Hi Daniel,

Daniel Gomes-THINK IT wrote:

> Sorry !
> How do I convert this xml into objects and that the file has
> several subitems as row
> In the example I got a Resultado after row with elements also have
>  Automoveis_Completo and their contents in row and so on
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <root>
> <Resultado xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
> <row>
> <CPF>12345678901</CPF>
> <ID_Base>33585420</ID_Base>
> <Nasc>1985-06-28</Nasc>
> <Idade>26</Idade>
> <Signo>CANCER</Signo>
> <Escolaridade>MEDIO COMPLETO</Escolaridade>
> <Sexo>MASCULINO</Sexo>
> <StatusReceita>REGULAR</StatusReceita>
> <DT_Consulta>2011-03-09</DT_Consulta>
> <HR_Consulta>00:31:41</HR_Consulta>
> <Automoveis_Completo
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";> <row>
> <Ano_x0020_Fabricacao xsi:nil="true"/>
> <Modelo xsi:nil="true"/>
> <Renavam xsi:nil="true"/>
> </row>
> </Automoveis_Completo>
> <Parentes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
> <row>
> <CPF>12345678901</CPF>
> <Nasc>1982-11-17</Nasc>

If you have to match an existing XML, it is always the best to try it the 
other way round: Generate a model and tweak the XStream settings unless it 
writes the XML in the structure you're expecting to read.

In your special case I'd use a trick for your lists:

======= %< =======
class Results extends AbstractList<Result> {
  private List<Result> rows = new ArrayList<Result>();
  public Result get(int i) { return rows.get(i); }
  public int size() { return rows.size(); }

xstream.implicitCollection(Results.class, "rows", "row", Result.class);
======= %< =======

Hope this helps,

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