Re: compression?

2021-07-23 Thread Carsten Klein


Weird, when going thru IIS to TC, it's not compressed:

HTTP/1.1 200 200
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Language: en-US
Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 16:34:30 GMT
Content-Length: 3210105

That has likely nothing to do with TC. It's an IIS or reverse proxy 
thing. IIS fetches the requested resource from TC, acting as an HTTP 
client (or are you using AJP with IIS?). It gets a compressed response. 
What does IIS do next? It just uncompresses the resource and sends it 
back as response to its client (your browser).

So, it's up to IIS or its reverse proxy module (whatever) to fix that. 
Maybe there is an option to tell IIS not to uncompress the response. Or 
you could add compression to IIS a well. Yes, in that case, TC 
compresses, IIS uncompresses and compresses again... :(


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Re: Questions about Integrated Windows Authentication

2021-06-28 Thread Carsten Klein

Sorry Mark, I've clicked the wrong button in my mail client :(

On 28.06.2021 15:29, Mark Thomas wrote:

Note that Tomcat 7 is no longer supported.

I guess it's nearly the same for all versions of Tomcat.

That looks more like some form of configuration issue but I always found the 
Kerberos error message rather hard to decipher.

AFAIK, the Kerberos is working fine. This error occurs in JNDIRealm's 
getPrincipal method. One log line before, Kerberos reports

Found ticket for HTTP/apps.atlas-03t.gvsn.local@GVSN.LOCAL to go to 
krbtgt/GVSN.LOCAL@GVSN.LOCAL expiring on Thu Jun 24 18:26:05 CEST 2021

So, there is a ticket. However, JNDIRealm cannot use it or the ticket 
does not allow binding to the directory with that user. I'm not 
understanding the whole process, so I was asking if someone has more 
glue on that.

2. Fallback Authenticator

It has been mentioned before. There is this on the Wiki:

Will have a look at that. It's basically what I was thinking about 
adding a fallback to SpnegoAuthenticator only.

As with most enhancements, whether it is accepted is going to depend largely on 
the benefit it brings vs how complex / invasive the code is.

For sure.

Rémy mentioned he was looking for a development project. Maybe this could be it.

I guess, Rémy was taking my user attributes Realm extension as 
development project...

You might be able to authenticate external users in a reverse proxy and have it 
pass the user ID to Tomcat rather than have Tomcat do the authentication.

I read about that somewhere some months ago. However, I don't know how 
to get the authentication from the reverse proxy (my Tomcat already runs 
behind an Apache HTTPD using mod_proxy_ajp) to Tomcat?

Finally, Tomcat needs the Principal and a couple of roles for 
authorization (including my additional user attributes). Passing the 
user ID only is likely not sufficient. Could you please describe that in 
more detail or point me to some sites to learn more about that?

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Questions about Integrated Windows Authentication

2021-06-28 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

I have two questions about Tomcat's Integrated Windows Authentication:

Tomcat is stuck on version 7.0.52 on an outdated Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

1. useDelegatedCredential = true

I'm using JNDIRalm together with the SPNEGO authenticator. If the 
Realm's option 'useDelegatedCredential' is set to true, I'm getting 

javax.naming.AuthenticationException: GSSAPI [Root exception is GSS initiate failed [Caused by 
GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to 
find any Kerberos tgt)]]; remaining name 'xxx.yyy.zzz...'

Everything works fine when not using delegated credentials, but 
configured connectionName and connectionPassword.

What's the reason for that? Is it a Tomcat configuration issue? Or, is 
the client (Google Chrome) not sending enough (credential?) information:

There is Chrome's Policy option 'AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist' 
(deprecated, replaced by 'AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist') which must be 
configured in order to delegate the user's identity. However, setting 
any of these policy settings to true does not help.


Is it a limitation/setting in Active Directory Server? The exception 
occurs after SpnegoAuthenticator has contacted ADS trough Kerberos. Is 
the response obtained from that Kerberos call not suitable for using 
delegated credentials?

2. Fallback Authenticator

We have some clients connected through VPN, whose Windows sessions are 
not logged on to the Active Directory's Windows Domain, so Integrated 
Windows Authentication cannot work. SpnegoAuthenticator reports 'No 
authorization header sent by client'. However, I've not yet found a way 
to fall back to e. g. FORM authentication for those clients.

AFAIK, there is no way to do this with Tomcat, since a Context can only 
have one single authenticator valve.

Oracle's WebLogic Server support configuring more than one 
authentication method, by adding something like

CLIENT-CERT,BASIC into web.xml.

What about adding support for that or something similar in Tomcat? A 
CombinedAuthenticator (like with CombinedRealm) could be a solution. 
That could instantiate other required Authenticator valves and pass the 
request from one to the other until authentication succeeds. Those 
valves must not necessarily be queued in the container's pipeline, but 
could be called by the CombinedAuthenticator valve.

Thats likely not too simple but it could be done. Are you open to such a 

I believe that only the SpnegoAuthenticator needs such a fallback, as it 
uses mechanisms that you can't just add to any client. (In contrast, you 
could always distribute a X509 certificate or use FORM, BASIC, or DIGEST 
login. But you can't add your client to a Windows Domain just in order 
to log in to an application.) Adding a fallback mechanism to 
SpnegoAuthenticator only may be much easier.

What other solutions do you know?


What other solutions do you know?

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Re: Subclassing JNDIRealm to return a custom Principal

2021-06-21 Thread Carsten Klein


On 21.06.2021 18:31, Roberto Benedetti wrote:

in our product we subclassed JNDIRealm to return a custom Principal with 
attributes retrieved from Active Directory (bug 65391 is going to add support 
for that).
We overrode authenticate(DirContext, String, String) to retrieve the attributes 
and return the custom Principal.
In Tomcat 9.0.39 the method has changed to authenticate(JNDIConnection, String, 
String) and we cannot override it to retrieve the attributes because 
JNDIConnection.context is not visible to subclasses.
Is there a work-around for that?

Couldn't that new feature be an alternative for running your own 
implementation of the JNDIRealm?

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Re: Where does Tomcat 9 (apt managed / standard config) store sessions in Ubuntu 18?

2021-06-20 Thread Carsten Klein


On 20.06.21 04:54, Gustavo Almeida wrote:

"Configuration Reference - The Manager Component" says:
"A Manager element MAY be nested inside a Context component. If it is not
included, a default Manager configuration will be created automatically"

My Context has no nested Manager element.

So, guessing I'm using by default the Standard Manager Implementation,
where does it store active sessions, if it does at all?

Olaf is right. StandardManager keeps active sessions in Memory. However, 
when its _Persistence Across Restarts_ features comes into play 
it persists active sessions to disk in order to preserve these across a 
restart of either the context or the whole server.

Configuration option 'pathname' specifies, where on disk sessions are 
persisted. StandardManager serializes all sessions into a single file 
specified by 'pathname'. This defaulted to "SESSIONS.ser" and was a file 
path relative to the context's TEMP directory. However, on 2020-02-18 
that was changed to null, effectively disabling the Session Persistence 
Feature by default due to possible performance issues with a large 
number of sessions.

If you want it back, you could set 'pathname' to an absolute path of 
your choice. However, on Ubuntu, Tomcat runs in a sandbox and by default 
only has write access to a defined list of directories (see file 
tomcat9.service) as well as to /tmp and /cache.

Option 'pathname' can also take a path relative to the context's work 
directory, which is in /var/lib/tomcat9/work (a symlink to 
/var/cache/tomcat9/). There, under Catalina/localhost> is a directory named after the context. That is the context's 
working directory. This is where "SESSIONS.ser" used to be.

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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-06-01 Thread Carsten Klein

On 01/06/2021 10:18, Mark Thomas wrote:

I don't know if you can. I suspect not. By all means see if you can. I'm 
mildly curious to find out the answer. Whether you can or not, you don't 
need to.

I found nothing to re-trigger the Travis CI build so far. However, now 
the CI test is 'successful'. Did you do anything about it?


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-06-01 Thread Carsten Klein


On 01/06/2021 09:28, Mark Thomas wrote:

We have been seeing that a lot lately. As far as I can tell, it is an 
issue with Travis CI.

Can you use the PR anyway? Can/must I re-trigger the Travis build?


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Re: Encoding of files

2021-06-01 Thread Carsten Klein


On 01/06/2021 09:15, Mark Thomas wrote:

Start Tomcat with:
catalina jpda run
(or start but I typically use run as I nearly always want to see what is 
logged to the console)

In Eclipse go to Debug > Debug Configurations > Remote Java Application 
 > New Configuration. Browse to the project and then click Debug. 
Tomcat's default jpda config matches Eclipse's so so should then have a 
remote debug session set up with your Tomcat instance.

