Re: RFE: read keystorePass from file

2015-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/16/15 4:16 PM, Luca Menegus wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> let me describe what I'm trying to do in more details.
> Goals: * Completely automate tomcat deployment, and make sure
> deployment is reproducible and testable in different environment
> (hence we use ansible+git to manage installation and _configuration
> for tomcat) * Do not make stupid thing (like storing passwords or
> keys in SCM) just because we want to automate * Be as secure as
> possible

I completely understand.

> (Working) implementation:
> I install and configure tomcat with ansible (server.xml is an
> ansible template, on every run ansible re-generates the template
> and compare it to the deployed version, so it needs to be able to
> read the deployed server.xml) Then I generate a random pin file,
> the keystore and the private keys (and relates cert requests) with
> ansible on the target host. (Thanks to Jan suggestion) I can now
> instruct tomcat to read the pin from the pin file. I do not need to
> store pin/keys in SCM

So what have you bought yourself?

If Ansible can templatize server.xml, why not simply have it enter the
auto-generated pin into the server.xml as it's deployed? I really
don't understand why it must be a separate file.

Does anyone have access to the Tomcat server who should never see the
pin for the keystore? If so, don't give them file-permission-access to
the server.xml file.

Are you worried about Tomcat being compromised and revealing the
contents of server.xml? The Tomcat process needs access to the
external pin file, so you haven't protected against this attack, either.

> I'm running on linux so I can install the following audit rule:
> auditctl -w [pin file] -p warx -F auid!=tomcat -F auid!=4294967295
> so *at least* I'm sure that access to the pin file made by anybody
>  but the tomcat user would be logged (so I know when I was
> compromised and need to rekey the cert)

So why not simply use that rule with server.xml?

> This rule doesn't trigger when I am comparing the deployed
> server.xml with the expected version or the deployed keystore (as
> to check the presence of the key I do not need the key pin).

So you trust Ansible to build-out and deploy the server, but not to
read the pin file? Ansible is the *source* of the pin file, so you'd
better trust it.

> It only trigger when I generate the initial pin, somebody
> compromise my box, I need to renew certs (which are all events I
> like to be informed about)

How do you detect compromise?

> Now back to the tomcat relevant suff:
> (at least) in my setup I find it valuable to be able to read
> secrets from files I can protect with specific audit rules.

Again, why not simply protect server.xml with such audit rules?

> Jan suggested me a viable (and easily implemented) way to do it
> [1], so I'm ok.

I'm glad he was able to help. Konstantin's suggestion 2 days prior had
the same solution (you just had to follow the link he posted).

> Now the question is, given how easy is to implement Jan solution
> do you think my use case deserves an RFE (something like adding 
> keyPassFile attribute to the Connector )?

I don't yet see a justifiable position of how it improves security in
any way. I'm happy to implement the feature myself if you can explain
how it improves security in any meaningful way.

> I do not know tomcat enough to answer, but if you say so I'll post
> a BUG.

It's definitely an "enhancement" if anything.

> Regards and thanks for your help, Luca
> [1] - Add
> -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.digester.PROPERTY_SOURCE=FilePropertySource
> to CATALINA_OPTS - deploy a jar in tomcat lib with the following
> class: public class FilePropertySource implements 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource { 
> @Override public String getProperty(String name) { if
> (name.startsWith("file://")) { try { return
> readFile(name.substring(7)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new
> RuntimeException("Unable to derefercence property " + name, e); } 
> } return null; }
> String readFile(String fileName) throws IOException { FileReader br
> = new FileReader(fileName); try { StringBuilder sb = new
> StringBuilder(); char[] buff = new char[4096]; int read = -1; while
> ((read = != -1) { sb.append(buff, 0, read); } return
> sb.toString(); } finally { br.close();

This finally block can throw an NPE.

Also note that an IOException thrown from br.close() can cause any
in-flight exception to be lost.

> } } }
> - in server.xml use it like ${file:///bla/bla/bla}

- -chris

Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


Re: Fwd: Tomcat 8 and Java 8

2015-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/16/15 12:06 PM, Greg Huber wrote:
> ..To follow on, for others going grey also.
> The file:/ seems to be from a :/ (colon) on the class path, and
> the combination of running it from /etc/rc.d/init.d makes it not
> work.
> Not working -classpath 
> :/opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/apache
- -tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
> Working -classpath 
> /opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/apache-
> I guess we need to check for file:/ so we do not scan the whole
> server.


