
2014-07-03 Thread Steve Lowery
Wicket Guys, FYI - Your quickstart page on wicket.apache.org is broken with a javascript error. Can't build a quick wicket app using the maven archetype. Probably a quick fix for you. -- IMPORTANT: This e-mail (including any attachments) is intended for the use of the individual or entity

AjaxChannel usage

2013-08-28 Thread Steve Lowery
I would like to have my file upload requests on my site, which take much longer than a normal request, go through a different mechanism. I'd like the user to still be able to click around the site and work while the file is uploading and then when it finishes, I can pop up an All Done type

DataTable sort column descending

2013-06-14 Thread Steve Lowery
Is there an easy way to have a DataTable column sort descending the first time it is clicked on? The code in OrderByLink does the following: protected SortOrder nextSortOrder(final SortOrder order) { // init / flip order if (order == SortOrder.NONE) { return SortOrder.ASCENDING; } else { return

IAjaxCallListener getPrecondition

2013-04-22 Thread Steve Lowery
I am aware of the getPrecondition() method on IAjaxCallListener that I can use to prevent the ajax call from happening on the click of a link, button, etc, but I'm wondering if anything in the wicket framework can prevent the default altogether. Let me try to explain with an example of my use

Component to String

2013-01-24 Thread Steve Lowery
I found several threads on the user list about converting a Component into a String. There are at least 2 very valid use cases where doing this makes sense: 1. You are trying to create an html email to send out to your customers. Building that content out with wicket is a great way to do it.

AjaxErrorStrategy.INVOKE_FAILURE_HANDLER in wicket6

2012-10-24 Thread Steve Lowery
I see I can override the AjaxErrorHandlingStrategy in wicket6 to be AjaxErrorStrategy.INVOKE_FAILURE_HANDLER so that we don't get a 302 to the appropriate error page (InternalError, NotAuthorized, etc). My question is how do I do something useful with this? With only that change, the 500 error


2012-08-30 Thread Steve Lowery
We have a dropdown menu based component (based off of twitter bootstrap) that needs to have the links' default allowed so the menu closes. We can create a subclass of AjaxLink that overrides the updateAjaxAttributes and does this, but then developers have to know either to use that specialized

form inputs to Labels

2012-08-16 Thread Steve Lowery
We have forms throughout our application that can be toggled from read-only to editable. The wicket framework will disable the form components which is great, but we'd rather have it display just the texts in a label. We can subclass TextField, TextArea, DropDownChoice, etc and override the

DataTable in wicket 6 using wicket:container

2012-08-01 Thread Steve Lowery
The DataTable was changed in wicket 6 to use wicket:container instead of span on the td and th elements ( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-4224). While this fixed the issue described in the ticket, it can make dealing with the DataTable a little more cumbersome and introduces a new

ajax and browser back button in wicket 6

2012-07-24 Thread Steve Lowery
I did a search in the user list and found several references of various ways to solve the back button using ajax problem, but most were a few years old. I was wondering if wicket 6 does can do this out of the box now. One of the stated goals on the wicket site is that it will Fully solve back

adding resources after ajax swap

2011-09-22 Thread Steve Lowery
I'm having an issue using resources after an ajax swap, in this case jquery. My home page does not have anything jquery related on it. There is an AjaxFallbackLink which swaps out the main content. The new content Panel has a jquery header contributor. I see this is being returned in the

Re: adding resources after ajax swap

2011-09-22 Thread Steve Lowery
: If I download the js file and do a response.renderJavascriptResource(new ResourceReference(MyClass.class, jquery.js)) as opposed to response.renderJavascriptReference( http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js;); it works. On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Steve Lowery slow

Re: adding resources after ajax swap

2011-09-22 Thread Steve Lowery
Is that a filter on my end? Would that go before or after my wicket filter mapping? Any helpful resources out there on this? I haven't dealt with OPTIONS methods before. On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Steve Lowery slow...@gatessolutions.comwrote: I'm having an issue using resources after

Re: adding resources after ajax swap

2011-09-22 Thread Steve Lowery
= request.getHeaderNames(); while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) { System.err.println(headerNames.nextElement()); } } else { chain.doFilter(req, res); } } @Override public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException { } } On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Steve Lowery slow...@gatessolutions.comwrote

serialization question

2011-08-15 Thread Steve Lowery
Is there a hook point to serialization of components? We would like to throw a WicketRuntimeException if we detect that we are about to attempt to serialize out an attached (in our case Hibernate) entity rather than using a LoadableDetachableModel and only serializing the id. I see I can

validation with link only

2011-03-22 Thread Steve Lowery
I have a Form object whose only child is an AjaxSubmitLink. The Form's onSubmit() calls to a service to delete its model object (from the underlying database). I would like to add validation to make sure that the model can be deleted (i.e. there are no foreign keys referencing it) before

1.5-RC1 maven source, javadoc, and tests

2011-01-26 Thread Steve Lowery
Looks like the source, javadoc and test artifacts for 1.5-RC1 published to the maven repo are empty. Can this be fixed please? Thanks, Steve

YuiMenuBarItem getMenuClass menu2

2010-04-16 Thread Steve Lowery
I'm trying to create a YuiMenuBar for my application using the ones in the menu2 packages. It works great, but I want to style one of the YuiMenuBarItems differently. I see there is an overridable getMenuClass() method, but there are 2 issues: 1. The only way to contruct a YuiMenuBarItem is

DateTimeField enhancement

2009-12-17 Thread Steve Lowery
I'd like to use the DateTimeField component, but there is no API that I can see to override what DatePicker gets added to the component. I'd like to subclass the DatePicker and customize the icon, positioning, etc. I can do this if just dealing with the DateTextField, where I add the DatePicker

Transactions with RuntimeException

2009-11-05 Thread Steve Lowery
We have a filter that runs in our context before the wicket filter that starts a hibernate transaction, does a chain.doFilter() and then commits the transaction. The problem we are running into is that if a RuntimeException is thrown, Wicket catches it, logs it and figures out which page to

onComponentTagBody Behavior

2009-10-14 Thread Steve Lowery
We have a component that extends Label we've written to replace the body of the component with N/A, unknown, or whatever resource we give it when its model object is null (by overriding onComponentTagBody). I'd like to pull this out into a behavior, but can't seem to do it by overriding

AjaxBehavior and onblur

2009-08-05 Thread Steve Lowery
I have a Form on my page that has amongst others 3 fields: zipcode, city, and state. I would like it when the user enters data in the zipcode field, an ajax request be generated to lookup and populate the city and state fields in the form. However, I don't want the underlying model (an

override isEnabledInHierarchy?

2009-07-17 Thread Steve Lowery
I would like to build a simple form whose markup looks like the following: wicket:panel form wicket:id=form table thead tr th[Label]/th tha