Re: Artemis 1.5.1 : org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ222029: Could not locate page transaction messages under some load

2017-02-06 Thread mlange
Strangely, the situation is a bit complicated:

In a prior test I received messages that the broker could not start a thread
due to not having enough heap available. It would not even shutdown, because
it could not start the shutdown thread. Eventually the broker got killed,
which then was taken over by the backup.

After this test, I manually removed all queues, but did not delete the
journals. Also, I changed artemis.profile to use 4096M heap (up from 1024).

All producers and consumers were stopped prior to the removal of all the
queues. The producers and consumers were started and the test repeated... 

The test setup is like this:
- We use servicemix to provide the webservice(s), like this blueprint:;
xmlns:ns="http://my.test/webservices/perform_load_test_request/1;>; />

the broker connection is setup like this:;>

This producer seems to do the job fine. The consumers/producers are running
in a separate java process that uses code I have only limited influence
upon, but I reckon each process has it's own (1) session with "many" (in the
case of this process 40) threads.

I see this message (Could not locate page transaction) only on the 1st
queue, but do not seem to loose any messages. (That's good, reliability
takes precedence over performance, although performance is quite important
as well)

Could the message also happen due to the default prefetch of 1000 messages? 
Is there actually any harm?
Should I increase the global-max-size directive in broker.xml? And is 400MB
(I reckon the value is in KB, so the default is 100MB) the safe choice with
a 4GB heap?

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Artemis 1.5.1 : org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ222029: Could not locate page transaction messages under some load

2017-02-03 Thread mlange
Currently I'm able to start some load testing using Artemis; The load is
nowhere near what I expect to need, but that's currently not the issue.

Of course I test both Artemis performance and the producers / consumers. The
performance itself is not at stake though, there's plenty of room for
improvements anyway.

Using JMeter I sent a total of 50.000 messages using 50 threads to my
servicemix which puts the messages on the Artemis broker. Next a bunch of
processes get a message, does it's work and puts it on the next queue

After some time, I noticed this: message repeatedly in the log:

WARN  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ222029: Could not locate
page transaction 32,212,560,158, ignoring message on position
PagePositionImpl [pageNr=12, messageNr=1851, recordID=-1] on address=

What does this message mean exactly? A google on AMQ029 does not yield
any usable results.
Am I losing messages? What can I do to fix / avoid this, whatever it is I'm
seeing? Please shed some light on what is happening.

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Re: High availability - multiple publishers scenario

2017-01-02 Thread mlange
Normally it is hard to see if two messages that are sent separately from each
other are really the same. To implement this on the broker level might
actually be a bit hard (imo)

However, there are a few ways you can work around this:
1) from the producer end: make sure that the producers do not produce the
same data. For example such a thing can be prevented by placing the trigger
on which the producers have to produce their messages on a queue; only one
producer will consume this trigger and will produce the messages.

2) on the receiver / consumer end: build in logic to filter out doubles, or
-even better- make sure the receiving end is idempotent; meaning that
receiving the same data does not yield any problems.

Both are viable, and might even for all kinds of reasons be combined.

Not sure if this answers your question though.

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Re: [Artemis] WebConsole ( artemis plugin)

2016-12-22 Thread mlange
good to see this one;

Jolokia is offered out of the box and should work. I did alter the
"localhost" to "" to make it available remotely, but care should be
taken, as this opens up the server for others. Also, I noticed that the
Artemis documentation regarding Jolokia is not 100% accurate anymore. I
expect some beans have been renamed or otherwise altered.

For and the artemis plugin: I am not aware of any licensing, so
can't answer on that. I did notice it's not 100% compatible with the current
version of Artemis (first message as JSON returns an error, can't browse
queues, ...) but it does give the info I use in my tests: which queues are
deployed and how many messages they contain and how many were put and

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Re: LevelDB vs KahaDB for master/slave Zookeeper setup

2016-12-21 Thread mlange
Another thing:

If you need a master/slave configuration... You may want to check out Apache
Artemis, which does "store replication"

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Re: LevelDB vs KahaDB for master/slave Zookeeper setup

2016-12-21 Thread mlange
(Replicated)LevelDB has some issues, and is indeed deprecated.
KahaDB does not officially have a replicating version. There has been some
work on it, which was abandoned in favor of ReplicatedLevelDB... If and when
this will be revived is unknown.

