free look just fine.  While it's easy to 
look at the "free" column and see 128M and think your system is short on RAM, 
the "available" column is what really counts.  Linux uses available RAM to 
cache and buffer things like disk and network I/O, and your system is consuming 
2-ish GB for that.  Memory allocated for buffer/cache can be easily freed when 
applications need it, so that's why the available column shows 2.1GB.  So, 
whenever you ran the "free" command on your system, the system itself is fine 
on RAM (for the moment) - it's most likely a Java heap size issue (-Xmx flag 
needs to be set).


Server Out Of Memory

2017-08-03 Thread James Fraser
Hi All

I recently upgraded to 0.9.13 and am experiencing an issue with my Production 
This is potentially a Tomcat issue or JDBC driver issue.

If anyone can comment that would be great.

Looking at the Catalina.out file I found

WARNING: The web application [guacamole] appears to have started a thread named 
[Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very 
likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)

SEVERE: The web application [guacamole] created a ThreadLocal with key of type 
[$1] (value 
[$1@2c0acdd7]) and a value of type 
[java.lang.Object[]] (value [[Ljava.lang.Object;@2ee3d179]) but failed to 
remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed 
over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.
Aug 02, 2017 8:25:43 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase 
SEVERE: The web application [guacamole] created a ThreadLocal with key of type 
[$1] (value 
[$1@1b5b9da0]) and a value of type 
[java.lang.Object[]] (value [[Ljava.lang.Object;@b5aea9c]) but failed to remove 
it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over 
time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.

Which leads too

Aug 03, 2017 10:04:16 PM$Poller run
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I am just running the standard apt-get configuration of Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu 
server 16.4
The server has 4GB of ram

Here is the output of Free

root@MGMT-GUAC-01:/var/log/tomcat8# free -h
  totalusedfree  shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:   3.4G939M128M 22M2.3G2.1G
Swap:0B  0B  0B

A restart of tomcat resolves the issue for a period of time, I have just 
written a cron job that restarts tomcat on appearance of this issue.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

RE: Identify if a machine is online

2017-08-15 Thread James Fraser
The machines are powered off automatically on a nightly basis, lots of these 
servers are just available for building applications or testing SQL or Websites 
The automation script used to power them off has the ability to power them on, 
the reason this is not done is because if a server is not going to be used then 
it should remain off to stop charges being incurred

These servers can be powered on by a developer (who doesn’t have admin access 
in guac, no shell access etc) via webhooks.

In most scenarios a server or group of servers (eg. DC, SQL, WEB) are all 
isolated to their own network with only HTTPS access available to the web 
server, the developers are accessing these servers via guacamole.

If we had machines running that were not utilised we would incur thousands of 
dollars in idle compute.

I was just curios if it was possible to make this visible, this Is a pretty 
niche scenario and probably not something that has even been requested in the 

I have had some thoughts but have been to busy to play around with anything.

My potential thoughts were:

In the interface where it states – Number of connections a server has in use 
could potentially display OFFLINE if a ping request from the guacamole server 
was unable to talk to the endpoint, this then changes the SQL DB to display 
that message via a cron job.

Anyways thanks for the replies.

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Tomas Maggio []
Sent: Tuesday, 15 August 2017 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: Identify if a machine is online

Hi James,

Who/what powers off these servers?

I think you could script it to ping them and with that enable/disable them on 
the guacamole db? Is this what you are trying to achieve?


On 15 Aug 2017 5:47 p.m., "James Fraser" 
<<>> wrote:
Hi All

Just wondering if there was a possible way for Guacamole to display if a 
machine is online/reachable from the Guacamole server.

E.g. a lot of our servers are test servers and reside within Azure 
subscriptions, due to the nature of Azure billing it is cost effective to power 
off these machines.

Some of the Dev’s have requested the ability to view if the machine is online 
or offline without visiting the Azure Portal

Is this something that is on the horizon or has anyone attempted engineering 
this feature?