Trying that soon. Many thanks.


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-31 Thread Carsten Klein


On 28/05/2021 23:16, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Yeah, about that...

IMO this is a Bad Thing for Java. If someone was looking for a reason to 
abandon the whole Java ecosystem, this would be it. Well, we had a good 

Now we can all run node.js, Python, or Go where security is not a 
problem because the languages are "safe" so nothing Bad can happen, 
right? *facepalm*

Safe all the way down... including type safety :-p

For now, Tomcat can rely on the SecurityManager doing its job. That 
means we only need to rely on the encapsulation strategies the language 
and the standard library provide, which are (currently) sufficient.

I will try to come up with a solution that uses defensive copying 
whenever possible. That will include a couple of hard-coded special 
cases as well as try to use Serializable if available. I will not 
consider Cloneable due to the risk of shallow copies.

If none of the tried methods will work, getAttribute(String name) should 
return the result of the object's toString() method. We'll likely 
"loose" some of the requested attributes that way but, need not care 
about preventing reflection with a (soon missing) SecurityManager.


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-29 Thread Carsten Klein


On 27/05/2021 18:56, Carsten Klein wrote:

Concerning removal of class UserDatabaseRealm.UserDatabasePrincipal:

I will provide a PR and file a corresponding issue in Bugzilla soon.

My PR and Bugzilla issue are present. However,  Travis CI build failed 
on arm64 architecture for the PR with "An error occurred while 
generating the build script." All other tests/jobs (including my local 
builds) were fine. Currently, I have no idea how to deal with that.


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Re: Encoding of files

2021-05-28 Thread Carsten Klein


On 28/05/2021 10:35, Mark Thomas wrote:

No doubt that UTF-8 is the better encoding for messages and language 
files. And yes, my Eclipse actually does not use the version built by 
Ant. I use the start-tomcat.launch configuration file for starting 
Tomcat. Actually it only takes a startup-class name. So, it must 
obviously use the JARs built by Eclipse.

The trick is, that in the build.xml file, you are actually converting 
message files:

Simple. However, you do that after having them copied. While copying, 
you use filtering-copy and specify ISO-8859-1 as the file's encoding:



Should be UTF-8 now?

Back to the Eclipse. I guess there is not much difference between 
calling Ant from the console and using Eclipse's Ant support (Run As -> 
Ant build). But, how to start that with support for debugging in Eclipse 
(may be a dumb questing, I know)?


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Encoding of files

2021-05-28 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

I'm facing character set encoding problems in quite a recent Tomcat 10 
setup. I noticed that with the http://localhost:8080/manager/html 
application in a browser (my browser) set to German language.

My Tomcat runs from within Eclipse, built with the official build.xml 
file. I'm using my forked cklein05/tomcat GitHub repository, which is 
nearly up to date with your main branch.

In the Manager application, there are texts which contain German 
umlauts, like "Lösche Sitzungen" (Expire sessions, aka 

These buttons now have captions that look like "Lösche Sitzungen". 
Obviously that's an UTF-8 <-> ISO--y conversion issue.

I'm pretty sure that my setup is not causing that problems. After 
digging into GitHub, I found that recently someone converted many (or 
all) messages files to UTF-8:

However, since these language files are actually java.util.Properties 
files, these must be encoded as ISO-8859-1:

That's also true for more recent versions of Java.

The language files are actually Properties files in a (according do 
Javadoc) "simple line-oriented format". These must be loaded with the 
Properties.load method(s) and must always be in ISO-8859-1. In contrast, 
there are XML-based Properties files, that must be loaded with method(s) 
loadFromXML(...). Only these must be encoded in UTF-8.

Although editing international language files in ISO-8859-1 requires 
many \u escapes and is a hassle, for my mind, converting these 
plain-text language files to UFT-8 was likely not a good idea.

But why don't others report that problem? Am I overlooking something?

According to my explanation above, that problem is neither limited to 
German language nor to the Manager application. It should occur with any 
language using non-ascii characters (> 127) and with all localized text 
resources Tomcat is using.


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-27 Thread Carsten Klein

Chris, Mark,

On 27/05/2021 22:11, Christopher Schultz wrote:

After re-reading this, you mentioned reflection while asking how much we 
trust in Collections.unmodifiableMap(). I didn't get that right, my bad.

However, I thought of reflection in order to implement a deep copy 
mechanism. Maybe anyone already coded one on jpm? :)

If we return Collections.unmodifiableMap() to return Map 
that makes things simpler. But how much do we trust 
Collections.unmodifiableMap if the underlying data are 
security-sensitive? With reflection, is it possible to monkey your way 
through the references and swap-out the underlying references? That 
might be Bad.

The question is, what kind of security problem are we actually trying to 
prevent? It is clearly not leak of information, since the administrator 
is responsible for what attributes are configured to be gathered. The 
administrator should clearly not provide sensitive information that 
should not be seen by the public. If so, his bad :-p

Needless to say that I plan to deny querying passwords with that new 
Realm feature? Attribute names, for which I know they refer to fields 
containing passwords (like whats set for DataSourceRealm's option 
userCredCol), will *never* be queried.

So, security here is about preventing that someone can modify that 
information during that Principal's lifetime. Can you modify an 
immutable object with reflection? Not sure.

But, you could always use JNI and a C++ module to do nearly everything 
with the bytes in memory. Should we think that far? That would be a 
killer argument against using any sensitive data with Tomcat, Java or 
even computers in general :-)


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-27 Thread Carsten Klein

Chris, Mark,

On 27/05/2021 22:11, Christopher Schultz wrote:

What's the primary use-case for these kinds of attributes?

This has been described in detail here:

Trying brief:

Basically, it is about getting some user-friendly user related 
attributes, like display name, department, phone nuber, Email address 
into our applications. Typically, such attributes live in the same user 
database, that has already been configured for the Realm for 
authentication and authorization. That database might be an SQL database 
(DataSourceRealm) or any directory server (JNDIRealm).

Those attributes are often intended for display only (which user is 
logged on?). Another common case is sending mails from an application, 
which requires a valid From: address of the logged on user.

The Realm will have a new configuration option, e. g. 
additionalAttributes, which takes a comma separated field (attribute) 
list. The Realm, which already knows how to access that user database, 
is the responsible for querying that attributes from the "user table" in 
that database (e. g. in JNDI, that is the User's DirContext).

Without knowing anything about SQL or JNDI/LDAP queries, users can 
simply configure, what additional user attributes they like to get.

Without that, users need to implement a "session initialized"-hook and 
access that user database "manually" and need some knowledge of that 
database. Also, credentials for accessing that database must be provided 
separately for that hook method.

Unfortunately, Clonable and Serializable have both fallen out of favor 
in the Java world because both ideas seem to have some serious issues. 
If we pick one versus the other, we may have a lot of push-back.

Too bad. In order to get it bullet proof, my idea is to have a real deep 
copy cloning mechanism in Java. That may be even quite slow, since we 
could check for a couple of simple but fast cases up front (e. g. 
objects that are by design immutable, like String, or some other 
commonly used objects, for which we can provide a fast clone with a copy 

Most of the attributes will likely be strings or be of any of the 
commonly used types so, only few object must go through the slow deep 
copy clone mechanism.

Actually, my idea was to use Serializable for that. What's the point 
with Serializable? Isn't Tomcat using that for clustering/HA as well? 
The documentation of Serializable is quite promising...

If we restrict attribute values to Strings, is that too limiting?

I consider that a last resort option, only. Maybe we could agree on 
String plus a limited number of well-known, commonly used and (by 
design) immutable objects like Number, Boolean, Date (is Date actually 

If we return Collections.unmodifiableMap() to return Map 
that makes things simpler. But how much do we trust 
Collections.unmodifiableMap if the underlying data are 
security-sensitive? With reflection, is it possible to monkey your way 
through the references and swap-out the underlying references? That 
might be Bad.

Reflection was another idea. This my slow down things noticeably but, if 
we have enough well-known fast-cloning object types defined, that should 
not be too bad.

On npm there are likely ten thousands of packages that support deep 
copying JavaScript objects. Where's the jpm for Java? Just kidding...

However, the deep copy problem should have been solved already, likely 
many many times. Isn't there a common utility function available for 
Java somewhere on the Internet? What about Apache Commons? Can we use 
these in Tomcat?


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-27 Thread Carsten Klein


On 27/05/2021 18:19, Mark Thomas wrote:

I will note that it isn't uncommon to have to log out and back in again 
to pick up newly allocated groups/roles in other environments.

Yes, you are right. Didn't see it that way so far. We're talking about 
live updates for a session during its lifetime, which we can surely 
drop. Only few other Realms will support this (if any).