Then to the statement:
I need to implement a master/slave AMQ configuration using Zookeeper.

In my opinion, you may state that you need to setup a master/slave AMQ
configuration. However, "using zookeeper" cannot be a requirement. While
Zookeeper is used in the ReplicatedLevelDB configuration, and is therefore a
requirement for an ActiveMQ configuration using ReplicatedLevelDB, does not
make it a requirement if this dependency falls away.

If you need a Master/Slave configuration of ActiveMQ, currently the only
supported way is using a shared store. This can be a JDBC connection to a
(highly available) database, or a KahaDB on a shared store.

On shared stores tehre are some good and some bad options; that's something
to determine. In my opinion, if you're able to, I'd suggest GlusterFS (that
is, if you're running on Linux) One thing to keep in mind is that you need
the filesystem able to lock a file. NFS allows this, samba does not
(afaik)... so not every type of storage sharing will work... you'll have to
dig a bit into that.

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Re: Couple of questions regarding Apache Artemis

2016-12-14 Thread mlange
pretty much what I would do if there wasn't a script that did just that  (a
script is in this case just a tool to make sure you don't forget a step and
do the right thing in the right order... and make sure all is done safely)

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Re: Persist messages in MySQL as text instead of blob

2016-12-13 Thread mlange
Why would you want this?
What should happen to various types of encoding? Is everything UTF-8? Or
ISO-8859-15 ...? Is your database configured according to what _all_
messages will have as their codepage?

Apart from having a database being discouraged, changing this datatype is
far more dangerous. I would highly discourage you to walk this path.

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Couple of questions regarding Apache Artemis

2016-12-13 Thread mlange
Since we're advancing in our tests and Apache Artemis seems to suit our needs
most, a couple of questions I have not yet been able to find in the Artemis
User Manual (which has been a great resource, so far; very well written

- We run Artemis in a master/slave configuration, with each node in a
serparate datacenter. We have two datacenters, with two physically
distinguished network paths; Is it possible to setup replication so, that
both paths will be used for replication, so that if one path fails, the
broker will avoid a split brain situation (as it sees the live broker over
the other network interface and use that one instead for replication... or
use the replication lan for replication (and the primary lan only in case
the replication lan fails) I'm thinking such a setup would be possible by
using two connectors to the same broker in the cluster configuration.
- When I SIGKILL a broker (for testing, no worries) I see it takes the slave
about two minutes to become live. Even if I set the following two options in
the cluster configuration 2000,
1000; Is there a way to
influence this behavior? If not, is there a reason I should not want that?

- Given that Artemis will continue releases... What is the upgrade path from
one version to the other? (provided that the upgrade path is unsafe?) I
assume this will be along the following lines
+ (place binaries and stop all brokers in the cluster)
+ artemis data exp (this goes to stdout?)
+ artemis create ... 
+ artemis data imp --input 
+ (start the brokers in the cluster)

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Re: Artemis 1.5.0 fails to discover libAIO on Linux, falls back to NIO

2016-12-12 Thread mlange
Quick reply: 1.5.0 source was easier to get atm (behind some proxies, so it's
hard to get to git), so followed the instructions: they're clear, correct
and worked like a charm.

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Re: Artemis 1.5.0 fails to discover libAIO on Linux, falls back to NIO

2016-12-12 Thread mlange

I'll try to get the new version and try to compile the libaio and see if
that fixes this issue.

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Artemis 1.5.0 fails to discover libAIO on Linux, falls back to NIO

2016-12-12 Thread mlange
I have a RHEL 6.7 server wich has LibAIO installed, using Java 1.8.0_102

Artemis 1.4.0 finds and uses it with no problem, as this log line shows:
17:18:30,060 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221012:
Using AIO Journal

When I create a broker with the same parameters on the same machine, but
instead using Artemis-1.5.0 it fills in NIO in the broker.xml; When I change
that by hand to ASYNCIO I get the following in the log:
15:46:04,805 WARN  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ222018: AIO
was not located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO.
If your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal

(I realize that having NIO in the broker.xml itself is a sign that the Linux
AIO library could not be found)

Yum shows that libaio.x86_64-0.3.107-10.el6 is installed.

is this a bug, or some other mismatch I made?