My first reaction is "don't do that", but it seems like a stray colon
shouldn't really be valid in the classpath, so Tomcat probably ought
to ignore "" (empty string) classpath entries.

Could you file a Bugzilla issue?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Add member to static memebership cluster during runtime

2015-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/16/15 9:59 AM, Christoph Prybila wrote:
> Tomcat: 7.0.59 OS: Win7 Professional SP1 Java:
> 1.7.0_67
> I want to create a cluster and I need to use static membership. But
> the number of nodes in my cluster is not static.
> Is it possible to add members to such a static membership cluster 
> without restarting the other already running tomcat instances?
> I figured that in order to add a new member I would need to specify
> it in the StaticMembershipInterceptor of all the other nodes. But
> editing the server.xml of a running tomcat instance had no effect.

Tomcat will not auto-reload server.xml; there are just too many moving
parts to reload it quickly, so you have to bounce the whole server.

Oddly enough, I was just talking to someone yesterday about how static
membership ought to be updatable via at least JMX. I'm not sure, but
it's possible that static membership is /already updatable via JMX.

Are you comfortable connecting to a local Tomcat using jconsole or
VisualVM and browsing around the "Catalina" tree? I don't have a
clustered setup handy to inspect myself to see if it's already possible.

If it's /not/ currently possible, it really should be.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Fwd: Tomcat 8 and Java 8

2015-04-17 Thread Greg Huber

My startup script (many years old) uses:


So its quite possible if the $CLASSPATH is empty we get the :/

The odd thing is why does it work when run from the command line but not
from /etc/rc.d/init.d as both use case have the colon.

Cheers Greg

On 17 April 2015 at 06:48, Christopher Schultz  wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Greg,
> On 4/16/15 12:06 PM, Greg Huber wrote:
> > ..To follow on, for others going grey also.
> >
> > The file:/ seems to be from a :/ (colon) on the class path, and
> > the combination of running it from /etc/rc.d/init.d makes it not
> > work.
> >
> > Not working -classpath
> > :/opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/apache
> - -tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
> >
> >
> >
> > Working -classpath
> > /opt/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/apache-
> tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.0.21/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
> >
> >
> >
> > I guess we need to check for file:/ so we do not scan the whole
> > server.
> Whoops.
> My first reaction is "don't do that", but it seems like a stray colon
> shouldn't really be valid in the classpath, so Tomcat probably ought
> to ignore "" (empty string) classpath entries.
> Could you file a Bugzilla issue?
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v2
> Comment: GPGTools -
> ZndnLNIh1FFC6HCeo/LKA2IWr9ISRw+2g5Iuftaz9RJRmdmCP2fYUrODwlZOLbU4
> Z9vj1Pc4pCXDKJ2mxTAK1hWMWTP3FwqIM02iw7dli8hiCBs7TM97gtU6u/AhpKYS
> l9Fd+ynZM377zCnvoBSQ+3C744Roat9a6XZQvvAcIdWkC7ELVCXB7KNF4xtUHO4r
> ezPUWzbPV6GaE5Y81kxoRIKQOGUq+/JX3q2jaH3b5zVXMWmsVfQY68Mo3UyjpMJ1
> ymiPZIYXAKJrXrY5SWhGSB6wzzx6nJVesINQB0O2ykZW/SjiXwyZpVqiMPf0tOmP
> +xIAaNRFXgT6eH7Rs8+U0n8b+fSZ3uJuqB7zZDWvK0xSwjB1bYt2vRBRH28L+o1x
> B2tDaDlJQfhsNji78/AiqiYiJcLrXzsJiB/niuVQSggTuGiOUtiHfY2BpbXCRnoU
> 4oIU5Rety5NKO6oXeB++ZUYF97QY5OfhTjLLrXxv8ehsUG74jZlrO7xDUIgmY86+
> /Mw9EYmBWXk9l0qNBk6TqK8N8244rwvLZHmtGiKzhih+Iw+uIP+mjICjW+++Aw3j
> BRmTf/MyrdD2gIO7h/m0GGOpJsAugQ9IJu7UPDC4g4vZBtWUtUEY9lGzzxcOdAoS
> utxJvmUG9Ha9WfBsRyBV
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Configuring Tomcat manager application upload limit

