Re: [SOGo] Alternative sender

2011-03-18 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Op 18-03-11 12:06, Alessio Fattorini schreef:
 Il 18/03/2011 12:01, Paul van der Vlis ha scritto:

 Is it possible for users to have more then one identitie for sending
 mail?  For e.g. private mail, bussiness mail, more official mail, etc.
 It's a recursive question:
 You Need to define the email addresses in the mail attribute of your
 ldap users. The SOGo web interface then allows users to choose from any
 of the addresses when composing emails.

I use a mysql database for authentication. Do I have to create extra
columns in my database, or do I have too add extra records with the same
c_uid ?

mysql show columns from sogo_users;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| c_uid  | varchar(10)  | NO   | PRI | NULL|   |
| c_name | varchar(10)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| c_password | varchar(32)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| c_cn   | varchar(128) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| mail   | varchar(128) | YES  | | NULL|   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This is what I use to connect:
defaults write sogod SOGoUserSources '({canAuthenticate = YES;
displayName = SOGo Users; id = users; isAddressBook = YES; type = sql;
userPasswordAlgorithm = md5; viewURL
defaults write sogod SOGoProfileURL

 I mean something like:

 1. Firma van der Vlis
 2. Paul van der Vlis
 3. E.P. van der Vlis
 Should be configurable from e-mail preferences i think, like Thunderbird
 There is an open NFR bug yet

What does NFR mean?  Can you point me to the bug when it's important for me?

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


Re: [SOGo] Alternative sender

2011-03-18 Thread Jim Hague
On Friday 18 Mar 2011 11:06:16 Alessio Fattorini wrote:
 Il 18/03/2011 12:01, Paul van der Vlis ha scritto:
  Is it possible for users to have more then one identitie for sending
  mail?  For e.g. private mail, bussiness mail, more official mail, etc.
 It's a recursive question:
 You Need to define the email addresses in the mail attribute of your ldap
 users. The SOGo web interface then allows users to choose from any of the
 addresses when composing emails.

I've done this, and it works well.

However, be warned that if you have clients set up to use your LDAP as an 
address book, you can't be sure which of the multiple addresses they will 
choose to display as your email. I carefully set up OpenLDAP to return 
addresses in a particular order, hoping that the first would always be the one 
displayed as the address book address, which mostly worked, but then found 
that iCal doesn't pick the first. Dunno how it does choose.
Jim Hague -  Never trust a computer you can't lift.