James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

Identify if a machine is online

2017-08-14 Thread James Fraser
Hi All

Just wondering if there was a possible way for Guacamole to display if a 
machine is online/reachable from the Guacamole server.

E.g. a lot of our servers are test servers and reside within Azure 
subscriptions, due to the nature of Azure billing it is cost effective to power 
off these machines.

Some of the Dev's have requested the ability to view if the machine is online 
or offline without visiting the Azure Portal

Is this something that is on the horizon or has anyone attempted engineering 
this feature?


James Fraser * Microsoft Systems Engineer

RE: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

2017-08-13 Thread James Fraser

I resolved this issue from another ticket comment from Nick

On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Nick Couchman 
<<>> wrote:
Are you getting any errors in your Tomcat log files?

Can you try pointing at port 3268 on your AD server, instead of the default 
389?  There's an issue with querying the global catalog that is in the process 
of being fixed (PR is open for it), and I think querying the non-GC-port 
sometimes works.


Changing to 3268 seems to have resolved my issue.

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: James Fraser []
Sent: Monday, 14 August 2017 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

Hi All

I am currently experiencing the same issue here, if targeting a specific OU in 
Active Directory it works as required however I am now implementing Guac for 
another client and require targeting multiple OU’s and using the BASE OU and a 
few groups was the idea but if I don’t specify the OU that the users live in 
then I can not seem to get it to work and get the same

ERROR o.a.g.a.l.AuthenticationProviderService - Cannot bind with LDAP server: 
Error while query user DNs.

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Mariano Di Girolamo []
Sent: Thursday, 3 August 2017 12:46 AM
To: user 
Subject: Re: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

The user used in bind is member of administrator.
I installed the new version of guacamole (0.9.13) but I have the same problem.
If I configure the base-dn like "DC=test,DC=local" I have this error on 

ERROR o.a.g.a.l.AuthenticationProviderService - Cannot bind with LDAP server: 
Error while query user DNs.

Di Girolamo Mariano
cell. +39 329 <callto:+39%20360%20959573> 0552286
tel. +39 0735 762626<callto:+39%200735%207626267>3
Tecnodata s.r.l. - Via Val Tiberina, 23A - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) 
tel. +39 0735 7626261<callto:+39%200735%207626261> -<>
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divieto di copiare e divulgare il contenuto di questa e-mail. Ogni utilizzo 
abusivo delle informazioni qui contenute da parte di persone terze o comunque 
non indicate nella presente e-mail, potrà essere perseguito ai sensi di legge.

Da: "Nick Couchman" <<>>
A: "user" 
Inviato: Lunedì, 31 luglio 2017 15:24:06
Oggetto: Re: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

Hmmm...that's not very useful.  Does the user account you're using to bind for 
the search have access to the other OUs?  Generally they do, unless you've 
specifically locked down that users permissions.

Any error messages in the log file for your application server (Tomcat, JBoss - 
whatever you're using)?


== He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you 
But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? --Micah 
6:8-- ==

On Monday, July 31, 2017, 3:29:36 AM EDT, Mariano Di Girolamo 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Nick,
thanks for your reply.
I  changed the ldap-user-base-dn like your suggestion (DC=test,DC=local), but 
now nobody can access to guacamole.
I don't use LDAP but samba4 domain controller.

Di Girolamo Mariano
cell. +39 329 <callto:+39%20360%20959573> 0552286
tel. +39 0735 762626<callto:+39%200735%207626267>3
Tecnodata s.r.l. - Via Val Tiberina, 23A - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) 
tel. +39 0735 7626261<callto:+39%200735%207626261> -<>
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segnalarcelo immediatamente e di cancellarla dal vostro computer. E' fatto 
divieto di copiare e divulgare il contenuto di questa e-mail. Ogni utilizzo 
abusivo delle informazioni qui contenute da parte di persone terze o comunque 
non indicate nella presente e-mail, potrà essere perseguito ai sensi di legge.