2015-04-17 Thread Dominic Hargreaves
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 08:33:00AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 15/04/2015 05:28, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> > I am running the Tomcat manager application via a Debian package
> > (tomcat8-admin), which deploys the webapp from
> > /usr/share/tomcat8-admin/manager. We ran into a problem hitting th 
> > maximum upload size (configured as the multipart-config element in the
> > HTMLManager servlet block). This is easy to fix if you're willing to
> > edit Debian-packaged files, but this is incorrect: files in /usr/share
> > are owned exclusively by dpkg. Is there a way to override this element
> > from somewhere in tomcat's conf directory (which is symlinked to
> > /etc/tomcat8 in Debian)?
> No. The web application setting would take priority.

Okay, thanks for confirming.

> > If it's not possible to override this at the moment, then is this a bug
> > in Tomcat, or the Debian packaging?
> I'd say the bug is in the Debian packaging (but I would say that
> wouldn't I).
> Without know how Tomcat is packaged in Debian, I would expect the following:
> - the Manager web application to be a separate, optional package

Yep, it is.

> - the web.xml to be placed in an appropriate location for users to be
> able to edit it.
> I took a quick look through the web.xml for the Manager app. There are
> plenty of settings I wouldn't expect to change but there are a handful
> of things that users might want to tweak.
> In theory, it should be possible to move those settings to context.xml
> but that would require code changes and would mean do things that were
> contrary to the spirit of the servlet spec so there would likely be
> resistance to such changes from the Tomcat community.
> One option would be for Debian to use external entities for the
> configurable elements and place the file that defines those entities
> somewhere where users can edit it.

Okay, that's an interesting idea if it's possible to agree on a sane set :)

Thanks for your feedback!


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Re: Add member to static memebership cluster during runtime

2015-04-17 Thread Christoph Prybila

Am 17.04.2015 um 07:45 schrieb Christopher Schultz:

Hash: SHA256


On 4/16/15 9:59 AM, Christoph Prybila wrote:

Tomcat: 7.0.59 OS: Win7 Professional SP1 Java:

I want to create a cluster and I need to use static membership. But
the number of nodes in my cluster is not static.

Is it possible to add members to such a static membership cluster
without restarting the other already running tomcat instances?

I figured that in order to add a new member I would need to specify
it in the StaticMembershipInterceptor of all the other nodes. But
editing the server.xml of a running tomcat instance had no effect.

Tomcat will not auto-reload server.xml; there are just too many moving
parts to reload it quickly, so you have to bounce the whole server.

Oddly enough, I was just talking to someone yesterday about how static
membership ought to be updatable via at least JMX. I'm not sure, but
it's possible that static membership is /already updatable via JMX.

Are you comfortable connecting to a local Tomcat using jconsole or
VisualVM and browsing around the "Catalina" tree? I don't have a
clustered setup handy to inspect myself to see if it's already possible.

If it's /not/ currently possible, it really should be.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


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I already tried to configure the cluster via jmx.

After connecting to a tomcat instance, there was indeed a "Cluster" 
object in the tree but I was not able to add/remove existing members there.

This cluster object contains a group called "Member" where all members 
of the cluster are listed.

Therefore I was able to query information about the members.
Unfortunately the member objects do not offer any operations at all.
I do not have much experience with jmx but I think that means that the 
member-entries are read-only and it is currently not possible to 
configure the membership via jmx.

The cluster object itself offers the operations "start", "stop", 
"setProperty" and "send" which as far as I understood also do not give 
any possibility to add new members.

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Re: Configuring Tomcat manager application upload limit

