"Confirm Navigation" pop up dialog box

2014-03-04 Thread msalman
I have a page where I switch between panels by making one of them visible and
using a radio button as following:

radioChoice.add(new AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior()

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target)





currentPanelSelection = panelSelection; 


As you can see that page is added to the target.   But this causes the
"confirm navigation" type  popup dialog box in all the browsers.  If I don't
include the page to the target then my changes do not happen.  Because of
the frame work developed here, it seems that I would just have to add the
page to the target.

I have tried adding following lines to the above method but they do not

target.prependJavaScript("Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation = false;");

target.getHeaderResponse().renderOnEventJavaScript(target, event,

I had a similar problem with a ModalWindow but 

target.prependJavaScript("Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation = false;");

worked.  But nothing seems to work with the above problem.

Can some one please help avoid the "confirm navigation" popup.


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Re: "Confirm Navigation" pop up dialog box

2014-03-05 Thread msalman
Thanks you very much.  That worked very nicely.  Good to not see the page
refreshing any more and the jerk that goes with it.

I always wondering what is the difference between 'setOutputMarkupId' and
'setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag'. So this issue explains it.  Can I always
use 'setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag' or are there instances where I can only
use 'setOutputMarkupId'??

Thanks again.

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wait indicator not showing with veil for AjaxButton

2014-04-15 Thread msalman

I am trying to show an wait indicator and a veil when an ajax button is
showed.  The veil works fine but despite all my effort the indicator is not
working.  Attached is a quick start of the project.

My code is based on the code at this page: 

I have tried to port it to wicket 1.5.  

As always, I will appreciate any help on this issue.




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Re: wait indicator not showing with veil for AjaxButton

2014-04-16 Thread msalman
Any help please?  Thanks.

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Re: wait indicator not showing with veil for AjaxButton

2014-04-23 Thread msalman
Thanks for your help.  I knew that it had some thing to do with the url.  I
found another way to make it work by extending the IndicatingAjaxButton
class.  It seems it knows the way to find the right URL. But that made me
change the code at a lot of different places where the original button was
being used.  But again, thanks for your help.

Here is the way that I was able to make it work.

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FileDownload hides the activity indicator

2014-06-10 Thread msalman

I have code that downloads file in Ajax mode.  The download is fired by
IndicatingAjaxButton.  The activity indicator is visible for a very short
time but when file download code starts the activity indicator vanishes.  It
is a big problem if the file takes a long time to download.  Any ideas about
how to fix it?  I am attaching a quick start for the test code.


As always, I would appreciate any help in fixing this issue.



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Re: FileDownload hides the activity indicator

2014-06-11 Thread msalman
Hi Ernesto,

Thank you for your quick response.  But I think I did not explain the
problem that I am trying to solve.   What is happening in my case is that
when I click the IndicatingAjaxButton to start the file download, the
activity indicator (that twirling round thing) appears.  But it then
disappears very quickly just when the code starts generating and downloading
the file.  All this while, without the activity indicator, the user does not
know if any thing is happening and so may click the button again and again.  

The solutions that you have sent me the links to, are for problems relating
to the GUI not being responsive after the file has been downloaded.  I do
not have that problem.  I just don't want the user to click the button again
while the file is being downloaded.

Also, unfortunately other than Wicket and simple html, I do not know much
about other GUI tools including Javascript.  So I would appreciate very much
if you can provide me with a solution that I can easily use in wickets.

Again, thanks so much for your response.

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Re: FileDownload hides the activity indicator

2014-06-11 Thread msalman

Hi Ernesto,

Generating the file first and then triggering the download sounds like a
good idea.  I think at least while the file is being generated the activity
indicator will show.

I will try this.


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Re: FileDownload hides the activity indicator

2014-06-12 Thread msalman

Well the change seems to work.  I am using a button that shows an activity
indicator with a veil for the request.  So now that activity indicator and
veil is shown while the file is generated.  But they go away when the file
is downloaded and the user can start clicking the button again.  When the
file download is completed the requests for previous clicks start again.

BTW, I just realized that my code is actually based on your code on

Thanks for putting it up.  Really helpful.

May be you can update it so that it will take care of the problem that I
have.  That is showing the activity indicator during the complete file
generation and download.  

Thanks again.

