Re: questions about reasoning with TDB

2020-04-07 Thread Andy Seaborne


On 04/04/2020 12:23, Dave Reynolds wrote:


On 03/04/2020 15:38, Benjamin Geer wrote:
I’ve been reading the documentation and list archives about Fuseki 
assembler configurations with TDB and reasoners, and I’m trying to 
figure out whether the setup I’d like to use is possible. I have three 

1. I’d like to use a forward-chaining reasoner to improve query 
performance with a large TDB dataset by inferring some frequently 
queried relations. To avoid having to recompute all the inferred 
triples every time Fuseki is started (which could take a long time), 
I’d like to persist the inferred triples in TDB as well. Is that 
possible? I looked for this scenario in the Jena documentation but 
didn’t find it.

Basically this isn't supported, sorry.


What complexity of reasoning are you doing?

There is a tradeoff of complexity/performance at scale/effort needed.
And "effort needed" for complex+scale can be huge.

But RDFS+ level of complixity could take a different approach to the 
current rules. Essentially, be backwards chaining (sees updates) with 
materialized transitive properties.

It's might be possible to go a fit further that that. Rules that 
generate a single triple from a BGP+FILTER(+BIND), together with 
transitive properties (not written as rules) might be possible.

The forward chaining engine keeps a *lot* of state in memory in the 
RETE-like network. Which means unless you have very selective patterns 
in your rules you can end up with large parts of the data in memory. In 
worst cases you can have multiple copies.

This has several implications:

First, it means that it's not scalable. If you have a very large TDB 
dataset then the reasoner is likely to run out memory. Plus the internal 
format is really not optimised for large scale data and inference speed 
will take a hit.

Second, it means that there's no point persisting the inference results 
on their own, unless they are static. If, as in your case, you want to 
continue to add new data and get incremental inferencing then you would 
need some way to preserve and restore the intermediate state in the 
engine, which is not supported.

So given this there's little point in supporting having the deductions 
graph in TDB because that doesn't solve the problems of scaling and 

2. For queries, I’d like a default graph containing the union of all 
named graphs plus the inferred statements. Can this be done along with 

The first part can be done manually but not along with (1).

It's possible to use some offline process to generate a static set of 
inferences (whether using the rule engine or e.g. SPARQL construct 
queries) to one named graph, put the data in another graph and then have 
the default graph be the union.

However, your data isn't static so this doesn't help.

3. The named graphs in the base model need to be continually updated 
(always using SPARQL quad patterns), and I’d like the reasoner to 
update its inferences when that happens. After reading some old 
messages on this list, I think this might not be possible, because if 
I understand correctly, the only way to update the base model would be 
via a separate Fuseki service that updates the underlying TDB dataset 
directly, and in that case, the reasoner won’t see those updates until 
Fuseki is restarted. Did I understand that correctly, and if so, is it 
still true?

I thought you could configure fuseki to have a reasoner as the source 
model and so have updates do to the reasoner rather than a base graph. 
However, given none of the rest of what you need to do is supported this 
point is moot.

Yes,but not for the union default graph. That actually only exists for 
query (and WHERE in SPARQL Update). It isn't updatable. If you update 
the named graphs it sees the change but that's bypassed the reasoner on 
the graph.

Sorry to not be able to support your use case.


Re: Running Fuseki stand-alone - where is FUSEKI_BASE?

2020-04-07 Thread Andy Seaborne

Hi Glenn,

Try running with --verbose. It prints out FUSEKI_HOME and FUSEKI_BASE.

FUSEKI_BASE is either set as an environment variable or is "run" 
resolved against FUSEKI_HOME.

--data loads the file from the file as given into a memory dataset, not 
resolved against FUSEKI_BASE.  Relative files are resolved against the 
current directory.  The fuseki-server script does not change current 


On 07/04/2020 10:05, Glenn TheMan wrote:

Hi, I am running Fuseki 3.14 as stand-alone but I have a problem understanding 
where the process is running.
I've set FUSEKI_HOME in  /etc/environment in Ubuntu and sourced it.


According to the documentation the FUSEKI_BASE is relative to FUSEKI_HOME/run. 
But it's actually set to /home/myhome/Development/jena/run when running it 
(depending to current path in terminal).

I've tried different relative path (absolute path work of-course) but always 
get an error that the server can't find the dataset file provided.
./apache-jena-fuseki/fuseki-server --file=../datafiles/artist_data_v2.ttl /ds

Where is the stand-alone fuseki server actually running?

Running Fuseki stand-alone - where is FUSEKI_BASE?

2020-04-07 Thread Glenn TheMan
Hi, I am running Fuseki 3.14 as stand-alone but I have a problem understanding 
where the process is running.
I've set FUSEKI_HOME in  /etc/environment in Ubuntu and sourced it.


According to the documentation the FUSEKI_BASE is relative to FUSEKI_HOME/run. 
But it's actually set to /home/myhome/Development/jena/run when running it 
(depending to current path in terminal).

I've tried different relative path (absolute path work of-course) but always 
get an error that the server can't find the dataset file provided.
./apache-jena-fuseki/fuseki-server --file=../datafiles/artist_data_v2.ttl /ds

Where is the stand-alone fuseki server actually running?