Re: FarmWarDeployer Tomcat 6.0.18 on REL

2009-11-30 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User I have the same issue, seems there is something wrong with this object, and you do have an error message in your logs, it's "SEVERE: FarmWarDeployer can only work as host cluster subelement!". According to A

Body not transmitted with javaxmail when Tomcat is starting

2008-10-24 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User I use the same code in 2 ways : 1/ In a simple java project with Eclipse 2/ In a Tomcat application When I send a mail in a simple java project, it works. The mail is sent with subject and body. When I use t

Re: CGIServlet in Tomcat 6

2008-09-10 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User In order to add privileged="true" property simply edit $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml replace tag by In Response To: Hi all, I'm using CGI servlet in Tomcat 5 without any problem, but with Tomcat 6 I get

Re: The requested resource (/manager/) is not available.

2008-09-08 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User try: /manager/html instead! In Response To: Hi list, I'm trying to use the manager webapp for the custom Ant tasks on Tomcat 6.0.9 with Sun Solaris 10. I've gone into the tomcat-users.xml file and created

Re: jsvc creates pid file owned by root

2008-09-05 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User >>You shouldn't be messing about with the ownership of the PID file. It is >>created by jsvc at startup. If you use jsvc properly it will start as >>root, create the pid file, startup tomcat ... Ah, but what if

Re: CGIServlet in Tomcat 6

2008-08-12 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Add it where exactly? In $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml? In $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml? Please provide the exact path and a snippet of the code... In Response To: Hi all, I'm using CGI servlet in

Re: HEAD request to a Servlet

2008-08-03 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User That's exactly it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Now I have to figure out which version of JBoss will be built around that version of Tomcat. In Response To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > A

HEAD request to a Servlet

2008-08-03 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User A request like: HEAD /SomeServlet?id=10471 HTTP/1.1" 500 returns a 500 error. The log has the following: javax.servlet.ServletException: Original SevletResponse or wrapped original ServletResponse not passe

Upgrade Tomcat 4.1 to 5.5

2008-07-08 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Hi All, I would like to upgrade Apache Tomcat/4=2E1=2E36-LE-jdk14 = to Apache Tomcat 5=2E5=2E26=2E I currently have the following installa= tion: OS =3D Windows 2003 JDK =3D Version 1=2E5=2E0_11 Build 149023=

Re: Blocking Proxy Access

2008-06-25 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User It's to keep undesirables, who have been banned, off from a social networking site. In Response To: > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Is there anyway to detect that a web user is trying

Blocking Proxy Access

2008-06-25 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Is there anyway to detect that a web user is trying to access my site via an open/anonymous proxy? Other than building a list of open proxy IP addresses and checking against it? This list would be huge and ev

Re: mod_jk -> tomcat sending delay

2008-05-30 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User We solved the problem by increasing the number of connections in server.xml on Tomcat ... The default is 20 which is not sufficient even if we don't actually have more than 7-10 people online. Our architectu

Re: The return type is incompatible with JspSourceDependent.getDependants()

2008-05-18 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User This problem is sometimes caused by an older version of the JspSourceDependent class being in one of your class loaders. In my case, GWT (google widget toolkit) had this class so that it could install a tomca

Re: ! Tomcat 500 error NEED HELP!

2008-05-09 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException at com.enigma.sdk.web

Apache HTTP Server Redirect to Tomcat

2008-04-20 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Hi, I'm using an Apache HTTP server that connects to Tomcat via mod_jk. All my servlet mappings work correctly. My question is that I want my default page for the Apache http server to be a servlet rather th

Re: Tomcat not starting

2008-04-17 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User I was also stuck at the same problem, and copying "msvcr71.dll" to the Tomcat bin directory fixed it. Thanks for the solution. In Response To: Windows 2000 sp4 JRE 1.6_02 Tomcat won't start. Any help Trie

Re: Tomcat does not start

2008-03-27 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Only one thing we have to do, to copy the file name msvcr71.dll from you jre directory installation (ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin) to the bin folder of tomcat´s intallation (ex: C:\Archivos de pr

Re: Unconnected sockets not implemented

2008-03-19 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User For the sake of anyone else running into this cryptic exception, the FIRST thing to do is verify everything about how SSL is configured in your VM -- make sure the and

Re: CGIServlet in Tomcat 6

2008-03-13 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Sorry for a kind of a necropost, but is't enough to add privileged="true" to the root tag of main context.xml which is in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml In Response To: Hi all, I'm using CGI servlet in Tom

mod_jk Problems - - worker went to error state and dont recover

2008-02-20 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Hallo to all, After long unsuccessful research i hope someone can give me a hint to the following problems. Our Apache-mod_jk-Tomcat Infrastructur was running without Problems for about one year-than since t

Re: mod_jk for OS X PPC

2008-02-08 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User hi. i have an iphone and i try to downgrade it with ibrickr. it seems to work but i have a big problem. your program is start running stops and restart iphone. i dont know what to do. please help me . thanks

Re: [Fwd: Can't run jsp pages on tomcat 6.0.10]