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Re: AJAX update and file download on Wicket 1.5

2014-06-12 Thread msalman

Suppose there is some problem or exception in the file download. Let's say
in the following method:

protected IResourceStream getResourceStream() { 
return new AbstractResourceStreamWriter() { 

public void write(Response output) { 
WebResponse response = (WebResponse)output; 
byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; 
try { 

int read; 
while((read = is.read(buffer)) != -1) { 
response.write(buffer, 0, read); 


} catch (Exception e) { 

And I want to show the error in the feedback panel for the page.  How can I
do that?  The AjaxRequestTarget is not available here.  I tried to do
something like the following but it did not work:


WebApplication app = (WebApplication)getComponent().getApplication();
AjaxRequestTarget target = app.newAjaxRequestTarget(parentPage);

I also tried saving the AjaxRequestTarget passed in the initiate method as a
member variable of the class and use it later for posting the error. Well,
for one it did not work.  For second, I got the non serializable error for
the target in the log.


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Re: FileDownload hides the activity indicator

2014-06-13 Thread msalman
Hi Ernesto,

I have it like as following. 

public void onSubmit(final AjaxRequestTarget target, 
Form form)

// The veil and the activity indicator are 
already on when the code gets
String backupFileNameOnServer = null;

backupFileNameOnServer = 
catch (Exception e) 


// setup for file download

File sourceFile = new 
String downloadFileName = "backup_config_" + 
getServerName() + "_" +
getTime() + ".tar";

backupFileDownLoadBehaviour.initiate(sourceFile, downloadFileName,

// after this the 
AjaxFileDownloadBehaviour#onResponse is called
// then AjaxFileDownloadBehaviour#downloadFile  
 (overridden in the
local instance) is called

// The veil and the activity indicator are gone 
by the time code hits

I did not need to use another thread.  Please let me know if you see any
issues with this.  Or a better way of doing this.

Much appreciate your help.


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Re: AJAX update and file download on Wicket 1.5

2014-06-13 Thread msalman
Thanks for your response.  Can you please kindly provide an outline or a few
lines of code to get me started.  My particular concerns are:

1. How do I create an Ajax request and AjaxRequestTarget.  Will this be
another Ajaxbehaviour.  Sorry I should have learned this by now but...

2. How and when do I stop this polling and end the original onSubmit call.


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Re: AJAX update and file download on Wicket 1.5

2014-06-13 Thread msalman
Well, that is exactly what we are trying to avoid.  An error page is a must
fix bug.


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Handling page refresh or redirect when the server reboots

2014-09-10 Thread msalman
So we have this feature of online server upgrade in which the user can start
an upgrade on the server while still logged into the (wicket) web app.  This
starts some scripts in the bacground which bring the  jboss server down,
upgrade the db, upgrade the ear file, etc., and then restart the jboss
server.  When the server comes back up we would like the user to be
redirected to the login page of the app automatically.  The last part does
not work.  At this time we just have a message telling the user to refresh
the page and when everything is ready he will be sent to the login page.

Is there a good robust way to make sure that the page is automatically
refreshed and the login page is presented?  Is it even possible to do it? 
Personally I don't think this is not a good idea but this feature is a
requirement and I want to explore it as much as possible.

Appreciate any help.


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FormValidators and messages property file

2014-09-30 Thread msalman

I have created form validator classes as shown below.  The problem is that
the code is not picking up messages from the corresponding
'FromDateBeforeToDate.properties' file in the same package. It works if the
messages are in the page.properties or application.properties file.   

I can see works OK for class implementing IValidator but can't seem to make
it work for class extending AbstractFormValidator.Are my expectations
wrong?  If not then please tell me how I can fix the code.

public class FromDateBeforeToDate extends AbstractFormValidator

private static final long serialVersionUID = 3503966266288025266L;

DateField fromDateFormComponent;
DateField toDateFormComponent;

public FromDateBeforeToDate(
DateField fromDateFormComponent,
DateField toDateFormComponent)
if (fromDateFormComponent == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 
dateFromFormComponent cannot
be null");
this.fromDateFormComponent = fromDateFormComponent;

if (toDateFormComponent == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 
dateToFormComponent cannot
be null");
this.toDateFormComponent = toDateFormComponent; 

public FormComponent[] getDependentFormComponents() 
return new FormComponent[]

public void validate(Form form) 
Date fromDate = fromDateFormComponent.getConvertedInput();
Date toDate = toDateFormComponent.getConvertedInput();

if (fromDate != null
 && toDate != null
 && fromDate.after(toDate))
//error(fromDateFormComponent, "fromDateAfterToDate");