If we go the removal route then I'd treat that as a separate PR / 
bugzilla issue so any discussion remains focussed on the relevant issue.

The removal route seems simple. Both the UserDatabasePrincipal and the 
hasRole()-overwrite can be removed. That should do the trick.

I will provide a PR and file a corresponding issue in Bugzilla soon.


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-27 Thread Carsten Klein

On 27/05/2021 10:59, Mark Thomas wrote:

As far as I can tell, removing UserDatabasePrincipal, relying on 
GenericPrincipal and User remaining an internal object not exposed via 
the Servlet API would achieve the same result with less code.

At this point I am looking for a reason not to remove 
UserDatabasePrincipal and I'm not seeing one.

Since User and Role instances support dynamic updates (have a look at 
methods addGroup/Role and removeGroup/Role), the special handling in 
UserDatabaseRealm.hasRole() is required. Although that feature is 
currently not used by Tomcat (is it?), those possible live updates must 
be taken into account in the code.

If the UserDatabase was immutable, we could simply go ahead with the 
pre-resolved effective roles list and GenericPrincipal. But actually, 
those effective roles may be wrong after an update of the UserDatabase.

So, I suggest not resolving effective roles up front in 
UserDatabaseRealm.getPrincipal() and use null as the roles list when 
constructing the new GenericPrincipal instance.

The special handling in UserDatabaseRealm.hasRole() is triggered, if the 
Principal is a GenericPrincipal with a userPrincipal of type 

if (principal instanceof GenericPrincipal) {
GenericPrincipal gp = (GenericPrincipal) principal;
if (gp.getUserPrincipal() instanceof UserDatabasePrincipal) {
principal = database.findUser(gp.getName());

The current test requires an extra UserDatabasePrincipal class. Making 
that class support attributes and serializable is possible.

However, a simple default/package visible boolean flag 
'userDatabasePrincipal' in GenericPrincipal would work as well and lets 
us finally drop class UserDatabasePrincipal.

I think it would be worth handling this is a separate commit to give 
folks the chance to review it before proceeding to add attribute support.


Are you talking about a separate commit in my additional-user-attributes 
branch? Or is that worth an extra BUG/case/issue?

I suspect the users that worry about that sort of thing aren't using the 
UserDatabaseRealm but it would be nice to fix that anyway.

That will be fixed after having added attribute support either way.


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Re: Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-26 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi Mark,

thanks for sharing your ideas :)

On 26/05/2021 19:56, Mark Thomas wrote:

Given that the attributes may well be security related, you would need 
to make sure neither the Map nor any of the keys/values could be 
modified. Protecting the Map is easy. Protecting the keys/values is a 
little trickier. For that reason I'd lean towards the solution below.

Oh yes, these attributes should likely be immutable. Since I still 
believe that Enumerations are kind of uncomfortable (and outdated?), 
what about strictly relying on Collections.unmodifiableMap?

But, I'm ok with getAttribute(String name) and getAttributeNames() pair 
as well. You decide :)

My first idea was to allow users to put their own attributes as well. 
But then, we'd need to track Realm-sourced attribute names and make 
those read-only in a setAttribute method. Since users could as well put 
their stuff into session attributes, making the whole map immutable is 
possible and clearly much simpler.

2. Should I add attributes-related public methods to the 
TomcatPrincipal interface as well?

Yes. So far the only Tomcat specific extensions are for SPNEGO but this 
is in the same category. The other option would be a new interface but I 
don't see a need for that.

Since UserDatabasePrincipal is a private inner class of 
UserDatabaseRealm, no instanceof checks are possible to determine 
whether attributes may be available or not. So, I was thinking of a new 

public interface AttributedPrincipal extends Principal {

  public Object getAttribute(String name);

  Enumeration getAttributeNames();


That interface has a slightly more meaningful name for consumers of 
additional user attributes. But adding these methods to TomcatPrincipal 
is good as well.

3. Class UserDatabasePrincipal in UserDatabaseRealm

Why does UserDatabaseRealm pass a userPrincipal of type 
UserDatabasePrincipal? Can't we just drop that and do it like 
JNDIRealm or DataSourceRealm?

I don't see any obvious reason. I'll do some digging in the source 
history to see if I can find out why. Absent a good reason, I'd say 
drop it.

There is a good reason for it, but I think it should be possible to drop 

It is there because the UserDatabaseRealm supports the concepts of 
groups. Users can have roles assigned directly or users can be assigned 
to a group and inherit the roles of the group. This means hasRole() is a 
little more complicated and the UserDatabasePrincipal is used to 
determine if this additional processing is required.

I think this could be replaced by a 
"org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm.groups" attribute which 
would remove the need for the dedicated UserDatabasePrincipal

Honestly, I don't see that in the code. What I see is, that 
UserDatabaseRealm resolves roles coming from groups up front in its 
getPrincipal method. After that, it just creates an ordinary 
GenericPrincipal instance with a single list of effective roles.

The associated UserDatabasePrincipal does nothing special with 
hasRole(). Its only method is getName(). So, it just removes or "hides" 
any special GenericPrincipal methods like hasRole() and getRoles() from 
the user (aka from the Servlet code, internally Tomcat still uses the 
surrounding GenericPrincipal, e. g. for authorization).

So, the only thing UserDatabasePrincipal does, is to hide the fact that 
groups have already been resolved to a single list of effective roles, 
the Principal is working with during its lifetime. Did I overlook something?

Actually, when declaring the attributes-related methods in a public 
interface (either TomcatPrincipal or AttributedPrincipal), adding that 
interface to UserDatabasePrincipal is not expensive. So, we could always 
decide to leave that UserDatabasePrincipal in place and let it implement 
that interface.

However, in order to not "pollute" UserDatabasePrincipal with unneeded 
methods, I'd vote for using a new 
org.apache.catalina.AttributedPrincipal interface.

Additionally, class UserDatabasePrincipal is NOT serializable. That 
means, it gets dropped when sessions and principals get persisted and 
reloaded. That applies to session persistence across restarts (with 
persistAuthentication set to true) and likely to clustering/HA. That's 
not fatal, but after a restart or when running on a different cluster 
node, users suddenly get a full-blown GenericPrincipal instance when 
they call Request.getUserPrincipal(). However, since nobody complained 
about it, the UserDatabasePrincipal is likely not so important :-p


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Enhancement: Additional user attributes queried by (some) realms

2021-05-26 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

as already discussed here:

I'm implementing an enhancement for querying configurable extra user 
attributes through some of the Realm classes from the "user database" 
configured for that Realm.

Before starting off, I want do clarify some questions.

The implementation basically of consists two parts. One is to enable the 
GenericPrincipal class (and/or TomcatPrincipal interface) to hold these 
additional user attributes. The other part is to query these attributes 
from the Realm's configured user database an to store these in the newly 
created Principal instance.

The second part is quite clear and changes are only local to the Realm 
classes. But some decisions must be made for the first part.

The Principal's attributes will be stored in a Map hash 
map. Since attributes may come from various sources, using an 
Object-typed value seems appropriate to me. That map will also be added 
to internal class SerializablePrincipal in order to be persisted properly.

Now, my questions:

1. How to access the Principal's new attributes

Simplest is to provide a getter method, that actually returns the map 
(optionally with a read-only parameter):

 * The set of additional attributes associated with the user represented
 * by this Principal.
protected final Map attributes;

 * Returns the user's additional attributes as a Map.
 * @param readonly
 *if true, the returned map is an unmodifiable
 *view of the map; otherwise the underlying map is returned
 * @return the user's additional attributes as an unmodifiable Map
public Map getAttributes(boolean readonly) {
  if (readonly) {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);
  return attributes;

 * Returns the user's additional attributes as an unmodifiable Map.
 * @return the user's additional attributes as an unmodifiable Map
public Map getAttributes() {
  return getAttributes(true);

However, in the jakarta.servlet classes, there are also some entities 
that have attributes. There, attributes are accessed by these methods:

Object getAttribute(String name);

Enumeration getAttributeNames();

void setAttribute(String name, Object o);

Would you, for the sake of uniformity, prefer using these more 
servlet-spec like methods?

2. Should I add attributes-related public methods to the TomcatPrincipal 
interface as well?

According to the documentation of TomcatPrincipal I likely should:

Defines additional methods implemented by {@link Principal}s created by
Tomcat's standard {@link Realm} implementations.

However, this interface seems only being used with GSS (most other 
instanceof tests are performed against GenericPrincipal).