RE: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

2017-08-13 Thread James Fraser
Hi All

I am currently experiencing the same issue here, if targeting a specific OU in 
Active Directory it works as required however I am now implementing Guac for 
another client and require targeting multiple OU’s and using the BASE OU and a 
few groups was the idea but if I don’t specify the OU that the users live in 
then I can not seem to get it to work and get the same

ERROR o.a.g.a.l.AuthenticationProviderService - Cannot bind with LDAP server: 
Error while query user DNs.

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Mariano Di Girolamo []
Sent: Thursday, 3 August 2017 12:46 AM
To: user <>
Subject: Re: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

The user used in bind is member of administrator.
I installed the new version of guacamole (0.9.13) but I have the same problem.
If I configure the base-dn like "DC=test,DC=local" I have this error on 

ERROR o.a.g.a.l.AuthenticationProviderService - Cannot bind with LDAP server: 
Error while query user DNs.

Di Girolamo Mariano
cell. +39 329 <callto:+39%20360%20959573> 0552286
tel. +39 0735 762626<callto:+39%200735%207626267>3
Tecnodata s.r.l. - Via Val Tiberina, 23A - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) 
tel. +39 0735 7626261<callto:+39%200735%207626261> -<>
Il contenuto di questa e-mail e degli eventuali allegati, è strettamente 
confidenziale, non producibile in giudizio e destinato alla/e persona/e a cui è 
indirizzato. Se avete ricevuto per errore questa e-mail, Vi preghiamo di 
segnalarcelo immediatamente e di cancellarla dal vostro computer. E' fatto 
divieto di copiare e divulgare il contenuto di questa e-mail. Ogni utilizzo 
abusivo delle informazioni qui contenute da parte di persone terze o comunque 
non indicate nella presente e-mail, potrà essere perseguito ai sensi di legge.

Da: "Nick Couchman" <<>>
A: "user" 
Inviato: Lunedì, 31 luglio 2017 15:24:06
Oggetto: Re: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

Hmmm...that's not very useful.  Does the user account you're using to bind for 
the search have access to the other OUs?  Generally they do, unless you've 
specifically locked down that users permissions.

Any error messages in the log file for your application server (Tomcat, JBoss - 
whatever you're using)?


== He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you 
But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? --Micah 
6:8-- ==

On Monday, July 31, 2017, 3:29:36 AM EDT, Mariano Di Girolamo 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Nick,
thanks for your reply.
I  changed the ldap-user-base-dn like your suggestion (DC=test,DC=local), but 
now nobody can access to guacamole.
I don't use LDAP but samba4 domain controller.

Di Girolamo Mariano
cell. +39 329 <callto:+39%20360%20959573> 0552286
tel. +39 0735 762626<callto:+39%200735%207626267>3
Tecnodata s.r.l. - Via Val Tiberina, 23A - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) 
tel. +39 0735 7626261<callto:+39%200735%207626261> -<>
Il contenuto di questa e-mail e degli eventuali allegati, è strettamente 
confidenziale, non producibile in giudizio e destinato alla/e persona/e a cui è 
indirizzato. Se avete ricevuto per errore questa e-mail, Vi preghiamo di 
segnalarcelo immediatamente e di cancellarla dal vostro computer. E' fatto 
divieto di copiare e divulgare il contenuto di questa e-mail. Ogni utilizzo 
abusivo delle informazioni qui contenute da parte di persone terze o comunque 
non indicate nella presente e-mail, potrà essere perseguito ai sensi di legge.

Da: "Nick Couchman" <<>>
A: "user" 
Inviato: Venerdì, 28 luglio 2017 23:11:39
Oggetto: Re: LDAP_USER_BASE_DN pointing to an AD Security Group

In order to accomplish what you're trying to do, you need to change your base 
DN to a higher-level.  So, the following line:

ldap-user-base-dn: OU=guacamoleou,DC=test,DC=local

would need to be changed to:

ldap-user-base-dn: DC=test,DC=local

Another option is to leave the base DN as you have it, enable Alias 
Dereferencing (see the manual) and then link any additional users into the 
guacamoleou OU object.

