Re: [libreoffice-users] copying text with formatting from a web page

2015-10-20 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Wow!  I was about to point out that Gary is on Windows, and therefore has a
very limited command-line, but then i found that "wget" IS available for

From the Gnu.Org link i found that possibly the best link is;
because it has some back-ground information.  The;
link is very bare-bones but does give the ".exe"'s for various systems as
zipped files or in one case as the uncompressed exe itself.

From the first link the "Install Instructions" are at;

With an FAQ at;
(at a guess the "?" stops Internet Explorer from being able to get to that

The full guide/manual is at;
The heading on that page refers to "The GNU Operating System".

Which most people refer to as Linux but that page calls Gnu/Linux and then
describes how it is Gnu & Linux together that form the whole OS (although
yes the Gnu part is MUCH the larger part(s) of the whole OS) = so i tend to
refer to it as Gnu&Linux.  Really I think the Gnu people should wake up to
the fact that they have already lost this naming fight (only about 20-30
years ago!) and that although it is desperately unfair it just causes
confusion to mention Gnu this late in the game.

Anyway, ignore the heading because if you look closely you'll see the
guide/manual is just for the Wget command, not 'the' entire OS!

Regards from
Tom :)

On 20 October 2015 at 20:41,  wrote:

> Gary Collins wrote:
>> I've just tried this in firefox. A couple of things:
>> 1) access to the file save option seems to be indirect - but maybe there
>> is a way to customise this, I haven't got time to check at the moment; but
>> 2) much more importantly - it does indeed save as a single file, but the
>> formatting is *awful* nothing like the original page, and pictures,
>> graphics, etc are not there - just links. That's not what I want to see
>> when  I open a webpage file, I want to see the page (more or less) the same
>> as it was originally when I opened it online.
> I think Firefox is similar, but in SeaMonkey (based on Firefox) under File
> > Save As there are a couple of options:
> - "Web Page, complete" saves referenced files images, stylesheets, etc. in
> a folder alongside the HTML file and changes the references in the HTML
> file to refer to the saved copies. It still sometimes misses some, I guess
> if the references are generated dynamically by a script it can't reliably
> predict what might be needed.
> - "Web Page, HTML only" just saves the HTML file without all the other
> resources. In that case, I think the references are left as they were
> originally, so you'll see them if you have Internet access and they're
> still available at the same URLs (or your browser has cached them). If not,
> you won't get the images, stylesheets, etc.
> Which raises another issue: I save pages for later viewing on a machine
>> that doesn't have an internet connection. I'm assuming that an internet
>> connection will be essential to follow any of the hyperlinks in the file,
>> which would render the format useless for my purposes.
> You might want to look at wget:
> It's a command-line utility which can not only download web pages along
> with referenced resources, just as the "complete" option above does, but
> also recursively follow links - so you would be able to follow them
> offline. I believe it mirrors the structure of resources from the server,
> so for example if the same image is used on every page you only download it
> once.
> I guess it would still suffer the same limitations with dynamically
> generated references.
> Mark.
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Steve Edmonds

On 2015-10-21 13:08, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 10/20/2015 02:42 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each 
outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and 
character style set. These are all set in the paragraph and numbering 

I've found just the opposite in my outlining. I use Tools > Outline 
Numbering > Position to establish the numbering, character style, 
position, and spacing of the numbering. I've never understood what the 
preset Numbering styles are for as they never seem to apply any 
numbering for me.

How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph 
style to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline 
Numbering over ride the styles or vis versa.

I've used the paragraph styles to establish such items as line spacing 
and paragraph spacing. Beyond that, I format everything else in Tools 
> Outline Numbering.

But, now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm doing it all wrong, especially 
after my ill advised attempt to create a ten level outline hierarchy 
that included both heading and normal text outlines. (They don't work.)
They do the way I've done it, it was a challenge to get rid of the 
un-numbered normal text outlines.
Let me know if you still need to know how. At the time of your question 
I didn't realise that is what I had done.

After perusing the bugzilla about numbering complaints, I'm coming to 
the conclusion that there are several respects in which LO's (and 
AOO's) numbering system could be better.

So, I'll join you in ignorance.


Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Virgil Arrington

On 10/20/2015 02:42 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each 
outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and 
character style set. These are all set in the paragraph and numbering 

I've found just the opposite in my outlining. I use Tools > Outline 
Numbering > Position to establish the numbering, character style, 
position, and spacing of the numbering. I've never understood what the 
preset Numbering styles are for as they never seem to apply any 
numbering for me.

How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph 
style to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline 
Numbering over ride the styles or vis versa.

I've used the paragraph styles to establish such items as line spacing 
and paragraph spacing. Beyond that, I format everything else in Tools > 
Outline Numbering.

But, now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm doing it all wrong, especially 
after my ill advised attempt to create a ten level outline hierarchy 
that included both heading and normal text outlines. (They don't work.)

After perusing the bugzilla about numbering complaints, I'm coming to 
the conclusion that there are several respects in which LO's (and AOO's) 
numbering system could be better.

So, I'll join you in ignorance.


Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Steve Edmonds

On 2015-10-21 11:01, Bruce Byfield wrote:

On Wednesday 21 October 2015 10:40:13 AM Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2015-10-21 09:49, Bruce Byfield wrote:
Not completely correct I think. Cross references has selections from
Headings (includes headings not in Outline numbering) and numbered
paragraphs (includes paragraphs not in outline numbering).
I agree with the navigator and table of contents.

Try this experiment:

In Outline number, replace Heading 1 with Text Body. Then go to cross-
references, and select Headings. The instances of Heading 1 styles no longer

What I am not sure of
is the inter-reaction of the position and spacing or number and
character style settings in Outline Numbering and those in paragraph and
numbered list settings.