So, I guess the attributes stuff should better NOT be added to 

3. Class UserDatabasePrincipal in UserDatabaseRealm

Although neither documented nor used in Tomcat's shipped standard 
tomcat-users.xml, the UserDatabaseRealm supports the additional 
attribute "fullname" for a user entry. This makes this Realm a good 
candidate for supporting additional user attributes (actually, the 
authenticated user's display name was the initial intention for this 

The UserDatabaseRealm creates a Principal with an explicitly set 
userPrincipal (why? e.g. DataSourceRealm and JNDIRealm don't) of type 
UserDatabasePrincipal. The latter does not extend GenericPrincipal class 
and so, will not have the new attributes-related methods by default.

However, since Request.getUserPrincipal returns that "inner" 
userPrincipal by calling getUserPrincipal(), attributes should be 
available for that UserDatabasePrincipal as well.

My Questions:

Why does UserDatabaseRealm pass a userPrincipal of type 
UserDatabasePrincipal? Can't we just drop that and do it like JNDIRealm 
or DataSourceRealm?

If not, I need to add the attributes-related methods to the 
UserDatabasePrincipal as well.


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Re: Getting additional attributes for logged on users

2021-04-12 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

are there other comments on that? I'd like to implement this and want to 
provide a CR On GitHub, if there is a fair chance, that this enhancement 
will make it into Tomcat :)

Trying to summarize what has been discussed so far: (read the other 
posts for more information)

The basic idea is to obtain additional user attributes and providing 
these to the application through an "attributes" map of the Principal 
class (e. g. the user's display name, e-mail address, etc.).

Since such user (-related) data is often available in data stores also 
used for authentication, it shall be up to the Realm to query these 
extra attributes. (Additionally, the Realm already has access data and 
credentials to access that data store and also creates and populates the 
Principal instance.)

The provided extra user information is not crucial for the Realm and its 
authentication and authorization process.

Olaf Kock was suggesting to agree upon a set of "standard" additional 
user attributes, which the Realm should query for by default. However, 
for at least these reasons, I believe that this is just not possible:

1. Every application's needs are different
2. Every user data store is different
3. Cultural differences may require different attributes to form names 
or addresses, for example

In contrast to that, my initial idea was to specify the desired extra 
user attributes as a comma separated list though a new configuration 
option of the Realm (called "extraAttributes" or "userAttributes"). This 
list is nearly equivalent to a SELECT clause in SQL. However, that 
"SELECT clause" shall work as well with Realms not based on SQL.

Not all Realms can/shall support that optional new feature. For example, 
JAASRealm, which is merely a wrapper around an arbitrary authentication 
and authorization process behind the curtain, likely cannot participate 
in this.

The queried attributes shall be provided to the application through a 
new "attributes" map of the Principal instance. Accessors to this map 
should be declared in either TomcatPrincipal or GenericPrincipal. Still 
to discuss, what accessors to implement:

Map getUserAttributesMap() {}


Object getUserAttribute(String name)
String[] getUserAttributeNames()
void setUserAttribute(String name, Object o)
void removeUserAttribute(String name)

The attribute names specified in the configuration option (SELECT 
clause) must be the actual field names of the attribute, of course. 
These also form the names/keys of the attributes in the Principal's 
attribute map (could/should be prefixed with a namespace or prefix):

userAttributes="attr1, displayName, dept_no"

Using the attributes:
String s1 = principal.getUserAttribute("attr1")

// with a namespace/prefix (configurable and with a default value?)
String s2 = principal.getUserAttribute("realm.usrattr.displayName")

I believe that implementing the discussed enhancement is not too 
difficult, since only (some of) the Realm classes as well as the 
Principal implementation must be modified (TomcatPrincipal and/or 
GenericPrincipal). Also, I do not see any security related risks.


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Re: Getting additional attributes for logged on users

2021-04-09 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi Olaf,

also, I only picked your statements for an answer.

On 08.04.21 13:53, Olaf Kock wrote:

It would be cool, absolutely.

Even cooler if "the desired extra attributes" could be agreed upon - or
even what would be desirable in user management (is user + roles enough?
That requires redeployment any time the system gets more picky with

Personally, I work with Liferay, where roles are runtime-configurable
and map to permissions. The permissions are what's checked in the
application code, and the applications couldn't care less about number
of roles or path through which a permission is assigned to a user.

I'm not sure whether I got you right. For my mind, my idea has nothing 
to do with authorization, roles and permissions. Also, I don't think 
that the set of desired extra attributes is something that could be 
agreed upon. It's rather very specific for a project and/or customer.

The basic idea is just to get some of the user's attributes/properties 
for (any/free) usage by the application. Actually this proposal only
(ab)uses the Realm, since it already has configured access to a storage, 
that one might call the 'user database'.

However, these attributes are only used by the application. These are 
not used for authorization or grant of permissions.

You first state "its simplest form", then state that more complex
solutions are likely not needed.

I'd argue that the current form is "the simplest form", as it provides
identifiers that can be used to look up extra information according to
the application's need.

What can be simpler than a comma separated list of field names? If we 
can agree upon the set of desired user attributes (which we can't 
surely), no configuration will be required. That's would be simpler but 
won't work, since every user database is different and desires are too.

I don't want to tear down your idea - only reflect that "only a little
bit more" will be barely enough for the next person coming around, and
end up being a really complex beast. And if you look at all the
different available attributes for users that make sense in some, but
not in other countries/cultures, you'll soon be implementing your own

* What makes up the name? First/Last Name? Including middle name (common
in US, almost nonsensical in Germany)? There are cultures with just a
single name
* Gender: How many choices and what will they be named (by law, Germany
now has 3 genders)
* Address: I've recently sent out letters to international addresses,
and boy was it hard to ask for the right information to go to the
address sticker.
* Department: Makes sense in a business environment, not at all in a
community environment

That's why I recommend that the desired attributes must be specified in 
a list. That list can be seen as the SELECT clause of an SQL statement 
(but this will work with an Active Directory Server and likely 
tomcat-users.xml as well).

In one of our projects, we authenticate users against the customer's 
Active Directory Server. The sAMAccountName attribute is used as the 
user's logon name. That's what the principal returns in its getName() 
method. For example, we output that name in the footer of printed 
reports. On reports created by me, 'c.klein' is shown.

In the ADS, my user class also has these attributes: (among many others)

displayName: ext. Klein, Carsten
givenName:   Carsten
name:ext. Klein, Carsten
sn:  Klein

(ext. = I'm an external user)

So, in order to show a more user-friendly name on the reports, I'd 
configure the extraAttributes list to contain attribute 'displayName'. 
Since our reports are template driven, I could as well retrieve fields 
'givenNamen' and 'sn' and build my on report specific display name like 
'${givenName} ${sn}' (with the knowledge in mind, that it's a German 
customer and names in Germany typically are written that way).

While you name some samples that sound agreeable on first sight, I don't
think that they're agreeable enough to impose them on people unless
provided voluntarily and under arbitrary names. Which ends up with the
cost of a huge framework in order to potentially save a single database
request per log in.

I guess, we will never find a bunch of attributes everybody can agree 
with in all countries, companies and projects. So, there will likely 
never be a mechanism that provides extra user attributes voluntarily. 
But that was never announced. Some minimal and simple configuration is 
still required.

For the same reason these attributes cannot be provided under arbitrary 
names. But we could simply use the configured field names (which must be 
the actual field names):

extraAttributes="displayName, givenName, sn"

Code: (no safe type checks here)
Principal p = ((TomcatPrincipal) request.getUserPrincipal());

It's not about saving a single database request per log in (at least not 
from a performance point of view, 

Getting additional attributes for logged on users

2021-04-08 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

from a servlet, the logged on user is represented by a Principal 
instance, which has a getName() to get the logon name of that user. In 
most cases, that is a more or less cryptic name like c.klein or m.scott.

Some of our customers like the name of the currently logged on user be 
displayed in the application's GUI. We all know that from many popular 

While relying on the Servlet specs only, we can just show that 
non-user-friendly logon name. Our customers prefer seeing the user's 
display name. Other attributes of the user, like e-mail address, phone 
number, department etc., is often welcome (if not required) information 
during an application's lifetime.

It's not too hard to hook into session initialization and get the 
required extra information, for example through JDBC or JNDI, if the 
user database is actually an Active Directory Server. That information 
can then be stored in the user's session attributes map.

However, one has to implement that information retrieval "by hand" for 
every application and/or customer. Even worse, typically credentials are 
required to access the storage in which that information lives. If it's 
in the application's 'standard' database, there's a good chance to have 
a Tomcat connection pool. However, in general, you need credentials and 
access data to get these additional attributes (credentials and JDBC URL 
may be configured in Context or Servlet parameters).

Does anybody know a more general way to get such extra user attributes?

My proposal:

Typically, those desired extra attributes are stored in the user's 
record in the user database. That may be a SQL database or may be an 
Active Directory Server (or any other directory), which is already used 
for authentication and authorization.