ValidationError error = new ValidationError();
error.addMessageKey(getClass().getSimpleName() + "." +


#fromDateAfterToDate=Invalid input: The '${label}' date is after the
'${label}' date
FromDateBeforeToDate.fromDateAfterToDate=Invalid input: The '${label}' date
is after the '${label}' date


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Re: FormValidators and messages property file

2014-10-01 Thread msalman
Hi Martin,

Thanks for your help.  That worked but I had to do a few extra things such
as setting the values for '${label0}', etc.  What I don't get is why do we
need to do this extra thing for Form validation classes (extending
AbstractFormValidator) but not for component validation classes
(implementing IValidator).

For others who may face the same problem, this is how got it working:

public void validate(Form form) 
Date fromDate = fromDateFormComponent.getConvertedInput();
Date toDate = toDateFormComponent.getConvertedInput();

if (fromDate != null
 && toDate != null
 && fromDate.after(toDate))
ClassStringResourceLoader loader = new


ValidationError error = new ValidationError();
error.addMessageKey(getClass().getSimpleName() + "." +




FromDateBeforeToDate.fromDateAfterToDate=Invalid input: The '${label}' date
is after the '${label}' date

I thank you again for teh quick and helpful response.

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Re: FormValidators and messages property file

2014-10-01 Thread msalman
Well, I wanted these to be independent validation classes.  But now it seems
like a bad idea.  I will make them part of the form.

Martin, your comments and help are much appreciated.


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Re: Handling page refresh or redirect when the server reboots

2014-10-20 Thread msalman
Sebastian, thanks for your response and idea.

Taking your idea  myproject.zip
am trying to use the following javascript code in wicket: 

Http.Get = function(theUrl)
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
return xmlHttp.open("GET", theUrl, true );
return xmlHttp.statusText;
//return xmlHttp.responseText;
catch (error)
return 'error in my code: ' + error;

The above code is called via:

add(new AjaxLink("link")

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) 

protected IAjaxCallDecorator getAjaxCallDecorator()
return new IAjaxCallDecorator()
private static final long 
serialVersionUID = 1L;

public CharSequence decorateScript(
Component component,
CharSequence script) 
"document.getElementById('testlabel').innerHTML = 'plain '  +
Http.Get('http://www.cnn.com') ;" + script;

public CharSequence 
Component component, 
CharSequence script) 
"document.getElementById('testlabel').innerHTML = 'on success '
+ Http.Get('http://www.cnn.com') ;" + script;

public CharSequence 
Component component, 
CharSequence script) 
"document.getElementById('testlabel').innerHTML = 'on Failure '
+  Http.Get('http://www.cnn.com') ;" + script;


The problem is that when I use it in wicket the xmlHttp.statusText or
xmlHttp.responseText returns nothing.  
Can any one please tell me what I might be doing wrong? 
Does the code or calling it even makes sense?

I am attaching  quickstart project.  Please see:


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IndicatorAware and BookmarkablePageLink

2014-10-23 Thread msalman

We use SuckerfishMenuPanel for our menus and in it the links use
BookmarkablePageLinks.  I need to make make some of the links (menu items)
IndicatorAware, i.e., show the whirling wheel, when clicked.

I tried some thing like following:

private class LinkIndicatingAwareBehaviour extends AjaxEventBehavior
implements IAjaxIndicatorAware

AjaxIndicatorAppender indicator;

public LinkIndicatingAwareBehaviour(
String event,
Link link) 
this.indicator = new AjaxIndicatorAppender();

public String getAjaxIndicatorMarkupId() 
return indicator.getMarkupId();

protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) 
// please see BookmarkablePageLink.onClick()


This shows the busy indicator for a very short while and does not cover the
time when the page is getting ready to be shown.  So basically of no use.

can some one please suggest something?


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Re: IndicatorAware and BookmarkablePageLink

2014-10-24 Thread msalman
Hi Martin

Thanks for your response.  And yes this explains the behavior I have seen. 
Any way the busy indicator can be shown during the entire page unloading and
unloading process?