That's why it's best to use just Outline Numbering, or just paragraph and
numbered settings.

After a bit of experimenting I discovered a couple of things.
If you highlight some text and in styles go new style from selection, it 
changes the selection to the new style (note to self).
Styles with inheritance traceable to a style included in outline 
numbering show in insert reference.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Steve Edmonds

Thanks, please see below.

On 2015-10-21 10:45, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb:

I'm about to show my ignorance here, what is Tools > Outline Numbering
for. The help and Writer guide a a bit brief.

For years I have been creating manuals with a layout
   1.1.1 etc. where these items are all in the table of contents.
Last night I change the style of Heading 4 and looked a bit deeper and I
find I am using Heading styles 1-4

That is the easiest way. That are the styles which are used as default 
in the outline levels.

 with Numbering style 1.

That is a wrong combination.

It is working well, but if that is by mistake or a bug then I should fix 
it before the bug is fixed.

When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each
outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and
character style set.

?? Goto Tools > Outline Numbering > Tab Numbering.
In the center of that dialog page I see under Paragraph style the items:

Number, !! *Character style* , Show sublevel, Separator Before and 
After, Start at

And on the next tab, the tab Position I see the items:
Aligned at, Numbering alignment, Numbering followed by,, ..Indent at

What do you miss?
They are set to Number = none, Character style = none, show sublevel = 
empty, separators empty, start at 1.

Position is all 0.00

 These are all set in the paragraph and numbering


The numbering styles have similar settings because the appearance is 
similar. They use the same technical means. But the effect on the 
paragraph to which they were assigned is different. The outline 
numbering dialog connects a paragraph style to an outline level. The 
resulting element is text:h, the numbering style produces a list with 
an element text:list for the whole list, and text:list-item for each 
item of the list. You can easily look at this technical part, when you 
save the document in flat format (.fodt) and look at the end of the 
document where you find .

When you now assign a numbering style to a heading, then you get a 
nesting. You generate a list, which has a list item, which contains a 
heading. Because the list-item is the outer one, the list-numbering 
hides the heading-numbering.
Oh, thanks. I think I see what happens. As my heading is in outline 
numbering, but numbering is set to none, I don't see the list-numbering 
hides the heading-numbering.

Most cases, where users see curious behavior in numbering is because 
of this mixing. Avoid it!

How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style
to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over
ride the styles or vis versa.

There is more to know about outline numbering. You can determine an 
arbitrary paragraph style to be a outline paragraph style without 
using the Tools > Outline Numbering dialog. It is the setting 
"Outline" in the tab Outline&Numbering in the paragraph style dialog. 
This setting is only disabled for those styles, which are assigned via 
Tools > Outline Numbering. You can use this for example for an 
appendix, which should be in the normal level hierarchy, but out of 
the normal numbering sequence.

To get such additional heading numbered you need to connect this 
heading style with a numbering style, done on the same dialog page. 
Notice, this connecting is different from assigning a numbering style 
to a paragraph. It does not produce a list.

In normal cases you should use the Tools > Outline Numbering way. The 
additional benefit of it is, that when you change the level by promote 
or demote in the Navigator, then the heading changes automatically its 
style. That is possible, because Tools > Outline Numbering contains 
the complete list of which level is assigned to which paragraph style 
and because there exists exactly one such connection.

If you change the level of a heading, which has a self-made heading 
style, then the heading gets the new level as hard formatting of the 
paragraph, but the style remains the same. You would need to manually 
assign a self-made style for the new level to keep level and style 

In principle, it is quite simple: Use Tools>Outline Numbering for 
headings and use the list styles like "Numbering 1" for true lists and 
do not mix them. That avoids a lot of trouble.

Kind regards

Thanks. This has helped clarify things. Possibly this is related to 
another irregularity that I have noticed but need to investigate further.
If I have a heading style in outline numbering (Heading 2) and change to 
a custom style (HeadingM2) to remove it from outline numbering, it 
leaves a blank item in outline numbering shown in the navigator and 
Insert-reference. The paragraph shows correctly as HeadingM2 but if I 
right click clear direct formatting it removes the blank line. When I 
double click the blank line in the navigator it takes me to the custom 
HeadingM2. Could this happen if my custom style inh

Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Bruce Byfield
On Wednesday 21 October 2015 10:40:13 AM Steve Edmonds wrote:
> On 2015-10-21 09:49, Bruce Byfield wrote:
> Not completely correct I think. Cross references has selections from
> Headings (includes headings not in Outline numbering) and numbered
> paragraphs (includes paragraphs not in outline numbering).
> I agree with the navigator and table of contents. 

Try this experiment: 

In Outline number, replace Heading 1 with Text Body. Then go to cross-
references, and select Headings. The instances of Heading 1 styles no longer 

> What I am not sure of
> is the inter-reaction of the position and spacing or number and
> character style settings in Outline Numbering and those in paragraph and
> numbered list settings.

That's why it's best to use just Outline Numbering, or just paragraph and 
numbered settings.

Bruce Byfield 604-421-7189 (on Pacific time)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb:

I'm about to show my ignorance here, what is Tools > Outline Numbering
for. The help and Writer guide a a bit brief.

For years I have been creating manuals with a layout
   1.1.1 etc. where these items are all in the table of contents.
Last night I change the style of Heading 4 and looked a bit deeper and I
find I am using Heading styles 1-4

That is the easiest way. That are the styles which are used as default 
in the outline levels.

 with Numbering style 1.

That is a wrong combination.

When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each
outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and
character style set.

