Re: Displaying ListView After Being Hidden

2013-10-25 Thread dhongyt
Thanks you! That worked for me. What is the reason for this? Is this so that
it would it would hold the placeholder with in wmc?

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Displaying ListView After Being Hidden

2013-10-25 Thread dhongyt
I have a drop down choice that has a OnChangeAjaxBehavior on the drop down
choice. When a user selects from the drop down choice and chooses an option,
it will populate and show that option on a ListView below it.

That ListView is surrounded by a WebMarkupContainer in order to refresh the
view in an Ajax way.

I would like to hide the WebMarkupContainer if that ListView does not
contain anything. So I set the visibility to false using .setVisibility on
"wmc". Which hides it properly.
So when I reveal it again because of the OnChangeAjaxBehavior was called I
get an error.

ERROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id [[wmc24]] was
not found while trying to perform markup update. Make sure you called
component.setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component whose markup you are
trying to update.
ERROR: Cannot find element with id: deleteLink25

When you set the visibility to true again in the OnChangeAjaxBehavior, does
it not render the ListView markup? Seems like it may not hence the error?
How can I resolve this issue?

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Re: How Does Checkbox Know To Store To My Data Object

2013-10-22 Thread dhongyt
I think its an object in my Model?

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Re: How Does Checkbox Know To Store To My Data Object

2013-10-21 Thread dhongyt
Sorry I'm using the  tag

Form form = new
protected void onSubmit()

Basically looks like this.

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How Does Checkbox Know To Store To My Data Object

2013-10-18 Thread dhongyt
I have a Data Object called DownloadBagService which works as a place to hold
the checked files the a user selects.

I have a page that the user are able to select files from and add it to the

When the user checks on files and hits submit. The files appear in the
DownloadBagService "magically".
As you can see my onSubmit contains code that is commented out. How does
Wicket know to put those files in the DownloadBagService?

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Re: Browser Page Refresh Not Really Refreshing

2013-10-17 Thread dhongyt
I am passing the list into the provider.

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RE: Browser Page Refresh Not Really Refreshing

2013-10-17 Thread dhongyt
Thanks Paul for your guidance.
After reading your link and other links on the web to understand stateful vs
stateless, it has lead me to other questions:

Currently my application is stateful.

1. Since I am authenticating my users, does it need to be stateful because
of authentication?
I have a User Session but I don't believe I really store anything useful
(except for user authentication) or need to store previous actions that a
user may do. Seems to me like I do create stateless links, ie. creating new
pages with a constructor and only passing in PageParameters and nothing

2. If I use sessions, does that mean my application cannot be stateless?

3. If my application needs to be stateful and I understand the article
properly, the reason why my refresh does not give me new data is because the
page versioning is giving me data that is at the current page version. So
how would I do it so that when there is a refresh then it would increment
the page version by one? Or should I never do that? Different way of going
about it?

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Re: Browser Page Refresh Not Really Refreshing

2013-10-17 Thread dhongyt
I use a DataView and the data comes from the ListProvider which I created a
Sortable ListProvider.
I provided the Sortable ListProvider with a List which I get
through a hibernate database call.

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Re: Browser Page Refresh Not Really Refreshing

2013-10-16 Thread dhongyt
I feel like there isn't a need for Javascript? Should a CRTL+R or an F5
already refresh the page and reload new data in Wicket?

Is there a setting I'm forgetting to set?

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Browser Page Refresh Not Really Refreshing

2013-10-15 Thread dhongyt
I have a wicket page that contains a dataview of subscriptions.
Any user that subscribes will show up on this page.

If I am already on the page and someone else create a subscription and I do
a browser refresh, like CTRL+R or F5 the user subscription does not show up.
I would have to click on the actually page link again for the new data to
show up.

Is this because I need to set my headers to not cache?

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Display Loading When Busy Navigator and DataView

2013-08-28 Thread dhongyt
Currently I have two panels.

I have one panel that is handling code that is like a PagingNavigator(custom
And another panel that is handling the DataView.

I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to show that the DataView
results are pulling data from the database when they click on the
PagingNavigator page.

In the panel that contains the PagingNavigator I have a WebMarkupContainer
that contains a loading image. That is visible and invisible depending on
the situation.
I would like that image to show when a user clicks on a Page in the
Navigator since it will be loading results from the database and disappear
when its done.

I have tried creating a function in the panel that contains the

To allow the DataView Panel to set the visibility which doesn't seem to
I maybe going about this wrong, but if someone has done something like this,
how did you do it?

