Re: Jboss Portal + Wicket (Portlet)

2008-01-21 Thread Markqt
Hi Suli, Thanks much for the details. Where did you get calss JbossPortletResourceURLFactory? This is exactly what I am missing. I can't find it in jboss portal, wicket1.3 download, or apache portal bridge1.04. If this is your own implementation, can you please post the code? init-param

Re: Jboss Portal + Wicket (Portlet)

2008-01-21 Thread Süli Zsolt
JbossPortletResourceURLFactory is my custom class. As far as I know Jboss Portal team hasn't implemented it yet, so I did the job (it's not a big thing though as u can see in my previous letter). So check my last letter for the code ... especially the part And my implementation of

Re: Jboss Portal + Wicket (Portlet)

2008-01-21 Thread Markqt
Finally, I got Wicket1.3 portlet working in JBoss portal 2.6.3 - after fixing a few bugs in JBoss's PortletWindowUtils class. When I tried the EditableLable AJAX component, I got following error using Firefox: Error: wicketAjaxGet is not defined Source File:

Re: Jboss Portal + Wicket (Portlet)

2008-01-20 Thread Markqt
Hi Süli, How did you configure PortletResourceURLFactory for JBoss portal? I got the following error when trying the example: Caused by: javax.portlet.PortletException: Portlet RolesAuthApplication is incorrectly configured. Init parameter PortletResourceURLFactory not specified, nor as

Re: Jboss Portal + Wicket (Portlet)

2008-01-20 Thread Süli Zsolt
Hi Markqt, I followed the instructions I found on this page: So my web.xml looks like this: ?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"? web-app xmlns=MailScanner has detected a possible fraud

Jboss Portal + Wicket (Portlet)

2008-01-18 Thread Süli Zsolt
Hi! I have been trying to make Wicket (1.3.0) work with Jboss Portal (Jboss 4.2.2 and Portal 2.6.1. or 2.6.3.) for 2 weeks. Everything is ok, except AJAX calling. (This portlet works like charm on Jetspeed2.) So let's see what we know... Ajax Request reaches the server, and it gives me a