?? Goto Tools > Outline Numbering > Tab Numbering.
In the center of that dialog page I see under Paragraph style the items:

Number, !! *Character style* , Show sublevel, Separator Before and 
After, Start at

And on the next tab, the tab Position I see the items:
Aligned at, Numbering alignment, Numbering followed by,, ..Indent at

What do you miss?

 These are all set in the paragraph and numbering


The numbering styles have similar settings because the appearance is 
similar. They use the same technical means. But the effect on the 
paragraph to which they were assigned is different. The outline 
numbering dialog connects a paragraph style to an outline level. The 
resulting element is text:h, the numbering style produces a list with an 
element text:list for the whole list, and text:list-item for each item 
of the list. You can easily look at this technical part, when you save 
the document in flat format (.fodt) and look at the end of the document 
where you find .

When you now assign a numbering style to a heading, then you get a 
nesting. You generate a list, which has a list item, which contains a 
heading. Because the list-item is the outer one, the list-numbering 
hides the heading-numbering.

Most cases, where users see curious behavior in numbering is because of 
this mixing. Avoid it!

How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style
to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over
ride the styles or vis versa.

There is more to know about outline numbering. You can determine an 
arbitrary paragraph style to be a outline paragraph style without using 
the Tools > Outline Numbering dialog. It is the setting "Outline" in the 
tab Outline&Numbering in the paragraph style dialog. This setting is 
only disabled for those styles, which are assigned via Tools > Outline 
Numbering. You can use this for example for an appendix, which should be 
in the normal level hierarchy, but out of the normal numbering sequence.

To get such additional heading numbered you need to connect this heading 
style with a numbering style, done on the same dialog page. Notice, this 
connecting is different from assigning a numbering style to a paragraph. 
It does not produce a list.

In normal cases you should use the Tools > Outline Numbering way. The 
additional benefit of it is, that when you change the level by promote 
or demote in the Navigator, then the heading changes automatically its 
style. That is possible, because Tools > Outline Numbering contains the 
complete list of which level is assigned to which paragraph style and 
because there exists exactly one such connection.

If you change the level of a heading, which has a self-made heading 
style, then the heading gets the new level as hard formatting of the 
paragraph, but the style remains the same. You would need to manually 
assign a self-made style for the new level to keep level and style 

In principle, it is quite simple: Use Tools>Outline Numbering for 
headings and use the list styles like "Numbering 1" for true lists and 
do not mix them. That avoids a lot of trouble.

Kind regards

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Steve Edmonds

On 2015-10-21 09:49, Bruce Byfield wrote:

On Wednesday 21 October 2015 07:42:50 AM Steve Edmonds wrote:

I'm about to show my ignorance here, what is Tools > Outline Numbering
for. The help and Writer guide a a bit brief.

For years I have been creating manuals with a layout
1.1.1 etc. where these items are all in the table of contents.
Last night I change the style of Heading 4 and looked a bit deeper and I
find I am using Heading styles 1-4 with Numbering style 1.
When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each
outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and
character style set. These are all set in the paragraph and numbering
How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style
to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over
ride the styles or vis versa.

Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

Outline Numbering does far more than outline. The headings assigned to outline
levels are the ones that determine what appears in the Navigator and the
dialogs for cross-references and Tables of Contents. Best to consider Outline
Numbering and paragraph and list styles as two separate options for outline

Not completely correct I think. Cross references has selections from 
Headings (includes headings not in Outline numbering) and numbered 
paragraphs (includes paragraphs not in outline numbering).
I agree with the navigator and table of contents. What I am not sure of 
is the inter-reaction of the position and spacing or number and 
character style settings in Outline Numbering and those in paragraph and 
numbered list settings.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Bruce Byfield
On Wednesday 21 October 2015 07:42:50 AM Steve Edmonds wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm about to show my ignorance here, what is Tools > Outline Numbering
> for. The help and Writer guide a a bit brief.
> For years I have been creating manuals with a layout
> 1
> 1.1
>1.1.1 etc. where these items are all in the table of contents.
> Last night I change the style of Heading 4 and looked a bit deeper and I
> find I am using Heading styles 1-4 with Numbering style 1.
> When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each
> outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and
> character style set. These are all set in the paragraph and numbering
> styles.
> How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style
> to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over
> ride the styles or vis versa.
> Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

Outline Numbering does far more than outline. The headings assigned to outline 
levels are the ones that determine what appears in the Navigator and the 
dialogs for cross-references and Tables of Contents. Best to consider Outline 
Numbering and paragraph and list styles as two separate options for outline 

Bruce Byfield 604-421-7189 (on Pacific time)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Steve Edmonds

On 2015-10-21 08:21, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 20.10.2015 um 20:42 schrieb Steve Edmonds:

How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style
to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over
ride the styles or vis versa.

Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

[Tutorial] Numbering chapters on Writer

Thanks. What I have works, but I don't understand the interaction. The 
tutorial is more how you should do it rather than explain how what I 
have works.
From the tutorial it indicates the simpler outline method and the more 
complicated numbering and paragraph styles.
My table of contents is from outline numbering but I use numbered 
styles, so somewhere the tutorial is missing something or there is a 
bug, which if fixed, will break all my manuals.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] copying text with formatting from a web page

2015-10-20 Thread libreoffice-ml . mbourne

Gary Collins wrote:

I've just tried this in firefox. A couple of things:

1) access to the file save option seems to be indirect - but maybe there is a 
way to customise this, I haven't got time to check at the moment; but

2) much more importantly - it does indeed save as a single file, but the 
formatting is *awful* nothing like the original page, and pictures, graphics, 
etc are not there - just links. That's not what I want to see when  I open a 
webpage file, I want to see the page (more or less) the same as it was 
originally when I opened it online.