Finally, there is a JIRA issue out there for changing LDAP behavior such that 
you can put multiple OUs in, but

RE: Implement HA on Guacamole Server

2017-07-23 Thread James Fraser
Hi Thiago

I have a "HA" setup currently running within Azure
We found to many timeout issues with using a PAAS solution for MYSQL so instead 
are running a simpler solution at the moment.

We have two servers, one is the Master and one is the slave.

We have a load balancer (traffic manager for setting priority)
Which selects server number 1 (master)
We are locking down the environment using oauth2 followed by LDAP and MYSQL.

Server 1 (Master) has a RW database and syncs data to Server 2 (Slave)

Guacamole on server 2 only have Read Only access to its database.
If server 1 goes off line, server 2 can and will continue to allow connectivity 
however it will not allow creation of new users or connections, nor will it log 
who is logged on etc

It is not a perfect but it does allow server 1 to be patched and/or go offline.

From: Thiago dos Santos Nunes []
Sent: Friday, 21 July 2017 1:21 AM
Subject: Implement HA on Guacamole Server

Hi everyone,

I need a lot of help.
We have a guacamole setting with approximately 100-200 simultaneous 
connections. And we're investigating the option of creating client high 
availability using Hazelcast or memcached (Nick's tip). Has anyone tried this? 
Could you share how it was? Because I've never worked with it.
Another essential thing is the server side. We need to implement some High 
Availability schema for the server. And it would have to be something without 
downtime if possible.
I had already created a ticket for the HA issue on the guacamole server, in 
case there is a need to change the code. This would be an exceptional feature 
for medium to large environments.
Please help me in this, because the environment has fallen sometimes and the 
users get very frustrated  And customers wanting to paralyze services for 
Stay with GOD!
Aude et Effice!

RE: Implement HA on Guacamole Server

2017-07-24 Thread James Fraser
Hi Thiago

In answer to your questions we do not have load balancing for spreading load we 
have a load balancer for active/passive failover.
If we were able to have a PAAS solution for MySQL that was stable OR we stored 
all objects in active directory then we would essentially round robin the LB 
between servers.

I do not believe there would be any way to keep alive a connection in the event 
of a server crash as it's a persistent connection to that server, the best 
outcome that I could see is the user refreshes  the browser and reconnects to 
the next host.

Sorry if this was not what you wanted to hear.

From: Thiago dos Santos Nunes []
Sent: Monday, 24 July 2017 10:48 PM
Subject: RES: Implement HA on Guacamole Server

Thanks for sharing James (We have a same name but in another languages...).

My problem is not the Database server, but with Guacamole Server and the client.

How you address this questions:

- How to create session persistent in many guacamole client if one server goes 
- How to not disconnect my users i fone guacamole server goes down?
- How to loadbalance the connections with many guacamole servers and many 
guacamole clients equality?

Fique com DEUS!
Aude et Effice!
[Assinatura E-mail]

De: James Fraser []
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de julho de 2017 20:00
Assunto: RE: Implement HA on Guacamole Server

Hi Thiago

I have a "HA" setup currently running within Azure
We found to many timeout issues with using a PAAS solution for MYSQL so instead 
are running a simpler solution at the moment.

We have two servers, one is the Master and one is the slave.

We have a load balancer (traffic manager for setting priority)
Which selects server number 1 (master)
We are locking down the environment using oauth2 followed by LDAP and MYSQL.

Server 1 (Master) has a RW database and syncs data to Server 2 (Slave)

Guacamole on server 2 only have Read Only access to its database.
If server 1 goes off line, server 2 can and will continue to allow connectivity 
however it will not allow creation of new users or connections, nor will it log 
who is logged on etc

It is not a perfect but it does allow server 1 to be patched and/or go offline.