2015-04-17 Thread Mark Thomas
On 17 April 2015 09:37:40 BST, Dominic Hargreaves  wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 08:33:00AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 15/04/2015 05:28, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
>> > I am running the Tomcat manager application via a Debian package
>> > (tomcat8-admin), which deploys the webapp from
>> > /usr/share/tomcat8-admin/manager. We ran into a problem hitting th 
>> > maximum upload size (configured as the multipart-config element in
>> > HTMLManager servlet block). This is easy to fix if you're willing
>> > edit Debian-packaged files, but this is incorrect: files in
>> > are owned exclusively by dpkg. Is there a way to override this
>> > from somewhere in tomcat's conf directory (which is symlinked to
>> > /etc/tomcat8 in Debian)?
>> No. The web application setting would take priority.
>Okay, thanks for confirming.
>> > If it's not possible to override this at the moment, then is this a
>> > in Tomcat, or the Debian packaging?
>> I'd say the bug is in the Debian packaging (but I would say that
>> wouldn't I).
>> Without know how Tomcat is packaged in Debian, I would expect the
>> - the Manager web application to be a separate, optional package
>Yep, it is.
>> - the web.xml to be placed in an appropriate location for users to be
>> able to edit it.
>> I took a quick look through the web.xml for the Manager app. There
>> plenty of settings I wouldn't expect to change but there are a
>> of things that users might want to tweak.
>> In theory, it should be possible to move those settings to
>> but that would require code changes and would mean do things that
>> contrary to the spirit of the servlet spec so there would likely be
>> resistance to such changes from the Tomcat community.
>> One option would be for Debian to use external entities for the
>> configurable elements and place the file that defines those entities
>> somewhere where users can edit it.
>Okay, that's an interesting idea if it's possible to agree on a sane
>set :)
>Thanks for your feedback!

Another option (I think) is to use the property replacement feature. I.e. 
${} in web.xml and in

The only question is if this works in web.xml which I don't recall and I don't 
have easy access to the source to check. If it doesn't work we should be able 
to fix that easily. 


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Tomcat threads dependency on net.core.somaxconn value on Linux

2015-04-17 Thread satish jupalli

I would like to support a bust in traffic we are planning to increase the
umber of threads by adding executor pool with misSpareThread to 100 and
accept count to 5.  However, I'm trying to understand the correlation
between the tomcat connector acceptCount and ThreadCount to the Linux
config net.core.somaxconn(number of incoming connections) which defaults to
128. Does it makes sense to increase the thread count alone with out
increasing net.core.somaxconn value?

Below is the config that we are planning to use on Tomcat 7.0.42 on Linux

Any inputs regarding the Tomcat threads and Linux net.core.somaxconn will
be greatly appreciated to support many concurrent connections.

Satish Jupalli

GC Issue on Tomcat6

2015-04-17 Thread Subhro Paul
Hi Team,

For our client website we have two Tomcat servers. Both servers are having 
same configuration which is 16GB RAM, 8CPUS and Linux 6.5 OS. Tomcat 6 and 
JAVA 6 are installed in both systems.

Yesterday, using Jconsole we observed that frequency of GC on one server 
was very high which was 5 GC hit per Minute and on other server it was 1 
GC hit per 3 Minutes. But today we observed that on both of the servers GC 
frequency is same.

Is this a know secnario or the server is facing any issue?

Thanks & Regards
Subhro Paul
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Re: Add member to static memebership cluster during runtime

2015-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/17/15 5:33 AM, Christoph Prybila wrote:
> Am 17.04.2015 um 07:45 schrieb Christopher Schultz: Chris,
> On 4/16/15 9:59 AM, Christoph Prybila wrote:
 Tomcat: 7.0.59 OS: Win7 Professional SP1 Java: 
 I want to create a cluster and I need to use static
 membership. But the number of nodes in my cluster is not
 Is it possible to add members to such a static membership
 cluster without restarting the other already running tomcat
 I figured that in order to add a new member I would need to
 specify it in the StaticMembershipInterceptor of all the
 other nodes. But editing the server.xml of a running tomcat
 instance had no effect.
> Tomcat will not auto-reload server.xml; there are just too many
> moving parts to reload it quickly, so you have to bounce the whole
> server.
> Oddly enough, I was just talking to someone yesterday about how
> static membership ought to be updatable via at least JMX. I'm not
> sure, but it's possible that static membership is /already
> updatable via JMX.
> Are you comfortable connecting to a local Tomcat using jconsole or 
> VisualVM and browsing around the "Catalina" tree? I don't have a 
> clustered setup handy to inspect myself to see if it's already
> possible.
> If it's /not/ currently possible, it really should be.
> -chris
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> I already tried to configure the cluster via jmx.
> After connecting to a tomcat instance, there was indeed a
> "Cluster" object in the tree but I was not able to add/remove
> existing members there.
> This cluster object contains a group called "Member" where all
> members of the cluster are listed. Therefore I was able to query
> information about the members. Unfortunately the member objects do
> not offer any operations at all. I do not have much experience with
> jmx but I think that means that the member-entries are read-only
> and it is currently not possible to configure the membership via
> jmx.
> The cluster object itself offers the operations "start", "stop", 
> "setProperty" and "send" which as far as I understood also do not
> give any possibility to add new members.