Wouldn't it be cool to make the Realm get us that extra information?

Why the realm?

First, in order to perform authentication, the Realm already has access 
to the user database. So, access data and credentials must not be 
configured twice at different places.

Second, the Realm knows how to query the user database and does that 
already for retrieving roles and passwords. Getting some more fields 
shouldn't be a big deal.

Third, the Realm actually creates and initializes the Principal instance 
so, it should be easy to store these extra user attributes in an 
extended version of the TomcatPrincipal class. A simple MapString> should be sufficient, but for the sake of uniformity, the well 
known methods getAttribute, getAttributeNames, removeAttribute and 
setAttribute may be a better option.

That's clearly something not all Realms can/shall support. Likely 
JAASRealm will not, since it uses custom Principal classes. But 
JNDIRealm, JDBCRealm and DataSourceRealm (not yet sure about 
UserDatabaseRealm) could easily support that feature.

In its simplest form, these Realms get a new configuration property 
'extraAttributes', which takes a comma separated list of field names to 
retrieve. Implicitly, for an SQL-based Realm, these fields are queried 
from the 'userTable' table. The JNDIRealm tries to find these attributes 
from the user's entry in the directory, of course.

More complex configurations are possible (but likely not needed).

I'm curious what you think about it :)


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Re: [OT] programming style or mental process ?

2021-04-07 Thread Carsten Klein

Guten Morgen Peter :)

Guten Morgen Carsten and All


I may add, that a French Café au lait (pronounced Olé, which is not French :-O 
) is also an option.

Maybe my German coffee expertise is kind of narrow and shaped by 
personal experience (having my coffee w/o milk)...

OLE? Isn't it something used in Windows programming? *lol*

Obviously, coding and coffee are very closely related...


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Re: [OT] programming style or mental process ?

2021-04-07 Thread Carsten Klein

(And dutch people. Where are they in this discussion by the way ? (but 
they have only one type of coffee I think)).

Dutch people may only have one type of coffee (actually I don't know). 
But remember, Dutch people have 'Coffee Shops' offering stuff far beyond 
coffee... :) Is there a relation between that and usage of Yoda style?

Germans used to drink so called 'filter coffee' for decades, which 
today, even if served hot, many people would call 'cold coffee' ('kalter 
Kaffee' in German), an idiom that could be translated to English as 'an 
old hat').

Now, thanks to companies like De'Longhi or Seaco (which is now owned by 
Philips and so is actually Dutch), most of us prefer Italian coffee 
types like Espresso, Cappuccino or Latte Macchiato.

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Re: Adding regular expression support to CORS filter

2020-10-06 Thread Carsten Klein


On 9/28/20 02:40, Christopher Schultz wrote:


On 9/27/20 05:53, Carsten Klein wrote:

Any comments on that? Is it worth preparing a PR?

Regular expressions are fairly expensive.

Yes, but my measurements of the HashSet-lookups were wrong, since 
hashValue() of a String gets cached, so, while measuring in a loop, the 
hash value gets computed only once. Setting up a fair test is 
challenging (using new strings in the loop causes memory allocations and 
GCs). I ended with additionally calling a clone of the String's 
hashValue() function in the loop.

Now, testing an origin with HashSet.contains(origin) (current solution) 
takes about 19 ns for a cache-miss (empty list in bucket) and 30 ns for 
a cache-hit) on my box.

In contrast, evaluating a regular expression takes about 120 ns; so 
these are about 6 times slower (NOT 25 times as stated in my last mail).

The creation of a new Matcher instance each time is a significant 
bottleneck (in my measurement loop): reusing the same Matcher instance 
and resetting it with a new input string makes the test taking only 
about 75 ns (that's only about 4 times slower that the HashSet test).

So, regular expressions are not as bad as we were thinking?

If there is a way to build the code such that some subset of wildcards
can be serviced without regex (and of course exact matches without using
regex), then I'm at least a +0 on this.

I never intended to implement tests for exact matches with regular 
expressions. Configured "exact" origins (those without wildcards and not 
enclosed between slashes) will still be tested with HashSet.contains, of 
course. So, there's no change (considering performance) for Tomcat 
setups only using "exactly" defined allowed origins.

If someone uses the new "inexact" origin specifiers, will it not be 
comprehensible that these are more expensive (from a performance point 
of view)?

It may seem like over-engineering, but maybe creating a Matcher
interface and a Factory (I know, I know) which produces Matchers which
implement the optimal strategy for a particular value would be a good
way to do this.

A single matcher could be used for really simple values and maybe a
MultipleMatcher could be used for multiple different value-checks.
Something like that will likely lead to the highest-performing filter

I did some tests on that. As I don't believe, that a (self-made) 
NFA-based solution could outperform Java's regular expression engine, I 
was looking for a different (simpler) algorithm.

I started with a rule-driven globbing algorithm, that supports

? (any char except "."),
# (any digit, using Character.isDigit)
$ (any letter, using Character.isAlphabetic)

as well as literal character sequences.

(Actually, I followed your suggestion. Your Matchers are my Rules 
together with a piece of code in a switch-case block. Using real 
classes/instances for the matchers requires method invocations and maybe 
instanceof tests. Both are adding extra overhead, so I decided to use a 
more C-like approach.)

That simple algorithm takes about 42 ns and so, is still 2 times slower 
than the HashSet test. I already made more than half the way down to 
support * and ** multi-matching wildcards. That implementation uses 
non-recursive backtracking, similar to the algorithms described at

With * and ** partly in place, time consumption is about 50 ns. The code 
additions for making the algorithm work on the many edge cases will very 
likely add more nanoseconds to the test so, we may soon end at 60 ns or 
even more. That's almost the same time required for evaluating a regular 
expression (without the time needed to create the Matcher instance).

The algorithm is optimized and uses only a few method calls and no OOP 
constructs (by using the Rules, which are like beans that specify what 
to match next, the whole logic can be implemented in a single method). 
But it's still not much faster than a Java regular expression test.

I don't believe, that it's worth to (self-)implement such a rather 
complex (error prone) and hard to understand (and maintain) algorithm, 
if it's not significantly faster than real Java regular expressions.

Anyhow, if performance should not degrade due to using wildcards in the 
allowed origins, the goal is not just to be better than Java regular 
expressions, but to be close to the HashSet test (~19 ns). And, if real 
regular expressions shall be used as well (enclosed between slashes), 
that all will not help much for these.

That's why I wanted to combine this with a HashMap-based (LRU-)cache, so 
that regular expressions must only be evaluated if the current request's 
origin is not yet in the cache. This cache's performance nearly equals 
the performance of the H

Re: Adding regular expression support to CORS filter

2020-09-27 Thread Carsten Klein

Any comments on that? Is it worth preparing a PR?

Adding regular expression support to CORS filter

2020-09-21 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

I'd like to contribute a CORS filter enhancement, making it accept both 
wildcard-based and 'regular expression'-based expressions for its 
allowed origins list.

I know this from a project based on Jetty, which has support for, at 
least, simple wildcard matching (*). Specifying multiple allowed origins 
with one pattern comes quite handy if there are numerous developer 
machines that all access one single server from their browsers.

The implementation shall support two flavors of expressions:

- Java Pattern Class based expressions

Enclosed between slashes (/.../) these bring the full power of regular 
expressions to the filter's allowed origins list configuration. This 
will also support specifying pattern flags by appending single 
characters after the terminating slash (like in /^$/i for 
case-insensitive matching).

- Wildcard-based simple expressions

With a much simpler syntax, these expressions are more compact and may 
be more intuitive for people not familiar with regular expressions. 
Although less powerful than *real* regular expressions, the special 
characters supported should provide enough options to specify allowed 
origins efficiently:

?   matches any single character except the domain separator (.)

#   matches any single digit

*   matches any number of any characters except the domain
separator (.) including none

**  matches any number of any characters including none (this also
matches the domain separator and so matches several sub-
(Technically, any number > 1 of consecutive asterisks are
treated as a single ** pattern.)

[abc]   not yet sure about character classes

Wildcard-based expressions are implemented by regular expressions as 
well. Such an expression is turned into an *anchored* regular expression 
during initialization e.g.

http://?*.devzone.intra  ==>  ^http://[^.][^.]*\.devzone\.intra$

Of course, it is still possible to specify literal origins, as well as 
the sole '*' to allow access from any origin. So, the value of the 
'' initialization parameter may look like this:,

As you can see, *real* Java regular expressions are not anchored by 
default. The above one is end anchored only (making it match any protocol).

Obviously, forward slashes withing the regular expression must be 
escaped in order not to end the expression prematurely.

The current CORS filter implementation uses a HashSet to 
determine whether a given origin is valid or not. That's a quite fast 
solution. Since evaluating a regular expression is much more expensive 
(~25 times slower), a sort of caching mechanism is required.