From: Thiago dos Santos Nunes []
Sent: Friday, 21 July 2017 1:21 AM
Subject: Implement HA on Guacamole Server

Hi everyone,

I need a lot of help.
We have a guacamole setting with approximately 100-200 simultaneous 
connections. And we're investigating the option of creating client high 
availability using Hazelcast or memcached (Nick's tip). Has anyone tried this? 
Could you share how it was? Because I've never worked with it.
Another essential thing is the server side. We need to implement some High 
Availability schema for the server. And it would have to be something without 
downtime if possible.
I had already created a ticket for the HA issue on the guacamole server, in 
case there is a need to change the code. This would be an exceptional feature 
for medium to large environments.
Please help me in this, because the environment has fallen sometimes and the 
users get very frustrated  And customers wanting to paralyze services for 
Stay with GOD!
Aude et Effice!

RE: Official release of 0.9.13

2017-07-05 Thread James Fraser
Thanks for the response Mike.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Jumper [] 
Sent: Thursday, 6 July 2017 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: Official release of 0.9.13

Hi James,

There is no release schedule, however once that staging/VERSION branch exists, 
the release process is underway, and timing is a matter of who has time to do 
what. At the current stage of the process, an RC has been tagged, and the 
release notes are being drafted. Once the notes are in place, a vote will be 

If curious, the overall release process is documented step-by-step on the 
(finalization of scope)
(release candidate / candidates)
(promoting the final release candidate to release)
(announcing the release)

We are currently at:

- Mike

On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 5:20 PM, James Fraser <> 
> Hi All
> Whilst I understand (and have in my sandbox) I can build 0.9.13 from 
> Git I am just wondering if there is an official release date from 0.9.13?
> Cheers

Official release of 0.9.13

2017-07-04 Thread James Fraser
Hi All

Whilst I understand (and have in my sandbox) I can build 0.9.13 from Git I am 
just wondering if there is an official release date from 0.9.13?


RE: Guac 0.9.13

2017-07-30 Thread James Fraser
Hi Nick

Thanks for your response, I have just built 0.9.13 and setting up a couple of 
AD domains, just chasing a bit of guidance of how to target the two different 
directories if its possible.


James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Nick Couchman []
Sent: Monday, 31 July 2017 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Guac 0.9.13

The LDAP filtering is possible as of the as-yet-unreleased 0.9.13-incubating 
version of Guacamole.  Hopefully that'll be released, soon, maybe even sometime 
this week.  Don't quote me on that, but I know the process to get the release 
approved is moving along right now, so it shouldn't be too long.

The multiple directory lookup has *not,* yet, been incorporated.  I can't 
remember if there's a separate JIRA issue for that one - I feel like there is - 
if not, you should definitely open one so we can track status on that.


On Sunday, July 30, 2017, 7:04:03 PM EDT, James Fraser 
<<>> wrote:

I have been reviewing 0.9.13

In particular

I am curious if this is now possible? Is it potentially possible to lookup 
between multiple directories?

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

RE: RE: Guac 0.9.13

2017-07-30 Thread James Fraser
Hi Nick

Thanks for your reply
Unfortunately we do not have any trusts setup between domains, our Gaucamole 
instance is in a Azure Subscription and we have peers to other subscriptions 
and domains that are not part of our company but we give access to the servers 
over Guacamole, this prevents the servers requiring public IP addresses to 
connect to them.

I will have a look at OpenLDAP with Meta and see how I go, I will report back.


James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Nick Couchman []
Sent: Monday, 31 July 2017 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Guac 0.9.13

Under the current version you, unfortunately, do not have any options inside 
Guacamole itself to accomplish this.  The way I can think of at this point 
would be to use OpenLDAP with the Meta or Proxy back-end, and have OpenLDAP 
present both directory trees under a single server/tree to Guacamole.  That's 
not the ideal solution and we certainly want to get Guacamole to the point 
where it can handle multiple trees in the same config, but it will work.

I've used the Meta backend before, and it allows you to take two directory 
trees - say dc=ad1,dc=com and dc=ad2,dc=com - and combine them in such a way 
that ad1 appears at dc=ad1,dc=ldap,dc=com and ad2 at dc=ad2,dc=ldap,dc=com.  
You can then query the OpenLDAP instance at the dc=ldap,dc=com level and it 
will traverse both trees.  IIRC, it's also smart enough to handle passing 
through bind requests - so, once a user is found if dc=ad2,dc=ldap,dc=com, for 
example, when the bind request is sent it will translate that to the correct 
user on the dc=ad2,dc=com side and proxy the request.  It takes a little work 
to get set up, but it isn't too bad.