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Re: OutOfMemoryError in Activemq

2016-11-09 Thread mlange
Just a question about this line:
A singleton class that used to publish huge non-persistent messages to one
topic with one connection. However, I got the error as follows:

How many of these huge messages have you sent, when did it break and how big
were those messages?
This data might help to determine the problem and possible solutions (e.g.
increase the heap size)

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Re: ActiveMQ leaks file descriptors

2016-11-04 Thread mlange
Could it be a (or more) messages staying on a queue, causing the logs not to
be cleared?

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Re: Activemq EOFException

2016-11-01 Thread mlange
In fact, this always happens when a connection stops... If you have a network
of brokers and you stop one, you'll see this exception in the other brokers.
If your client stops, same... Maybe this exception deserves to be handled
like "Connection  has disconnected." but apart from that... it's a
warning, and not severe afaics.

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Re: ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-10-05 Thread mlange
thanks for providing a good idea of what to expect; yet I think it's good to
be aware of this.
I did notice upon searching that there has been done some work to get Kahadb
replicating; is that completely abandoned or is it still something that
might get implemented (in a somewhat near future) I think it's a great idea
to have the database replicating, to reduce the added complexity of shared
storage (which may itself fail, so needs to have it's own fault tolerance)

I'll explore what other options are available and work well.

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Re: ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-10-04 Thread mlange
Created a JIRA about this
issue; please let me know if you need more information.

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ActiveMQ persistency backends, good and best practices

2016-10-04 Thread mlange
Recently we started looking at ActiveMQ as a replacement of the JMS layer of
our backend, and thus I have been doing some test setups, using ActiveMQ

The requirements I'm looking at are:
- reliability: highly available, no corruption
- able to handle peak loads of approx. 250 msgs per second (incoming) (other
performance is less of an issue)
- able to handle messages that may stay on the queues for a longer period
(e.g. a few months)
- able to guarantee order of delivery (fifo)

Given above constraints, I made the following setups:
- replicatedLevelDB: As may be seen in another post, I found this backend
too easily getting corrupted under stress.
- KahaDB in a network of brokers, but that does not guarantee order of
delvery (fifo)
- JDBC to a PostgreSQL database

I have not done a single KahaDB on a shared storage; This is because in our
experience the shared storage adds unreliability; besides, I think KahaDB is
less of an option due to the messages that remain on a queue for an extended
period. Given the load, I expect the logs to grow very large (a few hundred
gigabytes in my estimation) and this makes it less of an option.

The JDBC backend seems to perform. I did some tests, sending 100.000
messages and they were all persisted nicely; However, PostgreSQL does not
offer HA out of the box; There is replication, and thus a master/slave, but
no automatic promotion of a slave to master, and the slave is (of course)

To tackle this, I have looked at PostgreSQL-BDR; It appears to come close,
but having a third slave causes a lock race when the master broker goes
away, a race that is won and lost in turns by each of the other brokers. Of
course, this should be mitigated having only 2 brokers, of which one is

I was wondering what the experiences of others are; what is good practice
and what to avoid, common mistakes and "easy" wins (that are not that
obvious); Good experiences and bad ones... 

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Re: activem-admin command is missing in 5.13.0 for linux

2016-09-26 Thread mlange
Browsing jira I noticed the removal of this component. Didn't dive deeper,
but it's no longer there.
Probably the same things can be done, but in a different way.

What would you like to do? What would you need the activemq-admin command

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Re: ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-09-26 Thread mlange
Gave the system a weekend time to see if it could recover automatically...
alas that's not the case.

However, when I stopped all brokers, changed one of the brokers with
'replicas="1"' (rather than 3); started it (kind of single mode) and started
the other brokers one by one so they could catch up and then stopped them;
restarted the master broker but now the replicas back to 3 and the backup
brokers got started as well... 

Now the brokers are back online in a consistent state. There are some issues

As the broker that is now primary is one that apparently failed earlier
there are now messages on the queues that should've been consumed (I think);
So, is it possible that the brokers try to heal themselves? (with warnings
and errors in the logs, so the administrator knows to validate the
situation; remaining messages that are uncertain in the 'exactly once'
situation should be moved to the DLQ

Going through the logs I noticed a few things; for simplicty I will call the
HA brokers 'broker1, broker2 and broker3' although they're all 'broker1' :-)

I see that broker1 was online and accepting messages when the test started;
However, it missed some zookeeper pings and got demoted to slave. broker2
became the new master. After the test, all brokers got restarted; Raising
the issue, described in my previous post. This morning I "recovered" broker1
(I now realize I should've done this on the last known master: broker2;
alas...) there are now many messages that I _think_ (they're a bit too many
and the test too generic to determine this easily) have been processed

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Re: ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-09-23 Thread mlange
Concluded the test now; No good news though.