The idea is to transparently add positive matches (allowed origins) to 
the same HashSet that already contains all literally specified 
allowed origins. Since these positives form a (rather small) countable 
set (in practice) we could simply just add these without worrying about 
cache removal. There is no difference in memory consumption compared to 
the current implementation: all allowed origins must be stored in that 
hash set.

There *may* be more disallowed origins than allowed ones so, another 
cache for non-matching origins is certainly a good idea. However, this 
adds extra memory consumption and that cache should not grow with no 
limit. The idea is to use a LinkedHashMap with access order ordering 
mode (accessOrder = true). This makes the map an LRU-cache, removing the 
least recently used entry when a defined maximum capacity is reached 
while adding a new entry. Maybe that cache's capacity should be 

Write access to that caches must be synchronized. At current, I tend to 
use a ReadWriteLock.

So, the new algorithm for determining whether an origin is allowed or 
not is like so:

private boolean isOriginAllowed(final String origin) {

if (anyOriginAllowed) {
return true;

if (allowedOrigins.contains(origin)) {
return true;

if (notAllowedOrigins.containsKey(origin)) {
return false;

// synchronized block starts here (using a ReadWriteLock)

boolean result = false;
for (Pattern pattern : allowedOriginPatterns) {
if (pattern.matcher(origin).matches()) {

if (!result) {
// origin is definitely not allowed
notAllowedOrigins.put(origin, null);

// release lock here

return result;

As you can see, there are not more than N extra evaluations of a regular 
expression required for an allowed origin during the filter's lifetime 
(when the origin is used for the first time), N being the number of 
different expressions configured.

The same is true for not allowed origins if the LRU cache is large and 
if there are requests from only few different no

Re: How to encrypt db password in tomcat context.xml

2020-06-28 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi Jürgen and Olaf,

I can really understand Jürgen's intentions. The core problem is not
security but administrators and so called security panels in
"professional" (non-open source related) companies. I really know this
from my own experiences. Maybe that's a German problem, since Germans
are said to be over-correct? Sometimes, that turns into paranoia...
(I'm from Germany, so I know this circumstances quite well, sounds
like Jürgen is German as well...)

True is, that there are administrators, which have very little
knowledge of software in general and security. Those tend to stick to
their personal categorical rules, which often are far off from what is
considered sensible by real IT and software professionals.
Furthermore, there are "security" panels, working out policies for a
company. These often only consist of people with very little *real* IT
an security knowledge.

The (sad) point is, that the policies passed by such a council are
actually valid and no one ever again asks whether these make sense or
are *correct* from a security professional's point of view. Changing
user passwords on a regular basis (e.g. after 90 days) still today is
one prominent example of that.

So, in order to make Tomcat fit into such "professional" company
environments easily (w/o requiring people to implement their own data
source class), it may be a good idea to add such a "encrypted
password" feature to Tomcat. Consider this as pure "syntactic sugar"
and keep in mind, that it's NOT a security feature (need to emphasis
that in the docs).

My idea is, that *all* passwords read by Tomcat MAY be
encrypted/obfuscated with a small number of algorithms. The algorithm
applied to the password could be prefixed like Jürgen suggested:

password="+duk6<7v@LD#"(plain, no encryption)
password="base64:K2R1azY8N3ZATEQj" (base64 obfuscation)
password="3des:hkph5ewjEwv70CvTB16v/w=="   (3DES with hard-coded key,
expressed as base64 string)

The decoding algorithm could be implemented in a common util method
String decodePassword(String password) in Tomcat, so it could easily
be called from all those places at which Tomcat actually reads a

Also, a small separate tool should be provided, which encodes such
passwords (like htpasswd does for httpd). However, it should be
sufficient to just print the encoded password to standard out. Then,
the user is responsible for copy and pasting it into the config file.

I offer my help for writing such an enhancement, since I believe that
it's a way to make Tomcat more out-of-the-box usable in such
"professional" company's environments (for some people it may be the
only way).

Again, I know this is NOT a security feature as it adds no extra
security to Tomcat. However, I may make some administrators and CEOs
happy, that are solely guided by questionable policies they don't

Some ideas on that?


On 28.06.2020 23:49, Jürgen Weber wrote:

I'd just put some nice password as byte[] into Tomcat's source code
and provide a way to have passwords in the configs encrypted with that
nice password.

Use properties replacement so that in the xml config you have
${db.password} and in conf/ you put the password

So one could have samething like db.pass=3des: in

Greetings, Juergen

Am So., 28. Juni 2020 um 21:19 Uhr schrieb Olaf Kock :

On 28.06.20 19:50, Jürgen Weber wrote:
>>>> I would like to know how to encrypt and decrypt the database
password in
>>>> context.xml when the application is running which also allow
me to change
>>>> the db password for the purpose of security.
> Well, I know a chief open source app server that has the password to
> decrypt all passwords buried in its open source, and I know auditors
> who are good if root cannot read passwords at first sight. The
> reasoning behind that is that running java -jar someappserverlib.jar
> -decrypt is a deliberate act that a god guy root does not do. So a
> hidden password is a step better, even if not in the cryptographic
> sense.

Hi Jürgen,

I don't get your point here. Are you arguing that the linked wiki
article is incorrect, insufficient or invalid?

Because I believe that the article documents how to implement everything
that you describe on your own, and gives arguments for why this is not
implemented out of the box.



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Re: Should Tomcat 10 enable response compression by default?

2020-06-10 Thread Carsten Klein
Although I believe that buggy clients are no longer a problem today, 
compression may introduce complications when Tomcat runs behind a 
reverse proxy as it is often the case. If your front-end server (e.g. 
Apache) needs to modify the responses (e.g. with mod_proxy_http), you'll 
end up with a quite expensive compress -> decompress -> compress 
processing chain on the back end. That is obviously no good idea from a 
performance and resource consumption point of view.

So, I'm actually with Rémy. Leave it off by default and point out that 
there is an "on" available by explicitly writing compression="off" to 
the connector.


On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 10:20 PM Mark Thomas  wrote:

Hi all,

An enhancement has been opened to enable response compression by default:

In short, the proposal is to change the default for the Connector's
compression attribute from "off" to "on".

This would be for Tomcat 10 onwards only.

The following would be unchanged:
- compressibleMimeType
- compressionMinSize
- noCompressionStrongETag

It would be helpful to know what the range of views of the user
community are on this proposal.

So, thoughts?


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-20 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

what to do next to get things moving? Seems like there's nothing more to 
implement for the addition right now. Should I just create a PR in the 
apache/tomcat repository? And/or post some lines to the dev mailing list?


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-20 Thread Carsten Klein


On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 5:29 PM Jonathan S. Fisher wrote:

For older versions of tomcat, I'd suggest adding an additional option that
causes GenericPrincipal to drop the password after authentication is
complete, by default if persistAuthentication is enabled, which alleviates
your concern.

Tomcat's GenericPrincipal implements Serializable only as of the 8.5 
branch. However, the latest 8.5 version uses a helper class 
SerializablePrincipal (private static class in GenericPrincipal). In 
both 8.5 and 9.0 branch, this class also serializes the password, 
whereas in current 10.0 branch, there is no longer a password available 
in GenericPrincipal.

Although it would be a good idea to remove the password field generally 
from GenericPrincipal even in 8.5 and 9.0 (as in 10.0), it's likely 
easiest to just remove it from SerializablePrincipal in the older 
versions. So, even if the user's password is stored in memory, its no 
longer persisted to storage and does not blame session and 
authentication persistence.


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-19 Thread Carsten Klein


there is a new PR #2, I messed up my branch and had to setup a new 
one... Still a bit new to GIT...

Actually, I decided to just add the String array. That's not too bad 
either, right? Have a look at the latest code and comment in PR #2.

Sorry for the confusion :-(


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-19 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

had to re-setup my branch... Nevertheless, updated PR is available now.

Some last things...

The pattern for default sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter must even 
be extended to match String arrays as well (roles are stored that way). 
In order to keep the pattern smaller, one option is to allow arrays for 
all "base types":

Current pattern:

New pattern (short version):

In terms of CVE-2016-0714, an array of any of these types is not really 
more insecure, right?

Otherwise, I could add String arrays to the default pattern explicitly:

Current pattern:

New pattern:

+ "|\\[Ljava.lang.String;"

Shall I update these patterns in context.xml files of the manager and 
host-manager apps as well?

BTW, thanks a lot to all or you for supporting me :)


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-18 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

most of the issues discussed with/suggested by Mark Thomas should be in 
place now. The renamed PR should now show a much better code basis for 
further discussions.

b) Please add a changelog entry for this addition.