Agreed. Could you file an enhancement request in Bugzilla?


- -chris
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: GC Issue on Tomcat6

2015-04-17 Thread David kerber

On 4/17/2015 8:32 AM, Subhro Paul wrote:

Hi Team,

For our client website we have two Tomcat servers. Both servers are having
same configuration which is 16GB RAM, 8CPUS and Linux 6.5 OS. Tomcat 6 and
JAVA 6 are installed in both systems.

Yesterday, using Jconsole we observed that frequency of GC on one server
was very high which was 5 GC hit per Minute and on other server it was 1
GC hit per 3 Minutes. But today we observed that on both of the servers GC
frequency is same.

Is this a know secnario or the server is facing any issue?

It was probably just receiving more traffic and/or doing more work of 
some other kind.

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Re: Tomcat threads dependency on net.core.somaxconn value on Linux

2015-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/17/15 7:20 AM, satish jupalli wrote:
> I would like to support a bust in traffic we are planning to
> increase the umber of threads by adding executor pool with
> misSpareThread to 100 and accept count to 5.  However, I'm
> trying to understand the correlation between the tomcat connector
> acceptCount and ThreadCount to the Linux config
> net.core.somaxconn(number of incoming connections) which defaults
> to 128.

The thread count isn't really a part of this discussion: only the
accept count and /proc/sys/net/core/somaxx

> Does it makes sense to increase the thread count alone with out 
> increasing net.core.somaxconn value?

Probably not; Linux limits the accept queue using that value and will
not allow client code to exceed that limit.

> Below is the config that we are planning to use on Tomcat 7.0.42 on
> Linux 5.x.

(You should upgrade to 7.0.62 as soon as it feasible for you.)

>  minSpareThreads="100" maxThreads="300"/>
>  connectionTimeout="2" redirectPort="8443" 
> enableLookups="false" keepAliveTimeout="30" 
> maxKeepAliveRequests="1" acceptCount="5" socketBuffer="10240" 
> executor="tomcatThreadPool" compression="on" 
> compressableMimeType="text/html, text/xml" xpoweredBy="false" 
> server="false" />
> Any inputs regarding the Tomcat threads and Linux
> net.core.somaxconn will be greatly appreciated to support many
> concurrent connections.

If you use acceptCount="5", Tomcat will ask for that socket queue
size and simply won't get it. You should definitely raise the value of
somaxx on Linux.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Configuring Tomcat manager application upload limit

2015-04-17 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2015-04-17 13:52 GMT+03:00 Mark Thomas :
> On 17 April 2015 09:37:40 BST, Dominic Hargreaves  wrote:
>>On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 08:33:00AM -0500, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> On 15/04/2015 05:28, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
>>> > I am running the Tomcat manager application via a Debian package
>>> > (tomcat8-admin), which deploys the webapp from
>>> > /usr/share/tomcat8-admin/manager. We ran into a problem hitting th
>>> > maximum upload size (configured as the multipart-config element in
>>> > HTMLManager servlet block). This is easy to fix if you're willing
>>> > edit Debian-packaged files, but this is incorrect: files in
>>> > are owned exclusively by dpkg. Is there a way to override this
>>> > from somewhere in tomcat's conf directory (which is symlinked to
>>> > /etc/tomcat8 in Debian)?
>>> No. The web application setting would take priority.
>>Okay, thanks for confirming.
>>> > If it's not possible to override this at the moment, then is this a
>>> > in Tomcat, or the Debian packaging?
>>> I'd say the bug is in the Debian packaging (but I would say that
>>> wouldn't I).
>>> Without know how Tomcat is packaged in Debian, I would expect the
>>> - the Manager web application to be a separate, optional package
>>Yep, it is.
>>> - the web.xml to be placed in an appropriate location for users to be
>>> able to edit it.
>>> I took a quick look through the web.xml for the Manager app. There
>>> plenty of settings I wouldn't expect to change but there are a
>>> of things that users might want to tweak.
>>> In theory, it should be possible to move those settings to
>>> but that would require code changes and would mean do things that
>>> contrary to the spirit of the servlet spec so there would likely be
>>> resistance to such changes from the Tomcat community.
>>> One option would be for Debian to use external entities for the
>>> configurable elements and place the file that defines those entities
>>> somewhere where users can edit it.
>>Okay, that's an interesting idea if it's possible to agree on a sane
>>set :)
>>Thanks for your feedback!
> Another option (I think) is to use the property replacement feature. I.e. 
> ${} in web.xml and in
> The only question is if this works in web.xml which I don't recall and I 
> don't have easy access to the source to check. If it doesn't work we should 
> be able to fix that easily.