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Re: Getting Lazy Loaded Panel

2013-08-02 Thread dhongyt
Is this a smart way of doing this?

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Getting Lazy Loaded Panel

2013-08-01 Thread dhongyt
I have a lazy load panel and was wondering how I could access the panel that
is being lazy loaded.

So what I want to do is be able to access the FileListDisplayPanel because
in the FileListDisplayPanel I have a AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable with
checkboxes and I would like to get the checkboxes that are checked. So in
the FileListDisplayPanel I have a List keeping track of the checkboxes
checked and created a function to get the checkboxes checked. How can I get
at the list when I always create a instance of a FileListDisplayPanel inside
the AjaxLazyLoadPanel?

I have tried creating a final FileListDisplayPanel outside the
AjaxLazyLoadPanel but that did not work.

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Re: Ajax Refreshing Issue

2013-07-30 Thread dhongyt
Sorry I forgot to add that I have fixed this issue. I think it was because I
didn't apply it to the a panel.

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Re: Ajax Refreshing Issue

2013-07-30 Thread dhongyt
I'm using Wicket 6.4.0

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WGET Session Invalid?

2013-07-30 Thread dhongyt
I have a wicket log in page that I would like to log in and create a session
so that I can wget and download files off my wicket website.

I do a:
wget --no-check-certificate --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies

I checkout the cookie and it seems okay.

But when I do:
get -d --no-check-certificate --load-cookies cookies.txt

I get a 400 Bad Request and can not download the file.

I have logged in via the browser interface and exported my firefox cookie
and tested downloading which worked.

So I'm sure the issue is the creation of the session file now.

In this forum
Martijn said to try and use the ONE_PASS_RENDER and I was wondering what
that was and what it did?


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Ajax Refreshing Issue

2013-07-16 Thread dhongyt
I have created a panel that I would like to have refresh every 5 seconds.

I have tried using AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior and
I have created just a simple case to make sure a
System.out.println("Update"); to make sure that line of code is being called
but is not called in any of the Ajax behaviors.


I'm looking at the World Clock example but can't seem to get to the code, I
always get internal error.
The System.out.println does not print out at all in my Elipse console.

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Re: Chrome Calling Pages Twice Issue?

2013-06-27 Thread dhongyt
Yeah I have seen that post about that issue, but I don't use any img. Most of
my pictures are div and the image is called in the CSS.

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Chrome Calling Pages Twice Issue?

2013-06-26 Thread dhongyt
Lately I have noticed weird things with Chrome and my local Eclipse

I have noticed that once I log into my WicketApplication, it would call the
SessionService twice and also call my Homepage twice when it loads.

When change a drop down choice, it calls it set method where I set the value
of it and stored in the SessionService, submit the form.

I noticed that some how the stored value isn't there anymore. So the drop
down choice is back to "Choose One"

I thought I did something wrong in my code, but when I try this in Firefox
my value is being stored in SessionService and can be retrieved correctly.

I also deployed this war file into my tomcat server and the odd thing is
that it works correctly if I use Chrome also.

Has anyone experience this oddity?

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Re: Adding Class Attribute When Link Clicked

2013-06-07 Thread dhongyt
Created a fix if any one is interested.

I noticed that every time I clicked on my Navbar, the base page would always
reload there for the Panel would always reset and would never know which one
is select.

In my Base Page I was about to do this.getClass() that gives me the current
page loaded and so in the Panel I just passed in the active page and did a
comparison to put the class attribute on the link.

If I'm doing it incorrectly and someone has a better solution please let me
know :)


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Re: Adding Class Attribute When Link Clicked

2013-06-07 Thread dhongyt
I see that my issue is that every time I click on the link my Navigationbar
is created again.

Thus having the active private variable always being HomePage. That's why I
the active never changes.
If I created a way for MainMenu to get and set the active page in the top
level Repeater creation then it can probably know which one is active. Is
that a smart way to do this?

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Adding Class Attribute When Link Clicked

2013-06-07 Thread dhongyt
I'm trying to figure out
1. How to add class attribute to a link that is clicked.
2. Default homepage class link attribute to be active.

I have look at this forum
thinking it would help but I'm still stuck with class not adding to my

I have create a MainMenuPanel to add my navigation bar.

So I was thinking that I needed to add the class via a AjaxLink onClick

It shows the when I click on my link the link has been pressed but can't
seem to have that class attribute "active" added to my link.

I also wanted "active" to be defaulted to my Homepage link so I implemented

But every time I click on the different link it gets initialized. Should I
go about this a different way?

