[ovirt-users] Re: Windows Server 2019 Drivers

2019-05-28 Thread Rick A
Thanks for the reply.  Sadly, using IDE doesn't work either.  
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[ovirt-users] Data Center Compatibility version

2019-07-25 Thread Rick A

So I updated our environment a bit ago during a scheduled down time from 4.2 to 
4.3.  Everything went smoothly, but it looks like I forgot to update the Data 
Center Compatibility (See alert message below). My question is, can I just 
change the Data Center compatibility to 4.3 while the environment is running 
without causing issues, or do i need to shutdown all my VM's and put the hosts 
into maintenance mode? The compatibility version for everything else is already 
set to 4.3.


Alert Message:

"Data Center compatibility version is 4.2, which is lower than latest engine 
version 4.3. Please upgrade your Data Center to latest version to successfully 
finish upgrade of your setup"
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[ovirt-users] ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup

2019-09-03 Thread Rick A

Trying to get oVirt to use LDAP for user authentication. It seems to bind, but 
when I test it (Login Flow and Search) before applying the settings, I get the 
message below (I can confirm the credentials ARE valid). I also tried to set it 
up manually and still get the same result.  I'm using the same information on 
Bugzilla and it works fine. I've seen similar threads here but without much 
answers. Anyone have any good links or docs I can view to get this set up? 

oVirt Node Version:

profile='mydomain.com' result=CREDENTIALS_INVALID
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[ovirt-users] Re: ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup

2019-09-04 Thread Rick A
thanks for the reply.  That doesn't seem to work for me either.  Strange part 
is if apply the settings anyway and I use a wildcard "*" in ovirt when 
searching for users, it lists users in a specific OU only even though it's set 
to search DC=domain,DC=com
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[ovirt-users] Re: ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup

2019-09-06 Thread Rick A
I got a little further. 

When testing after the setup, I get a Credential Invalid error until I added 
what Edward previously suggested except I had to use "Person" instead of 
"inetOrgPerson" because my LDAP server doesn't provide uidObject as well.

Line added to /etc/ovirt-engine/aaa/MYDOMAIN.com.properties:

sequence.openldap-init-vars.040.var-set.value = (objectClass=Person)

Once I did that and restarted the service, ovirt-engine-extensions-tool gives 
me the following below. Not sure why it won't pull the principle record. 

2019-09-06 10:50:15,032-04 INFO

2019-09-06 10:50:15,032-04 INFO== Execution 
2019-09-06 10:50:15,032-04 INFO

2019-09-06 10:50:15,033-04 INFOIteration: 0
2019-09-06 10:50:15,033-04 INFOProfile='MYDOMAIN.com' 
authn='MYDOMAIN.com-authn' authz='MYDOMAIN.com' mapping='null'
2019-09-06 10:50:15,034-04 INFOAPI: 
-->Authn.InvokeCommands.AUTHENTICATE_CREDENTIALS profile='MYDOMAIN.com' 
2019-09-06 10:50:18,822-04 INFOAPI: 
<--Authn.InvokeCommands.AUTHENTICATE_CREDENTIALS profile='MYDOMAIN.com' 
2019-09-06 10:50:18,824-04 INFO--- Begin AuthRecord ---
2019-09-06 10:50:18,824-04 INFO--- End   AuthRecord ---
2019-09-06 10:50:18,825-04 INFOAPI: 
-->Authz.InvokeCommands.FETCH_PRINCIPAL_RECORD principal='null'
2019-09-06 10:50:18,837-04 SEVERE  Cannot locate principal 'null'
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[ovirt-users] Re: ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup

2019-09-09 Thread Rick A
I finally got this to work so I'm posting what I did in case it may help 
someone else in the future. Hopefully the format of this site won't make it 
hard to read.

- Thanks to Edward Berger who got me to the right direction and providing this 


- Also Thanks to Ondra Machacek for advising to use the 

All changes are made on /etc/ovirt-engine/aaa/MYDOMAIN.com.properties

- Once I added this line: 

sequence.openldap-init-vars.040.var-set.value = 

- I was getting this error:

-->Authz.InvokeCommands.FETCH_PRINCIPAL_RECORD principal='null'
2019-09-06 10:50:18,837-04 SEVERE  Cannot locate principal 'null'

- So then I changed the Principal map from "uid" to "cn" by adding  this line: 

attrmap.map-principal-record.attr.PrincipalRecord_PRINCIPAL.map = cn

- After that, it pulled the user principal name, but then when trying to add a 
user in the web interface, it would fail with this error:

ERROR: null value in column "external_id" violates not-null constraint

- So I mapped the PrincipalRecord_ID to the user mail attribute figuring that 
would be fine since emails are mostly unique anyway,by adding the following 

attrmap.map-principal-record.attr.PrincipalRecord_ID.map = mail

My configuration: /etc/ovirt-engine/aaa/MYDOMAIN.com.properties

include = 

vars.server = SERVERNAME.MYDOMAIN.com
vars.user = ldapu...@mydomain.com
vars.password = USER PASSWORD

pool.default.auth.simple.bindDN = ${global:vars.user}
pool.default.auth.simple.password = ${global:vars.password}
pool.default.serverset.type = single
pool.default.serverset.single.server = ${global:vars.server}

attrmap.map-principal-record.attr.PrincipalRecord_PRINCIPAL.map = cn
attrmap.map-principal-record.attr.PrincipalRecord_ID.map = mail

sequence.openldap-init-vars.010.description = set base dn
sequence.openldap-init-vars.010.type = var-set
sequence.openldap-init-vars.010.var-set.variable = simple_attrsBaseDN
sequence.openldap-init-vars.010.var-set.value = DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=com
sequence.openldap-init-vars.020.var-set.value = cn
sequence.openldap-init-vars.040.var-set.value = 
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[ovirt-users] oVirt Software after upgrade

2019-09-30 Thread Rick A
I'm wondering why after upgrading our hosts, when viewing the host details, 
it's still showing the OS Description as We are using the oVirt Node. 
Shouldn't the OS Description show the version we just upgraded to? I do the 
upgrade using the web UI.


OS Version: RHEL - 7 - 6.1810.2.el7.centos
OS Description: oVirt Node   
Kernel Version: 3.10.0 - 957.10.1.el7.x86_64
KVM Version: 2.12.0 - 18.el7_6.3.1
LIBVIRT Version: libvirt-4.5.0-10.el7_6.6
VDSM Version: vdsm-4.30.13-1.el7
SPICE Version: 0.14.0 - 6.el7_6.1
GlusterFS Version: glusterfs-5.5-1.el7
CEPH Version: librbd1-10.2.5-4.el7
Open vSwitch Version: openvswitch-2.10.1-3.el7
Kernel Features: PTI: 1, IBRS: 1, RETP: 0, SSBD: 3
VNC Encryption: Disabled
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