Log4j2 logging with Tomcat 9 web app

2021-07-20 Thread Ravi Kumar

My web app is based on Tomcat 9.0.45 server. I have migrated from Tomcat 7
to Tomcat 9 and from log4j 1.x to log4j 2.x.
I have updated the log4j2.properties as per log4j 2.x standard, still my
tomcat.log file is not getting generated and all the application log are
coming on console instead of redirecting this to tomcat.log file.

so 1.tomcat.log is not geting  generated
 2. all the contents are logging and showing on the application console
instead of getting this logged inside the tomcat.log file.

Tomcat 9.0.45 + log4j 2.14.1 is used.

I am also attaching my log4j property file. Please find this attached here.

Kindly suggest me the solution.

Thank you.
#log4j.rootLogger=error, R 
#log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %t %c - %m%n 
#log4j.logger.org.apache.catalina=error, R
#log4j.logger.org.apache.catalina.core=error, R
#log4j.logger.org.apache.catalina.session=error, R

status = error
name = Log4j2PropertiesConfig

appender.rolling.type = RollingFile
appender.rolling.name = RollingFile
appender.rolling.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.rolling.layout.pattern =%p %t %c - %m%n
appender.rolling.policies.type = Policies
appender.rolling.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
appender.rolling.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
appender.rolling.strategy.max = 10

logger.rolling.name = org.apache.catalina
logger.rolling.level = error
logger.rolling.additivity = false
logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref = RollingFile

logger.rolling.name = 
logger.rolling.level = error
logger.rolling.additivity = false
logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref = RollingFile
logger.rolling.name = org.apache.catalina.core
logger.rolling.level = error
logger.rolling.additivity = false
logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref = RollingFile
logger.rolling.name = org.apache.catalina.session
logger.rolling.level = error
logger.rolling.additivity = false
logger.rolling.appenderRef.rolling.ref = RollingFile
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Error that only occurs on mobile

2021-07-20 Thread James H. H. Lampert
First, understand that I have even less involvement in development of 
our mobile apps than I do in the development of our Tomcat webapp. So 
I'm grasping at straws here. All I know is that the mobile apps work 
through the webapp.

It seems that at a specific customer installation, when the mobile app 
(both Apple and Android) tries to access our BIRT-based dashboards, they 
don't work (the dashboards work fine from a desktop browser). We 
recently updated that customer from 7.0.93 to 8.5.68, and installed the 
latest version of our webapp.

The error message that appears on Android is in the form:

The webpage at https://[very long url omitted] could not be loaded because:


I will note that we do have the httpHeaderSecurity filter enabled, with 
an antiClickJackingOption of SAMEORIGIN.

Does anybody here have any insights that I might pass on to the 
webapp/mobile team?


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Re: request.getPathInfo() Question

2021-07-20 Thread Mark Thomas

On 19/07/2021 20:55, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I have a servlet in the ROOT context mapped to "/".  I'm using 
request.getPathInfo() to get everything after the ".com/" in the URL. 
But no matter what is added to the url after .com/, getPathInfo() always 
returns null.  I printed out getRequestURL(), and it shows everything. I 
can parse the path out of getRequestURL().  But I'm curious why 
getPathInfo() is always null.  The docs say it returns null if there's 
no path info.  But that's not the case.  I'm on TC 9.0.16.

Tomcat's behaviour is correct since the servlet is the "default" servlet.

Please see section 12.2 of the Servlet 4.0 specification.


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Re: Cache-Control for INTEGRAL transport guarantee?

2021-07-20 Thread Mark Thomas

On 19/07/2021 20:46, Mikael Sterner wrote:


I can understand the motivation for adding a Cache-Control header for
CONFIDENTIAL transport guarantees, as discussed in

But if the transport guarantee is only INTEGRAL (and there are no
authorization constraints), wouldn't it make more sense to let the
resource be fully cached?


One use case would be a single-page app where some static resources never
change (e.g. due to content hashes in their names). These resources would
require data integrity, since it's important that the app logic and
content cannot be modified in transit. But if the resources don't require
authorization they aren't secret, so they don't require confidentiality.
And since they never change, it's wasteful for the client to check with
the server to validate its cache on every request.

What I'm proposing, if the above makes sense, would be to add an
additional criteria to the disableProxyCaching logic in AuthenticatorBase,
that goes through the constraints array and checks if there are any
authorization constraints or user data constraint with CONFIDENTIAL
transport guarantee. If not, no cache control headers should be added.

Static resources could then be configured with a transport guarantee of
INTEGRAL and still redirect to a secure connector if needed, but retain
full caching.

Cache headers have been somewhat of a moving target with different 
browsers behaving in different ways at different times over the years.

I wanted to review the current state of things before forming an opinion 
on this suggestion. I found the following the most useful:


I'm wondering if an alternative solution would be to move the code that 
sets "Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" to the 
securePagesWithPragma section. If we are sending "Cache-control: 
private" then I don't, at the moment, see a need to force revalidation 
of that cached content on every request. That would leave the 
application free to set its own expires headers (or not) as it saw fit.

Anyone using an HTTP/1.0 proxy would need to be using 
securePagesWithPragma anyway so would be unaffected by this.


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