+1. I am sure that it works in web.xml.

Also things to note:

1) It is recommended to configure an IP filter (RemoteAddrValve) for
manager web application in its context file.

2) It should be possible to shadow (override) WEB-INF/web.xml of an
application by configuring a  element in its context

3) You can rename the application, configure it, pack into a war and
upload via the default manager app.

The name of the manager application does not matter. It can be renamed.

(If you are running with java SecurityManager enabled, it will require
additional configuration in policy file, and to configure context file
for the application).

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Issue with a principal and remote_user

2015-04-17 Thread George Stanchev
I posted this on the dev list but I must have placed it on the wrong list...

I am running IIS+jk_connect+Tomcat 7.0.59 but this issue was replicated on 
Tomcat 5.5.36. We are using a security filter from a 3rd party that is failing 
to engage while requests are sent over AJP via jk_connect. I was able to trace 
the issue to the 3rd party checking for previously authenticated principal via 
HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal(). Regular call via HTTP connector returns 
null. Call over jk_connect returns CoyotePrinciapal object but the getName() on 
it is "". The whole issue starts in the jk_isapi_plugin.c where 


This macro is defined as

#define GET_SERVER_VARIABLE_VALUE(name, place)  \
  do {  \
    (place) = dup_server_value(private_data->lpEcb, \
   (name),  \
   &private_data->p);   \
  } while(0)

dup_server_value is

static char *dup_server_value(LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpEcb,
  const char *name, jk_pool_t *p)
    char buf[HDR_BUFFER_SIZE];
    char *dp;

    if (lpEcb->GetServerVariable(lpEcb->ConnID, (LPSTR)name, buf, &sz))
    return jk_pool_strdup(p, buf);

and "jk_pool_strdup" starts as

char *jk_pool_strdup(jk_pool_t *p, const char *s)
    char *rc = NULL;
   if (s && p) {
    size_t size = strlen(s);

    if (!size) {
    return "";

So essentially GetServerVariable(REMOTE_USER, buf, &sz) returns TRUE and sets 
buf[0]=0 and sz to 0 indicating no REMOTE_USER is present. However, this is 
converted to "" by jk_pool_strdup and sent over AJP to Tomcat as a remote_user 
with size of 0 bytes.

Since a remote_user field IS sent to Tomcat, it creates a CoyotePrincipal 
object with a principal name of empty string.

There is a problem somewhere: two requests over two connectors generate two 
different principal objects (null and empty CoyotePrincipal). If I'd to put a 
finger, I would say the issue is with the IIS connector converting empty 
REMOTE_USER value to "" instead of NULL and thus sending empty remote_user "" 
to Tomcat. But a case can be made for Tomcat's AJP processor to check if the 
incoming remote_user value is "" and not create a phoney CoyotePrincipal either

I'd like to raise an issue but I want to submit it into the correct component.


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Re: GC Issue on Tomcat6

2015-04-17 Thread Ameer Mawia
Toronto, ON

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:47 AM, David kerber  wrote:

> On 4/17/2015 8:32 AM, Subhro Paul wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> For our client website we have two Tomcat servers. Both servers are having
>> same configuration which is 16GB RAM, 8CPUS and Linux 6.5 OS. Tomcat 6 and
>> JAVA 6 are installed in both systems.
>> Yesterday, using Jconsole we observed that frequency of GC on one server
>> was very high which was 5 GC hit per Minute and on other server it was 1
>> GC hit per 3 Minutes. But today we observed that on both of the servers GC
>> frequency is same.
>> Garbage Collection in Oracle Hot spot JVM takes place in generational
manner. GC on young generation is invoked much more frequently, while Full
GC is invoked once in a while. In any case, frequency is much higher than
what you have mentioned.

I'm not sure which GC(Young/Full) you are talking about? What pattern of GC
you have earlier observed?

> Is this a know secnario or the server is facing any issue?
> GC issue has nothing to do with Tomcat per say. It is the memory footprint
of your application which will dictate GC behavior.