I think Firefox is similar, but in SeaMonkey (based on Firefox) under 
File > Save As there are a couple of options:

- "Web Page, complete" saves referenced files images, stylesheets, etc. 
in a folder alongside the HTML file and changes the references in the 
HTML file to refer to the saved copies. It still sometimes misses some, 
I guess if the references are generated dynamically by a script it can't 
reliably predict what might be needed.

- "Web Page, HTML only" just saves the HTML file without all the other 
resources. In that case, I think the references are left as they were 
originally, so you'll see them if you have Internet access and they're 
still available at the same URLs (or your browser has cached them). If 
not, you won't get the images, stylesheets, etc.

Which raises another issue: I save pages for later viewing on a machine that 
doesn't have an internet connection. I'm assuming that an internet connection 
will be essential to follow any of the hyperlinks in the file, which would 
render the format useless for my purposes.

You might want to look at wget:
It's a command-line utility which can not only download web pages along 
with referenced resources, just as the "complete" option above does, but 
also recursively follow links - so you would be able to follow them 
offline. I believe it mirrors the structure of resources from the 
server, so for example if the same image is used on every page you only 
download it once.

I guess it would still suffer the same limitations with dynamically 
generated references.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] pptx files can't be opened when created with Impress 5.0.x

2015-10-20 Thread Joel Madero
Yes - best is just to report the bug and attach the document. Provide
details about your version of LibreOffice and your OS. Also, it's always
nice if you test against old versions of LibreOffice to find out if it's a
regression or not as finding regressions is one of the key goals of doing
bug hunt sessions.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Advrk Aplmrkt  wrote:

> Hello,
> I wonder if it will be helpful to raise these issues during the
> upcoming bug hunt? (assuming they are not fixed?) If so what's the
> best way to bring it up? Just reproduce the problem during the hunt
> and report it? Thanks.
> On 12/10/2015, Tom Davies  wrote:
> > Hi :)
> > Thanks for your reply and your good humour! :)
> >
> > 2.  Since it seems to be the bug Tim linked to i agree that trying
> "Still"
> > wont make any difference.
> >
> > 4.  I agree about Impress.  Several LO-fanboys, over the years, have said
> > that Impress is worse than Powerpoint.  But comparing the merits of
> "truly
> > horrible" with "a bit worse" is a non-starter for me.
> >
> > 1.  I doubt it's possible to post bug-reports about PptX let alone Ppt -
> > and even if you do i can't imagine anyone taking notice.  One of the joys
> > of OpenSource and OpenStandards is that you can post bug-reports about
> the
> > format itself or about the implementation of it fairly easily.  Some dev
> > might even take notice of it and suddenly work on it - either here or at
> > Oasis.
> >
> > 4.  Sadly not many devs seem to take much notice of Impress.  Draw
> appears
> > to be sexier and more glamorous and Writer appears to be the one that
> gets
> > most of the attention.  There are a lot of people working on most of the
> > modules and even a tiny team working on Base now apparently but Writer
> > seems to be the most attractive or maybe it's the easiest one to get
> > started on.
> >
> > 3.  I thought you just double-click on it without copying it across and
> it
> > 'just magically' opened from the usb-stick?  I didn't think you had to
> > transfer anything?
> >
> > 3.  Also i heard or read somewhere that the portable version could be
> > installed on a Cloud?  I'm not sure if that's an internal home/corporate
> > Cloud or really "out there"?  Also that would rely on a decent connection
> > speed and that can often be a problem for me.
> >
> > 3.  I have noticed a huge difference between Usb 1.1 - 2.0 and Usb 3.(?).
> > A friend with a Usb 3 port on a new laptop has a MUCH higher transfer
> speed
> > with both my sticks.  Of my sticks the cheaper old 8Gb Usb 2.0 one is
> > fairly desperate on my old desktop whereas the newer, much more expensive
> > 32Gb Usb 3 is only a bit annoying in it.  So i'm not sure if it's age,
> > quality, size or something else that is the biggest factor but all seem
> to
> > combine to make my older one a bit of a pain (except on the ultra-new
> > laptop).
> >
> > 4.  On Gnu&Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) i was looking for something else in my
> > package manager and found what seemed to be tons of different programs
> for
> > creating slide-shows and presentations.  Of course now that i'm looking
> for
> > them deliberately i can't find any!
> >
> > Regards from
> > Tom :)
> >
> >
> >
> > On 12 October 2015 at 17:30, Advrk Aplmrkt  wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks Tim and Tom for your quick responses.
> >>
> >> I *think* what I am experiencing might be related to the bug report
> >> you mentioned, I'll check again soon to see.
> >>
> >> In response to Tom:
> >>
> >> 1. I generally avoid the 2007-2013 Microsoft XML format since I am
> >> aware of all its problems... :) Unfortunately when I create a
> >> presentation with Impress and save it as a .ppt (without the "x"),
> >> many things are not retained, or don't appear correctly when opened in
> >> any version of PowerPoint!! Would people still fix bugs for .ppt
> >> support if I report them? I'm still having loads of problems with
> >> .ppt.
> >>
> >> 2. According to the bug report Tim mentioned, the bug has been around
> >> for a long time. So using the "still" verses the "fresh" branches will
> >> probably not help much... I can provide the file I'm having problems
> >> with, and if someone can test it with their installation of still
> >> that'd be great because I don't have it.
> >>
> >> 3. Thanks for the links to portable LibreOffice. Actually that is what
> >> I always try to do: Bring a portable version with me. But like you
> >> said sometimes you don't get USB access, and the portable version
> >> takes *FOREVER* to transfer to and from my USB drive: there are
> >> millions of tiny files so the transfer can take up to an hour!! What
> >> is the problem??? (honest question) I hope this can be addressed in a
> >> future portable version.
> >>
> >> 4. I agree Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the worst presentation
> >> programs, and frankly I don't think LibreOffice Impress is much better
> >> feature-wise, I just like to use it because it is freedom respecting
> >> software. I have b

Re: [libreoffice-users] pptx files can't be opened when created with Impress 5.0.x

2015-10-20 Thread Advrk Aplmrkt

I wonder if it will be helpful to raise these issues during the
upcoming bug hunt? (assuming they are not fixed?) If so what's the
best way to bring it up? Just reproduce the problem during the hunt
and report it? Thanks.