If you have both your AD trees set up in a single forest you can probably 
accomplish the same thing - if one is at the root and the other is a tree 
somewhere in the forest, I'm fairly certain you can have a LDAP server that has 
access to both trees.  I'm not an expert on Active Directory, so I've never 
gone that route before and cannot speak to how it's accomplished or even for 
sure that it's possible, but I believe that was one of the key features behind 
AD was the ability to further sub-divide the domains while still maintaining 
some sort of top-level authority and view of the entire system.

Anyway, those are a couple of ideas - like I said, unfortunately, nothing 
native to Guacamole at this point that will help you out.


On Sunday, July 30, 2017, 8:37:37 PM EDT, James Fraser 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Nick

Thanks for your response, I have just built 0.9.13 and setting up a couple of 
AD domains, just chasing a bit of guidance of how to target the two different 
directories if its possible.


James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

From: Nick Couchman []
Sent: Monday, 31 July 2017 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Guac 0.9.13


The LDAP filtering is possible as of the as-yet-unreleased 0.9.13-incubating 
version of Guacamole.  Hopefully that'll be released, soon, maybe even sometime 
this week.  Don't quote me on that, but I know the process to get the release 
approved is moving along right now, so it shouldn't be too long.

The multiple directory lookup has *not,* yet, been incorporated.  I can't 
remember if there's a separate JIRA issue for that one - I feel like there is - 
if not, you should definitely open one so we can track status on that.



On Sunday, July 30, 2017, 7:04:03 PM EDT, James Fraser 
<<>> wrote:

I have been reviewing 0.9.13

In particular

I am curious if this is now possible? Is it potentially possible to lookup 
between multiple directories?

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer

RE: Server Out Of Memory

2017-08-07 Thread James Fraser

Followed by

SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
SEVERE:Memory usage is low, parachute is non existent, your system may start 

I will adjust the dump for next time.

As noted the machine has 4GB of ram and around 7 users with 3-4 concurrent 
In 4 months on 0.9.12 I experienced an issue once which required blipping 
tomcat but did not delve into it so cannot confirm if the issue was related.

Looking at the glaring error it appears to be JDBC/MYSQL related.

To give some knowledge I did upgrade the database schema and also downloaded 
the 5.1.43 JDBC driver.

Anyway it is late here in Australia and I need to get some sleep.
Will update tomorrow with MYSQL version etc if requested.



-Original Message-
From: Mike Jumper [] 
Sent: Friday, 4 August 2017 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: Server Out Of Memory

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 6:54 PM, Mike Jumper <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 6:50 PM, James Fraser 
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Nick
>> Thanks for your response.
>> After sending off this message I did some digging.
>> I am using JDBC and LDAP auth together.
>> I was digging around the Server Heap error and think that you are on 
>> the right track with Xmx value.
>> It was out of the box (from apt-get) set to -Xmx128m, I have adjusted 
>> this to 1024m for now and will monitor
>> We concurrently have around 7 users, each user may be accessing 4-5 
>> VM’s at once.
> Would you be able to take a heap dump to see what is using up so much space?
> 7 users is relatively light, and having to manually increase the heap 
> shouldn't be necessary in practice. In past versions of Java, they can 
> cause more problems than they solve (lengthy GCs), and recent versions 
> of Java will ignore these options.

Correction: it's permgen that vanished in recent versions of Java, not heap 

My other points still stand though. ;)

RE: groups for user .

2017-06-20 Thread James Fraser
Hi Goncalo

You might find you can accomplish what you want with posh ssh module for ssh in 

-Original Message-
From: Goncalo Rosa [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 20 June 2017 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: groups for user .


I am using Guacamole on a lab environment, where Guacamole servers are staying 
in a DMZ.

So I don't want to integrate with our lab domain, since don't want to expose it 
to the DMZ. Instead I decided to implement local mariadb database for each 
guacamole server.