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Re: Handling page refresh or redirect when the server reboots

2014-10-31 Thread msalman

I finally got it working.  And just in case some one needs to do something
similar I am attaching the proof of concept project.  Any feedback would be
highly appreciated.  

Thanks to Sebastian and Martin for their inputs.

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editing response in onComponentTag

2015-06-03 Thread msalman
Please see the following code:

private static class RequiredLabel extends SimpleFormComponentLabel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 

//private boolean required;
FormComponent fc;

public RequiredLabel(String id, FormComponent fc)
super(id, fc);
//this.required = fc.isRequired();
this.fc = fc;

protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
if (fc.isRequired()) {
else {
 // ?? how do I remove the previously placed

RequiredLabel is a label that is used with a FormComponent. It is used to
put the red asterisk to show that input to the field is required.   But what
happens is that on an ajax request the red asterisks keep on piling up.  And
I have a case where the field may be changed to be not required.   How do I
remove the previosly placed red asterisk?


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Re: editing response in onComponentTag

2015-06-04 Thread msalman
Thanks so much for your reply.  

I tried to do it as following.  But could not make it work. Obviously I have
no idea what I am doing. I would appreciate very much if you will help me
out here.  Thanks.

private static class RequiredLabel extends SimpleFormComponentLabel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 

//private boolean required;
FormComponent fc;
Behavior behaviour;
boolean behaviourAdded;

public RequiredLabel(String id, FormComponent fc)
super(id, fc);
//this.required = fc.isRequired();
this.fc = fc;

behaviour = new Behavior() {

public void onBeforeRender() {
// Can't remove the previously added 
red asterisk

public void beforeRender() {

// does not add anything.

protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
if (fc.isRequired()) {

protected void onBeforeRender() {

if (fc.isRequired()) {  
if (!behaviourAdded) {
behaviourAdded = true;
else {  
if (behaviourAdded) {
behaviourAdded = false;

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Setting/changing id for components after creation.

2012-02-04 Thread msalman
I have a panel which adds another child panel created by other users.  The
problem for me is that the parent panel expects the child panel to have a
particular id ("formPanel").  The child panel will itself be a derived class
and will have a corresponding wicket:extend html file.  Since there is no
setId(String id) method provided, what will be the best way to handle this

I had thought of creating derived child panel classes with the required id
set by the derived class itself.  The user will create another derived class
off former class ... but this just ends up with way too many classes
depending on future parent panels, etc.

I hope I have not made it too complicated to understand.  



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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-05 Thread msalman

I have not heard anything on this one.  I will be very thankful if I can get
some help on this one.  To help reproduce the problem I have attached simple
code files.

http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/App.java App.java .  
http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/PageCheckGroup.html PageCheckGroup.html .
http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/PageCheckGroup.java PageCheckGroup.java .
http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/SelectableValue.java SelectableValue.java

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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-05 Thread msalman

Oh my. I was just about to send you a special email for my problem.  But you 
pre-empted me.
I will try your suggestion.
Thanks so much
Mohammad Salman 
(510) 673-5869 c 

"Every problem has its solution(s) but there are problems with any solution"

From: Jeremy Thomerson [via Apache Wicket] 

To: msalman 
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2010 2:08:06 PM
Subject: Re: CheckGroup and ListView

I haven't looked at it in detail, but you shouldn't be doing that 
removeAll() and setList() stuff - it comes from a lack of using Models 
properly - which is the most common mistake I see in Wicket users.  Instead, 
you should give the ListView constructor an instance of some 
IModel>.  Then simply add your new selectable value to 
whatever list that model is getting it's data from.  The ListView will 
auto-magically repaint everything correctly. 

Jeremy Thomerson 

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:59 PM, msalman <[hidden email]> wrote: 

> I have not heard anything on this one.  I will be very thankful if I can 
> get 
> some help on this one.  To help reproduce the problem I have attached 
> simple 
> code files. 
> http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/App.java App.java . 
> http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/PageCheckGroup.html PageCheckGroup.html 
> . 
> http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/PageCheckGroup.java PageCheckGroup.java 
> . 
> http://n4.nabble.com/file/n2131672/SelectableValue.javaSelectableValue.java
> . 
> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> http://apache-wicket.1842946.n4.nabble.com/CheckGroup-and-ListView-tp1886879p2131672.html
> Sent from the Wicket - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com. 
> - 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [hidden email] 
> For additional commands, e-mail: [hidden email] 

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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-06 Thread msalman

Well, I have tried using ListModel as following:

selectableValues = new ListView("selectableValuesList", new

and then:

SelectableValue(newId, "value "
+ newId++));

without any success.  