2007-09-20 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Did anyone end up with a solution or fix for this issue? I have encountered this problem as well. The one thing I can add is that under http the jsp pages compile and run, however under https, that's where I

Re: Oracle Invalid Login Credentials

2007-09-13 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User You should look at the SQL ORA error message that should be in the SQLException thrown by your JDBC call. This should be in your log4j log file if you're using log4j or any other logging mechanism, perhaps ev

Re: Generating a 404 response

2007-09-09 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User OK. My fault. This works: else { response.sendError(404, ""); return; } Now when I look in my http server log I see a status of 404 with the original URL. Thanks for your help. In Response To

Re: Generating a 404 response

2007-09-09 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User It didn't work. I got a 500 later in my code. Here's what I did: if(detail.size() > 0) { dbutil = new DBUtil(getServletConfig().getInitParameter(Constants.JNDI_NAME));

Re: Generating a 404 response

2007-09-09 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Thanks very much. I will try that. In Response To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > See Thread at: Posted on behalf > of a User > > I have a J2EE application residin

Re: Generating a 404 response

2007-09-09 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Hi Martin, My name's Jason. I am posting from a Tomcat Forum on a website. Sam must be the admin person...? Anyway what's happening is that if a user request causes a page request for a non-existent page we

Generating a 404 response

2007-09-09 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User I have a J2EE application residing on Tomcat. The pages are dynamically generated. If a use enters an invalid request I redirect him to a generic error page (which isn't really an error page but just a jsp th

Re: an easier way to deploy war file?

2007-09-04 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Even when you hot or auto-deploy the war file the previous version has to be replaces by extracting content from the new war file. There will be a pause with 404 errors if you hit the URL while the deployment

Re: Question on static variables

2007-09-04 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Nothing to do with Tomcat. Look up the Singleton pattern and it will teach you what you need. In Response To: I have a unique situation where I'm building a polling server for a Flash/Flex application. I

Re: Java servlets

2007-08-29 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User Hi see this for an explanation: In Response To: Hi all, This is not a question specific to tomcat but more about servlets. I am using a dispatcher forward t

Re: [mod_jk] problem serving URIs with 'special characters'

2007-08-26 Thread samk
See Thread at: Posted on behalf of a User I meant do use URLEncoding when you're creating the URL with characters from another language. I presume that these URLs are being generated by your Server side application, yes...? String send = URLEncoder.

Re: [mod_jk] problem serving URIs with 'special characters'

2007-08-26 Thread samk
URLEncoding doesn't take care of this problem? In Response To: Hi; (using: centos, apache 2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.21, tomcat 6) Recently, I encountered a problem with URIs that has 'non western European' characters (for example:

Re: A Global Error Page (JSP or JSF)

2007-08-24 Thread samk
It works most of the time but sometimes it doesn't for no discernible reason. :( One of life's great mysteries that I am looking in to. In Response To: Hi Chris, I guess you're question pointed to Sam, right? Anyways, that's also what I think. According to the specs a *noncaught* exception

Re: Invalid argument

2007-08-23 Thread samk
Looks like the SO_LINGER option isn't being set. I would look into that. In Response To: By looking at the stack trace it looks like setsockopt() is trying to set an option on the underlying socket that's not supported by your TCP/IP implementation. It probably is some performance related opti

Re: Invalid argument

2007-08-23 Thread samk
By looking at the stack trace it looks like setsockopt() is trying to set an option on the underlying socket that's not supported by your TCP/IP implementation. It probably is some performance related option that's being ignored. You could turn up the logging level by setting JkLogLevel debug.

Re: Invalid argument

2007-08-23 Thread samk
What's your server & OS? In Response To: I am running Tomcat 5.0.28 and Apache 2.2 using mod_jk. I am constantly seeing the following error show up in the catalina.log: WARNING: Exception executing accept Invalid argument at

Siteminder based Security

2007-08-23 Thread samk
This is probably a far fetched request but does anyone know a good way of nulling the Siteminder header when a user logs out so that they'll be challenged by Siteminder again when they hit a protected URL? I am invalidating the user session and in HTTP watch I can see that the SM session is gone

Re: A Global Error Page (JSP or JSF)

2007-08-23 Thread samk
That's exactly what I have done. I have even tested it by having a servlet do a int i = 500/0; which causes a 500 error and a divide by zero exception which invokes the page correctly with the error and the stack trace; however, sometimes for errors (like trying to access a null object) the page

Re: A Global Error Page (JSP or JSF)

2007-08-23 Thread samk
I have configured a servlet to display an error message and a stack trace for 500 errors 9defined in web.xml). It works sometimes and not at others? By this i mean some 500 errors are caught and reported the others just cause an error and failure. In Response To: Does anybody have an example

Re: Running Apache Tomcat and Apache on Win XP

2007-08-22 Thread samk
Download the http server from Apache In Response To: Hi, I'm a little confused about Apache Tomcat. When installed (Win XP) do I get both the Apache HTTP server and the Tomcat? I needed the Apache HTTP server for some PHP development tests. And did try to install it on may machine, but it di