Still looking for the change log file...


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-18 Thread Carsten Klein

j) At a minimum, new Manager attributes need to be added here:

Here's an online preview of the updated Manger documentation:

These are the changes:

- added persistAuthentication for both StandardManager and PersistentManager

- updated default regular expression pattern for 
sessionAttributeValueClassNameFilter (both StandardManager and 

- added some notes under Special Features \ Persistence Across Restarts

Native speakers (English!) are encouraged to drop some comments focusing 
on language and translation... :-)

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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-18 Thread Carsten Klein

Open the pull request in your own fork... this link should work:



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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-18 Thread Carsten Klein


Please don't be put off by the number of comments and suggested changes.
I think the core idea is sound and meets a valid requirement that some
users have. To some extent, the volume of comments reflects that fact
I'm responding to a clear proposal and explanation. This is a good thing
in my eyes.

In the order I thought of them:

a) Please don't add author tags. ASF policy is not to add them. The ones
you see in the Tomcat codebase pre-date that policy. You will be
credited in the changelog. Which brings me on to...

+1 OK

b) Please add a changelog entry for this addition.

Where is the changelog? Sorry, didn't find anything so far...

c) Please add this new attribute to the documentation.

+1 OK

1. The new boolean option 'persistAuthentication' is implemented in
ManagerBase and so can be configured for StandardManager or
PersistentManager (defaults to false). Also added this to
mbeans-descriptor.xml, so it's writable through JMX.


2. That option is set for any new StandardSession upon creation (in
method ManagerBase.createSession(String)). Once a session got this
option, it's not being changed during the session's lifetime.

d) Why do it this way as opposed to looking at the current setting in
the Manager when the session is persisted?

That was my first idea, too. However, the StandardSession only knows a 
Manager (interface). I could have added the get/setPersistAuthentication 
methods to that interface (but didn't want to introduce such 
far-reaching changes) or need to test with instanceof for every session 
being written.

Furthermore, some locking mechanism would be a good idea while sessions 
are stored, so that the option cannot be changed while a bunch of 
sessions is currently persisted (StandardManager synchronizes with 
sessions itself, however, PersistentManager does not). Actually a new 
lock monitor would be ideal.

On the other side, one will likely not re-decide whether sessions shall 
be persisted or not from one day to another. I guess, that setting will 
remain quit constant for a certain installation, so my solution seemed 
not much worse.

However, a simple instanceof ManageBase is also cheap and saves the 
setters and getters in StandardSession. Shall I refactor it acoordingly?

e) I am very much against using system properties for configuration
except as a last resort. I don't see why PRINCIPAL_SERIALIZABLE_CHECK
can't be a property on the Manager. Although see g) below first.

No longer needed, if a simple instanceof Serializable is enough. My idea 
was, that this option is true by default (a Principal is not a big class 
and the dry-run test should be fast enough). So, I did not see that this 
option was worth a config option (initially, that was just an internal 

3. In StandardSession, method doWriteObject writes authentication
information (authType and principal) only, if 'persistAuthentication' is
true, the session is authenticated (authType or principal != null) and
principal is serializable.

f) Would the code be cleaner if these were always written and null
values used if authentication persistence is disabled?

The idea was to be able to read the old-style object stream as well (a 
file created with the version without that enhancement). But, this can 
be achieved even without the Boolean tag. I will make that a bit more 

4. The "is principal serializable" test is, by default, a deep
(expensive?) check, which actually serializes the whole principal object
to an ObjectOutputStream backed by a new NullInputStream, which just
discards all bytes written. This check can be skipped by setting system
to false (defaults to true, however). If skipped, the principal is
considered serializable if (principal instanceof Serializable). That's
how the session's attribute values are checked for being serializable or

However, that is odd, if such a serialized object has a child object
which is not serializable. In that case, the ObjectOutputStream is left
in an inconsistent state and no so called fatal exception code is
written to the stream (that is, when reading such a stream, no
WriteAbortedException is not thrown for such an error).

g) The instanceof Serializable check should be sufficient. It a class
has that and then is not serializable that is a bug but not one I think
the Manager needs to protect itself from beyond catching and logging the
exception (and inserting null into the object stream).

+1 OK

5. A Boolean object is used as a tag/marker that determines, whether
authentication information is present id the stream or not. If none of
the above conditions are met, both authType and principal are not
serialized (than, only the initial Boolean false marker has been emitted
to the stream).

BTW, the Boolean false marker is not even required (if there is no
authentication information in the stream) since the reading code

Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-18 Thread Carsten Klein

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 9:19 AM Carsten Klein  wrote:


Can you describe an actual use case for this ? Without clustering, I


understand why the auth persistence is useful at all [when using
clustering, the delta manager persists that auth information]. To be
honest, that's also the case for session persistence itself, which does


provide a QoS level that is still relevant today. But the feature is
already there [maybe it could be considered for removal in 10 actually


Why is session persistence across restarts not still relevant today?
Tomcat, as well as likely any other servlet container, stops/starts a
context when actually a reload (aka reconfigure) action would be
required (I guess, that's specified servlet specs, right?).

A context needs to be completely restarted for any configuration change
(oh, we need to add a new allowed host to the CORS filter, etc.).
Restarting, and so loosing all runtime data (the session), makes this
simple stop/start approach (from a programmer's point of view) difficult
to use in a production environment. I often find myself doing such
configuration changes in the evening in order not to drop logged on
users (that's when I'd better enjoy some freetime *g*).

That's why I believe, that session persistence across restarts is
required still today. Of course, there may be frameworks, including
clustering, that can do a lot for you. However, I'm talking about
Tomcat, not other frameworks. Why shouldn't Tomcat on its own provide a
production-system-ready "reconfigure" action? It did in the past, why
dropping it? That feature seems not too buggy...

Also, for me, setting up a Tomcat cluster with at least two machines,
only for getting session persistence during reconfiguring the nodes
seems a bit overdrawn. In our setups we typically have one server
machine, serving between 10 and 50 users at a time. I just can't tell my
customer to double the hardware just in order to keep users logged on
while we are working on the configuration.

Maybe you think it's "overdrawn", but right now you have very poor QoS.
What happens while the webapp/server is away ? Do you think the user will
not see anything bad ? [aka: please don't do anything until the restart is
done ...] Plus what happens if you have 1s of sessions ? It gets slow
and some have complained about it in the past. Etc etc.


in our case, the app runs standalone in the browser and is fully AJAX 
driven, so, if the server restarts in some 10 seconds, the user does not 
even recognize. Maybe one or other request to the server (loading/saving 
some data) is slow, since it waits for the server to be up again. In 
very rare cases, it may run into a timeout, in which case the app comes 
up with a message box "Server is currently not available, please try 
again in some minutes."

BTW, session persistence can simply be disabled even today, by setting 
StandardManager's pathname to en empty string.

Yes, with 1s of sessions persistence may be a bottleneck (even with 
PersistentManager). However, actually, we do not have so many sessions.

Maybe that is the general point. There are so many scenarios, Tomcat is 
used in. So, who will actually really know, which features are good and 
which are bad? It always depends on the actual scenario. Of course, 
security is important and software vendors must ensure to publish secure 
(-by-default) software. I agree, that saving the principal to disk for 
some seconds may be a security risk for some apps and some people. 
That's why the new feature is configurable and defaults to off.

However, as a server admin, I'm able to secure the installation that 
way, so that nobody external is able to read such session files. Of 
course, with the root password, you are always able to do lot of bad 
things (includes attaching to the JVM and reading passwords directly 
from memory). So, when security is an issue, NOT saving passwords at all 
could be a first step :-p

That's not how things should happen today.

Whats your proposal? How should things happen today?

It may be the case, that today, many setups use WAR files, including
code and configuration, which are deployed at regular intervals or at
scheduled deploy times. However, that's not how we work. We like to be
able to react contemporary when a problem in a production system comes
up (our customers like that, too).

So, that's my plea for session persistence across restarts, as
implemented in recent versions. Nearly the same use case applies to
persisting authentication information as well.

The feature is there right now, so you're good ...

In our setups, we use the session mainly for authentication. The problem
that comes with not persisting authentication may not be obvious with
simple (browser driven) BASIC authentication, since the Browser sends
those Base6

Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-18 Thread Carsten Klein


Can you describe an actual use case for this ? Without clustering, I don't
understand why the auth persistence is useful at all [when using
clustering, the delta manager persists that auth information]. To be
honest, that's also the case for session persistence itself, which does not
provide a QoS level that is still relevant today. But the feature is
already there [maybe it could be considered for removal in 10 actually ...].

Why is session persistence across restarts not still relevant today? 
Tomcat, as well as likely any other servlet container, stops/starts a 
context when actually a reload (aka reconfigure) action would be 
required (I guess, that's specified servlet specs, right?).