On 12/10/2015, Tom Davies  wrote:
> Hi :)
> Thanks for your reply and your good humour! :)
> 2.  Since it seems to be the bug Tim linked to i agree that trying "Still"
> wont make any difference.
> 4.  I agree about Impress.  Several LO-fanboys, over the years, have said
> that Impress is worse than Powerpoint.  But comparing the merits of "truly
> horrible" with "a bit worse" is a non-starter for me.
> 1.  I doubt it's possible to post bug-reports about PptX let alone Ppt -
> and even if you do i can't imagine anyone taking notice.  One of the joys
> of OpenSource and OpenStandards is that you can post bug-reports about the
> format itself or about the implementation of it fairly easily.  Some dev
> might even take notice of it and suddenly work on it - either here or at
> Oasis.
> 4.  Sadly not many devs seem to take much notice of Impress.  Draw appears
> to be sexier and more glamorous and Writer appears to be the one that gets
> most of the attention.  There are a lot of people working on most of the
> modules and even a tiny team working on Base now apparently but Writer
> seems to be the most attractive or maybe it's the easiest one to get
> started on.
> 3.  I thought you just double-click on it without copying it across and it
> 'just magically' opened from the usb-stick?  I didn't think you had to
> transfer anything?
> 3.  Also i heard or read somewhere that the portable version could be
> installed on a Cloud?  I'm not sure if that's an internal home/corporate
> Cloud or really "out there"?  Also that would rely on a decent connection
> speed and that can often be a problem for me.
> 3.  I have noticed a huge difference between Usb 1.1 - 2.0 and Usb 3.(?).
> A friend with a Usb 3 port on a new laptop has a MUCH higher transfer speed
> with both my sticks.  Of my sticks the cheaper old 8Gb Usb 2.0 one is
> fairly desperate on my old desktop whereas the newer, much more expensive
> 32Gb Usb 3 is only a bit annoying in it.  So i'm not sure if it's age,
> quality, size or something else that is the biggest factor but all seem to
> combine to make my older one a bit of a pain (except on the ultra-new
> laptop).
> 4.  On Gnu&Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) i was looking for something else in my
> package manager and found what seemed to be tons of different programs for
> creating slide-shows and presentations.  Of course now that i'm looking for
> them deliberately i can't find any!
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 12 October 2015 at 17:30, Advrk Aplmrkt  wrote:
>> Thanks Tim and Tom for your quick responses.
>> I *think* what I am experiencing might be related to the bug report
>> you mentioned, I'll check again soon to see.
>> In response to Tom:
>> 1. I generally avoid the 2007-2013 Microsoft XML format since I am
>> aware of all its problems... :) Unfortunately when I create a
>> presentation with Impress and save it as a .ppt (without the "x"),
>> many things are not retained, or don't appear correctly when opened in
>> any version of PowerPoint!! Would people still fix bugs for .ppt
>> support if I report them? I'm still having loads of problems with
>> .ppt.
>> 2. According to the bug report Tim mentioned, the bug has been around
>> for a long time. So using the "still" verses the "fresh" branches will
>> probably not help much... I can provide the file I'm having problems
>> with, and if someone can test it with their installation of still
>> that'd be great because I don't have it.
>> 3. Thanks for the links to portable LibreOffice. Actually that is what
>> I always try to do: Bring a portable version with me. But like you
>> said sometimes you don't get USB access, and the portable version
>> takes *FOREVER* to transfer to and from my USB drive: there are
>> millions of tiny files so the transfer can take up to an hour!! What
>> is the problem??? (honest question) I hope this can be addressed in a
>> future portable version.
>> 4. I agree Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the worst presentation
>> programs, and frankly I don't think LibreOffice Impress is much better
>> feature-wise, I just like to use it because it is freedom respecting
>> software. I have been looking for a good presentation software for
>> almost a decade (I'm not kidding), and I think by far the best one is
>> still Apple Keynote. Unfortunately it is super proprietary, only runs
>> on Macs, and the alleged support for it in Impress is only for very
>> very early versions of Keynote. I have a HUGE wishlist of things for
>> LibreOffice Impress that would make it up to par with Apple Keynote,
>> but no one I've talked to seem to care. :( :( Is there a mechanism
>> in the development of LibreOffice where I can help make this happen?
>> Unfortunately I'm not a program

[libreoffice-users] Re: Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Andreas Säger
Am 20.10.2015 um 20:42 schrieb Steve Edmonds:
> How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style
> to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over
> ride the styles or vis versa.
> Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.
> Steve

[Tutorial] Numbering chapters on Writer

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[libreoffice-users] Outline Numbering Ignorance.

2015-10-20 Thread Steve Edmonds

I'm about to show my ignorance here, what is Tools > Outline Numbering 
for. The help and Writer guide a a bit brief.

For years I have been creating manuals with a layout
  1.1.1 etc. where these items are all in the table of contents.
Last night I change the style of Heading 4 and looked a bit deeper and I 
find I am using Heading styles 1-4 with Numbering style 1.
When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each 
outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and 
character style set. These are all set in the paragraph and numbering 
How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style 
to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over 
ride the styles or vis versa.

Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Based Machine with High DPI Monitor?

2015-10-20 Thread Joel Madero
Hi Tim -

Just to clarify - this isn't my bug ;) Someone else posted it, for those
answers you'll have to post to the bug.

Just to be clear, this isn't about screen resolution per say, it's about
DPI (which requires a higher end machine, not normal for most people, even
most of our power users don't have DPI monitors). The ability to do 1080p
is distinct from what is "DPI"  - this is at least my understanding but I
could be wrong.

Thanks for testing!


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster <> wrote:

> On 10/20/2015 12:54 PM, Joel Madero wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have a stale UNCONFIRMED but that needs some attention but the hardware
>> is a bit rare so QA team doesn't have anyone that can reproduce.
>> Needed: Windows based machine with a high DPI monitor
>> Bug:
>> Any help really appreciated. You can either comment on the bug or just
>> email me with your system specs and results.
>> Best,
>> Joel
> I read the bug text and looked at the images.
> Quote: "The checkbox at the bottom saying "Groß/Kleinschreibung" (case
> sensitive search) is misaligned at the top of the search&replace bar. It
> should be aligned with "Alle suchen" (search all) in the middle."
> I was wondering if the text and the icon to its right are aligned, where
> the text is not centered in the space but is formatted to be aligned with
> the top of the " footer toolbar cell".
> I cannot easily test this bug, since the only Win10 computer that has a
> video card for 1080p is no longer connected to my 1080p TV/Monitor.  I have
> a 720p TV/Monitor attached to it.  I am typing this email from a Linux
> system with 1080p monitor.
> Could you please send me/us information about what version of LibreOffice
> you are running and what extensions are installed that gives you the search
> toolbar[s] that are the alignment issues.  I do not have those options on
> my version of LibreOffice [either Win10 or Ubuntu Linux].  I run versions
> from 4.2.8 through 5.0.2[?], though I plan on upgrading the 4.2 to a 4.4.x
> version till 5.0.x gets to 5.0.3 or .4.
> --
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*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Based Machine with High DPI Monitor?

2015-10-20 Thread Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster

On 10/20/2015 12:54 PM, Joel Madero wrote:

Hi All,

We have a stale UNCONFIRMED but that needs some attention but the hardware
is a bit rare so QA team doesn't have anyone that can reproduce.

Needed: Windows based machine with a high DPI monitor


Any help really appreciated. You can either comment on the bug or just
email me with your system specs and results.


I read the bug text and looked at the images.

Quote: "The checkbox at the bottom saying "Groß/Kleinschreibung" (case 
sensitive search) is misaligned at the top of the search&replace bar. It 
should be aligned with "Alle suchen" (search all) in the middle."

I was wondering if the text and the icon to its right are aligned, where 
the text is not centered in the space but is formatted to be aligned 
with the top of the " footer toolbar cell".

I cannot easily test this bug, since the only Win10 computer that has a 
video card for 1080p is no longer connected to my 1080p TV/Monitor.  I 
have a 720p TV/Monitor attached to it.  I am typing this email from a 
Linux system with 1080p monitor.

Could you please send me/us information about what version of 
LibreOffice you are running and what extensions are installed that gives 
you the search toolbar[s] that are the alignment issues.  I do not have 
those options on my version of LibreOffice [either Win10 or Ubuntu 
Linux].  I run versions from 4.2.8 through 5.0.2[?], though I plan on 
upgrading the 4.2 to a 4.4.x version till 5.0.x gets to 5.0.3 or .4.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Joel Madero
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:53 AM, James E. Lang  wrote:

> Sorry but my ignorance is showing. What is the "UX mailing list?" Please
> explain.

Never apologize (or feel bad) about asking questions - we all fully support
people being proactive to find answers :)

UX pertains to the User Experience mailing list - the team works on design,
considers default settings (when there is a conflict as to what users
want with regards to default behavior...which is often the case), and
discusses possible enhancements pertaining to how users interact
with LibreOffice.

There are really some great people over there - I highly recommend joining
the list and getting involved :) They have weekly meetings - I believe on
Friday - where they discuss a whole litany of UX related topics.


*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread James E. Lang
Sorry but my ignorance is showing. What is the "UX mailing list?" Please 


-Original Message-
From: Joel Madero 
To: Alexander Thurgood 
Cc: "" 
Sent: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 9:23
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

> The only problem is that it wasn't actually discussed on the UX mailing
> list, but only came up in the bug reference, which was copied to the UX
> mailing list.
> Additionally, this bug initially concerned absolute file referencing in
> Calc, so would have passed under the radar of most people concerned by
> Base UX issues even if there had been a discussion (which there wasn't,
> at least not on the mailing list).

Sure - I'm not saying they catch everything or discuss everything, as that
would be very difficult to do. All I'm saying is that such a discussion
(even if done after the fact) can improve discussions for the future and
lead to a better product. The user mailing list typically isn't a good
place for discussing improvements (if the goal is to reach out to
contributors), nor is commenting with caps lock on as this just irritates
contributors (from my experience over the years) and adds nothing to the
fruitful and positive attitude in the project.

Just my two cents. I know all of the people on the UX team and they are all
fantastic people who are always open to bringing in new voices and
incorporating lots of ideas moving forward.


*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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[libreoffice-users] Windows Based Machine with High DPI Monitor?

2015-10-20 Thread Joel Madero
Hi All,

We have a stale UNCONFIRMED but that needs some attention but the hardware
is a bit rare so QA team doesn't have anyone that can reproduce.

Needed: Windows based machine with a high DPI monitor


Any help really appreciated. You can either comment on the bug or just
email me with your system specs and results.