I feel like this should be an easy thing to do but for the life of me can't
seem to get anything working the way I want. Any suggestions would be

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Re: Browser Back Button Question

2013-06-05 Thread dhongyt
I have such weird results too.

In Chrome Subscription Page would give me the session closed issue after
three clicks back, but then on a recent to the Download Page it would give
me a session closed also. Page session count seems to skip by two.

In Firefox Page session count is normal. Only pages that I get session
closed from is Subscription Page and when it displays my search results.

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Re: Browser Back Button Question

2013-06-04 Thread dhongyt
Is it a serialized object on the page? Or is it a serialized object on the
session object.
I have tried everything from removing the ProductAPI out.
Currently everything that is in my Session Service object should be
serialized I believe.

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Re: Browser Back Button Question

2013-06-03 Thread dhongyt
I think maybe it is because I have objects in my session service that connect
to the hiberlayer, to be more specific my Product API is a class that talks
with the hiberlayer.

1. Does that mean that I want to make my Product APIobject transient?
2. If an object implements serializable is that bad?
3. Easy way to hunt down the root cause?

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Re: Browser Back Button Question

2013-05-30 Thread dhongyt
Are you telling me I should trying and stacktrace my pages or get more

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Re: Browser Back Button Question

2013-05-16 Thread dhongyt
After two or three back button on the browser an error message displays
session closed.
The error returned is a bit confusing:

I'm wondering if its because of hibernate? Its trying to get the query of
the page to display but the query has been closed? It also talks about
errors with wicket to so I'm not sure, but the top error is hibernate.

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Re: Feedback within Form Weird Issue

2013-05-14 Thread dhongyt
I solved the issue. I was invalidating my session before it could display.

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Re: Feedback within Form Weird Issue

2013-05-14 Thread dhongyt
Thanks I will try both things. I believe my pages are stateful.
Maybe its because I create an ErrorFeedback that extends the Feedback and
didn't override some classes needed.

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Re: Feedback within Form Weird Issue

2013-05-13 Thread dhongyt
Weird, it still does not show up.
I do have a function that gets the session and register the error to it.

Can the feedback be apart of the form? I have tried it outside the form with
no luck either.

I also changed my onSubmit to use session;

It doesn't need to call the error function before the setResponsePage does

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Feedback within Form Weird Issue

2013-05-13 Thread dhongyt
Hey guys,

I had a feedback panel within a form and want to display an error onSubmit
when there is a authentication issue.

When I call error when they fail to log in the error does not display.

However if I comment out the onSubmit code and call error, it displays.
Why does it not display when the error is called within the else?

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Re: Browser Back Button Question

2013-05-09 Thread dhongyt
Hey Martin,

I took a look at my catalina.out file and haven't noticed any errors.

I have changed my code from


It look like the back button worked but then I noticed that if I went back
twice it also gave me a session closed.

And nothing on the catalina.out log.

Anyone have this issue?

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Browser Back Button Question

2013-04-29 Thread dhongyt
Hey guys,

My question today is that when I click on a page link on my wicket
application and hit back on the web browser I get a results of Session

I'm not understanding why that is. I understand that wicket keeps version of
your page which is why you have ?# at the end of your webpage link, is its
something with my server setup where I'm expiring my session too quickly? My
tomcat manager page says that I expire my sessions > 30 minutes.


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Re: Understanding Wicket's Session

2013-04-26 Thread dhongyt
Thanks I have fixed the issue.

It was my:

>From my understanding I was getting the Wicket Application's session so
that's why it was shared across users.

So what I did was:

And removed SessionService entirely from the WicketApplication.

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Understanding Wicket's Session

2013-04-25 Thread dhongyt
I may have the wrong understanding of this and I'm trying to get the correct

I have created a SessionService that extends a AuthenticatedWebSession.
In my wicket application I have created a SessionService via the Override
function newSession

I have a download bag in my SessionService and assumed that a different user
that enters my site would have their own download bag since I thought the
newSession would be unique to different user to runs my Wicket Application.

Instead what I see is that two different user will see the same download
In my download bag I have:

I assumed that the getSession function would get that individual's download
bag, why are two different users seeing the same download bag?

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Re: wicket:extend Not Showing in Parent

2013-04-24 Thread dhongyt
So if I want FileSubPage to show up on HomePage I have to put all the code
and markup from FileSubPage on HomePage?