On the other hand I have around 200 users being weekly assigned to lab 
environments dynamically. And I have a centralized windows 2008 R2 server that 
provides management to all lab environment components. So I constantly need to 
add and remove connections to users from this Windows 2008 R2 servers on 
Guacamole servers.

The way I did it and works great, was using powershell scripts, that uses ssh 
to remotely run bash scripts on each guacamole server, that on their hand 
execute SQL statements against MariaDB database.

And actually just work great with no errors and quite clean.

I also tried to run powershell commands straight to MariaDB with mysql 
connector, however didn't work, since most of the sql statements requires 
multiple instructions per connection and I couldn't find a way to make it 
happen through mysql-connector invoked from powershell.

So I would suggest you to think in a solution as such, that would allow you to 
manage your connections around easily and smoothly.


Gonçalo Rosa

W:   Skype: goncalo_rosa

-Original Message-
From: s1324 [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 01:25
Subject: RE: groups for user .

Did you get this issue resolved?

I am having the same challenge.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Guacamole (incubating) - Users mailing list archive at

RE: Disable Auto Reconnect

2017-06-22 Thread James Fraser
Hi Mike

Thanks for this I will try out latest 0.9.13 build in my sandbox


From: Mike Jumper []
Sent: Thursday, 22 June 2017 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: Disable Auto Reconnect

The relevant changes are:

On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Mike Jumper 
<<>> wrote:
Mind retrying with a build from git master or staging/0.9.13-incubating?

There have been recent changes expanding handling of RDP disconnections which 
take into account the disconnect reason code returned by the RDP server. I 
believe the automatic reconnect behavior is now specifically excluded for cases 
where the disconnect is forced by the server, such as the idle timeout.

- Mike

On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 9:46 PM, James Fraser 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Guac users

Is there a way to disable the 15 second auto reconnect?
We are trying to setup a 30 minute idle disconnect/1 hour idle log off rule in 
group policy

However guacamole is just reconnecting after the 30 minute disconnect.


Re: Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

2017-06-14 Thread James Fraser
Thanks for the Suggestion

This is a home user but that does not conclude its not the router, I have 
requested this user to test using 4G internet and report back to me as it is 
very stable for me from my house and I am on only 2mbit down 1/4mbit upload and 
I sustain connections fine.

From: Christian Kraus <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 7:15:45 PM
Subject: AW: Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

Is it possible that on this remote users there is a https spoofing configured 
on there firewall ?

I had the same behaviour on one client with https checking



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: James Fraser <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch 14 Juni 2017 06:51
Betreff: RE: Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

It might also be worth nothing that we are using Ubuntu 16.04 and Guacamole 

From: James Fraser []
Sent: Wednesday, 14 June 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

Hi All

Long time user of Guacamole here.

I have recently developed and deployed a Proof Of Concept

The design is running out of Microsoft Azure and the following is happening

NGINX is being used to run SSL and Auth
Auth to NGINX is done via the oauth2 proxy which is authing against our Azure 
AD (As a “webapp’ in Azure AD)

Once passing NGINX Auth you are handed over to Guacamole which is using LDAP 
authentication via Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

Our main office has really good internet 500/500 mbit and connection to servers 
via Guacamole from this location is silky smooth and nice and fast.

We have peers connected to the Guacamole Zone allowing us to access servers 
that are not internet facing and the proof of concept is working awesomely.

Except we have a few remote users who do not have the best internet connection 
but still capable of 10 mbits and ping latency of around 35ms (to the guac 

These users are experiencing RDP Disconnects, the type that does not auto 
prompt 15 seconds to reconnect but the grey window that just offers 

If they reconnect it reconnects fine for a short period but is happening every 
1-2 minutes

I have so far tried the following unsuccessfully:

  *   Firefox/Chrome/Internet Exploder
  *   Bypassing NGINX and having this user connect to Tomcat on 8080 over HTTP

The tomcat log shows the following:
Exception in thread "Thread-208" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Message will 
not be sent because the WebSocket session has been closed

Guacd does not seem to be logging anything worth mentioning to the syslog

I will note the RDP connections are to Server 2016 servers utilising NLA (With 
certificate ignored)

If anyone could shed some light on trouble shooting this would be excellent.