*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Joel Madero
> The only problem is that it wasn't actually discussed on the UX mailing
> list, but only came up in the bug reference, which was copied to the UX
> mailing list.
> Additionally, this bug initially concerned absolute file referencing in
> Calc, so would have passed under the radar of most people concerned by
> Base UX issues even if there had been a discussion (which there wasn't,
> at least not on the mailing list).

Sure - I'm not saying they catch everything or discuss everything, as that
would be very difficult to do. All I'm saying is that such a discussion
(even if done after the fact) can improve discussions for the future and
lead to a better product. The user mailing list typically isn't a good
place for discussing improvements (if the goal is to reach out to
contributors), nor is commenting with caps lock on as this just irritates
contributors (from my experience over the years) and adds nothing to the
fruitful and positive attitude in the project.

Just my two cents. I know all of the people on the UX team and they are all
fantastic people who are always open to bringing in new voices and
incorporating lots of ideas moving forward.


*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 20/10/2015 18:07, Joel Madero a écrit :

> In truth it's better to join the UX mailing list and get involved with the
> project as that's where this kind of discussion belongs and where a
> resolution might be found. "Screaming" from the sidelines usually won't
> accomplish much.

The only problem is that it wasn't actually discussed on the UX mailing
list, but only came up in the bug reference, which was copied to the UX
mailing list.

Additionally, this bug initially concerned absolute file referencing in
Calc, so would have passed under the radar of most people concerned by
Base UX issues even if there had been a discussion (which there wasn't,
at least not on the mailing list).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Joel Madero
In truth it's better to join the UX mailing list and get involved with the
project as that's where this kind of discussion belongs and where a
resolution might be found. "Screaming" from the sidelines usually won't
accomplish much.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:17 AM, Alexander Thurgood  wrote:

> Le 20/10/2015 12:01, Rob Jasper a écrit :
> Better to comment on the bug report itself, rather than here, as most
> developers don't read the user mailing list regularly - too much noise.
> Alex
> --
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*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 20/10/2015 12:01, Rob Jasper a écrit :

Better to comment on the bug report itself, rather than here, as most
developers don't read the user mailing list regularly - too much noise.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Lost connection to Database.

2015-10-20 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 20/10/2015 17:02, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

Hi Ian,

> But now when trying to connect to my database I get the error "The JDBC
> driver could not be loaded"

> Any suggestions please??

You have a JDK/JRE installed, recognized by LO (Tools > Options >
Advanced) and the appropriate mysql jdbc connector driver, I take it ?

These packets are not installed by default in most distribs, I wouldn't
know about PCLOS.


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[libreoffice-users] Lost connection to Database.

2015-10-20 Thread Ian Whitfield

Hi All

Due to problems with Kernel updates I have rebuilt my system using the 
last ISO disk I had, (2014-12).

I re-installed the ISO formatting the complete drive, updated the system 
via Synaptic to bring it up to date and restored all my backed-up data 
to /home. I then restored the MySQL folder under /var/lib that contains 
my Database.

I then updated LO to the latest version =

But now when trying to connect to my database I get the error "The JDBC 
driver could not be loaded"

mysqld is set in Services to run on Boot, Skip networking is commented 
out in /etc/my.cnf.
Current driver in Base Options is set to - (with pooling enabled).

Any suggestions please??

PCLOS 32-bit. KDE,


Pretoria RSA

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[libreoffice-users] Re: How to.. sort a table in 3 columns

2015-10-20 Thread william drescher

On 10/18/2015 8:02 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 18.10.2015 um 12:36 schrieb william drescher:

Operating system?

Windows 7

Office version?
Office component? Writer? Calc? Base?

I'll use whatever I need

File format? doc, docx, odt, ods, xls, odb?

odt or ods

I don't understand how you want to dump 2 fields into 3 columns?

Locationitem  locationitem  location  item
1 widget 9 vebelfetzer   13nails, 10p
1 screws, 8x1 10L. widget 24 nailsm 16p

The term "pick list" is unclear. Listbox? Writer field of type "input

a pick list is a lit of items to be picked and packed for an order


1) Store your list data in some kind of simple database:
Having the 2-column list in a text file (*.csv or *.txt), open the file
with Calc.
Having the 2-column list in a spreadsheet, make sure that the A1 and B1
contain the words "Location" and "Item" as column labels and that all
locations are numbers (Ctrl+F8 highlights numbers in blue).
Save the spreadsheet in a separate directory as a dBase file:
Navigate to your preferred directory, add a new directory, visit the new
menu:File Type:dBase(*.dbf)
This file format gives various advantages for every day use.
2) Connect your database to the office suite:
[x] Connect to existing database
Type: dBase
Point to the directory
[X] Yes, register the database
Save the database document (*.odb) in that directory or elsewhere.
3) Generate a dynamic report in columnar layout:
Click the tables container.
Right-click the table therein, call the report wizard and create a
tabular report with a 3-column layout and the right sort order.
What is this "database document"?
Your database table is a _link_ to your dBase file. The database
document (*.odb) does not store any data. It represents the contents of
the dBase files in the given directory as a collection of database
tables. Your data are in the dBase file or any additional dBase files
stored in that directory.
Since you registered this data source you have quick access to your list
without opening anything. Just hit F4 in Writer or Calc.
The report is a Writer document embedded in that database file. It is
filled with table data every time you open the report. You can store
snapshots of this report at any time simply saving the embedded Writer
document as a stand-alone document or as PDF.