After sending the 100.000 messages (which got consumed by services that in
turn also produced new messages and so had a flow from one queue to another
and another etc... resulting in about 1.500.000 messages in the few hours
that this test ran) I restarted the master broker. Catching up went fine, no

Shortly thereafter I restarted the new master (the slaves had caught up, I
had made sure of that message); Now the new master is giving multiple times
the message: "2016-09-23 19:10:37,644 | WARN  | Invalid log position: 0 |
org.apache.activemq.leveldb.LevelDBClient | Thread-118"

While both slaves are spewing out many log messages along the lines of this:
"2016-09-23 19:15:33,892 | WARN  | No reader available for position: 0,
| org.apache.activemq.leveldb.RecordLog | Thread-3

Question arises if LevelDB is a good choice or is it too easily corrupted?

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Re: ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-09-23 Thread mlange
possibly of note is that I had the sync option on the default (quorum_mem).

I have moved the data directories for each broker as an ".org" (for
safekeeping) and will try and see if quorum_disk is the way to prevent this
situation from happening. It will take a little while though to get definite

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Re: ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-09-23 Thread mlange
Yes, the three brokers are on separate (virtual) machines that write to their
own disk.
It's hard to determine (at this point) whether the original master got
corrupted, as it (at least) got corrupted after starting said broker again
(or was already corrupted to begin with)

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ActiveMQ ReplicatedLevelDB corruption

2016-09-23 Thread mlange
Recently I installed Apache ActiveMQ in a few different ways. One of those is
using ReplicatedLevelDB for a master/slave/slave setup. 

Yesterday I did a bit of loadtesting: sending 100.000 messages with 100
threads producing the messages (used jmeter for that) (so each thread
produced 1000 messages); I had another process moving the messages from one
broker to another and back again (the queues had the same names across each
broker, so that was easy moving) and then went about processing the messages
which caused the messages to flow across various queues.

All seemed fine, everything looked okay... until I stopped the active
broker. (this is hours after the last message was consumed and procsesed):

Then I notice a few bouncing brokers, one comes up but crashes on an
EOFException; a bit later the other broker does the same. 

In the log I see many messages like this:

2016-09-23 13:38:52,950 | WARN  | No reader available for position: 0,
| org.apache.activemq.leveldb.RecordLog | Thread-1039

Then I see messages like this:
2016-09-23 13:38:46,324 | WARN  | Invalid log position: 11409726550 |
org.apache.activemq.leveldb.LevelDBClient | ActiveMQ BrokerService[broker1]

After that, the broker starts and logs a few messages like this:
2016-09-23 13:40:49,041 | WARN  | Invalid log position: 0 |
org.apache.activemq.leveldb.LevelDBClient | Thread-1040

and then we get exception:
2016-09-23 13:41:09,748 | INFO  | Stopping BrokerService[broker1] due to
exception, File
'/data/activemq/broker1-db/00030702cf12.log' offset: 110647192 |
org.apache.activemq.util.DefaultIOExceptionHandler | LevelDB IOException
handler. File '/data/activemq/broker1-db/00030702cf12.log'
offset: 110647192

This is a rince and repeat situation; both living brokers are now
alternating this sequence.

It seems like the load I generated caused corruption on the database; but
this should not be possible... What information can I provide to see how
this situation can be avoided?

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Re: What is the proper way to configure multiple brokers on the same machine in regard to jmx

2016-08-19 Thread mlange
I guess that is what I will do indeed; In normal operations time I'll hardly
use jconsole itself; but will have some centralized tools or just simply use
jolokia; Thanks for the advise given!

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Re: What is the proper way to configure multiple brokers on the same machine in regard to jmx

2016-08-18 Thread mlange
It was a human (mine) error; I modified it... apologies if I had you thinking
it was a typo in the default.
I had been fiddling around... and have been even more:

I now realized a few things; The bind error I had earlier, which caused me
to think the problem was the port, actually was not the port, but the path
"/jmxrmi"; When I changed that on the second broker it could bind.