James Fraser • Microsoft Systems Engineer
P +61 2 6175 9200 • M 0402 260 606
E<> • W<>

This email was Malware checked by UTM 9.

This email was Malware checked by UTM 9.

Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

2017-06-13 Thread James Fraser
Hi All

Long time user of Guacamole here.

I have recently developed and deployed a Proof Of Concept

The design is running out of Microsoft Azure and the following is happening

NGINX is being used to run SSL and Auth
Auth to NGINX is done via the oauth2 proxy which is authing against our Azure 
AD (As a "webapp' in Azure AD)

Once passing NGINX Auth you are handed over to Guacamole which is using LDAP 
authentication via Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

Our main office has really good internet 500/500 mbit and connection to servers 
via Guacamole from this location is silky smooth and nice and fast.

We have peers connected to the Guacamole Zone allowing us to access servers 
that are not internet facing and the proof of concept is working awesomely.

Except we have a few remote users who do not have the best internet connection 
but still capable of 10 mbits and ping latency of around 35ms (to the guac 

These users are experiencing RDP Disconnects, the type that does not auto 
prompt 15 seconds to reconnect but the grey window that just offers 

If they reconnect it reconnects fine for a short period but is happening every 
1-2 minutes

I have so far tried the following unsuccessfully:

  *   Firefox/Chrome/Internet Exploder
  *   Bypassing NGINX and having this user connect to Tomcat on 8080 over HTTP

The tomcat log shows the following:
Exception in thread "Thread-208" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Message will 
not be sent because the WebSocket session has been closed

Guacd does not seem to be logging anything worth mentioning to the syslog

I will note the RDP connections are to Server 2016 servers utilising NLA (With 
certificate ignored)

If anyone could shed some light on trouble shooting this would be excellent.

James Fraser * Microsoft Systems Engineer
P +61 2 6175 9200 * M 0402 260 606
E<> * W<>

RE: Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

2017-06-13 Thread James Fraser
It might also be worth nothing that we are using Ubuntu 16.04 and Guacamole 

From: James Fraser []
Sent: Wednesday, 14 June 2017 2:30 PM
Subject: Issues with Guacamole Disconnecting RDP sessions for remote user

Hi All

Long time user of Guacamole here.

I have recently developed and deployed a Proof Of Concept

The design is running out of Microsoft Azure and the following is happening

NGINX is being used to run SSL and Auth
Auth to NGINX is done via the oauth2 proxy which is authing against our Azure 
AD (As a "webapp' in Azure AD)

Once passing NGINX Auth you are handed over to Guacamole which is using LDAP 
authentication via Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

Our main office has really good internet 500/500 mbit and connection to servers 
via Guacamole from this location is silky smooth and nice and fast.

We have peers connected to the Guacamole Zone allowing us to access servers 
that are not internet facing and the proof of concept is working awesomely.

Except we have a few remote users who do not have the best internet connection 
but still capable of 10 mbits and ping latency of around 35ms (to the guac 

These users are experiencing RDP Disconnects, the type that does not auto 
prompt 15 seconds to reconnect but the grey window that just offers 

If they reconnect it reconnects fine for a short period but is happening every 
1-2 minutes

I have so far tried the following unsuccessfully:

  *   Firefox/Chrome/Internet Exploder
  *   Bypassing NGINX and having this user connect to Tomcat on 8080 over HTTP

The tomcat log shows the following:
Exception in thread "Thread-208" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Message will 
not be sent because the WebSocket session has been closed

Guacd does not seem to be logging anything worth mentioning to the syslog

I will note the RDP connections are to Server 2016 servers utilising NLA (With 
certificate ignored)

If anyone could shed some light on trouble shooting this would be excellent.

James Fraser * Microsoft Systems Engineer
P +61 2 6175 9200 * M 0402 260 606
E<> * W<>