Thank you.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Shortcut changes

2015-10-20 Thread Rob Jasper

On 20 okt. 2015, at 04:36, tonybsa wrote:

>> On 18/10/2015, at 08:17, James E. Lang  wrote:
>> PLEASE, developers, think about the impact your change will have on existing 
>> users.  The longer a shortcut has existed the more attention should be given 
>> should be given to the impact of changing it with shortcuts that have 
>> existed for more than one full major release being ALMOST cast in granite. 
> This particular change from F4 to Ctrl-Shift_F4 for data source in Calc but 
> not in Writer is a massive problem. The F4 shortcut has been around for YEARS.
> I now have to re-write my tutorials and workshop examples.
> I now have to go back to the hundreds of users that have been using F4 for 
> YEARS and try to explain why there is a difference between Calc & Writer.
> A large number of the people (I have trained ) that use LibreOffice use F4 
> for mail merge in Writer and Pivot Tables in Calc. 
> Because the usual source is a MySQL database where data is being updated on a 
> regular basis, the mail merge and pivot tables need updating regularly.
> Why was this change made? 
> As far as I can see (from the bugzilla history) it was requested in 2013 
> because 1 or 2 people, that are changing from Lotus 123 to Calc could not 
> make the change from F4 to Shift-F4 for the "Absolute cell reference 
> shortcut".
> I don't remember any of "my" users having ever found it necessary to change 
> the cell reference from absolute to relative once they have formatted a cell.
> So I agree with James Lang & Alexander Thurgood when they decry this change.
> Who made the change 2 years after it was requested, without discussing it 
> with the people on this list?
> Developers, please do NOT make changes to existing menu options and shortcuts 
> without FULLY consulting the "professional" users of LibreOffice. 
> Thank you.
> Tony Bray
> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] copying text with formatting from a web page

2015-10-20 Thread Gary Collins
I've just tried this in firefox. A couple of things:

1) access to the file save option seems to be indirect - but maybe there is a 
way to customise this, I haven't got time to check at the moment; but

2) much more importantly - it does indeed save as a single file, but the 
formatting is *awful* nothing like the original page, and pictures, graphics, 
etc are not there - just links. That's not what I want to see when  I open a 
webpage file, I want to see the page (more or less) the same as it was 
originally when I opened it online.

Which raises another issue: I save pages for later viewing on a machine that 
doesn't have an internet connection. I'm assuming that an internet connection 
will be essential to follow any of the hyperlinks in the file, which would 
render the format useless for my purposes.

   From: Tom Davies 
 To: jorge  
Cc: Gary Collins ; "" 
 Sent: Friday, 16 October 2015, 21:51
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] copying text with formatting from a web page
Hi :)  I've just seen that option in Chrome too.  It's a little more awkward.  
From the icon with 3 horizontal lines go down to "More Tools".  Then "Save 
page" gives a dialogue with options at the bottom to save as a single file or 
as proper html.  
Thanks Jorge!  It's nice to find or be told about these things :)  Regards from 
Tom :)  

On 16 October 2015 at 17:35, jorge  wrote:


        As I see in Firefox, we can save as Web page complete-by default (As I
understand Tom comment), and .html format (A single file to save the web
page as I suggest). I'm sorry if I am wrong.


Jorge Rodríguez

El vie, 16-10-2015 a las 16:47 +0100, Tom Davies escribió:
> Hi :)
> I thought saving in html format tends to create an extra sub-folder
> for images and snippets of code and stuff.  The links in the html file
> pick-up on the stuff that's in that new sub-folder.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 16 October 2015 at 16:36, jorge  wrote:
>         Good morning Gary and all:
>                 I'm not sure if this following words are of
>         topic...excuse me if
>         yes ! :
>                 I don't remember knowing about .mht file format to
>         save web site pages.
>         But when I need to do that I use .html file format that give
>         us a only
>         one file of the web page with all sourse of it as links for
>         example.
>         Regards,
>         Jorge Rodríguez
>         El vie, 16-10-2015 a las 08:42 +, Gary Collins escribió:
>         > Tom,
>         > That's a good suggestion, perhaps I should have thought of
>         it. I will give it a go. In general, I use MS because it has
>         been the only one I know capable of handling .mht files, and I
>         save web pages using that format because I find it *much* more
>         convenient to have the page saved in a single file, rather
>         than as a file plus a folder. Perhaps other browsers can now
>         open these files now? I don't know, I haven't got around to
>         checking recently. You know how it is, you find something that
>         works for you and just stick with it - kind of inertia.
>         > I had a reply privately from Brian, though, which suggested
>         that it might be due to the type of formatting used in
>         the .css - using "vertical-align", and if so, that LO probably
>         wouldn't recognise it. I checked the file in a text editor and
>         that is indeed how the superscripting is generated in these
>         pages.
>         > I have since found a workaround which is not the most
>         convenient but will at least allow me to get done what I need
>         to get done.
>         > best,/Gary
>         >        From: Tom Davies 
>         >  To: Gary Collins 
>         > Cc: ""
>         >  Sent: Friday, 9 October 2015, 18:25
>         >  Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] copying text with
>         formatting from a web page
>         >
>         > Hi :)  So Microsoft's Internet Explorer only plays well with
>         Microsoft Office?  Err, is there any surprise there?
>         > Have you tried with other web-browsers?  Internet Explorer
>         often seems to be a pos imo and ime.  Each release of it seems
>         to have a load of different 'issues' handling internationally
>         agreed standards (yes, Microsoft ARE involved in setting those
>         standards!).  So websites sometimes have to write extra code
>         specifically aimed at certain versions of IE.  At best IE
>         seems to behave more like a trojan as it's so often found to
>         have remarkable security issues.  MS usually put out at least
>         1 or more security patch per fortnight to deal with some
>         critical problem or other.
>         > Please, please, please try Chrome, Safari, Opera, or
>         anything else.  Even Firefox's worst releases appear to be