But then the other (logical) problem arose when I restarted the first
broker... then the jmx for broker2 could no longer be found... besides, both
brokers would never end up in the same jmx connection (e.g. jconsole); 

The thing I was trying to accomplish was getting one jmx mbean server to
"rule" all brokers (even remote ones) so I would have a single point of
management (restarting, memory usage, cpu utilization, etc) I'm getting to
the conclusion this will not be possible... although it would really be cool
to have such a thing :-) 

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Re: What is the proper way to configure multiple brokers on the same machine in regard to jmx

2016-08-18 Thread mlange

Your comment got me thinking why port 1099 was getting used rather than
11099 (and 12099); so I checked my java process and it's parameters: (ps -ef
| grep java); I noticed the parameter telling the port was not in it.
There's a stupid typo in the "env" files:

So, fixed that; And now the broker won't start:

Error: Password file not found:

This one is a bit strange; I think I said to make an "unsafe, unauthenticate
mbean server"; but at least that problem is out of the way now. Now to get
both brokers connecting to the same MBean Server (or start one, if none is
available)... to be continued.

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Re: What is the proper way to configure multiple brokers on the same machine in regard to jmx

2016-08-18 Thread mlange
For no obvious reason, actually...

At first I did not have these parameters, neither on broker1 nor on broker2;
however, upon starting broker1 first, I noticed this line:

JMX consoles can connect to
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi | | JMX connector

So, I assumed (I know, assumption is the mother of all ehrm... ) there would
be one "overall" process that would kind of redirect connections to the
"real" process, acting like a kind of proxy so to say.

As you can see, broker1 has the same configuration, with port 1099 whereas
port 11099 is the port in the environment file;
I'll remove both parameters in the activemq.xml 

So, broker1 now has this managementContext:

and broker2 now has this managementContext:

Broker1 reports:
JMX consoles can connect to

And broker2:
Failed to start JMX connector Cannot bind to URL
[rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi]: javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException:
jmxrmi [Root exception is java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException: jmxrmi]. Will
restart management to re-create JMX connector, trying to remedy this issue.

And, naturally it doesn't connect to the mbean server.

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Re: Replicated LevelDB uses Apache ZooKeeper problem

2016-08-17 Thread mlange
I think your ZooKeeper elects a master, look at the slave log:

2016-03-08 02:08:05,307 | INFO  | Promoted to master |
org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.MasterElector | main-EventThread 

However, something goes wrong, and I think it is the hostname in your

If all servers have this hostname, the slaves cannot connect, because that
master is down...
Each server needs its own hostname in the replicatedLevelDB configuration.
At least, that is how I have it and it works like a charm.

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Re: What is the proper way to configure multiple brokers on the same machine in regard to jmx

2016-08-17 Thread mlange
I should note the following few things:
- Java version is 1.7.0 (openJDK) 
- ActiveMQ is version 5.14.0

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What is the proper way to configure multiple brokers on the same machine in regard to jmx

2016-08-17 Thread mlange
For various purposes, I wish to define various brokers on the same machine.
For example: some queues require ordering of data, and thus use the
replicatedLevelDb as persistence adapter, others don't even need persistence
or ordering and can use only memory in order to provide faster throughput,

Other than described in the page about jmx, just using the "default"
useJmx="true" parameter in the broker definition, does not change a thing.
("default" is quoted, as according to the docs this parameter is always in

So, I tried fiddling around, and got thus far:

In ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin/env  I had to add / uncomment these lines (for now I
won't use authentication; might be added in a later stage, but first want to
see it "just work")


in the broker definition (activemq.xml) I had to change this part:

This seems to work for the first broker. When starting the second broker,
which has a few different options:

and a managementContext like this:

I get the exception that a server is already active (which is true, it's
started by the frist broker)
Failed to start JMX connector Cannot bind to URL
[rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi]: javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException:
jmxrmi [Root exception is java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException: jmxrmi]. Will
restart man
agement to re-create JMX connector, trying to remedy this issue. | | JMX connector

I had hoped that the second broker would try to find an active mbean service
and register at it, or otherwise starts one. (Same for the first broker); 

Is this possible (or are my wishes actually desirable) at all, or not? And
how to get this configured properly?

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