In any case, if your application is facing some memory bottle-neck, it is
better to pay attention on the percentage your JVM is spending in GCing
your application. If that percentage is very high, say ~90%, that means
your application is facing sever memory constrain, your application is
almost stalled as JVM has been trying very high to recover some space. Most
probably in that case, your JVM will die throwing OOM error in sometime.

> It was probably just receiving more traffic and/or doing more work of some
> other kind.
> -
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Quinta dos Três Rios

2015-04-17 Thread David Law

Hi Dave,

nice to speak to you just now.

The place I mentioned in Portugal is:
Quinta dos Três Rios 
...a treasure trove. :-)

Hope we'll be able to bump into you soon.

All the best,

Re: GC Issue on Tomcat6

2015-04-17 Thread Subhro Paul
From:   Ameer Mawia 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Date:   04/17/2015 06:29 PM
Subject:Re: GC Issue on Tomcat6
Toronto, ON

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:47 AM, David kerber  

> On 4/17/2015 8:32 AM, Subhro Paul wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> For our client website we have two Tomcat servers. Both servers are 
>> same configuration which is 16GB RAM, 8CPUS and Linux 6.5 OS. Tomcat 6 
>> JAVA 6 are installed in both systems.
>> Yesterday, using Jconsole we observed that frequency of GC on one 
>> was very high which was 5 GC hit per Minute and on other server it was 
>> GC hit per 3 Minutes. But today we observed that on both of the servers 
>> frequency is same.
>> Garbage Collection in Oracle Hot spot JVM takes place in generational
manner. GC on young generation is invoked much more frequently, while Full
GC is invoked once in a while. In any case, frequency is much higher than
what you have mentioned.

I'm not sure which GC(Young/Full) you are talking about? What pattern of 
you have earlier observed?

> Is this a know secnario or the server is facing any issue?
> GC issue has nothing to do with Tomcat per say. It is the memory 
of your application which will dictate GC behavior.

In any case, if your application is facing some memory bottle-neck, it is
better to pay attention on the percentage your JVM is spending in GCing
your application. If that percentage is very high, say ~90%, that means
your application is facing sever memory constrain, your application is
almost stalled as JVM has been trying very high to recover some space. 
probably in that case, your JVM will die throwing OOM error in sometime.

> It was probably just receiving more traffic and/or doing more work of 
> other kind.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Dear Ameer,

I am talking about Young GC which is "PS Scavenge" for both of the 
servers. Full GC was Running 1/Hour. Can you please assist how to check 
the % of memory utilization by GC through JConsole or any other process.

Thanks & Regards,
Subhro Paul
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message and/or attachments to it may contain 
confidential or privileged information. If you are 
not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, 
review, distribution, printing or copying of the 
information contained in this e-mail message 
and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If 
you have received this communication in error, 
please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and 
immediately and permanently delete the message 
and any attachments. Thank you

Re: Add member to static memebership cluster during runtime

2015-04-17 Thread Christoph Prybila

Am 17.04.2015 um 14:45 schrieb Christopher Schultz:

Hash: SHA256


On 4/17/15 5:33 AM, Christoph Prybila wrote:

Am 17.04.2015 um 07:45 schrieb Christopher Schultz: Chris,

On 4/16/15 9:59 AM, Christoph Prybila wrote:

Tomcat: 7.0.59 OS: Win7 Professional SP1 Java:

I want to create a cluster and I need to use static
membership. But the number of nodes in my cluster is not

Is it possible to add members to such a static membership
cluster without restarting the other already running tomcat

I figured that in order to add a new member I would need to
specify it in the StaticMembershipInterceptor of all the
other nodes. But editing the server.xml of a running tomcat
instance had no effect.

Tomcat will not auto-reload server.xml; there are just too many
moving parts to reload it quickly, so you have to bounce the whole

Oddly enough, I was just talking to someone yesterday about how
static membership ought to be updatable via at least JMX. I'm not
sure, but it's possible that static membership is /already
updatable via JMX.

Are you comfortable connecting to a local Tomcat using jconsole or
VisualVM and browsing around the "Catalina" tree? I don't have a
clustered setup handy to inspect myself to see if it's already

If it's /not/ currently possible, it really should be.



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I already tried to configure the cluster via jmx.