A context needs to be completely restarted for any configuration change 
(oh, we need to add a new allowed host to the CORS filter, etc.). 
Restarting, and so loosing all runtime data (the session), makes this 
simple stop/start approach (from a programmer's point of view) difficult 
to use in a production environment. I often find myself doing such 
configuration changes in the evening in order not to drop logged on 
users (that's when I'd better enjoy some freetime *g*).

That's why I believe, that session persistence across restarts is 
required still today. Of course, there may be frameworks, including 
clustering, that can do a lot for you. However, I'm talking about 
Tomcat, not other frameworks. Why shouldn't Tomcat on its own provide a 
production-system-ready "reconfigure" action? It did in the past, why 
dropping it? That feature seems not too buggy...

Also, for me, setting up a Tomcat cluster with at least two machines, 
only for getting session persistence during reconfiguring the nodes 
seems a bit overdrawn. In our setups we typically have one server 
machine, serving between 10 and 50 users at a time. I just can't tell my 
customer to double the hardware just in order to keep users logged on 
while we are working on the configuration.

It may be the case, that today, many setups use WAR files, including 
code and configuration, which are deployed at regular intervals or at 
scheduled deploy times. However, that's not how we work. We like to be 
able to react contemporary when a problem in a production system comes 
up (our customers like that, too).

So, that's my plea for session persistence across restarts, as 
implemented in recent versions. Nearly the same use case applies to 
persisting authentication information as well.

In our setups, we use the session mainly for authentication. The problem 
that comes with not persisting authentication may not be obvious with 
simple (browser driven) BASIC authentication, since the Browser sends 
those Base64 encoded credentials with each request. Using session based 
authentication (send credentials once and rely that your session remains 
authenticated) is more modern and likely a bit more secure, right?

However, in that scenario, it's really bad, if your authentication has 
gone after the context has been restarted. In that case, you may be 
forwarded to the login page (when using FORM authentication). In our 
case, our AJAX-style JavaScript client just logs you off and all your 
work is gone (that's like if your browser crashes occasionally and has 
no "restore previously opened tabs" feature...). In our case, 
authentication information is the only valuable data in the session (we 
don't save any attributes). So, isn't persisting authentication 
information (for the sake of completeness) a feature of its own?

In other words, why not persisting authentication information? That data 
is the only data, that currently is NOT persisted. Why not? Comments in 
the code only mention, that authType and principal are transient. But 
why? If there is a session persistence feature in Tomcat, shouldn't it 
persist the session as a whole (at least, as much as possible)? Since 
recent versions of Tomcat's default GenericPrincipal do no longer save 
passwords, persisting authType and principal seems not being harmful to me.

Again, session persistence across restarts is just a "workaround" for 
the missing "reconfigure" action. For me, it's the tribute for using the 
much simpler stop/start schema in servlet containers (in contrast to a 
real reconfigure action, which often tends to get quite complex). 
Typically, persisted sessions do not remain on disk for a long time - 
only while restarting.

Mark Thomas suggested to make that an optional feature, which is off by 
default. That's what I've done. However, at that time it was not obvious 
(at least to us) that passwords are no longer saved in GenericPrincipal. 
With that in mind, I would even vote for making that new option 
defaulting to true.


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Re: Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-17 Thread Carsten Klein


I'm not quite sure whether it's not too early for a PR... :-) I was 
waiting for some remarks on my code, prior to officially release a PR. 
Can't you just do a Compare on GitHub?


Can you open a PR so we can diff your changes? Very excited to see this! We
used a workaround in a Valve to add the authentication information into the

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Enhancement: New option 'persistAuthentication' for session manager

2020-02-17 Thread Carsten Klein

Hi there,

finally, I got my first Tomcat enhancement ready. You can view its code 
at my Tomcat fork on GitHub:

Before I'm opening an enhancement in Tomcat's Bugzilla, maybe, Mark and 
Christopher (or whoever else is interested), could you please have a 
quick look at the code?

BTW, recent versions of Tomcat do no longer save and store passwords in 
GenericPrincipal. That makes using this enhancement even less critical.

Some brief description of what I've done:

1. The new boolean option 'persistAuthentication' is implemented in 
ManagerBase and so can be configured for StandardManager or 
PersistentManager (defaults to false). Also added this to 
mbeans-descriptor.xml, so it's writable through JMX.

2. That option is set for any new StandardSession upon creation (in 
method ManagerBase.createSession(String)). Once a session got this 
option, it's not being changed during the session's lifetime.

3. In StandardSession, method doWriteObject writes authentication 
information (authType and principal) only, if 'persistAuthentication' is 
true, the session is authenticated (authType or principal != null) and 
principal is serializable.

4. The "is principal serializable" test is, by default, a deep 
(expensive?) check, which actually serializes the whole principal object 
to an ObjectOutputStream backed by a new NullInputStream, which just 
discards all bytes written. This check can be skipped by setting system 
to false (defaults to true, however). If skipped, the principal is 
considered serializable if (principal instanceof Serializable). That's 
how the session's attribute values are checked for being serializable or 

However, that is odd, if such a serialized object has a child object 
which is not serializable. In that case, the ObjectOutputStream is left 
in an inconsistent state and no so called fatal exception code is 
written to the stream (that is, when reading such a stream, no 
WriteAbortedException is not thrown for such an error).

5. A Boolean object is used as a tag/marker that determines, whether 
authentication information is present id the stream or not. If none of 
the above conditions are met, both authType and principal are not 
serialized (than, only the initial Boolean false marker has been emitted 
to the stream).

BTW, the Boolean false marker is not even required (if there is no 
authentication information in the stream) since the reading code works 
fine without any Boolean in the stream. So emitting Boolean false for 
signalling "no auth info" is actually optional (we could consider 
omitting it).

6. When sessions are loaded, ManagerBase provides a 
org.apache.catalina.util.CustomObjectInputStream instance to read 
sessions from. That instance is configured with the session's 
sessionAttributeValueClassNamePattern property. This essentially defines 
the classes, session attribute values may consist of. This pattern 
defaults to "java\\.lang\\.(?:Boolean|Integer|Long|Number|String)", so 
only attributes with these simple types can be loaded from a session.

That filter pattern is only in effect, if a security manager is active, 
or if a pattern has been configured for the manager (e.g. in context.xml).

Currently, however, all session data (including its base properties like 
creationTime, isNew, isValid etc) is loaded with that filter mechanism 
in place. Since those so called 'scalar instance properties' actually 
only consist of those simple types, that was not a problem.

However, loading the serialized principal from the object stream is now 
subject to that filter mechanism (BTW, HA's DeltaManager and 
DeltaSession just do not utilize the CustomObjectInputStream).

Since, as the name implies, the sessionAttributeValueClassNamePattern 
applies to attribute values only, I decided to give the 
CustomObjectInputStream a boolean 'filterActive' property, which is set 
to true, just before StandardSession starts deserializing attributes. 
The initial value of 'filterActive' can be specified though the 
constructor, to which both StandardManager and StoreBase pass false 
(actually, only StandardManager and PersistenManager (through StoreBase) 
do use the CustomObjectInputStream class).

7. Conclusion

- Tomcat still builds with that enhancement in place
- The enhancement obviously works as expected
- Minor decisions can still be made (e.g. pull NullInputStream into a 
new file, maybe in ...catalina.util)

- What about the Tomcat documentation? Where to document all this?


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Re: Tomcat 7.x.x, 8.x.x, 8.5.x and 9.x.x: Session serialization w/o authentication related information

2019-12-02 Thread Carsten Klein

On 01/12/2019 23:04, Mark Thomas wrote:

I'm with you. And likely our setup is special in a way. However, I've
rarely seen that you have to re-enter credentials in a professional web
application like Google or Facebook, for example.

Yes. But if those apps were running on Tomcat I doubt that a) they'd be
running on a single instance and b) they'd be using Tomcat's in memory
session management.

Yes, my comparison was not really fair. Just wanted to point out, that 
re-entering credentials is no longer common in today's applications.

As an option, disabled by default I don't see why not.


A good place to start would be to open a Bugzilla enhancement request
against 9.0.x (we always develop for the latest version first and then

Makes sense.

After that, we accept patches in Bugzilla or Pull Requests at GitHub.
Expect a fair amount a feedback on your first version (my first patch
needed to be completely re-written) but a couple of tips to reduce the
- enable checkstyle and make sure there are no errors when building
- generally, follow the style of the code you are editing (the Tomcat
   code style is not always consistent)

So, I will give that a try. Hope to come up with a patch within the next 
couple of weeks. The patch itself seems not to be too challenging.

Thanks for your advice and tips.


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