Its confusing because the way the wicket example shows repeaters

You can see that the table is a extend to the BasePage. They didn't do
anything special and it shows up on the BasePage automatically? Or am I
looking at this wrong?

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Re: wicket:extend Not Showing in Parent

2013-04-24 Thread dhongyt
Do you mean loading it via the
How do I load

I did a setResponsePage and ended up getting a redirection loop.


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Re: Datatable with Image in Cell

2013-04-24 Thread dhongyt
When I needed to add a custom data into a datatable I always created a panel
and then add the panel to the column.

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wicket:extend Not Showing in Parent

2013-04-24 Thread dhongyt
I've been reading up on markup inheritance and believe I understand it
correctly but its not quite working for me.

My HomePage.html has the  tag

And I have extended the to

Also added the  to the FileSubPage

What is it that when my HomePage loads, TEST does not show up after my
Am I missing an add in my I thought markup inheritance will
just add the child into the parent automatically?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-19 Thread dhongyt
Right which is what I have but I'm having a tough time understanding how I
need to override the navigator.

I have done it many ways and none of them seem to work.

I think I'm supposed to override this

But SubmitLink wants the form to be in its constructor for it to work
correctly right?
And how to I make it update the DataView to go to the next page?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-19 Thread dhongyt
I have been playing some more with the code and I'm now thinking that maybe I
should just overrite the newNavigation function.

That will allow me to override the newPagingNavigationLink function.

My troubles are that if I want to return a SubmitLink here, where would my
form tags be in the mark up? And where should I create the form component?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-19 Thread dhongyt
I noticed that I was using PagingNavigator instead of the PagingNavigation.

Changed my code over to use PagingNavigation results in:
Last cause: The component(s) below failed to render. Possible reasons could
be that: 1) you have added a component in code but forgot to reference it in
the markup (thus the component will never be rendered), 2) if your
components were added in a parent container then make sure the markup for
the child container includes them in .

1. [PagingNavigation [Component id = navigation]]
2. [LoopItem [Component id = 0]]
3. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
4. [Component id = pageNumber]
5. [LoopItem [Component id = 1]]
6. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
7. [Component id = pageNumber]
8. [LoopItem [Component id = 2]]
9. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
10. [Component id = pageNumber]
11. [LoopItem [Component id = 3]]
12. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
13. [Component id = pageNumber]
14. [LoopItem [Component id = 4]]
15. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
16. [Component id = pageNumber]
17. [LoopItem [Component id = 5]]
18. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
19. [Component id = pageNumber]
20. [LoopItem [Component id = 6]]
21. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
22. [Component id = pageNumber]
23. [LoopItem [Component id = 7]]
24. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
25. [Component id = pageNumber]
26. [LoopItem [Component id = 8]]
27. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
28. [Component id = pageNumber]
29. [LoopItem [Component id = 9]]
30. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = pageLink]]
31. [Component id = pageNumber]
32. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = first]]
33. [PagingNavigationIncrementLink [Component id = prev]]
34. [PagingNavigationIncrementLink [Component id = next]]
35. [PagingNavigationLink [Component id = last]]

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-19 Thread dhongyt

This is the markup that I have. The span "navigation" closing tag is
obviously there. Am I missing something?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-18 Thread dhongyt
I think I wrapped my head on it a bit more and starting to understand what
navigation is.
So now I have this.

I believe I need to override the PagingNavigator populateItem function but
I'm trying to get a regular population working but now I have this error:

Last cause: Close tag not found for tag: . For PagingNavigator Components
only raw markup is allow in between the tags but not other Wicket Component.
Component: [PagingNavigator [Component id = navigation]]

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-18 Thread dhongyt
So I'm trying to override the PagingNavigator by creating my own custom

My issue is that for some reason I can't seem to put the page numbers on
My error is:
Unable to find component with id 'navigation' in [Form [Component id =

Not quite sure what navigation is supposed to be.

Am I going about this correctly?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-17 Thread dhongyt
So if I would like to store the checks on many different pages, then I would
have to override the AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior function? And in that
function when the page changes save the current CheckBox ArrayList into some
sort of HashMap maybe? And load the page of checks depending on the page?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-16 Thread dhongyt
Could you please explain the reason why we lose the CheckGroup from the
previous paging?

Is it because the CheckGroup is set on the first 50 and when going to the
next 50 it creates a new CheckGroup therefore losing the first CheckGroup?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-16 Thread dhongyt
Looks like it does save. I created an AjaxFormChoiceComponentBehavior on my

When I do the check on page one, go to page 2, and return the checks are
still there.
When I do the check on page one, go to page 2, and check off items in page
2, and return to page one check on page one are gone.