After connecting to a tomcat instance, there was indeed a
"Cluster" object in the tree but I was not able to add/remove
existing members there.

This cluster object contains a group called "Member" where all
members of the cluster are listed. Therefore I was able to query
information about the members. Unfortunately the member objects do
not offer any operations at all. I do not have much experience with
jmx but I think that means that the member-entries are read-only
and it is currently not possible to configure the membership via

The cluster object itself offers the operations "start", "stop",
"setProperty" and "send" which as far as I understood also do not
give any possibility to add new members.

Agreed. Could you file an enhancement request in Bugzilla?


- -chris
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Done. Thanks for the feedback.

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Re: GC Issue on Tomcat6

2015-04-17 Thread Ameer Mawia
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Subhro Paul  wrote:

> From:   Ameer Mawia 
> To: Tomcat Users List 
> Date:   04/17/2015 06:29 PM
> Subject:Re: GC Issue on Tomcat6
> Toronto, ON
> Phone:647-262-4380
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:47 AM, David kerber 
> wrote:
> > On 4/17/2015 8:32 AM, Subhro Paul wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Team,
> >>
> >> For our client website we have two Tomcat servers. Both servers are
> having
> >> same configuration which is 16GB RAM, 8CPUS and Linux 6.5 OS. Tomcat 6
> and
> >> JAVA 6 are installed in both systems.
> >>
> >> Yesterday, using Jconsole we observed that frequency of GC on one
> server
> >> was very high which was 5 GC hit per Minute and on other server it was
> 1
> >> GC hit per 3 Minutes. But today we observed that on both of the servers
> GC
> >> frequency is same.
> >>
> >> Garbage Collection in Oracle Hot spot JVM takes place in generational
> manner. GC on young generation is invoked much more frequently, while Full
> GC is invoked once in a while. In any case, frequency is much higher than
> what you have mentioned.
> I'm not sure which GC(Young/Full) you are talking about? What pattern of
> GC
> you have earlier observed?
> > Is this a know secnario or the server is facing any issue?
> >>
> >
> > GC issue has nothing to do with Tomcat per say. It is the memory
> footprint
> of your application which will dictate GC behavior.
> In any case, if your application is facing some memory bottle-neck, it is
> better to pay attention on the percentage your JVM is spending in GCing
> your application. If that percentage is very high, say ~90%, that means
> your application is facing sever memory constrain, your application is
> almost stalled as JVM has been trying very high to recover some space.
> Most
> probably in that case, your JVM will die throwing OOM error in sometime.
> > It was probably just receiving more traffic and/or doing more work of
> some
> > other kind.
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> >
> Dear Ameer,
I am talking about Young GC which is "PS Scavenge" for both of the
> servers. Full GC was Running 1/Hour. Can you please assist how to check
> the % of memory utilization by GC through JConsole or any other process.

Subhro, please reply inline. People prefer that way here. It makes reading
the thread easier.

I was talking about percentage utilization of CPU Time by GC Threads.
Getting % Memory usage is also very helpful.

There is a number of way to check Memory utilization, stats:

   - JConsole Memory tab.
   - Console output. You will have to turn on the JVM flag to dump these
  - -XX:+PrintGCDetails -- This also give time spent in a particular GC
  - Thread dump( Kill -3 Unix machine)

Also, you can get some fine tuned information about time usage by your
application threads, using these flags:

   - -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime
   -  -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime

Out of curiosity, how did you get this information  " Full GC was Running

I guess that is too few run.

Thanks & Regards,
> Subhro Paul
> =-=-=
> Notice: The information contained in this e-mail
> message and/or attachments to it may contain
> confidential or privileged information. If you are
> not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use,
> review, distribution, printing or copying of the
> information contained in this e-mail message
> and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If
> you have received this communication in error,
> please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and
> immediately and permanently delete the message
> and any attachments. Thank you

Toronto, ON

Re: Global JNDI resources lookup behavior difference between version 6.0.39 and 6.0.41/7.0.55

2015-04-17 Thread Robert Anderson
Issue fixed:

2014-09-04 11:07 GMT-03:00 Robert Anderson :

> 2014-09-04 10:57 GMT-03:00 Christopher Schultz <
>> I don't know. You could inspect a Subversion log between the two. It's
>> no fun, but it will show you what actually changed instead of what was
>> documented to have been changed.
> It's exactly what I'm doing at this moment. :)