BTW, do I also need to set the model for the CheckGroup as following?

checkGroupSelectableValues = new
CheckGroup("selectedValues",  new

I did not need to do this in my other application but in this application if
I don't do it then I get the model is null exception.  I thought that when I
add the ListView Object to the CheckGroup object then the model object is
set for CheckGroup.

The bottom line is that I can not make this thing what ever I tried.

Please help.  Thanks.

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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-06 Thread msalman

Well, I have tried removing and then adding the ListView to the CheckGroup,
but that does not work either.  

I have tried to debug this as much as I could and I do see that there are
the right values in the java objects of ListView and the wrapped list.   To
me it looks like that the code that creates the html or the script is not
clearing the old values.  But that is just my guess.  

But hopefully I am just not doing some thing right and some one would please
point that out to me.

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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-07 Thread msalman

QuickStart project added.  BTW thanks for the instructions for creating the
quick start.  If any one else needs the instructions then they can be found


Well, I hope the quick start works for others too.

Thanks again.

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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-12 Thread msalman


Was any one able to test the quick start? 

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Re: CheckGroup and ListView

2010-05-13 Thread msalman

And it was as simple as that.  

Thank you so much. 

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custom html page

2010-05-27 Thread msalman


Is it possible for a Page to have to have customized html files depending on
certain parameter (user, customer, etc)?  I want to allow users to for a
certain page to be able to provide their own html file for that page or
panel.  So depending on the user or customer id I can pick up the right html
file and use that.  

I tried to do this in the my ResourceStreamLocator extension class but I
can't get the session object there.  I guess that is the place to set the
html location for the application.

I also found this code on the web.  The problem with it is that the
markupStream object passed in is null.

protected void onRender(MarkupStream markupStream) 
WebRequestCycle cycle = (WebRequestCycle)RequestCycle.get(); 
ServletRequest request =
ServletResponse response =

ServletContext context =
RequestDispatcher rd =
rd.include(request, response);

//context.getRequestDispatcher("/" + getId() +
".html").include(request, response); 
catch (Exception e) 
throw new WicketRuntimeException(e); 

Any ideas or suggestions please?


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Re: custom html page

2010-05-28 Thread msalman


Thanks for your response.

I did try ((CastToYourSession) Session.get()) and that part works.  I wanted
to do something as following:

public class MyOwnStreamLocator extends ResourceStreamLocator


protected App app;

public MyOwnStreamLocator(App app)
this.app = app;

public IResourceStream locate(final Class clazz, final String path) 
UserSession session = (UserSession)Session.get();

Supplier supplier = session.getSpecificSupplier();

if (supplier.getId() == 2)
String path2 = 

IResourceStream located = super.locate(clazz, 

if (located != null) 
return located;

IResourceStream located = super.locate(clazz, trimFolders(path));

if (located != null) 
return located;
located = super.locate(clazz, path);

return located;

But I have found that the locate method for each Page class is called only
once and so what ever html file is set for a Page once is used all the time.  

Is there a way to set the html file location in the Page class?  So when
ever that page is constructed the right custom html file is picked.  I have
a feeling that the key lies in the MarkupStream but I don't know how to use

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Re: custom html page

2010-05-29 Thread msalman

Hi Martin,

Yes, you are very right about that.  

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Wicket and Menu support

2012-04-07 Thread msalman
Wicket is a great product and I really hope that I do not offend any one by
my question.  Indeed this may be due to my lack of information.  What I want
to know is why does not Wicket 'core' supports menu and other items
necessary to develop a website?  I have to search  for YUI wicket,
wicket-stuff, and wicket-extensions, which are some what phantom like
websites.  After some research I find that the code I am looking for is not
even supported any more.  The kind developer has moved on to other stuff.  

So what is the qualification for you to include a control(?) into the Wicket
'core'?  What is the suggested way to handle stuff like this?


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Re: Wicket and Menu support

2012-04-07 Thread msalman
Well you are right that I am not good with html and css.  As I say I have
been forced to do GUI work - kicking and screaming.  Well, I think I am OK
with html but this CSS thing leaves me very frustrated. 