I think I am beginning to understand my problem.
Is it because when I do a

The group is only added to the first 50 items that show up, so if I want it
to work with the rest of the pages, does that mean that I also have to
implement the AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior?

Or am I just missing something on the onUpdate function?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-16 Thread dhongyt
I have added this to my check

But now I get the error "Behavior can only be added to an instance of a

I was looking at the javadoc and seems to me that Check is not a
FormComponent, do you mean for me to add this behavior to the CheckGroup?
But adding it to the CheckGroup doesn't make much sense to me.

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-16 Thread dhongyt
Thanks again Sven.

I was able to implement the CheckGroup/Check functionality to the DataTable
but the results I am expecting isn't quite what I want. Not sure if its an
issue of implementation or if it supposed to work like that.

When I select the checkboxes on the first page, go to page 2, and return to
page 1 the checkboxes disappear.

When I select the checkboxes on the first page, submit my selection, go to
page 2 and return to page 1 the checkboxes are still there.

When I select the checkboxes on the first page, submit my selection, go to
page 2, select a checkbox and hit submit, selection from page one is gone,
but page 2 selection is there.

Is that how CheckGroup/Check supposed to work?
Since you describe that if you wanted the checks to persist on all pages I
assumed this is wrong?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-15 Thread dhongyt
Thanks Sven.

For the CheckGroup/Check which wicket-example are you talking about?
Are you talking about the ones on this page?

If so then which example are you talking about on that page?

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Re: AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-15 Thread dhongyt
If there are tons of files that might be listed, iterating through all those
files just to see which on is select could present a time issue correct?

Will CheckGroup and Check components solve this issue?

Is there a way to just grab checked files instead of iterating though and
seeing which one is checked?

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AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and CheckBox Column

2013-04-15 Thread dhongyt
I'm having a tough time understanding how I can get the objects selected.
Currently I have an AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable with a Column of CheckBox.

I implemented a CheckBoxPanel so that I can add that to an AbstractColumn.
The AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable is within a form and contains a form button
that I'm hoping to grab all the CheckBox checked.

I know that I need to put the functionality in the Form onSubmit section,
but having a tough time understanding how I can get the CheckBox checked.



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Re: ExternalLink not render as link AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2013-04-12 Thread dhongyt
Thanks again, that's exactly what I need.

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Re: ExternalLink not render as link AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2013-04-12 Thread dhongyt
How do I know when I need to implement a markup? And when I do not need to?

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Re: ExternalLink not render as link AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2013-04-12 Thread dhongyt
Thanks again Ernesto.

I didn't know that I needed to create my own Panel in java and html.

I thought I could do it all in one java class.

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Re: ExternalLink not render as link AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2013-04-12 Thread dhongyt
Thanks for the quick reply.
I'm kind of new at this so if you could clarify a bit more. Do you mean

Doesn't seem like Panel has a populateItem so adding a ExternalLink is
giving me issues.

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ExternalLink not render as link AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2013-04-12 Thread dhongyt
I have created a AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and created an abstract column

For some reason on the website when the table is rendered it shows up as
plain text but its a  link and not a  . I would like it to be a   link
so the blue underline will show up. Why is it just showing up in plain text?

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Creating My Own AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable

2013-03-07 Thread dhongyt
Hey guys, I'm new to Wicket and trying to learn everything I can.

I'm looking at the AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and like how the top left
corner displays a item counter + total items.

I'm currently trying to do that to my DataView that I have created.";>

*Search Results*: 

Sub Type


[dataview navigator]

What I want to do is eventually calculate the item counter so I'm learning
that I can probably do that if I use the DataView.getCurrentPage(). When the
first time I run this application and I do my search the current page does
show up, but when I click on the PagingNavigator on page two the current
page message does not show up for me. So what I did was override the
PagingNavigator's onBeforeRender function so that every time I click on the
PagingNavigator page it will give me that page. Which it does.

My issue now is that displaying the  within onBeforeRender will give me an
Last cause: Unable to find component with id 'resultCount' in
[TransparentWebMarkupContainer [Component id = wicket_extend2]]
Expected: 'wicket_child1:wicket_extend2.resultCount'.
Found with similar names: 'navigator:resultCount'

I'm not really understanding what that error means and I'm probably doing
this incorrectly. What is the correct way to create the item counter + total
item for my dataView. And also I was reading on the forms saying that maybe
I should create my own AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable, are there examples on

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