[ovirt-users] Re: oVirt Performance (Horrific)

2019-03-01 Thread Drew R
Saw some people asking for profile info.  So I had started a migration from a 
6TB WDGold 2+1arb replicated gluster to a 1TB samsung ssd 2+1 rep gluster and 
it's been running a while for a 100GB file thin provisioned with like 28GB 
actually used.  Here is the profile info.  I started the profiler like 5 
minutes ago. The migration had been running for like 30minutes:

gluster volume profile gv2 info
Cumulative Stats:
   Block Size:256b+ 512b+1024b+
 No. of Reads: 1189 812
No. of Writes:4  3245   883

   Block Size:   2048b+4096b+8192b+
 No. of Reads:   1020 2
No. of Writes: 1087312228124080

   Block Size:  16384b+   32768b+   65536b+
 No. of Reads:0 152
No. of Writes: 5188  3617  5532

   Block Size: 131072b+
 No. of Reads:70191
No. of Writes:   634192
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls Fop
 -   ---   ---   ---   
  0.00   0.00 us   0.00 us   0.00 us  2  FORGET
  0.00   0.00 us   0.00 us   0.00 us202 RELEASE
  0.00   0.00 us   0.00 us   0.00 us   1297  RELEASEDIR
  0.00  14.50 us   9.00 us  20.00 us  4 READDIR
  0.00  38.00 us   9.00 us 120.00 us  7GETXATTR
  0.00  66.00 us  34.00 us 128.00 us  6OPEN
  0.00 137.25 us  52.00 us 195.00 us  4 SETATTR
  0.00  23.19 us  11.00 us  46.00 us 26 INODELK
  0.00  41.58 us  18.00 us  79.00 us 24 OPENDIR
  0.00 166.70 us  15.00 us 775.00 us 27READDIRP
  0.01 135.29 us  12.00 us   11695.00 us221  STATFS
  0.01 176.54 us  22.00 us   22944.00 us364   FSTAT
  0.02 626.21 us  13.00 us   17308.00 us168STAT
  0.09 834.84 us   9.00 us   34337.00 us607  LOOKUP
  0.73 146.18 us   6.00 us   52255.00 us  29329FINODELK
  1.03 298.20 us  42.00 us   43711.00 us  20204FXATTROP
 15.388903.40 us 213.00 us  213832.00 us  10102   WRITE
 39.14   26796.37 us 222.00 us  122696.00 us   8538READ
 43.59   39536.79 us 259.00 us  183630.00 us   6446   FSYNC

Duration: 15078 seconds
   Data Read: 9207377205 bytes
Data Written: 86214017762 bytes

Interval 2 Stats:
   Block Size:256b+ 512b+1024b+
 No. of Reads:   17 0 0
No. of Writes:043 7

   Block Size:   2048b+4096b+8192b+
 No. of Reads:0 7 0
No. of Writes:   16  1881  1010

   Block Size:  16384b+   32768b+   65536b+
 No. of Reads:0 0 6
No. of Writes:  305   586  2359

   Block Size: 131072b+
 No. of Reads: 7162
No. of Writes:  610
 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls Fop
 -   ---   ---   ---   
  0.00   0.00 us   0.00 us   0.00 us  6 RELEASE
  0.00   0.00 us   0.00 us   0.00 us 20  RELEASEDIR
  0.00  14.50 us   9.00 us  20.00 us  4 READDIR
  0.00  38.00 us   9.00 us 120.00 us  7GETXATTR
  0.00  66.00 us  34.00 us 128.00 us  6OPEN
  0.00 137.25 us  52.00 us 195.00 us  4 SETATTR
  0.00  23.19 us  11.00 us  46.00 us 26 INODELK
  0.00  40.05 us  18.00 us  79.00 us 20 OPENDIR
  0.00 180.33 us  16.00 us 775.00 us 21READDIRP
  0.01 181.77 us  12.00 us   11695.00 us149  STATFS
  0.01 511.23 us  15.00 us   16954.00 us111

[ovirt-users] Re: oVirt Performance (Horrific)

2019-03-01 Thread Drew R
This kind of helped.  It helped on a vm with a single disk nfs mount using 
windows 10.

I tried it on a winserv 2016 and got weird non-responsiveness happening a lot.

Kind of surprised by the windows 10 box actually got full speed. 100MBps 
basically.  Way better than 5MBps.

Now if I could fix the non-responsiveness..  All these performance posts in 
here... kinda makes we wonder if anyone has anything organized about how to 
configure a single setup completely so that it "works".  It seems out of the 
box this stuff doesn't work. I don't even see light down the tunnel.  The 
people that say it's great give no info and the people that say they are having 
issues with extreme slowness don't appear to get help.

Maybe if I look at older threads I'll have more luck finding people satisfied 
with solutions related to performance.
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[ovirt-users] Re: oVirt Performance (Horrific)

2019-02-28 Thread Drew R
Also I just noticed but the windows resource monitor response times show zero 
(0) across the board now with the viodiskcache = writeback setting.  Not sure 
if that's accurate. But a notable difference for the notable speed boost.
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[ovirt-users] Re: oVirt Performance (Horrific)

2019-02-28 Thread Drew R
I set my account name to Drew R earlier and it seems to have altered the course 
of this thread.  But anyway. This guy Strahil replied to me (not showing below) 
and said to try this:

Strahil: "Can you try setting the viodiskcache custom property to write back ?
Best Regards,

I cloned the windows 10 vm, set one to use the 8TB WDGold disk and one to use a 
6TB WDGold 2+1arb mirror gluster.

The 8TB single disk VM ran full speed: 115MBps.  When it took 19 minutes prior. 
The gluster VM is still going as I type this...probably still on track for 19 
minutes on a 6.8GB file (~5MBps).  

115 is basically maxing the 1GBps ethernet to the remote server I'm reading 
from for the file copy)  And this is taking place INSIDE the VM managed by 
oVirt.  Outside the VM I can achieve expected speeds for the hardware in any 
direction.  I'd test something within the 10Gbps network but it's only oVirt 
manages devices and they can't even read off each other faster than 5MBps.

So that was a great example of how a setting can have effect.  So with a 
VirtIO-SCSI + viodiskcache=write back on a single non-gluster disk I get 
basically max speed. Otherwise - goat cheese.

So how do I fix the gluster performance - through oVirt?  (that gluster 
copy just finished btw - 14 minutes - so maybe a slight improvement)
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[ovirt-users] Re: oVirt Performance (Horrific)

2019-02-28 Thread Drew R
I expect VM's to be able to write at 200MB or 500MB to the hdd/ssd when using 
an NFS mount or gluster from inside a VM.

But heck, it's not even 10% (20MB or 50MB), it's closer to 2.5%-5% of the speed 
of the drives.

I expect windows services to not timeout due to slow hard drives while booting.
I expect a windows vm to boot in less than 6 minutes.
I expect to open chrome in less than 1 minute.

:)  I was hoping for like, at least half speed or quarter speed. I'd be ok with 
50MBps or 100MBps. Writing.

I think what I was expecting was out of the box it would perform. But there 
appears to be something we've done wrong, or a tweak we aren't doing. 

But we  can't even run 1 windows vm at something anyone would remotely call 
"performs very well". 

Please guide me.  Do you have any commands you want me to run? Or tests to do? 
Do you want a print out or a specific configuration you would like to try?  
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