I thought that the idea behind Wicket is to take care of these things for
Java programmers.  I would appreciate if some basic form of menu is made
part of wicket core.

BTW, thanks for the  hint.  


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Re: Wicket and Menu support

2012-04-08 Thread msalman
Thanks to every one for all of your comments and suggestions.

Great to know that wicket core will include jquery.

Alle, I would appreciate very much if you can please share your code for
using jquery tree.  It would give me a good start.  


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TextField not getting the value after a validation eror

2011-05-13 Thread msalman
I have a text field that is required to have a value.  I also have a link
that on being clicked inserts a value into the text field.  It all works
fine   except   if the user submits the form without setting the value for
the text field.  Once the form has been submitted without the required
value, and the form has generated the error, the text field does seem to
get/show the value that the link is trying to enter. 

I just hope that I am not doing something right and that some one will
kindly point out the error.  I am attaching a quickstart.


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Re: TextField not getting the value after a validation eror

2011-05-16 Thread msalman
Hi Clint:

The steps are:

1- user  opens page 
2- user submits form (without entering any value)
3- required error appears.
4- user clicks on the link to enter value and no value appears in the text

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Re: TextField not getting the value after a validation eror

2011-05-16 Thread msalman
Hi Pedro:

Thanks for that. And it fixed the problem.

The onClick code is now like this:

 String guid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();  

Thanks you so much.

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Re: TextField not getting the value after a validation eror

2011-05-27 Thread msalman
If you can please provide your code then may be I might be able to figure out
the problem.


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WicketTester and clicking a tree node

2011-05-27 Thread msalman

I am trying to simulate/test clicking and expanding tree nodes.  My Tree is
based off LinkTree class.

Can some one please provide me the solution or ideas.


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WicketTester and the rendered page

2011-06-02 Thread msalman
I am testing an application that starts with a login page.  After logging in
the user is taken to the home page.   

public void test()

QuickStartApplication app = new QuickStartApplication();

Class clazz = app.getHomePage();

WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new 

WebPage loginPage = null;
loginPage = (WebPage) app.getHomePage().newInstance();
catch (Exception e) 

// Start out with the login Page


tester.assertComponent("form:name", TextField.class);   


// login form
FormTester formTester = tester.newFormTester("form");

formTester.setValue("name", "1");
formTester.setValue("password", "1");

// click button to login
tester.executeAjaxEvent("form:submit", "onclick");  

// Successfully logged in.  On the HomePage now 

tester.assertComponent("form:text1", TextField.class);  

formTester = tester.newFormTester("form");

formTester.setValue("text1", "1");

// submit the home page form
tester.executeAjaxEvent("form:submit", "onclick");  

// Fails here.  
// junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected: but

// Why is that?  It has already asserted earlier that it is the 


Am I doing this thing right?  Do I understand the Wicket tester right.  

I am attaching a quickstart project that includes the above test.

As always, I would appreciate any help.  




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RE: WicketTester and the rendered page

2011-06-02 Thread msalman
Thanks for the quick response.

Well, I want it to stay at the Home Page.  How did it go back to loginPage??

Thanks again.

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Re: WicketTester and clicking a tree node

2011-06-02 Thread msalman
Pedro, thanks for your response.

I solved my problem in the following way:

For my derived DefaultMutableTreeNode class I added an Ajax link element:

public class CheckBoxSelectableTreeItem 
extends DefaultMutableTreeNode
   protected AjaxLink clickLink;  // for testing the expand/collapse link

public AjaxLink getClickLink() {
return clickLink;

public void setClickLink(AjaxLink clickLink) {
this.clickLink = clickLink;



For my tree class I overrode the newJunctionLink  method like this:

public class CheckBoxTree extends LinkTree

protected Component newJunctionLink(MarkupContainer parent, final String
id, final Object node)
AjaxLink link = (AjaxLink) super.newJunctionLink(parent, id, 


return link;


So in the test when you have the node you can open (expand) it this way:

CheckBoxSelectableTreeItem node=  get Node

AjaxLink nodeLink = node.getClickLink();

tester.executeAjaxEvent(nodeLink, "onclick");

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Re: WicketTester and clicking a tree node

2011-06-02 Thread msalman
Hi Pedro.

But how do you get the link's id i.e., "moveC3ToC2"?

I added all the code to the Node and Tree derive classes to so that I could
get the link id.

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